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许俊杰  张天宇 《菌物学报》2006,25(2):169-178
从浙江省采集的42份土壤样品中,分离出50个暗色丝孢菌分离物,鉴定为26属39种.其中拟苍白弯孢Curvularia subpallescens为新种.侧多隔孢属Pleurophragmium,疣瓶孢属Eladia,拟葡萄孢属Pseudobotrytis和棘瓶孢属Echinobotryum为中国新记录属.鞘孢霉Chalara state of Ceratocystis adiposa,紫棕毛束霉Doratomyces purpureofuscus,黑棘瓶孢Echinobotryum atrum,小囊疣瓶孢Eladia saccula,隘缩小内多隔孢Endophragmiella constricta,青霉状粘束孢Graphium penicillioides,黑侧多隔孢Pleurophragmium actum,土栖拟葡萄孢Pseudobotrytis terrestris,腐植齿梗孢Scolecobasidium humicola和虎尾兰葡萄穗霉Stachybotrys sansevierae为中国新记录种.其余28种为国内已报道种.  相似文献   

从浙江省采集的42份土壤样品中,分离出50个暗色丝孢菌分离物,鉴定为26属39种。其中拟苍白弯孢Curvulariasubpallescens为新种。侧多隔孢属Pleurophragmium,疣瓶孢属Eladia,拟葡萄孢属Pseudobotrytis和棘瓶孢属Echinobotryum为中国新记录属。鞘孢霉ChalarastateofCeratocystisadiposa,紫棕毛束霉Doratomycespurpureofuscus,黑棘瓶孢Echinobotryumatrum,小囊疣瓶孢Eladiasaccula,隘缩小内多隔孢Endophragmiellaconstricta,青霉状粘束孢Graphiumpenicillioides,黑侧多隔孢Pleurophragmiumactum,土栖拟葡萄孢Pseudobotrytisterrestris,腐植齿梗孢Scolecobasidiumhumicola和虎尾兰葡萄穗霉Stachybotryssansevierae为中国新记录种。其余28种为国内已报道种。  相似文献   

从浙江省采集的42份土壤样品中,分离出50个暗色丝孢菌分离物,鉴定为26属39种。其中拟苍白弯孢Curvulariasubpallescens为新种。侧多隔孢属Pleurophragmium,疣瓶孢属Eladia,拟葡萄孢属Pseudobotrytis和棘瓶孢属Echinobotryum为中国新记录属。鞘孢霉ChalarastateofCeratocystisadiposa,紫棕毛束霉Doratomycespurpureofuscus,黑棘瓶孢Echinobotryumatrum,小囊疣瓶孢Eladiasaccula,隘缩小内多隔孢Endophragmiellaconstricta,青霉状粘束孢Graphiumpenicillioides,黑侧多隔孢Pleurophragmiumactum,土栖拟葡萄孢Pseudobotrytisterrestris,腐植齿梗孢Scolecobasidiumhumicola和虎尾兰葡萄穗霉Stachybotryssansevierae为中国新记录种。其余28种为国内已报道种。  相似文献   

广东湛江湾优势真菌群落结构及其与理化因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2010年1月9日采自广东湛江湾的海水样品中真菌的分离培养和鉴定,发现第一优势属为枝孢属,包括球枝孢、枝状枝孢、芋枝孢、极细枝孢、尖孢枝孢、收窄枝孢、夏生枝孢7个种;第二优势属为青霉属,包括疣孢青霉、灰黄青霉、菌核青霉、嗜松青霉、棘孢青霉、简青霉6个种;第三优势属为侧齿霉属,仅白色侧齿霉一个种;第四优势属为曲霉属,包括土曲霉、棘孢曲霉、黄曲霉、烟曲霉4个种。从真菌种类的优势度来看,球枝孢为该海域第一优势种(7.97%),白色侧齿霉为第二优势种(3.60%),枝状枝孢为第三优势种(3.29%),疣孢青霉为第四优势种(3.04%)。鉴定出的收窄枝孢为中国新记录种。通过对菌株数量与理化因子的相关性分析发现,在19个站位的表层真菌数量与无机磷和硅酸盐呈显著正相关(P0.05);表层侧齿霉属和曲霉属与总有机碳呈极显著正相关(P0.01),曲霉属与p H呈极显著负相关(P0.01),侧齿霉属与p H呈显著负相关(P0.05),曲霉属与盐度呈显著负相关(P0.05)。底层真菌数量与悬浮物呈极显著正相关(P0.01),与总有机碳呈显著正相关(P0.05),与p H呈显著负相关(P0.05);底层枝孢属与悬浮物呈极显著正相关(P0.01),侧齿霉属与溶解氧和总有机碳呈显著正相关(P0.05),曲霉属与总有机碳呈显著正相关(P0.05)。海水温度、油污和海水深度与真菌数量的相关性不明显。  相似文献   

