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李宏科 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):295-296
芦毒蛾是洞庭湖区重要的芦苇害虫,1年发生3代,以1龄幼虫在芦苇或杂草的枯叶中越冬。对于幼虫在其寄主植物之间的转移行为亦进行了观察。  相似文献   

赵正歧  陈朝晖 《昆虫知识》1993,30(5):300-300
<正> 芦毒蛾Laelia coenosa candida Leech是危害获、芦苇的暴食性叶面害虫。此虫1年发生3代,以幼虫啃食获、芦苇叶片。为了及时准确地作好预测预报,我们对该虫蛹,卵期的发育起点温和有效积温常数进行了测定,经1990年和1991年两年验证,预测的结果与实际发生期基本相符。  相似文献   

1990~1992年对射阳海涂芦苇的芦毒蛾、条锹额夜蛾、宫苍仁蚧以及芦苇褐斑病和芦苇叶锈病的主要生物学和生态学特点进行了观察研究,提出了以生态控制为基础的综合防治体系。防治实践表明,这一体系是可行的,具有良好的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

王显金  钟昌标 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2974-2983
正确评估海涂湿地生态服务价值有助于加强人们保护海涂湿地的意识,为海涂湿地围垦生态补偿标准的制定提供依据。视价格"便宜"、"适中"和"昂贵"为模糊集,基于CVM法区间型数据建立了传统模糊统计模型、赋权模糊统计模型和三相划分模型,并以此评价了杭州湾国家湿地公园单位面积年生态系统服务价值。结果显示:3种方法得到的单价分别为10.28、10.38、9.76元m~(-2)a~(-1),三者一致程度较高,与国内沿海湿地价值比较接近。分析了"生态价值"概念客观上的"模糊性"引致模糊数学模型的合理性;采用"橄榄球"式赋权建立赋权模糊统计模型以克服传统模糊统计模型中对区间数据均匀赋权的不合理性,结果在隶属度函数的光滑性和拟合度上好于后者;第三,三相划分模型拟合出3个模糊集的隶属度函数,可以比较相同价格在不同模糊集中隶属度差异。建立的模型对于基于CVM法的生态资源价值评估具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

江苏海涂两种水生利用模式的能值分析   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
自然资源的开发利用模式是多种多样的 ,要明确哪一种模式更优化 ,就必须对其生态经济效益作比较全面的分析评价。传统经济学的劳动价值论或市场价值论只表现了人对生态经济系统的贡献 ,没有体现自然对生态经济系统的贡献 ;传统的能量分析方法 ,把所有的可利用能量看成是等同的 ,没能体现能级和能质的差异[10 ]。能值分析方法克服了以上各方法的缺陷 ,从自然进化和系统演化的角度指出真正财富的共同价值基础能值 ,使得生态经济系统中各种能量、信息和物质能以同一标准进行比较和估算1) 。最大能值流原理提供了几条明确标准 ,反映系统自组织的…  相似文献   

尽管施放了大剂量的杀虫剂如:西维因,伏虫脲,敌百虫,乙酰甲胺磷,最近三年舞毒蛾的肆虐仍然造成了创记录的落叶,受害范围从美国东北的阔叶林到南部和西部的森林,甚至包括一些城市的中心,杀虫剂厂家一直在研制新型的药剂,特别是防治蛾子有效,而且对人畜及其他昆虫无毒性的生物药剂。  相似文献   

论害虫种群的生态控制   总被引:112,自引:5,他引:112  
丁岩钦 《生态学报》1993,13(2):99-106
本文根据保护生物圈与经济持续发展的要求,提出害虫种群的“生态控制’对策,以代替现在国内外采用的“综合防治”。文中根据生态学与经济学理论,不仅提出了“生态控制”应遵循的经济学与生态学的管理原则,并且提出了“生态控制”的指导思想与方法论,以及它的目标函数、约束条件与主要对策。进而根据国内外本领域的科技发展动态分析与生产实际需要,论述了本种对策在生产中的可行性与重要性。  相似文献   

河西走廊不同生态类型芦苇的气体交换特点的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
张承烈  陈国仓 《生态学报》1991,11(3):250-255

采用容器栽培方法研究了添加外源乙酸和EDTA对铜尾矿矿砂中芦苇[Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.ex Steud.]幼苗地上部分及地下部分生长及部分金属元素积累的影响.结果表明:添加0.5 mmol· L-1乙酸,幼苗各部分的干质量以及耐性指数与对照差异较小;Cu、Cd、Pb、K和Na含量或显著低于对照,或与对照差异不显著.添加2.0 mmol·L-1乙酸,地下部分和地上部分的干质量最大,分别较对照提高33.7%和58.5%,耐性指数也最大,达到1.07;幼苗各部分的Cu、Cd和K含量均显著低于对照,Pb含量高于或显著高于对照,Na含量与对照差异不显著.添加0.5 mmol·L-1EDTA,幼苗各部分的干质量显著高于对照,耐性指数较对照减小19%;各部分的Cd、K和Na含量及地下部分的Cu含量低于或显著低于对照,地上部分的Cu含量以及各部分的Pb含量高于或显著高于对照.添加2.0 mmol·L-1EDTA,幼苗各部分的干质量与对照无显著差异,耐性指数较对照减小21%;各部分的Pb、K、Na 含量和地上部分Cu含量以及地下部分Cd含量显著高于对照,地上部分Cd含量显著低于对照,而地下部分Ca含量与对照差异不显著.研究结果表明:添加高浓度乙酸能促进铜尾矿矿砂中芦苇生长和Pb积累;添加高浓度EDTA能显著抑制芦苇根系生长,对金属元素的积累有明显的促进作用,尤其是能够促进Cu向地上部分的运输以及地下部分对Cd和Pb的积累.  相似文献   

