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PRL-1 is a particularly interesting immediate-early gene because it is induced in mitogen-stimulated cells and regenerating liver but is constitutively expressed in insulin-treated rat H35 hepatoma cells, which otherwise show normal regulation of immediate-early genes. PRL-1 is expressed throughout the course of hepatic regeneration, and its expression is elevated in a number of tumor cell lines. Sequence analysis reveals that PRL-1 encodes a 20-kDa protein with an eight-amino-acid consensus protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) active site. PRL-1 is able to dephosphorylate phosphotyrosine substrates, and mutation of the active-site cysteine residue abolishes this activity. As PRL-1 has no homology to other PTPases outside the active site, it is a new type of PTPase. PRL-1 is located primarily in the cell nucleus. Stably transfected cells which overexpress PRL-1 demonstrate altered cellular growth and morphology and a transformed phenotype. It appears that PRL-1 is important in normal cellular growth control and could contribute to the tumorigenicity of some cancer cells.  相似文献   

Leishmania is a protozoan pathogen which is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected sandfly. This infection results in a spectrum of diseases throughout the developing world, collectively known as leishmaniasis. During its life cycle, Leishmania differentiates from the promastigote stage in the sandfly vector into the amastigote stage in the mammalian host where it multiplies exclusively in macrophage phagolysosomes. Although differentiation of Leishmania is essential for its survival and pathogenesis in the mammalian host, this process is poorly understood. In higher eukaryotic cells, protein tyrosine phosphorylation plays a central role in cell proliferation, differentiation and overall function. We have therefore investigated the role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in Leishmania differentiation by undertaking complementary approaches to mediate protein tyrosine dephosphorylation in vivo. In the present study, L. donovani were engineered to express a mammalian protein tyrosine phosphatase, or were treated with inhibitors of protein tyrosine kinases, and the resulting phenotype was examined. Both approaches resulted in a partial differentiation from promastigotes to amastigotes including the expression of the amastigote specific A2 protein, morphological change and increased virulence. These data provide support for the involvement of tyrosine phosphorylation in the differentiation of Leishmania.  相似文献   

