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Guan M  Rawson DM  Zhang T 《Cryobiology》2008,56(3):204-208
Cryopreservation of gametes provides a promising method to preserve fish genetic material. Previously we reported some preliminary results on cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes using controlled slow cooling and determined the optimum cryoprotective medium and cooling rate for stage III zebrafish oocytes. In the present study, the effects of two different cryopreservation media, cryoprotectant removal method, final sample freezing temperature before LN2 plunge, warming rate, and the post-thaw incubation time on oocyte viability were investigated. Commonly used cryoprotectant methanol and glucose were used in this study. Stage III zebrafish oocytes were frozen in standard culture medium 50% L-15 or in a sodium-free KCl buffer medium. Oocyte viability was assessed using trypan blue staining and ATP assay. The viability of oocytes frozen in KCl buffer was significantly higher than oocytes frozen in L-15 medium. The results also showed that fast thawing and stepwise removal of cryoprotectant improved oocyte survival significantly, with highest viability of 88.0 ± 1.7% being obtained immediately after rapid thawing when assessed by trypan blue staining. However, after 2 h incubation at 22 °C the viability of freeze-thawed oocytes decreased to 29.5 ± 5.1%. Results also showed that the ATP level in oocytes decreased significantly immediately after thawing. All oocytes became translucent after freezing which complicated the use of GVBD test (in vitro maturation of oocytes followed by observation of germinal vesicle breakdown which results in oocytes becoming translucent). New oocyte viability assessment methods are urgently needed.  相似文献   

S. Tsai  D.M. Rawson  T. Zhang   《Cryobiology》2009,58(3):279-286
Cryopreservation of fish gametes is of great importance in aquaculture, conservation and human genomic research. The creation of gamete cryobanks allows the storage of genetic material of targeted species for almost unlimited time periods. Cryopreservation has been successfully applied to fish sperm of many species, but there has been no success with fish embryos and oocytes. One of the obstacles to fish oocyte cryopreservation is their high chilling sensitivity and especially at subzero temperatures. Although studies on late stage oocyte cryopreservation has been carried out, there have been no reported studies on cryopreservation of early stage ovarian follicles. The aim of this study is to investigate the chilling sensitivity of early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles before developing protocols for their cryopreservation. Experiments were conducted with stage I (primary growth), stage II (cortical alveolus) and stage III (vetillogenesis) ovarian follicles, which were chilled in KCl buffer and L-15 medium for up to 144 h at −1 °C in a low temperature bath. Ovarian follicles were also exposed to 2 M methanol or 2 M DMSO in L-15 medium for up to 168 h at −1 and −5 °C, respectively. Control follicles were kept at 28 °C. Ovarian follicle viability was assessed using trypan blue staining. The results showed that stage I and II ovarian follicles are less sensitive to chilling than stage III follicles. These results were also confirmed following in vitro maturation of the chilled ovarian follicles. The results also showed that L-15 medium is more beneficial than KCl buffer for ovarian follicles at all stages. The presence of both methanol and DMSO reduced chilling sensitivity of ovarian follicles at all stages with methanol being the most effective. The study indicated that stage I and II follicles are less sensitive to chilling than stage III follicles, and that early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles may be better candidates for cryopreservation.  相似文献   

S. Tsai  T. Zhang 《Theriogenology》2010,74(2):290-303
There have been no reported methods for in vitro growth of early stage ovarian follicles for fish and their cryopreservation is still under investigation. If cryopreservation of early stage ovarian follicles can be achieved, in vitro procedures for ovarian follicle culture, development, ovulation and fertilisation after cryopreservation would be needed. The aim of the present study was to develop an in vitro culture method for early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles for use after their cryopreservation. Procedures for in vitro culture of stage I (primary growth) and stage II (cortical alveolus) ovarian follicles were developed. The effects of concentration of L-15 medium, pH and the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and activin A were studied. The results demonstrated that early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles can be cultured in vitro for 24 h, stage I and II ovarian follicles can grow to the sizes of early stage II and stage III ovarian follicles after hCG treatment. The method developed here is effective for assessing early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles growth competence in vitro. The results from the present study indicated that in vitro culture is the most reliable method for assessing ovarian follicle viability when compared with vital dye staining methods.  相似文献   

