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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an emerging infectious disease associated with a novel coronavirus and causing worldwide outbreaks. SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is an enveloped RNA virus, which contains several structural proteins. Among these proteins, spike (S) protein is responsible for binding to specific cellular receptors and is a major antigenic determinant, which induces neutralizing antibody. In order to analyze the antigenicity and receptor-binding ability of SARS-CoV S protein, we expressed the S protein in Escherichia coli using a pET expression vector. After the isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside induction, S protein was expressed in the soluble form and purified by nickel-affinity chromatography to homogeneity. The amount of S protein recovered was 0.2-0.3mg/100ml bacterial culture. The S protein was recognized by sera from SARS patients by ELISA and Western blot, which indicated that recombinant S protein retained its antigenicity. By biotinylated ELISA and Western blot using biotin-labeled S protein as the probe, we identified 130-kDa and 140-kDa proteins in Vero cells that might be the cellular receptors responsible for SARS-CoV infection. Taken together, these results suggested that recombinant S protein exhibited the antigenicity and receptor-binding ability, and it could be a good candidate for further developing SARS vaccine and anti-SARS therapy.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the probabilistic models developed by us over the last several years to analyze 158 proteins from coronaviruses in order to determine which protein is more vulnerable to mutations. The results provide three lines of evidence suggesting that the spike glycoprotein is different from the other coronavirus proteins: (1) the spike glycoprotein is more sensitive to mutations, this is the current state of the spike glycoprotein, (2) the spike glycoprotein has undergone more mutations in the past, this is the history of spike glycoprotein, and (3) the spike glycoprotein has a bigger potential towards future mutations, this is the future of spike glycoprotein. Furthermore, this study gives a clue on the species susceptibility regarding different proteins.Figure Predictable and unpredictable portions in coronavirus proteins. The data are presented as median with interquartile range. * the predictable and unpredictable portions in spike glycoprotein group are statistically different from any other protein groups at p<0.05 level, except for hemagglutinin-esterase precursor group. # the predictable and unpredictable portions in spike glycoprotein group are statistically different from hemagglutinin-esterase precursor, membrane protein and nucleocapsid protein groups at p<0.05 level. the predictable and unpredictable portions in spike glycoprotein group are statistically different from hemagglutinin-esterase precursor, and membrane protein groups at p<0.05 level.Electronic Supplementary Material is available for this article if you access the article at .  相似文献   

The severe acute respiratory syndrome virus (SARS) is a coronavirus that instigated regional epidemics in Canada and several Asian countries in 2003. The newly identified SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) can be transmitted among humans and cause severe or even fatal illnesses. As preventive vaccine development takes years to complete and adverse reactions have been reported to some veterinary coronaviral vaccines, anti-viral compounds must be relentlessly pursued. In this study, we analyzed the effect of aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) on SARS-CoV replication in cell culture, and found that ATA could drastically inhibit SARS-CoV replication, with viral production being 1000-fold less than that in the untreated control. Importantly, when compared with IFNs alpha and beta, viral production was inhibited by more than 1000-fold as compared with the untreated control. In addition, when compared with IFNs alpha and beta, ATA was approximately 10 times more potent than IFN alpha and 100 times more than interferon beta at their highest concentrations reported in the literature previously. Our data indicated that ATA should be considered as a candidate anti-SARS compound for future clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

This is the continuation of our studies using random approaches to analyse the p53 protein family. In this data-based theoretical analysis, we use the random approach to analyse the amino acid pairs in human p53 protein in order to determine which amino acid pairs are more sensitive to 190 human p53 mutations/variants. The rationale of this study is based on our hypothesis and findings that a harmful mutation is more likely to occur at randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs, and a harmless mutation is more likely to occur at randomly predictable amino acid pairs. This is because we argue that the randomly predictable amino acid pairs should not be deliberately evolved, whereas the randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs should be deliberately evolved with a connection to protein function. The results show, for example, that 93.16% of 190 mutations/variants occur at randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs. Thus, the randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs are more sensitive to mutations/variants in human p53 protein. The results also suggest that the human p53 protein has a tendency for the occurrence of mutation/variants.  相似文献   

In this study, we use our probabilistic approach to analyze the amino acid pairs in human copper-transporting ATPase 2 (ATP7B) in order to determine which amino acid pairs are more sensitive to 125 variants from missense mutant human ATP7B. The results show 97.6% of 125 variants occur at randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs, which account for 80.9% of amino acid pairs in ATP7B, and the chance of occurring of variant is about 9 times higher in randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs than in predictable pairs. Thus, the randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs are more sensitive to variants in human ATP7B.  相似文献   

