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Mature seed-derived embryogenic calli of indica rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. PAU201) were induced on semisolid Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2.5 mg dm−3 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid + 0.5 mg dm−3 kinetin + 560 mg dm−3 proline + 30 g dm−3 sucrose + 8 g dm−3 agar. Using OsglyII gene, out of 3180 calli bombarded, 32 plants were regenerated on medium containing hygromycin (30 mg dm−3). Histochemical GUS assay of the hygromycin selected calli revealed GUS expression in 50 % calli. Among the regenerants, 46.87 % were GUS positive. PCR analysis confirmed the presence of the transgene of 1 kb in 60 % of independent plants. Further, these plants have been grown to maturity in glasshouse. In vitro screening for salt tolerance showed increase in fresh mass of OsglyII putative transgenic calli (185.4 mg) as compared to control calli (84.2 mg) on 90 mM NaCl after 15 d. When exposed to 150 mM NaCl, OsglyII putative transgenic plantlets showed normal growth while the non-transgenic control plantlets turned yellow and finally did not survive.  相似文献   



Developing new population types based on interspecific introgressions has been suggested by several authors to facilitate the discovery of novel allelic sources for traits of agronomic importance. Chromosome segment substitution lines from interspecific crosses represent a powerful and useful genetic resource for QTL detection and breeding programs.  相似文献   

A recently established rice breeding program in low latitudes aims to develop varieties with extremely long basic vegetative growth (BVG) periods and weak photoperiod sensitivities. The Taiwanese japonica variety Taichung 65 (T65) harbors a recessive allele ef1 at the Ef1 (Early flowering 1) locus, thereby exhibiting an extremely long BVG period. The previous reported functional allele Ehd1 (Early heading date 1), located on chromosome 10, encodes a B-type response regulator, thereby shortening the BVG period, whereas its nonfunctional allele ehd1 greatly prolongs the BVG period. A conventional analysis using F2 and F3 populations and a subsequent CAPS analysis based on the amino acid sequences of Ehd1 and ehd1 showed that Ef1 and Ehd1 were at the same locus. The CAPS analysis also indicated that the Taiwanese japonica varieties with extremely long BVG periods all harbor ef1, but that ef1 does not exist among indica and japonica varieties in the low latitudes. Since ef1 has not been found in any japonica varieties outside Taiwan, this allele might have originated in Taiwan. Sequence analysis revealed that the mutant allele ef1-h, which prolongs the BVG period even more than ef1 does, harbors an mPing insertion in exon 2, which causes the complete loss of gene function. Our results indicate that both ef1 or ef1-h alleles can be used as new gene sources in developing rice varieties with extremely long BVG periods for low latitudes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The saprophytic bacterium Burkholderia cepacia has been shown to play an active role as plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB). In this study, the ability of cell-free culture medium (CFCM) of B. cepacia to improve early developmental stages of plants has been assessed on two agronomically important crops, maize (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa). Treating maize and rice seeds for 45 min before germination significantly improved seed germination and consequent seedling growth. The effect of CFCM was confirmed by the increased biomass of the shoot and, mainly, the root systems of treated seedlings. Chromatographic characterization of the CFCM revealed that the spent culture medium of B. cepacia is a complex mix of different classes of metabolites including, among others, salicylic acid, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and several unidentified phenolic compounds. Fractionation of the CFCM components revealed that the impressive development of the root system of CFCM-treated seedlings is due to the synergistic action of several groups of components rather than IAA alone. The data presented here suggest that a CFCM of B. cepacia can be used to improve crop germination.  相似文献   

Bacillus cereus C1L was demonstrated to induce systemic resistance in Lilium formosanum against leaf blight caused by Botrytis elliptica. Suppression subtractive hybridization library of L. formosanum triggered by B. cereus C1L were screened and 3 differentially expressed genes were identified. Based on sequence analysis, these genes encoding putative glycine-rich protein, metallothionein-like protein, and PsbR protein of photosystem 2, were designated LfGRP1, LfMT1, and LfPsbR, respectively. The results of Northern blot analysis showed that expressions of LfGRP1, LfMT1 and LfPsbR increased in response to B. elliptica infection. On the other hand, expression of LfMT1 increased but expressions of LfGRP1 and LfPsbR decreased when the rhizosphere of L. formosanum was drenched with suspension of B. cereus C1L with or without subsequent challenge with B. elliptica on lily leaves. Similar expression profiles of homologues of LfGRP1, LfMT1, and LfPsbR (named LsGRP1, LsMT1, and LsPsbR, respectively) were presented in Lilium oriental hybrid Star Gazer. In addition, application of the photosynthetic inhibitor, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, on the leaves reduced disease severity and expressions of LsGRP1 and LsPsbR just as that in response to B. cereus C1L treatment.  相似文献   



