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Barettin (cyclo [(6-bromo-8-en-tryptophan) arginine]), a diketopiperazine isolated from the marine sponge Geodia barretti, is a potent inhibitor of barnacle larvae settlement with an EC50-value of 0.9 microM. In the present study, 14 analogs of barettin and its structural congener dipodazine were synthezised and tested for their ability to inhibit larval settlement. Two of the analogs have an intact barettin skeleton. The remaining analogs have a dipodazine skeleton (a diketopiperazine where arginine is replaced with glycine). Six of the tested synthetic analogs displayed significant settlement inhibition with the most potent inhibitor being benzo[g]dipodazine, which displayed even stronger activity than barettin (EC50-value 0.034 microM). The effect of benzo[g]dipodazine was also shown to be readily reversible, when cyprids were transferred to filtered seawater (FSW).  相似文献   

Agelasine and agelasimine derivatives with substantially less complicated terpenoid side chains compared to the naturally occurring compounds have been synthesized and their ability to inhibit growth of microorganisms and cancer cells has been studied. Compounds with excellent activity against cancer cell lines (MIC ca. 1 microM for the most potent compounds), including a drug resistant renal cell line, have been identified. Most compounds studied also exhibited broad spectrum antimicrobial activity including activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Twelve simple linear isocyanides were synthesized and examined for antifouling activity and toxicity against cyprid larvae of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. Larval settlement was inhibited, with EC50 values of 0.046-1.90 microg ml(-1), and they were much less toxic (LD50 values ranging over 21.28 microg ml(-1)) than CuSO4 (EC50 0.30 microg ml(-1) and LD50 2.95 microg ml(-1)). The data indicate that simple linear isocyanides are promising non-toxic antifouling agents.  相似文献   

In this field investigation the two cyclopeptides, isolated from the marine sponge Geodia barretti Bowerbank (Geodiidae, Astrophorida), are shown to be very efficient in preventing recruitment of the barnacle Balanus improvisus (Cirripedia, Crustacea) and the blue mussel Mytilis edulis (Protobranchia, Lamellibranchia) when included in different marine paints. These brominated cyclopeptides, named barettin and 8,9-dihydrobarettin were incorporated in different non-toxic coatings. The substances were used in the concentrations 0.1 and 0.01% in all treatments. The most efficient paint was a SPC polymer. This paint, in combination with barettin and 8,9-dihydrobarettin, reduced the recruitment of B. improvisus by 89% (barettin, 0.1%) and by 67% (8,9-dihydrobarettin, 0.1%) as compared to control panels. For M. edulis, the reduction of recruitment was 81% with barettin (0.1%) and 72% with 8,9-dihydrobarettin (0.1%) included in the SPC paint. This indicates that the two compounds from G. barretti could provide non-toxic alternatives as additives in antifouling paints, since the heavy metal-based marine paints are to be replaced.  相似文献   


The barnacle Balanus improvisus is the major fouling macroorganism in Swedish waters and it colonizes most man‐made surfaces submerged in the sea. New or impending legislation restricts the use of traditional, hazardous antifouling coatings based on heavy metals, mainly copper and tin. This calls for the development of new non‐toxic methods that prevent barnacle settlement. In this work several adrenoceptor compounds are shown to be very efficient in preventing the settlement of cyprid larvae of B. improvisus. The settlement rate of laboratory‐reared cyprids was studied in hydrophilised polystyrene dishes containing adrenoceptor antagonists and agonists dissolved in seawater. Two of these drugs, medetomidine and clonidine, repeatedly inhibited settlement at concentrations between 1 nM and 10 nM. In the vertebrate adrenoceptor classification system, which separates pharmacological substances according to their receptor affinity, both of these substances are classified as α2 adrenoceptor agonists. An inhibiting effect on presyn‐aptic receptors is suggested, but the localization of the receptor effect requires futher studies. Experiments also revealed that the inhibiting effect of medetomidine was reversible. Cyprids incubated with medetomidine for 20 h attached and metamorphosed into juvenile barnacles after washing and transferrence to seawater. The antagonizing compound atipamezole reversed the effect of medetomidine. This observation supports the assumption that this substance acts at the receptor level. Studies of the surface affinity of medetomidine revealed a strong tendency to accumulate in solid/ liquid phase boundaries. This ability makes it particularly attractive as a candidate for the development of a slow‐release carrier in marine coatings. Panels coated with medetomidine in an acrylate polymer and exposed in the field reduced the recruitment of B. improvisus by 96% after 4 weeks and by 70% after 8 weeks.  相似文献   

