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The steady-state isometric force following active stretching of a muscle is always greater than the steady-state isometric force obtained in a purely isometric contraction at the same length. This phenomenon has been termed "residual force enhancement" and it is associated with an active and a passive component. The origin of these components remains a matter of scientific debate. The purpose of this work was to test the hypothesis that the passive component of the residual force enhancement is caused by a passive structural element. In order to achieve this purpose, single fibers (n=6) from the lumbrical muscles of frog (Rana pipiens) were isolated and attached to a force transducer and a motor that could produce computer-controlled length changes. The passive force enhancement was assessed for three experimental conditions: in a normal Ringer's solution, and after the addition of 5 and 15mM 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) which inhibits force production in a dose-dependent manner. If our hypothesis was correct, one would expect the passive force enhancement to be unaffected following BDM application. However, we found that increasing concentrations of BDM decreased the isometric forces, increased the normalized residual force enhancement, and most importantly for this study, increased the passive force enhancement. Furthermore, BDM decreased the rate of force relaxation after deactivation following active stretching of fibers, passive stretching in the Ringer's and BDM conditions produced the same passive force-sarcomere length relationship, and passive force enhancement required activation and force production. These results led to the conclusion that the passive force enhancement cannot be caused by a structural component exclusively as had been assumed up to date, but must be associated, directly or indirectly, with cross-bridge attachments upon activation and the associated active force.  相似文献   

When a skeletal muscle that is actively producing force is shortened or stretched, the resulting steady-state isometric force after the dynamic phase is smaller or greater, respectively, than the purely isometric force obtained at the corresponding final length. The cross-bridge model of muscle contraction does not readily explain this history dependence of force production. The most accepted proposal to explain both, force depression after shortening and force enhancement after stretch, is a nonuniform behavior of sarcomeres that develops during and after length changes. This hypothesis is based on the idea of instability of sarcomere lengths on the descending limb of the force-length relationship. However, recent evidence suggests that skeletal muscles may be stable over the entire range of active force production, including the descending limb of the force-length relationship. The purpose of this review was to critically evaluate hypotheses aimed at explaining the history dependence of force production and to provide some novel insight into the possible mechanisms underlying these phenomena. It is concluded that the sarcomere nonuniformity hypothesis cannot always explain the total force enhancement observed after stretch and likely does not cause all of the force depression after shortening. There is evidence that force depression after shortening is associated with a reduction in the proportion of attached cross bridges, which, in turn, might be related to a stress-induced inhibition of cross-bridge attachment in the myofilament overlap zone. Furthermore, we suggest that force enhancement is not associated with instability of sarcomeres on the descending limb of the force-length relationship and that force enhancement has an active and a passive component. Force depression after shortening and force enhancement after stretch are likely to have different origins.  相似文献   

Edman et al. (J. General Physiol. 80 (1982) 769) observed in single fibres of frog that the steady-state forces following active fibre stretch were greater than the purely isometric force obtained at the length from which the stretch was initiated. Operating on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, such a result can only be explained within the framework of the sarcomere length non-uniformity theory, if some fibre segments shortened during the fibre stretch. However, such a result was not found, leaving Edman's observation unexplained. Force enhancement above the initial isometric force has not been investigated systematically in whole muscle, and therefore it is not known whether this property is also part of whole muscle mechanics. The purpose of this study was to test if the steady-state forces following active stretch of cat semitendinosus were greater than the corresponding purely isometric forces at the muscle length from which the stretch was started. Cat semitendinosus was stretched by various amounts on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, and the steady-state forces following these stretches were compared to the corresponding isometric forces at the initial and final muscle lengths. In 109 of 131 tests, the steady-state forces following stretching were greater than the isometric forces at the initial muscle lengths. Force enhancement increased with increasing amounts of stretching, and force enhancement above the initial isometric force was more likely to occur following stretches of great compared to small amplitude. Passive forces following active muscle stretching were often significantly greater than the passive forces at the same muscle length following an isometric contraction or a passive stretching of the muscle. This observation was made consistently at the longest muscle lengths tested. It appears, therefore, that there is a passive force that accounts for part of the force enhancement above the isometric force at the initial muscle length, and that provides increased passive force when a muscle is actively, rather than passively, stretched at long muscle lengths. We conclude that cat semitendinosus demonstrates steady-state force enhancement above the corresponding purely isometric force at the initial muscle length on the descending limb of the force-length relationship for many contractile conditions, and that a unique, and so far undetected, passive, parallel element contributes to this force enhancement, particularly at long muscle lengths where muscle is assumed to be most vulnerable to injuries associated with sarcomere length instability.  相似文献   

