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A significantly reduced gonadotropin and testosterone secretion is a well-described result of long-term administration of GnRH agonists in the male dog and cat. To date, no data are available about the duration of efficacy and the reversibility of treatment-induced effects after long-term treatment with a 4.7 mg deslorelin implant. Seven healthy male European Shorthair cats (3.2 ± 0.5 kg, 1–6 years) were treated with a 4.7 mg deslorelin implant. Blood samples (testosterone, T), testicular volume, penile spines, and mating behavior were recorded once weekly. Considering T > 0.5 ng/mL as the biological endpoint, mean duration of efficacy was 78.8 ± 12.9 weeks (range: 61.7–100.7 weeks) with T concentrations increasing rapidly after the last T less than 0.1 ng/mL (basal) (P < 0.0001), and pretreatment T concentrations being reached after 3 weeks. Testicular volume rapidly increased after the first increase of T (P < 0.001) with pretreatment testicular volume being reached after 6.9 ± 3.4 weeks (5–11 weeks). “Normal” libido reoccurred 88.7 ± 12.4 weeks after treatment, and “normal” mating behavior was observed even later. Fertile matings occurred 7 to 42 weeks after the last T less than 0.1 ng/mL with a mean of 4.0 ± 0.0 kittens, and 13.6 to 47.6 weeks afterwards testicular histology revealed normal spermatogenesis. The present data confirm that the use of slow-release GnRH-agonist implants containing deslorelin in tomcats represents an effective and safe reversible alternative for long-term contraception; however, as number of animals is low, further fertility trials are recommended.  相似文献   

To date, hormonal influence in interspecies interaction has not been examined. In a study of a dog agility competition among human/dog teams, men's pre-competition basal testosterone (T) levels were positively related to changes in dogs' cortisol levels from pre- to post-competition, but only among losing teams. Furthermore, pre-competition basal T in men on losing teams predicted more than half of the variance in dogs' cortisol change. This relationship was mediated through men's punitive and affiliative behaviors towards their dogs immediately after competition. Men's T change was also a significant predictor of dogs' change in cortisol such that men who experienced greater decreases in T after a loss were associated with dogs that experienced greater increases in cortisol. In winning teams, men's pre-competition T and T changes were unrelated to dogs' cortisol changes. These results are discussed in light of T as a proxy for dominance motivation as well as T's relation to stress across the species boundary.  相似文献   

It is well established in many mammalian species, including the horse that normal testicular function is dependent upon a functional hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis, which involves classic feedback mechanisms. The major HPT hormones involved in the stallion are gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone (T), estrogens (Es) and inhibin (INH). Although prolactin (PRL) fluctuates with season in the stallion and both PRL and thyroid hormone (TH) affect reproduction in other male species, their effects on stallion reproduction have not been elucidated. Growth hormone (GH) in the stallion may be involved in sperm motility, production and secretion of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and LH-induced testosterone release. The action of these hormones and the products involved for normal spermatogenesis require cell to cell communication within the testis. The somatic cell types, Leydig, Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells, all support germ cell development, maturation and release into the seminiferous tubule lumen. The cell to cell crosstalk involves an intricate network of paracrine-autocrine systems that support the endocrine input to modulate cell function. In other male species, researchers have demonstrated the reproductive effects of such paracrine-autocrine factors as IGF-1, transferrin, androgens, estrogens, inhibin, insulin like peptide 3 (INSL3), beta-endorphin and oxytocin. The specific nature and relative contribution of these various factors on testicular function in fertile and subfertile stallions are under investigation. This review summarizes current information regarding the nature of the multiple endocrine-paracrine-autocrine systems that may be necessary for normal testicular function in the stallion.  相似文献   

