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Polyketides are natural products with a wide range of biological functions and pharmaceutical applications. Discovery and utilization of polyketides can be facilitated by understanding the evolutionary processes that gave rise to the biosynthetic machinery and the natural product potential of extant organisms. Gene duplication and subfunctionalization, as well as horizontal gene transfer are proposed mechanisms in the evolution of biosynthetic gene clusters. To explain the amount of homology in some polyketide synthases in unrelated organisms such as bacteria and fungi, interkingdom horizontal gene transfer has been evoked as the most likely evolutionary scenario. However, the origin of the genes and the direction of the transfer remained elusive.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used comparative phylogenetics to infer the ancestor of a group of polyketide synthase genes involved in antibiotic and mycotoxin production. We aligned keto synthase domain sequences of all available fungal 6-methylsalicylic acid (6-MSA)-type PKSs and their closest bacterial relatives. To assess the role of symbiotic fungi in the evolution of this gene we generated 24 6-MSA synthase sequence tags from lichen-forming fungi. Our results support an ancient horizontal gene transfer event from an actinobacterial source into ascomycete fungi, followed by gene duplication.


Given that actinobacteria are unrivaled producers of biologically active compounds, such as antibiotics, it appears particularly promising to study biosynthetic genes of actinobacterial origin in fungi. The large number of 6-MSA-type PKS sequences found in lichen-forming fungi leads us hypothesize that the evolution of typical lichen compounds, such as orsellinic acid derivatives, was facilitated by the gain of this bacterial polyketide synthase.  相似文献   

Although strand-biased gene distribution(SGD) was described some two decades ago,the underlying molecular mechanisms and their relationship remain elusive.Its facets include,but are not limited to,the degree of biases,the strand-preference of genes,and the influence of background nucleotide composition variations.Using a dataset composed of 364 non-redundant bacterial genomes,we sought to illustrate our current understanding of SGD.First,when we divided the collection of bacterial genomes into non-polC and polC groups according to their possession of DnaE isoforms that correlate closely with taxonomy,the SGD of the polC group stood out more significantly than that of the non-polC group.Second,when examining horizontal gene transfer,coupled with gene functional conservation(essentiality) and expressivity(level of expression),we realized that they all contributed to SGD.Third,we further demonstrated a weaker G-dominance on the leading strand of the non-polC group but strong purine dominance(both G and A) on the leading strand of the polC group.We propose that strand-biased nucleotide composition plays a decisive role for SGD since the polC-bearing genomes are not only AT-rich but also have pronounced purine-rich leading strands,and we believe that a special mutation spectrum that leads to a strong purine asymmetry and a strong strand-biased nucleotide composition coupled with functional selections for genes and their functions are both at work.  相似文献   

水平基因转移   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
欧剑虹  谢志雄  陈向东  倪丽娜  沈萍 《遗传》2003,25(5):623-627
简要介绍了水平基因转移(horizontal gene transfer,HGT)的基本概念以及进行转移的主要方式:由质粒或病毒等介导的水平基因转移和基因的“直接”水平转移。并结合基因组序列分析,重点阐述远缘生物之间发生的广泛的基因交流,以及其与进化、系统发育和基因工程生物安全性问题的探讨。 Abstract:In this paper the conception of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) was introduced,and main mode of HGT was also enumerated as follows:HGT by medium such as plasmid and virus etc.and the HGT without any medium.The transfer of genes from one species to another especially between remote species was emphasized by the information from genome sequencing.The problems about evolution phylogenies and safety of GEMs (gene engineered microorganisms) for HGT were discussed.  相似文献   

V'yugin  V. V.  Gelfand  M. S.  Lyubetsky  V. A. 《Molecular Biology》2003,37(4):571-584
We suggest a new procedure to search for the genes with horizontal transfer events in their evolutionary history. The search is based on analysis of topology difference between the phylogenetic trees of gene (protein) groups and the corresponding phylogenetic species trees. Numeric values are introduced to measure the discrepancy between the trees. This approach was applied to analyze 40 prokaryotic genomes classified into 132 classes of orthologs. This resulted in a list of the candidate genes for which the hypothesis of horizontal transfer in evolution looks true.  相似文献   

