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《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1007-1015
Welsh pony mares and foals (Equus caballus) were usually found to be within 1 or 5 m of each other during the first week of the foal's life and gradually spent more time at greater distances as the foals became older. There was an overall levelling of the trend during the 9th–15th weeks of life of the foal, followed by a second period of change during weeks 16–24. Through weeks 21–24, mares and foals spent at least half of their time within 5 m of each other. Proximity was primarily due to foal activity except during foal recumbency. During the first 8 weeks of the foal's life, a mare remained close by when it was recumbent, either by grazing in a circle around it or by standing upright beside it. Mares and foals were most likely to be close together when they were resting upright with the other ponies in the herd and most likely to be far apart when the foal was playing. Similarities in patterns of spatial relationship between the foals of a given mare were demonstrated. There was no difference between colts and filies in the development of independence.  相似文献   

Donkey gonadotropins (donkey luteinizing hormone, dLH; donkey follicle-stimulating hormone, dFSH) have been isolated in purified form from 191 donkey pituitaries using essentially the same procedures previously employed for the purification of equine gonadotropins. Chemically, dLH and dFSH were observed to be similar to equine LH (eLH) and FSH (eFSH) in fractionation behavior and glycoprotein nature. Two forms of the dFSH molecule were observed, as is the case for eFSH. Donkey LH had significantly less total carbohydrate (13.5%) and sialic acid (1.9%) than eLH (26.7% and 5.8%, respectively). Carbohydrate (17-21%) and sialic acid (2.4%) content of the two dFSH preparations closely resembled that of eFSH. A slightly higher tyrosine content in the donkey gonadotropins was noted in a comparison of amino acid compositions. Immunologically, in a heterologous FSH radioimmunoassay (RIA), dFSH preparations were equal to or twice as active as eFSH preparations. However, in homologous RIAs for equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), eFSH and eLH, both the dLH and dFSH preparations were considerably less active than the equine gonadotropins, and their inhibition curves were all nonparallel. Biologically, in the Steelman-Pohley assay both dFSH preparations were equipotent and as potent as eFSH (approximately 40 times NIH-FSH-S12). In the Sertoli cell assay for cAMP (FSH assay) and the Leydig cell assay for testosterone (LH assay), both dFSH and dLH were 2- or 6-fold more active than eFSH and eLH, respectively. In rat and equine testis FSH homologous radioreceptor assays, dFSH preparations were as active and up to 6-fold more active than eFSH. In contrast, dLH was 10-fold less active than eLH in the equine LH homologous radioreceptor assay. Unlike eLH, dLH was found to possess little intrinsic FSH activity or FSH inhibitory activity, and the small amount of FSH activity observed was most likely due to FSH contamination. Therefore, eLH behaves much like eCG (pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin, PMSG) which also possesses both LH and FSH activity. In contrast, dLH behaves more like donkey chorionic gonadotropin (dCG) which possesses only a low degree of FSH activity.  相似文献   

Mounting interactions in mares isolated from stallions and the relationship to stage of the estrous cycle and level of circulating hormones were studied for 3 years in a herd averaging 105 mares. Mares were assigned to mounting, standing, and control groups. A control mare was selected by being within 1 day of the number of days after ovulation in a mounting mare. A total of 15 mounting interactions were detected by chance observation during the 3 years. A blood sample was collected immediately after the mounting interaction from each mare in the three groups, and a transrectal ultrasonographic examination of the reproductive tract was done. Two mounting interactions occurred during the early luteal phase and 13 during the follicular phase. The interactions that occurred during the follicular phase were used for comparisons among groups. The interval between mounting and the next ovulation, diameter of the two largest follicles, and the number of follicles larger and smaller than 20 mm were not different significantly among the mounting, standing, and control groups. Testosterone concentrations were higher (P<0.01) in the mounting group (17.7+/-2.3 pg/ml) than in standing group (10.9+/-0.5 pg/ml), and the difference between the mounting group and the control group (12.8+/-0.6 pg/ml) approached significance (P<0.08). Concentrations of androstenedione, estradiol, estrone, and progesterone did not differ significantly among groups. Results indicated that mounting behavior between mares is rare, usually occurs during the follicular phase, and is related to high circulating concentrations of testosterone.  相似文献   

Uterine involution and follicular dynamics during postpartum period were studied ultrasonographically in French jennies. For the study of uterine involution in postpartum jennies (n = 6, Group S), sonographic measurements of different parts of the uterus and endometrium were made at three-day interval, starting from the day of foaling and continued up to 33 days postpartum. Uterine dimensions were also recorded in non-pregnant jennies (n = 3, Group C) throughout a cycle and compared with the dimensions of Group S jennies observed on the day of complete involution. Follicular dynamics of first and second postpartum ovulatory cycles were studied and compared with that of the single estrous cycle of Group C jennies. Jugular venous blood samples of Group S jennies were collected at weekly intervals for 49 days, commencing at the appearance of first preovulatory follicle, to support the sonographic findings. The average involution period was 22.5 +/- 1.7 days. However, it was significantly delayed (P < 0.05) in jennies which came into first postpartum ovulatory heat within Day 9 than those who came later (25.0 +/- 1.0 versus 20.0 +/- 1.0). The endometrial layer was not discernible beyond Day 15 postpartum and thus was found to be unreliable index of uterine involution. The follicular growth rate (mm per day) and diameter (mm) of preovulatory follicle in postpartum jennies were similar to that in normal cycling jennies (P > 0.05). The first and second ovulations occurred at 14.6 +/- 0.8 and 39.0 +/- 0.8 days postpartum in Group S jennies. All the corpora lutea, either echogenic or centrally non-echogenic were functionally similar and had similar life span (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the postpartum reproductive events related to uterine involution and ovarian cyclicity apparently resemble that of mares.  相似文献   

