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Zhang M  Lu KH  Seidel GE 《Theriogenology》2003,60(9):1657-1663
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of staining bovine sperm, with or without flow cytometry, on in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes and blastocyst development. Bovine oocytes (n=4273) were fertilized with frozen–thawed sperm from three bulls that was: stained with Hoechst 33342 and sorted (into X- or Y-chromosome-bearing sperm) with flow cytometry; stained but not sorted; and not stained or sorted (Control). Oocytes, aspirated from slaughterhouse ovaries, were matured in TCM199 (supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 15 ng FSH, 1.0 μg LH, 1.0 μg E2/ml) for 22–24 h at 39 °C in 5% CO2 in air with maximum humidity. Presumptive zygotes were removed from culture and placed in chemically defined medium (CDM-1) 6–7 h after insemination and cultured for 65–66 h. Embryos that had cleaved by 72 h post-insemination were cultured an additional 96 h in CDM-2 containing 0.12 IU insulin/ml. Cleavage and blastocyst rates per oocyte inseminated were recorded on Day 3 and Days 7–8 after insemination, respectively. There was no significant difference in blastocyst rate among the three types of sperm; however, cleavage rates with stained and sorted sperm (53.1%) and unsorted, stained sperm (59.9%) were lower (P<0.05) than Control sperm (69.7%). Furthermore, there were significant differences due to semen from different bulls in cleavage and blastocyst rates.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted to increase fertility with AI of flow-sorted, sexed bovine sperm. In the first trial, a novel competitive fertilization approach was used to compare pressures (30 psi vs 50 psi) for sorting sperm. Both X- and Y-sperm were sorted to approximately 95% purity at 30 and at 50 psi; X-50 + Y-30 (and the converse) were mixed in equal numbers for AI of heifers. Fetal sex divulged which treatment produced the pregnancy; 82% of pregnancies resulted from the 30 psi treatment (P < 0.05). Based on a similar approach, a new-pulsed laser did not damage sperm any more than the previous standard continuous wave laser. In a large field trial, sorting sperm at 40 psi increased pregnancy rates in heifers relative to 50 psi (42.3% vs 34.1%, n = 367/group, P < 0.05). Storing sperm for 20 h before sorting at 40 psi decreased pregnancy rates from 42.3% (n = 367) to 36.8% (n = 368; P < 0.05). Breeding heifers with sexed sperm 55-56 h after CIDR removal and PGF resulted in 34% (n = 32) pregnant, compared to 49% (n = 35) with fixed-time insemination 67-68 h after CIDR removal (P > 0.1). Lactating dairy cows pre-screened for normal reproductive tracts when OvSynch injections (GnRH, prostaglandin, GnRH) were initiated, had similar (P > 0.1) pregnancy rates to timed AI, with 10 × 106 sexed sperm (43.9%, n = 57), 2 × 106 sexed sperm (40.5%, n = 57) and 10 × 106 unsexed control sperm (55.6%, n = 58). A final field trial with unselected, lactating dairy cows resulted in similar pregnancy rates for 2 × 106 sexed sperm in 0.25 mL straws (25.0%, n = 708) and 0.5 mL straws (24.4%, n = 776), but lower (P < 0.05) than unsexed control sperm (37.7%, n = 713). Younger cows and those >84 days in milk had the highest pregnancy rates for both sexed and unsexed sperm. These studies improved sperm sexing procedures, and provided insight into appropriate commercial use of sexed sperm.  相似文献   

