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Many non-linear deterministic models for interacting populations present damped oscillations towards the corresponding equilibrium values. However, simulations produced with related stochastic models usually present sustained oscillations which preserve the natural frequency of the damped oscillations of the deterministic model but showing non-vanishing amplitudes. The relation between the amplitude of the stochastic oscillations and the values of the equilibrium populations is not intuitive in general but scales with the square root of the populations when the ratio between different populations is kept fixed. In this work, we explain such phenomena for the case of a general epidemic model. We estimate the stochastic fluctuations of the populations around the equilibrium point in the epidemiological model showing their (approximated) relation with the mean values.  相似文献   

Several stochastic models, with various degrees of complexity, have been proposed to model the neuronal activity from different parts of the human brain. In this article, we use a simple Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process (OUP) to model the spike activity recorded from the subthalamic nucleus of patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease at the time of implantation of the electrodes for deep brain stimulation. From the recorded data, which contains information about the spike times of a single neuron, we identify and extract the model parameters of the OUP. We then use these parameters to numerically simulate the inter-spike intervals and the voltage across the neuron membrane. We finally assess how well the proposed mathematical model fits to the measured data and compare it with other commonly adopted stochastic models. We show an excellent agreement between the computer-generated data according to the OUP model and the measured one, as well as the superiority of the OUP model when compared to the Poisson process model and the random walk model; thus, establishing the validity of the OUP as a simple yet biologically plausible model of the neuronal activity recorded from the subthalamic nucleus of Parkinson’s disease patients.  相似文献   

We investigate the origin of the regularity and synchrony which have been observed in numerical experiments of two realistic models of molecular motors, namely Fisher–Kolomeisky’s model of myosin V for vesicle transport in cells and Duke’s model of myosin II for sarcomere shortening in muscle contraction. We show that there is a generic organizing principle behind the emergence of regular gait for a motor pulling a large cargo and synchrony of action of many motors pulling a single cargo. These results are surprising in that the models used are inherently stochastic, and yet they display regular behaviors in the parameter range relevant to experiments. Our results also show that these behaviors are not tied to the particular models used in these experiments, but rather are generic to a wide class of motor protein models.  相似文献   

In computational neuroscience, decision-making may be explained analyzing models based on the evolution of the average firing rates of two interacting neuron populations, e.g., in bistable visual perception problems. These models typically lead to a multi-stable scenario for the concerned dynamical systems. Nevertheless, noise is an important feature of the model taking into account both the finite-size effects and the decision’s robustness. These stochastic dynamical systems can be analyzed by studying carefully their associated Fokker–Planck partial differential equation. In particular, in the Fokker–Planck setting, we analytically discuss the asymptotic behavior for large times towards a unique probability distribution, and we propose a numerical scheme capturing this convergence. These simulations are used to validate deterministic moment methods recently applied to the stochastic differential system. Further, proving the existence, positivity and uniqueness of the probability density solution for the stationary equation, as well as for the time evolving problem, we show that this stabilization does happen. Finally, we discuss the convergence of the solution for large times to the stationary state. Our approach leads to a more detailed analytical and numerical study of decision-making models applied in computational neuroscience.  相似文献   

Simple stochastic models for phylogenetic trees on species have been well studied. But much paleontology data concerns time series or trees on higher-order taxa, and any broad picture of relationships between extant groups requires use of higher-order taxa. A coherent model for trees on (say) genera should involve both a species-level model and a model for the classification scheme by which species are assigned to genera. We present a general framework for such models, and describe three alternate classification schemes. Combining with the species-level model of Aldous and Popovic (Adv Appl Probab 37:1094–1115, 2005), one gets models for higher-order trees, and we initiate analytic study of such models. In particular we derive formulas for the lifetime of genera, for the distribution of number of species per genus, and for the offspring structure of the tree on genera. David Aldous’s research was supported by NSF Grant DMS-0704159.  相似文献   