Small granule chromaffin cells (SGC cells) were identified in the adrenal medulla of adult dogs. They were small in size and usually showed a high nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio. Cytoplasmic projections were occasionally observed in some of these cells. They contained a variable number of small secretory granules with diameters ranging from 70 to 300 nm, but mostly from 100 to 200 nm. The densities of the secretory granules were variable, ranging from highly dense to less dense. These adrenal SGC cells were rich in free ribosomes and polysomes, but were relatively poor in other cell organelles. Chromaffin cells which were intermediate in their characteristics (IM cells) between the SGC cells and the typical A and N cells were also identified. These IM cells contained both highly electron dense and less dense granules in various proportions. The IM cells were classified into two subgroups, according to the proportions of adrenaline type granules and noradrenaline type granules. One group resembled A cells (IM-A cells) and the other resembled N cells (IM-N cells). Light microscopic histochemical studies of A cells stained with the ammoniacal silver solution demonstrated that they contained a small number of darkly stained granules. Electron microscopic cytochemistry revealed that the electron dense granuls in the SGC cells, IM cells and A cells reacted positively with both the potassium dichromate solution at pH 4.1 and the ammoniacal silver solution.  相似文献   

We have constructed a questionnaire to investigate the separation behavior in a sample of family dogs (Canis familiaris) (N = 45) and in parallel we have observed dogs’ separation-related behavior in a simple behavioral test (Separation and greeting test, S&G). We recorded the dogs’ behavior during the separation from and reunion (greeting) with the owner. We investigated whether owners’ report about their dogs’ separation behavior reflected the separation behavior under controlled testing conditions. Furthermore, we wanted to find out whether the duration of separation affected the behavior of dogs and whether there was some relationship between separation and greeting behavior.Dogs that were rated by their owner to be more “anxious” during separation and “happier” at reunion, showed more activity and stress-related behavior during separation, and more affection toward the owner during greeting. Dogs with owner-reported separation-related disorder (SRD) showed more stress-related behavior, they spent less time near the owner's chair during separation, and were more active during greeting than dogs without SRD. The two groups of dogs did not differ in affectionate behavior shown toward the owner. Non-affected dogs’ activity decreased with increasing separation duration, but dogs with SRD did not show this change in their separation behavior.Our results show that owners’ have a realistic view on their dogs’ separation behavior. In addition, dogs with SRD may not be “hyper-attached” to their owners because they do not show more affection during greeting. Moreover, dogs with SRD do not show preference for the owners’ objects left behind and they cannot be easily calmed by the returning owner.Our questionnaire and the Separation and greeting test could be used for screening dogs with suspected separation-related behavior problems.  相似文献   

In our previous studies, we showed that a finasteride-induced DHT deficiency may cause changes in the morphology of the seminiferous epithelium without any morphological alteration of the epididymis. In this study, we demonstrated the constitutive immunoexpression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the testis and epididymis of Wistar rats treated with finasteride for 28 days (the duration of two cycles of the seminiferous epithelium) and 56 days (the duration of one spermatogenesis). We noted that a 56-day finasteride treatment mainly caused a decrease in the level of circulating DHT, as well as a statistically insignificant decrease in the level of T. The hormone deficiency also led to a change in the iNOS immnoexpression in the testis and epididymis of the finasteride-treated rats. In vitro, DHT did not modify NO production by the epithelial cells of the caput epididymis even when stimulated with LPS and IFNγ, but it did give rise to an increase in NO production by the epithelial cells of the cauda epididymis without the stimulation. DHT did not have a statistically significant influence on estradiol production by cultured, LPS- and IFNγ-stimulated epithelial cells from the caput and cauda epididymis. In conclusion, our data clearly indicates that a finasterideinduced DHT deficiency intensifies the constitutive expression of iNOS in most rat testicular and epididymal cells, so it can be expected that the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) could be regulated by DHT. On the other hand, the profile of the circulating DHT and T levels strongly suggests that the regulation of constitutive iNOS expression is complex and needs more detailed study.  相似文献   