The amino acid sensitive TOR pathway from yeast to mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dann SG  Thomas G 《FEBS letters》2006,580(12):2821-2829
The target of rapamycin (TOR) is an ancient effector of cell growth that integrates signals from growth factors and nutrients. Two downstream effectors of mammalian TOR, the translational components S6K1 and 4EBP1, are commonly used as reporters of mTOR activity. The conical signaling cascade initiated by growth factors is mediated by PI3K, PKB, TSC1/2 and Rheb. However, the process through which nutrients, i.e., amino acids, activate mTOR remains largely unknown. Evidence exists for both an intracellular and/or a membrane bound sensor for amino acid mediated mTOR activation. Research in eukaryotic models, has implicated amino acid transporters as nutrient sensors. This review describes recent advances in nutrient signaling that impinge on mTOR and its targets including hVps34, class III PI3K, a transducer of nutrient availability to mTOR.  相似文献   

Starch-free fatty acid complexation in the presence of whey protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of whey protein on starch-free fatty acid (FFA) complexation was studied in a model system composed of sorghum starch, whey protein, and different FFAs (palmitic, oleic, linoleic, and lauric acids) in a weight ratio of 20:2:1(w/w/w). Whey protein decreased the enthalpy of the melting of the starch–lipid complex by 20–30% for the FFAs except linoleic acid, and increased the reformation exothermic enthalpy by 150–350% in the DSC cooling cycle. The large difference between enthalpies upon heating and cooling in the starch–FFA sample was diminished by the addition of whey protein. X-ray diffraction data showed more pronounced crystalline order of V-type starch–FFA complexes when whey protein was present. A previously described cooling stage viscosity peak, formed due to starch–FFA–protein complexation, paralleled formation of the better defined V-type crystallite of the starch–FFA complex. Whey protein also significantly decreased the amount of starch–FFA complexation in a dilute system. The effect of protein on starch–FFA complexation was related to the formation of a three-component complex composed of starch, FFA, and protein previously identified in our laboratory.  相似文献   

Rapid elucidation of neutralizing antibody epitopes on emerging viral pathogens like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (CoV) or highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus is of great importance for rational design of vaccines against these viruses. Here we combined screening of phage display random peptide libraries with a unique computer algorithm "Mapitope" to identify the discontinuous epitope of 80R, a potent neutralizing human anti-SARS monoclonal antibody against the spike protein. Using two different types of random peptide libraries which display cysteine-constrained loops or linear 13-15-mer peptides, independent panels containing 42 and 18 peptides were isolated, respectively. These peptides, which had no apparent homologous motif within or between the peptide pools and spike protein, were deconvoluted into amino acid pairs (AAPs) by Mapitope and the statistically significant pairs (SSPs) were defined. Mapitope analysis of the peptides was first performed on a theoretical model of the spike and later on the genuine crystal structure. Three clusters (A, B and C) were predicted on both structures with remarkable overlap. Cluster A ranked the highest in the algorithm in both models and coincided well with the sites of spike protein that are in contact with the receptor, consistent with the observation that 80R functions as a potent entry inhibitor. This study demonstrates that by using this novel strategy one can rapidly predict and identify a neutralizing antibody epitope, even in the absence of the crystal structure of its target protein.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of wheatwin1, a monomeric protein of 125 residues isolated from wheat kernel (variety S. Pastore), is reported. Wheatwin1 is highly homologous (95%) to barwin, a protein from barley seed, which was shown to be related to the C-terminal domain of two proteins encoded by the wound-induced geneswin1 andwin2 in potato and to a protein encoded by the same domain of the hevein gene (hev1) in rubber tree. Similarly to barwin, wheatwin1 contains six cysteine residues all linked in disulfide bridges and the N-terminal residue is pyroglutamate. Moreover, structural studies performed on wheatwin1 andwin1 protein by predictive methods demonstrated that these proteins and barwin are closely related in the secondary structure also. The high level of homology found with the product ofwin1,win2, andhev1 genes strongly suggests that barwin and wheatwin1 play a common role in the mechanism of plant defence.  相似文献   

The conductivity of two photosynthetic protein–pigment complexes, a light harvesting 2 complex and a reaction center, was measured with an atomic force microscope capable of performing electrical measurements. Current–voltage measurements were performed on complexes embedded in their natural environment. Embedding the complexes in lipid bilayers made it possible to discuss the different conduction behaviors of the two complexes in light of their atomic structure.  相似文献   

