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The question of whether the acrosome reaction, which leads to fertilization, occurs in intact sperm bound to the zona pellucida of the egg or in intact sperm before contact with the egg, was addressed by assessing the effect of 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) on the two types of acrosome reaction. QNB is a specific inhibitor of the fertilization of zona-intact mouse eggs by mouse sperm. Mouse spermatozoa in suspension underwent acrosome reactions at a low rate, which could be accelerated by addition of 5 μM divalent cation ionophore A23187; the occurrence of such acrosome reactions was not inhibited by QNB. The rate at which acrosome reactions occurred in sperm bound to the zona pellucida of cumulus-free eggs, bound to isolated zonae, or exposed to acid-solubilized zona components, was greatly accelerated relative to that observed in the absence of zonae. These acrosome reactions were strongly inhibited by QNB at concentrations which inhibit the fertilization of zona-intact mouse eggs in vitro. These data suggest that the zona pellucida can induce acrosome reactions in mouse spermatozoa and that these acrosome reactions are the ones which lead to the fertilization of zona-intact eggs. In contrast, the acrosome rection in sperm which are not in contact with the zona is not associated with fertilization of zona-intact eggs.  相似文献   

Soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) inhibits the catalytic activity of serine proteases, and has been shown to bind to acrosin, an acrosomal hydrolase which is not exposed on the surface of macaque sperm until after the acrosome reaction. Following activation with caffeine and dibutyryl cAMP, cynomolgus macaque sperm were induced to acrosome react with calcium ionophore A23187 in the presence of SBTI and were fixed for ultrastructural observation. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed secondary labelling of anti-SBTI-IgG with colloidal gold in association with the acrosomal matrix and fused membranes of sperm undergoing the acrosome reaction, but gold labelling was not observed on acrosome-intact sperm. When SBTI was conjugated with the fluorochrome Alexa 488, labelled (acrosome-reacted) sperm showed bright fluorescence that ranged from a patchy or punctate appearance to solid labelling over the region of the acrosomal cap. Following treatment with ionophore, the percentages of total acrosome-reacted sperm (motile and non-motile) as assessed with Alexa-SBTI, fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated Pisum sativum agglutinin (FITC-PSA), and TEM were 54.6%, 51.6% and 61.5%, respectively. Measures of acrosomal status with FITC-PSA and Alexa-SBTI were highly correlated (r = 0.94; n = 3). Macaque zonae pellucidae were co-incubated with activated sperm for 1 min and then rinsed in medium containing Alexa-SBTI and immediately observed with epifluorescence microscopy. The mean percentage of Alexa-SBTI-labelled (acrosome-reacted) motile sperm bound to the zona was 45.7 +/- 14 (range: 22-80.4%; n = 4). Fewer than 1% of the motile sperm in suspension surrounding the zonae were acrosome-reacted. Alexa-SBTI had no effect on sperm motility, survival, or zona binding capability.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that male germ cell-specific sulfoglycolipid, sulfogalactosylglycerolipid (SGG), is involved in sperm-zona pellucida binding, and that SGG and its desulfating enzyme, arylsulfatase A (AS-A), coexist in the same sperm head area. However, AS-A exists at a markedly low level in sperm as compared to SGG (i.e., 1/400 of SGG molar concentration). In the present study, we investigated whether perturbation of this molar ratio would interfere with sperm-egg interaction. We demonstrated that purified AS-A bound to the mouse sperm surface through its high affinity with SGG. When capacitated, Percoll gradient-centrifuged mouse sperm were treated for 1 h with various concentrations of AS-A, their binding to zona-intact eggs was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner and reached the background level with 63 nM AS-A. This inhibition could be partially explained by an increase in premature acrosome reaction. The acrosome-reacted sperm population of the 63 nM AS-A-treated sperm sample was twice that of the control sample (treated with 63 nM ovalbumin) at 1 h (i.e., 32% vs. 15%) and rose to 53% at 2 h. This induction was presumably due to SGG aggregation attributed to AS-A, existing as a dimer at neutral pH, and could be mimicked by anti-SGG immunoglobulin (Ig) G/IgM + secondary IgG antibody. Drastic inhibition (75%) of in vivo fertilization was also observed in females inseminated with sperm suspension containing 630 nM AS-A as compared to the rate in females inseminated with sperm suspension included with 630 nM ovalbumin. Our results demonstrate a promising potential for AS-A as a nonhormonal, vaginal contraceptive.  相似文献   

