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Visual-motility assessment is a tool used to determine the quality of boar ejaculates. This method is subjective by nature, and consequently, computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), with different software designs, has been developed for more objective assessment using conventional image analysis or particle counting. In the present study, we compared the results of sperm analysis using a conventional CASA system (Cell Motion Analyzer, SM-CMA™), with those using a novel software (QualiSperm™) and those of visual assessment performed by two operators. Ejaculates were collected weekly from four Swedish Landrace boars for 4 weeks. Each ejaculate was divided into three aliquots of different sperm concentration (300, 125, and 40 million spermatozoa/mL) and stored at 17 °C for 96 h. Only samples at 40 million spermatozoa/mL concentration were analyzed using both automated systems; for the remaining concentrations, the SM-CMA™ was not used due to its inability to examine higher sperm concentrations. The number of spermatozoa analyzed was highest for the QualiSperm™ (300–5000 spermatozoa), followed by the SM-CMA™ (200 spermatozoa), and lastly, by subjective motility evaluation (100 spermatozoa). There was a time-course decrease in motility of the liquid-stored semen, detectable by either computerized method. Although the percentage of motile spermatozoa measured by the two automated systems correlated well (r ≥ 0.75), there was disagreement between operators. In conclusion, because of the lower degree of variation, the numbers of spermatozoa analyzed, and the speed of analysis (1 min per sample), QualiSperm™ appears to be a suitable instrument for routine work, provided it maintains stability and is available at an affordable price.  相似文献   

A computer-aided semen analysis system was used to assess the % motile cells following storage of carp semen in 11 different buffers at 2, 5 or 22° C. BWW and TLP were the most suitable storage buffers because carp semen stored at 5° C in these buffers following activation showed no significant decrease in % motile spermatozoa up to 24 h. But, in most of the other buffers (Fish Ringer, Cytomix, Cortland, FRT, Mannitol, FPS, NAS and TSM) the motility potential was lost by 2 h. Storage was best at pH 6–9 and at 5° C. Carp spermatozoa exhibit three distinct motility patterns, namely 'linear', 'circular' and 'haphazard', the proportion of spermatozoa with a particular motility pattern depending on storage buffer and time. All spermatozoa with a linear trajectory had high VSL, STR and LIN; those moving in circles had low VSL, STR, LIN and BCF and those with a haphazard trajectory were distinct in that they had the highest ALH and their VSL, STR, LIN and BCF were higher than the circular moving spermatozoa and lower than the spermatozoa exhibiting linear trajectory. The study also demonstrates a pronounced time-dependent decrease in VCL, VAP, VSL and ALH of carp spermatozoa following activation with water or low osmolality solutions. This study provides for the first time data related to seven motility parameters of carp spermatozoa and demonstrates how these parameter values could be used to evaluate quality of carp milt following storage in different buffers. It confirms that carp spermatozoa exhibit linear or circular trajectories and provides evidence for a third type of trajectory described as haphazard. All three motility patterns could be discriminated objectively on the seven motility parameters.  相似文献   

Computer-assisted sperm analyzers (CASA) have become the standard tool for evaluating sperm motility and kinetic patterns because they provide objective data for thousands of sperm tracks. However, these devices are not ready-to-use and standardization of analytical practices is a fundamental requirement. In this study, we evaluated the effects of some settings, such as frame rate and frames per field, chamber and time of analysis, and samples preparations, including thawing temperature, sperm sample concentration, and media used for dilution, on the kinetic results of bovine frozen-thawed semen using a CASA. In Experiment 1, the frame rate (30-60 frame/s) significantly affected motility parameters, whereas the number of frames per field (30 or 45) did not seem to affect sperm kinetics. In Experiment 2, the thawing protocol affects sperm motility and kinetic parameters. Sperm sample concentration