Patients (154) with clinical stage D2 prostate cancer with no previous endocrine therapy or chemotherapy received the combination therapy with the pure antiandrogen Flutamide and the LHRH agonist [D-Trp6]LHRH ethylamide for an average of 22 months (3-49 months). The objective response to the treatment was assessed according to the criteria of the US NPCP. There was a 6.3-fold increase (29.2 vs 4.6%) in the percentage of patients who achieved a complete response as compared to the results achieved in five recent studies limited to removal (orchiectomy) or blockade (DES or Leuprolide) of testicular androgens. Only 4.5% of patients did not respond to the combination therapy as compared to an average of 18% by standard therapy. The duration of response is also significantly increased in the patients who received the combination therapy. The death rate was decreased by approximately 2-fold between 2 and 3 yr of treatment. The marked (6.3-fold) improvement in the rate of complete objective responses coupled with the 4-fold decrease in the number of non-responders, the increased duration of the positive responses and the 2-fold decrease in the death rate at 2-3 yr of treatment are obtained with the combination therapy using Flutamide and castration with no or minimal secondary effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to validate noninvasive endocrine monitoring techniques for African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) and to establish physiological validity of these methods by evaluating longitudinal reproductive-endocrine profiles in captive individuals. To determine the primary excretory by-products of ovarian steroid metabolism, [14C]-progesterone and [3H]-estradiol were co-administered to a female and all excreta were collected for 80 hr postinjection. Radiolabel excretion peaked ≤ 18 hr postinfusion, and progesterone and estradiol metabolites were excreted in almost equivalent proportions in urine (39.7 and 41.1%, respectively) and feces (60.3 and 58.9%, respectively). Most of the urinary metabolites were conjugated (estradiol, 94.3 ± 0.3%; progesterone, 90.4 ± 0.5%), so that immunoassays for pregnanediol-3α-glucuronide (PdG) and estrogen conjugates (EC) were effective for assessing steroid metabolites. Two immunoreactive estrogens (estradiol and estrone) and at least one immunoreactive progesterone metabolite (3α-hydroxy-5α, pregnan-20-one) were detected in feces. Urine and fecal samples were collected (1–3 times per week) for 1.5 yr from one adult female and two adult males to assess longitudinal steroid metabolite excretion. Overall correlation of urinary PdG to matched, same-day fecal progesterone metabolites immunoreactivity was 0.38 (n = 71, P < 0.05). Similarly, urinary EC was correlated (P < 0.05) with same-day fecal estrogen immunoreactivity (r = 0.49, n = 71). During pregnancy and nonpregnant cycles, copulation occurred at the time of peak (or declining) estrogen metabolites and increasing progesterone metabolites concentrations. Estrus duration was 6–9 days and gestation lasted 69 days with parturition occurring coincident with a drop in progesterone metabolites. Males exhibited seasonal trends in fecal testosterone excretion with maximal concentrations from July to September coincident with peak mating activity. Although these limited longitudinal hormone profiles should be interpreted cautiously, noninvasive gonadal steroid monitoring suggests that: (1) both female and male wild dogs may exhibit reproductive seasonality in North America, (2) females are monoestrous, and (3) peak testicular activity occurs between August and October coincident with mating behavior. From a conservation perspective, noninvasive endocrine monitoring techniques should be useful for augmenting captive breeding programs, as well as for developing an improved understanding of the physiological mechanisms underlying reproductive suppression in response to social and ecological pressures. Zoo Biol 16:533–548, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Maximum compensatory hypertrophy of the soleus and plantaris muscle in male rats is attained seven days after tenotomy of the gastrocnemius muscle (39% and 9% respectively). When tenotomy of the gastrocnemius was performed seven days ater hypophysectomy, hypertrophy in these two muscles was aproximately half that found in control animals. 2. After 81-day castration of young male rats the weight of the saleus and plantaris was reduced and hypertrophy following tenotomy of the gastrocneumius muscle did not develop. 3. Chronically castrated rats received testosterone two weeks prior to tenotomy of the gastrocnemius and a week during the muscle hypertrophy phase. Hypertrophy of the soleus in castrated rats which had received testosterone seven days after tenotomy of the gastrocnemius was 25% as compared with muscles of castrated animals. The corresponding value in the plantaris muscle was 10%. 4. These results indicate that even calf muscles of the rat, namely the soleus and plantaris muscles, are significantly affected by testosterone under these conditions, although it is not, as yet, clear whether its action is direct or indirect.  相似文献   

