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Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seeds contain the storage protein -conglycinin, encoded by a multigene family. -Conglycinin consists of three subunits; , , and . A genomic clone for a -subunit of -conglycinin has been characterized by restriction-enzyme mapping and hybrid selected in-vitro translation followed by immunoprecipitation. In order to determine the developmental regulation of this -subunit gene, its expression was studied in seeds of transgenic petunia (Petunia hybrida) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants. The -subunit expressed in seeds of petunia and tobacco was recognized by anti--conglycinin serum at a relative molecular mass of 53 000, equivalent to that of the native protein. Separation of the petunia-seed proteins by isoelectric focusing followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis showed that multiple isoelectric forms of the -subunit were produced. There was approximately a twofold variation in the accumulation of the -subunit protein in the mature seeds of transgenic petunia plants, each containing a single -subunit gene. However, the level of protein accumulation in mature seeds and the amount of -subunit mRNA in developing seeds was not correlated. Accumulation of the -subunit protein in transgenic seeds was less than the -subunit protein that accumulated in transgenic petunia seeds containing a single -subunit gene and less than the amount of the -subunit in mature soybean seeds which contain 8–13 -subunit genes. In transgenic tobacco plants, the accumulation of the -subunit protein in seeds was generally well correlated with the number of genes that were incorporated in the different transformants.Abbreviations kb kilobase - kDa kilodalton - Mr relative molecular mass - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Expansins are cell wall proteins implicated in the control of plant growth via loosening of the extracellular matrix, and are encoded by a large gene family. However, data linked to loss of function of single genes which support the role of expansins in root growth remain limited. In this study, we used RNA interference to examine the biological functions of the rice α-expansin gene OsEXPA8. Repression of OsEXPA8 expression in rice impaired the root system architecture and plant growth significantly, leading to shorter primary roots and fewer lateral roots. Accordingly, the cell size of the root vascular bundle reduced drastically. Notably, OsEXPA8 silencing impaired root hair elongation; moreover, plant height was clearly reduced. Transient expression of OsEXPA8-GFP in onion epidermal cells verified that OsEXPA8 is located on the cell wall. OsEXPA8 was expressed predominantly in the root and shoot of one-week-old rice seedlings, and highly induced by NaCl but suppressed by nitrate and phosphate starvation. In addition, atomic force microscopy was used to explore alterations in cell wall nanomechanics caused by OsEXPA8 protein reduction, which showed that the wall stiffness (Young’s modulus) of OsEXPA8-silenced suspension cells was increased significantly. Taken together, our results suggest that OsEXPA8 is critical for root system architecture, which supports the hypothesis that expansins are involved in enhancing plant growth by mediating cell wall loosening.  相似文献   

β-galactosidases (GUS, EC are character- ized by their ability to hydrolyze terminal, non-re- ducing β-D-galactosyl residues from β-D-galactosides and are widely distributed in microbes, plants and animals. To date, the primary structures of …  相似文献   

The Nicotiana tabacum ap24 gene encoding a protein with antifungal activity toward Phytophthora infestans has been characterized. Analysis of cDNA clones revealed that at least three ap24-like genes are induced in tobacco upon infection with tobacco mosaic virus. Amino acid sequencing of the purified protein showed that AP24 is synthesized as a preproprotein from which an amino-terminal signal peptide and a carboxyl-terminal propeptide (CTPP) are cleaved off during post-translational processing. The functional role of the CTPP was investigated by expressing chimeric genes encoding either wild-type AP24 or a mutant protein lacking the CTPP. Plants expressing the wild-type construct resulted in proteins properly sorted to the vacuole. In contrast, the proteins produced in plants expressing the mutant construct were secreted extracellularly, indicating that the CTPP is necessary for targeting of AP24 to the vacuoles. Similar results were obtained for vacuolar chitinases and -1,3-glucanases of tobacco. The extracellularly targeted mutant proteins were shown to have retained their biological activity. Together, these results suggest that within all vacuolar pathogenesis-related proteins the targeting information resides in a short carboxyl-terminal propeptide which is removed during or after transport to the plant vacuole.  相似文献   