In this work, we have investigated the role of the sperm proteasome during in vitro fertilization (IVF) and gamete interaction in the mouse. Proteasome activity was measured in extract and intact sperm using a specific substrate. In addition, sperm were treated with specific proteasome inhibitors and evaluated during IVF, binding to the zona pellucida, and progesterone- and zona pellucida-induced acrosome reactions. In other experiments, sperm membrane proteins were obtained resuspending them in Triton X-114, shaking vigorously and let standing by 4 hr. Soluble sperm proteins were partitioned in the aqueous phase and sperm membrane proteins in the detergent phase. In both phases, proteasome activity was measured. Labeling of cell surface sperm proteins was carried out with the cell-impermeable NHS-LC biotin, extracted with Triton X-114, and mixing with avidin-agarose beads. Nonpermeabilized sperm were incubated with an anti-proteasome monoclonal antibody and evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence. The results indicate that sperm extracts as well as intact sperm had proteasome activity; the sperm proteasome was involved in IVF, specifically during sperm-zona pellucida binding and the acrosome reaction; soluble sperm membrane proteins exhibited proteasome activity; biotin experiments indicated the presence of proteasomes on the sperm surface, which was corroborated by indirect immunofluorescence experiments. All these observations indicate that the mouse sperm proteasome participates in the binding to the zona pellucida and the acrosome reaction and that there is a pool of proteasomes located on the sperm head.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular basis of gamete interaction in mammals, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been generated by syngeneic immunization with mouse testis. Previous work has described two particular mAbs, M41 and M42, which localize indistinguishably to the plasma membrane overlying a restricted portion of the acrosome, but recognize different antigens. One of the mAbs, M42, inhibits mouse fertilization in vitro significantly, but only in the presence of the zona pellucida, whereas M41 has no apparent effect upon any assayable event in the fertilization process. The experiments described here were performed to identify the precise event of sperm-zona interaction (sperm-zona binding, induction of the acrosome reaction, or penetration through the zona) that is affected by M42 mAb. Capacitated mouse sperm binding to the zona pellucida was undiminished following pretreatment with M42 mAb, when compared to levels achieved using either no mAb- or to M41 mAb-treated control sperm. When the effect of mAbs on the zona-induced AR was examined, the percentage of acrosome reacted (AR) sperm at the zona surface increased with time, plateauing at approximately 90 min post-insemination, with 78% of the bound cells AR in the control and the M41 mAb-treated groups. M42-treated sperm never achieved greater than 23% AR cells over the 120-min interval assayed. To quantitate this effect, capacitated sperm were exposed to increasing concentrations of acid-solubilized zonae. Increased proportions of AR sperm were found in the control and M41 mAb-treated groups, up to a maximum of 70-76% AR cells with 8 or 12 zonae/microliter. In contrast, M42-treated sperm displayed only 21-28% AR cells over the entire range of zonae concentrations tested. An entirely different result emerged when acrosome reactions were induced with A23187: M42 was no longer able to prevent the AR. This ability of A23187 to override M42 mAb's inhibitory effect on the AR permitted specific examination of the possible effect of M42 mAb on sperm penetration through the zona pellucida. In the presence of A23187, zona penetration levels for M42 mAb-treated sperm were equivalent, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to control and to M41 mAb-treated sperm under the same conditions. It appears, therefore, that M42 mAb identifies a high molecular weight doublet (220-240 kDa) of mouse sperm that participates specifically in the induction of the sperm's acrosome reaction as it occurs under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Human sperm were incubated in vitro in serum or the defined medium TMPA and were periodically assessed for acrosome reactions using two new methods of assay. The first method, FITC-RCA labeling, was previously shown to be valid for estimating the percentage of normal acrosome reactions of human sperm. The second method, a triple staining technique, is shown in this study to give results comparable to those obtained with FITC-RCA labeling. The percentage of acrosome-reacted sperm was determined at 0, 2.5, 5, and 7 hr of incubation. In both media, some sperm had reacted by 2.5 hr; a maximum percentage of reactions occurred between 5 and 7 hr. The maximum percentage never exceeded 20–25%, which represents only one-third of the live sperm, ie, those potentially able to undergo normal acrosome reactions. It will be important in future studies to determine if this low-peak percentage is due to the fact that: (1) Commonly used culture media are suboptimal or (2) only about 25% of the sperm in a human ejaculate are capable of undergoing normal acrosome reactions.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(4):1663-1670
Gamete recognition in the mouse is mediated by galactosyltransferase (GalTase) on the sperm surface, which binds to its appropriate glycoside substrate in the egg zona pellucida (Lopez, L. C., E. M. Bayna, D. Litoff, N. L. Shaper, J. H. Shaper, and B. D. Shur, 1985, J. Cell Biol., 101:1501-1510). GalTase has been localized by indirect immunofluorescence to the dorsal surface of the anterior sperm head overlying the intact acrosome. Sperm binding to the zona pellucida triggers induction of the acrosome reaction, an exocytotic event that results in vesiculation and release of the outer acrosomal and overlying plasma membranes. Consequently, we examined the fate of sperm surface GalTase after the acrosome reaction. Contrary to our expectations, surface GalTase is not lost during the acrosome reaction despite the loss of its membrane domain. Rather, double-label indirect immunofluorescence assays show that GalTase is redistributed to the lateral surface of the sperm, coincident with the acrosome reaction. This apparent redistribution of GalTase was confirmed by direct enzymatic assays, which show that 90% of sperm GalTase activity is retained during the acrosome reaction. No GalTase activity is detectable on plasma membrane vesicles released during the acrosome reaction. In contrast, removal of plasma membranes by nitrogen cavitation releases GalTase activity from the sperm surface, showing that GalTase redistribution requires a physiological acrosome reaction. The selective redistribution of GalTase to a new membrane domain from one that is lost during the acrosome reaction suggests that GalTase is repositioned for some additional function after initial sperm-zona binding.  相似文献   

