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Seasonal changes in reproductive activity in the adult male vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus), a South American rodent, were investigated. Monthly, for 2 yr, the animals were killed and decapitated during the night near their burrows in the vicinity of San Luis, Argentina. The testes, epididymides, and pineal glands were removed and used for biochemical and structural studies. Significant changes associated with seasonal cycles were found. 1) In July-August (winter in South America), a short hibernal period of sexual quiescence, decline in testicular and epididymal weights, arrest of spermatogenesis, and decrease of serum testosterone were observed. The gonads regressed during this period, with regression most pronounced in August. 2) During September-November (spring), a recovery period--without arrest of spermatogenesis--was observed, with significant expression of gonadal activity during April-May (autumn). In this season, gonadal weight was increased and spermatogenesis was complete. These results indicate an increase in sexual activity as well as in the ability to secrete testosterone. A gradual reduction of testicular activity appeared in June-July (early winter). Conversely, in this period, the pineal hydroxyindole-O-methyl transferase activity decreased in contrast to the highest values observed in winter. Our findings indicate that the male adult vizcacha under natural conditions exhibits an annual reproductive cycle. A possible relationship between increased pineal activity and gonadal regression is also suggested.  相似文献   

We studied for the first time the mammary gland morphogenesis and its hormonal modulation by immunolocalizing estradiol, progesterone and prolactin receptors (ER, PR and PRLR) in adult females of Lagostomus maximus, a caviomorph rodent which shows a pseudo-ovulatory process at mid-gestation. Mammary ductal system of non-pregnant females lacks expression of both ERα and ERβ. Yet throughout pregnancy, ERα and ERβ levels increase as well as the expression of PR. These increments are concomitant with ductal branching and alveolar differentiation. Even though mammary gland morphology is quite similar to that described for other rodents, alveolar proliferation and differentiation are accelerated towards the second half of pregnancy, once pseudo-ovulation had occurred. Moreover, this exponential growth correlates with an increment of both progesterone and estradiol serum-induced pseudo-ovulation. As expected, PR and PRLR are strongly expressed in the alveolar epithelium during pregnancy and lactation. Strikingly, PRLR is also present in ductal epithelia of cycling glands suggesting that prolactin function may not be restricted to its trophic effect on mammary glands of pregnant and lactating females, but it also regulates other physiological processes in mammary glands of non-pregnant animals. In conclusion, this report suggests that pseudo-ovulation at mid-gestation may be associated to L. maximus mammary gland growth and differentiation. The rise in P and E2-induced pseudo-ovulation as well as the increased expression of their receptors, all events that correlate with the development of a more elaborated and differentiated ductal network, pinpoint a possible relation between this peculiar physiological event and mammary gland morphogenesis.  相似文献   

In the present work we investigated the presence of testosterone in serum and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptors in testes of the vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus), a South American rodent. We also investigated the effect of constant light on both parameters. The control group consisted of vizcachas caught in their natural habitat and maintained under continuous darkness; the experimental group consisted of animals maintained under constant light (1076 lx) for 8 days. The results revealed a significant decrease in serum testosterone and FSH receptors when the animals were maintained under constant light, as compared to the control group. Androstenedione was elevated in the serum obtained from the experimental group. It is postulated that the pineal gland may regulate testosterone secretion through FSH receptors and through an enzymatic blockade in the steroidogenic pathway; this supposition, however, remains to be proved.  相似文献   

Pineal glands of vizcachas collected from their natural habitat were studied. Hydroxyindole-O-methyl transferase (HIOMT) activity showed a great individual dispersion. However, the enzyme activity was significantly higher in males than in females. Serotonin was also assayed in the glands. It did not show significant differences between both sexes. The results are discussed in relation to the natural life conditions of this rodent.  相似文献   

The following parameters, RNA and protein content, gland weight and nuclear size were studied in pineal glands of adult male vizcachas, maintained in captivity under permanent light (Lot I) and darkness (Lot II). The same determinations were performed in pineals of vizcachas shot at night in their normal habitat (Lot III, Control lot). A significant rise of gland weight and RNA content was observed in Lot I (with respect to the Control lot), while nuclear size and protein content were unchanged. The only significative differences between Lots I and II were also found in the pineal weight and RNA content. These results indicate that exposure of vizcachas to permanent light for 10 days does not produce inhibition of the parameters under study as occurs in other species. Apparently, the light acts as a stressor in these nocturnal mammals.  相似文献   

