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The pathologic aspects of 248 cases of amyloidosis in pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) at the Washington Regional Primate Research Center from 1971 through 1985 were studied. Amyloid was present in the spleen, liver and gastrointestinal (GI) tract, either alone or in combination, in nearly 75% of the monkeys. Its occurrence declined with age in the spleen and the GI tract, but increased with age in the liver. Both intestinal inflammation and retroperitoneal fibromatosis were strongly associated with amyloid deposition in the GI tract. Monkeys with histopathologic findings of enteritis or enterocolitis and glomerulonephritis were at increased risk of developing amyloidosis. Forty cases of amyloidosis with a history of chronic diarrhea had type AA amyloid by histochemical tests.  相似文献   

Factors associated with intestinal amyloidosis in pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were studied in 74 cases at the Washington Regional Primate Research Center. The medical records of monkeys during the 5-year period from 1983 to 1988 were analyzed to determine the age at death, age at first episode of diarrhea, number of episodes of diarrhea, episode and cumulative duration of diarrhea, and etiologies of diarrhea. Univariate analysis, using one control for each case, indicated that only episode duration was related to intestinal amyloidosis. Affected monkeys had significantly longer mean episode durations of diarrhea. None of the etiologies examined--bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and simian retrovirus--were significant risk factors for amyloid deposition in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

At the University of Washington Regional Primate Research Center, a simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (SAIDS) associated with retroperitoneal fibromatosis (RF) has been observed in 82 macaques since 1976, including 77 pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), two long-tailed macaques (M. fascicularis), one Japanese macaque (M. fuscata) and two rhesus macaques (M. mulatta). The syndrome is characterized by immunodeficiency accompanied by a fibroproliferative lesion, primarily affects young monkeys (1-3 years) and has a high case fatality rate. Based on the occurrence of RF in colony-born and non-colony-born monkeys, the minimum incubation period for natural exposure is believed to be about 9 months. The incidence of RF was 0.9% in M. nemestrina, 0.1% in M. fascicularis, 1.0% in M. fuscata and 0.4% in M. mulatta. There were no significant differences in the incidence of RF by sex or seasonality. Epidemiologic studies were focused on 42 juvenile M. nemestrina that developed RF between January 1980 and June 1983, and the results were compared with 42 age- and sex-matched controls. The incidence of RF was 5.7% in monkeys 12-24 months old and 3.4% in monkeys 24-36 months old, but less than 1.0% in age groups of under 1 year and over 3 years. No significant associations were found for housing history, parentage, generations or ancestral origins. Epidemiologic information and preliminary viral studies suggest a type D retrovirus may be the causative agent in RF and SAIDS. RF associated with SAIDS appears to be an excellent model for Kaposi's sarcoma associated with human AIDS.  相似文献   

Epidemiology and etiology of diarrhea in colony-born Macaca nemestrina   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The epidemiology of diarrhea in colony-born M. nemestrina was studied in 205 neonates and infants in an Infant Primate Research Laboratory (IPRL), and in 248 neonates, juveniles and adolescents up to 4 years of age at a separate breeding and holding facility (Primate Field Station, PFS). Computerized medical records of individual animals over a 5-year period were analyzed to determine the incidence of diarrhea; age, duration and number of episodes; mortality and etiology. The incidence of diarrhea at the IPRL was highest in infants at less than 1 month of age (18.6 cases per 1000 animal days) and at 1-6 months olds (2.0 cases per 1000 animals days). Many infants had multiple episodes. All episodes were less than 10 days in duration. Mortality was low. At the PFS, the highest incidence occurred in infants at 6-12 months of age (1.36 cases per 1000 animal days). Multiple episodes were less common. Duration was variable. The infectious agents diagnosed at both facilities were Shigella, Campylobacter and Cryptosporidium. No pathogens were identified in many episodes. Shigella was more common at PFS than at the IPRL. Chronic diarrhea occurred in approximately 10% of animals at PFS. Intestinal amyloidosis and retroperitoneal fibromatosis were found in 13 animals with chronic diarrhea. Further studies are needed to determine the pathogenesis of chronic diarrhea, the etiologic significance of Campylobacter, and the causes of diarrhea when no pathogens are isolated.  相似文献   

A simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (SAIDS) associated with retroperitoneal fibromatosis (RF) has been observed in several species of macaque at the Washington Regional Primate Research Center. Clinical signs were recurrent diarrhea, weight loss, mesenteric lymphadenopathy, and opportunistic infections. Most affected macaques in the later stages of illness showed marked immunodeficiency. Response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to mitogens was impaired significantly. There was sharply depressed primary and secondary antibody response to the T-cell dependent antigen, bacteriophage phi X174. Affected monkeys did not switch from IgM to IgG antibody following a secondary immunization, as did normal macaques. Twenty-four (67%) of 36 affected animals with progressive RF or deteriorated stages of illness had hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia. Quantitative serum immunoglobulins of 23 cases showed that eight (35%) had hypogammaglobulinemia, six (26%) had hypergammaglobulinemia, and the remainder (39%) were within the normal range. Opportunistic infections were predominantly bacterial pathogens. Type D retrovirus appeared to be closely associated with RF-affected macaques (12/12 or 100%). The case fatality rate (including animals sacrificed after prolonged illness) was 98%. The leading cause of death was due directly to RF lesions in 43%, to enterocolitis in 36%, septicemia in 12%, amyloidosis in 5%, and malignant lymphoma (2%). Clinical, immunologic and pathologic changes reveal an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome that has many similarities to human AIDS. SAIDS and RF may be a useful model for studying human AIDS.  相似文献   

A new serotype of simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome (SAIDS) retrovirus (type 2) belonging to the D genus of retroviruses is associated with a SAIDS occurring spontaneously in a colony of Celebes macaques (Macaca nigra) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center. This syndrome resembles SAIDS in M. mulatta at the California Primate Research Center, which is associated with a similar type D retrovirus (type 1). However, at the Oregon Center, SAIDS is distinguished by the occurrence of retroperitoneal fibromatosis in some of the affected monkeys. Type 2 virus was isolated from seven of seven macaques with SAIDS, retroperitoneal fibromatosis, or both and from one of six healthy macaques. The new strain is closely related to SAIDS retrovirus type 1 and Mason-Pfizer monkey virus but can be distinguished by competitive radioimmunoassay for minor core (p10) antigen and by genomic restriction endonuclease cleavage patterns. Neutralization tests indicate that type 1 and type 2 SAIDS retroviruses are distinct serotypes. Therefore, separate vaccines may be necessary to control these infections in colonies of captive macaques.  相似文献   

The Celebes black macaque (Macaca nigra) colony at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center has a high incidence of an immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by recurrent diarrhea and the development of retroperitoneal fibromatosis (RF). We have examined the relationship of type D viral infection to the immunodeficiency syndrome by surveying the colony for viral infection and for mitogen reactivity. Type D virus-positive monkeys (28% of the colony) have a higher prevalence of diarrhea, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy and weight loss than do virus-negative monkeys, and RF has been found to occur only in virus-positive animals. Comparison of the concanavalin A (con-A) and phytohemagglutinin reactivities of the virus-positive and -negative populations has revealed no significant difference. However, within the virus-positive population, those with RF have reduced con-A reactivity and there are both high and low mitogen responders in the groups lacking RF. Thirty-two percent of the virus-positive monkeys are free of clinical symptoms, 40% have clinical symptoms but no RF, and 27% have clinical symptoms and RF. Five of the six monkeys with RF are older than the RF-free monkeys but monkeys are susceptible to type D retrovirus infection regardless of age or sex. The progressive nature of this immunodeficiency syndrome, its broad age range, and the probability that the etiological agent is also a type D retrovirus and the similarity of RF to Kaposi's sarcoma make this a potentially useful model for human AIDS.  相似文献   

The virulence of three isolates of simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVagm) was studied in rhesus and pigtailed macaques. None of 15 rhesus monkeys and one of four pigtailed monkeys died from infection during the time they were studied (up to 33 months). SIVagm was only isolated from rhesus monkeys for up to 2 months after inoculation. However, when these animals were secondarily infected with Simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome retrovirus type 1 (SRV-1), SIVagm was activated and isolated. Dual infection caused increased mortality.  相似文献   

