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以黄瓜无菌苗子叶切段为外植体 ,通过叶盘转化法与根瘤农杆菌进行共培养建立了黄瓜的转基因系统。农杆菌菌株为LBA44 0 4,内含双元载体pBPMWMV。该质粒载体带有一个npt Ⅱ基因 (筛选具有卡那霉素抗性的植株 )和一个WMV 2CP基因。抗卡那霉素 (Kanr)的黄瓜植株经DNA分子点杂交、PCR检测以及Southernblot证实 ,外源的WMV 2CP基因确实已导入黄瓜细胞且能稳定地遗传到子一代。对WMV 2CP基因在子一代的分离进行了统计。获得的转基因子一代植株对WMV 2表现出较强的抗性 ,可以延迟发病时间 ,减轻发病程度  相似文献   

甜菜坏死黄脉病毒(Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus,BNYVV)是一种由甜菜多粘菌(Polymyxo be tae)传播的多分体植物病毒.基因组由4~5条单链正意RNA构成[1]。60年代末,由Tamada首次报道[2],这种病毒可对甜菜造成严重危害,侵染甜菜后产生丛根症状(Rhizomania),并导致甜菜产量和含糖 量的大幅度下降。除欧洲、北美及日本的严重发生以外,我国自70年代以来在东北、内蒙古及西北许多省区也有大量甜菜丛根病的发生报道[3]。由于尚无有效药剂及措施用于甜菜丛根病或病毒传播介体的防治.在我国也无法采用大面积轮作作为防治手段,所以目前在世界各地及我国上述地区甜菜丛根病的发病面积逐年扩展,对甜菜生产和制糖业造成直接威胁。针对这一情况.本文报道了含有甜菜坏死黄脉病毒外壳蛋白基因的甜菜植株的转化再生工作,以期在甜菜亲本育种中获得新的抗性材料.为抗病毒品种的培育打下基础。  相似文献   

外壳蛋白介导的病毒抗性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1986年Powell Abel获得第一例转烟草花叶病毒(TMV)外壳蛋白基因的烟草植株以来.植物抗病毒基因工程手段日益多样。主要介绍病毒基因来源抗性中的外壳蛋白介导的病毒抗性内容,包括它的历史发展概况、应用现状、机理探讨及相应的实验证据。  相似文献   

张鹤龄  宋艳茹 《病毒学报》1996,12(4):360-366
表达马铃薯X病毒(PVX)和马铃薯X病毒(PVY)双价外壳蛋白(CP)基因的马铃薯虎头和克新4号,用机械摩擦同时接种PVX和PVY后,通过症状观察,植株中PVX和PVY的ELISA检测结果表明,转基因头虎头和克新4号的多数株系的平均病毒含量均明显低于未转基因的对照植株,不同时期病毒测定结果表明,许多株系病毒积累缓慢,延迟发病,说明转PVX,PVY双价CP基因的马铃薯,对PVX和PVY复合侵染发生不  相似文献   

转WMV—2CP基因黄瓜植株的再生   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以黄瓜无菌苗子叶切段为外植体,通过叶盘转移化法与根瘤农杆菌进行共培养建立了黄瓜的转其因系统。农杆菌菌株为LBA4404,内含双元载体pBPMWMV。该质粒载体带有一个npt-Ⅱ基因(筛选具有卡那霉素抗性的植株)和一个WMV-2CP基因。抗卡那霉素(Kan^r)的黄瓜植株经DNA分子点杂交、PCR检测以及Southern blot证实,外源的WMV-2CP基因确实已导人瓜细胞且能稳定地遗传到子一代。  相似文献   

转基因西瓜(Citrullus vulgaris Schrad)抗病性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道转基因西瓜植株WMV—Ⅰ病毒感染后的抗病性试验结果。结果表明,无论在温室还是在田间试验,转基因植株均可以推迟发病时间,减轻发病程度,表现出对相关病毒有一定的抗性。  相似文献   

转PVY外壳蛋白基因马铃薯及其田间实验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
报道了将马铃薯Y 病毒(PVY)中国分离株的外壳蛋白基因通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tum efa-ciens)介导转入马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)的生产品种“Favorita”、“虎头”和“克4”,在获得大量再生植株的基础上经过PCR检测和Southern 杂交证明,大部分株系中PVY 外壳蛋白基因的表达框架已完整整合到马铃薯的染色体上。人工接种PVY 病毒(20 m g/L)后一些转基因株系对PVY 病毒的侵染表现较强的抗性,同时其单株结薯数和平均薯重有所增加。在田间实验中,转基因马铃薯植株生长良好而且部分转基因株系产量高于未转基因的脱毒马铃薯,从这些株系中有希望得到抗病性好而且高产的马铃薯品系  相似文献   