significantly limited the opportunity to perform the analysis and the kinetic results. A concentration of 100 and 50 × 106 sperm/mL limited the device's ability to perform the analysis or gave wrong results, whereas 5, 10, 20, and 30 × 106 sperm/mL concentrations allowed the analysis to be performed, but with different results (Experiment 3). The medium used for the dilution of the sample, which is fundamental for a correct sperm head detection, affects sperm motility results (Experiment 4). In this study, Makler and Leja chambers were used to perform the semen analysis with CASA devices. The chamber used significantly affected motility results (Experiment 5). The time between chamber loading and analysis affected sperm velocities, regardless of chamber used. Based on results recorded in this study, we propose that the CASA evaluation of motility of bovine frozen-thawed semen using Hamilton-Thorne IVOS 12.3 should be performed using a frame rate of 60 frame/s and 30 frames per field. Semen should be diluted at least at 20 × 106 sperm/mL using PBS. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the type of chamber used and perform the analysis within 1 or 2 min, regardless of the chamber used.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the motility pattern of frozen-thawed canine semen to which pentoxifyilline (PTX), caffeine (CAF), 2’-deoxyadenosine (DX), and prostatic fluid (PROST) were added after thawing. Semen evaluations were performed using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) at thawing and during 120 min of incubation at 37 °C. Three experiments were conducted: 1) to establish which concentrations of stimulants work best; 2) to investigate the interaction between thawing rate and addition of CAF 5 mM, PTX 2.5 mM and PROST; 3) to evaluate the effect of PTX 7.5 mM and DX 5 mM on semen motility after thawing. In experiment 1, ALH and VCL were enhanced at thawing by CAF 7.5 mM (CAF 7.5: 9.1 ± 0.5 μm; control: 6.7 ± 0.4 μm) and DX 5 and 7.5 mM (DX 5: 199.1 ± 12.8 μm/s; DX 7.5: 197.3 ± 13.9 μm/s; control: 162.5 ± 8.4 μm/s), while PTX 2.5-5-7.5 mM improved TOT after 120 min of incubation. In experiment 2, PROST lowered ALH values throughout incubation (P < 0.05) with respect to the other treatments, in particular when compared to CAF at Time = 30 and at Time = 60. In experiment 3, PTX 7.5 mM improved VAP (PTX: 101.6 ± 6.8 μm/s; control: 81.9 ± 10.5 μm/s), VSL (PTX: 82.9 ± 6.4 μm/s; control: 65.9 ± 9.8 μm/s), VCL (PTX: 214.3 ± 13.3 μm/s; control:167 ± 15.7 μm/s), ALH (PTX: 10.5 ± 0.3; control: 7.3 ± 1.4 μm), PM (PTX: 11.3 ± 4.2%; control: 7.7 ± 3.9%) and TOT (PTX: 20.1 ± 5.3%; control:15.6 ± 5.6%) at Time = 120, while DX 5 mM influenced VCL at Time = 60 (DX: 218.3 ± 14.3 μm/s; control: 188.5 ± 7.5 μm/s, P < 0.05). Motility stimulants may be useful for enhancing motility of canine frozen-thawed spermatozoa without affecting sperm longevity.  相似文献   

A computer-aided semen analysis system was used for the objective assessment of hamster spermatozoa during epididymal maturation. The caput epididymal spermatozoa were extremely sluggish, achieved very little progression, and the three velocity parameters, namely curvilinear velocity (VCL), progressive velocity (VSL), and path velocity (VAP), were low. These spermatozoa during progressive movement alternated between the linear shape and “U” shape or attained an “S” shape prior to changing to the “U”; shape. The corpus epididymal spermatozoa were faster, displayed greater VSL, VAP, and VCL compared to caput epididymal spermatozoa, and, during forward motility, attained “U,” “C,”; and (or) “?” shape as in the wriggling motility pattern. The proximal cauda epididymal spermatozoa were actively motile and VSL, VAP, and VCL in these spermatozoa were more than 10 times greater compared to the caput epididymal spermatozoa. The proximal cauda epididymal spermatozoa predominantly moved in circles and with time became slower and more circular in their trajectories and exhibited a reduction in LIN (linearity). The distal cauda epididymal spermatozoa were very similar to the proximal cauda epididymal spermatozoa with respect to their fast motility (VSL, VAP, and VCL are similar) and beat cross frequency (BCF), but showed larger values for STR (straightness) and LIN and moved along curved trajectories. The amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) was also considerably lower in the distal cauda epididymal spermatozoa compared to the proximal cauda epididymal spermatozoa. Thus, this study provides for the first time data related to seven motility parameters for caput and corpus epididymal spermatozoa of hamster. It also provides additional data with respect to VCL, LIN, BCF, and ALH for proximal and distal cauda epididymal spermatozoa of hamster. