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Exposure to biological agents in the workplace can cause infection, allergy or toxicosis. Health effects caused by biological agents in the workplace are related both to incidental exposure and to deliberate work with microorganisms. A small but significant percentage of occupational allergy is associated with biological agents in organic dusts, and a new reporting scheme recorded more than 1000 new cases of occupational infection in its first year. Assessing risks from workplace biological agents in the UK forms part of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations. Legislation (Schedule 9) and guidance which deals with biological agents were added to implement EC Biological Agents Directives and to emphasise the position of biological agents in COSHH.We evaluated the impact of COSHH Schedule 9 by interviewing representatives of workers in laboratories deliberately handling microorganisms and discussing in a Focus Group format with representatives from industries where incidental exposure to microorganisms could occur. This paper describes the outcome of that evaluation and examines the tools available to assess risks from exposure to workplace microorganisms.  相似文献   

Dampness in buildings has been linked to adverse health effects, but the specific causative agents are unknown. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by molds and toxic to higher vertebrates. In this study, mass spectrometry was used to demonstrate the presence of mycotoxins predominantly produced by Aspergillus spp. and Stachybotrys spp. in buildings with either ongoing dampness or a history of water damage. Verrucarol and trichodermol, hydrolysis products of macrocyclic trichothecenes (including satratoxins), and trichodermin, predominately produced by Stachybotrys chartarum, were analyzed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, whereas sterigmatocystin (mainly produced by Aspergillus versicolor), satratoxin G, and satratoxin H were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. These mycotoxin analytes were demonstrated in 45 of 62 building material samples studied, in three of eight settled dust samples, and in five of eight cultures of airborne dust samples. This is the first report on the use of tandem mass spectrometry for demonstrating mycotoxins in dust settled on surfaces above floor level in damp buildings. The direct detection of the highly toxic sterigmatocystin and macrocyclic trichothecene mycotoxins in indoor environments is important due to their potential health impacts.  相似文献   

Recent aggressive attacks on innocent citizens have resulted in governments increasing security. However, there is a good case for prevention rather than reaction. Bioweapons, mycotoxins, fungal biocontrol agents (FBCA), and even pharmaceuticals contain, or are, toxins and need to be considered in the context of the new paradigm. Is it desirable to discuss such issues? None of the fungi are (a) as toxic as botulinum toxin from Clostridium botulinum, and (b) as dangerous as nuclear weapons. One toxin may be defined as a pharmaceutical and vice versa simply by a small change in concentration or a moiety. Mycotoxins are defined as naturally occurring toxic compounds obtained from fungi. They are the biggest chronic health risk when incorporated into the diet. The current list of fungal toxins as biochemical weapons is small, although awareness is growing of the threats they may pose. T-2 toxin is perhaps the biggest concern. A clear distinction is required between the biological (fungus) and chemical (toxin) aspects of the issue. There is an obvious requirement to be able to trace these fungi and compounds in the environment and to know when concentrations are abnormal. Many FBCA, produce toxins. This paper indicates how to treat mycotoxicosis and decontaminate mycotoxins. There is considerable confusion and inconsistency surrounding this topic which requires assessment in an impartial and scientific manner.  相似文献   