采用不同溶剂对芦苇﹝Phragmites australis ( Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.﹞叶片水提物进行萃取,并以小麦( Triticum aestivum Linn.)和萝卜( Raphanus sativus Linn.)种子为实验材料对不同萃取物的化感效应进行检测;采用薄层层析和柱层析对抑制作用最强的正丁醇萃取物进行进一步分离,并采用GC-MS法对生物活性较高的组分进行组成成分分析;在此基础上,选择相对含量高并具有代表性的潜在化感成分进行生物活性检测,以期筛选出芦苇叶中的潜在化感成分。结果显示:随质量浓度(20、100和500 mg·L-1)提高,芦苇叶水提物的石油醚、二氯甲烷、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇和水萃取物对小麦和萝卜种子萌发的抑制作用均逐渐增强,其中正丁醇萃取物的抑制作用最强。在正丁醇萃取物的11个组分中,Fr.5、Fr.6、Fr.7、Fr.9和Fr.10组分均能显著抑制萝卜或小麦幼苗的生长,经质量浓度500 mg·L-1各组分处理液处理后萝卜或小麦幼苗的株高、根长及单株鲜质量均显著低于对照(P<0.05)。采用GC-MS法从Fr.5、Fr.6、Fr.7、Fr.9和Fr.10组分中分别鉴定出11、15、15、12和22种成分,分别占各组分总相对含量的83.02%、91.31%、87.36%、97.92%和94.34%,主要成分包括糖类、醇类、有机酸类、酮类、酰胺类和酯类。对14种潜在化感成分生物活性的检测结果显示这些成分对小麦幼苗生长有明显的抑制作用,其中,经质量浓度20 mg·L-1油酸酰胺、棕榈酸甲酯、亚油酸、2-苯乙胺、2-甲基烯丙醇和4-羟基-3-甲氧基苦杏仁酸处理后,小麦幼苗的株高、根长及单株鲜质量显著低于对照。综合分析结果显示:芦苇叶水提物具有较强的化感活性,其潜在的化感成分为油酸酰胺、棕榈酸甲酯、亚油酸、2-苯乙胺、2-甲基烯丙醇和4-羟基-3-甲氧基苦杏仁酸。  相似文献   

基质有效性调节加拿大一枝黄花入侵对土壤呼吸的抑制作用 外来植物入侵不仅会降低河边近岸湿地生态系统植被多样性,而且会改变湿地生态系统的地下碳过程。外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis L.)已广泛入侵我国东南部地区,但加拿大一枝黄花入侵对入侵地生态系统地下土壤碳循环过程的影响却知之甚少。本研究通过野外原位观测实验和温室模拟入侵实验,探究外来植物加拿大一枝黄花入侵对入侵地土壤呼吸的影响规律及其驱动因素。野 外原位观测实验开展于2018年7月21日至12月15日,期间每周测定样地土壤呼吸。温室模拟入侵实验开展于2019年7月15日至12月15日,期间每月1日与15日上午测定土壤呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸。土壤呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸通过静态箱结合深埋根系隔离法测定。野外原位观测实验和温室模拟入侵实验结果均显示,加拿大一枝黄花的入侵降低了土壤二氧化碳的排放通量。加拿大一枝黄花入侵对土壤呼吸的抑制作用可能归因于其入侵引起的土壤可利用底物质量与数量的变化,表明外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花可通过改变植物释放基质以及与本地植物和/或土壤微生物争夺土壤有效基质而影响土壤碳循环。这些研究结果对于评估外来入侵植物对入侵地地下碳动态的影响以及对全球变暖的贡献具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Three stands of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel were investigated regarding the relationship between the number of efflux culms and convective ventilation efficiency affecting the hypoxic status of roots and rhizomes. The lack of old (efflux) culms after mowing the preceding winter caused a significantly higher counterpressure within the rhizome, thereby diminishing air flushing rate, i.e. oxygen supply, of rhizomes. The levels of alanine and c-aminobutyric acid in basal culm internodes increased significantly. Both amino acids indicate the hypoxic status of the root and rhizome metabolism of P. australis . Amino acid patterns of the basal culm internodes are discussed with respect to the maintenance of aerobic root metabolism and nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Recently, the riparian buffer zone using Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. has frequently been installed in the ecotone, and young shoots of P. australis have been produced worldwide using seeds and/or rhizomes. However, the expenditures of labor, time, and money related to this technique have been enormous. In this paper, therefore, a new method which enables the reduction of the above-mentioned expenditure is developed and proposed. Using this method, we were able to install an area where P. australis flourished without the production of young shoots, by simply placing segments of P. australis culms by the water, and were able to reduce the above-mentioned usual expenditure. On the other hand, hydrophytes such as Scirpus tabernaemontani Gmel., Zizania latifolia Turcz. and Typha latifolia L. have frequently been planted with P. australis as a riparian buffer zone material. In this study, therefore, the care required in the mix planting of the above-mentioned four hydrophytes was also examined on the basis of the allelopathic potential of the interspecies. As a result, the allelopathic inhibition of root elongation was observed between the interspecies. Therefore a sufficient planting interval is required in order to ensure the elongation of the roots of the above-mentioned hydrophytes in the case of mix planting.  相似文献   

