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A one-dimensional numerical model and a two-dimensional numerical model of the hydrodynamic and thermal structure of Lake Shira during summer have been developed, with several original physical and numerical features. These models are well suited to simulate the formation and dynamics of vertical stratification and provide a basis for an ecological water-quality model of the lake. They allow for the quantification of the vertical mixing processes that govern not only the thermal structure but also the nutrient exchange, and more generally, the exchange of dissolved and particulate matter between different parts of the lake. The outcome of the calculations has been compared with the field data on vertical temperature and salinity distributions in Lake Shira. Lake Shira is meromictic and exhibits very stable annual stratification. The stratification is so stable because of the high salinity of the water. If the water in Lake Shira were fresh and other parameters (depth, volume, and meteorology) were the same, as now, the lake would be mixed in autumn. Using the newly developed models and using common meteorological parameters, we conclude that Lake Shira will remain stratified in autumn as long as the average salinity is higher than 3‰.  相似文献   

1. The impact of long thermal stratification events on some key properties in a polymictic lake was studied by determining the mixing regime of Müggelsee, Germany, using water temperature profiles taken hourly over 4 years. The period included two exceptional summer heatwaves. 2. Long thermal stratification events lasted from about 1 week to 2 months, and exhibited a high variability in thermocline depth and stratification intensity within and between events. 3. During stratification events, hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations strongly decreased while hypolimnetic SRP accumulation increased, depending on the duration and intensity of stratification and on hypolimnetic water temperature. 4. The impact of stratification on the functional phytoplankton composition increased with increasing stratification duration, but was rather different for the heatwaves. 5. Stratification events were followed by strong nutrient pulses into the euphotic zone and intense phytoplankton growth, particularly after the heatwaves. Hence, the influence of the climate extremes counteracted effects of reduced external nutrient loading.  相似文献   

Nixdorf  Brigitte 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):173-186
The polymictic properties of Lake Müggelsee, a eutrophic shallow lake in Berlin, are described by the water column stability (N 2) and gradients in saturation of oxygen at the deepest site of the lake (7.5 m). Mixing and stratification changed irregularly up to 7 times during the vegetation season (April to September), as was indicated by all of the stratification parameters. Thermally stable conditions generally lasted 1–2 weeks. A maximum of 5 weeks stratification was observed in 1982.In order to investigate the response of algal development, the internal rates of change of the dominant algal species in the lake during the vegetation period were estimated from weekly measurements of phytoplankton biomass from 1980 to 1990. The necessity taking a mixed sample in a shallow lake is discussed. The polymictic properties favoured the development of specific blue-green algal species; there dominance was also favoured by the trophic conditions. Among the dominant blue-greens the growth of Limnothrix redekei was independent of polymixis whereas stratification supported the starting conditions for the summer blue-greens Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Planktothrix agardhii. After these algae reached a distinct level of biomass, they grew under mixing as well as under stratified conditions.For the development of solitary centric diatoms during summer regulation by growth restriction through nutrient limitation, esp. dissolved silicon was more important. However, Melosira sp. developed well under stratified conditions but collapsed due to increased sinking losses when the water column became too stable.An attempt is made to apply Reynolds' possibility matrix of the most likely phytoplankton assemblages as a function of nutrients and mixing in the shallow Lake Müggelsee.  相似文献   

Kallio  Kari 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):371-378
The effect of weather on the eutrophication of a shallow lake was estimated by a hydrodynamic lake model coupled with a simple water quality module. The model was applied to Lake Villikkalanjärvi in southern Finland. This shallow, agriculturally loaded lake may stratify during warm and calm periods in summer and as a result oxygen is often consumed from the hypolimnion, causing high internal loading of phosphorus. Vertical mixing and temperature distribution in the lake were simulated by a one-dimensional, horizontally integrated hydrodynamic model. State variables included in the water quality model were dissolved reactive phosphorus, chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen. The model was first calibrated against observations from 1989 and 1990. Thereafter, simulations were carried out using weather data from the years 1961 to 1988. The results indicated that warm summer periods may cause high chlorophyll a concentrations due to high internal loading. In four years with exceptionally warm summers the model predicted maximum chlorophyll a concentrations almost twice as high as in years without remarkable internal loading. The model simulates accurately temperature and mixing but the reliability of water quality predictions could be improved by adding more factors regulating algal biomass and sediment phosphorus release.  相似文献   

