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On the regulatory properties of a halophilic citrate synthase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

An enzyme capable of hydrolyzing myo-inositol 1-phosphate was identified and partially purified from the erythrocytes of 7-day chicks. It has an apparent molecular weight of approximately 60,000, is heat stable, and has a pH of optimal activity between 6.5 and 7.3. In most regards the kinetic properties are similar to the myo-inositol 1-phosphatases of rat testis, rat mammary gland, bovine brain, and of yeast. The enzyme has an absolute requirement for a divalent cation; Mg2+ gave the greatest activity, with an optimal concentration of 2.5 mm in the standard assay employed. Zn2+, Co2+, and Mn2+ supported activity to a lesser degree. Activity was inhibited by NaF, HgCl2, and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. myo-Inositol tetrakis (dihydrogen phosphate) and myo-inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakis (dihydrogen phosphate) were not substrates for this enzyme and inhibited the hydrolysis of myo-inositol 1-phosphate. Unlike other phosphatases for myo-inositol 1-phosphate, this enzyme cleaved myo-inositol 1-phosphate (Km = 8.6 × 10?5 m) and myo-inositol 2-phosphate (Km = 2.86 × 10?4 m) at approximately the same rates. It also hydrolyzed 2′-purine and pyrimidine ribonucleotides about as well as myo-inositol 1-phosphate, but was only 20–30% as active against the 3′-ribonucleotides and had scarcely any activity against the 5′-ribonucleotides. The amount of enzyme activity in erythrocytes of embryos, chicks, and mature chickens was the same (~29 μmol/ml rbc/h). The biological function of this enzyme in avian erythrocytes is unclear at this time. Other tissues containing this phosphatase also have an enzyme which synthesizes myo-inositol 1-phosphate from glucose 6-phosphate, but we have been unable to detect the presence of such an enzyme in avian erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor was purified from rat ventral prostate. The purified receptor migrated as a single band of mol. wt. 87000 on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, had a kd for R-1881 (17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-estra-4,9,11-trien-3-one) binding as 6 nM, and sedimentation coefficient of 4.5 S. Phosphorylation of the purified receptor was studied by incubating it with [gamma-32P]ATP in the presence of several purified protein kinases including cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and four cAMP-independent protein kinases (which were active towards substrates such as phosvitin and casein). Phosphorylation of the 87000 mol. wt. androgen receptor protein occurred only in the presence of a nuclear cAMP-independent protein kinase (of the N2 type). No auto-phosphorylation of the receptor was detected. The results indicate that the androgen receptor is a phosphoprotein. Further, phosphorylation of the androgen receptor by only a specific nuclear cAMP-independent protein kinase may be important in determining the dynamics of its function.  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular inorganic phosphate on Na+ movements in dog red blood cells has been studied. As the phosphate concentration is increased from 0 to 30 mM, Na+ efflux increases by 2- to 3-fold and Na+ influx increases approximately 2-fold. This enhancement of Na+ fluxes by phosphate can be prevented by the addition of iodoacetate (1 mM), an inhibitor of glycolysis, or 4-acetamido-4′-iso-thiocyantostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (0.01 mM), which blocks anion transport, to the medium. The increases in Na+ movements are not caused by changes in cell volumes. These results suggest that phosphate must enter the cell to enhance Na+ fluxes and that the mechanism of action may be via a stimulatory effect on glycolysis.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that glucose-6-phosphatase, pyrophosphate-glucose phosphotransferase, carbamyl phosphate-glucose phosphotransferase and inorganic pyrophosphatase activities are deficient in livers of patients with type I glycogen storage disease. This provides strong genetic evidence that these enzymatic activities reside in a single protein or share a common polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid stimulates active transport of Cl? by the isolated intact corneas. The effect is not present in corneas previously stimulated by theophylline, an inhibitor of 3′: 5′-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase (EC, and vice versa, theophylline has no action after stimulation with ascorbic acid. This indicated inhibition of 3′: 5′-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase by ascorbic acid. Assay of phosphodiesterase using 3H-labeled cyclid AMP of frog and rabbit corneal epithelial homogenates showed an inhibitory effect of ascorbic acid. Concentration of 5 mM produced 16% inhibition with 20 mM producing 46 %. This compares with 58 % inhibition by theophylline at 5 mM. Phosphodiesterase activity is mostly soluble in frog corneal epithelium but in rabbit 45 % is particulate. Soluble and particulate fractions are inhibited by ascorbate, but in rabbits greater inhibition (50 %) was observed in the particulate fraction than in the soluble fraction. Other tissues showed inhibition also: frog retina 12 %, rat brain (caudate nucleus) 48 %, rabbit brain 14 %, rabbit liver 16 %. It is concluded that ascorbate produces an increase in cyclic AMP content of corneal epithelium and other tissues by inhibition of 3′: 5′-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase. This action may be one of the main functions of the high ascorbic acid content of ocular tissues and explain some of the effects of high dosis of ascorbate in other systems.  相似文献   