黑龙江省药用植物根际土壤真菌多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了解黑龙江省药用植物根际土壤真菌的种群结构和区系分布特点,于2010年7月份和10月份,在黑龙江省的伊春、铁力、绥化、哈尔滨、牡丹江和佳木斯6个中药材产区共采集土壤样品220份,所采集的药用植物种类主要有五味子、平贝母、刺五加、党参、防风、柴胡、桔梗、黄芩等14种.经稀释平板法和土壤颗粒平板法分离共获得1016株真菌,经形态鉴定归为35属86种,其中接合菌7属10种,占7.78%;子囊菌1属2种,占0.69%;无性型真菌27属74种,占70.76%,其余20.77%的菌株为不产孢真菌.试验结果表明,黑龙江省药用植物根际土壤真菌的种群多样性丰富,其中青霉属Penicillium、曲霉属Aspergillus、木霉属Trichoderma、镰孢菌属Fusarium是优势种群,粘帚霉属Gliocladium、金孢属Chrysosporium、毛霉属Mucor、枝孢属Cladosporium、枝顶孢属Acremonium、根霉属Rhizopus是亚优势种群.不同药用植物根际土壤真菌区系的结构和组成存在一定的差异.除无孢类群外,青霉属Penicillium、曲霉属Aspergillus、木霉属Trichoderma和镰孢菌属Fusarium是14种药用植物根际土壤真菌的优势菌群.五味子、平贝母和柴胡是黑龙江省种植的主要中药材,它们在6个采样地点间的真菌种群的多样性水平存在差异,其中伊春地区的多样性指数(H’=2.9574)和丰富度指数(R=5.6683)最高,而佳木斯地区的均匀度指数(J=0.9200)最高.不同地区的相似性水平也存在差异,其中牡丹江与绥化的药用植物根际土壤真菌种群组成之间的相似性系数最高(Cj=0.6315),牡丹江与哈尔滨的相似性最低(Cj=0.3704).  相似文献   

本文报道从南极乔治王岛26个样品中分离到60株丝状真菌,其中6个样品未分离到任何真菌,经初步鉴定有8属10个种。根据本次温度实验和该地寒冷的气候,只有桔灰青霉(Penicillium aurantiogriseum Dierckx),大毛霉Mucor mucedo(L.)Fres.)和毡状金孢霉(chrysosporium pannorum(Link)Hughes)在本地能生长繁殖。其中毡状金孢霉占明显优势。  相似文献   

弯颈霉属Tolypocladium是W. Gams于1971年建立的新属,该属的特点是瓶梗基部呈球形或椭圆形膨大,瓶颈细长而弯曲,分生孢子单生或黏聚成小头状,截至目前国际真菌名录数据库中记录弯颈霉属真菌有43种。其模式种为膨大弯颈霉Tolypocladium inflatum W.Gams。弯颈霉属是一类重要虫生真菌,生态分布广,寄主种类多,弯颈霉属很多种被发现是虫草属无性型,与虫草属的关系十分密切,2014年一些国际著名真菌学家基于分子生物学的新分类系统将弯颈霉属归入到线虫草科Ophiocordicipitaceae。弯颈霉属能产生多种杀虫和抗菌的有效成分,如环孢菌素(Cyclosporin)、大团囊素(Ophiocordin,蛋白酶强抑制剂)、线肽素(efrapeptin)、四聚胺酸素(Ophiosetin)、多种杀虫剂等。文中综述了弯颈霉属真菌的分类、生活习性与生态分布等,介绍了其药理药效及有效化学成分等相关研究,并展望了弯颈霉属真菌的研究发展前景。  相似文献   

