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The association between use of hormone treatments to induce estrus and ovulation and the incidence of hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles (HAFs) was studied in a mixed population of mares (Equus caballus) during two breeding seasons in a commercial breeding clinic. Mares treated with cloprostenol (CLO) were more likely to develop HAFs than were mares with spontaneous cycles (P < 0.001) or those treated with human chorionic gonadotropin alone (P = 0.08). There was no significant effect of season on the incidence of HAFs. The mean (±SEM) interval from CLO treatment to beginning of HAF development was 6.1 ± 0.5 d. Age of mares with HAF cycles was not different (12 ± 1.3 yr; P > 0.05) from that of mares with ovulatory cycles (10.5 ± 1.5 yr).  相似文献   

The development of hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles (HAF) involves luteinization and hemorrhage of the follicle. This is observed on ultrasound as an increase in the echogenicity of the granulosa layer and formation of echoic particles in the antrum. The inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis with flunixin meglumine (FM) during the periovulatory period induces ovulatory failure with development of luteinized unruptured follicles (LUF). These two types of anovulatory follicles appear to share similar ultrasound features but they have not been compared critically. The following endpoints: follicle diameter, follicular contents score, interval from hCG administration to beginning of follicular hemorrhage, interval from hemorrhage to organization of follicular contents, and cycle length were studied and compared in mares with HAF (n = 11) and LUF (n = 13). The objective of this study was to elucidate whether these two unruptured follicles have a consistent clinical pattern of development and therefore can be considered as part of the same anovulatory syndrome. None of the endpoints analyzed differed significantly between HAF and LUF. However, there was a greater individual variation in HAF as compared with LUF in regards to interval from hCG to hemorrhage, follicular diameter at the administration of hCG, and beginning of hemorrhage. In conclusion, HAF share a similar cascade of ultrasound characteristics with the experimentally induced LUF. This finding may provide new insights in elucidating the pathogenesis of HAF.  相似文献   

The importance of elucidating factors affecting reproductive performance and efficiency is of paramount concern to the equine industry. Oocyte viability is known to be one of the determinants of reproductive success and evidence suggests that it may be linked to follicle size. The aims of this study were, therefore, to ascertain: i) the average diameter and range of pre-ovulatory follicles in Thoroughbred mares; ii) whether this is affected by either mare age, time within the breeding season, or the presence of multiple pre-ovulatory follicles (MO). One thousand, four hundred and ninety two Thoroughbred mares, aged 2-26 years, were examined with ultrasound to ascertain ovulation date to within 24h, and pre-ovulatory follicle(s) (F1) diameter. Mares were divided into groups according to age (7 groups, 2-4 yr, 5-7 yr, 8-10 yr, 11-13 yr, 14-16 yr, 17-19 yr, >19 yr), time within the season (16 half-month groups, from Feb 1st to Sept 30th), and pre-ovulatory follicles (single, {SO} or multiple {MO}). Overall average F1 diameter was 39.95 ± 4.84 mm (range 22-50 mm). Mare age had a significant (P < 0.001) negative effect on F1 diameter (largest F1 38.95 ± 5.61 mm, mares 2-4 yrs; smallest F1 33.30 ± 4.66 mm, mares >19 yrs) as did season (largest F1 44.20 ± 3.95 mm, Feb 1st-14th; smallest F1 33.74 ± 4.87 mm, Aug 15th-31st) and the presence of more than one pre-ovulatory follicle (MO F1 35.45 ± 4.53 mm; SO F1 37.44 ± 4.84 mm). In conclusion older mares, bred towards the end of the breeding season, especially if MO were present, were more likely to ovulate from smaller follicles. If, as suggested, small pre-ovulatory follicle size is associated with low oocyte viability, then this may account, at least in part, for the poor fertility rates characteristic of older MO mares, bred later in the season and so justify increased monitoring and careful reproductive management of such mares.  相似文献   