When a muscle is stretched while activated, its steady-state isometric force following stretch is greater than the corresponding purely isometric force. This so-called residual force enhancement (RFE) has been observed for half a century, yet its mechanism remains unknown. Recent experiments suggest that RFE is not caused by non-uniformities in sarcomere lengths, as had been assumed for a long time, and cannot be explained primarily with increases in passive force, but is directly related to the kinetics of the cross-bridge cycle. Specifically, it has been suggested that stretching an attached cross-bridge increases its dwell time and duty ratio; therefore, the proportion of attached cross-bridges in a muscle would be increased by stretch, thereby causing RFE. A three bead laser trap setup was used for testing single cross-bridge (myosin II) interactions with actin. Upon attachment of a cross-bridge, a stretch or shortening of the cross-bridge was applied with a force of about 1.0 pN. The hypothesis that stretching a single cross-bridge increases its dwell time and duty ratio was rejected. However, stretching caused an increase in the average steady-state force per cross-bridge (3.4±0.4 pN; n=433) compared to shortening (1.9±0.3 pN; n=689). Therefore, based on the results of this study, RFE cannot be explained by an increased duty ratio and the associated increase in proportion of attached cross-bridges, but might be associated with an increased force per cross-bridge.  相似文献   

There is evidence that the stretch-induced residual force enhancement observed in skeletal muscles is associated with 1) cross-bridge dynamics and 2) an increase in passive force. The purpose of this study was to characterize the total and passive force enhancement and to evaluate whether these phenomena may be associated with a slow detachment of cross bridges. Single fibers from frog lumbrical muscles were placed at a length 20% longer than the plateau of the force-length relationship, and active and passive stretches (amplitudes of 5 and 10% of fiber length and at a speed of 40% fiber length/s) were performed. Experiments were conducted in Ringer solution and with the addition of 2, 5, and 10 mM of 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM), a cross-bridge inhibitor. The steady-state active and passive isometric forces after stretch of an activated fiber were higher than the corresponding forces measured after isometric contractions or passive stretches. BDM decreased the absolute isometric force and increased the total force enhancement in all conditions investigated. These results suggest that total force enhancement is directly associated with cross-bridge kinetics. Addition of 2 mM BDM did not change the passive force enhancement after 5 and 10% stretches. Addition of 5 and 10 mM did not change (5% stretches) or increased (10% stretches) the passive force enhancement. Increasing stretch amplitudes and increasing concentrations of BDM caused relaxation after stretch to be slower, and because passive force enhancement is increased at the greatest stretch amplitudes and the highest BDM concentrations, it appears that passive force enhancement may be related to slow-detaching cross bridges.  相似文献   

Stretch-induced force enhancement has been observed in a variety of muscle preparations and on structural levels ranging from single fibers to in vivo human muscles. It is a well-accepted property of skeletal muscle. However, the mechanism causing force enhancement has not been elucidated, although the sarcomere-length non-uniformity theory has received wide support. The purpose of this paper was to re-investigate stretch-induced force enhancement in frog single fibers by testing specific hypotheses arising from the sarcomere-length non-uniformity theory. Single fibers dissected from frog tibialis anterior (TA) and lumbricals (n=12 and 22, respectively) were mounted in an experimental chamber with physiological Ringer's solution (pH=7.5) between a force transducer and a servomotor length controller. The tetantic force-length relationship was determined. Isometric reference forces were determined at optimum length (corresponding to the maximal, active, isometric force), and at the initial and final lengths of the stretch experiments. Stretch experiments were performed on the descending limb of the force-length relationship after maximal tetanic force was reached. Stretches of 2.5-10% (TA) and 5-15% lumbricals of fiber length were performed at 0.1-1.5 fiber lengths/s. The stretch-induced, steady-state, active isometric force was always equal or greater than the purely isometric force at the muscle length from which the stretch was initiated. Moreover, for stretches of 5% fiber length or greater, and initiated near the optimum length of the fiber, the stretch-enhanced active force always exceeded the maximal active isometric force at optimum length. Finally, we observed a stretch-induced enhancement of passive force. We conclude from these results that the sarcomere length non-uniformity theory alone cannot explain the observed force enhancement, and that part of the force enhancement is associated with a passive force that is substantially greater after active compared to passive muscle stretch.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of stretching and shortening on the isometric forces at different lengths on the descending limb of the force-length relationship. Cat soleus (N = 10) was stretched and shortened by various amounts on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, and the steady-state forces following these dynamic contractions were compared to the isometric forces at the corresponding muscle lengths. We found a shift of the force-length relationship to greater force values following muscle stretching, and to smaller force values following muscle shortening. Shifts in both directions critically depended on the magnitude of stretching/shortening and the final muscle length. We confirm recent findings that the steady-state isometric force following some stretch conditions clearly exceeded the maximal isometric forces at optimum muscle length, and that force enhancement was associated with an increase in the passive force, i.e., a passive force enhancement. When the passive force enhancement was subtracted from the total force enhancement, forces following stretch were always equal to or smaller than the isometric force at optimum muscle length. Together, these findings led to the conclusions: (a). that force enhancement is composed of an "active and a "passive" component; (b). that the "passive" component of force enhancement allows for forces greater than the maximal isometric forces at the muscle's optimum length; and (c). that force enhancement and force depression are critically affected by muscle length and stretch/shortening amplitude.  相似文献   

