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Clothing evaporative resistance is one of the inherent factors that impede heat exchange by sweating evaporation. It is widely used as a basic input in physiological heat strain models. Previous studies showed a large variability in clothing evaporative resistance both at intra-laboratory and inter-laboratory testing. The errors in evaporative resistance may cause severe problems in the determination of heat stress level of the wearers. In this paper, the effect of temperature difference between the manikin nude surface and wet textile skin surface on clothing evaporative resistance was investigated by both theoretical analysis and thermal manikin measurements. It was found that the temperature difference between the skin surface and the manikin nude surface could lead to an error of up to 35.9% in evaporative resistance of the boundary air layer. Similarly, this temperature difference could also introduce an error of up to 23.7% in the real clothing total evaporative resistance (R et_real  < 0.1287 kPa m2/W). Finally, it is evident that one major error in the calculation of evaporative resistance comes from the use of the manikin surface temperature instead of the wet textile fabric skin temperature.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss our studies on the pathogenesis of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) and related mouse models for rheumatoid arthritis. Of note, these models invariably rely on the use of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). Our analysis has focused on explaining the dichotomous - either protective or disease-promoting - role of endogenous IFN-γ. Induction of a myelopoietic burst by CFA was identified as an important and underestimated factor in mediating the role of IFN-γ and other cytokines (IL-6, IL-17, GCP-2, RANK-L). Myelopoiesis provides an excess in precursors for joint-infiltrating neutrophils and osteoclasts. We postulate that classical CIA is primarily an auto-inflammatory disease, in part because of a strong innate immune response to the adjuvant. Superimposed on this, collagen-specific auto-immunity reinforces inflammatory reactivity in joints.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that solar ultraviolet (UV) exposure is the most important environmental risk factor for the development of non-melanoma skin cancer. Therefore, sun protection is of particular importance to prevent these malignancies, especially in risk groups. However, 90% of all requisite vitamin D has to be formed in the skin through the action of the sun-a serious problem, for a connection between vitamin D deficiency and a broad variety of independent diseases including various types of cancer, bone diseases, autoimmune diseases, hypertension and cardiovascular disease has now been clearly indicated in a large number of epidemiologic and laboratory studies. An important link that improved our understanding of these new findings was the discovery that the biologically active vitamin D metabolite 1,25(OH)(2)D is not exclusively produced in the kidney, but in many other tissues such as prostate, colon, skin and osteoblasts. Extra-renally produced 1,25(OH)(2)D is now considered to be an autocrine or paracrine hormone, regulating various cellular functions including cell growth. We and others have shown that strict sun protection causes vitamin D deficiency in risk groups. In the light of new scientific findings that convincingly demonstrate an association of vitamin D deficiency with a variety of severe diseases including various cancers, the detection and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in sun-deprived risk groups is of high importance. It has to be emphasized that in groups that are at high risk of developing vitamin D deficiency (e.g., nursing home residents or patients under immunosuppressive therapy), vitamin D status has to be monitored. Vitamin D deficiency should be treated, e.g., by giving vitamin D orally. Dermatologists and other clinicians have to recognize that there is convincing evidence that the protective effect of less intense solar UV radiation outweighs its mutagenic effects. Although further work is necessary to define an adequate vitamin D status and adequate guidelines for solar UV exposure, it is at present mandatory that public health campaigns and recommendations of dermatologists on sun protection consider these facts. Well-balanced recommendations on sun protection have to ensure an adequate vitamin D status, thereby protecting people against adverse effects of strict sun protection without significantly increasing the risk of developing UV-induced skin cancer.  相似文献   

We briefly review the main mechanisms proposed for photodamage to photosystem II (PSII), at the donor and acceptor sides, and then discuss the mechanism whereby filamentous cyanobacteria inhabiting biological sand crusts such as Microcoleus sp. are able to avoid serious damage to their photosynthetic machinery. We show that the decline in fluorescence following exposure to excess light does not reflect a reduction in PSII activity but rather the activation of a non-radiative charge recombination in PSII. Furthermore, we show that the difference in the thermoluminescent peak temperature intensities in these organisms, in the presence and absence of inhibitors such as dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea (DCMU), is smaller than observed in model organisms suggesting that the redox gap between Q(A)? and P???+ is smaller. On the basis of these data, we propose that this could enable an alternative, pheophytin-independent recombination, thereby minimizing the damaging 1O? production associated with radiative recombination.  相似文献   



The presence of chloroplast-related DNA sequences in the nuclear genome is generally regarded as a relic of the process by which genes have been transferred from the chloroplast to the nucleus. The remaining chloroplast encoded genes are not identical across the plant kingdom indicating an ongoing transfer of genes from the organelle to the nucleus.