The continuous, subcutaneous infusion of native GnRH into seasonally anovulatory mares stimulates the synthesis and secretion of LH without pituitary refractoriness, offering opportunities to markedly accelerate the timing of ovulation within the operational breeding season. Herein, we tested the hypothesis that ovarian cycles induced in winter anovulatory mares using continuous administration of native GnRH for 28 days, beginning in either early February or early March (North America) would not revert to an anovulatory state after treatment withdrawal. Anovulatory mares received sham pumps (control) or native GnRH (100 μg/h) for 28 days beginning from February 2 or 3 (GnRH-Feb) or March 2 or 3 (GnRH-Mar). Mean concentrations of LH were five- to seven-fold greater during February in the GnRH-Feb group compared with control and GnRH-Mar groups through February and ending on March 2 or 3. However, concentrations of LH returned to the winter baseline within 3 to 11 days after pump removal and all GnRH-Feb mares failed to remain cyclic after treatment withdrawal. Correspondingly, during March, concentrations of LH in the GnRH-Mar group were greater (P < 0.001) than in the control and GnRH-Feb groups during the 28-day treatment period. Follicular growth and frequency of ovulation (6/10 GnRH-Feb; 9/10 GnRH-Mar, 1/11 controls, respectively) were greater (P < 0.01) in GnRH-treated mares. Ovulatory cycles continued in five of nine GnRH-Mar mares that ovulated, with interovulatory intervals of 15 to 24 days; whereas, three of nine mares had extended (33–42 days) interovulatory intervals and one of nine mares had a persistent CL after cessation of treatment. In summary, continuous administration of native GnRH for 28 days, beginning in early February or March, elevated circulating LH adequately to stimulate follicular growth and ovulation up to 60 days earlier than in untreated controls. However, if continuous, subcutaneous infusion of GnRH is selected as the only pharmacologic or managerial intervention, and mares are not pregnant, treatment must be continued at least until the end of March. This will improve the likelihood of a normal interovulatory interval after treatment withdrawal.  相似文献   

The endogenous hormonal response obtained after reproductive organs are challenged by exogenous hormones is increasingly being used to predict presence of functional reserves and to apply this information to improve efficiency of managed breeding programs. With that in mind, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a single treatment with hCG on folliculogenesis and fertility in standard 7-month-old mink females. The extent of stimulation following treatment was determined by examining patterns of vaginal smears. Characteristics of each cycle stage were: estrus, preponderance of cornified epithelial cells; proestrus, polygonal, elongate epithelial cells; anestrus, parabasal, intermediate and leucocyte cells. Smears exhibiting a mixed population of cells were categorized as being in transition between adjacent stages anestrus–proestrus or proestrus–estrus. The initial evaluations were done on Day 6 after hCG treatment. Histomorphometric examination of ovaries and uteri was done during seasonal anestrus (November) and in the breeding season (March). Vaginal cytology patterns were correlated with changes in folliculogenesis. A mean of 1.3 mature (Graafian) follicles were counted during estrus, while the mean number seen during anestrus, anestrus–proestrus and proestrus, were 0.4, 0.3 and 1.0, respectively. During the breeding season, in females that were not treated, the numbers of growing follicles decreased and maturing follicles increased, whereas females that came in estrus after treatment with hCG in November had increased numbers of both growing and maturing follicles. Fertility after breeding in hCG-treated females was increased by 9.2% (P<0.05) as compared to untreated females. Females showing the highest fertility rise (27%) were predominantly in the group that showed estrus after hCG treatment. We conclude that monitoring the response of the mink reproductive system to hCG stimulation in November may be a useful tool for identifying females of high fertility in the spring.  相似文献   

Ginther OJ 《Theriogenology》2012,77(5):818-828
The mare is a good comparative model for study of ovarian follicles in women, owing to striking similarities in follicular waves and the mechanism for selection of a dominant follicle. Commonality in follicle dynamics between mares and women include: (1) a ratio of 2.2:1 (mare:woman) in diameter of the largest follicle at wave emergence when the wave-stimulating FSH surge reaches maximum, in diameter increase of the two largest follicles between emergence and the beginning of deviation between the future dominant and subordinate follicles, in diameter of each of the two largest follicles at the beginning of deviation, and in maximum diameter of the preovulatory follicle; (2) emergence of the future ovulatory follicle before the largest subordinate follicle; (3) a mean interval of 1 day between emergence of individual follicles of the wave; (4) percentage increase in diameter of follicles for the 3 days before deviation; (5) deviation 3 or 4 days after emergence; (6) 25% incidence of a major anovulatory follicular wave emerging before the ovulatory wave; (7) 40% incidence of a predeviation follicle preceding the ovulatory wave; (8) small but significant increase in estradiol and LH before deviation; (9) cooperative roles of FSH and insulin-like growth factor 1 and its proteases in the deviation process; (10) age-related effects on the follicles and oocytes; (11) approximate 37-hour interval between administration of hCG and ovulation; and (12) similar gray-scale and color-Doppler ultrasound changes in the preovulatory follicle. In conclusion, the mare may be the premier nonprimate model for study of follicle dynamics in women.  相似文献   