Mammalian fertilization involves interactions of sperm surface receptors with ligands of the zona pellucida, an extracellular matrix surrounding the ovulated egg. In mouse, the zona is composed of three glycoproteins. One of them, ZP3, participates in primary sperm binding and in the subsequent triggering of the sperm's acrosome reaction. Considerable evidence suggests that carbohydrate determinants of ZP3 are responsible for binding to sperm and may be important for acrosomal exocytosis. A full-length cDNA encoding mouse ZP3 was assembled and cloned into expression vectors that contained either a cytomegalovirus (CMV) or a vaccinia (P11) promoter. Mouse L-929 cells were stably transformed with the pZP3-CMV constructs, and green monkey CV-1 cells were infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus containing ZP3. rZP3 was affinity purified from culture media and detected on Western blots as a single 60- to 70-kDa band, which differed in molecular weight from native ZP3 (mean, 83 kDa). Nevertheless, rZP3 is biologically active. rZP3 decreases sperm-zona binding with a potency equivalent to that of native zona pellucida and, like native ZP3, rZP3 triggers acrosomal exocytosis in capacitated mouse sperm. Thus, rZP3 isolated from both rodent and primate cells appears to contain those carbohydrate and protein structures necessary for ZP3's dual role in fertilization.  相似文献   

Capacitation and the acrosome reaction in equine sperm.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During sexual reproduction, the sperm and oocyte must fuse before the production of a diploid zygote can proceed. In mammals such as equids, fusion depends critically on complex changes in the plasma membrane of the sperm and, not surprisingly, this membrane differs markedly from that of somatic cells. After leaving the testes, sperm cease to synthesize plasma membrane lipids or proteins, and vesicle-mediated transport stops. When the sperm reaches the female reproductive tract, it is activated by so-called capacitation factors that initiate a delicate reorientation and modification of molecules within the plasma membrane. These surface changes enable the sperm to bind to the extracellular matrix of the egg (zona pellucida ZP) and the zona then primes the sperm to initiate the acrosome reaction, an exocytotic event required for the sperm to penetrate the zona. This paper will review the processes that occur at the sperm plasma membrane before and during successful penetration of the equine ZP. It is noted that while several methods have been described for detecting changes that occur during capacitation and the acrosome reaction in bovine and porcine sperm, relatively little has been documented for equine sperm. Special attention will therefore be dedicated to recent attempts to develop and implement new assays for the detection of the capacitation status of live, acrosome-intact and motile equine sperm.  相似文献   