We studied spatial and temporal effects of local extinction of the plains vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) on plant communities following widespread, natural extinctions of vizcachas in semi-arid scrub of Argentina. Spatial patterns in vegetation were examined along transects extending outward from active and extinct vizcacha burrow systems. Responses of vegetation to removal of vizcachas were assessed experimentally with exclosures and by documenting vegetation dynamics for 6 years following extinctions. Transect data demonstrated clear spatial patterns in plant cover, particularly an increase in perennial grasses, outward from active vizcacha burrows. These patterns were consistent with predictions based on foraging theory and studies that document grasses as the preferred food of vizcachas. Removal of vizcachas, experimentally and with extinctions, resulted in an immediate increase in perennial and annual forbs indicating that intense herbivory can depress forb cover, as well as grasses. After a 1-year lag following cessation of herbivory, cover of grasses increased. Forbs declined as grasses increased. The long-term effect of extinction of vizcachas was a conversion of colony sites from open patches dominated by forbs to dense bunch grass characteristic of the matrix. Major changes in vegetation occurred within 2–3 years after extinction, resulting in a large pulse of landscape change. However, some species of grasses were uncommon until 5–6 years after the vizcacha extinction. With extinction and colonization, vizcachas generate a dynamic mosaic of patches on the landscape and create temporal, as well as spatial, heterogeneity in semi-arid scrub.  相似文献   

The viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus) is a seasonal rodent living in the Southern Hemisphere. The adult males exhibit an annual reproductive cycle characterized by a gonadal regression period during winter. In this study, we investigated the effects of bilateral enucleation and captivity on their annual reproductive cycle. Testicular volume relative to body weight was recorded monthly in intact and bilaterally enucleated animals placed under natural photoperiod, water, and food ad lib. and constant temperature. Testes and accessory organs were evaluated by qualitative and quantitative light microscopic studies. The intact animals showed an annual reproductive cycle with complete gonadal atrophy in the first year. In the second year, testicular regression was observed but attenuated in regard to that recorded in the first winter period, indicating that adaptive changes might be involved. Bilateral enucleation in the viscacha dampened and extended the period of its annual reproductive cycle. The results suggest that both conditions, constant captivity and enucleation, produced stimulatory effects on the reproductive system of this rodent. Furthermore, local control mechanisms might be responsible for the morphological differences observed in testes, epididymis, and seminal vesicles from both groups, which exhibited similar levels of serum testosterone. Finally, an intact retinohypothalamic-pineal axis and/or photoperiodic input would be necessary to maintain the reproductive cycle amplitude and timing in viscacha.  相似文献   

In contrast to most mammalian species, females of the South American plains vizcacha, Lagostomus maximus, show an extensive suppression of apoptosis-dependent follicular atresia, continuous folliculogenesis, and massive polyovulation. These unusual reproductive features pinpoint to an eventual peculiar modulation of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-gonadal axis through its main regulator, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). We explored the hypothalamic histological landscape and cellular and subcellular localization of GnRH in adult non-pregnant L. maximus females. Comparison to brain atlases from mouse, rat, guinea pig and chinchilla enabled us to histologically define and locate the preoptic area (POA), the ventromedial nucleus, the median eminence (ME), and the arcuate nucleus (Arc) of the hypothalamus in vizcacha's brain. Specific immunolocalization of GnRH was detected in soma of neurons at medial POA (MPA), ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, septohypothalamic nucleus (SHy) and Arc, and in beaded fibers of MPA, SHy, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, anterior hypothalamic area and ME. Electron microscopy examination revealed GnRH associated to cytoplasmic vesicles of the ME and POA neurons, organized both in core and non-core vesicles within varicosities, and in neurosecretory vesicles within the myelinated axons of the MPA. Besides the peculiar and unusual features of folliculogenesis and ovulation in the vizcacha, these results show that hypothalamus histology and GnRH immune-detection and localization are comparable to those found in other mammals. This fact leads to the possibility that specific regulatory mechanisms should be in action to maintain continuous folliculogenesis and massive polyovulation.  相似文献   

The South American plains vizcacha, Lagostomus maximus, displays an exceptional ovulation rate of up to 800 eggs per cycle, the highest rate recorded for a mammal. Massive polyovulation arises from the overexpression of the apoptosis-inhibiting BCL2 gene leading to a suppression of apoptotic pathways responsible for follicular atresia in mammals. We analyzed the ovarian histology, ovarian apoptosis, and apoptosis-related protein expression with special emphasis in corpora lutea throughout the 5-mo-long gestation period, at parturition day and early postpartum, in L. maximus. Corpora lutea were abundant throughout gestation with no sign of structural regression even at the end of gestation. Both immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis showed strong signals for apoptosis-inhibiting BCL2 protein, whereas the proapoptotic BAX protein was just detected in isolated luteal cells in gestating females and postpartum females. Apoptosis-associated DNA fragmentation detected by TUNEL was very scarce and occasional and correlated with BAX detection in luteal cells. Marked expression of progesterone and alpha-estrogen receptors in luteal cells was found at early, mid-, and late gestation as well as at parturition day and early postpartum samples. Additionally, serum level of progesterone increased markedly to reach maximal values at late gestation and decreasing at parturition to levels found at early gestation, suggesting that corpora lutea remained functional throughout gestation. These results point out that the unusual ovarian environment of L. maximus in which germ cell demise is abolished through antiapoptotic BCL2 gene overexpression also preserves structural integrity and functionality of corpora lutea during the whole gestation. Overexpression of antiapoptotic BCL2 gene may represent a strategy for an essential need of ovary and corpora lutea in order to maintain pregnancy until term.  相似文献   