Nucleocapsid protein of SARS coronavirus tightly binds to human cyclophilin A   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is responsible for SARS infection. Nucleocapsid protein (NP) of SARS-CoV (SARS_NP) functions in enveloping the entire genomic RNA and interacts with viron structural proteins, thus playing important roles in the process of virus particle assembly and release. Protein-protein interaction analysis using bioinformatics tools indicated that SARS_NP may bind to human cyclophilin A (hCypA), and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology revealed this binding with the equilibrium dissociation constant ranging from 6 to 160nM. The probable binding sites of these two proteins were detected by modeling the three-dimensional structure of the SARS_NP-hCypA complex, from which the important interaction residue pairs between the proteins were deduced. Mutagenesis experiments were carried out for validating the binding model, whose correctness was assessed by the observed effects on the binding affinities between the proteins. The reliability of the binding sites derived by the molecular modeling was confirmed by the fact that the computationally predicted values of the relative free energies of the binding for SARS_NP (or hCypA) mutants to the wild-type hCypA (or SARS_NP) are in good agreement with the data determined by SPR. Such presently observed SARS_NP-hCypA interaction model might provide a new hint for facilitating the understanding of another possible SARS-CoV infection pathway against human cell.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is the most popular microorganism for the production of recombinant proteins and is gaining increasing importance for the production of low-molecular weight compounds such as amino acids. The metabolic cost associated with the production of amino acids and (recombinant) proteins from glucose, glycerol and acetate was determined using three different computational techniques to identify those amino acids that put the highest burden on the biosynthetic machinery of E. coli. Comparing the costs of individual amino acids, we find that methionine is the most expensive amino acid in terms of consumed mol of ATP per molecule produced, while leucine is the most expensive amino acid when taking into account the cellular abundances of amino acids. Moreover, we show that the biosynthesis of a large number of amino acids from glucose and particularly from glycerol provides a surplus of energy, which can be used to balance the high energetic cost of amino acid polymerization.  相似文献   



Traditionally, it is believed that the native structure of a protein corresponds to a global minimum of its free energy. However, with the growing number of known tertiary (3D) protein structures, researchers have discovered that some proteins can alter their structures in response to a change in their surroundings or with the help of other proteins or ligands. Such structural shifts play a crucial role with respect to the protein function. To this end, we propose a machine learning method for the prediction of the flexible/rigid regions of proteins (referred to as FlexRP); the method is based on a novel sequence representation and feature selection. Knowledge of the flexible/rigid regions may provide insights into the protein folding process and the 3D structure prediction.


The flexible/rigid regions were defined based on a dataset, which includes protein sequences that have multiple experimental structures, and which was previously used to study the structural conservation of proteins. Sequences drawn from this dataset were represented based on feature sets that were proposed in prior research, such as PSI-BLAST profiles, composition vector and binary sequence encoding, and a newly proposed representation based on frequencies of k-spaced amino acid pairs. These representations were processed by feature selection to reduce the dimensionality. Several machine learning methods for the prediction of flexible/rigid regions and two recently proposed methods for the prediction of conformational changes and unstructured regions were compared with the proposed method. The FlexRP method, which applies Logistic Regression and collocation-based representation with 95 features, obtained 79.5% accuracy. The two runner-up methods, which apply the same sequence representation and Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Naïve Bayes classifiers, obtained 79.2% and 78.4% accuracy, respectively. The remaining considered methods are characterized by accuracies below 70%. Finally, the Naïve Bayes method is shown to provide the highest sensitivity for the prediction of flexible regions, while FlexRP and SVM give the highest sensitivity for rigid regions.


A new sequence representation that uses k-spaced amino acid pairs is shown to be the most efficient in the prediction of the flexible/rigid regions of protein sequences. The proposed FlexRP method provides the highest prediction accuracy of about 80%. The experimental tests show that the FlexRP and SVM methods achieved high overall accuracy and the highest sensitivity for rigid regions, while the best quality of the predictions for flexible regions is achieved by the Naïve Bayes method.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus caused a severe outbreak in several regions of the world in 2003. The virus is a novel coronavirus, which may have an origin in wild animals such as civet cats in southern China. Its genome structure, gene expression pattern and protein profiles are similar to those of other coronaviruses. However, distinct patterns of several open reading frames in the SARS virus genome may contribute to its severe virulence. The potential mutability of the coronavirus genome may pose problems in the control of future SARS outbreaks. The mechanism of SARS pathogenesis may involve both direct viral cytocidal effects on the target cells and immune-mediated mechanisms. The life cycle of the SARS virus is largely unknown; however, based on the analogy with other coronaviruses, several potential targets for antiviral development are identified. Vaccines offer an important preventive measure for possible future recurrences of SARS, but the prospect for their development is still unknown because of the uncertainty regarding the role of immune responses in SARS virus pathogenesis. The comparative studies of other coronaviruses offer insights into the understanding of SARS virus.  相似文献   