A key area in marine antifoulant research is the discovery of new environmentally friendly solutions that prevent biofilm formation and associated biocorrosion. Taking into consideration the natural mechanisms of marine organisms to protect against epibiosis, new biomimetic solutions can be utilised against biofouling, and marine bacteria are promising agents. Therefore, the goal of this study was to identify cultivable bacteria with antifouling (AF) activity associated with the sponge Aplysina gerardogreeni. A collection of 63 bacteria was isolated, and the organic extracts were assayed against various microfouler strains (16 bacteria and five microalgae). The results showed that 87% of bacterial extracts were active against the microfoulers tested. Sixteen of them can be considered to possess AF potential and belong to the genera Bacillus, Micrococcus, Paracoccus, Pseudobacter, Pseudovibrio, Psychrobacter, Staphylocuccus and Terribacillus. Bioactivity showed temporal variations; the highest activity was in February and June and the lowest in October. Bacillus bacteria were dominant and showed AF activities throughout the year. The results revealed those marine bacteria sponge-associated and the genus Bacillus in particular, are promising AF agents.  相似文献   

The flatworm Stylochus tauricus Jacubova has been found associated with the barnacle Balanus improvisus Darwin, on which it feeds. The predation rate (the number of barnacles eaten by one polyclad in a month) ranges between 5–10. Inside the empty shells of B. improvisus some egg-plates of S. tauricus were observed. Pelagic Götte's larvae aged 2–3 days possess 4 lobes while those aged 7–8 days have 5 lobes. Flatworms can prey on the young of another species Balanus eburneus Gould, whereas predation on the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. is rare. There is a direct correlation between predator abundance and prey ingested.  相似文献   

We describe the effect of eight different imidazoline/guanidinium compounds on the settlement and metamorphosis of larvae of the barnacle Balanus improvisus. These agents were chosen on the basis of their similar pharmacological classification in vertebrates and their chemical similarity to medetomidine and clonidine, previously described as highly potent settlement inhibitors (nanomolar range). Seven of the tested compounds were found to inhibit settlement in a dose-dependent manner in concentrations ranging from 100 nM to 10 microM without any significant lethal effects. In vertebrate systems these substances have overlapping functions and interact with both alpha-adrenoceptors as well as imidazoline binding sites. Antagonizing experiments using the highly specific alpha(2)-antagonist methoxy-idazoxan or agmatine (the putative endogenous ligand at imidazoline receptors) were performed to discriminate between putative pharmacological mechanisms involved in the inhibition of cyprid settlement. Agmatine was not able to reverse the effect of any of the tested compounds. However, methoxy-idazoxan almost completely abolished the settlement inhibition mediated by guanabenz (alpha(2)-agonist, I(2) ligand), moxonidine (alpha(2)-agonist, I(1) ligand) and tetrahydrozoline (alpha-agonist, I(2) ligand). The actions of cirazoline (alpha(1)-agonist, I(2) ligand) BU 224 (I(2) ligand) and metrazoline (I(2) ligand) were not reversed by treatment with methoxy-idazoxan. These results suggest that the settlement inhibition evoked by the I(2) ligands and alpha(2)-agonists used in this study of the neurologically simple but well-organized barnacle larva is mediated through different physiological targets important in the overall settlement process.  相似文献   