Kortmann  R. W.  Henry  D. D.  Kuether  A.  Kaufman  S. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):501-510
Phosphorus regeneration from lake sediments, and subsequent migration to trophogenic surface water, significantly contributes to the lake nutrient budgets and algal bloom conditions in some lake types. Decomposition of organic matter in deep water and sediments results in the accumulation of regenerated nutrients, alternate electron acceptors (reduced products of anaerobic respiration = COD), carbon dioxide, and depletion of dissolved oxygen (electron acceptor in aerobic respiration). Thermal stratification creates spatial segregation of trophogenic and tropholytic environments in the lake, resulting in gradients between sediments, hypolimnion, and the epilimnion. Exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and reduced alternate electron acceptors between the hypolimnion and epilimnion affects the productivity of a lake. Secchi depth, temperature, and dissolved oxygen profiles were determined twice each week from May 1980 to October 1980 at each of five lake stations. Nutrient concentration profiles, including total soluble and total phosphorus, ammonium-N, nitrate, soluble Kjeldahl, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen were determined twice each month. Epilimnetic algal samples were collected twice each week using Kemmerer and water column ‘straw’ amplers. Cell counts of total, green, bluegreen, and diatom algae groups were made. Three methods were used to describe hypolimnetic-epilimnetic exchange, including coefficients of eddy diffusion (based on lake heat budget), a graphical method of defining thermocline location, and relative thermal resistance to mixing (RTRM, based on density differences). All three methods yeilded comparable estimates of net seasonal transport. The graphical and RTRM methods described events occurring at shorter intervals (greater resolution). We find general agreement between the three methods of describing hypolimnetic-epilimnetic transport. The frequency of sampling resulted in increased resolution of thermal profiles (in time), allowing accurate estimation of short-term nutrient flux into epilimnetic waters. An algal bloom event occurred 5 to 12 days following erosion of the top of the metalimnion to below the aerobic-anaerobic interface. The lag time to peak algal concentration, following such events, decreased through the summer (June = 12 days, September = 5 days)  相似文献   

Lake Bunyonyi was formed about 18,000 years B.P. by a volcanic eruption which blocked a steep-sided valley. Earlier this century fish were introduced into the lake but recently there have been mass fish deaths. Although the thermocline was inconspicuous, density profiles showed the lake to the stratified and chemical evidence suggested stratification was for many years. The water was clear with little plankton and the epilimnioncontained low concentrations of dissolved mineral ions. The hypolimnion was anoxic and had a relatively high mineral ion concentration. The mass fish deaths were attributed to a violent shallow mixing, probably caused by wind, but mixing was insufficient to remineralize the epilimnion.  相似文献   

Six genera of Clad ocera (Diaphanosoma, Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Moina, Bosmina, Bosminopsis), each of them usually with only one species were found in Lake D. Helvecio, a natural valley lake located in the eastern part of Brazil. Diurnal migratory movements of the organisms observed in this lake showed a different pattern in different species. Closely related species, which explore the same food source, live in different layers, thus avoiding interspecific competition. The migratory behaviour of the species was studied mainly in relation to temperature and oxygen distribution in the lake. Thus, analyses were made in the summer (January, 1978) when a strong stratification occurs with the establishment of a thermocline and an oxycline. Comparisons were made also with the data obtained in winter (July, 1978), when a complete mixing of water occurs.  相似文献   

The Salton Sea is a shallow (mean depth = 8 m; maximum depth = 15 m), saline (41–45 g l–1), intermittently mixing, 57 km long, 980 km2 lake located in the arid southwestern United States. The Sea is a wind driven system, with predominant winds paralleling the long axis of the lake, being strongest in spring and weakest in summer and fall. The Sea mixed daily or nearly daily between September and January. During this cooling period, moderate to high levels of dissolved oxygen (3–11 mg l–1) were found throughout the water column. Mean water column temperature ranged from a minimum of 13–14 °C in early January to a maximum of 30–34 °C in July–September. During most of this warming period, the Sea was thermally stratified but subject to periodic wind driven mixing events. Winds were stronger in spring 1998 than in 1997 or 1999, causing more rapid heating of the lake that year and also delaying onset of anoxic conditions in bottom waters. During summer months, mid-lake surface waters were sometimes supersatured with oxygen, and bottom waters were hypoxic or anoxic with sulfide concentrations > 5 mg l–1. Oxic conditions (> 1 mg O2 l–1) often extended a few meters deeper nearshore than they did well offshore as a consequence of greater mixing nearshore. Mixing events in late summer deoxygenated the entire water column for a period of days. Consumption of oxygen by sulfide oxidation likely was the principal mechanism for these deoxygenation events. Sulfide concentrations in surface waters were 0.5–1 mg l–1 approximately 3 days after one mixing event in mid-August 1999. These mixing events were associated with population crashes of phytoplankters and zooplankters and with large fish kills. In the southern basin, freshwater inflows tended to move out over the surface of the Sea mixing with saline lake water as a function of wind conditions. Salinity gradients often contributed more to water column stability than did thermal gradients in the southeasternmost portion of the lake.  相似文献   