The strawberry ( Fragaria spp) is regarded as a false fruit because it originates from the receptacle, which is a non-ovarian tissue. For this reason, fruit-specific promoters isolated from plant species in which the fruit is derived from the ovary wall might not be suited to control gene expression in a fruit-specific way in strawberry. In order to achieve (false) fruit-specific expression in strawberry, we tested the petunia FBP7 (floral binding protein7) promoter, which proved to be active in the receptacles of petunia flowers, in transgenic strawberry fruits. In strawberry plants containing the FBP7 promoter fused to the ß-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene ( gus), GUS activity was found in floral and fruit tissues of all developmental stages tested but not in leaf, petiole and root tissue . Surprisingly, Northern blot analysis showed the presence of gus-derived mRNAs in root (strong) and petiole (weak) tissue of fbp7- gus plants in addition to the floral and fruit tissues. Therefore, it is concluded that the histological GUS phenotype does not necessarily correspond with expression at the mRNA level. mRNA quantification using the TaqMan polymerase chain reaction technology confirmed the Northern results and showed that in red strawberry tissue the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter is at least sixfold stronger than the FBP7 promoter.  相似文献   

We have successfully transferred and expressed a reporter gene driven by an -amylase promoter in a japonica type of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Tainung 62) using the Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer system. Immature rice embryos (10–12 days after anthesis) were infected with an Agrobacterium strain carrying a plasmid containing chimeric genes of -glucuronidase (uidA) and neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII). Co-incubation of potato suspension culture (PSC) with the Agrobacterium inoculum significantly improved the transformation efficiency of rice. The uidA and nptII genes, which are under the control of promoters of a rice -amylase gene (Amy8) and Agrobacterium nopaline synthase gene (nos), respectively, were both expressed in G418-resistant calli and transgenic plants. Integration of foreign genes into the genomes of transgenic plants was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in one transgenic plant (R0) revealed that the rice -amylase promoter functions in all cell types of the mature leaves, stems, sheaths and roots, but not in the very young leaves. This transgenic plant grew more slowly and produced less seeds than the wild-type plant, but its R1 and R2 progenies grew normally and produced as much seeds as the wild-type plant. Inheritance of foreign genes to the progenies was also confirmed by Southern blot analysis. These data demonstrate successful gene transfer and sexual inheritance of the chimeric genes.  相似文献   

Chong  D.K.X.  Roberts  W.  Arakawa  T.  Illes  K.  Bagi  G.  Slattery  C.W.  Langridge  W.H.R. 《Transgenic research》1997,6(4):289-296
A 1177 bp cDNA fragment encoding the human milk protein -casein was introduced into Solanum tuberosum cells under control of the auxin-inducible, bidirectional mannopine synthase mas12) promoters using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated leaf disc transformation methods. Antibiotic-resistant plants were regenerated and transformants selected based on luciferase activity carried by the expression vector containing the human -casein cDNA. The presence of human -casein cDNA in the plant genome was detected by PCR and DNA hybridization experiments. Human -casein mRNA was identified in leaf tissues of transgenic plants by RT-PCR analysis. Human - casein was identified in auxin-induced leaf and tuber tissues of transformed potato plants by immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analysis. Human -casein produced in transgenic plants migrated in polyacrylamide gels as a single band with an approximate molecular mass of 30 kDa. Immunoblot experiments identified approximately 0.01% of the total soluble protein of transgenic potato leaf tissue as -casein. The above experiments demonstrate the expression of human milk - casein as part of an edible food plant. These findings open the way for reconstitution of human milk inedible plants for replacement of bovine milk in baby foods for general improvement of infant nutrition, and for prevention of gastric and intestinal diseases in children  相似文献   

Transgenic plants of Tricyrtis hirta carrying the intron-containing β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene under the control of the CaMV35S promoter have been cultivated for two years. Four independent transgenic plants produced flowers 1–2 years after acclimatization, and all of them contained one copy of the transgene as indicated by inverse polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. All the four transgenic plants showed stable expression of the gus gene in leaves, stems, roots, tepals, stamens and pistils as indicated by histochemical and fluorometric GUS assays, although differences in the GUS activity were observed among different organs of each transgenic plant. No apparent gus gene silencing was observed in transgenic T. hirta plants even after two years of cultivation.  相似文献   