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Zinc plays a very important role in various biological activities of the body. Multifaceted role of zinc is also known in testes development, spermatogenesis, capacitation and has effect on spermatozoa motility. On the other hand, the growing industry of nanotechnology has created reasonable interest of the risk assessment for nanoparticles. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro effect of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles on rabbit spermatozoa. Fresh semen was collected from sexually mature New Zealand rabbits. Experimental groups were prepared by diluting semen with ZnO nanoparticles in seven different concentrations (6–391 mg/mL). The experimental groups were compared with control group. Semen was assessed using computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) at intervals of 0, 1, 2 and 3 h of incubation. The mitochondrial toxicity assay (MTT) assay was used to determine cell viability. The results of monitored motility parameters in experimental groups showed a decreasing trend during whole experiment. Significant decrease (P < 0.001) of motility and progressive motility was observed after 3 h of incubation in samples cultured with higher ZnO nanoparticles in comparison to the control group. After 3 h of incubation, viability of rabbit spermatozoa showed slightly increased values in group with the lowest concentration of ZnO nanoparticles, but in other groups viability showed non-significant decrease compared to control. Similar tendency was detected for spermatozoa membrane integrity. These original data show the negative dose–dependent effect of ZnO nanoparticles on spermatozoa motility and viability parameters.  相似文献   

Ninety to 100% of paddlefish Polyodon spathula were motile just after transfer into distilled water, with a velocity of 175 μm s-1, a flagellar beat frequency of 50 Hz and motility lasting 4–6 min. Similarly, 80–95% of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus spermatozoa were motile immediately when diluted in distilled water, with a velocity of 200 μm s-1, a flagellar beat frequency of 48 Hz and a period of motility of 2–3 min. In both species, after sperm dilution in a swimming solution composed of 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8·2) and 20 mM NaCl, a majority of the samples showed 100% motility of spermatozoa with flagella beat frequency of 50 Hz within the 5 s following activation and a higher velocity than in distilled water. In such a swimming medium, the time of motility was prolonged up to 9 min for paddlefish and 5 min for sturgeon and a lower proportion of sperm cells had damage such as blebs of the flagellar membrane or curling of the flagellar tip, compared with those in distilled water. The shape of the flagellar waves changed during the motility phase, mostly through a restriction at the part of the flagellum most proximal to the head. A rotational movement of whole cells was observed for spermatozoa of both species. There were significant differences in velocity of spermatozoa between swimming media and distilled water and between paddlefish and shovelnose sturgeon.  相似文献   

The effects of tributyltin (TBT) on the energy metabolism and motility of fish spermatozoa were investigated in vitro in African catfish and common carp. A significant (P<0.05) decrease of the duration and the intensity of motility was observed in catfish spermatozoa exposed to 0.27 microg/l TBT for 24 h. Exposure of catfish spermatozoa to 2.7-27 microg/l TBT caused an instant decrease in ATP content. In the presence of 27 microg/l TBT approximately 55% of the initial ATP concentration in catfish semen was lost after 60 min incubation while AMP concentrations increased and the total adenine nucleotide (TAN) pool remained unchanged. The reduction in sperm ATP levels could not be attributed to cell death since viability decreased only slightly over the period of exposure. In carp by contrast, none of the adenylates concentrations studied (ATP, ADP and AMP) were affected by TBT exposure at any experimental condition. However, carp sperm motility was