本研究采用传统的细胞遗传学方法,研究了由流式细胞仪分离的、染色未分离的及作为对照用的未染色未分离的分别来自于3头公牛的精子IVF(in vitro fertilization, IVF)后产生的6~8 d囊胚的染色体异常情况,以确定流式细胞仪分离精子的过程及染色对胚胎染色体异常的影响。结果显示,分离精子、染色未分离精子和未染色未分离精子的胚胎中,染色体组成为异常,即嵌合体的胚胎分别占40.7%(59/145)、35.8%(38/106)和37.0%(37/100),三者染色体异常的比例无显著差异。胚胎染色体异常的频率在不同公牛之间存在差异(33.0% 比 44.6%)(p<0.05)。本研究的结果证明,染料和分离过程没有影响精子的DNA进而影响胚胎的染色体组成;胚胎染色体异常的频率在不同公牛之间存在差异。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, procedures for sexing mammalian sperm by flow cytometry/cell sorting have been refined sufficiently for large-scale commercial application in cattle; millions of doses of sexed sperm are sold each year for artificial insemination. Furthermore, more than a hundred babies are born annually from use of sexed human sperm via artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, and to a lesser extent by injection of single sperm into oocytes. Semen sexing technology is also being applied for various objectives in a number of other species. Accuracy of sexing is around 90% in most species. However, this technology is still rather expensive, and fertility of sexed sperm is lower than unsexed controls in most instances. Speakers in this symposium, “Update on sexing mammalian sperm,” held in San Diego, California on 3 January 2009, presented the latest research on sexing sperm, including documentation of success rates. The written versions were peer-reviewed and follow in this issue of Theriogenology.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric sorting of non-human primate sperm nuclei   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Pre-determination of the sex of offspring has implications for management and conservation of captive wildlife species, particularly those with single sex-dominated social structures. Our goal is to adapt flow cytometry technology to sort spermatozoa of non-human primate species for use with assisted reproductive technologies. The objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the difference in DNA content between X- and Y-bearing spermatozoa (ii) sort sperm nuclei into X- and Y-enriched samples; and (iii) assess the accuracy of sorting. Spermatozoa were collected from two common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), seven hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) and two common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Human spermatozoa from one male were used as a control. Sperm nuclei were stained (Hoechst 33342), incubated and analyzed using a high-speed cell sorter. Flow cytometric reanalysis of sorted samples (sort reanalysis, 10,000 events/sample) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH; 500 sperm nuclei/sample) were used to evaluate accuracy of sorting. Based on fluorescence intensity of X- and Y-bearing sperm nuclei, the difference in DNA content between X and Y populations was 4.09 +/- 0.03, 4.20 +/- 0.03, 3.30 +/- 0.01, and 2.97 +/- 0.05%, for marmoset, baboon, chimpanzee and human, respectively. Sort reanalysis and FISH results were similar; combined data revealed high levels of purity for X- and Y-enriched samples (94 +/- 0.9 and 93 +/- 0.8%, 94 +/- 0.7 and 94 +/- 0.5%, 91 +/- 0.9 and 97 +/- 0.6%, 94 +/- 0.6 and 94 +/- 0.9%, for marmoset, baboon, chimpanzee and human, respectively). These data indicate the potential for high-purity sorting of spermatozoa from non-human primates.  相似文献   