介绍了1种快速测定遗址木构件有害真菌的方法:用孢子菌丝悬浮液直接接种于供试木块上,培养4d,即可确定其侵染性;培养8d,即可确定其侵染力。应用该方法成功地测定了灰绿曲霉(Aspergillus glau-cus)、黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)、枝孢霉(Cladosporiumsp.)、顶青霉(Penicillium corylophilum)、柑桔青霉(Penicilliumcitrinum)、团青霉(Penicillium commune)、黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus)、微紫青霉(Penicilliumjanthinellum)、总状毛霉(Mucor racemosus)、绿木霉(Trichoderma viride)等10种真菌的侵染性和侵染力。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地中西部土壤中暗色丝孢菌群落多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从柴达木盆地中西部采集土样59份,涵盖的生态类型有:沙漠、戈壁、湿地、小镇-绿洲等。分离获得暗色丝孢菌108株,经鉴定分属于15属。利用种群优势度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、物种均匀度、生态位宽度四项指数,对柴达木盆地中西部不同生境土壤中的有关暗色丝孢菌物种(属级)进行物种多样性分析。结果表明,该地区土壤中暗色丝孢菌的物种优势度存在明显差异:沙漠生境中,链格孢属Alternaria和细基格孢属Ulocladium真菌优势度较高;戈壁生境中,单格孢属Monodictys真菌的优势度最高;湿地和小镇-绿洲生境中,则分别以瓶霉属Phialophora和枝孢属Cladosporium真菌占优势。在小镇-绿洲生境中,土壤暗色丝孢菌的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最高,均匀度较低;而在沙漠和戈壁生境中多样性指数明显较低,而物种的均匀度较高。在上述四类生境中,链格孢属Alternaria和细基格孢属Ulocladium真菌具有较宽的生态位,为广适性物种;而平脐蠕孢属Bipolaris、卷旋孢属Cirrenaria、弯孢属Curvularia、矛束霉属Doratomyces、粘束孢属Graphium、漆斑霉属Myrothecium、齿梗孢属Scolecobasidium、帚霉属Scopulariopsis、节隔孢属Scytalidium和葡萄穂霉属Stachybotrys10个属真菌的生态位较窄,为狭适性物种。  相似文献   

为揭示中国辐射污染区真菌多样性,了解辐射污染对辐射区土壤中真菌群落分布的影响。以中国辐射污染区某污染源为圆心,在其半径50 km范围内采集各类样品54份,依据其辐射剂量合并为高、中、低三组9份样品,采用不同处理方法及多种培养基对辐射区内真菌进行了分离筛选。共分离出真菌209株,通过形态学观察和鉴定,确定其分属于交链孢霉(Alternaria)、离蠕孢属(Bipolaris)、茎点霉属(Phoma)、Westerdykella、短梗霉属(Aureobasidium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、青霉属(Penicillium)、根霉属(Rhizopus)、Kernia、毛壳属(Chaetomium)、葡萄穗霉属(Stachybotrys)、座孢霉属(Myrothecium)、镰孢属(Fusarium)、小克银汉霉属(Cunninghamella)、红酵母属(Rhodotorula)、隐球酵母属(Cryptococcus),共计16个属,其中曲霉属、隐球酵母属、青霉属和镰孢霉属菌株为主要菌群,分别占分离株的22.5%、19.1%、17.2%和11.0%。同时发现,辐射污染区真菌的群落丰富度及多样性明显受辐射污染程度的影响,各类菌株的分布呈现一定的分布规律。本研究首次分析了中国辐射污染区真菌的分布和多样性,并收集了大量辐射污染区真菌资源,为进一步研究该区域真菌耐辐射特性及探讨真菌耐辐射机理提供参考。  相似文献   

Fungi isolated from Antarctic material   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Fungi isolated from samples of soil, penguin, skua and petrel dung and bird feathers in the Victoria Land, Antarctica, from Inexpressible Island to Cape King, were studied. All material was collected in December 1987–January 1988. Fungi occurred prevalently in bird dung and in soil, especially when mosses were present. The main species isolated were: the keratinophilic Chrysosporium verrucosum and Geomyces pannorum var. pannorum, Phoma herbarum and Thelebolus microsporus. A variety of filamentous fungi and yeasts were also encountered in soil, dung and bird feathers samples in different localities: Acremonium strictum, Cladosporium herbarum, Scolecobasidium salinum, Mortierella antarctica, Paecilomyces farinosus, Phialophora fastigiata, the thermophilic Scytalidium thermophile and Thermomyces lanuginosus, Verticillium sp., Mycelia sterilia and Cryptococcus albidus and Torulaspora delbrueckii. Most of the fungal isolates appeared to be cold-tolerant. Results from this study are discussed in conjuction with data from previous Antarctic studies in this area.  相似文献   

The qualitative fungal composition of Turin 's atmospheric environment was surveyed, carrying out a twelve-month study and collecting with a single stage volumetric sieve sampler on Dermasel agar supplemented with 0.4 g l–1 cycloheximide and 0.05 g l–1 chloramphenicol. We isolated 165 species and 2 varieties of mesophilic fungi from 58 genera and 26 thermotolerant species from 12 genera. Penicillium, Aspergillus, Acremonium, Chrysosporium, Scopulariopsis, Malbranchea, Paecilomyces, Phialophora and Cladosporium were in sequence the genera most rich in mesophilic species; Aspergillus, Penicillium, Chrysosporium and Scopulariopsis the most rich in thermotolerant species. Many of the species isolated are rarely or never recorded in the atmospheric environment. Cycloheximide can thus be said to select among airborne fungi, giving a characteristic picture.Abbreviation CH Cycloheximide - cfu colony forming unit  相似文献   