Comprehensive field investigations have been conducted four times on Nam Co, central Tibet, from September 2005 to September 2008. Here, we present the preliminary results focusing on the bathymetric survey and water quality measurements. The isobathic map shows that Nam Co is a high-altitude, deep lake where a flat and large basin lies in the central part with a water depth of more than 90 m. Water depth data from the northwestern bank areas of Nam Co provide unquestionable evidence of rising water levels in the last 3 decades because of the formation of two small islands that were still peninsulas in the 1970s. Water quality measurements taken at 19 stations during three summer field campaigns (2006, 2007 and 2008) covering almost all of the lake areas showed that the temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and electric conductivity of surface water are on average 11.43°C, 9.21, 8.90 mg l−1 and 1,851 μS cm−1, respectively. The surface water shows no obvious spatial variability among all the stations. Vertical fluctuations of profiles, however, display some differences in thermocline and related parameters, such as pH and dissolved oxygen. According to the vertical variations of water quality parameters, the water column in relatively deep lake areas of Nam Co could be divided into three layers with distinctly various features: the epilimnion is from the surface to about 18–20 m depth in which the parameters are homogeneous with higher temperature and abundant sunlight; the metalimnion ranged from 20–60 m where a thermocline develops; the deepest layer forms a cold and dark hypolimnion.  相似文献   

Extreme weather events can pervasively influence ecosystems. Observations in lakes indicate that severe storms in particular can have pronounced ecosystem‐scale consequences, but the underlying mechanisms have not been rigorously assessed in experiments. One major effect of storms on lakes is the redistribution of mineral resources and plankton communities as a result of abrupt thermocline deepening. We aimed at elucidating the importance of this effect by mimicking in replicated large enclosures (each 9 m in diameter, ca. 20 m deep, ca. 1300 m3 in volume) a mixing event caused by a severe natural storm that was previously observed in a deep clear‐water lake. Metabolic rates were derived from diel changes in vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen concentrations using a Bayesian modelling approach, based on high‐frequency measurements. Experimental thermocline deepening stimulated daily gross primary production (GPP) in surface waters by an average of 63% for >4 weeks even though thermal stratification re‐established within 5 days. Ecosystem respiration (ER) was tightly coupled to GPP, exceeding that in control enclosures by 53% over the same period. As GPP responded more strongly than ER, net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of the entire water column was also increased. These protracted increases in ecosystem metabolism and autotrophy were driven by a proliferation of inedible filamentous cyanobacteria released from light and nutrient limitation after they were entrained from below the thermocline into the surface water. Thus, thermocline deepening by a single severe storm can induce prolonged responses of lake ecosystem metabolism independent of other storm‐induced effects, such as inputs of terrestrial materials by increased catchment run‐off. This highlights that future shifts in frequency, severity or timing of storms are an important component of climate change, whose impacts on lake thermal structure will superimpose upon climate trends to influence algal dynamics and organic matter cycling in clear‐water lakes.  相似文献   

Our observations indicate the vertical distribution of zooplankton and its seasonal changes in Dubník II reservoir (Slovakia) are determined mainly by the thermal regime of the reservoir, by transparency, and by fish and invertebrate predation. During periods of circulation, zooplankton vertical distribution in the whole water column was more homogeneous, whilst during summer temperature stratification zooplankton concentrated in the epilimnion — rotifers in higher layers than crustaceans. During summer stagnation a steep thermal gradient occurred at the boundary of the epi-and hypolimnion and low temperature and low dissolved oxygen in hypolimnion offered a refuge for Chaoborus flavicans larvae against fish, enabling coexistence of vertebrate and invertebrate predation. This evidence supports our previous findings concerning dominance of rotifers in zooplankton and representation of crustaceans by small-bodied species in the study reservoir. Steep thermal gradient and the presence of Chaoborus larvae caused very low zooplankton abundance in the lower part of the water column and a reduction of cladocerans refuges against fish to layers of thermocline or closely under thermocline where Daphnia cucullata and Daphnia parvula were found. Our previous assumptions about the high density of zooplanktivorous fish in Dubník II reservoir are supported by the fact that these small cladocerans are represented by smaller individuals in the upper layers and bigger individuals in deeper layers.  相似文献   