The Leydig cells of viscacha (seasonal rodent) show cytoplasmic hypertrophy and regional distribution during the breeding period (summer-autumn). The dominant organelles are smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and mitochondria. A moderately well-developed Golgi, abundant lipid inclusions, dense bodies like lysosomes in different stages, and centrioles are observed. Extensive or focal desmosome and gap-like junctions between neighbouring Leydig cells are present. These cells exhibit an evident hypotrophy and an increase in the number of dense bodies during the gonadal regression in winter (July and August). Cells in different stages of involution are observed in this period. Their nuclei are irregular and heterochromatic. The cytoplasm contains few mitochondria. The vesicular SER is scarse. Irregular and large intercellular spaces with microvilli and amorphous material are present. The junctional complexes are absent. The nuclear and cytoplasmic volume and development of SER and mitochondria increase during the recovery period (spring). The lipid inclusions decrease. Dilatations of the intercellular space with microvilli and limited by focal desmosome-like junctions are observed. In conclusion, the Leydig cells of Lagostomus maximus maximus show deep changes alongside the reproductive cycle. The photoperiod variations, through pineal hypothalamus pituitary axis and the hormone melatonin, are probably responsible for them. Moreover, the fall of serum and tubular testosterone would be one of the factors responsible for gonadal regression.  相似文献   

Pineal samples of the viscacha, which were taken in winter and in summer, were analysed using both light and electron microscopy. The differences found between the two seasons were few in number but significant. The parenchyma showed two main cell populations. Type I cells occupied the largest volume of the pineal and showed the characteristics of typical pinealocytes. Many processes, some of which were filled with vesicles, could be seen in intimate contact with the neighbouring cells. The presence in the winter samples of "synaptic" ribbons and spherules, which were almost absent in the summer pineals, suggests a seasonal rhythm. These synaptic-like structures, as well as the abundant subsurface cisterns present in type I cells, appeared as basic differential features which allowed these cells to be distinguished from type II cells. These latter cells, which can be classified as interstitial cells, showed some other distinguishing features, such as irregular-shaped nuclei, abundant deposits of glycogen-like particles and structures of unknown function consisting of concentric cisterns surrounding a dense body. In the summer, interstitial cells displayed numerous large round bodies, which contributed to increase the cellular volume slightly. Regarding other constituents, like glial cell processes, vessels of non-fenestrated endothelium and sympathetic innervation, no qualitative differences were observed between the two seasons studied. We have presented here some morphological evidences of the circannual rhythm of the viscacha pineal, as well as ultrastructural criteria for distinguishing the main cell populations of this organ, which could be useful for studies carried out in other mammals.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of lithium chloride administration (Sigma): 1 mmol/kg b.w. i.p./day for 35 days on the testes and sperm of viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus), a nocturnal rodent found only in the pampas of Argentina. The histological study showed that hypospermatogenesis and the sperm number per mL decreased markedly in comparison with the controls (treatment group: 315 x 10(6) +/- 77 x 10(6); control group: 693 x 10(6) +/- 39 x 10(6), Means +/- SEM, Student's t-test: p < 0.05). The sperm motility and viability were also affected. Under the same treatment, the testicular tissue and the sperm of rats were not damaged. Moreover, lithium induced these changes when the plasm levels were within the therapeutic range in humans. Our results provide evidence for the claim that viscacha testes and sperm react very sensitively to low doses of lithium, whereas these concentrations do not produce damage in rats.  相似文献   