An artificial group of 18 pigtailed monkeys, selected by sex and size (age) to simulate the composition of natural groups of macaques, was formed. All were strangers to each other. Observations were made over five months. Data on the monkeys' resting and clustering locations in the compound were analyzed in two ways. Spatial organization emerged about one month after the group was formed when the group acquired a competent leader. The leader, certain high ranking females, and/or females in estrus were seen consistently in a geographically central area of the compound and therefore were termed central monkeys. This central subgroup, coherent in terms of area and roles, persisted throughout the study. Development of increased group structure was also indicated by increased stability of dyadic affectional relationships. The study indicates that social organization of the pigtailed macaque will develop when some of the environmental and prior experience variables are controlled. The results highlighted the leader's role and suggest that it is at least as essential in social organization as kinship and factors inherent in a natural environment. Estrous cycles of females and seasonal variations of temperature in the compound were other factors affecting spatial and social relationships of the group members.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the possibility of using pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) as recipients for rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) embryos. A total of 250 oocytes were collected from 11 rhesus monkeys during 12 follicular aspirations. We performed 15 embryo transfers with two embryos each into rhesus recipients, which resulted in eight pregnancies, of which two were lost during the second trimester. Among the remaining six pregnant rhesus macaques, two were carrying twins, resulting in the birth of eight infants. Twelve transfers of rhesus embryos into pigtailed macaques resulted in one pregnancy and the birth of one infant. Fetal growth and development were monitored by monthly ultrasound examinations, during which biparietal measurements were taken and compared with those derived from 22 pregnant control monkeys. In vitro fertilization-derived singletons tended to develop faster than did twins and naturally conceived control singletons during the initial months of pregnancy and weighed more at birth than did twins. There were pronounced morphologic changes in the placenta of the rhesus that developed in the female pigtailed macaque. These included an irregular shape, elevated placenta-to-birth-weight ratio, and an abnormal length and diameter of the umbilical cord. Histologic analyses of the rhesus-pigtailed placenta showed evidence of maternal-placental floor infarction and thrombosis of the spiral artery with resulting infarction of the villi. These results demonstrate that pigtailed macaques can carry rhesus fetuses to term, but further studies are necessary to determine the cause of the decreased pregnancy rates and observed placental abnormalities.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) as an autocrine growth factor for the retroperitoneal fibromatosis (RF) cells present in macaques infected with the simian retrovirus type 2 (SRV-2). Elevated levels of IL-6 were found in serum of SRV-2 antibody-positive macaques, ascites from RF-positive animals, and RF cell line culture media. IL-6 mRNA levels increased approximately five-fold in RF cells incubated with exogenous SRV-2. In RF cells, SRV-2 functions to increase IL-6 mRNA and protein production and presumably serves as autocrine growth factor.  相似文献   

Primate gamma-2 herpesviruses (rhadinoviruses) have so far been found in humans (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus [KSHV], also called human herpesvirus 8), macaques (Macaca spp.) (rhesus rhadinovirus [RRV] and retroperitoneal fibromatosis herpesvirus [RFHV]), squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) (herpesvirus saimiri), and spider monkeys (Ateles spp.) (herpesvirus ateles). Using serological screening and degenerate consensus primer PCR for the viral DNA polymerase gene, we have detected sequences from two distinct gamma-2 herpesviruses, termed Chlorocebus rhadinovirus 1 (ChRV1) and ChRV2, in African green monkeys. ChRV1 is more closely related to KSHV and RFHV, whereas ChRV2 is closest to RRV. Our findings suggest the existence of two distinct rhadinovirus lineages, represented by the KSHV/RFHV/ChRV1 group and the RRV/ChRV2 group, respectively, in at least two Old World monkey species. Antibodies to members of the RRV/ChRV2 lineage may cross-react in an immunofluorescence assay for early and late KSHV antigens.  相似文献   