Aerobic heterotrophs were isolated from subsurface soil samples obtained from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Field Research Center (FRC) located at Oak Ridge, Tenn. The FRC represents a unique, extreme environment consisting of highly acidic soils with cooccurring heavy metals, radionuclides, and high nitrate concentrations. Four hundred isolates obtained from contaminated soil were assayed for heavy metal resistance, and a smaller subset was assayed for tolerance to uranium. The vast majority of the isolates were gram-positive bacteria and belonged to the high-G+C- and low-G+C-content genera Arthrobacter and Bacillus, respectively. Genomic DNA from a randomly chosen subset of 50 Pb-resistant (Pbr) isolates was amplified with PCR primers specific for PIB-type ATPases (i.e., pbrA/cadA/zntA). A total of 10 pbrA/cadA/zntA loci exhibited evidence of acquisition by horizontal gene transfer. A remarkable dissemination of the horizontally acquired PIB-type ATPases was supported by unusual DNA base compositions and phylogenetic incongruence. Numerous Pbr PIB-type ATPase-positive FRC isolates belonging to the genus Arthrobacter tolerated toxic concentrations of soluble U(VI) (UO22+) at pH 4. These unrelated, yet synergistic, physiological traits observed in Arthrobacter isolates residing in the contaminated FRC subsurface may contribute to the survival of the organisms in such an extreme environment. This study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study to report broad horizontal transfer of PIB-type ATPases in contaminated subsurface soils and is among the first studies to report uranium tolerance of aerobic heterotrophs obtained from the acidic subsurface at the DOE FRC.  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer (HT) of genes between multicellular animals, once thought to be extremely rare, is being more commonly detected, but its global geographic trend and transfer mechanism have not been investigated. We discovered a unique HT pattern of Bovine-B (BovB) LINE retrotransposons in vertebrates, with a bizarre transfer direction from predators (snakes) to their prey (frogs). At least 54 instances of BovB HT were detected, which we estimate to have occurred across time between 85 and 1.3 Ma. Using comprehensive transcontinental sampling, our study demonstrates that BovB HT is highly prevalent in one geographical region, Madagascar, suggesting important regional differences in the occurrence of HTs. We discovered parasite vectors that may plausibly transmit BovB and found that the proportion of BovB-positive parasites is also high in Madagascar where BovB thus might be physically transported by parasites to diverse vertebrates, potentially including humans. Remarkably, in two frog lineages, BovB HT occurred after migration from a non-HT area (Africa) to the HT hotspot (Madagascar). These results provide a novel perspective on how the prevalence of parasites influences the occurrence of HT in a region, similar to pathogens and their vectors in some endemic diseases.  相似文献   

A 37-kb photosynthesis gene cluster was sequenced in a photosynthetic bacterium belonging to the beta subclass of purple bacteria (Proteobacteria), Rubrivivax gelatinosus. The cluster contained 12 bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis genes (bch), 7 carotenoid biosynthesis genes (crt), structural genes for photosynthetic apparatuses (puf and puh), and some other related genes. The gene arrangement was markedly different from those of other purple photosynthetic bacteria, while two superoperonal structures, crtEF-bchCXYZ-puf and bchFNBHLM-lhaA-puhA, were conserved. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of these photosynthesis genes showed that the photosynthesis gene cluster of Rvi. gelatinosus was originated from those of the species belonging to the alpha subclass of purple bacteria. It was concluded that a horizontal transfer of the photosynthesis gene cluster from an ancestral species belonging to the alpha subclass to that of the beta subclass of purple bacteria had occurred and was followed by rearrangements of the operons in this cluster.  相似文献   

The review considers the involvement of bacteriophages in transferring genes, which determine bacterial pathogenicity, and the increasing role of comparative genomics and genetics of bacteria and bacteriophages in detecting new cases of horizontal gene transfer. Examples of phage participation in this process proved to a different extent are described. Emphasis is placed on the original work carried out in Russia and focused on bacteriophages (temperate transposable phages and giant virulent KZ-like phages) of conditional pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Consideration is given to the possible lines of further research of the role of bacteriophages in the infection process and, in particular, the role of virulent phages, whose products are similar to those of pathogenic bacteria, in modification of clinical signs of infectious diseases and in evolution. An attempt is made to predict the possible direction of pathogen evolution associated with development of new treatment strategies and generation of new specific niches.  相似文献   