Dampness in buildings has been linked to adverse health effects, but the specific causative agents are unknown. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by molds and toxic to higher vertebrates. In this study, mass spectrometry was used to demonstrate the presence of mycotoxins predominantly produced by Aspergillus spp. and Stachybotrys spp. in buildings with either ongoing dampness or a history of water damage. Verrucarol and trichodermol, hydrolysis products of macrocyclic trichothecenes (including satratoxins), and trichodermin, predominately produced by Stachybotrys chartarum, were analyzed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, whereas sterigmatocystin (mainly produced by Aspergillus versicolor), satratoxin G, and satratoxin H were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. These mycotoxin analytes were demonstrated in 45 of 62 building material samples studied, in three of eight settled dust samples, and in five of eight cultures of airborne dust samples. This is the first report on the use of tandem mass spectrometry for demonstrating mycotoxins in dust settled on surfaces above floor level in damp buildings. The direct detection of the highly toxic sterigmatocystin and macrocyclic trichothecene mycotoxins in indoor environments is important due to their potential health impacts.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are fungal metabolites commonly occurring in food, which pose a health risk to the consumer. Maximum levels for major mycotoxins allowed in food have been established worldwide. Good agricultural practices, plant disease management, and adequate storage conditions limit mycotoxin levels in the food chain yet do not eliminate mycotoxins completely. Food processing can further reduce mycotoxin levels by physical removal and decontamination by chemical or enzymatic transformation of mycotoxins into less toxic products. Physical removal of mycotoxins is very efficient: manual sorting of grains, nuts, and fruits by farmers as well as automatic sorting by the industry significantly lowers the mean mycotoxin content. Further processing such as milling, steeping, and extrusion can also reduce mycotoxin content. Mycotoxins can be detoxified chemically by reacting with food components and technical aids; these reactions are facilitated by high temperature and alkaline or acidic conditions. Detoxification of mycotoxins can also be achieved enzymatically. Some enzymes able to transform mycotoxins naturally occur in food commodities or are produced during fermentation but more efficient detoxification can be achieved by deliberate introduction of purified enzymes. We recommend integrating evaluation of processing technologies for their impact on mycotoxins into risk management. Processing steps proven to mitigate mycotoxin contamination should be used whenever necessary. Development of detoxification technologies for high-risk commodities should be a priority for research. While physical techniques currently offer the most efficient post-harvest reduction of mycotoxin content in food, biotechnology possesses the largest potential for future developments.  相似文献   

The nervous system is vulnerable to the effects of certain chemicals and physical conditions found in the work environment. The activities of an occupational neurologist focus on the evaluation of patients with neurological disorders caused by occupational or environmental conditions. When one is making a differential diagnosis in patients with neurological disorders, the possibility of toxic exposure or encounters with physical factors in the workplace must not be overlooked. Central to an accurate clinical diagnosis is the patient's history. A diagnosis of an occupational or environmental neurological problem requires a careful assessment of the clinical abnormalities and confirmation of these disabilities by objective tests such as nerve conduction velocity, evoked potentials, electroencephalogram, neuropsychological batteries, or nerve biopsy. On the basis of information about hazards in the workplace, safety standards and environmental and biological monitoring can be implemented in the workplace to reduce the risks of undue injury. Clinical manifestations of headache, memory disturbance, and peripheral neuropathy are commonly encountered presentations of the effects of occupational hazards. Physicians in everyday clinical practice must be aware of the signs and symptoms associated with exposure to possible neurotoxins and work methods. Occupational and environmental circumstances must be explored when evaluating patients with neurologic disorders.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are a serious food safety concern for human and animal health. Much attention should be paid to the dietary exposure to mycotoxins in order to minimise the risk of mycotoxin contamination in the food chain. Among the reported strategies to manage the mycotoxin contamination into food and feed, biological control seems a promising approach, depending on their biological origins, and on the use of living organisms or their derivatives. Marine microorganisms have developed unique metabolic and physiological capabilities to thrive in extreme habitats and produce novel metabolites which are not often present in microbes of terrestrial origin. Some marine bacteria and fungi have a good potential for the control of fungal phytopathogens and mycotoxins. Biologists and chemists are needed to work together to explore the storehouse of marine microorganisms and marine active metabolites, because marine bacteria and fungi have a huge potential for practical application in biocontrol of fungal phytopathogens and preventing mycotoxin contamination.  相似文献   