Vertebrate genes with sequence similarity to the Drosophila homeobox gene, sine oculis (so), constitute the SIX family. There is notable expression of members of this family in anterior neural structures, and several SIX genes have been shown to play roles in vertebrate and insect development, or have been implicated in maintenance of the differentiated state of tissues. Mutations in three of these genes in man (SIX5, SIX6 and SIX3) are associated with severe phenotypes, and therefore, the cloning of other human genes from this family is of interest. We have cloned and characterised the gene that encodes human SIX2, elucidated its gene structure and conducted expression studies in a range of tissues. SIX2 is widely expressed in the late first-trimester fetus, but has a limited range of expression sites in the adult. The expression pattern of SIX2 and its localisation to chromosome 2p15-p16 will be of use in assessing its candidacy in human developmental disorders.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of a yeast protein tyrosine phosphatase.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To study the regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) was cloned by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Conserved amino acid sequences within the mammalian PTPases were used to design primers which generated a yeast PCR fragment. The sequence of the PCR fragment encoded a protein with homology to the mammalian PTPases. The PCR fragment was used to identify the yeast PTP1 gene which has an open reading frame encoding a 335-amino acid residue protein. This yeast PTPase shows 26% sequence identity to the rat PTPase, although highly conserved residues within the mammalian enzymes are invariant in the yeast protein. The yeast PTP1 is physicallt linked to the 5'-end of a heat shock gene SSB1. This yeast PTP1 gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and obtained in a highly purified form by a single affinity chromatography step. The recombinant yeast PTPase hydrolyzed phosphotyrosine containing substrates approximately 1000 times faster than a phosphoserine containing substrate. Gene disruption of yeast PTP1 has no visible effect on vegetative growth.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel type 2C serine-threonine phosphatase, FIN13, whose expression is induced by fibroblast growth factor 4 and serum in late G1 phase. The protein encoded by FIN13 cDNA includes N- and C-terminal domains with significant homologies to type 2C phosphatases, a domain homologous to collagen, and an acidic domain. FIN13 expression predominates in proliferating tissues. Bacterially expressed FIN13 and FIN13 expressed in mammalian cells exhibit serine-threonine phosphatase activity, which requires Mn2+ and is insensitive to inhibition by okadaic acid. FIN13 is localized in the nuclei of transiently transfected cells. Cotransfection of FIN13-expressing plasmids with a plasmid that expresses the neomycin resistance gene inhibits the growth of drug-resistant colonies in NIH 3T3, HeLa and Rat-1 cells. In transiently transfected cells, FIN13 inhibits DNA synthesis and results in the accumulation of cells in G1 and early S phases. Similarly, the induction of expression of FIN13 under the control of a tetracycline-regulated promoter in NIH 3T3 cells leads to growth inhibition, with accumulation of cells in G1 and early S phases. Thus, overexpression and/or unregulated expression of FIN13 inhibits cell cycle progression, indicating that the physiological role of this phosphatase may be that of regulating the orderly progression of cells through the mitotic cycle by dephosphorylating specific substrates which are important for cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) mediate the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine. PTPs are known to be involved in many signal transduction pathways leading to cell growth, differentiation, and oncogenic transformation. We have cloned a new family of novel protein tyrosine phosphatase-like genes, the Ptpl (protein tyrosine phosphatase-like; proline instead of catalytic arginine) gene family. This gene family is composed of at least three members, and we describe here the developmental expression pattern and chromosomal location for one of these genes, Ptpla. In situ hybridization studies revealed that Ptpla expression was first detected at embryonic day 8.5 in muscle progenitors and later in differentiated muscle types: in the developing heart, throughout the liver and lungs, and in a number of neural crest derivatives including the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia. Postnatally Ptpla was expressed in a number of adult tissues including cardiac and skeletal muscle, liver, testis, and kidney. The early expression pattern of this gene and its persistent expression in adult tissues suggest that it may have an important role in the development, differentiation, and maintenance of a number of different tissue types. The human homologue of Ptpla (PTPLA) was cloned and shown to map to 10p13-p14.  相似文献   

PTP-S4/TC48 protein tyrosine phosphatase is localized in the nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes. To investigate the role of PTP-S4 in cell growth, adhesion, and transformation, normal and a catalytically inactive mutant form of this phosphatase were expressed in polyoma virus-transformed F111 fibroblast cell line, PyF. Expression of mutant PTP-S4 in PyF cells resulted in strong inhibition of anchorage-independent growth in soft agar but had no significant effect on growth in liquid culture. Tumor formation in nude mice was also reduced by mutant PTP-S4. Expression of normal PTP-S4 in PyF cells significantly increased anchorage-independent cell growth and tumor formation in nude mice. Overexpression of catalytically inactive mutant of PTP-S2/TC45 (a splice variant of PTP-S4 that is nuclear) did not inhibit anchorage-independent growth of PyF cells. Mutant PTP-S4-expressing cells were inhibited in adhesion and spreading on tissue culture plates compared to control cells. Expression of mutant PTP-S4 in PyF cells reduced the levels of cyclin D1 and cyclin A mRNA, whereas cyclin D2 mRNA level was not affected significantly. Expression of antisense cyclin D1 strongly inhibited anchorage-independent growth. Inhibition of anchorage-independent growth by mutant PTP-S4 was overcome to a large extent by coexpression of cyclin D1. These results suggest that mutant PTP-S4 inhibits anchorage-independent growth and adhesion of polyoma virus-transformed cells by interfering with the normal function of PTP-S4 upstream of cyclin D1 gene expression.  相似文献   