水平基因转移是不通过生殖而进行的遗传物质交流, 在原核生物和单细胞真核生物的进化中起着重要作用。然而, 水平基因转移在多细胞真核生物之间的发生频率以及对多细胞真核生物进化的影响尚不明确。近期的一些研究显示, 水平基因转移在高等植物之间以及高等植物和其它生物之间普遍存在。该文将对高等植物中已发现的一些水平基因转移现象进行综述, 并尝试解析植物之间水平基因转移可能的机制及其重要意义。  相似文献   

Plant surfaces, colonized by numerous and diverse bacterial species, are often considered hot spots for horizontal gene transfer (HGT) between plants and bacteria. Plant DNA released during the degradation of plant tissues can persist and remain biologically active for significant periods of time, suggesting that soil or plant-associated bacteria could be in direct contact with plant DNA. In addition, nutrients released during the decaying process may provide a copiotrophic environment conducive for opportunistic microbial growth. Using Acinetobacter baylyi strain BD413 and transplastomic tobacco plants harboring the aadA gene as models, the objective of this study was to determine whether specific niches could be shown to foster bacterial growth on intact or decaying plant tissues, to develop a competence state, and to possibly acquire exogenous plant DNA by natural transformation. Visualization of HGT in situ was performed using A. baylyi strain BD413(rbcL-ΔPaadA::gfp) carrying a promoterless aadA::gfp fusion. Both antibiotic resistance and green fluorescence phenotypes were restored in recombinant bacterial cells after homologous recombination with transgenic plant DNA. Opportunistic growth occurred on decaying plant tissues, and a significant proportion of the bacteria developed a competence state. Quantification of transformants clearly supported the idea that the phytosphere constitutes a hot spot for HGT between plants and bacteria. The nondisruptive approach used to visualize transformants in situ provides new insights into environmental factors influencing HGT for plant tissues.Despite the annually increasing acreage planted with genetically modified plants worldwide, the ongoing debate on their ecological safety is controversial and gave impetus to different studies of the putative horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of recombinant DNA from plant to bacteria (12, 30). Research regarding the fate of plant transgenes in environmental microbial communities is driven by practical societal concerns related to the potential dissemination of antibiotic resistance determinants in the environment and by fundamental evolution questions about gene transfer between species and kingdoms. Different parts of a plant (globally defined as the phytosphere) support the growth of numerous and diverse bacteria that colonize the surfaces or internal tissues and display advantageous, neutral, or pathogenic functions toward the plant (1, 9, 22). However, the plant as a whole is exposed to many environmental challenges and does not always provide the same favorable conditions for bacterial growth. The latter depends on several factors, such as the presence of nutrients, moisture, shelter from desiccation and UV, and shelter from grazing and predation, all of which fluctuate rapidly and are heterogeneously distributed in and on the plant. Hence, bacterial growth seems to occur mostly in nutrient-rich, few, and localized microhabitats on plant surfaces where bacteria would form aggregates (17, 20, 21, 22, 33). The presence of large clusters of bacteria at sites of relative nutrient abundance on plant surfaces might also increase the potential for metabolic and genetic exchange (19). For example, bacterial growth and relatively high rates of transfer for a conjugative plasmid were reported to occur on plant surfaces (2, 3, 5). Similarly, availability of growth substrates, high bacterial density, and the presence of solid leaf surfaces were thought to induce gene transfer by conjugation in the phyllosphere at significantly high rates (26).Of the three mechanisms of bacterial HGT, natural transformation is considered to be the only one that could be effectively implicated in the transfer of