We evaluated the Amerlite system (Amersham, Bucks, UK) for hCG and FT4. The within-run imprecision (CV%) for hCG was 4.05 at 19.6 U/I (n = 10), 6.28 at 43.45 U/I (n = 10) and 4.62 at 298.57 U/I (n = 10). The between-run imprecision (five replicates for ten days) was 4.8%, 15% and 11%, respectively. The system was linear up to 200 U/I. A good correlation between Amerlite hCG and an IRMA assay (Becton Dickinson, r = 0.91), Delfia (Pharmacia, r = 0.91) and an automated ELISA assay on ES 600 (Boehringer, r = 0.92) was observed on 70 samples. Within-run imprecision for FT4 was 3.8% at 0.7 ng/dl (n = 10), 3.3% at 1 ng/dl (n = 10) and 4.32% at 5.15 ng/dl (n = 10), and between-run was 5.95%, 4.4% and 8.2%, respectively. The comparison with a commercial direct RIA (Becton Dickinson) showed good correlation (r = 0.90, n = 100 samples). The diagnostic value of the association of thyrotropin and FT4, in comparison with the traditional thyroid tests (T3, T4, thyrotropin, FT4, FT3) has been assessed in various thyroid diseases.  相似文献   

Increased ewe prolificacy and lambing rates, under certain conditions of sheep husbandry, may be economical and desirable. This paper reports on the effects of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and phenobarbital (PB) on fertility and lambing rate in fat-tailed Ghezel sheep. One-hundred and five cyclic ewes (1.5 to 7.5 years of age) were randomly allotted to seven groups. Estrus was synchronized with two intramuscular injections of a prostaglandin F2 analogue (PGF2), eight days apart. Four groups were randomly assigned to the hCG and three groups to PB experiments. Twenty-four hours after the second injection of PGF2, the ewes in four groups were injected (i.m.), either with 1 ml normal saline (control) or with 125, 250 or 500 IU hCG. Prolificacy of the ewes which conceived at first estrus increased in ewes receiving 500 IU of hCG, as compared with control group (an increase of 0.5 lamb/ewe) but fertility and lambing rate decreased in hCG-treated groups (P<0.05). Nine days after the second injection of PGF2, ewes in the three remaining groups were orally fed empty gelatin capsules (control), 1.0 or 1.5 g of PB per day until the next estrus. Prolificacy and lambing rate increased (P<0.05) in ewes which received 1.0 g of PB (1.57 and 146.5%, respectively), as compared with the control groups (1.17 and 100.3%, respectively). It is concluded that daily feeding of 1.0 g of PB from day 7 of the estrous cycle until the next estrus period is an effective method of increasing lambing rate. hCG also increases the prolificacy, but it greatly decreases fertility and lambing rates. Since hCG is more convenient to administer on a flock basis, further experiments to improve its efficacy are warranted.  相似文献   