To improve the efficiency of porcine sperm sex sorting using flow cytometry, the aims of the present study were to determine the relevance of inter- and intraboar variability in sperm sortability and to evaluate the significance of ejaculate semen characteristics in such variability. In addition, the variability among boars in the ability of sex-sorted spermatozoa to survive liquid storage at 15 °C to 17 °C was also evaluated. In total, 132 ejaculates collected from 67 boars of different breeds that were housed at an artificial insemination center were used in three experiments. X- and Y-chromosome–bearing sperm were simultaneously separated according to the Beltsville sperm-sorting technology using a high-speed flow cytometer. In the first experiment, interboar variability in the ability of the ejaculated spermatozoa to undergo the flow-based sex-sorting procedure was observed; the ejaculates of nearly 15% of the boars (n = 67) did not exhibit well-defined X- and Y-chromosome–bearing spermatozoa peaks in the histogram, and the ejaculate sperm concentration demonstrated good predictive value for explaining this variation, as indicated by the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (0.88, P < 0.001). In the second experiment, a certain degree of intraboar variability was observed only in the boars that showed poor sperm sortability (measured according to the presence or not a well-defined split together with sperm sortability parameters) in the first ejaculate (n = 3). In contrast, boars classified as having good sperm sortability in the first ejaculate (n = 5) maintained this condition in five ejaculates collected over the subsequent 5 months. In the third experiment, sex-sorted spermatozoa from boars with good sperm sortability (n = 5) remained viable and motile (above 70% in all boars) after 48 hours of storage at 15 °C to 17 °C, which may facilitate the commercial application of sex-sorted spermatozoa in swine artificial insemination programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of semen quality evaluation is to predict the fertility potential of the sample in an objective, rapid and inexpensive manner. However, utilization of sperm quality biomarkers such as ubiquitin and lectin Arachis hypogaea agglutinin (PNA) for flow cytometric semen evaluation might eliminate the need for visual assessment by microscopy. Herein, we demonstrate a robust ubiquitin and PNA-based semen evaluation conducted on a simple, easy to operate, dedicated sperm flow cytometer, EasyCyte Plus (IMV Technologies, L'Aigle, France). Semen samples were collected periodically from two dairy bulls, which were subjected to temporary scrotal insults to induce variable semen quality. Samples were labeled with fluorescently-conjugated anti-ubiquitin antibodies (bind exclusively to the surface of defective sperm) and lectin PNA (binds to acrosomal surface in prematurely capacitated and acrosome-damaged sperm). Fluorescent properties of the samples were measured with a conventional flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson FACScan; Becton Dickinson Corp., Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) and by the EasyCyte (IMV Technologies) instrument. Data from the two flow cytometers were positively correlated for the percentage of PNA-positive sperm with a damaged acrosome (r = 0.47; P < 0.001) and the percentage of ubiquitin-positive, defective sperm (r = 0.68; P < 0.001). Relative intensities of ubiquitin-induced fluorescence in cells with high ubiquitin levels were also positively correlated (r = 0.90). The proportion of sperm with abnormal morphology was positively correlated with ubiquitin-induced fluorescence measured by EasyCyte (IMV Technologies) (r = 0.63; P < 0.001). These observations provided a rationale for the adaptation of a dual ubiquitin-PNA sperm quality assay for flow cytometric semen evaluation.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate cytometrically the percentage of apoptotic and necrotic spermatozoa in fresh semen of silver foxes in the breeding season. In males F3 and F4 with high percentages of early apoptotic (A+Pi−), late apoptotic (A+Pi+) and necrotic (A−Pi+) spermatozoa as well as 56–65% of living spermatozoa (A−Pi−) with progressive motility, the semen was characterised by reduced fertility. In males F1 and F2 with spermatozoa showing the motility and viability of 89–90% and high percentages of living cells that do not bind Annexin V and propidium iodide, the semen was assessed as valuable and useful for artificial insemination. Amongst 16 females of group I and II inseminated with semen from F1 and F2 males, 15 (93.75%) had multi-cub litters – on average 6.1 and 4.8, respectively. In contrast, amongst 16 females of group III and IV inseminated with semen from F3 and F4 males, only 10 (62.5%) had litters with few cubs (on average 2.6 in group III and 2.1 in group IV). Our findings explicitly indicate that semen of farm male foxes should be evaluated before the breeding season, as one of the causes of reproduction failures is likely to be a high percentage of apoptotic and necrotic spermatozoa. Thanks to flow cytometry, fresh ejaculates can be speedily evaluated and their usefulness for artificial insemination determined.  相似文献   

Summary The development of liver ploidy in mice aged up to 24 months was investigated by flow cytometry in four mouse strains. A mathematical procedure was applied for correction of flow cytometry histograms. In two of the mouse strains, C3H and DBA, both cellular and nuclear ploidy proceed in the same way. The octoploid cell with two tetraploid nuclei is the most numerous cell type in adulthood. On the other hand, strain NZB and the out-bred strain NMRI show at the corresponding age a higher proportion of diploid cells with strikingly low proportions of 4c cells. In addition, high values of 16c cells and nuclei are present in NMRI. In all strains the proportion of binucleate hepatocytes is in the same range (60%). However, the strains differ in ploidy classes of binucleate cells. Development of liver polyploidization does not depend on life span of the specific strain.  相似文献   

Conditions have been established for the rapid flow analysis of leaf protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi using a flow cytometer-cell sorter. A procedure based upon chlorophyll autofluorescence was devised to permit the systematic evaluation of flow conditions in order to identify those under which protoplast damage was minimized. These conditions were employed for the flow sorting of protoplasts, following which it was possible to regenerate the sorted protoplasts into complete plants. The application of flow sorting is discussed for the rapid identification and selection of somatic hybrids produced by protoplast fusion.  相似文献   