1. We examined 60 clear, stained and glacial lakes in Alaska to quantify the relative importance of climate setting, morphometry, transparency, and lake typology influences on various thermal characteristics including duration of growing season, water temperature, mixing depth (MD) and heat content. We used analysis of variance (ANOVA ) to test for differences in thermal characteristics in association with lake type and employed simple and multiple regression techniques to determine functional relationships between variables. 2. Latitude accounted for 60% of the total variance in length of growing season. Although the date of maximum heat content was consistent among lake types, stained lakes had longer growing seasons compared with clear and glacially turbid lakes. 3. Maximum water temperatures were approximately 3 °C higher in stained lakes and 3 °C lower in glacial lakes compared with clear lakes. Mean water column temperature was significantly lower in glacial lakes (5.9 °C) compared with clear lakes (7.4 °C), but there was no statistical difference between clear and stained lakes (7.2 °C) or between stained and glacial lakes. Maximum surface temperatures were positively related (r2=0.51) to colour (humic stain), but negatively related (r2=0.40) to inorganic turbidity (glacial silt). 4. Only about half of the lakes in our data set underwent summer stratification. None of the glacial lakes developed a distinct thermocline, but stained lakes had shallower MDs (mean 8 m) than clear lakes (mean 12 m). Thus, the MD to total depth ratio for glacial lakes was unity compared with mean values of 0.66 for clear lakes and 0.34 for stained lakes. Fetch explained a significant fraction (51%) of the total variance in MD. Considering all lakes, MD was inversely related to transparency (Secchi depth). In contrast, considering only stratified clear and stained lakes, MD was positively related to Secchi depth (SD), the fraction of the total variance explained was 23%. The sign of the slope was dependent on the mixture of lake types. 5. Despite significant (ANOVA ) differences in water temperatures, growing season, and MDs among the three lake types, there were no statistical differences in the summer heat budget associated with lake type. In addition, heat budgets were poorly correlated with lake area, depth and volume. In contrast, mean water column temperature was strongly and inversely related (r2=0.77) to mean depth. 6. Potential explanations for the similarity in summer heat budget among lake types and weak correlation with morphometry were attributed to different patterns in vertical heat distribution associated with lake typology (colour and turbidity) differences. 7. Multiple linear regression including climatic (latitude and altitude), morphometric, and lake typology (colour and turbidity) factors demonstrated a hierarchical (climate–morphometry–typology) regulation of growing season characteristics, water temperatures, stratification and heat retention. A regional and hierarchical framework for lake thermal characteristics adds to our understanding of potential responses to climatic change and may be important for regional management objectives for fisheries.  相似文献   

  • 1 The vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen and inorganic nitrogen differed considerably between three stratification cycles in Lake Titicaca, a tropical lake (latitude 16°S) in the high Andes (3800 m altitude). In 1980/81 an anoxic layer of water extended from 200 to 275 m and contained high levels of NH4 but zero NO3. During the annual deep mixing period in 1981 this layer was substantially eroded, and was completely eliminated during deep-mixing in 1982.
  • 2 Nitrapyrin assays of nitrification demonstrated highest activity in the surface mixed layer, lowest activity just beneath the thermocline, and then increasing nitrification rates with increasing depth towards the bottom anoxic zone. Denitrification rates were slow, but detectable, in the surficial sediments of Lake Titicaca during late 1982. Much faster rates were estimated for the periods of water column anoxia.
  • 3 Lake Titicaca is a productive lake with low saturation levels of oxygen because of its high altitude. These features favour hypolimnetic anoxia, and thus denitrification which varies in magnitude from year to year.