Cyclodextrins (CD) are often proposed as potential vehicles in targeted drug delivery. However, if the membrane structure is disrupted by CD, then it cannot be considered to be a good drug delivery vehicle. When an extrinsic fluorescence probe is used to monitor such interactions, there are no less than three possible equilibria that can operate simultaneously: surfactant-cyclodextrin, surfactant-fluorophore and cyclodextrin-fluorophore. The fluorescence intensity/lifetime might be affected by all these and so, the results depend strongly on the fluorophore used as well as the nature of the surfactant. This aspect highlights the importance of the suitability of the fluorescence probe to be used to study complicated systems and interaction. In the present work, chlorin p6, prepared from chlorophyll from spinach leaves, has been used as the fluorescence probe to investigate the interaction between alpha-CD and beta-CD with the neutral surfactants Triton X 100 (TX 100) and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). The fluorophore is found to be a sensitive one for the study of the interaction of alpha, beta and gamma-CD with the surfactants TX 100 and CTAB. It is found that contrary to earlier reports, a complex between alpha-CD and TX 100 is formed, even though the binding constant is not very high. This observation can be obtained with chlorin p6, which does not bind to the CDs, but not with a fluorophore, which binds to the CD as well and thus complicates the situation as the binding with CD is stronger than that between TX 100 and alpha-CD as compared to that between TNS and CD.  相似文献   

An in vitro acrosome-like reaction was induced in spermatozoa from the boar cauda epididymis by incubation in Tyrode's solution containing 1 mg/ml fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin. Plasma membranes were isolated from the spermatozoa at different times during the incubation and analyzed for their lipid composition. The total lipid, phospholipid, and glycolipid content of the membranes did not change during the acrosome-like reaction, whereas the amount of diacylglycerols and free fatty acids increased. Within the phospholipid class, a decrease of the inositol phospholipid and and sphingomyelin content was observed, whereas the other phospholipids of the plasma membranes did not decrease significantly after 2 h of incubation. Changes in the sterol composition of the membranes were also observed. The onset of the lipid changes was correlated with the uptake of extracellular calcium by the spermatozoa. These results for the lipid changes in isolated sperm plasma membranes during an in vitro acrosome reaction provide the first direct evidence that a modulation of the plasma membrane lipid composition is involved in an acrosome-like reaction of mammalian spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine if acrosomal enzymes are released simultaneously or in sequence during the normal acrosome reaction. Epididymal guinea pig sperm were incubated in a chemically defined, calcium-containing medium which supports normal acrosome reactions within 4–5 hours at 37°C. The sperm suspensions were monitored for motility, normal acrosome reactions, and false acrosome reactions during in vitro incubation. At specified time intervals, the sperm were separated from the incubation medium by centrifugation, and the distribution of dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP II) and acrosin activity was determined by biochemically assaying the hydrolysis of trialanine and N-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester (BAEE), respectively. When calcium was present, there was a significant increase in DPP II activity in the supernatants by 1 hour of incubation and a slight decline at later time points. This release was not correlated with false or normal acrosome reactions (loss of the acrosomal cap) monitored by phase-contrast microscopy but probably represents a very early stage in the normal acrosome reaction. This early stage is difficult to detect at the light microscope level because sperm are still in rouleaux and because membrane fusion is not directly observable. In contrast, acrosin activity, which was assayed in the same supernatants, increased at later times when sperm were observed to have completed normal acrosome reactions. The ultrastructural distribution of DPP II was determined in sperm pellets collected during in vitro incubation by using the DPP II substrate lysyl-alanyl-4-methoxy-2-naphthyamide. In freshly isolated cauda epidiymal sperm, reaction product is confined to the light-staining area in the dorsal bulge of the acrosome. However, by 1 hour of incubation, the light-staining area of many sperm was partially or completely dispersed, while other regions of the acrosome were unchanged. Our data are consistent with the conclusions that DPP II is a highly soluble component of the guinea pig sperm acrosome and that its release occurs during the initial phase of the acrosome reaction while sperm are still in rouleaux. Structural changes in the acrosome associated with DPP II release were detectable by electron microscopy but not by light microscopy. Acrosin, which is less soluble than DPP II, is released at a later time during the acrosome reaction. Both DPP II and acrosin appear to be partially inhibited following their release from sperm. A complete understanding of the sequential release and extracellular activities of the acrosomal enzymes will be necessary to fully define their functions in fertilization.  相似文献   