significantly reduced by exposure to 2.7 microg/l TBT. Among the enzymes investigated only lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in catfish sperm was significantly (P<0.01) affected by 27 microg/l TBT treatment with a reduction in activity of approximately 75%. Compared with carp sperm before TBT exposure, that of catfish had lower adenylate contents and overall lower enzymatic activities; this explains its slower sperm velocity and shorter duration of movement as measured by computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA). The present in vitro study shows that catfish spermatozoa are more sensitive to TBT exposure (and probably to other toxicants) than those of carp.  相似文献   

Generally, both subjective and computer-assisted (HTM-2000 motility analyzer) assessment of sperm motility in fresh and in frozen-thawed semen of bulls, boars and bucks yields comparable results. However, the use of a motility analyzer renders consistently more accurate estimates, especially when that motility is vigorous as in fresh bull semen.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology and regulation of sperm motility of lake minnow Eupallasella percnurus, an endangered cyprinid, were investigated. Milt characteristics from two isolated populations of E. percnurus were compared to characterize the interpopulation diversity. Electron microscopic studies revealed that E. percnurus spermatozoa comprise simple, uniflagellate, anacrosomal aquasperm with species‐specific features as an eccentrically located implantation of nuclear fossa and eccentric insertion of flagellum. Sperm motility was significantly inhibited by relatively low ion concentrations (150, 150 and 8 mM for NaCl, KCl and CaCl2, respectively). Sperm maintained a high motility rate over a wide pH range (5·5–10·5), which may reflect adaptation to a highly variable environment. The two E. percnurus populations were markedly different in milt volume, sperm concentration, seminal plasma pH, sperm motility and beat cross frequency, which may result from genetic differences and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in nearly every biological process examined to date, but little is known of the identity or function of miRNA in sperm cells or their potential involvement in spermatogenesis. The objective was to identify differences in miRNA expression between normal porcine sperm samples and those exhibiting high percentages of morphological abnormalities or low motility. Quantitative RT-PCR was performed on sperm RNA to compare expression levels of 10 specific miRNAs that are predicted to target genes that code for proteins involved in spermatogenesis, sperm structure, motility, or metabolism. There were increases in the expression of four miRNAs, let-7a, -7d, -7e, and miR-22, in the abnormal group (P < 0.05), whereas miR-15b was decreased compared to controls (P < 0.05). Two miRNAs, let-7d and let-7e, were increased in the low motility group when compared to controls (P < 0.05). Bioinformatic analyses revealed that messenger RNA targets of the differentially expressed miRNAs encode proteins previously described to play roles in sperm function. Although the precise role of miRNA in sperm remains to be determined, their changes as associated with morphology and motility signify a critical biological function. Perhaps they are remnants of spermatogenesis, stored for a later role in fertilization, or are delivered to the oocyte to influence early embryonic development. Although there is no single cause of male infertility, the identification of miRNAs associated with sperm motility, structural integrity, or metabolism could lead to the development of a microarray or real time-based diagnostic assay to provide an assessment of male fertility status.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of excessive zinc intake on the testes and on sperm count and motility in mice. Thirty Balb c mice were divided randomly into 3 groups of 10 animals in each. Group I acted as controls; group II was supplied with drinking water containing 1.5 g/100 mL Zn, and group III was supplied with drinking water containing 2.5 g/100 mL Zn. The animals were sacrificed after 3 wk supplementation and the epididymis and testis were quickly excised. A negative correlation between Zn dose and sperm count and motility was found. The sperm count in group III was significantly lower than in groups II and I (p<0.05). The sperm motility in group III was significantly lower than in the controls (p<0.05). Degenerative changes, including spermatic arrest, degeneration of seminiferous tubules, and fibrosis in interstitial tissue, were observed in group III animals. These results show that high doses of zinc significantly alter sperm motility.