Aggression and social spacing were studied in 14 light horse mares and their foals living at pasture. Focal samples were collected on each mare-foal dyad for 6 to 10.5 h from 2 months of foal age until weaning at approximately 4 months of age. Observations on foals continued until approximately 6 months of age for 7.5 to 10.5 h per foal. Every 2 min the identities of all individuals within 5 m were recorded. All occurrences of agonistic behavior, and the participants, were recorded during the focal samples. In addition, during feeding of supplemental grain, all occurrences of agonistic behavior by all subjects were recorded. Significant correlations were found between mare rank and the rank of foals both prior to and after weaning. Before weaning, the rank of the foal was significantly correlated with birth order. No significant correlation between birth order and foal rank was found for the post-weaning hierarchy. An animal's gender had no significant effect on foal rank or the choice of preferred associate. Both prior to and after weaning, foals associated preferentially with the foal of their dam's most preferred associate. In addition, significant positive correlations were found between rank of mares and foals and the rate at which they directed aggression to other herd members.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine which physiological seasonal thyroid and lipid panel (triglyceride, [TG], total cholesterol, [tCho], high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, [HDL Cho], LDL cholesterol, phospholipids, [PDs]) changes occur in 12 Thoroughbred pregnant and six nonpregnant mares over a period of 12 months, from April to March, by into account the lactation stage. Serum total triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels were measured using immunoenzymatic assay kits; the serum lipid panel was analyzed using the enzymatic colorimetric method. One-way ANOVA reported a significant effect of time over 12 months for T3 (F = 5.46; P < 0.001) and T4 (F = 3.98; P < 0.001), in both pregnant and nonpregnant mares, and for triglyceride (F = 2.57; P < 0.01), tCho (F = 2.32; P < 0.01), HDL Cho (F = 5.60; P < 0.0001), and PDs (F = 7.01; P < 0.0001) in pregnant mares. Two-way ANOVA repoted a significant lactating effect compared with nonlactating stage for T3 (F = 8.33; P = 0.006), T4 (F = 6.43; P = 0.003), tCho (F = 10.38; P = 0.0078), HDL Cho (F = 7.64; P = 0.020), and PDs (F = 5.07; P = 0.048). Thus, it appears that under similar environmental condition, nutrition regime, and management system, lactation stage plays a significant role in the seasonal thyroid and lipid profiles in Thoroughbred pregnant mares, with higher T3, T4, and PDs values, and lower tCho and HDL Cho in lactating than nonlactating mares. The physiological values obtained in this study may be used as additional resources to evaluate thyroid and lipid profiles in Thoroughbred pregnant and nonpregnant mares, generating a wished numbers of observation, especially when the additional breed and physiological conditions are considered.  相似文献   

We investigated mutual grooming by Jeju pony (Equus caballus) foals to determine whether male foals preferentially interact with potential future sexual partners or competitors. We predicted that relative to female foals, male foals would exchange grooming more frequently with young mares and that in general, foals would mutually groom more frequently with the opposite sex rather than the same sex. Observing 53 foals between April and October 1998, we recorded 113 mutual grooming events. Male foals exchanged grooming with yearling mares more frequently than with their mother, while female foals exchanged grooming with their mother more frequently than with yearling mares. Contrary to the prediction, foals were not more likely to mutually groom with a foal of the opposite sex than with a foal of the same sex. In our study, 21 instances of play-fighting behavior followed mutual grooming between peers. Relative to intersexual grooming events, play-fighting was more likely to follow intrasexual mutual grooming, and male foals were much more likely to play fight than female foals. These results provide evidence that Jeju pony foals develop and maintain social relationships at the earliest stage of their lives. We suggest that early social experiences might influence social bonding later when the male foal begins to form a harem after separation from its mother.  相似文献   

K Bell 《Animal genetics》1994,25(Z1):109-113
Transferrin, albumin, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and vitamin D-binding protein polymorphisms were detected in 242 feral and domesticated Australian donkeys by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, starch gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, immunoblotting with specific antisera and activity staining. All four TF and two ALB variants were donkey specific while only one of the PGD variants was donkey specific. The two GC variants were electrophoretically identical to the Equus caballus F and S proteins. Available evidence suggested that the TF, ALB, PGD and GC systems are controlled by co-dominant alleles with frequencies of the most common alleles of each system being 0·831, 0·946, 0·957 and 0·861 respectively. Glucose phosphate isomerase and plasminogen were monomorphic in the Australian population of donkeys.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Equine plasma contains lipoproteins corresponding to very low density (VLDL), low density (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL).
  • 2.2. HDL accounts for approximately 60% of plasma lipoprotein mass and consists of a single population of particles.
  • 3.3. LDL is heterogeneous comprising three discrete subfractions.
  • 4.4. Two proteins are found in the region of apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 in VLDL and LDL and a third similar to apo B-48 is in VLDL.
  • 5.5. Lecithin:cholesterol acyl transferase is active in plasma and hepatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase are evident in post-heparin plasma.
  • 6.6. There is no significant cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity.

