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Long-term survival of mice infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is dependent upon IFN-gamma and T cells, but events in early phases of the immune response are not well understood. In this study, we describe a role for B cells during early immune responses to infection with a clinical isolate of M. tuberculosis (CDC 1551). Following a low-dose infection with M. tuberculosis CDC 1551, similar numbers of bacteria were detected in the lungs of both B cell knockout (IgH 6-, BKO) and C57BL/6J (wild-type) mice. However, despite comparable bacterial loads in the lungs, less severe pulmonary granuloma formation and delayed dissemination of bacteria from lungs to peripheral organs were observed in BKO mice. BKO mice reconstituted with naive B cells, but not those given M. tuberculosis-specific Abs, before infection developed pulmonary granulomas and dissemination patterns similar to wild-type animals. Further analysis of lung cell populations revealed greater numbers of lymphocytes, especially CD8+ T cells, macrophages, and neutrophils in wild-type and reconstituted mice than in BKO mice. Thus, less severe lesion formation and delayed dissemination of bacteria found in BKO mice were dependent on B cells, not Abs, and were associated with altered cellular infiltrate to the lungs. These observations demonstrate an important, previously unappreciated, role for B cells during early immune responses to M. tuberculosis infections.  相似文献   

UvrD is an SF1 family helicase involved in DNA repair that is widely conserved in bacteria. Mycobacterium tuberculosis has two annotated UvrD homologues; here we investigate the role of UvrD2. The uvrD2 gene at its native locus could be knocked out only in the presence of a second copy of the gene, demonstrating that uvrD2 is essential. Analysis of the putative protein domain structure of UvrD2 shows a distinctive domain architecture, with an extended C terminus containing an HRDC domain normally found in SF2 family helicases and a linking domain carrying a tetracysteine motif. Truncated constructs lacking the C-terminal domains of UvrD2 were able to compensate for the loss of the chromosomal copy, showing that these C-terminal domains are not essential. Although UvrD2 is a functional helicase, a mutant form of the protein lacking helicase activity was able to permit deletion of uvrD2 at its native locus. However, a mutant protein unable to hydrolyze ATP or translocate along DNA was not able to compensate for lack of the wild-type protein. Therefore, we concluded that the essential role played by UvrD2 is unlikely to involve its DNA unwinding activity and is more likely to involve DNA translocation and, possibly, protein displacement.  相似文献   

The estrogen-induced proteins were analyzed in one of estrogen responsive mouse Leydig tumors. The incubation of cells freshly prepared from solid tumors with [35S] methionine resulted in the demonstration of estrogen-induced secretary protein with a molecular weight of 34,000. The additional minor estrogen-induced secretary protein (36,000) was also identified. An exposure of these cells to the culture condition for 48 hr caused the loss of their ability to synthesize these secretary proteins even in the presence of estrogen. In contrast, minced tumor tissue was observed to sustain the ability to synthesize these proteins at least for 48 hr. These results would suggest that some cellular arrangement is required for the synthesis of estrogen-induced proteins.  相似文献   