This review focuses on the active processes by which the nuclear genome might be acquiring or removing DNA sequences from the chloroplast genome. Present knowledge of the contribution to the nuclear genome of DNA originating from the chloroplast will be reviewed. In particular, the possible effects of stressful environments on the transfer of genetic material between the chloroplast and nucleus will be considered. The significance of this research and suggestions for the future research directions to identify drivers, such as stress, of the nuclear incorporation of plastid sequences are discussed.


The transfer to the nuclear genome of most of the protein-encoding functions for chloroplast-located proteins facilitates the control of gene expression. The continual transfer of fragments, including complete functional genes, from the chloroplast to the nucleus has been observed. However, the mechanisms by which the loss of functions and physical DNA elimination from the chloroplast genome following the transfer of those functions to the nucleus remains obscure. The frequency of polymorphism across chloroplast-related DNA fragments within a species will indicate the rate at which these DNA fragments are incorporated and removed from the chromosomes.Key words: Stress, DNA transfer, organelles and nucleus, genome integration  相似文献   

In photosynthetic organisms, light energy is absorbed by a complex network of chromophores embedded in light-harvesting antenna complexes. In photosystem II (PSII), the excitation energy from the antenna is transferred very efficiently to an active reaction center (RC) (i.e., with oxidized primary quinone acceptor Q A), where the photochemistry begins, leading to O2 evolution, and reduction of plastoquinones. A very small part of the excitation energy is dissipated as fluorescence and heat. Measurements on chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and oxygen have shown that a nonlinear (hyperbolic) relationship exists between the fluorescence yield (Φ F ) (or the oxygen emission yield, $ \Phi _{{{\text{O}}_{2} }} $ ) and the fraction of closed PSII RCs (i.e., with reduced Q A). This nonlinearity is assumed to be related to the transfer of the excitation energy from a closed PSII RC to an open (active) PSII RC, a process called PSII excitonic connectivity by Joliot and Joliot (CR Acad Sci Paris 258: 4622–4625, 1964). Different theoretical approaches of the PSII excitonic connectivity, and experimental methods used to measure it, are discussed in this review. In addition, we present alternative explanations of the observed sigmoidicity of the fluorescence induction and oxygen evolution curves.  相似文献   

The potential of species for evolutionary adaptation in the context of global climate change has recently come under scrutiny. Estimates of phenotypic variation in biological traits may prove valuable for identifying species, or groups of species, with greater or lower potential for evolutionary adaptation, as this variation, when heritable, represents the basis for natural selection. Assuming that measures of trait variability reflect the evolutionary potential of these traits, we conducted an analysis across trematode species to determine the potential of these parasites as a group to adapt to increasing temperatures. Firstly, we assessed how the mean number of infective stages (cercariae) emerging from infected snail hosts as well as the survival and infectivity of cercariae are related to temperature. Secondly and importantly in the context of evolutionary potential, we assessed how coefficients of variation for these traits are related to temperature, in both cases controlling for other factors such as habitat, acclimatisation, latitude and type of target host. With increasing temperature, an optimum curve was found for mean output and mean infectivity, and a linear decrease for survival of cercariae. For coefficients of variation, temperature was only an important predictor in the case of cercarial output, where results indicated that there is, however, no evidence for limited trait variation at the higher temperature range. No directional trend was found for either variation of survival or infectivity. These results, characterising general patterns among trematodes, suggest that all three traits considered may have potential to change through adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Dietary overlap and competition between frugivorous birds and bats in the Neotropics have been presumed to be low, but comparative data have been lacking. We determined the diets of volant frugivores in an early successional patch of Costa Rican wet forest over a one month period. Ordination of the diet matrix by Reciprocal Averaging revealed that birds and bats tend to feed on different sets of fruits and that diets differed more among bat species than among bird species. However, there was overlap between Scarlet-rumped Tanagers and three Carollia bat species on fruits of several Piper species which comprised most of the diet of these bats. Day/night exclosure experiments on P. friedrichsthalli treetlets provided evidence that birds deplete the amount of ripe fruit available to bats. These results indicate that distantly related taxa may overlap in diet and compete for fruit, despite the apparent adaptation of animal-dispersed plant species for dispersal by particular animal taxa.  相似文献   