 We analyze the stochastic structure of postural sway and demonstrate that this structure imposes important constraints on models of postural control. Linear stochastic models of various orders were fit to the center-of-mass trajectories of subjects during quiet stance in four sensory conditions: (i) light touch and vision, (ii) light touch, (iii) vision, and (iv) neither touch nor vision. For each subject and condition, the model of appropriate order was determined, and this model was characterized by the eigenvalues and coefficients of its autocovariance function. In most cases, postural-sway trajectories were similar to those produced by a third-order model with eigenvalues corresponding to a slow first-order decay plus a faster-decaying damped oscillation. The slow-decay fraction, which we define as the slow-decay autocovariance coefficient divided by the total variance, was usually near 1. We compare the stochastic structure of our data to two linear control-theory models: (i) a proportional–integral–derivative control model in which the postural system's state is assumed to be known, and (ii) an optimal-control model in which the system's state is estimated based on noisy multisensory information using a Kalman filter. Under certain assumptions, both models have eigenvalues consistent with our results. However, the slow-decay fraction predicted by both models is less than we observe. We show that our results are more consistent with a modification of the optimal-control model in which noise is added to the computations performed by the state estimator. This modified model has a slow-decay fraction near 1 in a parameter regime in which sensory information related to the body's velocity is more accurate than sensory information related to position and acceleration. These findings suggest that: (i) computation noise is responsible for much of the variance observed in postural sway, and (ii) the postural control system under the conditions tested resides in the regime of accurate velocity information. Received: 20 March 2001 / Accepted: 17 April 2002 Acknowledgements. We thank Tjeerd Dijkstra for bringing the slow-decay component of postural sway to our attention. Funding for this research was provided by National Institutes of Health grant R29 N35070–01A2, John J. Jeka, PI. Correspondence to: T. Kiemel (Tel.: +1-301-4056176, Fax: +1-301-3149358 e-mail: kiemel@glue.umd.edu)  相似文献   

Sensorimotor synchronization (SMS), the temporal coordination of a rhythmic movement with an external rhythm, has been studied most often in tasks that require tapping along with a metronome. Models of SMS use information about the timing of preceding stimuli and responses to predict when the next response will be made. This article compares the theoretical structure and empirical predictions of four two-parameter models proposed in the literature: Michon (Timing in temporal tracking, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1967), Hary and Moore (Br J Math Stat Psychol 40:109–124, 1987b), Mates (Biol Cybern 70:463–473, 1994a; Biol Cybern 70:475–484, 1994b), and Schulze et al. (Mus Percept 22:461–467, 2005). By embedding these models within a general linear framework, the mathematical equivalence of the Michon, Hary and Moore, and Schulze et al. models is demonstrated. The Mates model, which differs from the other three, is then tested empirically with new data from a tapping experiment in which the metronome alternated between two tempi. The Mates model predictions are found to be invalid for about one-third of the trials, suggesting that at least one of the model’s underlying assumptions is incorrect. The other models cannot be refuted as easily, but they do not predict some features of the data very accurately. Comparison of the models’ predictions in a training/test procedure did not yield any significant differences. The general linear framework introduced here may help in the formulation of new models that make better predictions.  相似文献   

A continuous-time, discrete-state stochastic model of testosterone secretion in men is considered. Blood levels of testosterone in men fluctuate periodically with a period of 2–3 h. The deterministic model, on which the stochastic model considered here is based, is well studied and has been shown to have a globally stable fixed point. Thus, no sustained oscillations are possible in the deterministic case. However, the stochastic model does observe periodic, pulsatile behavior. This demonstrates how oscillations can occur due to a switching behavior dependent on the random degradation of testosterone molecules in the system. The Gillespie algorithm is used to simulate the hormone secretion model. Important parameters of the model are discussed and results from the model are compared to experimental observations.  相似文献   

Small conductance (SK) calcium-activated potassium channels are found in many tissues throughout the body and open in response to elevations in intracellular calcium. In hippocampal neurons, SK channels are spatially co-localized with L-Type calcium channels. Due to the restriction of calcium transients into microdomains, only a limited number of L-Type Ca2+ channels can activate SK and, thus, stochastic gating becomes relevant. Using a stochastic model with calcium microdomains, we predict that intracellular Ca2+ fluctuations resulting from Ca2+ channel gating can increase SK2 subthreshold activity by 1–2 orders of magnitude. This effectively reduces the value of the Hill coefficient. To explain the underlying mechanism, we show how short, high-amplitude calcium pulses associated with stochastic gating of calcium channels are much more effective at activating SK2 channels than the steady calcium signal produced by a deterministic simulation. This stochastic amplification results from two factors: first, a supralinear rise in the SK2 channel’s steady-state activation curve at low calcium levels and, second, a momentary reduction in the channel’s time constant during the calcium pulse, causing the channel to approach its steady-state activation value much faster than it decays. Stochastic amplification can potentially explain subthreshold SK2 activation in unified models of both sub- and suprathreshold regimes. Furthermore, we expect it to be a general phenomenon relevant to many proteins that are activated nonlinearly by stochastic ligand release.  相似文献   

Insulin-secreting β-cells, located within the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, are excitable cells that produce regular bursts of action potentials when stimulated by glucose. This system has been the focus of mathematical investigation for two decades, spawning an array of mathematical models. Recently, a new class of models has been introduced called ‘phantom bursters’ [Bertram et al. (2000) Biophys. J. 79, 2880–2892], which accounts for the wide range of burst frequencies exhibited by islets via the interaction of more than one slow process. Here, we describe one implementation of the phantom bursting mechanism in which intracellular Ca2+ controls the oscillations through both direct and indirect negative feedback pathways. We show how the model dynamics can be understood through an extension of the fast/slow analysis that is typically employed for bursting oscillations. From this perspective, the model makes use of multiple degrees of freedom to generate the full range of bursting oscillations exhibited by β-cells. The model also accounts for a wide range of experimental phenomena, including the ubiquitous triphasic response to the step elevation of glucose and responses to perturbations of internal Ca2+ stores. Although it is not presently a complete model of all β-cell properties, it demonstrates the design principles that we anticipate will underlie future progress in β-cell modeling.  相似文献   