Physical and chemical profiles of a shallow (c. 12-m-deep) subsaline (total dissolved solids 2.3-2.8 g l–1) closed-basin lake in the continental area of southwestern Greenland are described for the first time. Watercolumn data for every 5th consecutive day between April 20 and October 6, 2001, and continuous recordings of lake water level and meteorological conditions are used to infer controls on contemporary lake functioning, sediment formation and climate-lake interactions. Limnological observations demonstrate the importance of lake-ice formation and its role in haline convection and the development of meromixis. Observed lake cycling suggest that the lake at present is in a state of near-meromixis where stagnant bottom waters de-stratify through deep penetration of weak haline convective cells by the end of June. From this study, the primary reasons the shallow Greenlandic low salinity lakes develop meromixis are:(i) lack of an outflow (ii) meltwater dilution and chemical stratification of surface waters, (iii) insubstantial wind mixing, (iv) a weak winter thermohaline convective cell forced by cryoconcentration, and (v) biogeochemically enhanced solute concentrations near the sediment bed. Throughout the open water period the hydrological balance is dominated by evaporative losses. Lake surface water conductivities change from 2110 to 2890 S cm–1 due to the combined effects of open water evaporation, meltwater dilution, diffusive exchanges over the seasonal pycnocline, and boundary mixing. Freeze-out of salts and resulting deep haline convection increase overall water column salinity during winter. Owing to deep convective mixing, plant nutrients are relatively high in the upper watercolumn with a dominant internal source of phosphorous. Extreme productivity pulses of phytoplankton are observed as soon as sub-ice radiation levels increase and directly after ice-out when sufficient wind mixing can support an intense monospecific diatom bloom of Diatoma spp. leading to the rapid depletion of dissolved silica.  相似文献   

Friligos  N. 《Hydrobiologia》1985,126(1):53-58
This paper investigates the relationship between nutrients, chlorophyll a and physical variables in the upper Saronikos Gulf, an oligotrophic marine environment south of the Greater Athens Metropolitan Area. Phosphate, silicate, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were determined at eight stations on 9 occasions during summer 1982. A thermocline led to the stratification of the water column and the pycnocline was related to the thermocline. The values of oxygen were more or less normal. The Eutrophication of the seawater in the vicinity of the sewage outfall was demonstrated by surface levels of chlorophyll a being forty to two hundred times above background. This parameter provides evidence for a high phytoplankton standing stock. However, there were no appreciable differences between the nutrients in the outfall area and those in the background. This suggests rapid uptake of nutrients and/or effective dispersal from the outfall.  相似文献   

The hypolimnetic protozoan plankton of a eutrophic lake   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The seasonal distribution of benthic species in the water column above and below the thermocline in a small eutrophic lake is described. During summer stratification populations of Spirostomum spp, Loxodes spp., Plagiopyla and Deltopylum become established in the plankton on or below the oxycline/thermocline. At shallow sites no migration occurred and populations of the migratory species in the benthos were sparse, with the exception of Plagiopyla which occurred in high densities in the sediment. Two distinct planktonic populations are established during stratification: an epilimnetic community of obligate planktonic ciliates and a hypolimnetic community of benthic migrants.  相似文献   

The concentration of dissolved oxygen in waters 0.5–0.6 m above the bottom of Lake Hibara, a dimictic lake, was zero in early spring of 1994 and 1997. The concentrations in early spring of 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, and 1998 ranged from 3.75 to 10.1 mg l−1. The depth profiles of water temperature suggest that water had not circulated prior to the sample collections of 1994 and 1997, but it had done so in the cases of the other years, suggesting that winter conditions were well preserved in the former years. On the other hand, the dissolved oxygen in the same strata decreased severely in summer. However, more or less titratable amounts of dissolved oxygen still remained (0.01–0.73 mg l−1) at the final stages of summer stratification from 1992 to 1998. These facts show that a completely anoxic condition is not formed in this lake in summer but is sometimes formed in winter. It is interesting to note that in spite of unfavorable winter conditions for oxygen consumption, i.e., shorter duration and lower water temperature, oxygen is exhausted. These facts suggest that ventilation to the depths is much greater in summer than in winter. Received: March 5, 1999 / Accepted: October 18, 1999  相似文献   

