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Summary A library containing more than 80% of the Vibrio cholerae genome was constructed by cloning BamH1 restriction fragments into pBR322. Using interspecific complementation of an Escherichia coli recA mutant with plasmids containing the gene bank of V. cholerae, a recA-like gene was identified. The recombinant plasmid, designated as pDP145, contained a 1.45 kb segment of V. cholerae DNA which codes for a protein of molecular weight 39,000. The product of this gene confers methyl methane sulphonate resistance on the E. coli recA mutant, suppresses its ultraviolet (UV) light sensitive phenotype and has proteolytic activity on the phage repressor. Induction of a 39,000 dalton protein in UV-irradiated V. cholerae cells was demonstrated.  相似文献   

利用柯斯质粒pHC 79为载体,构建了霍乱弧菌178(埃尔托生物型,小川血清型)染色体基因文库。经血清凝集试验及菌落固相ELISA检测,从基因文库中筛选到13株能够表达霍乱弧菌脂多糖O抗原的阳性克隆。经热酚水法从转化于中提取并纯化的脂多糖能与霍乱弧菌抗血清发生特异性结合。针对重组柯斯质粒PMM—VO 38进行了多种酶切分析,测定其分子量为46kb。  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected the presence of various genes associated with virulence in genome of strains V. cholerae eltor isolated in Turkmenistan territory during epidemic and epidemic-free perios. It was found that a complete set of virulence genes (ctxA+, tcpA+ and toxR+) contained strains isolated from patients, carriers and environment only in cholera epidemics. Strains isolated from the environment in the period free of epidemics did not contain ctxA and tcpA in 78.2% of cases, but 5.2% of the strains carried a complete set of virulence genes. There were also nontoxigenic strains containing genes tcpA and toxR. Such strains were isolated from the environment (16.6%) and vibrion carriers (42.9%). Isolated were also strains V.cholerae eltor carrying bacteriophage CTX phi with incomplete set of virulence genes and having genotype ctxA-, ace+ and zot+. Almost all the strains ctxA-, tcpA+ carry attRS1-site in genome. This shows that such strains may transform into toxigenic as a result of infection with bacteriophage CTX phi.  相似文献   

Using a series of oligonucleotides synthesized on the basis of conserved nucleotide motifs in heat-shock genes, the groESL heat-shock operon from a Vibrio cholerae TSI-4 strain has been cloned and sequenced, revealing that the presence of two open reading frames (ORFs) of 291 nucleotides and 1,632 nucleotides separated by 54 nucleotides. The first ORF encoded a polypeptide of 97 amino acids, GroES homologue, and the second ORF encoded a polypeptide of 544 amino acids, GroEL homologue. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that the primary structures of the V. cholerae GroES and GroEL proteins showed significant homology with those of the GroES and GroEL proteins of other bacteria. Complementation experiments were performed using Escherichia coli groE mutants which have the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype. The results showed that the groES and groEL from V. cholerae were expressed in E. coli, and groE mutants harboring V. cholerae groESL genes regained growth ability at high temperature. The evolutionary analysis indicates a closer relationship between V. cholerae chaperonins and those of the Haemophilus and Yersinia species.  相似文献   

A cosmid gene bank of Vibrio cholerae 395, classical Ogawa, was screened in Escherichia coli HB101 for expression of the vibrio neuraminidase (NANase) gene nanH (N-acylneuraminate glycohydrolase). Positive clones were identified by their ability to cleave the fluorogenic NANase substrate 2'-(4-methylumbelliferyl)-alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid. Seven NANase-positive clones were detected after screening 683 cosmid isolates with a rapid, qualitative plate assay method. The nanH gene was subcloned from one of the cosmids and was located within a 4.8-kilobase-pair BglII restriction endonuclease fragment. Evidence that nanH was the NANase structural gene was obtained by transposon mutagenesis and by purification and comparison of the cloned gene product with the secreted NANase purified from the parent V. cholerae strain. The sequence of the first 20 amino-terminal amino acids of the secreted NANase purified from V. cholerae was determined by automated Edman degradation and matched perfectly with the amino acid sequence predicted from nucleotide sequencing of nanH. The sequence data also revealed the existence of a potential signal peptide that was apparently processed from NANase in both V. cholerae and E. coli. In contrast to V. cholerae, E. coli nanH+ clones did not secrete NANase into the growth medium, retaining most of the enzyme in the periplasmic compartment. Kinetic studies in V. cholerae showed that nanH expression and NANase secretion were temporally correlated as cells in batch culture entered late-exponential-phase growth. Similar kinetics were observed in at least one of the E. coli nanH+ clones, suggesting that nanH expression in E. coli might be controlled by some of the same signals as in the parent V. cholerae strain.  相似文献   