L owry , P.D. & G ill , C.O. 1984. Temperature and water activity minima for growth of spoilage moulds from meat. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 56 , 193–199.
Five species of fungi were isolated from mould spoilage on meat other than black spot. 'White spot' colonies yielded Chrysosporium pannorum or an Acremonium sp .; 'whiskers' colonies yielded Thamnidium elegans or Mucor racemosus , and blue-green colonies yielded Penicillium corylophilum. Chrysosporium pannorum was moderately xerotolerant with a minimum growth temperature of — 5C. The Acremonium sp. and P. corylophilum showed a similar level of xerotolerance but had a minimum growth temperature of — 2C. Mucor racemosus was no more xerotolerant than many spoilage bacteria and did not grow below - 1C, but grew rapidly at 3C and above. Thamnidium elegans grew at — 7C on supercooled medium and an intrinsic minimum growth temperature of — 10C was indicated. However, the low xerotolerance of this species precluded growth on frozen media below — 5C. It seems therefore that — 5C is the practical limiting temperature for mould growth on meat, and mould spoilage usually indicates that surfaces of freezer stored meats have approached and possibly exceeded 0C.  相似文献   

Fungal growth in damp or water-damaged buildings worldwide is an increasing problem, which has adverse effects on both the occupants and the buildings. Air sampling alone in moldy buildings does not reveal the full diversity of fungal species growing on building materials. One aim of this study was to estimate the qualitative and quantitative diversity of fungi growing on damp or water-damaged building materials. Another was to determine if associations exist between the most commonly found fungal species and different types of materials. More than 5,300 surface samples were taken by means of V8 contact plates from materials with visible fungal growth. Fungal identifications and information on building material components were analyzed using multivariate statistic methods to determine associations between fungi and material components. The results confirmed that Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus versicolor are the most common fungal species in water-damaged buildings. The results also showed Chaetomium spp., Acremonium spp., and Ulocladium spp. to be very common on damp building materials. Analyses show that associated mycobiotas exist on different building materials. Associations were found between (i) Acremonium spp., Penicillium chrysogenum, Stachybotrys spp., Ulocladium spp., and gypsum and wallpaper, (ii) Arthrinium phaeospermum, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium herbarum, Trichoderma spp., yeasts, and different types of wood and plywood, and (iii) Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus melleus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus ochraceus, Chaetomium spp., Mucor racemosus, Mucor spinosus, and concrete and other floor-related materials. These results can be used to develop new and resistant building materials and relevant allergen extracts and to help focus research on relevant mycotoxins, microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs), and microparticles released into the indoor environment.  相似文献   

The biodiversity and richness of keratinophilic fungal communities including dermatophytes were assessed in three stream sites and three swimming pools in the Nablus district in Palestine, using hair baiting (HBT) and surface dilution plate (SDP) techniques, over 8- and 6-month periods, respectively. The effect of wastewater effluent and selected ecological factors on these fungi in relation to species diversity and population densities were also considered. Fifty keratinophilic fungal species were recovered from the aquatic habitats studied, of which 42 were recovered from stream sites and 22 from swimming pools. Of these fungi 6 were either dermatophytes (Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes) or dermatophyte related species (Chrysosporium merdarium, Ch. tropicum, Ch. keratinophilum and T. terrestre). The most frequently isolated species in the three pools were Acremonium strictum and Cladosporium cladosporioides, using Sabouraud dextrose agar medium (SDA). The most abundant species were Acr. strictum, and Aspergillus flavus. However, only 4 species were isolated using the SDA medium amended with 5-flurocytosine (5-FC). The most frequent and abundant species in the three stream sites using SDA medium were Geotricum candidum, and Penicillium chrysogenum. The most frequent species in the three sites using the 5-FC medium, was Paecilomyces lilacinus. Using HBT, the most abundant and frequent species in the three stream sites were G. candidum, and Pa. lilacinus, on SDA medium, and Pa. lilacinus, and Gliocladium nigrovirens on the 5-FC medium. The 5-FC medium was more suitable for the isolation of dermatophytes and closely related species than the SDA medium; 6 were recovered on 5-FC, whereas only one on the SDA medium. Variation in the levels of keratinophilic fungal populations from the three stream sites sampled 5 times over an 8-month period, followed comparable fluctuation patterns. Wastewater affected fungal population densities with the highest levels in the un-polluted stream sites, and lowest in the heavily polluted sites. Swimming pools, polluted and un-polluted stream sites were found to be rich in pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