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed changes in mitochondrial activity of boar semen during a standard cryopreservation protocol. For this purpose, mitochondrial activity was evaluated simultaneously with the rhythm of mitochondrial formation of reactive oxygen species (mROS) through a double MitoTracker Red/proxylfluorescamine stain. Moreover, we analyzed changes in the expression and location of two key regulatory elements of mitochondrial function, namely mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) and actin, during the freezing-thawing protocol. Our results indicate that mitochondrial activity and mROS formation decreased during cyropreservation, with an initial decrease during the cooling phase of the protocol. This decrease was accompanied by an increase in the amount of solubilized Mfn2, which was concomitant with a progressive extension of Mfn2 location from the apical zone of the midpiece to the whole midpiece. Simultaneously, cryopreservation induced a decrease in solubilized actin, which was concurrent with significant changes in the midpiece actin location. The observed changes in the expression and location of both Mfn2 and actin were already present after the cooling phase of the cryopreservation protocol. Our results suggest that freezing-thawing impaired mitochondrial function. This impairment was concomitant with a decrease in the mitochondrial capacity to synthesize mROS. This impairment is attributed to changes in mitochondrial volume as a result of alterations in the expression and location of both Mfn-2 and the actin network. Finally, the alterations of mitochondrial function induced by the cryopreservation protocol were already apparent at the cooling phase. This observation indicates that the cooling phase is a crucial stage in which mitochondrial alterations occur during cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa present in the first collectable 10 mL of the sperm-rich fraction (SRF) of the boar ejaculate (portion 1, P1) have higher documented viability during and after cryopreservation than spermatozoa in the rest of the ejaculate (portion 2, P2), probably in relation to different features of the surrounding seminal plasma (SP). In the present study, we investigated whether the SP from these ejaculate portions (SP1 or SP2) was able to differently influence sperm viability and chromatin structure of the P1- or P2-contained spermatozoa from individual boars primarily or secondarily exposed (e.g., following cleansing and re-exposure) to pooled SP1 or SP2 from the same males during 60 min. Spermatozoa were subjected to controlled cooling and thawing in MiniFlatPacks (MFPs) and examined for motility (using computer-assisted sperm analysis, CASA) at selected stages of processing. Moreover, sperm plasma membrane intactness (investigated using SYBR-14/propidium iodide, PI), plasma membrane architecture (examined using Annexin-V-PI staining), and chromatin (deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA) integrity (tested using sperm chromatin structure assay, SCSA) were assessed post-thaw (PT). A higher proportion of P1 spermatozoa than of P2 spermatozoa incubated in their native SP portion were confirmed to be motile from collection to PT. When P1 spermatozoa were cleansed from their original SP and re-exposed to pooled P2-SP, sperm kinematics deteriorated from extension to PT. By contrast, cleansed P2 spermatozoa increased motility to P1 levels, especially PT when re-exposed to pooled P1-SP. Such differential effects on motility were not clearly accompanied by biologically related modifications of sperm membrane or chromatin structure. This influence of the SP on sperm kinematics was not sire-dependent and it was presumably related to different concentrations or either SP proteins or bicarbonate in the different ejaculate portions.  相似文献   