The expression of the murine Prl-1 protein tyrosine phosphatase gene was examined in normal embryos from E10.5 through E18.5. Prl-1 mRNA was detected in the brain, neural tube, and dorsal root ganglia, and in several non-neuronal tissues, including the skeletal system. Heart and skeletal muscle were consistently negative. At E13.5, Prl-1 was expressed in the condensing prechondrogenic cells of the vertebrae, whereas at E18.5, Prl-1 mRNA was localized to the hypertrophic chondrocytes. The dynamic expression of Prl-1 during cartilage differentiation may suggest a functional role in skeletal development.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) expression in mouse mammary gland and mammary epithelial cells using a set of degenerate primers corresponding to the PTP core domain sequence revealed the presence of 16 different receptor-type and intracellular PTPs. Northern blot and RT-PCR analyses revealed that some PTPs were up-regulated during gestation, suggesting that these enzymes are involved in development of mammary gland. However, expression of most PTPs dramatically decreased during lactation, whereas the beta-casein gene expression was increased and remained at a high level. At the involution stage after weaning, most PTPs were up-regulated and their expression returned almost to the virgin level. Such up-regulation was also induced by forced weaning in lactating mother mice. These results suggest the possible contribution of PTPs to the development, involution, and remodeling of mammary gland and their possible inhibitory action on maintaining high expression of milk genes during lactation.  相似文献   

A novel class of ubiquitin ligases, termed the SCF complex, consists of invariable components, Skp1 and Cullin, and variable components called F-box proteins, which have a primary role in determining substrate specificity. We have isolated a cDNA encoding the mouse F-box protein Fwd2 (also known as MD6) as a possible constituent of an SCF-type ubiquitin ligase. Fwd2 cDNA contains 1890 bp with a 1362-bp open reading frame and encodes an approximately 51.5-kDa protein. Fwd2 is expressed predominantly in liver and, to a lesser extent, in the testis, lung, heart, and skeletal muscle. Immunofluorescence staining for Fwd2 protein shows a pattern with the cytoplasm. A coimmunoprecipitation assay has revealed the in vivo interaction between Skp1 and Fwd2 through the F-box domain. Fwd2 also interacts with Cul1 through Skp1, suggesting that Skp1, Cul1, and the F-box protein Fwd2 form an SCF complex (SCF(Fwd2)). We have also isolated and determined the nucleotide sequence and genomic organization of the gene that encodes mouse Fwd2. This gene spans approximately 17 kb and consists of six exons and five introns. Our results suggest that Fwd2 is an F-box protein that constitutes an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex and that it plays a critical role in the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of proteins expressed in the liver.  相似文献   

MPTP is a murine homolog of the human T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) and the rat PTP-S enzyme. Enzymatic activity of this ubiquitously expressed protein was demonstrated in immunoprecipitates from NIH 3T3 cells and in recombinant protein overexpressed in bacteria. Expression of beta-galactosidase-MPTP MPTP chimeric proteins in COS1 cells identified a nuclear localization signal at the carboxyl terminus of the MPTP that was sufficient to direct beta-galactosidase as well as a tagged version of the MPTP to the nucleus. Deletion analysis of amino acids within the nuclear targeting signal showed that this sequence does not conform to the bipartite type of nuclear localization signals. Furthermore, it was shown that the steady-state levels of MPTP RNA fluctuate in a cell cycle-specific manner. On the basis of these experiments, we discuss the possible function of MPTP in the cell cycle and other nuclear processes.  相似文献   

A 3133-bp nucleotide sequence of the gene Paz1 on chromosome 4 of barley, encoding endosperm protein Z4, has been determined. The sequence includes 1079 bp 5' upstream and 523 bp 3' downstream of the coding region. The 1079-bp 5' upstream region of the gene shows little similarity to 5' regions of other sequences genes expressed in the developing cereal endosperm. The coding sequence is interrupted by one 334-bp-long intron (bases 1497-1830). The deduced amino acid sequence, which was corroborated by peptide sequences, consists of 399 amino acids and has a molecular mass of 43,128 Da. This sequence confirms protein Z4 to be a member of the serpin superfamily of proteins. The similarity with other members of the family expressed as amino acids in identical positions is in the order of 25-30% and pronounced in the carboxy-terminal half of the molecule. Sequence residues assumed to form clusters stabilizing the tertiary structure are highly conserved. Protein Z4 is synthesized in the developing endosperm without a signal peptide and protein Z4 mRNA was evenly distributed among the free and membrane-bound polyribosomes of the endosperm cell. An internal hydrophobic region of 21 amino acids (residues 36-56) may serve as a signal for targeting the polypeptide into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. The gene for protein Z4 could not be detected in the barley variety Maskin and some of its descendants. The 'high-lysine' allees, lys1 (Hiproly barley) and lys3a (Bomi mutant 1508) on chromosome 7, enhance and repress, respectively, the expression of the protein Z4 gene. Also, 1554 bp of another 8-kbp fragment of the barley genome Paz psi, similar to the protein-Z4-coding region, have been determined. Small insertions and deletions and the presence of an internal stop codon identify this fragment as part of a pseudogene related to the protein Z4 gene.  相似文献   

Nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) from plants are characterized by their ability to stimulate phospholipid transfer between membranes in vitro. However, because these proteins are generally located outside of the plasma membrane, it is unlikely that they have a similar role in vivo. As a step toward identifying the function of these proteins, one of several LTP genes from Arabidoposis has been cloned and the expression pattern of the gene has been examined by analysis of the tissue specificity of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in transgenic plants containing LTP promoter-GUS fusions and by in situ mRNA localization. The LTP1 promoter was active early in development in protoderm cells of embryos, vascular tissues, lignified tips of cotyledons, shoot meristem, and stipules. In adult plants, the gene was expressed in epidermal cells of young leaves and the stem. In flowers, expression was observed in the epidermis of all developing influorescence and flower organ primordia, the epidermis of the siliques and the outer ovule wall, the stigma, petal tips, and floral nectaries of mature flowers, and the petal/sepal abscission zone of mature siliques. The presence of GUS activity in guard cells, lateral roots, pollen grains, leaf vascular tissue, and internal cells of stipules and nectaries was not confirmed by in situ hybridizations, supporting previous observations that suggest that the reporter gene is subject to artifactual expression. These results are consistent with a role for the LTP1 gene product in some aspect of secretion or deposition of lipophilic substances in the cell walls of expanding epidermal cells and certain secretory tissues. The LTP1 promoter region contained sequences homologous to putative regulatory elements of genes in the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway, suggesting that the expression of the LTP1 gene may be regulated by the same or similar mechanisms as genes in the phenylpropanoid pathway.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor (EGF) superfamily comprises a diverse group of proteins that function as secreted signaling molecules, growth factors, and components of the extracellular matrix, many with a role in vertebrate development. We have isolated a novel mammalian gene encoding an EGF-related protein with a CUB (C1s-like) domain that defines a new mammalian gene family. The Scube1 (signal peptide-CUB domain-EGF-related 1) gene was isolated from a developing mouse urogenital ridge cDNA library and is expressed prominently in the developing gonad, nervous system, somites, surface ectoderm, and limb buds. We have mapped Scube1 to mouse chromosome 15 and show that it is orthologous to a human gene in the syntenic region of chromosome 22q13. We discuss the possible functions of this novel gene and its role in heritable disease in light of these data.  相似文献   

Non-receptor-type putative protein tyrosine phosphatase-36 (PTP36), also known as PTPD2/Pez, possesses a domain homologous to the N-terminal half of band 4.1 protein. To gain insight into the biological function of PTP36, we established a HeLa cell line, HtTA/P36-9, in which the overexpression of PTP36 was inducible. PTP36 expressed in HeLa cells was enriched in the cytoskeleton near the plasma membrane. There was little endogenous PTP36 detectable in uninduced HtTA/P36-9 cells or in the parental HeLa cells. Upon induction of PTP36 overexpression, HtTA/P36-9 cells spread less well, grew more slowly, and adhered to the extracellular matrix proteins less well than uninduced cells. Moreover, decreases in the actin stress fibers and the number of focal adhesions were observed. The tyrosine phosphorylation of the focal adhesion kinase induced by lysophosphatidic acid was suppressed in the HtTA/P36-9 cells overexpressing PTP36. These results indicate that PTP36 affects cytoskeletons, cell adhesion, and cell growth, thus suggesting that PTP36 is involved in their regulatory processes.  相似文献   

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