Starch gel electrophoresis of 55 donkey serum samples revealed three prealbumin (Pr) phenotypes temporarily designated PrM, PrMT and PrT. The distribution was in agreement with a genetic theory of two codominant alleles of frequencies, PrM= 0.87 and PrT= 0.13. Variation was also observed for proteins migrating with the same rate as the Xh zones in the horse.  相似文献   

The ability of four horses (Equus caballus) to discriminate coloured (three shades of blue, green, red, and yellow) from grey (neutral density) stimuli, produced by back projected lighting filters, was investigated in a two response forced-choice procedure. Pushes of the lever in front of a coloured screen were occasionally reinforced, pushes of the lever in front of a grey screen were never reinforced. Each colour shade was randomly paired with a grey that was brighter, one that was dimmer, and one that approximately matched the colour in terms of brightness. Each horse experienced the colours in a different order, a new colour was started after 85% correct responses over five consecutive sessions or if accuracy showed no trend over sessions. All horses reached the 85% correct with blue versus grey, three horses did so with both yellow and green versus grey. All were above chance with red versus grey but none reached criterion. Further analysis showed the wavelengths of the green stimuli used overlapped with the yellow. The results are consistent with histological and behavioural studies that suggest that horses are dichromatic. They differ from some earlier data in that they indicate horses can discriminate yellow and blue, but that they may have deficiencies in discriminating red and green.  相似文献   

In a related paper, we showed that mares that reproduced early in life tended to have higher fecundity because of a decrease in the duration of inter-birth intervals relative to mares that reproduced later in life. However, we know that young mares are subordinate to older mares. Hence, costs associated with low dominance rank might offset the benefits of earlier reproduction. We compared harassment of foals of female Jeju ponies that first reproduced at three years of age with that of foals of females that first reproduced at five years of age. As a consequence of their positions in the linear dominance hierarchy, foals born to and guarded by young mares were harassed more frequently than foals whose mothers were older when they first reproduced. A mare that reproduced early in life guarded her offspring more closely and intervened between her foal and neighboring mares more frequently than those mares which first reproduced when older. This need to guard their foals and the harm that might ensue from frequent harassment might counter-balance selection towards earlier reproduction in mares.  相似文献   

Haemoglobin acts as an important protein for oxygen carrier in all living beings. Purification of donkey haemoglobin was done using PEG 4000 as a separating medium. Crystallization was achieved using hanging drop vapor diffusion method using 2.8 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.8. Data collection was done using mar345 image plate detector system. The crystals grown under 2.8 M phosphate buffer are monoclinic with space group C2 and cell dimensions a=107.664 A, b=63.084 A, c=54.042 A, and beta=111.747 degrees.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Sweat of two burros (Equus asinus) was collected after two desert walks, one at 38°C, one at 41°C.
  • 2.2. Sweat from one burro was about twice as concentrated as from the other. In that respect and in respect to concentrations of chloride, sodium and potassium their sweat was like that of man.
  • 3.3. Low concentrations of bicarbonate were present in burros' sweat contrasted with little if any in man's.
  • 4.4. Urea nitrogen plus ammonia nitrogen were found in higher concentrations in burros' sweat than in man's sweat.

Endobiotic ciliates of native Yakut horse are investigated. 57 ciliate species have been found. From 17 up to 43 species of ciliates have been revealed in each host specimen. The specimens of Alloiozona trizona Hsiung, 1930 and Triadinium caudatum Fiorentini, 1890 were present in 100 % of the horses. The endemic genus and species of allantosomides, Strelkowella urunbasiensis Kornilova, 2004, has been found in 11 horses. Allantoxena japonensis (Imai, 1979) and Cycloposthium ishikawai Gassovsky, 1919 being recorded previously in Japan only were found for the first time in Russia. The species Cycloposthium ponomarevi Kornilova, 2001 peculiar to the Turkmenistan koulan has been found in the Yakut horses.  相似文献   

1. A method for the purification of horse serum lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase has been established. 2. The method involves the adsorption of the enzyme from diluted horse serum on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, 1-butanol treatment, and chromatographic techniques of DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B, DEAE-Sephadex A-50, Affi-Gel blue and hydroxylapatite. 3. The resultant enzyme preparation essentially formed a single main band when subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. 4. The final purification of the enzyme was 20,000-fold with 7% yield. 5. The apparent mol. wt of the enzyme was 64,000. 6. The activity of the enzyme was stable for 3 days at 0 degree C.  相似文献   

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