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栽培牡丹的种子萌发和贮藏特性(简报)   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
栽培牡丹种子萌发生根前约有2个月的后熟期,去除种皮及各种化学或物理处理对其打破休眠,提高萌发率无明显效果,其上胚轴休眠只有在种子胚根长足3cm时,用10mg/GA3处理1d或在5℃条件下处理1 ̄2周才可以打破,否则没有效果。  相似文献   

紧缺中药材远志的栽培与加工邓友平,赵力强(中国医学科学院药用植物资源开发研究所北京100094)周明全(湖北农学院特种生物实验中心荆州434103)远志入药的有远志(Polygalatenuifoliawilld)和宽叶远志(P.sibiricaL....  相似文献   

绞股蓝[Gynostemma penlaphyllum(Thunb)Makino]是葫芦科的一种多年生草质藤本植物.植物体内含有近六十种皂甙,这些皂甙能与人体内多余的脂肪相结合,有很强的去除胆固醇能力,使酸性血液转变为碱性,改善人体内的液体环境,对提高人体的抗病能力有很大作用,对于癌变肿瘤的增殖、扩大、转移有明显的抑制作用.其中绞股蓝皂  相似文献   

玉竹[Polygatum odoratum (Mill) Druce],又名萎蕤、尾参、玉参、铃铛菜。百合科,多年生草本。地下具竹鞭状肉质根状茎。根据根状茎的形态主要分为两种:一种叫小玉竹,俗称竹根尾,地下茎瘦小,结节小,节间长,分布较广,品质较差,食用价值低。一种叫大玉竹,俗称猪屎尾,地下茎粗壮,结节较大,节间较长,分枝较多,品质好,食用价值高。其根状茎含生物碱,强心甙(为  相似文献   

我国主要食用蕨类及其栽培与加工技术张志焱,刘长庆(泰安市菜篮子科技园泰安271000)(泰安市农业局)1.我国的主要食用蕨类1.1荚果蕨(Matteucciastruthiopteris)球子蕨科,株高1米,1-2回羽状复叶,较耐干旱,分布于我国东北...  相似文献   

贝母套种栽培及加工技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贝母为多年生草本植物,以地下鳞茎入药.主要有川贝、浙贝、平贝等栽培品种.川贝主产于四川、云南、西藏、青海;浙贝主产于浙江、江苏、湖北;平贝主产于东北三省和华北大部地区.贝母味甘、苦,性平,微寒.具有清热润肺,止咳化痰,定喘及止血功能.主治肺燥咳嗽、久咳痰喘、肺结核咯血、胃溃疡、痢疮、急慢性支气管炎等症.目前全国各大中药材市场以人工栽培的平贝母为主要品种.种植贝母有产量高、质量好、繁殖力强、地上茎生长周期短(60天左右)、不争农时、效益丰厚等诸多特点,一次性投入,可逐年扩大,连续多年受益.可与粮食、经济作物、果树、林木套种,能取得粮药双丰收,被誉为"地上粮仓、地下银行".  相似文献   

从外观品质、内在品质、贮藏品质及加工品质等方面对荔枝品质评价的研究进展进行综述,旨在为荔枝的良种选育、加工贮藏、产业优化和品质评价等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the evolutionary impact of chestnut ink disease, infected trees (cv. Judia), were compared with non‐infected trees, in three separate months: July, September and October. The aim of this work is to analyse the effects of the infection using parameters related to plant water relations, gas exchange and biometric data of leaves and fruits. In this period, temperatures decreased from 31 to 16°C contrarily to precipitation, which increased from 18 to 178 mm, respectively. In consequence, leaf water potential changed between ?1.6 and ?1.0 MPa while in infected plants the values maintained around ?1.2 MPa over the referred period. Nevertheless, at the gas exchanges level, differences in stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis were only detected in October. Concerning photosynthesis rate, the infected plants showed, in relation to September, a reduction around 35% whereas in non‐infected plants the decline was 25%. Alterations in the chlorophyll contents were also observed between September and October. In infected plants reduction on total amount of chlorophyll was from 18.6 to 13.4 mg/Wf, while in non‐infected plants values were only decayed from 15.1 to 13.1 mg/Wf. In relation to chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio, plants infected by the oomycete preserved values in the level of 2.6, whereas in healthy plants values changed from 2.5 to 2.3. Leaves and fruits from infected chestnut trees were 13 and 20% smaller, respectively than those from non‐infected. Fruits from infected plants also had less starch but more crude protein.  相似文献   