In striated muscle thin filament activation is initiated by Ca(2+) binding to troponin C and augmented by strong myosin binding to actin (cross-bridge formation). Several lines of evidence have led us to hypothesize that thin filament properties may limit the level and rate of force development in cardiac muscle at all levels of Ca(2+) activation. As a test of this hypothesis we varied the cross-bridge contribution to thin filament activation by substituting 2 deoxy-ATP (dATP; a strong cross-bridge augmenter) for ATP as the contractile substrate and compared steady-state force and stiffness, and the rate of force redevelopment (k(tr)) in demembranated rat cardiac trabeculae as [Ca(2+)] was varied. We also tested whether thin filament dynamics limits force development kinetics during maximal Ca(2+) activation by comparing the rate of force development (k(Ca)) after a step increase in [Ca(2+)] with photorelease of Ca(2+) from NP-EGTA to maximal k(tr), where Ca(2+) binding to thin filaments should be in (near) equilibrium during force redevelopment. dATP enhanced steady-state force and stiffness at all levels of Ca(2+) activation. At similar submaximal levels of steady-state force there was no increase in k(tr) with dATP, but k(tr) was enhanced at higher Ca(2+) concentrations, resulting in an extension (not elevation) of the k(tr)-force relationship. Interestingly, we found that maximal k(tr) was faster than k(Ca), and that dATP increased both by a similar amount. Our data suggest the dynamics of Ca(2+)-mediated thin filament activation limits the rate that force develops in rat cardiac muscle, even at saturating levels of Ca(2+).  相似文献   

A distribution-moment model of energetics in skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we develop a theory for calculating the chemical energy liberation and heat production of a skeletal muscle subjected to an arbitrary history of stimulation, loading, and length variation. This theory is based on and complements the distribution-moment (DM) model of muscle [Zahalak and Ma, J. biomech. Engng 112, 52-62 (1990)]. The DM model is a mathematical approximation of the A. F. Huxley cross-bridge theory and represents a muscle in terms of five (normalized) state variables: A, the muscle length, c, the sarcoplasmic free calcium concentration, and Q0, Q1, Q2, the first three moments of the actin-myosin bond-distribution function (which, respectively, have macroscopic interpretations as the muscle stiffness, force, and elastic energy stored in the contractile tissue). From this model are derived two equations which predict the chemical energy liberation and heat production rates in terms of the five DM state variables, and which take account of the following factors: (1) phosphocreatine hydrolysis associated with cross-bridge cycling; (2) phosphocreatine hydrolysis associated with sarcoplasmic-reticulum pumping of calcium; (3) passive calcium flux across the sarcoplasmic-reticulum membrane; (4) calcium-troponin bonding; (5) cross-bridge bonding at zero strain; (6) cross-bridge strain energy; (7) tendon strain energy; and (8) external work. Using estimated parameters appropriate for a frog sartorius at 0 degree C, the energy rates are calculated for several experiments reported in the literature, and reasonable agreement is found between our model and the measurements. (The selected experiments are confined to the plateau of the isometric length-tension curve, although our theory admits arbitrary length variations.) The two most important contributions to the energy rates are phosphocreatine hydrolysis associated with cross-bridge cycling and with sarcoplasmic-reticulum calcium pumping, and these two contributions are approximately equal under tetanic, isometric, steady-state conditions. The contribution of the calcium flux across the electrochemical potential gradient at the sarcoplasmic-reticulum membrane was found to be small under all conditions examined, and can be neglected. Long-term fatigue and oxidative recovery effects are not included in this theory. Also not included is the so-called 'unexplained energy' presumably associated with reactions which have not yet been identified. Within these limitations our model defines clear quantitative interrelations between the activation, mechanics, and energetics in muscle, and permits rational estimates of the energy production to be calculated for arbitrary programs of muscular work.  相似文献   