Airborne fungal contaminants are increasingly gaining importance in view of health hazards caused by the spores themselves or by microbial metabolites. In addition to the risk for infection, the allergenic and toxigenic properties, as well as the inflammatory effects are discussed in this review as possible health impacts of bioaerosols. A major problem is the lack of threshold values for pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi, both in the workplace and in outdoor air. While the relevance of mycotoxins has been intensely studied in connection with contamination of food and feed, the possible respiratory uptake of mycotoxins from the air has so far not been sufficiently taken into account. Toxic secondary metabolites are expected to be present in airborne spores, and may thus occur in airborne dust and bioaerosols. Potential health risks cannot be estimated reliably unless exposure to mycotoxins is determined qualitatively and quantitatively. Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) have been suggested to affect human health, causing lethargy, headache, and irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and throat. The production of MVOC by fungi has been discussed in connection with domestic indoor microbial pollution, but the relevance of fungal metabolites in working environments remains insufficiently studied.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins, a large group of secondary fungal metabolites, are ubiquitously present in the environment and are potentially harmful to exposed humans and animals. Despite increasing interest in this group of fungal metabolites it is still difficult to estimate the relative toxic potential of one individual mycotoxin compared with others. We therefore compared the effects of some of the most important mycotoxins on effector cells of the innate and adaptive immune system in an in vitro model. Our data show clear differences of various mycotoxins in regard of their immunotoxic potential on mouse macrophages and T cells. Our results also indicate differences in the susceptibility of specific immune effector functions of macrophages and T cells exposed to mycotoxins. Thus, our results enhance the understanding of role of mycotoxins in the pathogenesis of human and animal diseases.  相似文献   

Moulds produce several different mycotoxins that may improve their chance of survival in particular environments. For example, Aspergillus fumigatus, an important human pathogen, produces several mycotoxins including gliotoxin. This secondary metabolite, a small lipid soluble dipeptide, exerts toxic effects on phagocytic cells and T-lymphocytes at low concentrations in vitro. A. fumigatus also produces high levels of gliotoxin in vivo, and this suggests that host defense mechanisms might be impaired by this metabolite during host infection. In the past few years, the genes responsible for the production of gliotoxin in A. fumigatus have been identified and more recently gliotoxin-minus mutants have been used in animal experiments to ascertain the biological role of this product. Mycotoxins have also been shown to act as virulence factors in some fungal infections of insects and plants.  相似文献   

Subjects occupationally exposed to potential mutagens/carcinogens represent the most suitable groups for epidemiological studies aimed at assessing the risk for the individual or the offspring. Several cancer risks to humans have been detected by epidemiological studies performed in occupational settings. Cancer epidemiology studies have been able (a) to identify specific occupations or agents associated with the risk; (b) to verify the results of experimental studies; (c) to test the effectiveness of changes in production or preventive measures in decreasing risks. Reproductive epidemiology has suggested a risk of spontaneous abortions or of malformation in the offspring of workers exposed to some chemicals or occupations, but data are often conflicting due to methodological problems. With the aim of early assessment of risk in mind, the epidemiological use of indicators of exposure or of the early effect of exposure to genotoxic agents is increasingly applied to occupational groups. Cytological monitoring of subjects at risk of occupational cancer of lung or bladder is carried out mainly to diagnose precancerous lesions of target tissues. Cytogenetic methods (chromosome aberrations, SCE, micronuclei) in somatic cells provide a means for detecting early effects of occupational exposure to known or potential mutagens/carcinogens in selected groups of individuals, but their significance is widely debated. Monitoring of urinary mutagenicity, as applied in nurses handling cytostatic drugs, is an example of how an indicator of exposure to genotoxins can be used to evaluate the impact of preventive measures. Among the perspectives, biochemical epidemiology seems to be promising in detecting individuals genetically susceptible to cancer.  相似文献   