The mare is the only non-primate species known to display estrous signs after ovariectomy and adrenal hormones have been implicated as a possible cause. Moreover, in several species, estradiol seems to have a stimulatory effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of ACTH (tetracosactide) on pertinent hormones [cortisol, progesterone, androstenedione, testosterone (intact and ovariectomized mares) and estradiol (ovariectomized mares only)] in intact mares in estrus with the same mares after ovariectomy (n=5). Blood samples were collected hourly from 12:00 until 14:00 h the following day (half-hourly between 14:00 and 17:00 h) on two occasions, with saline or ACTH treatment at 14:00 h (saline treatment day or ACTH treatment day). The mares, both when intact and after ovariectomy, showed a significant increase in all measured hormones, except estradiol (not measured in intact mares), after ACTH treatment, lasting at least 3h post-treatment (P<0.001). On the saline treatment day, cortisol levels in ovariectomized mares were lower than in intact mares in the evening (18:00-23:00 h), but higher at night (24:00-05:00 h). No differences in cortisol response between mares, when intact and after ovariectomy, were found after ACTH treatment (P=0.3). Androstenedione levels were lower (P<0.001) and increased less after ACTH treatment in ovariectomized mares, as compared to when intact (P<0.05). Progesterone concentrations were lower in the ovariectomized mares at night (24:00-05:00 h) on the saline treatment day and at all times on the ACTH treatment day (P<0.05). Testosterone concentrations were lower in ovariectomized mares on both treatment days, as compared to when intact (P<0.001). It was concluded that ovariectomy affected basal cortisol pattern. Ovarian androstenedione and testosterone contributed to the basal circulating levels and, in the case of androstenedione, was stimulated by ACTH. Endogenous estradiol did not act stimulatory on adrenal gland hormone production in the mare.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread use of hCG to advance ovulation in the mare there is little information on efficacy of dose rates and any contraindications of its use. This study aims to investigate the effect of dose of hCG on ovulation within 48h and the effect of hCG on: ovulation, multiple ovulation (MO), pregnancy, multiple pregnancy (MP) rates and synchrony of MO; additionally whether any seasonal effect is evident. Sequential ultrasonic scanning was used to monitor the occurrence of ovulation, within 48h of treatment, in 1291 Thoroughbred mares treated with either 750iu hCG or 1500iu hCG s.c. Ovulation rate, type (single ovulations (SO), MO, synchronous, asynchronous) and subsequent pregnancy were then monitored in 1239 Thoroughbred mares on a commercial stud over 3 years, 536 of which were treated with 750iu hCG at mating, all mares were also allocated into groups according to month of mating. No significant difference existed between the two dose levels of hCG and no significant difference existed between treated and untreated mares in overall ovulations (1.32 and 1.28 respectively), MO (31.7% and 27.7%), pregnancy (65.1% and 65.6%) or MP rates (10.8% and 11.8%). There was no significant association between month of year and pregnancy or MP rates for either treated or control mares, nor for MO for untreated mares. A significant (p<0.05) association was evident between month and MO in treated mares, MO being lowest in April (22.3%). 95.9% of treated mares multiple ovulated within 48h compared with 90.7% controls, a near significant difference. In conclusion this study demonstrates that: (i) hCG dose of 750iu s.c. is just as effective in inducing ovulation within 48h as 1500iu, (ii) 750iu hCG has no significant effect on ovulation, MO, pregnancy or MP rates; (iii) a significant (p<0.05) association exists between season and MO in hCG treated mares; (iv) a tighter synchrony (ovulation within 48h) of MO is evident in hCG treated compared with control mares (p=0.052).  相似文献   

Ovariectomized mares and mares with inactive ovaries may show signs of estrus. The reason behind this phenomenon is not clear; however, steroid hormones of adrenal origin have been suggested. Moreover, aberrant adrenal hormone production has been implied as a reason why some intact mares may change behavior. In the present study, the effect of ACTH on plasma levels of cortisol, progesterone, androstenedione and testosterone was investigated in intact mares with normal estrous behavior ('controls', n=5) and intact mares that according to their owners showed deviant estrous behavior ('problem' mares, n=7). Blood samples were collected hourly from 12:00 h until 14:00 h the following day (half-hourly between 14:00 and 17:00 h) on two occasions (at two estruses), with saline or ACTH treatment (tetracosactide) at 14:00 h (saline treatment day or ACTH treatment day). ACTH treatment caused a significant increase in plasma levels of cortisol, progesterone, androstenedione and testosterone in all mares (P<0.05). An overall significant difference in cortisol response to ACTH was found (P<0.05), with 'problem' mares showing a significantly lower increase in cortisol levels 30 min to 3h post ACTH treatment (P<0.001). The 'problem' mares also showed a significantly higher increase than controls in progesterone levels in the same time period (P<0.05). The reason for the reduced adreno-cortical reactivity, with a low cortisol response to the ACTH treatment, in the 'problem' mares is unknown, but may indicate a difference in adrenal function as compared to control mares.  相似文献   