Despite its overwhelming acceptance in muscle research, the cross-bridge theory does not account for all phenomena observed during muscular contractions. A phenomenon which has received much attention in the biomechanics literature, but has evaded convincing explanation and is not accounted for in the formulation of the classic cross-bridge theory, is the persistent aftereffects of muscular length changes on force production. For example, following muscle shortening, the isometric force of a muscle is depressed for a long time period ( > 5 s) compared to the corresponding isometric force following no length change. In the present study, the classic cross-bridge model was modified in two ways in an attempt to account for the force depressions following muscle shortening. First, the steady-state force depressions following shortening were described by a single scalar variable: the work performed by the muscle during shortening; and second, the dynamic, history-dependent cross-bridge properties were described using a fading memory function. The proposed model was developed and tested for shortening of the cat soleus at constant speeds ranging from 4 to 32 mm/s, for shortening at changing speeds, and for shortening of different magnitudes ranging from 2 to 10 mm. The history-dependent forces during shortening and the steady-state force depressions following shortening were well captured with the modified cross-bridge model. The present model contains two mathematically simple adaptations to the classic cross-bridge model, and is the first such model to account for the long-lasting force depressions following muscle shortening using a single scalar variable.  相似文献   

Although the active properties of airway smooth muscle (ASM) have garnered much modeling attention, the passive mechanical properties are not as well studied. In particular, there are important dynamic effects observed in passive ASM, particularly strain-induced fluidization, which have been observed both experimentally and in models; however, to date these models have left an incomplete picture of the biophysical, mechanistic basis for these behaviors. The well-known Huxley cross-bridge model has for many years successfully described many of the active behaviors of smooth muscle using sliding filament theory; here, we propose to extend this theory to passive biological soft tissue, particularly ASM, using as a basis the attachment and detachment of cross-linker proteins at a continuum of cross-linker binding sites. The resulting mathematical model exhibits strain-induced fluidization, as well as several types of force recovery, at the same time suggesting a new mechanistic basis for the behavior. The model is validated by comparison to new data from experimental preparations of rat tracheal airway smooth muscle. Furthermore, experiments in noncontractile tissue show qualitatively similar behavior, suggesting support for the protein-filament theory as a biomechanical basis for the behavior.  相似文献   

A thin-filament-regulated latch-bridge model of smooth muscle contraction is proposed to integrate thin-filament-based inhibition of actomyosin ATPase activity with myosin phosphorylation in the regulation of smooth muscle mechanics. The model included two latch-bridge cycles, one of which was identical to the four-state model as proposed by Hai and Murphy (Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 255: C86-C94, 1988), whereas the ultraslow cross-bridge cycle has lower cross-bridge cycling rates. The model-fitted phorbol ester induced slow contractions at constant myosin phosphorylation and predicted steeper dependence of force on myosin phosphorylation in phorbol ester-stimulated smooth muscle. By shifting cross bridges between the two latch-bridge cycles, the model predicts that a smooth muscle cell can either maintain force at extremely low-energy cost or change its contractile state rapidly, if necessary. Depending on the fraction of cross bridges engaged in the ultraslow latch-bridge cycle, the model predicted biphasic kinetics of smooth muscle mechanics and variable steady-state dependencies of force and shortening velocity on myosin phosphorylation. These results suggest that thin-filament-based regulatory proteins may function as tuners of actomyosin ATPase activity, thus allowing a smooth muscle cell to have two discrete cross-bridge cycles with different cross-bridge cycling rates.  相似文献   

Previously we showed that stiffness of relaxed fibers and active force generated in single skinned fibers of rabbit psoas muscle are inhibited in parallel by actin-binding fragments of caldesmon, an actin-associated protein of smooth muscle, under conditions in which a large fraction of cross-bridges is weakly attached to actin (ionic strength of 50 mM and temperature of 5 degrees C). These results suggested that weak cross-bridge attachment to actin is essential for force generation. The present study provides evidence that this is also true for physiological ionic strength (170 mM) at temperatures up to 30 degrees C, suggesting that weak cross-bridge binding to actin is generally required for force generation. In addition, we show that the inhibition of active force is not a result of changes in cross-bridge cycling kinetics but apparently results from selective inhibition of weak cross-bridge binding to actin. Together with our previous biochemical, mechanical, and structural studies, these findings support the proposal that weak cross-bridge attachment to actin is an essential intermediate on the path to force generation and are consistent with the concept that isometric force mainly results from an increase in strain of the attached cross-bridge as a result of a structural change associated with the transition from a weakly bound to a strongly bound actomyosin complex. This mechanism is different from the processes responsible for quick tension recovery that were proposed by Huxley and Simmons (Proposed mechanism of force generation in striated muscle. Nature. 233:533-538.) to represent the elementary mechanism of force generation.  相似文献   