Extracts of cold stored chestnut cuttings ( Castanea sativa Mill.) were examined for the inhibitory effect on the stimulation of rooting by 1AA which has been detected previously in extracts from freshly collected cuttings. The extracts were fractionated by paper chromatography and the different zones of the chromatograms were bioassayed together with 1AA by the bean rooting test. The bean rooting test showed that the inhibitory effect decreased with the length of cold storage period, so that after 5 months of storage, the inhibitory effect had disappeared, and a root promoting zone was found on the chromatograms. A comparative study of phenolics in this zone, before and after cold storage, revealed the formation of vanillyl and salicyl alcohols in the chilled material. Vanillyl and salicyl alcohols are rooting stimulators and increase the effect of 1AA on rooting in bean cuttings.  相似文献   

Auxin protectors and IAA oxidase activity were comparatively analyzed in the upper and the lower parts of shoots of chestnut ( Castanea sativa Mill.) cultivated in vitro with indolebutyric acid (IBA) pretreatment. Rhizogenesis of the shoots is accompanied by an increase in auxin protectors in the lower parts and by a decrease of these protectors in the upper parts. Besides, the IAA oxidase activity declines in the basal parts during the rooting process while it increases in the upper ones. These biochemical events would enhance the IAA level in the rooting region of the shoots. In untreated, non-rooted cuttings, the IAA oxidase activity remains low in the upper parts and high in the basal parts of the shoots. The results thus indicate that the IBA treatment may control the endogenous auxin level of the cuttings, either through a direct regulation of the IAA oxidase system or more indirectly through the transport of auxin protectors.  相似文献   

Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from Castanea sativa (Mill.). Six contained dinucleotide repeats, six contained trinucleotide repeats, and one contained a compound microsatellite of a trinucleotide and a tetranucleotide repeat. The loci were characterized using C. sativa trees from three populations in the UK and the parents and six seedlings from a Turkish mapping population. The number of alleles revealed varied from two to 14 (mean = 5.15) per loci. Eight loci were found to be useful in the mapping family.  相似文献   