Yu  Neng  Culver  David A. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(2-3):175-184
Colonization and proliferation of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) population in Hargus lake, a small thermally stratified reservoir in Ohio, U.S.A., caused a significant increase in water clarity and a remarkable decrease in phytoplankton biomass during the period from 1993 to 1995. Increased light penetration and reduced organic matter loading to the meta-and hypolimnion were reflected in the lake stratification patterns, particularly in the temperature and oxygen profiles in the metalimnion. The meta- and hypolimnetic water temperature increased significantly over three years, irrespective of variation in surface water temperature. The epilimnion depth (mixing depth) increased by about the same magnitude as did the average Secchi depth. However, the total heat content of the lake did not show a consistent trend to increasing zebra mussel abundance, as it was largely influenced by the temperature of the large water volumes near the surface, which were in turn affected by weather conditions. Concurrent with the thermal structure change, the dissolved oxygen structure also changed over three years, though to a lesser extent. The changes in oxygen stratification pattern were reflected by increased oxygen concentrations in the metalimnion and a lowered depth of 3 mg l–1 DO isopleth. These observed changes were likely attributed to increased water mixing depth, metalimnion photosynthesis and reduced oxygen consumption by organic matter. With increased epilimnion thickness and improved oxygen conditions in the metalimnion, the habitable space for aquatic macro-organisms (including fish) expanded substantially. Our results suggest that the indirect impacts of zebra mussels on small lake stratification patterns may have much broader implications than do the direct trophic interactions to the whole ecosystem.  相似文献   

Water quality samples were obtained monthly or bimonthly 17 times from May 1974 to May 1975 at three stations in Delaware Bay. In addition, two 12-hour cruises were also conducted at one station in February and April 1975. Surface and bottom water samples were taken. Measurements and analyses included temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, silicate, nitrate and nitrite, orthophosphate, ammonia, chlorophylls a, b, and c, phaeopigments, and carotenoids. The annual pattern of temperature was typical of an estuary in the mid-Atlantic Bight. Salinity and dissolved oxygen ranged from 22.9 to 29.7‰ and from 4.53 to 8.53 ml/l, respectively. Nutrient and pigment values showed seasonal peaks. Silicate (30.3 μg-at/1) and orthosphate (1.59 μg-at/1) were highest in September. Highest concentrations of ammonia were commonly measured in July (6.80 μg-at/1) and September (5.13 μg-at/1), and peak concentrations of nitrate and nitrite were recorded in January (24.27 μg-at/l), February (18.2 μg-at/1), and May (16.37 μg-at/1). Peak concentrations of chlorophyll a were measured in August (17.2 μg-at/1), October (15.70 μg-at/1), and March (15.33 μg-at/1). In general, the annual pattern for chlorophylls b and c were similar to chlorophyll a. Comparison with other estuaries and bays (Narrangansett Bay, Long Island Sound, Raritan Bay, and Chesapeake Bay) indicated that concentrations of nutrients and pigments in Delaware Bay were generally similar in magnitude and seasonality, These are the first set of seasonal water quality data for lower Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

The Scheldt river drains a densely populated and industrialized area in northern France, western Belgium and the south-west Netherlands. Mineralization of the high organic load carried by the river leads to oxygen depletion in the water column and high concentrations of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Upon estuarine mixing, dissolved oxygen concentrations are gradually restored due to reaeration and dilution with sea water. The longitudinal redox gradient present in the Scheldt estuary strongly affects the geochemistry of nutrients. Dissolved nutrients in the water column and dissolved nitrogen species in sediment porewaters were determined for a typical summer and winter situation. Water column concentration-salinity plots showed conservative behaviour of dissolved Si during winter. During summer (and spring) dissolved Si may be completely removed from solution due to uptake by diatoms. The geochemistry of phosphorus was governed by inorganic and biological processes. The behaviour of nitrogen was controlled by denitrification in the anoxic fluvial estuary, followed by nitrification in the upper estuary (prior to oxygen regeneration). In addition, nitrogen was taken up during phytoplankton blooms in the lower estuary. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen species in porewaters from the upper 20 cm of sediments were obtained from a subtidal site in the middle of the lower estuary. Dissolved nutrient concentrations were low in the upper 10–15 cm of the sandy and organic poor (<1% POC) sediments mainly as a result of strong sediment mixing. The porewater profiles of ammonium and nitrate were evaluated quantitatively, using a one-dimensional steady-state diagenetic model. This coupled ammonium-nitrate model showed ammonification of organic matter to be restricted to the upper 4 to 7 cm of the sediments. Total nitrification ranged from 3.7–18.1 mmol m?2 d?1, converting all ammonium produced by ammonification. The net balance between nitrification and denitrification depended on the season. Nitrate was released from the sediments during winter but is taken up from the water column during summer. These results are in good agreement with data obtained from the independently calibrated water column model for the Scheldt Estuary (VAN GILSet al., 1993).  相似文献   

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