In experiments with the cultivation of V. cholerae eltor under the conditions of high salt concentration, as well as low temperature and deficiency in nutrient substances, uncultivable forms (UF) of toxigenic and nontoxigenic vibrios were obtained. The absence of growth of seeded vibrios after the filtration of samples (with a filter of 0.22 micron), the preservation of specific antigenic determinants and the initial set of genes, changes in the morphology of cells (small size, coccoid form with the flagella retained) confirm the transition of V. cholerae eltor under study into the uncultivable state which, under unfavorable conditions, more rapidly develops in toxigenic vibrios than in nontoxigenic ones. The analysis of the INT-reductase activity of UF disintegrates revealed that they had endogenic respiration whose activity increased (4.5- to 6.5-fold) in the presence of the exogenic intermediates of the Krebs cycle. The uncultivable forms of the vibrios retain genes responsible for pathogenicity, as well as their antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

Surface translocation has been described in a large variety of microorganisms, including some gram-negative enteric bacteria. Here, we describe the novel observation of the flagellum-independent migration of Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli on semisolid surfaces with remarkable speeds. Important aspects of this motility are the form of inoculation, the medium composition, and the use of agarose rather than agar. Mutations in several known regulatory or surface structure proteins, such as ToxR, ToxT, TCP, and PilA, did not affect migration, whereas a defect in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis prevented translocation. We propose that the observed surface migration is an active process, since heat, protease, or chloramphenicol treatments of the cells have strong negative effects on this phenotype. Furthermore, several V. cholerae strains strongly expressing the hemagglutinin/protease but not their isogenic hap-negative mutants, lacked the ability of surface motility, and the treatment of migrating strains with culture supernatants from hap strains but not hap-null strains prevented surface translocation.  相似文献   

The possibilities of the autochthonous existence of V. cholerae in open water reservoirs, depending on the combined effect of different biotic and abiotic factors are considered. The role of adaptive variability of V. cholerae O1, biovar eltor for its preservation in the environment is emphasized. The data on the duration of the V. cholerae O1 isolation from different environmental objects in some regions of Ukraine are presented.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli NhaR controls expression of a sodium/proton (Na+/H+) antiporter, NhaA. The Vibrio cholerae NhaR protein shows over 60% identity to those of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis. V. cholerae NhaR complements an E. coli nhaR mutant for growth in 100 mM LiCl–33 mM NaCl, pH 7.6, and enhances the Na+-dependent induction of an E. coli chromosomal nhaA::lacZ fusion. These findings indicate functional homology to E. coli NhaR. Two V. cholerae nhaR mutants were constructed by using kanamycin resistance cartridge insertion at different sites to disrupt the gene. Both mutants showed sensitivity to growth in 120 mM LiCl, pH 9.2, compared with the wild-type strain and could be complemented by the introduction of V. cholerae nhaR on a low-copy-number plasmid. An nhaR mutation had no detectable effect on the virulence of the V. cholerae strain in the infant mouse model, suggesting that the antiporter system involved is not required in vivo, at least in this animal model.  相似文献   

