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To improve our knowledge on the breeding and behaviour of sandflies in captivity, we established closed colonies of Lutzomyia intermedia and Lutzomyia longipalpis. Data are here presented on the feeding preferences of larvae and adults and their influence on the development and survival of each species. Fish food is accepted by the larvae of both species; it is easily available, unexpensive and does not encourage the growth of fungi. The larvae of both species, in all stages accepted food of vegetal and mixed origin, but the 1st and 2nd stage larvae of L. intermedia preferred vegetal food, while the 3rd and 4th stage larvae of L. longipalpis showed a discreet preference for mixed food. Previous feeding on sugar was not necessary to induce a blood meal. Both species can feed on man, dog, hamster and bird, but better development was obtained when the females was fed on hamster. The female of L. longipalpis were more resistant to the absence of blood meal than those of L. intermedia, although 70% of both were able to survive on a sugar meal up to seven days.  相似文献   

A laboratory colony of the sandfly Lutzomyia intermedia was established (at present in its seventh generation) in order to provide specimens for experimental infection and for experimental xenodiagnosis of natural infections due to cutaneous leishmanias in Rio de Janeiro. Date are presented on the methodology and on the yield and duration of each stage of development, during the first four generations.  相似文献   

A morphological study of the midgut of Lutzomyia intermedia, the primary vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in southeast Brazil, was conducted by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The midgut is formed by a layer of epithelium of columnar cells on a non-cellular basal lamina, under which there is a musculature, which consists of circular and longitudinal muscular fibers. A tracheolar network is observed surrounding and penetrating in the musculature. Females were examined 12, 24, 48, 72 h and 5 days following a blood meal and were analyzed comparatively by transmission electron microscopy with starved females. In starved females, the epithelium of both the anterior and posterior sections of the midgut present whorl shaped rough endoplasmic reticulum. The posterior section does not present well-developed cellular structures such as mitochondria. Observations performed at 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after the blood meal showed morphological changes in the cellular structures in this section, and the presence of the peritrophic matrix up to 48 h after the blood meal. Digestion is almost complete and a few residues are detected in the lumen 72 h after blood feeding. Finally, on the 5th day after the blood meal all cellular structures present the original feature resembling that seen in starved sand flies. Morphometric data confirmed the morphological observations. Mitochondria, nuclei and microvilli of midgut epithelial cells are different in starved and blood fed females. The mitochondria present a similar profile in the epithelium of both the anterior and posterior section of the midgut, with higher dimension in starved females. The cell microvilli in the posterior section of the midgut of starved females are twice the size of those that had taken a blood meal. We concluded that there are changes in the midgut cellular structures of L. intermedia during the digestion of blood, which are in agreement with those described for other hematophagous diptera.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on five Brazilian populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis: Salvaterra (PA), S?o José do Ribamar (MA), Canindé (CE), Natal (RN) and Gruta da Lapinha, Lagoa Santa (MG). No morphological differences were observed that could distinguish between these populations. Homogeneity tests showed that the allopatric populations display a certain heterogeneity and that the sympatric populations, with different patterns of spots, are homogeneous. The Student-Newman-Keuls test, represented by Euler-Venn diagrams, showed a disjunction between the populations from the north/northeast and the one from Gruta da Lapinha. Genetic distances between the four populations (excluding the Canindé population) were within the range of intrapopulational differences. The Gruta da Lapinha population displayed a heterozygotic deficiency that could be a consequence of high levels of inbreeding due to cryptic habits of living in a small cave. These results do not favor the hypothesis of a L. longipalpis species complex in Brazil, and the species should be considered high polymorphic.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia longipalpis is the primary vector of the parasite responsible for visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. In the present study, Lu. longipalpis was found in a domiciliary area in Limón, a district in Capira, a region in which cutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic in Panama. Previously, this species has been found in a humid forest in this same region. Finding Lu. longipalpis in domiciliary areas indicates that this species may be adapting to new habitats and that it may play a role in the transmission of leishmaniasis in Panama.  相似文献   

The influence of altitude and latitude on some structure sizes of Lutzomyia intermedia was noted; several structures of insects collected in higher localities were greater, according to Bergmann's rule. This influence was more remarkable in two localities of the State of Espírito Santo, probably due to greater differences in altitude. Comparing insects from different latitudes, more differences were noted in comparisons of insects from low altitude localities than in those of material from higher altitudes. The small number of differences between insects collected in July and in December does not indicate a defined influence of season and temperature on the size of adults. The possible epidemiological implications of these variations are discussed.  相似文献   

The females of the two species of the Lutzomyia intermedia complex can be easily distinguished, but the males of each species are quite similar. The ratios between the extra-genital and the genital structures of L. neivai are larger than those of L. intermedia s. s., according to ANOVA. An artificial neural network was trained with a set of 300 examples, randomly taken from a sample of 358 individuals. The input vectors consisted of several ratios between some structures of each insect. The model was tested on the remaining 58 insects, 56 of which (96.6%) were correctly identified. This ratio of success can be considered remarkable if one takes into account the difficulty of attaining comparable results using traditional statistical techniques.  相似文献   

Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva 1912) and N. neivai (Pinto 1926) are possible vectors of tegumentary leishmaniasis in some regions of Brazil. Further, the latter was until recently, considered a junior synonym of the former. This study has the purpose of updating our knowledge of the geographical distribution of these species, based on specimens deposited at the collection of the Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou-Fiocruz, Faculdade de Saúde Pública-Universidade de S?o Paulo, and on data presented by literature as also to associate this distribution with the cutaneous leishmaniasis cases reported. It has been reported that N. intermedia occurs in the states of the Northeastern Region, in Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, on the northern coast of S?o Paulo, in eastern Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goiás, close to the border with Minas Gerais and Bahia. N. neivai occurs in the Southern Region, southern coast and in western S?o Paulo, southern and western Minas Gerais, southern Goiás, and southern Pará, beyond Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. It is important to highlight that N. intermedia and N. neivai occur in sympatry in Minas Gerais and S?o Paulo. N. intermedia or N. neivai are predominant or are captured abundantly in several cutaneous leishmaniasis foci in the Southeastern and Southern regions of Brazil.  相似文献   