The nervous system of nauplii of the crustacean taxon Cirripedia was analysed in the species Balanus improvisus Darwin, 1854 using for the first time immunocytochemical staining against serotonin, RFamide and α-tubulin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. This approach revealed a circumoesophageal neuropil ring with nerves extending to the first and second antennae and to the mandibles, all features typical for Crustacea. In addition, RFamidergic structures are present in the region of the thoraco-abdomen. A pair of posterior nerves and a pair of lateral nerves run in anterior-posterior direction and are connected by a thoracic nerve ring and a more posteriorly situated commissure. A median nerve is situated along the ventral side of the thoraco-abdomen. The innervation of frontolateral horns and the frontal filaments are α-tubulin-positive. Several pairs of large neurons in the protocerebrum, along the circumoesophageal connectives and in the mandibular ganglion stain only for serotonin. Due to the almost complete absence of comparable data on the neuroanatomy of early (naupliar) stages in other Crustacea, we include immunocytochemical data on the larvae of the branchiopod, Artemia franciscana Kellogg, 1906 in our analysis. We describe several characteristic neurons in the brains of the nauplius larvae of both species which are also found in decapod larvae and in adult brains of other crustaceans. Furthermore, our data reveal that the naupliar brain of cirripedes is more complex than the adult brain. It is concluded that this ontogenetic brain reduction is related to the sessile life style of adult Cirripedia.  相似文献   

Experiments performed in the field and in the laboratory show that the barnacle, Balanus improvisus, preferentially settles on smooth surfaces. Settlement and recruitment of B. improvisus was evaluated on micro-textured surfaces with scales of surface texture ranging from 1 to 100 μm in profile heights. Surface texture with profile heights within a topographic range of 30-45 μm reduced settlement and recruitment by 92% as compared to smooth surfaces. The reduction in recruitment on micro-textured surfaces is best explained by behavioural responses to surface topography. Behavioural experiments show that cyprids have a higher propensity for smooth surfaces than for micro-textured surfaces. Cyprids spend more time exploring smooth surfaces and more time swimming when exposed to micro-textured surfaces. Micro-textured surfaces are more often rejected by cyprids after exploration than smooth surfaces. It is suggested that some scales of surface texture could be exploited to improve future anti-fouling techniques in geographical areas where Balanus improvisus is a severe fouling problem.  相似文献   

In laboratory-based biofouling assays, the influence of physico-chemical surface characteristics on barnacle settlement has been tested most frequently using the model organism Balanus amphitrite (= Amphibalanus amphitrite). Very few studies have addressed the settlement preferences of other barnacle species, such as Balanus improvisus (= Amphibalanus improvisus). This study aimed to unravel the effects of surface physico-chemical cues, in particular surface-free energy (SFE) and surface charge, on the settlement of cyprids of B. improvisus. The use of well-defined surfaces under controlled conditions further facilitates comparison of the results with recent similar data for B. amphitrite. Zero-day-old cyprids of B. improvisus were exposed to a series of model surfaces, namely self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of alkanethiols with varying end-groups, homogenously applied to gold-coated polystyrene (PS) Petri dishes. As with B. amphitrite, settlement of cyprids of B. improvisus was influenced by both SFE and charge, with higher settlement on low-energy (hydrophobic) surfaces and negatively charged SAMs. Positively charged SAMs resulted in low settlement, with intermediate settlement on neutral SAMs of similar SFE. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that despite previous suggestions to the contrary, these two species of barnacle show similar preferences in response to SFE; they also respond similarly to charge. These findings have positive implications for the development of novel antifouling (AF) coatings and support the importance of consistency in substratum choice for assays designed to compare surface preferences of fouling organisms.  相似文献   