The chemically inert trivalent ion cobalt(III) hexaammine, Co3+(NH3)6, was found to exert polyamine-like effects in enhancing certain cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinase reactions catalyzed by nuclear enzyme preparations from rat ventral prostate or liver. At 1 mM, Co3+(NH3)6 stimulated chromatin- and also non-histone-protein-associated kinase activities with partially dephosphorylated phosvitin as substrate by 38% and 72% respectively, whereas chromatin-associated kinase-catalyzed phosphorylation of lysine-rich histones was not affected under the same conditions. 32P incorporation (from γ-32P-ATP) into endogenous protein substrates of chromatin or non-histone protein fractions catalyzed by their erdogencus kinase activity was increased by 47% and 153%, respectively. These effects of Co3+(NH3)6 were similar to those produced by 1mM spermine. Autoradiographic analysis of endogenous 32P-labelled nonhistone proteins revealed similar enhancements of the phosphorylation of several of the same proteins, induced by 1mM spermine or 1 mM Co3+(NH3)6 or 2mM spermidine. The stimulatory actions of polyamines or Co3+(NH3)6 were not mimicked by raising the ionic strength by addition of comparable concentrations of NaCl. The effects of 1 mM spermine and of 1 mM Co3+(NH3)6 tested separately were not additive. Phosphorylation of lysine-rich histones by beef heart cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase was not affected by polyamines or Co3+(NH3)6 Various findings hint that the enhancement of cyclic nucleotide-independent kinase-catalyzed phosphorylation of certain protein substrates by spermidine, spermine and Co3+(NH3)6 is primarily due to interaction of these cations with appropriate protein substrates affecting their conformational status. Further, these effects of polyamines may be a reflection of their cationic charge properties rather than being dependent on any particular conformations assumed by the polyamines.  相似文献   

Earlier studies showed that the 2-aminopurine-induced mutation rate at a particular base pair can be influenced by the base adjacent to, or one additional base-pair removed from, the measured site (Koch, 1971). The present study extends to 0.3 map unit (about 30 base pairs) the distance at which a single base-pair substitution can exert such an effect. A particular base-pair substitution (defined as a ts mutation in the rIIA gene of bacteriophage T4) reduces the spontaneous, 2-aminopurine-induced and nitrous acid-induced reversions of an rIIA amber mutation approximately threefold. The ts mutation also reduces the 2-aminopurine-induced conversion of the corresponding ochre codon to amber (UAA → UAG) about twofold and to opal (UAA → UGA) about eightfold. The 2-aminopurine-induced reversion of the ochre codon to a glutamine codon (UAA → CAA), however, is not affected. Control experiments demonstrate that these observed reductions in mutation frequency do not result from unacceptable pathways of reversion in the presence of the ts allele.  相似文献   