In fertilization in vitro, the penetration rate of zona-intact porcine oocytes by cryopreserved epididymal spermatozoa was about 100% while that of zona-free oocytes was only 30%. Spermatozoa treated with calcium ionophore A23187 penetrated both zona-intact and zona-free oocytes at the rate of more than 90%. Treatment of spermatozoa with solubilized procine zonae pellucidae hardly induced acrosome reaction and did not increase the penetration rate. These results suggest that the structure of the zona is necessary for completion of acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Extracellular Ca2+ is required for capacitation and fertilization in the mouse, but very little is known about the ability of other divalent cations to substitute for Ca2+. In this study, Sr2+, Ba2+, and Mg2+ were evaluated for their ability to support capacitation, the acrosome reaction, hyperactivated motility, and fertilization. Ba2+ proved to be ineffective, but Mg2+-containing medium was able to support capacitation to a greater extent than unsupplemented Ca2+-deficient media; despite this, Ca2+ was required for fertilization. In contrast, Sr2+ proved capable of substituting for Ca2+ in all events. Furthermore, Sr2+-induced responses were indistinguishable from the corresponding Ca2+-induced ones: Sperm capacitated at the same rate and underwent the acrosome reaction to the same extent. However, demonstration of sperm:egg fusion in Sr2+ required the use of zona-free eggs. This was due not to the inability of the sperm to penetrate the zona but to the very rapid activation and cortical granule release by eggs in response to Sr2+. When zona-intact eggs were used, the block to polyspermy had been mounted by the time sperm had penetrated the zona. A 15 min exposure to Sr2+ was sufficient to block sperm fusion, but a longer exposure was required to ensure the resumption of meiosis in eggs; such a response was surprising in that the eggs were freshly ovulated and not susceptible to activation by many different treatments. Thus Sr2+ can profoundly affect both gametes in the mouse: It substitutes completely for Ca2+ in sperm responses and rapidly activates eggs, possibly by displacing Ca2+ from intracellular stores into the cytoplasm, where the Ca2+ can then trigger the various events of activation.  相似文献   

Equatorin is a sperm head equatorial protein, possibly involved in sperm-oocyte fusion (Toshimori et al., Biol Reprod 1998; 59:22-29). In the present work, we have shown that equatorin contained in the posterior acrosome is detectable only after spontaneous or induced acrosome reactions following fixation and permeabilization, but not in intact spermatozoa. The presence of protease inhibitors during sonication or ionophore treatments does not inhibit the exposure of the antigenic epitope. The zona-penetrated spermatozoa lying in the perivitelline space display equatorin, similar to those of the acrosome-reacted ones. After sperm-egg fusion during in vitro fertilization (IVF), the equatorin dissociates from the sperm head equatorial region and remains at the vicinity of the decondensing male pronuclei. During pronuclear apposition stage, it is pushed away from the pronuclei, possibly by the perinuclear microtubules. After first cleavage, equatorin is inherited by one of the proembryonic cells. The residual equatorin disappears after the second cleavage. Microinjected whole spermatozoa or sperm heads into the MII stage oocytes display equatorin similar to those of the perivitelline sperm. After activation, it dissociates from the sperm nuclei in a similar manner as during IVF. The mode of equatorin degeneration during fertilization is similar to those of the sperm tail components or mitochondria, but different from those of the membrane associated proteins.  相似文献   

beta-1,4-Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is present on the surface of mouse sperm, where it functions during fertilization by binding to oligosaccharide residues in the egg zona pellucida. The specific oligosaccharide substrates for sperm GalTase reside on the glycoprotein ZP3, which possesses both sperm-binding and acrosome reaction-inducing activity. A variety of reagents that perturb sperm GalTase activity inhibit sperm binding to the zona pellucida, including UDP-galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, alpha-lactalbumin, and anti-GalTase Fab fragments. However, none of these reagents are able to cross-link GalTase within the membrane nor are they able to induce the acrosome reaction. On the other hand, intact anti-GalTase IgG blocks sperm-zona binding as well as induces the acrosome reaction. Anti-GalTase IgG induces the acrosome reaction by aggregating GalTase on the sperm plasma membrane, as shown by the inability of anti-Gal-Tase Fab fragments to induce the acrosome reaction unless cross-linked with goat anti-rabbit IgG. These data suggest that zona pellucida oligosaccharides induce the acrosome reaction by clustering GalTase on the sperm surface.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1987,119(1):210-216
Recently, it has been demonstrated that mouse sperm contain a protein with properties similar to the inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein, Gi (Kopf, G. S., Woolkalis, M. J., and Gerton, G. L. 1986. J. Biol. Chem., 261, 7327–7331). Since sperm-zona pellucida interaction represents a specialized form of intercellular communication and signal transduction we examined the role of the mouse sperm Gi-like protein in the zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction using mechanically isolated, structurally intact zonae pellucidae. Sperm capacitated for 90 min in the presence of increasing concentrations of islet-activating protein (IAP) bind to the zona pellucida to a similar extent as control sperm incubated in the absence of this toxin. The zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction, however, is inhibited in a concentration dependent manner by IAP, with half-maximal effects at 0.1-1.0 ng/ml IAP. IAP does not affect the ability of the sperm to become capacitated, but inhibits the cells from progressing into an intermediate stage prior to the completion of the acrosome reaction. When sperm are capacitated in the presence of 100 μM guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) for 60 min prior to the addition of IAP during the final 30 min, the IAP-induced inhibition of the zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction is abolished; capacitation in the presence of 100 μM guanosine-5′-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) does not abolish the inhibitory effects of IAP. The target of the IAP effect on intact sperm appears to be at the level of the Gi-like protein since IAP-catalyzed 32P-ADP-ribosylation of the Mr = 41,000 substrate in detergent extracts of sperm is reduced when intact sperm are preincubated with IAP during capacitation. These data suggest that the mouse sperm Gi-like protein plays an intermediary role in the zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