Newly hatched stage I–II nauplii of Balanus improvisus (Darwin) were “totally starved” (until death) or “partially starved” for the first 48 h and 96 h of their development. Daily mortality and molting were monitored throughout larval development in both starved and fed control groups. Fed control animals exhibited a largely synchronous molting pattern with instars of equal duration. Total starvation suppressed molting beyond stage II; 50% mortality occurred in ≈4 days at both 15 and 21 °C, while longest survival time was 7 days at 15 °C and 6 days at 21 °C. At 15 °C, partially starved nauplii retained the ability to complete naupliar development but at a slower overall rate and with increased mortality relative to controls. These effects were more pronounced in the 96-h group. Increased mortality of stage VI nauplii was evident in both partially starved groups (7.1% for 48 h, 18.8% for 96 h) relative to unstarved controls (3.1%). Stage II nauplii exhibited little resistance to starvation and survival potential may have decreased as soon as 24 h.  相似文献   

Bioassay guided purification of the acetone extract of the marine sponge, Haliclona exigua, (Gulf of Mannar, India) yielded a fraction rich in bis-1-oxaquinolizidine alkaloids, active against seven strains of fouling bacteria as well as cyprids of the cosmopolitan barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. The major alkaloids in the mixture have been tentatively identified as nor-araguspongine C (33.76%), araguspongine C (6.49%), dihydroxy araguspongine (36.36%), methyl and dimethyl derivatives of the latter (12.98 and 10.38%, respectively) from HRMS studies. The lower EC50 (6.6 μg/ml as against the US Navy standard of 25 μg/ml for NPAs) and low toxicity (LC50 18 μg/ml as compared to 0.00001 μg/ml for TBT) values, coupled with its favourable therapeutic ratio (2.7 as against the requirement of >1) makes these compounds ideal NPAs in environmentally compatible antifouling coatings.  相似文献   

A key question in barnacle biology is the nature of cues that induce gregarious settlement. One of the characterised cues is the waterborne settlement pheromone (WSP). This study aimed to identify WSP homologues in Balanus improvisus and to investigate their expression during settlement. Six WSP homologues were identified, all containing an N-terminal signal peptide, a conserved core region, and a variable C-terminus comprising several -GR- and -HDDH- motifs. The B. improvisus WSP homologues were expressed in all settlement stages but showed different expression patterns. The homologue most similar to the B. amphitrite WSP was the most abundant and was constantly expressed during settlement. In contrast, several of the other WSP homologues showed the greatest expression in the juvenile stage. The presence of several WSP homologues suggests the existence of a pheromone mix, where con-specificity might be determined by a combination of sequence characteristics and the concentration of the individual components.  相似文献   

Increased settlement on bacterial biofilms has been demonstrated for a number of marine invertebrate larvae, but the nature of the cue(s) responsible is not well understood. We tested the hypothesis that the bay barnacle Balanus improvisus utilizes the bacterial signal molecules N‐acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) as a cue for the selection of sites for permanent attachment. Single species biofilms of the AHL‐producing bacteria Vibrio anguillarum, Aeromonas hydrophila and Sulfitobacter sp. BR1 were attractive to settling cypris larvae of B. improvisus. However, when AHL production was inactivated, either by mutation of the AHL synthetic genes or by expression of an AHL‐degrading gene (aiiA), the ability of the bacteria to attract cyprids was abolished. In addition, cyprids actively explored biofilms of E. coli expressing the recombinant AHL synthase genes luxI from Vibrio fischeri (3‐oxo‐C6‐HSL), rhlI from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (C4‐HSL/C6‐HSL), vanI from V. anguillarum (3‐oxo‐C10‐HSL) and sulI from Sulfitobacter sp. BR1 (C4‐HSL, 3‐hydroxy‐C6‐HSL, C8‐HSL and 3‐hydroxy‐C10‐HSL), but not E. coli that did not produce AHLs. Finally, synthetic AHLs (C8‐HSL, 3‐oxo‐C10‐HSL and C12‐HSL) at concentrations similar to those found within natural biofilms (5 μm ) resulted in increased cyprid settlement. Thus, B. improvisus cypris exploration of and settlement on biofilms appears to be mediated by AHL‐signalling bacteria in the laboratory. This adds to our understanding of how quorum sensing inhibition may be used as for biofouling control. Nonetheless, the significance of our results for larvae settling naturally in the field, and the mechanisms that underlay the observed responses to AHLs, is as yet unknown.  相似文献   