A method for the assay of glucuronidation of C- and N-hydroxylated metabolites of the carcinogen N-2-fluorenylacetamide is described. The method employs UDP-[U-14C ))glucuronic acid and Baker C18 extraction columns for separation of the glucuronides from their aglycones and from the glucuronic acid. The 14C-labeled glucuronides, generated by rat liver microsomes, are eluted from the columns with 30% (v/v) methanol after prewashing the columns and elution of the radioactivity of 14C-glucuronic acid with 1 mM ammonium acetate, pH 6.9. The radioactivity of the eluates is measured by scintillation counting. The method is modified for assays of glucuronidation of alpha-naphthol and p-nitrophenol in that 1 mM phosphoric acid is used instead of 1 mM ammonium acetate, and the method is potentially adaptable to other aglycones. By monitoring radioactivity or uv absorbance of the column eluates, it is shown that all aglycones, except p-nitrophenol, are retained on the columns during elution of their glucuronides with 30% (v/v) methanol and are eluted only when absolute methanol is used. The identity of the glucuronides is shown by their response to hydrolysis by beta-glucuronidase in the presence and absence of D-saccharic acid-1,4-lactone and, in some instances, by chromatographic and spectral analyses of the released aglycones.  相似文献   

Human serum transcobalamin II (TC II), a vitamin B12 (Cbl) transport protein, complexes with Cibacron Blue F3GA, a reactive blue dye which can bind to proteins that require nucleotides as cofactors. Apo-TC II and holo-TC II both bind, but intrinsic factor (IF) and R-type binders of Cbl do not. Other mammalian species TC II also complex with the dye. Greater than 87% of the applied TC II-CN-[57Co]Cbl remains bound to the dye even at pH 4.0. At pH values below this, the CN-[57Co]Cbl dissociates off TC II which remains bound to the dye. High salt concentrations will break the TC II-dye complex. Ionic forces were considered not to be involved since complexing also occurred at pH 9.0, 2.5 pH units above the isoelectric point of TC II. Failure to dissociate the TC II-dye complex with 50% glycerol makes hydrophobic interactions unlikely. In addition to the potential uses of TC II-Cibacron Blue F3GA complexes in a total scheme for protein purification, the possibility that TC II is a nucleotide-requiring protein should be explored.  相似文献   

Stimulated and basal adenylate cyclase activities from livers of young and old rats were lower in particulates than in homogenates. Particulates were compared to homogenates by reconstituting the suspensions to the volume of the homogenates from which they were derived; enzyme activities in paired homogenates and particulates therefore reflected the same amounts of membrane-bound enzyme. The magnitude of the losses of hormone-sensitive activities in particulates was dependent on the age and sex of the animals and the concentrations of hormone. Particulates from 3-month-old animals showed glucagon-( (1 · 10?5 M) and epinephrine-sensitive (1 · 10?4 M) activities which were 67 and 78% of homogenate activities, respectively; particulates from 24-month-old animals had activities relative to homogenates of 55% for glucagon and as low as 32% for epinephrine. The glucagon dose vs. response curve in particulates and membranes showed maximal activity at 1 · 10?7 M glucagon while in homogenates activity increased linearly with increasing glucagon concentrations up to 1 · 10?5 M. Losses of basal and anion-stimulated activities were similar at both ages. Fluoride and azide stimulations relative to basal activities were greater in particulates than in homogenates, while relative epinephrine activity was lower in particulates, suggesting qualitative alteration of adenylate cyclase during preparation of particulates. These studies show that adenylate cyclase activity in rat liver is presently best quantitated in homogenates and suggest caution in comparisons of enzyme activities based on particulates or membranes prepared from animals of differing physiologic states.  相似文献   

The selective modification of cytidine, uridine, guanosine and dihydrouridine residues in 32P-labelled yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA has been studied by the use of specific reagents.The selective modification of cytidine residues with the reagent methoxyamine is described. Of the six cytidines in the single-stranded regions of the cloverleaf formula, only two are completely reactive, C74 and C75 at the 3′-terminus. Cm32 in the anticodon loop is reactive to only a small extent.The selective modifications of uridine and guanosine residues with 1-cyclohexyl 3-[2-morpholino(4)-ethyl] carbodiimide methotosylate, is described. The reagent is also shown to be reactive with dihydrouridine. In the single-stranded regions of the secondary structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA there are 16 base residues which this reagent could be specific for. However, only G20, Gm34 and U47 are extensively modified, whilst U33 and D16 are partially modified. G18 is modified to a very small extent.The results obtained in this study are also in good agreement with previous chemical modification studied by other workers, carried out on unlabelled yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA using different reagents to the ones described here.The pattern of chemical modification is compared with the three-dimensional structure obtained by an X-ray crystallographic analysis of the same tRNA species. The correlation between exposed regions of the model and the regions of chemical reactivity are everywhere consistent.  相似文献   

