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Multicopper oxidases (MCOs) are a specific group of enzymes that contain multiple copper centers through which different substrates are oxidized. Main members of MCO family include ferroxidases, ascorbate oxidases, and laccases. MCO type of ferroxidases is key to iron transport across the plasma membrane. In Drosophila, there are four potential multicopper oxidases, MCO1–4. No convincing evidence has been presented so far to indicate any of these, or even any insect multicopper oxidase, to be a ferroxidase. Here we show Drosophila MCO3 (dMCO3) is highly likely a bona fide ferroxidase. In vitro activity assay with insect-cell-expressed dMCO3 demonstrated it has potent ferroxidase activity. Meanwhile, the ascorbate oxidase and laccase activities of dMCO3 are much less significant. dMCO3 expression in vivo, albeit at low levels, appears mostly extracellular, reminiscent of mammalian ceruloplasmin in the serum. A null dMCO3 mutant, generated by CRISPR/Cas9 technology, showed disrupted iron homeostasis, evidenced by increased iron level and reduced metal importer Mvl expression. Notably, dMCO3-null flies phenotypically are largely normal at normal or iron stressed-conditions. We speculate the likely existence of a similar iron efflux apparatus as the mammalian ferroportin/ferroxidase in Drosophila. However, its importance to fly iron homeostasis is greatly minimized, which is instead dominated by another iron efflux avenue mediated by the ZIP13-ferritin axis along the ER/Golgi secretion pathway.  相似文献   

Multicopper oxidases (MCO) contain at least four copper atoms arrayed in three distinct ligand fields supported by two canonical structural features: (1) multiples of the cupredoxin fold and (2) four unique sequence elements that include the ten histidine and one cysteine ligands to the four copper atoms. Ferroxidases are a subfamily of MCO proteins that contain residues supporting a specific reactivity towards ferrous iron; these MCOs play a vital role in iron metabolism in bacteria, algae, fungi, and mammals. In contrast to the fungal ferroxidases, e.g., Fet3p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mammalian ceruloplasmin (Cp) is twice as large (six vs. three cupredoxin domains) and contains three type 1, or “blue,” copper sites. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii expresses a putative ferroxidase, Fox1, which has sequence similarity to human Cp (hCp). Eschewing the standard sequence-based modeling paradigm, we have constructed a function-based model of the Fox1 protein which replicates hCp’s six copper-site ligand arrays with an overall root mean square deviation of 1.4 Å. Analysis of this model has led also to assignment of motifs in Fox1 that are unique to ferroxidases, the strongest evidence to date that the well-characterized fungal high-affinity iron uptake system is essential to iron homeostasis in green algae. The model of Fox1 also establishes a subfamily of MCO proteins with a noncanonical copper-ligand organization. These diverse structures suggest alternative mechanisms for intramolecular electron transfer and require a new trajectory for the evolution of the MCO superfamily.  相似文献   

The halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina is unique among plants in that it utilizes a transferrin (TTf) to mediate iron acquisition (Fisher, M., Zamir, A., and Pick, U. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 17553-17558). Two new proteins that are induced by iron deprivation were identified in plasma membranes of D. salina as follows: a multicopper ferroxidase termed D-Fox and an internally duplicated glycoprotein (p130B). D-Fox and p130B are accessible to glycolytic, proteolytic, and biotin surface tagging treatments, suggesting that they are surface-exposed glycoproteins. Induction of D-Fox was also manifested by ferroxidase activity in plasma membrane preparations. These results are puzzling because ferroxidases in yeast and in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii function in redox-mediated iron uptake, a mechanism that is not known to operate in D. salina. Two lines of evidence suggest that D-Fox and p130B interact with D. salina triplicated transferrin (TTf). First, chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectroscopy analysis showed that D-Fox and p130B associate with TTf and with another plasma membrane transferrin. Second, detergent-solubilized D-Fox and p130B comigrated on blue native gels with plasma membrane transferrins. 59Fe autoradiography indicated that this complex binds Fe3+ ions. Also, the induction of D-Fox and p130B is kinetically correlated with enhanced iron binding and uptake activities. These results suggest that D-Fox and p130B associate with plasma membrane transferrins forming a complex that enhances iron binding and iron uptake. We propose that the function of D-Fox in D. salina has been modified during evolution from redox-mediated to transferrin-mediated iron uptake, following a gene transfer event of transferrins from an ancestral animal cell.  相似文献   