Two cases of neoplasia occurred in two adult Siberian weasels (Mustela sibirica) in a game reserve in southern Lower Saxony, Germany. The first case, a male weasel, showed an enlargement of the right testicle, which was surgically removed. The tumour was classified as an interstitial cell tumour. One year after surgery, the male weasel died by accident and revealed tumour lesions of uncertain histogenesis within the abdominal cavity and the spleen at necropsy. The second case, a female animal, became suspicious by a dermal mass in the upper left hind limb, which was also surgically excised. Pathological examinations revealed a fibrosarcoma that recurred twice after removal of the original mass. These two cases of neoplasia in the Siberian weasel are demonstrated with regard to clinical aspects and discussed on the basis of their pathomorphological features.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of testicular interstitium in young and aged adult rats was analysed using morphometric methods, and the plasma testosterone concentration was measured. With increasing age there was an augumentation in the volume of collagen fibrils in the intercellular matrix and in blood vessels. During the aging process (approximately two years) the average volume of the Leydig cell decreased from 1364 m3 to 637 m3, but the number of Leydig cells in paired testes increased from 53x106 to 113x106. The absolute volume of smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (SER) per Leydig cell amounted in aged rats to 78% of that in young adult rats. The total amount of SER in paired testes increased by 62% with aging. The present analysis suggests that the ability of SER to maintain peripheral testosterone concentration decreases with age. In young adult rats the absolute volume of peroxisomes per Leydig cell correlated significantly with the concentration of testosterone in blood and also with the absolute volume of SER per Leydig cell. These results combined with ultrastructural observations of close apposition of peroxisomes and SER suggest that peroxisomes have a role in testosterone secretion by Leydig cells.Visiting scientist to Laboratory of Electron Microscopy (Director: Prof. L.J. Pelliniemi)  相似文献   

Neurotransmission mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptors in the mammalian medial preoptic area (mPOA) plays a pivotal role in the expression of hormone-sensitive behaviors. Hand in hand with GABAergic control of reproduction, hormone treatments that activate gonadal steroid signaling pathways in gonadectomized rats are known to regulate the expression of specific GABA(A) receptor subunit mRNAs. While the effects of exogenous hormone treatments have been well documented, little information is available as to how GABA(A) receptor-mediated transmission in the mPOA is altered by endogenous changes in hormonal state in gonadally-intact adult animals or if those changes can be ascribed to hormone-dependent changes in receptor subunit composition. In the present study, we found that both the peak amplitudes of GABA(A) receptor-mediated synaptic currents in the mPOA, as well as the ability of the endogenous neurosteroids to modulate those currents, varied as a function of the estrous cycle. Moreover, we found that the degree of neurosteroid modulation was also significantly different between wild-type and the androgen-insensitive testicular feminization (Tfm) mutant male mice. Semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis performed to assess levels of GABA(A) receptor subunit mRNAs indicated that levels of specific subunits varied over the course of the estrous cycle and between wild-type and Tfm male mice. The variations in GABA(A) receptor expression and function in the mPOA that are associated with differences in gonadal steroid signaling may contribute to the dynamic nature of GABAergic control of neuroendocrine pathways.  相似文献   

This contribution questions the positive/negative eugenics dichotomy that typifies the historiography on the eugenic movement in the Netherlands and the claim that this movement was mostly marginal because only positive eugenics was pursued. From 1938 to 1968 in the Netherlands, after a decade of debates, 400 sex offenders who had been committed to asylums for the criminally insane were ‘voluntarily’ and ‘therapeutically’ castrated. For political reasons debates on castration, meant to create consensus, eliminated any reference to or connotation with eugenics, yet these policies were unthinkable without them. This article shows that thinking about social and sexual problems and their solutions in the 1930s were permeated by eugenic folklore which in turn was informed by sexual folklore. Both eugenic and sexual lore, as common sense, or as ways of knowing, were about individual and collective loss of self control which was referred to with a catch-all phrase: ‘hypersexuality’. Although sexual classifications used in diagnosing sex offenders suggested the existence of discrete sexual categories, homosexuality for instance was not seen as a sexual alternative or as an identity but as the extent to which an offender suffered from a form of hypersexuality that threatened the fabric of society.  相似文献   