To explore the role of viruses in the etiology of diarrhea in colony-reared monkeys, direct electron microscopy, the fluorescent virus precipitin test and cell culture inoculation were used to examine the stools of monkeys with and without diarrhea. The animals were predominantly rhesus with a few macaques of other species, and included infants, juveniles and adults. Adenoviruses were isolated from a higher proportion of specimens from rhesus monkeys with diarrhea (73% of specimens from infants and 78% of specimens from juveniles and adults) than from control monkeys without diarrhea (22% of specimens from infants and 26% of specimens from juveniles and adults). SV 20 was the most frequently isolated simian adenovirus type; SV 17 and SV 32 also were recovered. Noncultivable adenoviruses detectable only by electron microscopy were not seen. Although adenovirus excretion was associated with diarrhea, the causal role of adenoviruses was difficult to assess. When serial specimens from animals with chronic or intermittent episodes of diarrhea were examined, sequential infections with different viruses were found to be common. Rotaviruses were detected by electron microscopy and isolated in cell cultures from two infant rhesus monkeys with diarrhea. However, the low detection rate, together with negative serologic data on 40% of infant monkeys with diarrhea, suggested that rotaviruses were not the major cause of gastroenteritis in the monkeys under study.  相似文献   

Temperament differs among individuals both within and between species. Evidence suggests that differences in temperament of group members may parallel differences in social behavior among groups or between species. Here, we compared temperament between three closely related species of monkey—rhesus (Macaca mulatta), long‐tailed (M. fascicularis), and pigtailed (M. nemestrina) macaques—using cage‐front behavioral observations of individually housed monkeys at a National Primate Research Center. Frequencies of 12 behaviors in 899 subjects were analyzed using a principal components analysis to identify temperament components. The analysis identified four components, which we interpreted as Sociability toward humans, Cautiousness, Aggressiveness, and Fearfulness. Species and sexes differed in their average scores on these components, even after controlling for differences in age and early‐life experiences. Our results suggest that rhesus macaques are especially aggressive and unsociable toward humans, long‐tailed macaques are more cautious and fearful, and pigtailed macaques are more sociable toward humans and less aggressive than the other species. Pigtailed males were notably more sociable than any other group. The differences observed are consistent with reported variation in these species’ social behaviors, as rhesus macaques generally engage in more social aggression and pigtailed macaques engage in more male–male affiliative behaviors. Differences in predation risks are among the socioecological factors that might make these species‐typical behaviors adaptive. Our results suggest that adaptive species‐level social differences may be encoded in individual‐level temperaments, which are manifested even outside of a social context. Am. J. Primatol. 75:303‐313, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Macaque monkeys are frequently used in models for studies of infectious diseases, immunity, transplantation and vaccine development. Such use is largely due to the conservation of functionally important cell surface molecules and the phylogenetic proximity of their immune systems to that of humans. Some monoclonal antibodies (mAb) raised against human leukocyte antigens can be utilized in the monkey. Until recently, many primate centers have utilized the CD2 monoclonal antibody to enumerate T lymphocytes. We have evaluated the anti-human CD3 mAb in macaques and sooty mangabeys. Using this monoclonal antibody, pigtailed macaques were found to have a much higher proportion of CD2+ CD3- CD8+ cells as compared with rhesus macaques and sooty mangabeys. Such cells comprised approximately one-half of all CD8+ cells in the pigtailed macaque, but only one-quarter of CD8+ cells in the rhesus, and one-fifth in the sooty mangabey. Use of the CD2 monoclonal antibody as the T-cell marker resulted in underestimating CD4/CD8 ratios compared with using the CD3 mAb in pigtailed macaques. Phenotypic characterization of this subset of CD3- CD8+ cells indicated that they are CD16+, CD45RA+, CD11b+, CD69+ and CD28-. This would indicate that these cells represent an activated natural killer cell subset.  相似文献   

Rhesus rhadinovirus (RRV) and retroperitoneal fibromatosis herpesvirus (RFHV), 2 closely related γ2 herpesviruses, are endemic in breeding populations of rhesus macaques at our institution. We previously reported significantly different prevalence levels, suggesting the transmission dynamics of RRV and RFHV differ with regard to viral shedding and infectivity. We designed a longitudinal study to further examine the previously observed differences between RRV and RFHV prevalence and the potential influence of age, season, and housing location on the same 90 rhesus macaques previously studied. Virus- and host-genome-specific real-time PCR assays were used to determine viral loads for both RRV and RFHV in blood and saliva samples collected at 6 time points over an 18-mo period. Proportions of positive animals and viral load in blood and saliva were compared between and within viruses by age group, location, and season by using 2-part longitudinal modeling with Bayesian inferences. Our results demonstrate that age and season are significant determinants, with age as the most significant factor analyzed, of viremia and oral shedding for both RRV and RFHV, and these pathogens exhibit distinctly different patterns of viremia and oral shedding over time within a single population.  相似文献   