Using interposon mutagenesis, we have generated strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa which lack or overexpress the substrate-selective OprB porin of this species. A marked decrease or increase in the initial uptake of glucose by these strains verified the role of OprB in facilitating the diffusion of glucose across the outer membrane of P. aeruginosa. However, we also demonstrated that the loss or overexpression of OprB had a similar effect on the uptake of three other sugars able to support the growth of this bacterium (mannitol, glycerol, and fructose). This effect was restricted to carbohydrate transport; arginine uptake was identical in mutant and wild-type strains. These results indicated that OprB cannot be considered strictly a glucose-selective porin; rather, it acts as a central component of carbohydrate transport and is more accurately described as a carbohydrate-selective porin.  相似文献   

In the unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, high-affinity uptake of iron (Fe) requires an Fe(3+)-chelate reductase and an Fe transporter. Neither of these proteins nor their corresponding genes have been isolated. We previously identified, by analysis of differentially expressed plasma membrane proteins, an approximately 150-kD protein whose synthesis was induced under conditions of Fe-deficient growth. Based on homology of internal peptide sequences to the multicopper oxidase hephaestin, this protein was proposed to be a ferroxidase. A nucleotide sequence to the full-length cDNA clone for this ferroxidase-like protein has been obtained. Analysis of the primary amino acid sequence revealed a putative transmembrane domain near the amino terminus of the protein and signature sequences for two multicopper oxidase I motifs and one multicopper oxidase II motif. The ferroxidase-like gene was transcribed under conditions of Fe deficiency. Consistent with the role of a copper (Cu)-containing protein in Fe homeostasis, growth of cells in Cu-depleted media eliminated high-affinity Fe uptake, and Cu-deficient cells that were grown in optimal Fe showed greatly reduced Fe accumulation compared with control, Cu-sufficient cells. Reapplication of Cu resulted in the recovery of Fe transport activity. Together, these results were consistent with the participation of a ferroxidase in high-affinity Fe uptake in C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential nutrient for bacterial growth but poorly bioavailable. Bacteria scavenge ferric iron by synthesizing and secreting siderophores, small compounds with a high affinity for iron. Pyochelin (PCH) is one of the two siderophores produced by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After capturing a ferric iron molecule, PCH-Fe is imported back into bacteria first by the outer membrane transporter FptA and then by the inner membrane permease FptX. Here, using molecular biology, 55Fe uptake assays, and LC–MS/MS quantification, we first find a role for PchHI as the heterodimeric ABC transporter involved in the siderophore-free iron uptake into the bacterial cytoplasm. We also provide the first evidence that PCH is able to reach the bacterial periplasm and cytoplasm when both FptA and FptX are expressed. Finally, we detected an interaction between PchH and FptX, linking the ABC transporter PchHI with the inner permease FptX in the PCH-Fe uptake pathway. These results pave the way for a better understanding of the PCH siderophore pathway, giving future directions to tackle P. aeruginosa infections.  相似文献   