In the state of Oaxaca (Mexico, 10 km north-west of Puerto Escondido 15 degrees 55' N, 97 degrees 09' W) we were able to collect some microfungi living as parasites or saprophytes on Acacia species, some of them are causing attention for Oaxaca. Many belong to the Deuteromycotina (Hyphomycetes, Coelomycetes) and Ascomycotina. On A. hindsii: Calonectria pseudopeziza (Desm.) Sacc., Hypoxylon truncatum (Schwein. Fr.) J.H. Miller, Epicoccum nigrum Link., Zygosporium gibbum (Sacc., M. Roussau & E. Bommer) S.J. Hughes and on A. cornigera: Phyllosticta acaciicola P. Henn., Taeniolella alta (Ehrenb. ex Pers.) S.J. Hughes, Cephaliophora tropica Thaxt., Diplodia mutila (Fr. Fr.) Mont., Pleospora herbarum (Pers. Fr.) Rabenh., Gliocladium roseum Bainier, Ulocladium atrum Preuss., and different others. All species collected are listed in text.  相似文献   

One-hundred and eleven species and three species varieties belonging to 39 genera were collected from 50 dust samples on the five media used at 28°C. Using the hair-baiting technique with horse hair, 10 species ofChrysosporium were isolated:C. asperatum, C. state ofArthroderma tuberculatum, C. indicum, C. inops, C. keratinophilum, C. merdarium, C. pannorum, C. queenslandicum, C. tropicum andC. xerophilum. True dermatophytes were isolated:Trichophyton verrucosum andTrichophyton sp. Also, numerous fungi tolerating high levels of cycloheximide were encountered, such as members ofAcremonium, Aspergillus andPenicillium. On plates of glucose or cellulose Czapek-Dox agar (free from sucrose) the most frequent fungi were:Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, A. flavus var.columnaris, A. fumigatus, A. niger, A. ochraceus, A. sydowii, A. terreus, Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium herbarum, Emericella nidulans, Fusarium oxysporum, Mucor hiemalis, Penicillium chrysogenum, P. oxalicum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis andUlocladium atrum. On plates of 50% sucrose or 10 and 20% NaCl-Czapek's agar, some interesting species were frequently encountered:Eurotium amstelodami, E. chevalieri, E. halophilicum, E. montevidensis, E. repens, E. rubrum andScopulariopsis halophilica. The isolated, fungi have been tested for osmophilicity and halophilicity, they showed different rates of growth on sucrose and sodium chloride-Czapek's medium of various osmotic potential.  相似文献   

The rhizospheric soil microfungi from a native forest (undisturbed and disturbed) were studied using soil dilution plate and soil washing methods. Fungi were isolated using slightly acid and alkaline culture media. 54 taxa were isolated: 49 from undisturbed forest soil and 37 from disturbed forest soil. Acremonium sp., Aspergillus ustus, Coemansia pectinata, Doratomyces stemonitis, Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, Gliocladium roseum, Humicola fusco-atra, Mortierella sp., Penicillium lilacinum, Trichoderma harzianum, and T koningii, showed the highest frequency, in both, undisturbed and disturbed forests. In undisturbed soil forest the biodiversity index was 3.97 whereas in disturbed ones was 3.89.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between assemblages of soil microfungi and plant communities in the southern boreal mixed-wood forests of Quebec. Sampling took place in 18,100 m2 plots from an existing research site. Plots were separated into three categories based on dominant overstory tree species: (i) trembling aspen, (ii) white birch and (iii) a mixture of white spruce and balsam fir. Within each plot a 1 m2 subplot was established in which the understory herbaceous layer was surveyed and soil cores were collected. Microfungi were isolated from soil cores with the soil-washing technique and isolates were identified morphologically. To support our morphological identifications DNA sequences were obtained for the most abundant microfungi. The most frequently occurring microfungal species were Penicillium thomii, P. spinulosum, P. janthinellum, Penicillium sp., P. melinii, Trichoderma polysporum, T. viride, T. hamatum, Mortierella ramanniana, Geomyces pannorum, Cylindrocarpon didymum, Mortierella sp. and Mucor hiemalis. Multivariate analyses (redundancy analysis followed by variance partitioning) revealed that most of the variation in microfungal communities was explained by understory plant species composition as opposed to soil chemistry or overstory tree species. In this floristically diverse system saprophytic microfungal assemblages were not correlated with the overstory tree species but were significantly correlated with the main understory herbs, thereby reflecting differences at a smaller spatial scale.  相似文献   

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