Law PY  Liu YM  Geng H  Kwan KH  Waye MM  Ho YY 《FEBS letters》2006,580(15):3643-3648
SARS 8b is one of the putative accessory proteins of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) with unknown functions. In this study, the cellular localization and activity of this estimated 9.6 kDa protein were examined. Confocal microscopy results indicated that SARS 8b is localized in both nucleus and cytoplasm of mammalian cells. Functional study revealed that overexpression of SARS 8b induced DNA synthesis. Coexpression of SARS 8b and SARS 6, a previously characterized SARS-CoV accessory protein, did not elicit synergistic effects on DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The spike (S) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has two major functions: interacting with the receptor to mediate virus entry and inducing protective immunity. Coincidently, the receptor-binding domain (RBD, residues 318-510) of SAR-CoV S protein is a major antigenic site to induce neutralizing antibodies. Here, we used RBD-Fc, a fusion protein containing the RBD and human IgG1 Fc, as a model in the studies and found that a single amino acid substitution in the RBD (R441A) could abolish the immunogenicity of RBD to induce neutralizing antibodies in immunized mice and rabbits. With a panel of anti-RBD mAbs as probes, we observed that R441A substitution was able to disrupt the majority of neutralizing epitopes in the RBD, suggesting that this residue is critical for the antigenic structure responsible for inducing protective immune responses. We also demonstrated that the RBD-Fc bearing R441A mutation could not bind to soluble and cell-associated angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the functional receptor for SARS-CoV and failed to block S protein-mediated pseudovirus entry, indicating that this point mutation also disrupted the receptor-binding motif (RBM) in the RBD. Taken together, these data provide direct evidence to show that a single amino acid residue at key position in the RBD can determine the major function of SARS-CoV S protein and imply for designing SARS vaccines and therapeutics.  相似文献   

The rotavirus spike protein VP4 mediates attachment to host cells and subsequent membrane penetration. The VP8(*) domain of VP4 forms the spike tips and is proposed to recognize host-cell surface glycans. For sialidase-sensitive rotaviruses such as rhesus (RRV), this recognition involves terminal sialic acids. We show here that the RRV VP8(*)(64-224) protein competes with RRV infection of host cells, demonstrating its relevance to infection. In addition, we observe that the amino acids revealed by X-ray crystallography to be in direct contact with the bound sialic acid derivative methyl alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminide, and that are highly conserved amongst sialidase-sensitive rotaviruses, are residues that are also important in interactions with host-cell carbohydrates. Residues Arg101 and Ser190 of the RRV VP8(*) carbohydrate-binding site were mutated to assess their importance for binding to the sialic acid derivative and their competition with RRV infection of host cells. The crystallographic structure of the Arg(101)Ala mutant crystallized in the presence of the sialic acid derivative was determined at 295 K to a resolution of 1.9 A. Our multidisciplinary study using X-ray crystallography, saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry, and competitive virus infectivity assays to investigate RRV wild-type and mutant VP8(*) proteins has provided the first evidence that the carbohydrate-binding cavity in RRV VP8(*) is used for host-cell recognition, and this interaction is not only with the sialic acid portion but also with other parts of the glycan structure.  相似文献   

Two types of amino acid substitutions in protein evolution   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Summary The frequency of amino acid substitutions, relative to the frequency expected by chance, decreases linearly with the increase in physico-chemical differences between amino acid pairs involved in a substitution. This correlation does not apply to abnormal human hemoglobins. Since abnormal hemoglobins mostly reflect the process of mutation rather than selection, the correlation manifest during protein evolution between substitution frequency and physico-chemical difference in amino acids can be attributed to natural selection. Outside of abnormal proteins, the correlation also does not apply to certain regions of proteins characterized by rapid rates of substitution. In these cases again, except for the largest physico-chemical differences between amino acid pairs, the substitution frequencies seem to be independent of the physico-chemical parameters. The limination of the substituents involving the largest physicochemical differences can once more be attributed to natural selection. For smaller physico-chemical differences, natural selection, if it is operating in the polypeptide regions, must be based on parameters other than those examined.  相似文献   

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