The functions of eicosanoids, a family of potent biologically active lipid mediators, are not restricted to inflammatory responses and they also act as mediators of the pathogenesis process. However, the role of eicosanoids in tuberculosis remains controversial. To investigate the specific role of LTB4 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection, we used 5-lipoxygenase-deficient (5-LO−/−) mice and WT (sv129) mice inoculated intranasally with LTB4 (encapsulated in PLGA microspheres). We showed that deficiency of the 5-LO pathway was related to resistance to Mtb infection. LTB4 inoculation increased susceptibility to Mtb in 5-LO−/− mice but not in WT mice, resulting in worsening of lung inflammation and tissue damage. In infected WT mice, most supplementary LTB4 was metabolized to the inactive form 12-oxo-LTB4 in the lung. A high amount of PGE2 was detected during Mtb infection, and pharmacological inhibition of COX-2 induced a significant reduction of bacterial load and an improved innate immune response in the lungs, independently of baseline LTB4 levels. COX-2 inhibition with celecoxib significantly reduced PGE2 levels, enhanced IFN-γ production and NO release, and increased macrophage phagocytosis of Mtb. The results suggest that a balance between PGE2/LTB4 is essential in the pathogenesis process of tuberculosis to prevent severe inflammation. Moreover, optimal levels of PGE2 are required to induce an effective innate response in the early phase of Mtb infection. Thus, pharmacological modulation of eicosanoid production may provide an important host-directed therapy in tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Both the probability of a mutation occurring and the ability of the mutant to persist will influence the distribution of mutants that arise in a population. We studied the interaction of these factors for the in vitro selection of rifampicin (RIF)-resistant mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We characterised two series of spontaneous RIF-resistant in vitro mutants from isoniazid (INH)-sensitive and -resistant laboratory strains and clinical isolates, representing various M. tuberculosis genotypes. The first series were selected from multiple parallel 1 ml cultures and the second from single 10 ml cultures. RIF-resistant mutants were screened by Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) or by sequencing the rpoB gene. For all strains the mutation rate for RIF resistance was determined with a fluctuation assay. The most striking observation was a shift towards rpoB-S531L (TCG→TTG) mutations in a panel of laboratory-generated INH-resistant mutants selected from the 10-ml cultures (p<0.001). All tested strains showed similar mutation rates (1.33×10−8 to 2.49×10−7) except one of the laboratory-generated INH mutants with a mutation rate measured at 5.71×10−7, more than 10 times higher than that of the INH susceptible parental strain (5.46–7.44×10−8). No significant, systematic difference in the spectrum of rpoB-mutations between strains of different genotypes was observed. The dramatic shift towards rpoB-S531L in our INH-resistant laboratory mutants suggests that the relative fitness of resistant mutants can dramatically impact the distribution of (subsequent) mutations that accumulate in a M. tuberculosis population, at least in vitro. We conclude that, against specific genetic backgrounds, certain resistance mutations are particularly likely to spread. Molecular screening for these (combinations of) mutations in clinical isolates could rapidly identify these particular pathogenic strains. We therefore recommend that isolates are screened for the distribution of resistance mutations, especially in regions that are highly endemic for (multi)drug resistant tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium ulcerans produces an extracellular cutaneous infection (Buruli ulcer) characterized by immunosuppression. This is in stark contrast to all other pathogenic Mycobacteria species that cause intracellular, granulomatous infections. The unique mycobacterial pathology of M. ulcerans infection is attributed to a plasmid-encoded immunomodulatory macrolide toxin, mycolactone. In this article we explore the role of mycolactone in the virulence of M. ulcerans using mycolactone and genetically defined mycolactone negative mutants. In a guinea pig infection model wild-type (WT) M. ulcerans produces an extracellular infection whereas mycolactone negative mutants produce an intracellular inflammatory infection similar to that of Mycobacterium marinum. Although mycolactone negative mutants are avirulent, they persist for at least 6 weeks. Chemical complementation of M. ulcerans mutants with mycolactone restores WT M. ulcerans pathology. Mycolactone negative mutants are capable of growth within macrophages in vitro whereas macrophages are killed by WT M. ulcerans. The ability of mycolactone to caused delayed cell death via apoptosis has been reported. However, mycolactone also causes cell death via necrosis. In vitro mycolactone has antiphagocytic properties. Neither WT M. ulcerans nor mycolactone negative strains are strong neutrophil attractants. These results suggest that mycolactone is largely responsible for the unique pathology produced by M. ulcerans.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the incidence of infection with mycobacteria other than typical tubercle (MOTT) bacilli is increasing. Laboratory and epidemiologic information relating to MOTT infection in British Columbia between 1972 and 1981 was analysed. Patient records for 1960-81 were also analysed. Of the 313 661 laboratory specimens 13 474 yielded Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates and 3172, MOTT isolates. Over the 10 years the number of M. tuberculosis isolates declined, whereas the absolute and relative numbers of MOTT isolates increased. Members of the highly drug-resistant MAIS complex (M. avium-intracellulare, M. scrofulaceum and M. simiae) accounted for 73.3% of the 1778 potentially pathogenic MOTT isolates. MAIS isolation rates varied geographically. Analysis of patient records revealed 217 MOTT infections, of which 152 (70%) were due to MAIS organisms. Further studies are needed to determine the source of MAIS organisms in order that the infection and the disease may be more clearly understood.  相似文献   

Pyrazinamide (PZA), an essential component of short-course anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy, was shown by Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR methods to act as a competitive inhibitor of NADPH binding to purified Mycobacterium tuberculosis fatty acid synthase I (FAS I). Both PZA and pyrazinoic acid (POA) reversibly bind to FAS I but at different binding sites. The competitive binding of PZA and NADPH suggests potential FAS I binding sites. POA was not previously known to have any specific binding interactions. The STD NMR of NADPH bound to the mycobacterial FAS I was consistent with the orientation reported in published single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of fungal FAS I. Overall the differences in binding between PZA and POA are consistent with previous recognition of the importance of intracellular accumulation of POA for anti-mycobacterial activity.  相似文献   