We explore the behavior of richly connected inhibitory neural networks under parameter changes that correspond to weakening of synaptic efficacies between network units, and show that transitions from irregular to periodic dynamics are common in such systems. The weakening of these connections leads to a reduction in the number of units that effectively drive the dynamics and thus to simpler behavior. We hypothesize that the multiple interconnecting loops of the brain’s motor circuitry, which involve many inhibitory connections, exhibit such transitions. Normal physiological tremor is irregular while other forms of tremor show more regular oscillations. Tremor in Parkinson’s disease, for example, stems from weakened synaptic efficacies of dopaminergic neurons in the nigro-striatal pathway, as in our general model. The multiplicity of structures involved in the production of symptoms in Parkinson’s disease and the reversibility of symptoms by pharmacological and surgical manipulation of connection parameters suggest that such a neural network model is appropriate. Furthermore, fixed points that can occur in the network models are suggestive of akinesia in Parkinson’s disease. This model is consistent with the view that normal physiological systems can be regulated by robust and richly connected feedback networks with complex dynamics, and that loss of complexity in the feedback structure due to disease leads to more orderly behavior.  相似文献   

Both community ecology and conservation biology seek further understanding of factors governing the advance of an invasive species. We model biological invasion as an individual-based, stochastic process on a two-dimensional landscape. An ecologically superior invader and a resident species compete for space preemptively. Our general model includes the basic contact process and a variant of the Eden model as special cases. We employ the concept of a “roughened” front to quantify effects of discreteness and stochasticity on invasion; we emphasize the probability distribution of the front-runner’s relative position. That is, we analyze the location of the most advanced invader as the extreme deviation about the front’s mean position. We find that a class of models with different assumptions about neighborhood interactions exhibits universal characteristics. That is, key features of the invasion dynamics span a class of models, independently of locally detailed demographic rules. Our results integrate theories of invasive spatial growth and generate novel hypotheses linking habitat or landscape size (length of the invading front) to invasion velocity, and to the relative position of the most advanced invader.  相似文献   

Density-independent and density-dependent, stochastic and deterministic, discrete-time, structured models are formulated, analysed and numerically simulated. A special case of the deterministic, density-independent, structured model is the well-known Leslie age-structured model. The stochastic, density-independent model is a multitype branching process. A review of linear, density-independent models is given first, then nonlinear, density-dependent models are discussed. In the linear, density-independent structured models, transitions between states are independent of time and state. Population extinction is determined by the dominant eigenvalue λ of the transition matrix. If λ ≤ 1, then extinction occurs with probability one in the stochastic and deterministic models. However, if λ > 1, then the deterministic model has exponential growth, but in the stochastic model there is a positive probability of extinction which depends on the fixed point of the system of probability generating functions. The linear, density-independent, stochastic model is generalized to a nonlinear, density-dependent one. The dependence on state is in terms of a weighted total population size. It is shown for small initial population sizes that the density-dependent, stochastic model can be approximated by the density-independent, stochastic model and thus, the extinction behavior exhibited by the linear model occurs in the nonlinear model. In the deterministic models there is a unique stable equilibrium. Given the population does not go extinct, it is shown that the stochastic model has a quasi-stationary distribution with mean close to the stable equilibrium, provided the population size is sufficiently large. For small values of the population size, complete extinction can be observed in the simulations. However, the persistence time increases rapidly with the population size. This author received partial support by the National Science Foundation grant # DMS-9626417.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the qualitative dynamics of host-macroparasite systems is mainly based on deterministic models. We study here an individual-based stochastic model that incorporates the same assumptions as the classical deterministic model. Stochastic simulations, using parameter values based on some case studies, preserve many features of the deterministic model, like the average value of the variables and the approximate length of the cycles.An important difference is that, even when deterministic models yield damped oscillations, stochastic simulations yield apparently sustained oscillations. The amplitude of such oscillations may be so large to threaten parasites' persistence.With density-dependence in parasite demographic traits, persistence increases somewhat. Allowing instead for infections from an external parasite reservoir, we found that host extinction may easily occur. However, the extinction probability is almost independent of the level of external infection over a wide intermediate parameter region.  相似文献   