We observed a high-density herd (200 mares/ha) of 44 Arab breeding mares, while in a bare paddock in Tunisia. Twenty-minute animal focal samples and scan sampling were used to determine the time budget of the mares during the period from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and study their social behaviour. The data obtained reveal restricted behavioural repertoires with missing behaviour like rolling, allogrooming and lying down; unusual time budgets with a high frequency of locomotion that constitutes the most frequent activity (27.9 ± 19.47%) of the mares. Social interactions were restricted to agonistic interactions but despite the high stocking density, aggressions were not that frequent among mares.  相似文献   

In the elephant, two distinct LH surges occur 3 wk apart during the nonluteal phase of the estrous cycle, but only the second surge (ovLH) induces ovulation. The function of the first, anovulatory surge (anLH) is unknown, nor is it clear what regulates the timing of these two surges. To further study this observation in the Asian elephant, serum concentrations of LH, FSH, progesterone, inhibin, estradiol, and prolactin were quantified throughout the estrous cycle to establish temporal hormonal relationships. To examine long-term dynamics of hormone secretion, analyses were conducted in weekly blood samples collected from 3 Asian elephants for up to 3 yr. To determine whether differences existed in secretory patterns between the anLH and ovLH surges, daily blood samples were analyzed from 21 nonluteal-phase periods from 7 Asian elephants. During the nonluteal phase, serum LH was elevated for 1-2 days during anLH and ovLH surges with no differences in peak concentration between the two surges. The anLH surge occurred 19.9+/-1.2 days after the end of the luteal phase and was followed by the ovLH surge 20.8+/-0.5 days later. Serum FSH concentrations were highest at the beginning of the nonluteal phase and gradually declined to nadir concentrations within 4 days of the ovLH surge. FSH remained low until after the ovLH surge and then increased during the luteal phase. Serum inhibin concentrations were negatively correlated with FSH during the nonluteal phase (r = -0.53). Concentrations of estradiol and prolactin fluctuated throughout the estrous cycle with no discernible patterns evident. In sum, there were no clear differences in associated hormone secretory patterns between the anLH and ovLH surge. However, elevated FSH at the beginning of the nonluteal phase may be important for follicle recruitment, with the first anLH surge acting to complete the follicle selection process before ovulation.  相似文献   

Alder pollen seasons and the effect of meteorological conditions on daily average pollen counts in the air of Lublin (Poland) were analysed. Alnus pollen grains reach very high concentrations in the atmosphere of this city during the early spring period and the parameters of pollen seasons were very different in the particular years studied. The pollen season lasted on average one month. The highest variation was observed for the peak value and the Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI). The pollen seasons, which started later, had shorter duration. Peak daily average pollen counts and SPI value were higher during the shorter seasons. Similarities in the stages of pollen seasons designated by the percentage method depended on the start date of the pollen season. Season parameters were mainly correlated with thermal conditions at the beginning of the year. Regression analysis was used to predict certain characteristics of the alder pollen season. The highest level of explanation of the variation in Alnus pollen season start and peak dates was obtained in the model using mean temperature in February. The obtained regression models may predict 82% of the variation in the pollen season start date, 73% of the variation in the duration, and 62% in the peak date.  相似文献   