In boreal lakes, temperature and photoperiod are important environmental cues affecting reproduction, growth and feeding rates of benthic invertebrates; however, how invertebrates cope with seasonal changes in the availability of their food sources has rarely been addressed. In this study, where temperature and light conditions were controlled, we aimed at assessing whether Hyalella azteca amphipods from the littoral zone of boreal lakes adjust their feeding rates in response to the dynamics of their food sources and their population structure. Using a gravimetric approach, we compared the ingestion and absorption rates of amphipods from a natural population collected periodically during the ice-free season. Amphipods were fed in the laboratory with conditioned leaf detritus. Feeding rates increased regardless of seasonal variations of temperature and photoperiod in the lake. Field data suggest this increase could be linked to seasonal changes in the population structure or in the diet of amphipods. This suggests that H. azteca amphipods adjusted their feeding rates with their energy and nutrient requirements and/or developed a compensatory feeding trade-off to cope with the dynamics of their different food sources in lakes.  相似文献   

Across broad taxonomic groups, life history models predict that increased ecological predictability will lead to conservative investment in reproductive effort. Within species, however, organisms are predicted to have increased reproductive rates under improved environmental conditions. It is not clear how these models apply to closely-related species. In this paper, we examine predictions from these models as applied to variability in reproductive rates between the two species of orangutans, Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean) and Pongo abelii (Sumatran). Orangutans exhibit characteristics of a "slow" life history strategy with large bodies, late age at maturity, low reproductive rates, and long lifespan. Recently, researchers proposed that Sumatran orangutans may have an even slower life history than Bornean orangutans as a result of ecological and genetic differences (Wich et al., 2004). We examined this hypothesis by studying important aspects of life history of both species under conditions of relative ecological stability, in captivity. In this large dataset, there were no significant species differences in age of first or last reproduction, completed fertility, perinatal and postnatal mortality, or female longevity. Bornean orangutans in captivity did have significantly longer interbirth intervals, and male Bornean orangutans had higher survival past maturity. Our results do not support the hypothesis that selection has led to decreased reproductive effort under conditions of increased habitat quality in Sumatra (Wich et al., 2004), and instead suggest that phenotypic flexibility may be particularly important in explaining differences between closely related species.  相似文献   

Worldwide domestic and feral cat (Felis catus) numbers have increased. Concerns regarding high populations of feral cats in urban areas include wildlife predation, public nuisance, and disease. This study aimed to estimate the size of the feral cat population on 5 campuses of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to determine whether sterilization has an effect and to make management recommendations. The study used both the total count and mark-recapture methods to estimate the feral cat population on each campus. The study chose a noninvasive method of taking photographs to "mark" individuals and record those who were sterilized. The study estimated a total of 186 cats on all campuses and density at 161 cats km(-2). There was a negative relationship between sterilization and numbers. Sites with higher sterilization showed a lower proportion of younger cats. At the average sterilization of 55%, the population, according to predictions, would remain stable at fecundity, survival, and immigration rates reported by cat caretakers. However, caretakers underestimated cat abundance by 7 ± 37 SD%. Caretakers' feral cat sterilization and feeding programs appear to provide a service to the university community. Key management recommendations were to increase sterilization to 90% to reduce the population over the long term and to raise funds to support the costs incurred by voluntary cat caretakers.  相似文献   

A largely neglected aspect of foraging behavior is whether the costs and benefits of predation vary as a function of phylogenetic (i.e., genetic) similarity between predator and prey. Prey of varying phylogenetic similarities to predators might differ in value because both the risk of pathogen transmission and the nutritional quality of prey typically decline with decreasing phylogenetic similarity between predator and prey. I experimentally evaluated this hypothesis by feeding omnivorous spadefoot toad tadpoles (Spea bombifrons, Spea multiplicata, and Scaphiopus couchii) either conspecific tadpoles or an equal mass of three different species of heterospecific prey, all of which contained naturally occurring bacteria. I also examined which prey species Spea tadpoles preferred. I found that all three species of tadpoles performed best on, and preferred to eat, prey that were of intermediate phylogenetic similarity to the predators. Prey of intermediate phylogenetic similarity may provide the greatest fitness benefits to predators because such prey balance the nutritional benefits of closely related prey with the cost of parasite transmission between closely related individuals.  相似文献   

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