By virtue of their ability to block depolarization of nerve cells, the saxitoxins exert the toxic effects associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning and allow for their detection through various methodologies. When veratridine-induced depolarization is followed using voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes, the presence of these toxic blocking agents can be observed as a decrease in fluorescence of dye-treated nerve cells. Detection using flow cytometry provides for selection of the most responsive population of cultured mouse neuroblastoma (Neuro 2a) cells thereby enhancing assay sensitivity and this approach can be accomplished in real time. The method is demonstrated in preliminary studies using saxitoxin and crude shellfish extracts.  相似文献   

Labile (i.e., free or loosely bound) zinc has the potential to modulate cellular function. Therefore, a flow cytometric assay for the measurement of labile zinc was developed to facilitate the investigation of the physiological roles of zinc. The zinc-sensitive fluorescent probe FluoZin-3 was used to quantify the amount of labile zinc in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from human blood. Maximal fluorescence and autofluorescence of the probe were measured after the addition of zinc in the presence of the ionophore pyrithione, or the membrane-permeant chelator N,N,N',N'-tetrakis-(2-pyridyl-methyl)ethylenediamine, respectively. In this way, the intracellular concentrations of labile zinc in resting cells were estimated to be 0.17 nM in monocytes and 0.35 nM in lymphocytes. The method was successfully employed to monitor phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced zinc release, which occurred in monocytes but not lymphocytes, and the displacement of protein-bound zinc by the mercury-containing compounds HgCl(2) and thimerosal. Costaining with dyes that emit at higher wavelengths than FluoZin-3 allows multiparameter measurements. Two combinations with other dyes are shown: loading with propidium iodide to measure cellular viability and labeling with antibodies against the surface antigen CD4. This method allows measurement of the concentration of biologically active labile zinc in distinct cell populations.  相似文献   

Appropriate detachment treatments are required to analyze prokaryotes associated with streambed sediments by flow cytometry. Using our previously optimized protocol, two groups of cells exhibiting different nucleic acid contents were easily detectable. However, the Nucleic Acid Double Staining assay proved that detachment procedures negatively affect the cell membrane integrity.  相似文献   

In this study we have used acridine orange staining, as described by Evenson (1990), to follow changes in DNA packaging as they occur in hamster spermatozoa which have left the testis and are undergoing maturation in the epididymis. Measurement of the green and red fluorescent intensities of hamster sperm nuclei by flow cytometry demonstrated a decrease in acridine orange binding to DNA as sperm made their way from proximal corpus epididymis to the vas deferens. Using sperm from the cauda epididymis of the mature hamster as the standard, a method was developed for estimating the % of cells in a given sample that have matured with regard to DNA packaging. Staining with bromobimane was used to determine the extent of sulfhydryl oxidation in the nuclei. It was seen that sulfhydryl oxidation occurred mainly in the cauda epididymis whereas another process in chromatin condensation occurred earlier, during sperm passage through the caput epididymis. This earlier process could be mimicked by incubating sperm nuclei with alkaline phosphatase, suggesting that it consists of removal of phosphate in protamine. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract Flow cytometry employing several vital stains was used to study the colonisation of sterile compost by Bacillus subtilis 168 (pAB224). The dyes used included rhodamine 123 (Rh123), carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA) and chemchrome B. The results demonstrated the ability of flow cytometry to detect and enumerate viable bacteria in filtered compost extracts. Flow cytometry was also used to detect and study the viability of an indigenous compost community. Although it was possible to detect a viable bacterial population, the numbers of viable bacteria estimated were significantly different to those estimated from cfu.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is now being used more frequently to determine sperm functional characteristics during semen assessment for artificial insemination. With this methodology, viable and potentially functional cells are detected as unstained events differentiated from non-sperm events through their light-scattering characteristics. However, it can be shown mathematically that identification of sperm on the basis of light scatter leads to significant overestimation of unstained viable cells and underestimation of responding cells in tests of sperm function (subpopulations expressing different fluorescence patterns). We have developed a simple and cost-efficient flow cytometric approach for identifying non-sperm particles that can be carried out in parallel with functional assessments. Our method is based on the sperm's osmotic intolerance. Diluted in water, lethal osmotic shock causes major damage to the cell membranes, and all sperm will stain with propidium iodide (PI). Particulate material which is not PI-positive can then be quantitatively evaluated by FACS analysis and the results substituted in mathematical equations to provide true values for sperm counts and subpopulations. In practical tests, the percentage of non-sperm particles determined by this technique was closely comparable to the figure obtained either by SYBR14®/PI staining or by PI/CFDA staining. As well as being valuable with respect to tests of sperm function, the procedure is also suitable for obtaining accurate sperm counts during routine semen evaluation.  相似文献   