Information on V. cholerae eltor isolated in the focus of cholera in Kazan in 2001 at different periods of the outbreak is presented. The identity of strains isolated from patients, vibriocarriers and environmental objects, including their antibioticograms (sensitivity to cyprofloxacin and resistance to trimethoprim--sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin, furazolidone and nalidixic acid, which may be regarded as markers), is shown. Variable tandem repetitions in the DNA of 30 isolates strains of different origin have been determined. The results of this determination make it possible to classify all these strains as one genotype, which confirms the suggestion on the circulation of one subclone of the infective agent of cholera in the focus. As revealed in this investigation, the isolated strains are labile with respect to diagnostic phage eltor, while ctx+ strains are resistant to phage eltor ctx+.  相似文献   

Two bacterial perhydrolase genes, perPA and perBC, were cloned from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia, respectively, using PCR amplification with primers designed to be specific for conserved amino acid sequences of the already-known perhydrolases. The amino acid sequence of PerPA was identical to a putative perhydrolase of P. aeruginosa PAO1 genome sequences, whereas PerBC of B. cepacia was a novel bacterial perhydrolase showing similarity of less than 80% with all other existing perhydrolases. Most importantly, the perPA gene was expressed as a soluble intracellular form to an extent of more than 50% of the total protein content in Escherichia coli. Two perhydrolase enzymes were confirmed to exhibit the halogenation activity towards Phenol Red and monochlorodimedone. These results suggested that we successfully obtained the newly identified members of the bacterial perhydrolase family, expanding the pool of available perhydrolases.  相似文献   

A ca. 5.5-kb region of Pseudomonas resinovorans genome containing the polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthesis locus was sequenced. Three complete open-reading-frames (ORFs), i.e., phaC1 Pr, phaZ Pr, and phaC2 Pr, were identified. Using this sequence information, phaC1 Pr was PCR-cloned from P. resinovorans genomic DNA and expressed in E. coli as shown by a Nile Red plate assay and gas chromatography/mass spectrometric analysis.  相似文献   

Electroporation has become a widely used method for rapidly and efficiently introducing foreign DNA into a wide range of cells. Electrotransformation has become the method of choice for introducing DNA into prokaryotes that are not naturally competent. Electroporation is a rapid, efficient, and streamlined transformation method that, in addition to purified DNA and competent bacteria, requires commercially available gene pulse controller and cuvettes. In contrast to the pulsing step, preparation of electrocompetent cells is time consuming and labor intensive involving repeated rounds of centrifugation and washes in decreasing volumes of sterile, cold water, or non-ionic buffers of large volumes of cultures grown to mid-logarithmic phase of growth. Time and effort can be saved by purchasing electrocompetent cells from commercial sources, but the selection is limited to commonly employed E. coli laboratory strains. We are hereby disseminating a rapid and efficient method for preparing electrocompetent E. coli, which has been in use by bacteriology laboratories for some time, can be adapted to V. cholerae and other prokaryotes. While we cannot ascertain whom to credit for developing the original technique, we are hereby making it available to the scientific community.  相似文献   

A total of 20 ctx- and 16 ctx+ V. cholerae eltor strains, 20 ctx- and 22 ctx+ V. cholerae O139 strains were under study. Hemolytic activity was tested in modified Greig test with sheep, guinea pig and rabbit red blood cells. The comparative study of the hemolytic properties of V. cholerae O1 and O139 under different conditions of cultivation demonstrated their capacity of lysing sheep red blood cells (SRBC) irrespective of the presence of toxigenic properties. A wider spectrum of lytic activity of ctx- strains in Greig test with respect to red blood cells of different animals and the capacity of lysing SRBC, most resistant to the action of toxin, may be due to a considerably greater content of Hly+ clones in their population.  相似文献   

Hemolysin of ctx+ Vibrio cholerae strains was obtained and studied. Ctx+ Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 strains produced the hemolysin during cultivation in triptone medium without FeCl3. Mol.wt. and the spectrum of lytic activities of hemolysins of ctx+ Vibrio cholerae did not differ from hemolysins of ctx- strains.  相似文献   

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