Summary Mycotoxins are fungal poisons. This definition does not stipulate whether fungi are the targets of poisoning or are the producers of the poisons. The following is suggested as a useful working definition: Mycotoxins are natural products produced by fungi that evoke a toxic response when introduced in low concentration to higher vertebrates and other animals by a natural route. Some mycotoxins have multiple effects, and may cause phytotoxic and antimicrobial syndromes in addition to animal toxicity. By convention, mushroom and yeast poisons are usually excluded from discussions of mycotoxins.The eclectic nature of the discipline and the international scope of the problem has attracted scientists from many different backgrounds. The publishers and editors ofMycopathologia intend for this journal to become a major forum for mycotoxin research.Coordinating editorMycopathologia.  相似文献   

Potential health effects of static magnetic fields have received far less attention than, for example, power frequency or radiofrequency fields. Static fields are found in certain occupational settings, e.g. in the aluminium and chloralkali industries, in arc-welding processes, and certain railways systems. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for medical diagnosis is another source. This paper summarizes the epidemiological evidence of static magnetic field exposure and long-term health effects. There are only a few epidemiological studies available, and the majority of these have focused on cancer risks. There are some reports on reproductive outcomes, and sporadic studies of other outcomes. Overall, few occupational studies have focused specifically on effects of static magnetic field exposure, and exposure assessment have consequently been poor or non-existent. Results from studies that have estimated static magnetic field exposure have not indicated any increased cancer risks, but they are generally based on small numbers of cases and crude exposure assessment. Control of confounding has been limited, and it is likely that the “healthy worker” effect have influenced the results. A few studies have reported results on reproductive outcomes among aluminium workers and MRI operators, but limitations in study designs prevent conclusions. A problem in epidemiological studies of static magnetic fields is that workers in exposed occupations are also exposed to a wide variety of other potentially harmful agents, including some known carcinogens. In conclusion, the available evidence from epidemiological studies is not sufficient to draw any conclusions about potential health effects of static magnetic field exposure.  相似文献   

Occupational medicine is a key component of a comprehensive occupational health and safety program in support of laboratory animal research and production facilities. The mission of the department is to maximize employee health and productivity utilizing a population health management approach, which includes measurement and analysis of health benefits utilization. The department works in close cooperation with other institutional health and safety professionals to identify potential risks from exposure to physical, chemical, and biological hazards in the workplace. As soon as exposures are identified, the department is responsible for formulating and providing appropriate medical surveillance programs. Occupational medicine is also responsible for targeted delivery of preventive and wellness services; management of injury, disease, and disability; maintenance of medical information; and other clinic services required by the institution. Recommendations are provided for the organization and content of occupational medicine programs for animal research facilities.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins have been named "agents in search of a disease," and the considerable progress in analytical methodology over the last 10 years has not changed this very much. The following are factors that contribute to the difficulty of making a diagnosis: (1) nonspecificity of lesions; (2) masking of mycotoxic effects by secondary effects, e.g., through immunosuppression; (3) late appearance of a lesion, e.g., bone marrow damage or neoplasia; (4) interaction of several mycotoxins or presence of other toxicants or deficiency states; (5) species variation in the response to the mycotoxin(s); (6) difficulty of linking a late appearing effect with a demonstrable cause; (7) low doses of mycotoxins may cause stimulating effects; and (8) not being aware of the potential of a mycotoxin as a causative factor in disease. The mycotoxins of major importance in Canada are trichothecenes, ochratoxin, zearalenone, and ergot. It is concluded that the significance of mycotoxins for animals in Canada is likely generally underestimated.  相似文献   