Yang LH  Lee OO  Jin T  Li XC  Qian PY 《Biofouling》2006,22(1-2):23-32
Many soft-bodied sessile marine invertebrates such as sponges and soft corals defend themselves against fouling directly through the production of antifouling compounds, or indirectly through regulating the epibiotic microbes that affect larval settlement. In this study, 10beta-formamidokalihinol-A and kalihinol A were isolated and purified from the marine sponge Acanthella cavernosa (Dendy). The results indicated that both compounds inhibited the growth of bacteria isolated from the natural environment whereas kalihinol A suppressed larval settlement of a major fouling polychaete, Hydroides elegans with an EC50 of 0.5 microg ml(-1). Kalihinol A was incorporated in Phytagel that was exposed to the bacterial consortia in natural seawater for biofilm formation. Biofilms that developed on the Phytagel surfaces were analysed for bacterial abundance and bacterial species composition using a DNA fingerprinting technique, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). The results showed that kalihinol A only slightly reduced bacterial abundance (t-test, p = 0.0497), but modified the bacterial species composition of the biofilms. Inhibition of H. elegans larval settlement was observed when biofilms developed under the influence of kalihinol A were exposed to larvae, suggesting that compounds like kalihinol A from the sponge A. cavernosa may change bacterial community composition on the sponge surface, which in turn, modulates larval settlement of fouling organisms.  相似文献   

An atlas of the naupliar development of the cirripede Balanus improvisus Darwin, 1854 using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is provided. Existing spikes on the hindbody increase in number with each moult and are an applicable character for identification of the different nauplius stages, as is the setation pattern of the first antennae. The naupliar musculature of B. improvisus was stained with phalloidin to visualise F-actin, followed by analysis using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with subsequent application of 3D imaging software. The larval musculature is already fully established in the first nauplius stage and remains largely unchanged during all the six nauplius stages. The musculature associated with the feeding apparatus is highly elaborated and the labrum possesses lateral muscles and distal F-actin-positive structures. The alimentary tract is entirely surrounded by circular muscles. The extrinsic limb musculature comprises muscles originating from the dorsal and the ventral sides of the head shield, respectively. The hindbody shows very prominent postero-lateral muscles that insert on the dorso-lateral side of the head shield and bend towards ventro-posterior. We conclude that the key features of the naupliar gross anatomy and muscular architecture of B. improvisus are important characters for phylogenetic inferences if analysed in a comparative evolutionary framework.  相似文献   

In this field investigation the two cyclopeptides, isolated from the marine sponge Geodia barretti Bowerbank (Geodiidae, Astrophorida), are shown to be very efficient in preventing recruitment of the barnacle Balanus improvisus (Cirripedia, Crustacea) and the blue mussel Mytilis edulis (Protobranchia, Lamellibranchia) when included in different marine paints. These brominated cyclopeptides, named barettin and 8,9-dihydrobarettin were incorporated in different non-toxic coatings. The substances were used in the concentrations 0.1 and 0.01% in all treatments. The most efficient paint was a SPC polymer. This paint, in combination with barettin and 8,9-dihydrobarettin, reduced the recruitment of B. improvisus by 89% (barettin, 0.1%) and by 67% (8,9-dihydrobarettin, 0.1%) as compared to control panels. For M. edulis, the reduction of recruitment was 81% with barettin (0.1%) and 72% with 8,9-dihydrobarettin (0.1%) included in the SPC paint. This indicates that the two compounds from G. barretti could provide non-toxic alternatives as additives in antifouling paints, since the heavy metal-based marine paints are to be replaced.  相似文献   

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