Injection of ferroxidase-II into copper-deficient rabbits resulted in a rapid, large, increase in the serum iron concentration which was equivalent to the increase observed when ceruloplasmin was injected into the same animals. A recently discovered serum inhibitor of ferroxidase-II, was also shown to potently inhibit ceruloplasmin. Acceleration of iron mobilization from storage tissues by dietary manipulation or repetitive bleeding of rabbits leads to a large decrease in the serum content of the inhibitor and a corresponding increase in the total serum ferroxidase activity. These studies suggest that ferroxidase-II could serve as a viable, alternative mobilizer of iron from tissue stores and that the recently discovered serum ferroxidase inhibitor could participate in the regulation of the efflux of iron from tissue stores.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida GB-1-002 catalyzes the oxidation of Mn2+. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the transposon insertion site of a nonoxidizing mutant revealed a gene (designated cumA) encoding a protein homologous to multicopper oxidases. Addition of Cu2+ increased the Mn2+-oxidizing activity of the P. putida wild type by a factor of approximately 5. The growth rates of the wild type and the mutant were not affected by added Cu2+. A second open reading frame (designated cumB) is located downstream from cumA. Both cumA and cumB probably are part of a single operon. The translation product of cumB was homologous (level of identity, 45%) to that of orf74 of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. A mutation in orf74 resulted in an extended lag phase and lower cell densities. Similar growth-related observations were made for the cumA mutant, suggesting that the cumA mutation may have a polar effect on cumB. This was confirmed by site-specific gene replacement in cumB. The cumB mutation did not affect the Mn2+-oxidizing ability of the organism but resulted in decreased growth. In summary, our data indicate that the multicopper oxidase CumA is involved in the oxidation of Mn2+ and that CumB is required for optimal growth of P. putida GB-1-002.  相似文献   

The binding of CO to ascorbate-reduced Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase was investigated by static-titration, stopped-flow and flash-photolytic techniques. Static-titration data indicated that the binding process was non-stoicheiometric, with a Hill number of 1.44. Stopped-flow kinetics obtained on the binding of CO to reduced Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase were biphasic in form; the faster rate exhibited a linear dependence on CO concentration with a second-order rate constant of 2 X 10(4) M-1-s-1, whereas the slower reaction rapidly reached a pseudo-first-order rate limit at approx. 1s-1. The relative proportions of the two phases observed in stopped-flow experiments also showed a dependency on CO concentration, the slower phase increasing as the CO concentration decreased. The kinetics of CO recombination after flash-photolytic dissociation of the reduced Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase-CO complex were also biphasic in character, both phases showing a linear pseudo-first-order rate dependence on CO concentration. The second-order rate constants were determined as 3.6 X 10(4)M-1-s-1 and 1.6 X 10(4)M-1-s-1 respectively. Again the relative proportions of the two phases varied with CO concentration, the slower phase predominating at low CO concentrations. CO dissociation from the enzyme-CO complex measured in the presence of O2 and NO indicated the presence of two rates, of the order of 0.03s-1 and 0.15s-1. When sodium dithionite was used as a reducing agent for the Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase, the CO-combination kinetics observed by both stopped flow and flash photolysis were extremely complex and not able to be simply analysed.  相似文献   

The role of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyocyanin (PCN) is a blue redox-active secondary metabolite that is produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PCN is readily recovered in large quantities in sputum from patients with cystic fibrosis who are infected by P. aeruginosa. Despite in vitro studies demonstrating that PCN interferes with multiple cellular functions, its importance during clinical infection is uncertain. This is partially caused by the difficulty in defining the contribution of PCN among the numerous virulence factors produced by P. aeruginosa during infection. In addition, few cellular pathways that are affected by PCN are known. This review briefly highlights recent advances that might clarify the role of PCN in P. aeruginosa pathogenesis.  相似文献   

S. cerevisiae accumulate iron by a process requiring a ferrireductase and a ferrous transporter. We have isolated a mutant, fet3, defective for high affinity Fe(II) uptake. The wild-type FET3 gene was isolated by complementation of the mutant defect. Sequence analysis of the gene revealed the presence of an open reading frame coding for a protein with strong similarity to the family of blue multicopper oxidoreductases. Consistent with the role of copper in iron transport, growth of wild-type cells in copper-deficient media resulted in decreased ferrous iron transport. Addition of copper, but not other transition metals (manganese or zinc), to the assay media resulted in the recovery of Fe(II) transporter activity. We suggest that the catalytic activity of the Fet3 protein is required for cellular iron accumulation.  相似文献   