Muscles respond to imposed length changes with rapid, large force changes followed by slow relaxations to new steady-state forces. These responses were originally believed to arise from background levels of actomyosin binding. Discovery of giant sarcomere-spanning proteins suggested muscle passive responses could arise from length changes of elastic domains present in these proteins. However, direct evidence that actomyosin plays little role in passive muscle force responses to imposed length changes has not been provided. We show here that a poison of actomyosin interaction, thiourea, does not alter initial force changes or subsequent relaxations of lobster stomatogastric muscles. These data provide direct evidence that background actomyosin cross-bridge formation likely plays, at most, a small role in muscle passive responses to length changes. Thiourea does not alter lobster muscle electrical responses to motor nerve stimulation, although in this species it does cause tonic motor nerve firing. This firing limits the utility of thiourea to study lobster muscle electrical responses to motor nerve stimulation. However, it is unclear whether thiourea induces such motor nerve firing in other animals. Thiourea may therefore provide a convenient technique to measure muscle electrical responses to motor nerve input without the confounding difficulties caused by muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The depression of isometric force after active shortening is a well-accepted characteristic of skeletal muscle, yet its mechanisms remain unknown. Although traditionally analyzed at steady state, transient phenomena caused, at least in part, by cross-bridge kinetics may provide novel insight into the mechanisms associated with force depression (FD). To identify the transient aspects of FD and its relation to shortening speed, shortening amplitude, and muscle mechanical work, in situ experiments were conducted in soleus muscle-tendon units of anesthetized cats. The period immediately after shortening, in which force recovers toward steady state, was fit by using an exponential recovery function (R2 > 0.99). Statistical analyses revealed that steady-state FD (FD(ss)) increased with shortening amplitude and mechanical work. This FD(ss) increase was always accompanied by a significant decrease in force recovery rate. Furthermore, a significant reduction in stiffness was observed after all activated shortenings, presumably because of a reduced proportion of attached cross bridges. These results were interpreted with respect to the two most prominent proposed mechanisms of force depression: sarcomere length nonuniformity theory (7, 32) and a stress-induced inhibition of cross-bridge binding in the newly formed actin-myosin overlap zone (14, 28). We hypothesized that the latter could describe both steady-state and transient aspects of FD using a single scalar variable, the mechanical work done during shortening. As either excursion (overlap) or force (stress) is increased, mechanical work increases, and cross-bridge attachment would become more inhibited, as supported by this study in which an increase in mechanical work resulted in a slower recovery to a more depressed steady-state force.  相似文献   

When strips of activated airway smooth muscle are stretched cyclically, they exhibit force-length loops that vary substantially in both position and shape with the amplitude and frequency of the stretch. This behavior has recently been ascribed to a dynamic interaction between the imposed stretch and the number of actin-myosin interactions in the muscle. However, it is well known that the passive rheological properties of smooth muscle have a major influence on its mechanical properties. We therefore hypothesized that these rheological properties play a significant role in the force-length dynamics of activated smooth muscle. To test the plausibility of this hypothesis, we developed a model of the smooth muscle strip consisting of a force generator in series with an elastic component. Realistic steady-state force-length loops are predicted by the model when the force generator obeys a hyperbolic force-velocity relationship, the series elastic component is highly nonlinear, and both elastic stiffness and force generation are adjusted so that peak loop force equals isometric force. We conclude that the dynamic behavior of airway smooth muscle can be ascribed in large part to an interaction between connective tissue rheology and the force-velocity behavior of contractile proteins.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to choose between two popular models of skeletal muscle: one with the parallel elastic component in parallel with both the contractile element and the series elastic component (model A), and the other in which it is in parallel with only the contractile element (model B). Passive and total forces were obtained at a variety of muscle lengths for the medial gastrocnemius muscle in anesthetized rats. Passive force was measured before the contraction (passive A) or was estimated for the fascicle length at which peak total force occurred (passive B). Fascicle length was measured with sonomicrometry. Active force was calculated by subtracting passive (A or B) force from peak total force at each fascicle or muscle length. Optimal length, that fascicle length at which active force is maximized, was 13.1 +/- 1.2 mm when passive A was subtracted and 14.0 +/- 1.1 mm with passive B (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the relationship between double-pulse contraction force and length was broader when calculated with passive B than with passive A. When the muscle was held at a long length, passive force decreased due to stress relaxation. This was accompanied by no change in fascicle length at the peak of the contraction and only a small corresponding decrease in peak total force. There is no explanation for the apparent increase in active force that would be obtained when subtracting passive A from the peak total force. Therefore, to calculate active force, it is appropriate to subtract passive force measured at the fascicle length corresponding to the length at which peak total force occurs, rather than passive force measured at the length at which the contraction begins.  相似文献   