A group of pigtailed macaques was given the opportunity to use a rod to reach otherwise unavailable food. Initial solution by one group member resulted from trial and error but subsequent solutions by others were accelerated by three types of observation learning: social facilitation, stimulus enhancement, and imitative copying. The greater capacity of macaques for observation learning may explain the greater incidence of tool behavior and subcultural phenomena among macaques than among other cercopithecines.  相似文献   

(Macaca nemestrina) and baboon (Papio cynocephalus, Papio anubis, and hybrids) breeding colonies from the Primate Field Station (PFS) (Medical Lake, WA) to the Tulane Regional Primate Research Center (Covington, LA). Colony records on all 598 pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and 157 baboons (P. c. anubis) shipped to the Tulane Primate Center from the PFS breeding colony were used for analysis of species, sex, age, origin, current status, and the number of animals born at Tulane and their status. To provide comparative statistics, colony records on all 1,002 macaques and 258 baboons alive on 1 January 1991 at the Field Station were retrieved in the same manner as the Tulane data. Overall survival rates of macaques in the months following the move (71.7%) were similar to those associated with the Arashiyama West colony move from Japan to Texas. In our colony, significantly lower survival following the move was seen only in older (10 years+) macaques, while survival in other age groups was slightly lower than in the comparison year of 1991 at the Primate Field Station. Captive-bred macaques exhibited higher survival than wild-caught animals. Infant survival at Tulane was not significantly different than in pre-move years. Baboons fared well in the move, with no significant differences in mortality or reproduction when compared with the 1991 Medical Lake baboon colony.  相似文献   

We have observed several mesenchymal proliferative disorders (MPD) in macaques with SAIDS associated with SRV-2 infection. Retroperitoneal and subcutaneous fibromatosis, progressive fibrovascular proliferation, mimicking Kaposi's sarcoma, were seen in 165 macaques. Three obliterative fibrointimal proliferative arteriopathies and one congenital pulmonary sequestration with extensive MPD were observed in SRV-2 positive monkeys. Continuous cell lines were established and SRV-2 was identified in all tissues and cell lines. Immunophenotyping of the cultured cells showed heterogeneous mesenchymal cells. Xenograft and allograft transplantation of cultured cells produced MPD lesions in the recipients. The data suggest that SRV-2 plays an important role in the etiopathogenesis of MPD in macaques.  相似文献   

Abnormal behavior in captive rhesus monkeys can range from active whole-body and self-directed stereotypies to self-injurious behavior (SIB). Although abnormal behaviors are common in singly-housed rhesus monkeys, the type and frequency of these behaviors are highly variable across individual animals, and the factors influencing them are equally varied. The purpose of this investigation was to survey abnormal behavior in a large population of rhesus macaques, to characterize the relationship between stereotypies and self-injury, and to identify potential risk factors for these aberrant behaviors. Behavioral assessments of 362 individually housed rhesus monkeys were collected at the New England Regional Primate Research Center (NERPRC) and combined with colony records. Of the 362 animals surveyed, 321 exhibited at least one abnormal behavior (mean: 2.3, range: 1-8). The most common behavior was pacing. Sex differences were apparent, with males showing more abnormal behavior than females. SIB was also associated with stereotypies. Animals with a veterinary record of self-injury exhibited a greater number of self-directed stereotypies than those that did not self-injure. Housing and protocol conditions, such as individual housing at an early age, longer time housed individually, greater number of blood draws, and nursery rearing, were shown to be risk factors for abnormal behavior. Thus, many factors may influence the development and maintenance of abnormal behavior in captive primates. Some of these factors are intrinsic to the individual (e.g., sex effects), whereas others are related to colony management practices, rearing conditions, and research protocols.  相似文献   

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