32P-labeled adenovirus 2 DNA was treated with restricting endonuclease from Escherichia coli strain RY-13 (Yoshimori, 1972) (EcoRI) or restricting endonuclease from Hemophilus parainfluenzae (Hpa I) and the resulting fragments of DNA were separated by gel electrophoresis. The kinetics of renaturation of each of the fragments and of complete adenovirus 2 DNA were measured in the presence of DNA extracted from nine lines of adenovirus 2-transformed rat cells and from control cells. Six of the transformed cell lines contained viral DNA sequences homologous to two of the seven Hpa I4 fragments and to part of one of the six EcoRI fragments. From the order of the fragments formed by EcoRI and Hpa I on the adenovirus 2 map we conclude that these cell lines contain only the segment of viral DNA that stretches from the left-hand end to a point about 14% along the viral genome. Thus, any viral function expressed in transformed cells must be coded by this small section of viral DNA. The three remaining lines of adenovirus 2-transformed rat cells are more complicated and contain not only the sequences from the left-hand end of the viral DNA, but also other segments of the viral genome. However, no adenovirus 2-transformed rat cell contained DNA sequences homologous to the complete viral genome.  相似文献   

Six Naegleria strains, isolated previously in association with N. fowleri from thermal waters, were studied to further determine their antigenic relationship to N. fowleri and other Naegleria species. Results of immunofluorescent antibody and immunoelectrophoretic studies clearly established the antigenic divergence of the variants from N. fowleri, N. gruberi, and N. jadini. The variants were further distinguished from known Naegleria species by several ultrastructural characteristics, which included the complete enclosure of their nuclei with one or several layers of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and extrusion of their nuclear material. Extruded nuclear material was observed in the cytoplasm completely sequestered by cisternae of the RER. The variants were also shown to be sensitive to agglutination induced by concanavalin A but not by wheat germ agglutinin. Based on the differences in the antigenicity, morphology, and lectin sensitivity between these six variants and established Naegleria species, we proposed that they should be established as a new species.  相似文献   

The non-autonomous logistic equation
dx(t)dt = r(t)x(t)[1 ? x(t)K(t)]
is studied under conditions that include an environment which is completely deteriorating. In this setting, when the population's growth rate, r, is large on the average, solutions track the environment with a consequent extinction of the population. However, when both r and rK?1 are small in the sense that they are in L1[0,∞) then an asymptotic equivalence, where all solutions tend to positive limits as t approaches infinity, results and the population is persistent, independent of initial density. The asymptotic equivalence produces an unreasonable overshoot of carrying capacity which leads to concern about employing the logistic equation in the above form as a population model when growth rates are close to zero.A re-interpretation of the parameters of the logistic equation leads to the alternative logistic formulation
dx(t)dt = x(t)[r(t) ? cB(t) x(t)], (c > 0)
. A biological interpretation of the parameters is presented and this equation is compared with the classical logistic model in the case where the parameters are constant. If the alternative logistic model is applied in a situation with time-varying parameters, then a deteriorating environment always leads to extinction of the population regardless of the behavior of r. Similarly, a growth rate which is small on the average results in extinction regardless of the behavior of B. Furthermore, r and B have limiting values as t approaches infinity then so does x and the terminal value of x is equal to the terminal value of the carrying capacity of the population. In general, the alternative formulation seems to be the more reasonable model in situations where perturbations lead to severe decreases in environmental quality and growth rates.  相似文献   

A keratan sulfate-like substance was found in the cerebral cortex proteoglycans of rats. This substance tripled during the rapid growth phase from 1 to 3 monts of age and then decreased steadily to a negligible quantity in the senescent rat, aged 25 months. In contrast, the uronic acid-containing glycosaminoglycans remained constant during the life span studied.The marked decrease observed in the proportion of keratan sulfate-like moiety to the other glycosaminoglycans in the cerebral cortex of the senescent rat (aged 25 months) compared with the young adult rat (aged 3 months) may explain the reduced extracellular volume observed by others in the senescent brain.  相似文献   

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