DNA from transgenic plants to bacteria (4, 25). Although plants support bacterial growth, only putative evidence of DNA released by naturally degrading plant tissue being involved in a natural transformation process exists (23). Ceccherini et al. (6) showed, for example, that although most of the plant DNA was degraded within a short time by plant nucleases in planta during the process of plant decay, a measurable fraction escaped degradation and was still able to transform a recipient soil isolate in vitro (6).In order to assess plant-to-bacteria gene transfer, some studies have been conducted with different plant compartments. For example, the possibility for Acinetobacter baylyi strain BD413 to grow opportunistically in Ralstonia solanacearum-infected plant tissues revealed a new niche for this soil bacterium: the pathosphere. Moreover, this bacterium could be naturally transformed therein by artificially added or indigenous transgenic DNA (10, 11). Yet, other plant compartments could be as propitious to HGT; for example, the residuesphere (i.e., the naturally degrading plant material at the interface with soil) has been shown to provide conditions for growth and conjugal gene transfer between indigenous soil bacteria (7, 34). The litter and the residues of annual crops represent an important amount of final plant production, which are often left in the field after harvest and, in most cases, account for up to 60% of the world''s plant biomass (14).The assessment of natural transformation events in the soil or the phytosphere has, however, revealed several methodological challenges and biases, since quantification of transformation events has often been conducted with a cultivation-based approach requiring the plating of recipient bacteria on selective media supplemented with antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance determinants are widespread in soil environments, providing a technical intricacy in the discrimination between recipients with newly acquired traits and indigenous antibiotic-resistant flora with naturally fitted analogous genes. In addition, discrepancies between transformation frequencies determined on plates and those determined by cell densitometry revealed that the latter were usually higher by 2 orders of magnitude (37), leading to an underestimation of the phenomenon in natural settings. In addition, the uncertainty of whether each colony enumerated on a plate belongs to a single independent transformation event or is one of many clones (from one event) extracted from the sample makes transformation frequency calculations imprecise. Another drawback of the plating step is the disruptive sampling of material to rescue transformants, which averages the frequency calculations over the entire sample. Due to the spatial heterogeneity of available nutrients and biologically active DNA, localized spots, which are most conducive for HGT, might be delimited at microscale. However, to date, knowledge about the effective topology is lacking, although the heterogeneity of bacterial growth on plant surfaces has been shown (15, 20, 21, 22).The objectives of this study were to determine whether, during the natural or pathogen-induced decay of plant tissues, specific niches could be shown to foster bacterial growth, to develop a competence state, and to possibly acquire exogenous plant DNA using the Acinetobacter baylyi strain BD413 via natural transformation. Visualization of bacterial colonization plant material and detection of HGT events were performed at the leaf and bacterial scales using a cultivation-independent assay that relies upon a bioreporter tool (32). Microcosm-based experiments revealed that bacterial growth and competence development occur in different compartments of the plant. Isolation and direct visualization of transformants in situ suggest that some compartments of the phytosphere can be regarded as environmental hot spots for HGT.  相似文献   