Model averaging is gaining popularity among ecologists for making inference and predictions. Methods for combining models include Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) model averaging. BMA can be implemented with different prior model weights, including the Kullback–Leibler prior associated with AIC model averaging, but it is unclear how the prior model weight affects model results in a predictive context. Here, we implemented BMA using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) approximation to Bayes factors for building predictive models of bird abundance and occurrence in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. We examined how model predictive ability differed across four prior model weights, and how averaged coefficient estimates, standard errors and coefficients’ posterior probabilities varied for 16 bird species. We also compared the predictive ability of BMA models to a best single-model approach. Overall, Occam’s prior of parsimony provided the best predictive models. In general, the Kullback–Leibler prior, however, favored complex models of lower predictive ability. BMA performed better than a best single-model approach independently of the prior model weight for 6 out of 16 species. For 6 other species, the choice of the prior model weight affected whether BMA was better than the best single-model approach. Our results demonstrate that parsimonious priors may be favorable over priors that favor complexity for making predictions. The approach we present has direct applications in ecology for better predicting patterns of species’ abundance and occurrence.  相似文献   

Hubbell’s neutral theory claims that ecological patterns such as species abundance distributions can be explained by a stochastic model based on simple assumptions. One of these assumptions, the point mutation assumption, states that every individual has the same probability to speciate. Etienne et al. have argued that other assumptions on the speciation process could be more realistic, for example, that every species has the same probability to speciate (Etienne, et al. in Oikos 116:241–258, 2007). They introduced a number of neutral community models with a different speciation process, and conjectured formulas for their stationary species abundance distribution. Here we study a generalised neutral community model, encompassing these modified models, and derive its stationary distribution, thus proving the conjectured formulas.  相似文献   

The process of genetical feedback-repression analogous to the Jacob-Monod system has been simulated by digital computer modelling, allowing inclusion of stochastic variation of the components. In the absence of stochastic variability, the model shows a damped oscillation over a wide range of specifications. Inclusion of stochastic variation results in the model maintaining oscillations which, if summed over several independent genetical feedback-repression loops, results in a regular oscillation.  相似文献   

Comparison of self-thinning models: an exercise in reasoning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Self-thinning of forest stands is one of the clearest and best-documented examples of natural selection. Besides their theoretical interest, understanding of self-thinning is important for forest practice because it produces estimates of stand density and stocking. There is a considerable diversity of views on the processes causing self-thinning, predicting variables, and analytical form of models. The most popular model was proposed by Reineke (J Agric Res 46(7):627–638, 1933) over 70 years ago. This study compares existing models of self-thinning and provides evidence that the virtually unknown model developed by Artur Nilson describes self-thinning more realistically than Reineke’s. While in the Reineke model the rate of mortality (the slope of self-thinning line) is assumed to be constant, it changes from 0 to −2 in Nilson’s model. As a result, Nilson’s model is slightly but consistently more accurate than Reineke’s. Although both models are empirical, their analysis suggests several general conclusions about self-thinning.  相似文献   

Nonlinear oscillatory systems, playing a major role in biology, do not exhibit harmonic oscillations. Therefore, one might assume that the average value of any of their oscillating variables is unequal to the steady-state value. For a number of mathematical models of calcium oscillations (e.g. the Somogyi–Stucki model and several models developed by Goldbeter and co-workers), the average value of the cytosolic calcium concentration (not, however, of the concentration in the intracellular store) does equal its value at the corresponding unstable steady state at the same parameter values. The average value for parameter values in the unstable region is even equal to the level at the stable steady state for other parameter values, which allow stability. This holds for all parameters except those involved in the net flux across the cell membrane. We compare these properties with a similar property of the Higgins–Selkov model of glycolytic oscillations and two-dimensional Lotka–Volterra equations. Here, we show that this equality property is critically dependent on the following conditions: There must exist a net flux across the model boundaries that is linearly dependent on the concentration variable for which the equality property holds plus an additive constant, while being independent of all others. A number of models satisfy these conditions or can be transformed such that they do so. We discuss our results in view of the question which advantages oscillations may have in biology. For example, the implications of the findings for the decoding of calcium oscillations are outlined. Moreover, we elucidate interrelations with metabolic control analysis. This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Reinhart Heinrich, who was the academic teacher of S.S. and, to a great extent, also of M.M.  相似文献   

 Multistability in vision is an intriguing phenomenon that is currently not well understood. In this paper, we present a new, stochastic model for multistable visual perception. It is based on results of time series analysis of experimental data, yielding evidence for it being a linear, stochastic process. This is the outcome of testing for unstable periodic orbits and comparing the correlation dimension of the data to that of white noise. In the model, all degrees of freedom but one can be determined by general knowledge, thus resulting in a high degree of parsimony. The remaining parameter is used to model the individual characteristics that vary between subjects. Fitting simulations to the experimental data proves the parameter to be in a physiologically highly plausible range. Received: 12 September 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 17 May 2001  相似文献   

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