在克隆了马铃薯X病毒(PVX)、马铃薯Y 病毒(PVY)和马铃薯卷叶病毒(PLRV)的外壳蛋白基因的基础上,构建同时包含PVX和PVY 与PVY 和PLRV 两个外壳蛋白基因植物表达框架的表达载体,通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导转化烟草(Nicotianatabacum )和生产上常用的几个马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum )优良品种:“Favorita”、“虎头”、“克4”。经PCR检测证明外源基因已整合到植物的染色体上,得到批量转基因植株。在转PVX+PVY 外壳蛋白基因的烟草上接种PVX (5 μg/m L)、PVY(20 μg/m L)病毒,得到有一定抗性的植株  相似文献   

通过土壤农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导将黄瓜花叶病毒外壳蛋白(CMV CP)的cDNA成功地引入番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)植株中,并得到转基因植株。用强致病力CMV株系接种后,表达CMV外壳蛋白的转基因植株表现出对CMV侵染的抗性。转基因植株RI代的抗性基因以接近3:1比例分离。对R_1代接种CMV后,表达CMV CP的植株病症减轻,发病率、病情指数及病毒积累量明显低于对照。病症出现推迟1个多月。  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) N coat protein (CP) coding sequence was cloned into a plant expression vector pMON316 under the CaMV 35S promoter. Leaf discs of potato (Solanum tuberosum) were used to Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. A large number of regenerated putative transgenic plants were obtained based on kanamycin resistance. Using total DNA purified from transgenic plants as templates and two oligonucleotides synthesized from 5' and 3' of the PVY coat protein gene as primers, the authors carried out polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to check the presence of this gene and obtained a 0. 8 kb specific DNA fragment after 35 cycles of amplification. Southern blot indicated that the PCR product was indeed PVY CP gene which had been integrated into the potato genome. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of our transgenic plants showed that CP gene was expressed in at least some transgenic potato plants.  相似文献   

A major commercial cultivar of tobacco was transformed via Agrobacterium mediated procedure. Tobacco leaves started to form shoots on shoot inducing medium containing kanamycin after infected by Agrobacterium containing the plasmid with PVX CP gene. Regenerated plants were obtained in two weeks on hormone-free MS medium containing kanamycin. The transgenic tobacco plants were identified with nopaline detection,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and western blot analysis, symptom appearance was significantly delayed and virus accumulation was either absent or reduced in PVX CP gene transformed plants. Progenies of transgenic tobacco plants also gained resistance to PVX infection to a certain degree. These experiments demonstrate that CP protection is effective against PVX.  相似文献   

合成、克隆了水稻条纹病毒中国株的外壳蛋白基因并进行了序列分析,由Indica水稻成熟胚的愈伤组织形成胚性运浮细胞。用含有CP基因的pROK2表达载体的DNA包被1.09μm直径钨粉颗粒轰击培养细胞。被轰击的培养物在含有G418(40mg/mL,)的培养基中进行选择培养,由对G418抵抗的愈伤组织中获得10株再生株。用32P-dCTP标记的CP基因作为探针,以Southernblot测定其转化特性。由抗病的和对照的植株抽提基因组DNA用EcoRI和BamHI进行酶切,其中两个植株显示出0.6kh和0.7kb两条条交带.其大小与CP基因相对应。Westernblot和ELISA测定进步证明CP(32kDa)在转基因水稻中表达。16株转基因植株和100株对照植株用带毒的叶蝉接种,接种病毒后24d只有37.5%的CP转基因植株产生病毒症状,而对照植株为96%。进一步证明转基因水稻植株具有对RSV的抗病性。转基因植株T1代CP的表达分离比例为3.6:1。  相似文献   

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabactum L. ) "NC89" plants were transformed with deletion mutant of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) movement protein (MP) gene and full-length CMV MP gene, respectively. The transformed plants were analyzed with polymerase chain reaction (PCR), PCR-Southem, Southern and Western blots. R0 generation of the transgenic plants were inoculated with CMV. Five out of 10 lines of tobacco plants (BMPK) transformed with CMV MP deletion mutant gene showed high resistance to CMV infection and remained symptomless for up to 50 days post-inoculation. In contrast, tobacco plants (BMPR) transformed with full-length CMV MP gene did not show resistance to CMV infection. However, most of the infected full-length CMV MP gene transgenic plants recovered by showing none or very mild mosaic symptoms in 40 days post-inoculation. The results of R1 generation of the BMPK transgenic plants tested under field conditions showed that all 5 lines of transgenic plants could delay the virus disease development.  相似文献   

黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)运动蛋白基因介导的抗病性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用Fny_CMV株系RNA3cDNA克隆,构建了含有全长和编码区缺失501个核苷酸的运动蛋白(MP)基因植物表达载体pBMPR和pBMPK。在土壤农杆菌(Agrobacteriumtumefaciens(SmithetTownsend)Conn)LBA4404介导下转化烟草(NicotianatabacumL.)品种“NC89”,分别经Southernbloting、RT_PCR或Westernbloting分析,外源基因已整合到再生植株中并得到表达。抗病性分析表明,含有缺失型MP基因的R0代转基因植株抗性较好,接种50d后,10株转化植株中仍有5株不表现症状。在自然发病条件下,这5个含有缺失型MP基因转基因株系在R1代都表现了一定的抗病性。抗性主要表现为症状出现推迟,严重度减轻。利用PCR筛选、种子卡那霉素抗性试验和温室抗病性测定等方法,初步认为R2代转基因烟草K_6_5株系为转基因抗病纯合系。而含有全长MP基因的R0代转化植株,前期没有表现明显的抗病性,但在接种40d后部分发病植株有恢复健康的趋势。  相似文献   

Rice stripe virus (RSV) is a pathogen of rice stripe disease causing great damage to rice. The disease is transmitted by Laodelphax striatellus and three other planthoppers. RSV infects as much as 37 cereals including rice, wheat, maize and results in a significant reduction in yield in epidemic year. In order to develop efficient means of controlling the disease, authors have studied the amino acid composition of RSV coat protein (CP), synthesized and cloned the cDNA to CP, sequenced the full-length CP gene. Having inserted the RSV CP gene into plant expression vector pROK Ⅱ, authors transformed rice suspension culture via microprojectile bombardment and obtained transgenic plants expressing the CP gene. The suspension culture was initiated by inoculating yellowish, compact and embryogenic calli derived from seeds into suspension medium containing proline and maltose. After being cultured at 26℃ in the dark for about half a year, finely-dispersed and embryogenic suspension culture was estabolished. Before bombardment the suspension culture was evently applied onto three-layered filter-paper discs in a petri dish. CaCl2 and spermidine was employed to coat tungsten particle with plasmid DNA. 2.5 μl of coated particle was loaded onto bullet and each dish was bombarded three times. Immediately after being bombarded, the suspensions were cultured in modified N6 medium. 2 days later the suspensions were transferred to the same medium but containing G418, which were subcultured weekly. Being subject to G418 selection for two months, white and fast-growing clones were emerged from the brownish cultures. Green plants regenerated when the resistant calli were transferred to differentiation medium. The regenerated plants were firm enough to grow well in the greenhouse. 10 plants regenerated from G418 resistant calli were tested for their transformed nature by Southern blot using 32P-labelled CP gene as a probe. Among the plants tested, 2 plants showed clearly hy bridizing bands with a molecular weight corresponding to RSV CP gene. Western blot further demonstrated that RSV CP gene was expressed in transgenic rice plants. At present tests on the antiviral effects of transgenic plants by feeding plantphoppers infccted with RSV are being underway.  相似文献   

转新城疫病毒融合蛋白基因水稻植株的获得   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以编码新城疫病毒融合蛋白(NDV—F)基因为外源基因,与玉米泛素蛋白(Ubi)启动子和农杆菌胭脂碱合成酶基因(NOS)终止子构建成嵌合基因,构建了适宜于农杆菌介导转化水稻的表达质粒pUNDV;并以潮霉素磷酸转移酶(HPT)基因作选择标记基因、β-半乳糖苷酸酶(GUS)基因作报告基因,借助于农杆菌介导转化水稻,获得了多株转基因植株。PCR分析和GUS活性检测结果证实含有NDV—F基冈的T—DNA已整合到水稻基因组中,为研制廉价的转基因水稻新城疫基因工程疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

黄瓜花叶病毒衣壳蛋白基因转化辣椒研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The plant expression vector of the coat protein(CP) gene of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) BS strain was used to transform three kinds of pepper (Capsicum annuum) tissues (cotyledon, stem and root) by agrobacterium-mediated co-cultivation. 53%-68.4% of the total tissues (639) can be induced to be calli, but only cotyledon calli can be further regenerated to form shoots (regenerated efficiency 39.7%). 70%(42/60) of the putative transformed plants were confirmed to have CP gene in their genomes by Southern blot. The mRNAs and the CP were respectively found in 80% of transgenic plants by Northern blot and DAS-ELISA. 24 of the transgenic plants expressing CP gene of BS strain showed three kinds of resistant level (severe symptom, delay of symptomatic development, no symptom) to infection of CMV-BS and of CMV-P. However, there was distinctly higher resistance to inoculation of CMV-BS than that with CMV-P in these transgenic plants.  相似文献   

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