The reaction of ascorbate-reduced Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase with oxygen was studied by using stopped-flow techniques at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C. The observed time courses were complex, the reaction consisting of three phases. Of these, only the fastest process, with a second-order rate constant of 3.3 X 10(4) M-1.S-1, was dependent on oxygen concentration. The two slower processes were first-order reactions with rates of 1.0 +/- 0.4s-1 and 0.1 +/- 0.03s-1. A kinetic titration experiment revealed that the enzyme had a relatively low affinity constant for oxygen, approx. 10(4)M-1. Kinetic difference spectra were determined for all three reaction phases, showing each to have different characteristics. The fast-phase difference spectrum showed that changes occurred at both the haem c and haem d1 components of the enzyme during this process. These changes were consistent with the haem c becoming oxidized, but with the haem d1 assuming a form that did not correspond to the normal oxidized state, a situation that was not restored even after the second kinetic phase, which reflected further changes in the haem d1 component. The results are discussed in terms of a kinetic scheme.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (myo-InsP6) mediates iron transport into Pseudomonas aeruginosa and overcomes iron-dependent growth inhibition. In this study, the iron transport properties of myo-inositol trisphosphate and tetrakisphosphate regio-isomers were studied. Pseudomonas aeruginosa accumulated iron (III) at similar rates whether complexed with myo-Ins(1,2,3)P3 or myo-InsP6. Iron accumulation from other compounds, notably D/L myo-Ins(1,2,4,5)P4 and another inositol trisphosphate regio-isomer, D-myo-Ins(1,4,5)P3, was dramatically increased. Iron transport profiles from myo-InsP6 into mutants lacking the outer membrane porins oprF, oprD and oprP were similar to the wild-type, indicating that these porins are not involved in the transport process. The rates of reduction of iron (III) to iron (II) complexed to any of the compounds by a Ps. aeruginosa cell lysate were similar, suggesting that a reductive mechanism is not the rate-determining step.  相似文献   

Enterobactin-mediated iron transport in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
K Poole  L Young    S Neshat 《Journal of bacteriology》1990,172(12):6991-6996
A pyoverdine-deficient strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was unable to grow in an iron-deficient minimal medium in the presence of the nonmetabolizable iron chelator ethylene diamine-di(omega-hydroxyphenol acetic acid) (EDDHA), although addition of enterobactin to EDDHA-containing minimal media did restore growth of the pyoverdine-deficient P. aeruginosa. Consistent with the apparent ability of enterobactin to provide iron to P. aeruginosa, enterobactin-dependent 55Fe3+ uptake was observed in cells of P. aeruginosa previously grown in an iron-deficient medium containing enterobactin (or enterobactin-containing Escherichia coli culture supernatant). This uptake was energy dependent, was observable at low concentrations (60 nM) of FeCl3, and was absent in cells cultured without enterobactin. A novel protein with a molecular weight of approximately 80,000 was identified in the outer membranes of cells grown in iron-deficient minimal medium containing enterobactin, concomitant with the induction of enterobactin-dependent iron uptake. A Tn501 insertion mutant lacking this protein was isolated and shown to be deficient in enterobactin-mediated iron transport at 60 nM FeCl3, although it still exhibited enterobactin-dependent growth in iron-deficient medium containing EDDHA. It was subsequently observed that the mutant was, however, capable of enterobactin-mediated iron transport at much higher concentrations (600 nM) of FeCl3. Indeed, enterobactin-dependent iron uptake at this concentration of iron was observed in both the mutant and parent strains irrespective of whether they had been cultured in the presence of enterobactin. Apparently, at least two uptake systems for ferrienterobactin exist in P. aeruginosa: one of higher affinity which is specifically inducible by enterobactin under iron-limiting conditions and the second, of lower affinity, which is also inducible under iron-limiting conditions but is independent of enterobactin for induction.  相似文献   

Zhao Q  Poole K 《Journal of bacteriology》2002,184(7):2045-2049
Loss of tonB1 adversely affects iron acquisition and intrinsic multidrug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Several mutations in tonB1 compromised the protein's contribution to both processes, although TonB1 derivatives altered in residues C35, Q268, R287, Q292, R300, and R304 were compromised vis-à-vis their contribution to drug resistance only.  相似文献   

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