Advances in flow cytometry for sperm sexing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review presents the key technological developments that have been implemented in the 20 years since the first reports of successful measurement, sorting, insemination and live births using flow cytometry as a proven physical sperm separation technique. Since the first reports of sexed sperm, flow technology efforts have been largely focused on improving sample throughput by increasing the rate at which sperm are introduced to the sorter, and on improving measurement resolution, which has increased the proportion of cells that can be reliably measured and sorted. Today, routine high-purity sorting of X- or Y-chromosome-bearing sperm can be achieved at rates up to 8000 s−1 for an input rate of 40,000 X- and Y- sperm s−1. With current protocols, straws of sex-sorted sperm intended for use in artificial insemination contain approximately 2 × 106 sperm. The sort rate of 8000 sperm s−1 mentioned above corresponds to a production capacity of approximately 14 straws of each sex per hour per instrument.  相似文献   

新鲜肺癌组织的DNA 含量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:研究新鲜肺癌组织的DNA含量。方法:采用流式细胞术对30例新鲜肺癌组织和5例正常对照组组织制成的单细胞悬液进行了DNA含量分析。结果:肺癌组G0/G1、S、G2/M各时相比率和细胞增殖指数以及DNA指数与对照组存在显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:肺病变组织细胞DNA的流式细胞术分析是判定肺部肿瘤恶性化的敏感指标。  相似文献   

We have previously prepared an anti-mouse sperm monoclonal antibody (A-1) which inhibited sperm penetration into the egg zona pellucida. By indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), the A-1 antibody was shown to recognize an antigen localized in the acrosomal area of sperm. This antibody bound negligibly to fresh sperm, while binding to methanol-fixed sperm was almost complete. After methanol fixation, no sperm that penetrated into the zona were immunoreactive for this antibody. In the present study we examined the localization and fate of A-1 antigen during the acrosome reaction by IIF and flow cytometry (FCM). Cauda epididymal sperm were treated with either calcium ionophore A23187 or zona solution, immunostained indirectly, and subjected to FCM. Treatment with A23187 reduced the percentage of immunoreactive sperm to 59% from the 80% obtained in the untreated sperm. The treatment also reduced the average fluorescence intensity per fluorescence-positive spermatocyte to 65 channels, while this intensity was 89 channels in the untreated sperm. A similar result was obtained from treatment with zona solution. The proportion of sperm that was immunoreactive with A-1 antibody was reduced to 55% by incubation in zona-containing media from the 80% obtained in zona-free media. On the other hand, neither A23187 nor the zona solution affected the immunoreactivity or the fluorescence intensity of caput epididymal sperm, while the A-1 antigen was present in both the immature sperm from the caput epididymis of adult mice and in the mature sperm from the cauda epididymis of the same mice. These findings suggest that the intramembrane antigen recognized by the A-1 monoclonal antibody is released from sperm as a result of the acrosome reaction. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Increasing seminal plasma concentrations in extended stallion semen were utilized to model decreasing sperm motility over time. Level of agreement was determined between flow cytometric measurement of sperm membrane integrity, using a combination of SYBR-14 and propidium iodide, and computer-assisted analysis of sperm motility. Values for total sperm motility (TMOT;%) and membrane integrity (SMI;%) were similar (∼80%) at Time 0 within all sperm treatments. However, TMOT was lower than SMI after 24 and 48 h of storage in treatments with >20% seminal plasma. At Time 0, agreement (bias and absolute difference) between TMOT and SMI was high (-0.7 and 5.6%, respectively), but decreased after 24 (10.8 and 15.1%, respectively) and 48 h (23.0 and 23.8%, respectively) of cooled storage as motility declined more rapidly than SMI. We concluded that TMOT and SMI measured separate aspects of sperm quality.  相似文献   

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