Attempts to cryopreserve fish embryos have been conducted over the past three decades, nevertheless successful cryopreservation protocol for long-term storage still remains elusive. Fish oocytes offer some advantages when compared to embryos, which may help in improving the chances of cryopreservation. In the present study, a series of cryo-solutions were designed and tested for their vitrifying ability using different devices (0.25 ml plastic straw, vitrification block and fibreplug™). Toxicity of vitrification solutions was evaluated by assessing follicle membrane integrity with trypan blue staining. In addition, the effect of vitrification protocol on stage III zebrafish ovarian follicles was investigated by measuring the cytoplasmic ATP content and the mitochondrial distribution and activity using JC-1 probe and confocal microscopy. After vitrification, follicles showed membrane integrity of 59.9 ± 18.4% when fibreplug and V16 (1.5 M methanol + 4.5 M propylene glycol) solution were employed. When vitrified in V2 (1.5 M methanol + 5.5 M Me2SO) the membrane integrity decreased to 42.0 ± 21.0%. It was observed that follicles located in the middle of the fragments were more protected from injuries and some of them showed good morphological appearance 2 h post-warming. Mitochondria integrity of granulosa cells layer was clearly damaged by the vitrification protocol and ATP level in the follicles declined significantly after warming. Vitrification of zebrafish follicles in ovarian tissue fragments and its effect at sub-cellular level is reported here for the first time. Information gained from this study will help in guiding development of optimal protocol for cryopreservation of fish oocytes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of partial removal of yolk and cryoprotectant mixtures on the viability of cryopreserved primordial germ cells (PGCs) and elucidated the differentiation ability of cryopreserved PGCs in zebrafish. First, dechorionated yolk-intact and yolk-depleted (partially yolk removed) embryos, PGCs of which were labeled with green fluorescence protein (GFP), were vitrified after serial exposures to pretreatment solution (PS) and vitrification solution (VS) that contained ethylene glycol (EG), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) or propylene glycol at 3 and 5 M, respectively. Although partial removal of yolk improved the viability of cryopreserved PGCs, numbers of PGCs with pseudopodial movement were limited (0–2.6 cells/embryo). Next, yolk-depleted embryos were cryopreserved using mixtures of two types of cryoprotectants. The maximum survival rate of PGCs (81%; 9.6 cells/embryo) was obtained from the yolk-depleted embryos vitrified using PS containing 2 M EG + 1 M Me2SO and VS containing 3 M EG + 2 M Me2SO and 56% (5.3 cells/embryo) of PGCs showed pseudopodial movement. Finally, PGCs recovered from yolk-depleted embryos (wild-type) that were vitrified under the optimum condition were transplanted individually into 236 sterilized recipient blastulae (recessive light-colored). Seven recipients matured and generated progeny with characteristics inherited from the PGC donor. In conclusion, the authors confirmed the beneficial effects of partial removal of yolk on the viability of cryopreserved PGCs and that the viability of the PGCs was improved by using PS and VS that contained two types of cryoprotectants, especially PS containing 2 M EG + 1 M Me2SO and VS containing 3 M EG + 2 M Me2SO, and that recovered PGCs retained ability to differentiate into functional gametes.  相似文献   

This study investigated enzymatic activity of cathepsins and the membrane integrity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes after freezing to −196 °C using controlled slow cooling. Stage III oocytes (>0.5 mm), obtained through dissection of anaesthetised female fish and desegregation of ovarian cumulus, were exposed to 2M methanol or 2 M DMSO (both prepared in Hank’s medium) for 30 min at 22 °C before being loaded into 0.5 ml plastic straws and placed into a programmable cooler. After controlled slow freezing, samples were plunged into liquid nitrogen (LN) and held for at least 10 min, and thawed by immersing straws into a 27 °C water bath for 10 s. Thawed oocytes were washed twice in Hank’s medium. Cathepsin activity and membrane integrity of oocytes were assessed both after cryoprotectant treatment at 22 °C and after freezing in LN. Cathepsin B and L colorimetric analyses were performed using substrates Z-Arg-ArgNNap and Z-Phe-Arg-4 MβNA-HCl, respectively, and 2-naphthylamine and 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine were used as standards. Cathepsin D activity was performed by analysing the level of hydrolytic action on haemoglobin. Oocytes membrane integrity was assessed using 0.2% Trypan blue staining for 5 min. Analysis of cathepsin activities showed that whilst the activity of cathepsin B and D was not affected by 2 M DMSO treatment, their activity was lowered when treated with 2M methanol. Following freezing to −196 °C, the activity of all cathepsins (B, D and L) was significantly decreased in both 2 M DMSO and 2 M methanol. Trypan blue staining showed that 63.0 ± 11.3% and 72.7 ± 5.2% oocytes membrane stayed intact after DMSO and methanol treatment for 30 min at 22 °C, respectively, whilst 14.9 ± 2.6% and 1.4 ± 0.8% stayed intact after freezing in DMSO and methanol to −196 °C. The results indicate that cryoprotectant treatment and freezing modified the activities of lysosomal enzymes involved in oocyte maturation and yolk mobilisation.  相似文献   