Production of ATP by the glycolytic pathway in the mammalian pathogenic stage of protists from the genus Trypanosoma is required for the survival of the parasites. Cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase (iPGAM) is particularly attractive as a drug target because it shows no similarity to the corresponding enzyme in humans, and has also been genetically validated as a target by RNAi experiments. It has previously been shown that trypanosomatid iPGAMs require Co(2+) to reach maximal activity, but the biologically relevant metal has remained unclear. In this paper the metal content in the cytosol of procyclic and bloodstream-form T. brucei (analysed by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy) shows that Mg(2+), Zn(2+) and Fe(2+) were the most abundant, whereas Co(2+) was below the limit of detection (<0.035 μM). The low concentration indicates that Co(2+) is unlikely to be the biologically relevant metal, but that instead, Mg(2+) and/or Zn(2+) may assume this role. Results from metal analysis of purified Leishmania mexicana iPGAM by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry also show high concentrations of Mg(2+) and Zn(2+), and are consistent with this proposal. Our data suggest that in vivo cellular conditions lacking Co(2+) are unable to support the maximal activity of iPGAM, but instead maintain its activity at a relatively low level by using Mg(2+) and/or Zn(2+). The physiological significance of these observations is being pursued by structural, biochemical and biophysical studies.  相似文献   

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenesae-1 (IDO-1) catalyses the initial, rate-limiting step in tryptophan metabolism, thereby regulating tryptophan availability and the formation of downstream metabolites, including picolinic and quinolinic acid. We found that Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection induced marked upregulation of IDO-1 expression in both human and murine macrophages in vitro and in the lungs of mice following aerosol challenge with M. tuberculosis. The absence of IDO-1 in dendritic cells enhanced the activation of mycobacteria-specific T cells in vitro. Interestingly, IDO-1-deficiency during M. tuberculosis infection in mice was not associated with altered mycobacteria-specific T cell responses in vivo. The bacterial burden of infected organs, pulmonary inflammatory responses, and survival were also comparable in M. tuberculosis-infected IDO-1 deficient and wild type animals. Tryptophan is metabolised into either picolinic acid or quinolinic acid, but only picolinic acid inhibited the growth of M. tuberculosis in vitro. By contrast macrophages infected with pathogenic mycobacteria, produced quinolinic, rather than picolinic acid, which did not reduce M. tuberculosis growth in vitro. Therefore, although M. tuberculosis induces robust expression of IDO-1 and activation of tryptophan metabolism, IDO-1-deficiency fails to impact on the immune control and the outcome of the infection in the mouse model of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency viruses have been isolated from African green monkeys originating from Ethiopia. A molecular clone, termed SIVagm3, was found to be highly divergent from SIVagmTYO-1 in terms of its restriction map and partial nucleotide sequence. A premature stop codon present in the transmembrane protein of SIVagm TYO-1 was absent in SIVagm3. SIVagm3 was biologically active in vitro and in vivo and displayed characteristics reminiscent of the wild-type virus. Biological activity was demonstrated by seroconversion of juvenile African green monkeys and Macaca nemestrina after inoculation. In contrast to antibody reactivity mainly directed against env proteins in naturally infected African green monkeys. African green monkeys and M. nemestrina infected with the cloned virus showed antibody reactivity directed against all major proteins as demonstrated by immunoblot analysis. The availability of a biologically fully competent molecular clone of SIVagm allows us now to address various pertinent questions in an animal model system which should help to understand features of human immunodeficiency virus infection in human beings.  相似文献   

Chronic infection with hepatitis B viruses (hepadnaviruses) is a major cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but the incubation time varies from 1 to 2 years to several decades in different host species infected with indigenous viruses. To discern the influence of viral and host factors on the kinetics of induction of HCC, we exploited the recent observation that ground squirrel hepatitis virus (GSHV) is infectious in woodchucks (C. Seeger, P. L. Marion, D. Ganem, and H. E. Varmus, J. Virol. 61:3241-3247, 1987) to compare the pathogenic potential of GSHV and woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) in chronically infected woodchucks. Chronic GSHV infection in woodchucks produces mild to moderate portal hepatitis, similar to that observed in woodchucks chronically infected with WHV. However, HCC developed in GSHV carriers about 18 months later than in WHV carriers. Thus, although both viruses are oncogenic in woodchucks, GSHV and WHV differ in oncogenic determinants that can affect the kinetics of appearance of HCC in chronically infected animals.  相似文献   

Although previous biochemical studies have demonstrated global degradation of the largest subunit, Rpb1p, of RNA polymerase II in response to DNA damage, it is still not clear whether the initiating or elongating form of Rpb1p is targeted for degradation in vivo. Further, whether other components of RNA polymerase II are degraded in response to DNA damage remains unknown. Here, we show that the Rpb1p subunit of the elongating, but not initiating, form of RNA polymerase II is degraded at the active genes in response to 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide-induced DNA damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, other subunits of RNA polymerase II are not degraded in response to DNA damage. Further, we show that Rpb1p is essential for RNA polymerase II assembly at the active gene, and thus, the degradation of Rpb1p following DNA damage disassembles elongating RNA polymerase II. Taken together, our data demonstrate that Rpb1p but not other subunits of elongating RNA polymerase II is specifically degraded in response to DNA damage, and such a degradation of Rpb1p is critical for the disassembly of elongating RNA polymerase II at the DNA lesion in vivo.  相似文献   