The Cantabrian brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a highly endangered species in Spain and basic studies are necessary in order to bank its germplasm. Sperm heads are mainly made up of chromatin, thus their shape depends partly on chromatin structure. Thawed semen from 10 bears was used to analyze chromatin status by sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) and head morphometry by the computer-assisted sperm morphology assessment (CASMA) system. Morphometry was analyzed before and after freezing–thawing in order to evaluate the effects of cryopreservation on sperm heads. Each spermatozoon was measured for four primary parameters (length, L; width, W; area, A; perimeter, P) and derived parameters (ellipticity: L/W, circularity: 4πA/P2, elongation: (L − W)/(L + W), regularity: πLW/4A). All the derived parameters significantly differed between bears. Likewise, cryopreservation affected head morphometry by reducing its size. Clustering based on morphometric parameters separated three subpopulations, one of them being significantly more influenced by the cryopreservation process. We obtained high correlations between head morphometry and SCSA parameters: standard deviation of DNA fragmentation index (SD-DFI) was correlated with perimeter and area (r = 0.75 and r = 0.62, respectively) and DFIm and DFIt (moderate and total DNA fragmentation index) were correlated with perimeter (r = 0.65 and r = 0.67, respectively). Nevertheless, classification of males according to SCSA or head morphometry did not completely agree so the two assays might explain male variability differently. We conclude that cryopreservation affected morphometry at least in a subset of spermatozoa. These results might improve future application of sperm banking techniques in this species.  相似文献   

Goat epididymal intact spermatozoa have been shown to possess on the external surface specific receptors that bind with high affinity to exogenous [8-3H]cyclic AMP. The ecto-cyclic AMP-receptor activity was not due to contamination of broken or "leaky" cells, if any. The binding reaction of [3H]cyclic AMP with the receptors was extremely rapid. Uptake of the labeled cyclic AMP to the sperm cytosolic fraction was undetectable. There was little leakage of cyclic AMP-receptors from intact spermatozoa during the binding assays. The binding reaction was proportional to cell concentration, specific and saturable at 250 nM cyclic AMP. The binding of the labelled cyclic nucleotide was nearly completely displaced at saturating concentrations (2.5 microM) of the unlabelled nucleotide. The ecto-receptors showed high specificity for binding to cyclic AMP. The Kd of the binding sites was approximately 1.7 X 10(-8) M. The binding interaction was highly sensitive to treatment with proteolytic enzymes: trypsin, chymotrypsin, or pronase (125 micrograms/ml). Sonication caused a nearly 450% increase of the ecto-receptor activity. The specific activity of the ecto-cyclic AMP-receptor was approximately twofold higher in the vigorously forwardly motile spermatozoa than in the "composite" cells, suggesting that the ecto-receptors may have a role in modulating flagellar motility.  相似文献   

A method for objective quantification of hamster sperm movement parameters as an indicator of maturation along the epididymis was established using a computerised system. Analysis of spermatozoa released into medium from five epididymal regions showed that the most drastic increases in percentage motility and curvilinear velocity (VCL) occurred from the distal corpus to the beginning of the proximal cauda and in straight-line velocity (VSL) from the beginning to a more distal site within the proximal cauda region. Both high osmolarity (400 mOsm/kg) and the thiol-oxidising agent diamide (10 μM) increased flagellar straightness of distal corpus spermatozoa, but VSL was increased only with the latter. The thiol-reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT, 1mM) stimulated and maintained percentage motility and velocities of spermatozoa from the caput, stimulated only percentage motility of distal corpus sperm, but decreased velocities of those from the proximal cauda in prolonged incubation. In rats, diamide increased path straightness but not velocities of caput spermatozoa and yet caused immotility within 15 min, whereas DTT prolonged the maintenance of in vitro motility. The slight increases in kinematic parameters in the presence of DTT were enhanced by a 2-min preincubation with diamide. The finding that the effects of DTT and diamide were not compensatory suggests that the influence of the SH/S-S status on sperm movement is multifaceted, with decreasing sensitivity to stimulation upon sperm maturation. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Testicular sperm motility and methods for the cryopreservation of spermatozoa in the freshwater goby Rhinogobius sp. CB (Cross Band type) were examined. Spermatozoa were almost immotile upon dilution with 300 mOsm kg−1 of NaCl, KCl and mannitol solutions but began to swim in solutions with concentrations <200 mOsm kg−1. The highest percentage and longest duration of motility was obtained in the 0 and 100–200 mOsm kg−1 solutions, respectively. The highest post-thaw motility, c. 50% of motility before cryopreservation, was obtained when spermatozoa were diluted with an extender of 10% methanol and 90% artificial seminal plasma, cooled at −10·0 ± 1·1° C min−1 (mean ± s . e .) to −50° C and plunged into liquid nitrogen. Spermatozoa were cryopreserved in a 50 μl acrylic haematocrit tube to store the small amount of milt. As the cryopreservation method described above was applicable to the endangered Rhinogobius sp. BI (Bonin Island type), it is probable that this method can be used for other species of freshwater gobies.  相似文献   

The motility of salmonid spermatozoa initiated by dilution of the milt with ovarian fluid or isotonic saline is brief duration; it was believed that it can be activated only once in the life of the spermatozoon. Dilution of the milt with an equal volume of isotonic saline (0.12 M-NaCl) containing 5 mM-3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (MIX) prolonged and intensified sperm motiliy. When motility had stopped after initial mobilization with saline or ovarian fluid, it could be reactivated by addition of MIX; reactivated spermatozoa fertilized eggs. Dilution with saline containing K+ (24 mEq/liter) did not initiate sperm motility even in the presence of MIX. The spermatozoa were mobilized by subsequent with 0.12 M-NaCl. The concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in sperm suspensions dropped on dilution with saline and rose as motility ceased, but declined without subsequent recovery following dilution with MIX-saline. The concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) rose and fell sharply on initiation of motility and rose again after motility had declined. While salmonid spermatozoa can be mobilized by dilition with saline alone, the effectiveness of MIX in reactivating “spent” spermatozoa supports the assumption that cAMP plays a role in the initiation of sperm motility.  相似文献   

The sperm reservoir is formed when spermatozoa bind to the epithelium of the uterotubal junction and caudal isthmus of the oviduct. It is an important mechanism that helps synchronize the meeting of gametes by regulating untimely capacitation and polyspermic fertilization. This study investigated the influence of epididymal maturation and caudal fluid on the ability of spermatozoa to bind to oviduct epithelium using a model porcine oviduct explant assay. Spermatozoa from the rete testis, middle caput (E2-E3), middle corpus (E6), and cauda (E8) of Large White or Large White × Landrace boars aged 10 to 14 months were diluted in modified Androhep solution and incubated with porcine oviduct explants. Results reported in this study support our hypothesis that testicular spermatozoa need to pass through the regions of the epididymis to acquire the ability to bind to the oviduct. There was a sequential increase in the number of spermatozoa that bound to oviduct explants from the rete testis to caudal epididymis. Binding of caudal spermatozoa to isthmic explants was the highest (15.0 ± 1.2 spermatozoa per 1.25 mm2, mean ± standard error of the mean; P ≤ 0.05) and lowest by spermatozoa from the rete testis (2.0 ± 0.3 per 1.25 mm2), and higher to isthmus from sows compared to gilts (35.8 ± 6.7 per 1.25 mm2 vs. 14.8 ± 3.0 per 1.25 mm2; P ≤ 0.05). Binding of ejaculated spermatozoa to porcine isthmus was higher than that for caudal spermatozoa (26.3 ± 1.4 per 1.25 mm2 vs. 15.0 ± 0.8 per 1.25 mm2; P ≤ 0.05) and higher to porcine than to bovine isthmus (26.3 ± 2.3 per 1.25 mm2 vs. 18.8 ± 1.9 per 1.25 mm2; P ≤ 0.05). Incubation of spermatozoa from the caput and corpus in caudal fluid increased the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the oviduct epithelium (P ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, the capacity of testicular spermatozoa to bind to the oviduct epithelium increases during their maturation in the epididymis and can be advanced by components of the caudal fluid.  相似文献   

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