Proline constitutes approximately 85 % of the amino acid composition of honey. Therefore, the quantitative determination of this amino acid in honey samples is used by many national/international authorities to evaluate the quality of honey types. In this study, it was aimed to achieve maximum proline amino acid extraction from honey samples whose botanical origins were confirmed by melissopalynological analysis. For this reason, based on three different spectrophotometric methods used in the literature for proline analysis, proline extraction was optimized with the Response Surface Method (RSM) and Box-Behnken experimental design. Three independent variables were determined as treatment time (2, 6, and 10 min), treatment temperature (22, 46, and 70 °C), and cooling time (5, 25, and 45 min). As a result of the optimization, it was seen that only significantly effective independent variable on the proline content of honey was the processing temperature. The optimum conditions obtained as a result of the RSM were found to be 2 min for the treatment time, 70 °C for the treatment temperature and 45 min for the cooling time. The composite desirability of the optimum conditions (R2) was found to be 1.00. It was determined that the method proposed by International Honey Commission (IHC) is efficient for proline analysis, but it provides more proline extraction by reducing of time from 10 min to 2 min in hold time in boiling water bath only during the extraction step. As a result, the conditions to be used in order to achieve maximum proline extraction with different spectrophotometric methods were determined and optimum values were determined. In addition, since the botanical origin of honey samples significantly affects the proline content of honey, it can be suggested that this study be optimized for different monofloral honey samples as well.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, marked land use changes have taken place in many Mediterranean ecosystems. For example, many chestnut groves in France are now abandoned and have turned into 'natural' coppice stands while others are now clear-cut every 10 or 15 years for wood. Species composition and life form diversity of the plant communities have changed markedly both in the abandoned groves and in the periodically clear-cut coppice stands. What are the consequences of these changes on biodiversity at local and regional scales, and what are the implications for 'new forestry' management intended to conserve biodiversity at the same time as it optimizes productivity and profitability? To answer these questions we studied plant species diversity in the understorey strata along a successional gradient including cultivated grove; abandoned grove; young (15 years old), medium (40 years), and old (>55 years) coppice stands. The results showed that species richness decreased quickly but not steadily along this gradient, but life-form spectra data highlighted that the high levels of plant species biodiversity in cultivated groves were due primarily to the large number of therophytes (annual plants). At a shorter time scale, we also studied the consequences of experimental clear-cutting on plant species biodiversity. Direct measurements over four years showed that species richness and diversity in the understorey increased in the first two years after clear-cutting, but decreased during the 3rd and 4th years. This decrease corresponded closely with a steady increase in Leaf Area Index of the forest canopy. These results have been used to suggest some possible ways to manage the biodiversity in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

The formation of callose in tree roots has been suggested as a physiological indicator of aluminum (Al) toxicity. Quantifying callose in the roots in forest soils, however, is hampered by the presence of autofluorescent materials in the roots that disturb the measurement of callose by fluorescence spectrophotometry. Tannins in the roots cause these measurement problems. Here we report on the measurement of callose in the root apices of European chestnut (Castanea sativa) seedlings collected in an acidified forest soil. The callose was quantified with a modified protocol which included three washing steps with polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) before the callose was extracted. This procedure reduced the autofluorescence by about 50%. With the use of water or ethanol alone, callose could be measured in only about 15% of the root samples, whereas with the use of PVPP callose could be determined in 95% of the samples. This improved method could help to evaluate the effects of Al toxicity on tree roots grown in forest soils, where callose is detected as a physiological indicator.  相似文献   

中国板栗EST-SNP和抗栗疫病候选基因分析及同源比对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从壳斗科基因组数据库下载中国板栗的Unigene序列和基于这些Unigene序列开发获得的EST-SNP数据,分析发现,中国板栗EST-SNP的发生频率为4个/kb,在碱基置换类型上,C-T置换发生的频率最高,C-G置换发生频率最低,转换和颠换的比值为1.74∶1.对211个在中国板栗健康组织和感染栗疫病的染病组织中差异表达的基因进行基因注释和蛋白质结构域分析,结果表明,参与蛋白质代谢、对胁迫、生物和非生物刺激发生响应的基因所占的比例较多,并发现了大量的跨膜结构、信号肽、卷曲螺旋和蛋白激酶相关结构域.对这211个中国板栗抗栗疫病相关的候选基因和其Unigene序列进行同源比对,统计整理定位在具有同源性的Unigene序列上的EST-SNP,共有3023个EST-SNP标记.这批EST-SNP标记可为今后开展基于候选基因途径的中国板栗抗栗疫病居群基因组学研究和关联作图研究奠定重要的基础.  相似文献   

板栗花芽分化和花序生长过程中的内源激素含量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在板栗花芽分化期间,易于形成雌花的上部芽含有较高的ZT、GA和较低的ABA;下部芽则基本相反。在前2个分化期,上部芽的IAA含量均比下部芽的低,但进入第三分化期,尤其是随着萌芽期的到来,上部芽的IAA含量迅速急剧上升,远远超过下部芽。在花序生长期,1、2花序基部保持较高的ZT和GA水平,1、2花序顶部和5、6花序则保持较高的IAA和ABA水平。  相似文献   

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