Glycosyltransferases (GTs) control the synthesis and structures of glycans. Inactivation and intense allelic variation in members of the GT6 family generate species-specific and individual variations in carbohydrate structures, including histo-blood group oligosaccharides, resulting in anti-glycan antibodies that target glycan-decorated pathogens. GT6 genes are ubiquitous in vertebrates but are otherwise rare, existing in a few bacteria, one protozoan, and cyanophages, suggesting lateral gene transfer. Prokaryotic GT6 genes correspond to one exon of vertebrate genes, yet their translated protein sequences are strikingly similar. Bacterial and phage GT6 genes influence the surface chemistry of bacteria, affecting their interactions, including those with vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

According to the scientific literature, it is reasonable to consider that lateral transfer of genes is an usual mechanism of adaptation of the biological organisms to environmental stresses. Furthermore, from bacteria to cultured human cells, including fungi and plants, a large diversity of horizontal gene transfers—natural or artificial, experimental or deduced from sequence analysis—have been described. Therefore, the uncharacterized biodiversity—particularly in microbiology—associated with the universality of the horizontal gene transfer phenomenon leads to the consideration that dissemination of DNA from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in biological environments, including food and soil, is uncontrolled and predictable.  相似文献   

Protein posttranslational modifications add great sophistication to biological systems. Citrullination, a key regulatory mechanism in human physiology and pathophysiology, is enigmatic from an evolutionary perspective. Although the citrullinating enzymes peptidylarginine deiminases (PADIs) are ubiquitous across vertebrates, they are absent from yeast, worms, and flies. Based on this distribution PADIs were proposed to have been horizontally transferred, but this has been contested. Here, we map the evolutionary trajectory of PADIs into the animal lineage. We present strong phylogenetic support for a clade encompassing animal and cyanobacterial PADIs that excludes fungal and other bacterial homologs. The animal and cyanobacterial PADI proteins share functionally relevant primary and tertiary synapomorphic sequences that are distinct from a second PADI type present in fungi and actinobacteria. Molecular clock calculations and sequence divergence analyses using the fossil record estimate the last common ancestor of the cyanobacterial and animal PADIs to be less than 1 billion years old. Additionally, under an assumption of vertical descent, PADI sequence change during this evolutionary time frame is anachronistically low, even when compared with products of likely endosymbiont gene transfer, mitochondrial proteins, and some of the most highly conserved sequences in life. The consilience of evidence indicates that PADIs were introduced from cyanobacteria into animals by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). The ancestral cyanobacterial PADI is enzymatically active and can citrullinate eukaryotic proteins, suggesting that the PADI HGT event introduced a new catalytic capability into the regulatory repertoire of animals. This study reveals the unusual evolution of a pleiotropic protein modification.  相似文献   

水平基因转移(horizontal gene transfer,HGT)是指遗传物质在种间通过非垂直传递方式的移动。HGT可能造成种群的快速协同进化、不同物种间的趋同进化、获得新遗传性状等,是物种进化的重要驱动力之一。过去对HGT的研究主要集中在原核生物和植物方面,但近年来动物方面的HGT现象逐渐受到关注。为进一步了解动物类群中HGT的研究概况,列举了近年来动物类群中HGT的实例和相关证据,评估了证据的可靠性,同时简要介绍了HGT的验证方法,以期更好地理解HGT在动物进化中的重要意义。  相似文献   

近几十年来,病原菌耐药性的出现和蔓延已上升为严峻的公共卫生问题。越来越多研究表明,抗菌素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)不仅仅见于临床所分离的病原体,而是包括所有的致病菌、共生菌以及环境中的细菌,它们都能在可移动遗传元件和噬菌体的作用下,通过水平基因转移(horizontal gene transfer,HGT)途径获得耐药性,进而形成抗菌素耐药基因簇(耐药基因组)。HGT可导致抗菌素的耐药性在环境共生菌和病原菌之间传播扩散,这可通过临床上一些重要的抗菌素耐药基因的传播证实。传统观念认为HGT的三种机制中,接合对ARGs的传播影响最大,最近研究表明转化和转导对ARGs播散起到不可忽视的作用。通过深入了解耐药基因组的传播及其在动员病原菌耐药中发挥的作用,对于控制这些基因的播散是至关重要的。将讨论耐药基因组的概念,提供临床相关的抗菌素抗性基因水平基因转移的例子,对当前已研究的促使抗菌素耐药性传播的各种HGT机制进行回顾。  相似文献   

Microbes acquire DNA from a variety of sources. The last decades, which have seen the development of genome sequencing, have revealed that horizontal gene transfer has been a major evolutionary force that has constantly reshaped genomes throughout evolution. However, because the history of life must ultimately be deduced from gene phylogenies, the lack of methods to account for horizontal gene transfer has thrown into confusion the very concept of the tree of life. As a result, many questions remain open, but emerging methodological developments promise to use information conveyed by horizontal gene transfer that remains unexploited today.The discovery of the existence of prokaryotic microbes dates back more than 300 years. Since then, our picture of our distant microscopic relatives has undergone several revolutions: from being the living “proofs” of the existence of spontaneous generation, they became later the “archaic” representatives of our distant ancestors, to finally be legitimately recognized as exceptionally diverse organisms, keystone to any ecosystem, including the most familiar and the most hostile environments on Earth. Similarly, although they were first seen as elementary and unbreakable bricks of life, they are now seen as genetically composite bodies, heavyweight champions of “gene robbery.” The most recent of these revolutions has indeed been the realization of their unparalleled ability to integrate genetic material coming from more or less evolutionarily distant organisms. This mechanism is called “horizontal gene transfer” as opposed to vertical transmission from mother to daughter cell.  相似文献   

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