Mammals are unable to synthesize cobalamin or vitamin B12 and rely on the uptake of dietary cobalamin. The cubam receptor expressed on the intestinal endothelium is required for the uptake of cobalamin from the gut. Cubam is composed of two protein subunits, amnionless and cubilin, which are encoded by the AMN and CUBN genes respectively. Loss‐of‐function mutations in either the AMN or the CUBN gene lead to hereditary selective cobalamin malabsorption or Imerslund–Gräsbeck syndrome (IGS). We investigated Beagles with IGS and resequenced the whole genome of one affected Beagle at 15× coverage. The analysis of the AMN and CUBN candidate genes revealed a homozygous deletion of a single cytosine in exon 8 of the CUBN gene (c.786delC). This deletion leads to a frameshift and early premature stop codon (p.Asp262Glufs*47) and is, thus, predicted to represent a complete loss‐of‐function allele. We tested three IGS‐affected and 89 control Beagles and found perfect association between the IGS phenotype and the CUBN:c.786delC variant. Given the known role of cubilin in cobalamin transport, which has been firmly established in humans and dogs, our data strongly suggest that the CUBN:c.786delC variant is causing IGS in the investigated Beagles.  相似文献   

Laboratory crosses among wild caught individuals of the chromosomal races “atticus” and “thomasi”, were performed to analyze the degree of interracial reproductive isolation. The fertility of the studied specimens was evaluated by taking into consideration the reproductive success, the litter size and performing comparative histological examination of the testicular material. All studied populations were submitted to classical cytogenetic and mitochondrial analysis (cytochrome b gene), providing new evidences to the potential phylogenetic relations and taxonomical status of the two chromosomal races. The previously described “atticus” populations are divided in two genetically distinct, geographically and reproductively isolated lineages (2.9% total and 2.4% net divergence), which probably derived from different glacial refugia of Southern Greece. Here, we suggest that the lineage, consisting of the populations from Attiki and Evia Island, should be distinguished as a valid species, named Microtus atticus, including the two chromosomal races “atticus” and “evia”. On the contrary, the ex-“atticus” populations from North Peloponnesus belong to the same mitochondrial lineage with the other Microtus thomasi populations and should be considered as a chromosomal polymorphism inside the chromosomal race “thomasi”.  相似文献   

We studied the ultrastructure of spermatogenesis and spermatozoa in the northern quahaug, the clam Mercenaria mercenaria. Spermatogenetic cells gradually elongate. Mitochondria gradually fuse and increase in size and electron density. During spermatid differentiation, proacrosomal vesicles migrate towards the presumptive anterior pole of the nucleus and eventually form the acrosome. The spermatozoon of M. mercenaria is of a primitive type. It is composed of head, mid-piece, and tail. The acrosome shows a subacrosomal space with a short conical contour. The slightly curved nucleus of the spermatozoon contains fine-grained dense chromatin. The middle piece consists of a centriolar complex which is surrounded by four mitochondria. The flagellum has a standard “9 + 2” microtubular structure. The ultrastructure of spermatozoa and spermatogenesis of M. mercenaria shares a number of features with other species of the family Veneridae. M. mercenaria may be a suitable model species for further investigations into the mechanisms of spermatogenesis in the Bivalvia.  相似文献   

Infanticide has been observed in several colobines, but only one infanticide has previously been documented for black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza). This report describes an infanticide observed in Kibale National Park, Uganda, in the summer of 2001. An adult male from a neighboring group attacked and killed a young infant whose mother subsequently remained in her own group and was observed mating 10 days later. She engaged in two mating periods of several days each, separated by approximately 1 month, during which she copulated frequently with the dominant male within her group. Urinary estrogen (EC) and progesterone metabolite (PdG) excretion patterns demonstrated that the female resumed ovarian cycling soon after the infanticide. Because the infanticidal male did not attempt to mate with the victim's mother, his actions were not consistent with the predictions of the sexual-selection hypothesis. We speculate that infanticide associated with intergroup aggression may help secure access to high-quality resources for the infanticidal male's group.  相似文献   

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