Selected physiological and biochemical variables were examined in rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, which were collected on five different sampling dates from an area of chronic mercury contamination and a reference site on the South River, Virginia.The onset of spawning represented the most significant seasonal influence in the physiological profile of the fish, with elevations in hematocrit, hemoglobin, plasma protein, and plasma glucose. Sex-related differences in plasma calcium, liver glycogen and liver ascorbic acid were also unique to the period. Female rock bass had significantly higher levels of liver glutathione than did males on all but one of the sampling dates, although the cause of this difference is not clear.Rock bass from the mercury contaminated site had an average muscle mercury concentration of 1.37 mg Hg g–1, and an average liver mercury concentration of 2.86 mg Hg g–1. These levels were approximately an order of magnitude greater than those found in the tissues of the reference fish which averaged 0.165 and 0.101 mg Hg g–1 in muscle and liver respectively. In July 1987, mercury concentrations in the liver of both reference and contaminated fish increased significantly, possibly the result of greater uptake of the metal through increased feeding or changes in the mercury level of selected prey items. Rock bass collected from the two sites in July also had significantly different levels of liver glutathione: reference fish exhibited an elevation and contaminated fish a depression. When fish from the two sampling stations received a 96-hr exposure to 150 µg HgCl2 in the laboratory, both groups exhibited elevated liver mercury and decreased liver glutathione. Mercury levels in the gall bladders of the exposed fish were also elevated, suggesting that glutathione may have been lost through excretion with the metal in the bile.On the whole, physiological differences between the two groups of rock bass were limited, indicating that exposure to the mercury is not having a significant impact on the rock bass from the contaminated area. This is further supported by field examination of the fish and comparison of condition indices from rock bass previously taken from the same two stations.Those factors which significantly altered the physiology of the rock bass were unique to certain times of the year, indicating that the most appropriate sampling approach in future studies is one which examines a number of variables over a range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (LPEP) program explored the feasibility and impact of contact tracing and the provision of single dose rifampicin (SDR) to eligible contacts of newly diagnosed leprosy patients in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. As the impact of the programme is difficult to establish in the short term, we apply mathematical modelling to predict its long-term impact on the leprosy incidence.MethodologyThe individual-based model SIMCOLEP was calibrated and validated to the historic leprosy incidence data in the study areas. For each area, we assessed two scenarios: 1) continuation of existing routine activities as in 2014; and 2) routine activities combined with LPEP starting in 2015. The number of contacts per index patient screened varied from 1 to 36 between areas. Projections were made until 2040.Principal findingsIn all areas, the LPEP program increased the number of detected cases in the first year(s) of the programme as compared to the routine programme, followed by a faster reduction afterwards with increasing benefit over time. LPEP could accelerate the reduction of the leprosy incidence by up to six years as compared to the routine programme. The impact of LPEP varied by area due to differences in the number of contacts per index patient included and differences in leprosy epidemiology and routine control programme.ConclusionsThe LPEP program contributes significantly to the reduction of the leprosy incidence and could potentially accelerate the interruption of transmission. It would be advisable to include contact tracing/screening and SDR in routine leprosy programmes.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the expression of FSH receptors (FSHR) in the different stages of goat follicle development and investigated whether the addition of increasing concentrations of FSH throughout the culture period influences the survival, growth and antral formation of in vitro-cultured caprine preantral follicles. The expression of FSHR was analysed before and after culturing follicles using real-time RT-PCR. For the culture, preantral follicles (≥150 μm) were isolated from ovarian fragments and cultured for 18 days in α-MEM+ alone or associated with recombinant FSH (rFSH: 100 or 1000 ng/ml), or in α-MEM+ supplemented with increasing concentrations of FSH throughout culture periods as follows: (a) sequential medium 1: FSH 100 ng/ml (from day 0 to 6), FSH 500 ng/ml (from day 6 to 12) and FSH 1000 ng/ml (from day 12 to 18); and (b) sequential medium 2: FSH 500 ng/ml (from day 0 to 9) and 1000 ng/ml (from day 9 to 18). Follicle development was evaluated on the basis of antral cavity formation, follicular and oocyte growth, and cumulus-oocyte complex health. The expression of FSHR in isolated caprine follicles increased from the preantral to antral phase. Regarding the culture, after 18 days, sequential medium 1 promoted follicular survival, antrum formation and a reduction in oocyte extrusion. Both sequential media promoted a higher rate of meiotic resumption compared with the other treatments. In conclusion, the addition of increased concentrations of FSH (sequential medium) has a significant impact on the in vitro development of caprine preantral follicles.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of 100 and 200 g · m-3 (50 and 100 ppb) ozone and ambient air on 4-year-old grafts of a Scots pine clone was tested in closedtop fumigation chambers. Ozone decreased the myo-inositol and inccreased the pinitol levels in the 1-year-old needles, whereas the effect in the current-year needles was less distinct. In neither case did ambient air lead to any detectable effects on these parameters compared with controls. However, there was a pronounced chamber effect in the levels of myo-inositol and pinitol compared with trees standing in the open field, where inositol was higher and pinitol lower. There is some evidence, based on visible symptoms as well as biochemical changes, that season is an important modifier of the effect of ozone on Scots pine.  相似文献   

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