In K+-free medium, epididymal sperm suspensions, whether washed free of epididymally-derived K+ or not, were unable to penetrate washed cumulus masses; some penetration of zona-free eggs was obtained with unwashed sperm suspensions, while washed samples were generally non-fertilizing. Within 5 min of K+ introduction, however, spermatozoa were able to fertilize intact eggs rapidly and synchronously, indicating that K+ was not required for capacitation. Measurements of extracellular K+ concentrations in these experiments indicate that 0.1-0.15 mM-K+ is sufficient to support sperm: egg fusion, but concentrations greater than 0.15 mM are required for penetration of cumulus-intact eggs. When medium of normal osmolality (318 mosmol) but elevated K+/Na+ ratio (27.7 mM/125 mM) was compared with control medium (2.7/150), the former promoted lower rates of penetration after both 30 and 120 min preincubation (8 and 10%, respectively) than those obtained with control medium (45 and 95%). Upon reduction to the ratio in control media, however, the fertilizing potential of these suspensions was equivalent to control samples: relatively slow and asynchronous penetration after 30 min preincubation (50%) and rapid, synchronous penetration after 120 min (92%). Thus there was no evidence of a shortening of sperm capacitation time, but rather a suppression of fertilizing potential in the presence of elevated K+. Uterine sperm samples recovered shortly after mating gave similar results when tested in these media 30 and 120 min after release from the male tract. Preincubation of epididymal samples in high K+ (27.7 mM) hyperosmolal media (368 mosmol) for 30 min significantly shortened sperm capacitation as shown by rapid penetration of intact eggs (94%) after reduction in osmolality, but this appeared to be a non-specific effect; high Na+ (175 mM) hyperosmolal medium had a similar effect (98% of eggs fertilized). Acrosome loss and hyperactivated motility were significantly lower in media with very low or very high K+ concentrations but, after alteration to control medium values, increased to levels similar to those obtained with control samples. It is proposed that the relatively high K+ concentrations found in female tract fluids (approximately 20-30 mM) may serve to modulate fertilizing potential of spermatozoa in vivo.  相似文献   

Mammalian fertilization involves various steps in which the participation of specific enzymes has been demonstrated by numerous studies. Acrosin is one of the most widely acrosomal protease in mammalian spermatozoa studied, including bovine; however, other proteases have also been described. A new trypsin-like serine protease named bovine serine protease of 120 kDa (BSp120) and its pre-cursor BSp66 (66 kDa) were identified in bovine spermatozoa. Cytological and ultrastructural immunolocalization studies on BSp120 were performed in live and fixed cells. Immunoflorescence assays with specific polyclonal antibodies revealed localization of BSp120 on the sperm head, with a signal homogeneously distributed over the acrosome resembling a horseshoe. After the acrosome reaction, sperm showed a patchy pattern in the acrosomal cap. Immune electron microscopy analysis indicated that BSp120 is located over the head plasma membrane of capacitated spermatozoa and acrosome reacting spermatozoa. To assess BSp120 function in sperm-oocyte interaction, in vitro fertilization studies were conducted. Oocytes were incubated with spermatozoa pre-treated with anti-BSp120, anti-guinea pig acrosin, and anti-BSp120 plus anti-guinea pig acrosin. Pre-treatment of bovine spermatozoa with antibodies towards each protein did not significantly modify fertilization rates. However, when both anti-acrosin and anti-BSp120 antibodies were simultaneously added, there was a significant decrease in the fertilization rate, suggesting that both enzymes may be required for fertilization. Altogether, the results from the present study described the localization of BSp120 over the acrosome of bovine sperm, and suggest its involvement in fertilization.  相似文献   

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