P. multocida is a Gram-negative pathogen responsible for causing diseases in animals of economic significance to livestock industries throughout the world. Current vaccines include bacterins, which provide only limited protection against homologous serotypes. Therefore there is a need for more effective vaccines to control diseases caused by P. multocida. As a step towards developing vaccines against fowl cholera, a genomics based approach was applied for the identification of novel immunogens.  相似文献   

There are three most important bacterial causative agents of serious infections that could be misused for warfare purposes: Bacillus anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax) is the most frequently mentioned one; however, Fracisella tularensis (causing tularemia) and Yersinia pestis (the causative agent of plague) are further bacterial agents enlisted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the category A of potential biological weapons. This review intends to summarize basic information about these bacterial agents. Military aspects of their pathogenesis and the detection techniques suitable for field use are discussed.  相似文献   

Interaction of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 100NCJB with bacteria Campylobacter jejuni (strains 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and Helicobacter pylori, strain TX30a, was confirmed. The results indicate that lytic activity of bdellovibrios both in liquid media and cells attached to a surface was observed. The potential use of the antimicrobial activity of predatory bacteria for environmental bioprotection and public health is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on population analysis of the DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 and TNFA allele frequency distribution patterns, regional features of immunogenetic structure of the population of West Siberia were investigated. Statistically significant linkage disequilibrium within the HLA class II region, as well as between the TNFA and DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 was demonstrated. Population frequency distribution patterns of two- and multilocus haplotypes were examined.  相似文献   

To overexpress the chitosanase gene (csn) in F. solani, a vector based on pCAMBIA 1300 was constructed. The csn gene, which is under control of the Aspergillus nidulans gpdA promoter and A. nidulans trpC terminator, was introduced back into the F. solani genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and the herbicide-resistance gene bar from Streptomyces hygroscopicus was used as the selection marker. Transformants which showed a significant increase in chitosanase production (~2.1-fold than control) were obtained. Southern blot analysis indicated that most transformants had a single-copy T-DNA integration.  相似文献   

Pilobolus crystallinus shows unique photoresponses at various growing stages. cDNAs for putative photoreceptors were cloned from this fungus. Three genes named pcmada1, pcmada2, and pcmada3 were identified from the PCR fragments, and amplified with degenerated primers for the LOV domain, which is conserved in many blue-light receptors. Deduced amino acid sequences for PCMADA1, PCMADA2, and PCMADA3 had one light-oxygen-voltage (LOV)-sensing and two PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) domains. A zinc finger DNA-binding motif was conserved in the C-terminals of PCMADA1 and PCMADA3. However, PCMADA2 lacked the zinc finger motif. Expression of pcmada1 was suppressed by blue light whereas that of pcmada3 was promoted by blue-light irradiation.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection was carried out for adventitious rooting and associated propagation traits in a second-generation outbred Corymbia torelliana × Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata hybrid family (n = 186). The parental species of this cross are divergent in their capacity to develop roots adventitiously on stem cuttings and their propensity to form lignotubers. For the ten traits studied, there was one or two QTL detected, with some QTL explaining large amounts of phenotypic variation (e.g. 66% for one QTL for percentage rooting), suggesting that major effects influence rooting in this cross. Collocation of QTL for many strongly genetically correlated rooting traits to a single region on linkage group 12 suggested pleiotropy. A three locus model was most parsimonious for linkage group 12, however, as differences in QTL position and lower genetic correlations suggested separate loci for each of the traits of shoot production and root initiation. Species differences were thought to be the major source of phenotypic variation for some rooting rate and root quality traits because of the major QTL effects and up to 59-fold larger homospecific deviations (attributed to species differences) relative to heterospecific deviations (attributed to standing variation within species) evident at some QTL for these traits. A large homospecific/heterospecific ratio at major QTL suggested that the gene action evident in one cross may be indicative of gene action more broadly in hybrids between these species for some traits.  相似文献   

Following a re-examination of the material treated under Barleria brevispina (Fiori) Hedrén in the recent Flora of Somalia account of the Acanthaceae, it is concluded that two distinct species are involved and Barleria compacta Malombe & I. Darbysh. is described here from north-eastern Somalia. Its affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

The intron sequence of chloroplast rpS16 and the secondary structure of its pre-mRNA were characterized for the first time in 26 Allium sativum accessions of different ecologo-geographical origins and seven related Allium species. The boundaries and main stem-loop consensus sequences were identified for all six domains of the intron. Polymorphism was estimated for the total intron and its regions. The structural regions of the rpS16 intron proved to be heterogeneous for mutation rate and spectrum. Mutations were most abundant in domains II and IV, and transition predominated in domains I, III, V, and VI. In addition to structural elements and motifs typical for group IIB introns, several Allium-specific micro- and macrostructural mutations were revealed. A 290-bp deletion involving domains III and IV and part of domain V was observed in A. altaicum, A. fistulosum, and A. schoenoprasum. Several indels and nucleotide substitutions were found to cause a deviation of the pre-mRNA secondary structure from the consensus model of group II introns.  相似文献   

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