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Better Boy) plants were transformed with a fused gene containing a 2.2-kb promoter fragment of the tomato prosystemin gene and the coding region of the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene. The transgenic plants exhibited a low constitutive level of prosystemin-β-glucuronidase gene expression, assayed by histochemical staining and GUS enzyme activity, that was associated in the vascular bundles of leaf main veins, petiolules, petioles and stems. The GUS activity in the vascular bundles in each tissue was increased by wounding and by treatment of the plants with methyl jasmonate, similar to the induction of prosystemin in wild-type plants. The increase in GUS activity in the vascular bundles of leaves in response to wounding correlated with the wound-inducible increase in prosystemin mRNA. Tissue printing, using rabbit anti-serum prepared against prosystemin, confirmed that inducible prosystemin protein was localized in vascular bundles of petiolules, petioles and stems of wild-type tomato plants. The evidence indicates that the 2.2-kb promoter region of the tomato prosystemin gene contains elements conferring its correct temporal and spatial expression in the vascular bundles of transgenic tomato plants. Received: 7 January 1997 / Accepted: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

In this paper we compare five heterologous promoters fused to β-glucuronidase gene in their influence on localization of GUS activity in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) tissues: roots, leaves, petioles and curds. A constitutive promoter CaMV 35S and four tissue specific promoters were used: extAP from rape, PsMTAP from pea, RBCS3CP from tomato and SRS1P from soybean, and introduced into cauliflower seedling explants using Agrobacterium rhizogenes mediated transformation. Quantitative and histochemical GUS assays confirmed tissue specific gus expression. It was found that extAP promoter was the most active in petioles but also caused a significant gus expression in curds. GUS activity was hardly observed in curd and restricted only to its epidermis when PsMTAP promoter drove the gene. RBCS3CP and SRS1P promoters controlled similar expression of the gus gene throughout the plant except for curd where RBCS3CP was almost inactive.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) represents the mammalian form of the core component of a kinase cascade that is conserved between fungi, plants, and animals. AMPK plays a major role in protecting mammalian cells from metabolic stress by switching off biosynthetic pathways that require ATP and switching on ATP-regenerating pathways. In this report, we describe the isolation and characterization of the gene for the noncatalytic bovine gamma1 subunit of AMPK. The bovine ampkgamma1 (PRKAG1) gene spans in excess of 14 kb and is located at BTA 5q21-q22. It consists of 12 exons ranging in size from 38 b to 166 b, interspersed with 11 introns that range between 97 b and 6753 b in length. The coding region of the bovine gene shares 93% and 90% nucleotide sequence similarity with its human and rat counterparts, and the bovine AMPKgamma1 protein is 98% and 95% identical to its human and rat homologs, respectively, in amino acid sequence. SNP discovery using a cattle DNA panel revealed a number of polymorphisms that may be useful for the evaluation of ampkgamma1 as a candidate gene for energy metabolism-related production traits.  相似文献   

In order to take advantage of the high thermostability of its product, β-1,3;1,4-glucanase (lichenase), we used a modified version of the licB gene from Clostridium thermocellum as a reporter gene for the analysis of gene expression in transformed plants. The coding region of the licB gene was truncated at both ends. The truncated enzyme retained its activity and thermostability. The modified gene (m-licB), with and without a plant leader peptide-encoding sequence, was expressed in tobacco plants under control of either the Agrobacterium octopine TR-DNA 2′ gene promoter or the promoter of the gene for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. Expression of licB can be measured quantitatively and accurately, the assay is sensitive and simple enough to be used for analysis of various gene fusion systems or for screening of transformants. The enzyme is very stable and remains active in tissue extracts even after storage for 1 year and survives many thawing-freezing cycles. The lichenase-encoding gene was expressed at high levels in transformed tobacco plants without any apparent detrimental effects on vegetative growth or flowering. Received: 4 March 1997 / Accepted: 8 October 1997  相似文献   

To investigate the activity of the regulatory region of the maize (Zea mays L.) proteinase inhibitor (mpi) gene, we transferred into rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants the –689/+197 (C1) fragment of the mpi genomic clone fused to either theuidA gene or a synthetic Bacillus thuringiensis cry1B gene. Although uidA and cry1B encode very different proteins consistent results were obtained from their respective histochemical and fluorometric and immunoblot detections in T3 transgenic rice lines. In response to mechanical wounding, a 4–5 fold increase in GUS activity and a Cry1B accumulation reaching 0.1–0.2% of total soluble proteins were observed from basal and undetectable levels respectively in leaf tissue. The establishment of the time-course of wound response in both systems revealed a maximum induction level 12–16 h after treatment. From both systems we also deduced that the C1 region is not active in pollen and seed endosperm. Three independent transformation events expressing cry1B under the control of the C1 region exhibited protection against striped stem borer damage and showed 100% mortality of second instar larvae 8 days after release. These results illustrate the first evidence that wound-inducible expression of a Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin gene affords full protection to transgenic rice plants.  相似文献   

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