The trypanocidal activity of naturally occurring 6-(3,4-dihydroxystyryl)-4-hydroxy-2-pyrone (hispidin) prompted us to examine its cytotoxic activity toward normal and cancerous cells in culture. Hispidin synthesized in our laboratory to a high degree of purity (checked by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy) was shown to be cytotoxic (between 10-3 mol/L and 10-7 mol/L) toward normal human MRC-5 fibroblasts, human cancerous keratinocytes (SCL-1 cell line), and human cancerous pancreatic duct cells (Capan-1 cell line). Interestingly, addition of hispidin in three successive doses (between 10-5 mol/L and 10-7 mol/L) led to a 100-fold increase in activity with an enhanced activity on cancer cells compared to normal cells (50%). Synthetic hispidin was found to inhibit isoform of protein kinase C (IC50 of 2 × 10-6 mol/L), but not E. coli and placental type XV alkaline phosphatases. The enhanced activity of hispidin toward the cancerous cell lines is discussed.  相似文献   

Traversal from G1 to S-phase in cycling cells of budding yeast is dependent on the destruction of the S-phase cyclin/CDK inhibitor SIC1. Genetic data suggest that SIC1 proteolysis is mediated by the ubiquitin pathway and requires the action of CDC34, CDC4, CDC53, SKP1, and CLN/CDC28. As a first step in defining the functions of the corresponding gene products, we have reconstituted SIC1 multiubiquitination in DEAE-fractionated yeast extract. Multiubiquitination depends on cyclin/CDC28 protein kinase and the CDC34 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. Ubiquitin chain formation is abrogated in cdc4ts mutant extracts and assembly restored by the addition of exogenous CDC4, suggesting a direct role for this protein in SIC1 multiubiquitination. Deletion analysis of SIC1 indicates that the N-terminal 160 residues are both necessary and sufficient to serve as substrate for CDC34-dependent ubiquitination. The complementary C-terminal segment of SIC1 binds to the S-phase cyclin CLB5, indicating a modular structure for SIC1.  相似文献   

Preproenkephalin (PPNK) mRNA expression has been detected in many cells of the immune system, including monocytes and lymphocytes. In the present paper, the expression of PPNK mRNA in purified CD4+ Th1 and Th2 lymphocyte subpopulations is investigated and correlated with the presence of the opioid neuropeptides leu- and met-enkephalin. We found that PPNK mRNA and met-enkephalin were present at higher levels in the Th2 cultures compared with the Th1 cultures. Lymphocytes from PPNK-deficient mice were then used to look at the role of PPNK in Th2 lymphocyte differentiation. Lymphocytes from these mice could be driven into a Th2 phenotype, suggesting that cultures containing IL-4 do not require PPNK for Th2 differentiation.  相似文献   

TNF is critical for immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection; however, the relative contributions of the soluble and transmembrane forms of TNF in this immunity are unknown. Using memTNF mice, which express only the transmembrane form of TNF, we have addressed this question. Wild-type (WT), TNF-/-, and transmembrane TNF (memTNF) mice were infected with M. tuberculosis by aerosol. TNF-/- mice developed overwhelming infection with extensive pulmonary necrosis and died after only 33 days. memTNF mice, like WT mice, contained bacterial growth for over 16 wk, developed an Ag-specific T cell response, and initially displayed compact granulomas, comprised of both lymphocytes and macrophages. Expression of mRNA for the chemokines CXCL10, CCL3, CCL5, and CCL7 was comparable in both WT and memTNF mice. As the infection progressed, however, the pulmonary lesions in memTNF mice became larger and more diffuse, with increased neutrophil accumulation and necrosis. This was accompanied by increased influx of activated memory T cells into the lungs of memTNF mice. Eventually, these mice succumbed to infection with a mean time to death of 170 days. The expression of memTNF on T cells is functionally important because the transfer of T cells from memTNF, but not TNF-/- mice, into either RAG-/- or TNF-/- mice conferred the same survival advantage on the M. tuberculosis-infected recipient mice, as the transfer of WT T cells. Therefore, memTNF, in the absence of soluble TNF, is sufficient to control acute, but not chronic, M. tuberculosis infection, in part through its expression on T cells.  相似文献   

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