Water suppliers face increased pressure to explain the relative health risks from non-regulated xenobiotics that may be present in recycled water, including pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting compounds. This report reviews their occurrence, fate, and recent human health risk assessments for potable and non-potable water reuse. The most effective advanced treatment for PPCPs is reverse osmosis (RO) followed by advanced oxidation. During soil aquifer treatment, the majority of PPCPs are attenuated relatively quickly (within 100 days), yet some are persistent and can migrate to the underlying groundwater at low concentrations. Recently, several investigations have assessed the potential human health risks associated with xenobiotics in recycled water, focusing on exposure from drinking water (e.g., planned and unplanned indirect potable reuse) and non-potable reuse (e.g., exposure via recreational, occupational, and irrigation-related activities at sites utilizing recycled water). Risk assessments conducted over the last 10 years have found no adverse human health effects or significant risks. Though advanced treatment of wastewater that is discharged or recycled may not be required to protect public health, it may be necessary to prevent potential effects on exposed biota and to address, to some degree, the public's perception of water reuse.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are known to affect the health of humans and husbandry animals. In contrast to wheat grains used for food and feed, whole wheat plants are rarely analysed for mycotoxins, although contaminated straw could additionally expose animals to these toxic compounds. Since the entire wheat plant may also act as source of mycotoxins emitted into the environment, an analytical method was developed, optimised and validated for the analysis of 28 different mycotoxins in above-ground material from whole wheat plants. The method comprises solid-liquid extraction and a clean-up step using a Varian Bond Elut Mycotoxin® cartridge, followed by liquid chromatography with electrospray ionisation and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Total method recoveries for 26 out of 28 compounds were between 69 and 122% and showed limits of detection from 1 to 26 ng/gdry weight (dw). The overall repeatability for all validated compounds was on average 7%, and their mean ion suppression 65%. Those rather high matrix effects made it necessary to use matrix-matched calibrations to quantify mycotoxins within whole wheat plants. The applicability of this method is illustrated with data from a winter wheat test field to examine the risks of environmental contamination by toxins following artificial inoculation separately with four different Fusarium species. The selected data originate from samples of a part of the field which was inoculated with Fusarium crookwellense. In the wheat samples, various trichothecenes (3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, fusarenone-X, nivalenol, HT-2 toxin, and T-2 toxin) as well as beauvericin and zearalenone were identified with concentrations ranging from 32 ng/gdw to 12 × 103 ng/gdw.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are relatively small molecules characterized by a diversity of chemical structure and a diversity of biological activity. They are often genotypically specific for a group of species, but the same compound can also be formed by fungi belonging to different genera. Most of the mycotoxins known have been recognized as metabolic products of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium species. This review will be focused on aflatoxins, ochratoxins and fumonisins because of their hazard to animal and human health. The production of these mycotoxins have been usually associated with a small number of species but some recent studies have reported the production of these mycotoxins by some other species. These results show that mycotoxin production is broader than is normally thought, so the possibility can not be ruled out that new species may be a new source of unexpected mycotoxins in their natural substrates.  相似文献   

Background: Compared to adults, children maybe more highly exposed to toxic substances in drinking water because they consume more water per unit of body weight. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has developed new guidance for selecting age groups and age-specific exposure factors for assessing children's exposures and risks to environmental contaminants. Research Aim: To demonstrate the application and importance of applying age-specific drinking water intake rates, health reference values, and exposure scenarios when assessing drinking water exposures because these approaches illustrate the potential for greater potential for adverse health effects among children. Methods: manganese, an essential nutrient and neurotoxicant, was selected as a case study and chemical of potential concern for children's health. A screening-level risk assessment was performed using age-specific drinking water intake rates and manganese concentrations from U.S. public drinking water systems. Results: When age-specific drinking water intake rates are used to calculate dose, formula-fed infants receive the highest dose of manganese from drinking water compared to all other age groups. Estimated hazard quotients suggest adverse health effects are possible. Use of USEPA's standardized childhood age groups and childhood exposure factors significantly improves the understanding of childhood exposure and risks.  相似文献   

真菌毒素广泛存在于农业产品中,对人和动物的健康构成巨大威胁。乳酸菌作为一种公认安全的微生物,在食品生物减毒方面具有巨大的应用潜力,成本低廉且不会对食品品质及生态环境造成不良影响。文章主要根据近年来国内外研究进展,阐述乳酸菌对食品和饲料中几种常见真菌毒素的脱毒作用(抑制真菌生长、毒素的吸附和降解),关注乳酸菌在生物脱毒方面的实际应用,为乳酸菌在食品保鲜领域的应用提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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