The phlebotomine sand flies Nyssomyia intermedia and Nyssomyia neivai are the probable vectors of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil. These species form a complex, being difficult to separate between either females or males of the two members based on recognized morphological characteristics. Both N. intermedia and N. neivai are redescribed here in the search for characters that facilitate their correct identification. It was possible to differentiate females by means of spermathecal characteristics. Males could be separated with confidence by the tips of the genital filaments, which have the form of a deep spoon, the angle of the concavity being well accentuated in N. intermedia and much shallower in N. neivai.  相似文献   

This paper describes sand flies similar to Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) with variations in the number of spines at the gonostyle and tests the hypothesis whether these specimens belong or not to N. intermedia species. Using Principal Component Analysis and Neighbour Joining, the measurements of 15 structures of the phlebotomine with variations in number of spines were compared with measurements of 30 sand flies of N. intermedia species. Both analyses didn't cluster the specimens with variation in spines number in one group and provided evidence to the hypothesis that those sand flies belong to N. intermedia.  相似文献   

Previous reports showed that Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva exacerbate Leishmania braziliensis infection in mice. The sand fly Lu. whitmani is one of the vectors of L. (Viannia) braziliensis (LVb), a causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the State of Ceará, Brazil. To determine whether saliva of Lu. whitmani could increase the infectivity of LVb in mice, we inoculated groups of BALB/c mice with LVb promastigotes in the presence or absence of the salivary glands lysate from Lu. whitmani. We found that coinjection with Lu. whitmani saliva increased size but not longevity of cutaneous LVb lesions in BALB/c mice, since the formed lesions gradually resolved. The mechanism(s) by which Lu. whitmani saliva might exacerbate LVb infection in BALB/c mice is speculated.  相似文献   

The phlebotomine sand flies Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto, 1926) are very close and may be involved in the transmission of Leishmania spp. Ross, 1903 in Brazil. The biology of the first laboratory-reared generations of these species, descended from insects captured in Além Paraíba (N. intermedia) and Corinto (N. neivai) in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, is described here. The captured females were fed on hamsters and maintained individually in rearing pots. Laboratory temperature and relative humidity were maintained at 25-26 masculineC and 80% respectively. The productivity of the first generation of N. intermedia was greater than that of N. neivai, and its development time clearly shorter, particularly for the second and third larval instars.  相似文献   

Dispersal of five species of phlebotomine sand flies was studied in a coffee plantation near Arboledas, Colombia, by mark-release-recapture studies using fluorescent powders. The estimated recapture rate for males of Lutzomyia shannoni marked and released during the day was 28.1%, significantly higher than that for all other species (p < 0.05). Recapture rate of female Lu. shannoni was 9.5%, and no females of the other four species were recovered. This suggests either that Lu. shannoni is a more sedentary species than the others, or that the large trees on which these insects were captured and recaptured function as foci of lekking behaviour in males. The high recapture rates of females of this species may indicate that oviposition occurs in close proximity to the bases of these trees. Although most marked sand flies were recaptured within 200 m of their release point, a single female Lu. gomezi was recovered 960 m away 36 h after release. This suggests that the dispersal capacity of Lutzomyia species may be greater than has been thought, an important consideration in future control programs directed against these insects in Leishmania-endemic areas.  相似文献   

Entomological surveys in the state of Maranh?o have recorded morphologically distinct populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva). Some populations have one pair of spots (1S) on the fourth tergite, while others have two pairs (2S) on the third and fourth tergites of males. In the present study we investigated the degree of genetic polymorphism among four populations in the municipalities of Caxias, Codó and Raposa, in the state of Maranh?o, Brazil, by using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers. A total of 35 loci were identified, of which 30 were polymorphic. The highest polymorphism was observed with primer OPA 4, which produced 11 different profiles. Genetic diversity was assessed using grouping methods that produced a dendrogram in which the genotypes could be clearly separated into two main clades according to the number of spots on the male abdominal tergites. One cluster contained the populations from Caxias and Codó, and the other was formed by the populations from Raposa and Codó. The results of our RAPD analysis showed a clear separation between the populations with one and two pairs of spots. The epidemiologic significance of this genetic differentiation should be investigated in future studies.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to compare the susceptibility of laboratory-reared female Lutzomyia longipalpis to infection by different species or strains of New World Leishmania. The sand flies proved to be highly susceptible to infection by a strain of Le. guyanensis, with flagellates developing in all (18/18) of the specimens examined. A lower infection rate of 37% (10/27) was recorded in flies exposed to infection by a strain of Le. amazonensis. Flagellates developed in 13% (6/46) of the sand flies that blood fed on dogs in the early stage of experimental infection with an old laboratory strain of Le. chagasi. In contrast, promastigotes did not develop in sand flies that blood fed on dogs with naturally acquired Le. chagasi. The naturally infected dogs were in an advanced stage of disease. Flagellates developed in 9% (3/32) of the sand flies that blood fed on lesions of hamsters infected with a strain of Le. braziliensis and in 9% (3/34) of those that fed on hamsters with lesions due to a parasite of the mexicana complex (strain MHOM/BR/73/BH121). Sand flies did not develop flagellate infections after blood feeding on hamsters bearing lesions induced by strain MHOM/BR/71/BR49. Factors influencing the susceptibility of Lu. longipalpis to infection by New World species of Leishmania are discussed.  相似文献   

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