Lagostomus maximus is a South American Hystricognathi rodent whose reproductive behaviour shows characteristics unusual for mammals, such as polyovulation (200–800 oocytes) and a high rate of embryo mortality. Thirty‐six mature females captured in the province of Buenos Aires showed different physiological reproductive stages. Most of them presented a postpartum oestrus in August–September. This characteristic is different from that reported in other geographical areas. The stages considered were: anoestrus, follicular phase, early pregnancy and late pregnancy. The ovaries were light‐pink and smooth and presented a tortuous cord‐like aspect. Many primordial follicles were found in all the females studied. Follicles in different states of maturation and primary and accessory corpora lutea were observed in the cortex. These structures were smaller than those present in other related species. Follicles did not project into the surface of the organ. Calcified follicles of diverse size were found in all the ovaries. Atretic follicles were found in all the stages analysed. Interstitial tissue surrounding the follicles and the corpora lutea was also observed. The number and proportion of different cortical structures varied in the physiological stages analysed. The ovaries of the viscacha have differential characteristics in comparison to other Hystricognathi, some of them related to polyovulation.  相似文献   

The reproductive and adaptative behavior of wild rodents is synchronized primarily by the photoperiod. The viscacha, a South American rodent of nocturnal habits and seasonal reproduction is photoperiod‐dependent and its reproductive behavior is regulated by the retinohypothalamic‐pituitary pineal axis. Adult males exhibit an annual reproductive cycle with periods of maximum gonadal activity (summer‐early autumn) and gonadal regression (winter). The corpus and the cauda, the most sensitive segments of the epididymis to changes induced by the photoperiod, were analyzed using electron microscopy and enzymatic biochemistry. During gonadal regression, principal and clear cells showed signs of involution with respect to the activity period. These were characterized by more irregular nuclei, smaller cytoplasms, large vacuoles, altered mitochondria, and glycogen deposits. All cellular populations of the epididymal epithelium in regression presented abundant lysosome‐like dense bodies during the active period. In addition, we measured the activity of four acid glycosidases in the cauda epididymis along the reproductive cycle. N‐acetyl‐β‐D‐glucosaminidase (NAG), an enzyme that degrades endocytosed substances from the epididymal lumen, increased significantly during gonadal regression relative to the active period. These results demonstrate that the viscacha epididymis exhibits significant ultrastructural and biochemical changes during the reproductive cycle. We demonstrate that during regression, melatonin secretion in viscacha increases. This study shows that the epididymal epithelium is reduced. Thus, we postulate that the changes observed in the epididymis are modulated by pineal melatonin. Despite these changes, the epididymis might maintain a microenvironment suitable for the survival of stored spermatozoa. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Plains vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) is one of the largest rodents in South America. They live in communal burrow systems (vizcacheras) shaped by complex subterranean galleries which produce a strong impact on the local landscape. This paper presents the results of an actualistic study conducted with abandoned vizcacheras from the Pampas region of Argentina. The main objective is to evaluate the role of this rodent in the formation of the fossil record. Results indicate that the Plains vizcacha is responsible for the mixing, accumulation, and transport of materials; such as sticks, caliche, dung, feces, and abundant bone remains. Their burrowing activity and the accumulating habits, modifies the landscape, creating environments conducive to the buildup of objects and the reuse by different animals. These characteristics result in very complex associations of materials of different origins; making this rodent an important taphonomic agent with the potential to significantly impact the fossil record.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics and percentage of the cellular associations between gonadotrophs (LH- and FSH-secreting cells) and other cellular types were studied in pituitary pars distalis of adult male viscachas (Lagostomus maximus maximus) by double immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies to LH, FSH, PRL, GH, ACTH, TSH and S-100 protein (by folliculostellate cells; FSC), during long and short photoperiods. Bihormonal gonadotrophs were observed in ventro-medial and dorsal regions, interspersed between monohormonal gonadotrophs, and their number increased in short photoperiod. LH- and FSH-gonadotrophs were found around lactotrophs, enclosed by somatotrophs in the dorsal region, and associated with irregular corticotrophs. Gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs were associated along blood vessels and follicular structures. The cytoplasmic prolongations of FSC were in contact with both gonadotrophs. The percentage of LH–FSH, LH–ACTH, LH–FSC, FSH–LH, FSH–PRL, FSH–GH, FSH–ACTH, FSH–TSH and FSH–FSC associations decreased, whereas LH–PRL increased in short as compared to long photoperiod. The most abundant associations were LH–GH and LH–TSH during long photoperiod, but LH–GH and LH–PRL during short photoperiod. FSH–GH and FSH–PRL were the most numerous associations, and LH–FSC and FSH–FSC were the less abundant ones in both photoperiods. These results provide the morphological evidence for specific cellular associations between gonadotrophs and other cellular types of viscacha pituitary.  相似文献   

Complex structures can be seen associated with large areas of endoplasmic reticulum of the chromaffin cells in the viscacha adrenal medulla. These structures are cylindrical in shape and are formed by chains of globular subunits. A central lumen is observed within which there are bodies resembling chromaffin granules. Parallel cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum are arranged surrounding these bodies. The functional significance of these structures in unknown.  相似文献   

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