Ever since the 1950s, muscle force regulation has been associated with the cross-bridge interactions between the two contractile filaments, actin and myosin. This gave rise to what is referred to as the "two-filament sarcomere model". This model does not predict eccentric muscle contractions well, produces instability of myosin alignment and force production on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, and cannot account for the vastly decreased ATP requirements of actively stretched muscles. Over the past decade, we and others, identified that a third myofilament, titin, plays an important role in stabilizing the sarcomere and the myosin filament. Here, we demonstrate additionally how titin is an active participant in muscle force regulation by changing its stiffness in an activation/force dependent manner and by binding to actin, thereby adjusting its free spring length. Therefore, we propose that skeletal muscle force regulation is based on a three filament model that includes titin, rather than a two filament model consisting only of actin and myosin filaments.  相似文献   

The thiadiazinon derivative EMD 57033 has been found previously in cardiac muscle to increase isometric force generation without a proportional increase in fiber ATPase, thus causing a reduction in tension cost. To analyze the mechanism by which EMD 57033 affects the contractile system, we studied its effects on isometric force, isometric fiber ATPase, the rate constant of force redevelopment (k(redev)), active fiber stiffness, and its effect on Fo, which is the force contribution of a cross-bridge in the force-generating states. We used chemically skinned fibers of the rabbit psoas muscle. It was found that with 50 microM EMD 57033, isometric force increases by more than 50%, whereas Kredev, active stiffness, and isometric fiber ATPase increase by at most 10%. The results show that EMD 57033 causes no changes in cross-bridge turnover kinetics and no changes in active fiber stiffness that would result in a large enough increase in occupancy of the force-generating states to account for the increase in active force. However, plots of force versus length change recorded during stretches and releases (T plots) indicate that in the presence of EMD 57033 the y(o) value (x axis intercept) for the cross-bridges becomes more negative while its absolute value increases. This might suggest a larger cross-bridge strain as the basis for increased active force. Analysis of T plots with and without EMD 57033 shows that the increase in cross-bridge strain is not due to a redistribution of cross-bridges among different force-generating states favoring states of larger strain. Instead, it reflects an increased cross-bridge strain in the main force-generating state. The direct effect of EMD 57033 on the force contribution of cross-bridges in the force-generating states represents an alternative mechanism for a positive inotropic intervention.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test whether titin is a calcium-dependent spring and whether it is the source of the passive force enhancement observed in muscle and single fiber preparations. We measured passive force enhancement in troponin C (TnC)-depleted myofibrils in which active force production was completely eliminated. The TnC-depleted construct allowed for the investigation of the effect of calcium concentration on passive force, without the confounding effects of actin-myosin cross-bridge formation and active force production. Passive forces in TnC-depleted myofibrils (n = 6) were 35.0 +/- 2.9 nN/ microm(2) when stretched to an average sarcomere length of 3.4 microm in a solution with low calcium concentration (pCa 8.0). Passive forces in the same myofibrils increased by 25% to 30% when stretches were performed in a solution with high calcium concentration (pCa 3.5). Since it is well accepted that titin is the primary source for passive force in rabbit psoas myofibrils and since the increase in passive force in TnC-depleted myofibrils was abolished after trypsin treatment, our results suggest that increasing calcium concentration is associated with increased titin stiffness. However, this calcium-induced titin stiffness accounted for only approximately 25% of the passive force enhancement observed in intact myofibrils. Therefore, approximately 75% of the normally occurring passive force enhancement remains unexplained. The findings of the present study suggest that passive force enhancement is partly caused by a calcium-induced increase in titin stiffness but also requires cross-bridge formation and/or active force production for full manifestation.  相似文献   

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