The design, operation, pollutant removal as well as hydraulic modeling of wetland systems for wastewater treatment can be improved by better understanding and simulating the evapotranspiration process. To this purpose, two experiments were carried out in Northern (Veneto region) and Southern (Sicily region) Italy to measure evapotranspiration (ET) and determine the crop coefficient of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. using the FAO 56 approach. The experimental set-up consisted of a combination of vegetated and unvegetated plastic tanks (Veneto) or pilot sub-surface flow beds (Sicily). The ET values were obtained by measuring the amount of water needed to restore the initial volume in the tanks and in the beds after a certain period. All the needed climatic variables were measured and taken into account in the ET measurements. In the two experimental sites cumulative reference evapotranspiration (ET0) was similar to the cumulative ET measured in the control tanks and beds (without vegetation, ETcon), while ET measured for P. australis (ETphr) was significantly higher, underlining the strong effect of vegetation. From June 2009 to September 2009 the cumulative ET0, ETcon and ETphr in Veneto were 455, 424 and 3048 mm, in Sicily 653, 556 and 3899 mm, respectively. The plant coefficient trend of P. australis (Kp) estimated in Veneto was similar to that in Sicily, suggesting that the role of the plant in dispersing water is similar under different environmental conditions. Additional measurements made in the Veneto plant showed that Kp assumes different patterns and values in relation to plant age and growth stage. These results highlight the importance of the plants in regulating water losses from a wetland system, above all from small-scale constructed wetlands where the effect of the advection in ET rates is evident.  相似文献   

Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin., a C4 grass, occurs in understory habitats in the northeastern United States. Plants of M. sobolifera were grown at 23 and 30°C at 150 and 700 μmol photons m−2 s−1. The photosynthetic CO2 compensation point, maximum CO2 assimilation, dark respiration and the absorbed quantum use efficiency (QUE) were measured at 23 and 30°C at 2 and 20% O2. Photosynthetic CO2 compensation points ranged from 4 to 14mm3 dm−3 CO2 and showed limited O2 sensitivity. The mean photosynthetic CO2 compensation point of plants grown at 30°C (4·5 mm3 dm−3) was 57% lower and 80% less inhibited by O2 than that of plants grown at 23°C. Photosynthesis was similarly affected by growth temperature, with 70% more O2 inhibition in plants grown at 23°C; suppression over all treatments ranging from 2 to 11%. Unlike typical C4 species, plants of M. sobolifera from both temperature regimes exhibited higher CO2 assimilation rates when grown at low light. Growth temperature and light also affected QUE; plants grown at low light and 23°C had the highest value (0·068 mol CO2/mol quanta). Measurement temperature and growth light regime significantly affected dark respiration; however, O2 did not affect QUE or dark respiration under any growth or measurement conditions. The results indicate that M. sobolifera is adapted to low PPFD, and that complete suppression of photorespiration is dependent upon high growth temperature.  相似文献   

扎龙湿地芦苇分株生态可塑性及其对土壤因子的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦德志  于欣宇  王昱深  潘林  杨允菲 《生态学报》2019,39(11):4149-4157
扎龙湿地的芦苇既可形成大面积的单优群落,也可形成不同群落斑块。采用大样本抽样调查与统计分析方法,对湿地内水生生境、湿生生境、旱生生境和盐碱生境芦苇种群分株高度和生物量进行比较。结果表明,6—10月份,4个生境芦苇种群分株高度及生物量均以水生生境最高,盐碱生境最低,水生生境株高为盐碱生境的1.5—2.3倍,分株生物量为2.0—5.1倍,生境间的差异性以及差异序位均相对稳定。4个生境株高生境间变异系数(19.45%—31.56%)均高于生境内变异系数(8.07%—17.61%),分株高度在生境间的可塑性更大;分株生物量中水生生境、湿生生境和盐碱生境3个生境间的变异系数(33.43%—55.61%)均低于生境内变异系数(44.85%—79.82%),分株生物量在生境内的可塑性更大。不同生境条件下芦苇种群分株,在生长和生产上均存在较大的生态可塑性,表现出明显的环境效应,其中土壤含水量是该地区芦苇分株生态可塑性变异的主要驱动因子(R0.80),为正向驱动。  相似文献   

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