S. Tsai  F.W. Kuo  C. Lin 《Theriogenology》2010,73(5):605-611
The objective was to examine the effects of cryoprotectants on oocytes of hard corals (Echinopora spp.) to obtain basic knowledge for cryopreservation procedures. Oocytes were exposed to various concentrations of cryoprotectants (0.25 to 5.0 M) for 20 min at room temperature (25 °C). Two tests were used to assess ovarian follicle viability: fluorescein diacetate (FDA) + propidium iodide (PI) staining, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) assay. Both FDA + PI staining and ATP assay indicated that cryoprotectant toxicity to oocytes increased in the order methanol, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), propylene glycol (PG), and ethylene glycol (EG). The no observed effect concentrations for Echinopora spp. oocytes were 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.25 M for methanol, DMSO, PG, and EG, respectively, when assessed with FDA + PI. The ATP assay was more sensitive than FDA + PI staining (P < 0.05). Oocyte viability after 1.0 M methanol, DMSO, EG, or PG treatment for 20 min at room temperature assessed with FDA + PI tests and ATP assay were 88.9 ± 3.1% and 72.2 ± 4.4%, 66.2 ± 5.0% and 23.2 ± 4.9%, 58.9 ± 5.4% and 1.1 ± 0.7%, and 49.1 ± 5.1% and 0.9 ± 0.5%, respectively. We inferred that the ATP assay was a valuable measure of cellular injury after cryoprotectant incubation. The results of this study provided a basis for development of protocols to cryopreserve coral oocytes.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of cryoprotectants that have been shown to be the least toxic to zebrafish ovarian follicles (methanol and Me2SO), on mitochondria of stage III ovarian follicles was evaluated. The mitochondrial distributional arrangement, mitochondrial membrane potential, mtDNA copy number, ATP levels and ADP/ATP ratios were assessed following exposure to cryoprotectants for 30 min at room temperature. Results obtained by confocal microscopy showed that 30 min exposure to 2 M methanol induced a loss of membrane potential, although viability tests showed no decrease in survival even after 5 h post-exposure incubation. Higher concentrations of methanol (3 and 4 M) induced not only a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential but also the loss of mitochondrial distributional arrangement, which suggested a compromised mitochondrial function. Furthermore 3 and 4 M treatments resulted in a decrease in viability assessed by Fluorescein diacetate–Propidium iodide (FDA–PI) and in a decrease in mtDNA copy number and ADP/ATP ratio after 5 h incubation following methanol exposure, indicating a delayed effect. The use of Me2SO, which is considered to be a more toxic CPA to zebrafish ovarian follicles than methanol, caused a decrease in viability and a sustained decrease in ATP levels accompanied by failure to maintain mtDNA copy number within 1 h post-exposure incubation. These results indicated that even CPAs that are considered to have no toxicity as determined by Trypan blue (TB) and FDA–PI tests can have a deleterious effect on mitochondrial activity, potentially compromising oocyte growth and embryo development.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin (VTG) was isolated by anion exchange chromatography from plasma of female zebrafish (Danio rerio) induced with 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). The purity of the VTG isolate was confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Purified VTG was used to raise polyclonal antibodies in rabbits and the specificity of the antisera for VTG confirmed by Western blot analysis of plasma proteins separated by SDS-PAGE. The antibodies cross-reacted with two proteins in the plasma of female zebrafish, with molecular masses of approximately 142 and 171 kDa. No cross-reactivity was observed with any other plasma proteins. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed using the polyclonal zebrafish VTG (z-VTG) antibodies and purified z-VTG as ligand and standard, respectively. The z-VTG ELISA was sensitive with a detection limit of between 2.0 and 3.0 ng purified VTG/ml, and a working range between 3 and 500 ng/ml (30–85% binding). The ELISA demonstrated precision, with inter- and intra-assay variations of 7.5±2.7 and 4.9±1.4%, respectively. Plasma from adult zebrafish and whole body homogenates from juvenile zebrafish diluted parallel with the z-VTG standard in the ELISA, validating the assay for quantifying z-VTG in both of these tissues. Exposure of adult male zebrafish to EE2 via water induced a concentration-dependent induction of VTG with a lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) ≤1.67 ng EE2/l (for a 21-day exposure). The homologous z-VTG ELISA provides a valuable tool for the study of environmental estrogens in zebrafish.  相似文献   

The feeding performance and behavior at the onset of exogenous feeding, 3 to 4 days after hatching (DAH), were studied in red porgy Pagrus pagrus larvae. Similar feeding efficiency and intensity were achieved for two feeding treatments (live or freeze-dried rotifers) suggesting that prey movement is not decisive for their detection and capture and demonstrating that at first feeding red porgy larvae can ingest inert food. Larvae feeding performance was not affected by a diet shift between treatments. Based on maximum rotifers consumption and gut evacuation time at 18 °C, the daily ration was estimated as 14.035 μg, considering 14 h of feeding and a 25% egg:female rotifer ratio. Larval swimming activity measured by video recording showed a close association with gut fullness and similar swimming patterns for 3 and 4 DAH larvae. However, 20.3% larger mouth gape and 54.6% higher swimming speed of the older larvae should provide a better feeding performance and more energy needed for growth.  相似文献   

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