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Streptococcus gordonii DL1 (Challis) bears coaggregation-mediating surface adhesins which recognize galactoside-containing surface polysaccharides onStreptococcus oralis 34,Streptococcus oralis C104, andStreptococcus SM PK509. Fifty-nine spontaneously-occurring coaggregation-defective (Cog) mutants ofS. gordonii DL1 unable to coaggregate with partner streptococci were isolated. Six representative Cog mutants were characterized by their coaggregation properties with fourActinomyces naeslundii strains (T14V, PK947, PK606, PK984),Veillonella atypica PK1910, andPropionibacterium acnes PK93. The six representative Cog mutants showed altered coaggregation with their streptococcal partners,A. naeslundii PK947, andP. acnes PK93. Based on the coaggregation phenotypes of these mutants, a model for the lactose-inhibitable coaggregation betweenS. gordonii DL1 and its partner bacteria is proposed. The potential use of these mutants in studies of oral biofilms is discussed.  相似文献   

Chitinase and peroxidase, two enzymes thought to be involved in the defense of plants against pathogens, were measured in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) roots and in nodules colonized by Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains differing in their symbiotic potential. Activities of both enzymes were higher in nodules than in roots. In effective, nitrogen-fixing nodules, colonized by wild-type bacteria, chitinase and peroxidase activities had low levels in the central infected zone and were enhanced primarily in the nodule cortex. An ascorbate-specific peroxidase, possibly involved in radical scavenging, had similarly high activities in the infected zone and in the cortex. Ineffective nodules colonized by bacteria unable to fix nitrogen symbiotically showed a similar distribution of chitinase and peroxidase. In another type of ineffective nodule, colonized by a B. japonicum strain eliciting a hypersensitive response, activities of both enzymes were enhanced to a similar degree in the infected zone as well as in the cortex. Tissue prints using a direct assay for peroxidase and an antiserum against bean chitinase corroborated these results. The antiserum against bean chitinase cross-reacted with a nodule protein of Mr 32 000; it inhibited most of the chitinase activity in the nodules but barely affected the chitinase in uninfected roots. It is concluded that proteins characteristic of the defense reaction accumulate in the cortex of nodules independently of their ability to fix nitrogen, and in the entire body of hypersensitively reacting nodules.Abbreviations PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grants 31-25730.88 (to R.B. Mellor and T. Boller) and 31-27923.89 (to A. Wiemken).  相似文献   

Jin F  Ji C  Liu L  Dai J  Gu S  Sun X  Xie Y  Mao Y 《Molecular biology reports》2004,31(3):197-202
We have isolated a novel cDNA from the human fetal brain cDNA library with homology to the Mg2+ -dependent serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) family. The cDNA is 3055 bp in length, and the predicted coding region encodes a 360-amino-acid protein, which shows 99% identity to the PP2C epsilon from rat and mouse. Then we term it human PP2C epsilon gene. The gene is mapped to chromosome 3q26.1 and contains 4 exons. RT-PCR analysis shows that the PP2C epsilon is widely expressed in human tissues and the expression levels in heart, placenta, lung, liver, kidney, and pancreas are relatively high.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol lipase α is the key enzyme in the formation of the most prevalent endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol in the brain. In this study we identified the catalytic triad of diacylglycerol lipase α, consisting of serine 472, aspartate 524 and histidine 650. A truncated version of diacylglycerol lipase α, spanning residues 1-687 retains complete catalytic activity suggesting that the C-terminal domain is not required for catalysis. We also report the discovery and the characterization of fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates for diacylglycerol lipase α. Assays performed with these substrates demonstrate equipotent inhibition of diacylglycerol lipase α by tetrahydrolipastatin and RHC-20867 as compared to reactions performed with the native diacylglycerol substrate. Thus, confirming the utility of assays using these substrates for identification and kinetic characterization of inhibitors from pharmaceutical collections.  相似文献   

Of the 19 strains of Rhizopus delemar deposited as Rhizopus oryzae, seven of them, NBRC 4726, NBRC 4734, NBRC 4746, NBRC 4754, NBRC 4773, NBRC 4775, and NBRC 4801, completely hydrolyzed exogenous sucrose and fructooligosaccharides. The sucrose-hydrolyzing enzyme was purified from the culture filtrate of R. delemar NBRC 4754 and classified to β-fructofuranosidase, similar to that of Amylomyces rouxii CBS 438.76. Fragments including β-fructofuranosidase genes (sucA) of seven strains of R. delemar and A. rouxii CBS 438.76 were amplified and sequenced by PCR with degenerated primers synthesized on the basis of the internal amino acid sequences of purified enzymes and successive inverse PCR. Nucleotide sequences of the obtained fragments revealed that open reading frames of 1,569 bp have no intron and encode 522 amino acids. The presumed proteins contained the typical domain of the glycoside hydrolase 32 family, including β-fructofuranosidase, inulinase, levanase, and fructosyltransferases. Amino acid sequences of SucA proteins from the seven strains of R. delemar were identical and showed 90.0 % identity with those of A. rouxii CBS 438.76. A dendrogram constructed from these amino acid sequences showed that SucA proteins are more closely related to yeast β-fructofuranosidases than to other fungal enzymes.  相似文献   

Interferons (IFNs) are the first line of defense against viral infections in vertebrates. Type III interferon (IFN-λ) is recognized for its key role in innate immunity of tissues of epithelial origin. Here we describe the identification of the Pekin duck IFN-λ ortholog (duIFN-λ). The predicted duIFN-λ protein has an amino acid identity of 63%, 38%, 37% and 33% with chicken IFN-λ and human IFN-λ3, IFN-λ2 and IFN-λ1, respectively. The duck genome contains a single IFN-λ gene that is comprised of five exons and four introns. Recombinant duIFN-λ up-regulated OASL and Mx-1 mRNA in primary duck hepatocytes. Our observations suggest evolutionary conservation of genomic organization and structural features implicated in receptor binding and antiviral activity. The identification and expression of duIFN-λ will facilitate further study of the role of type III IFN in antiviral defense and inflammatory responses of the Pekin duck, a non-mammalian vertebrate and pathogen host with relevance for human and animal health.  相似文献   

The geometrical structures, electronic properties and relative stabilities of small bimetallic Be n Cu m (n?+?m?=?2–7) clusters have been systematically investigated by using a density functional method at the B3PW91 level. In the most stable structures of Be n Cu m , the Be atoms tend to gather together and construct similar configurations to those of pure Be n clusters. Meanwhile, there is a tendency for Cu atoms to segregate toward the Be n cluster surface. The successive binding energies, cohesive energies, second difference of energies, the highest occupied-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy gaps and chemical hardness of Be n Cu m are also investigated. All of them demonstrate that the clusters with even number of copper atoms present relatively higher stabilities. The natural population analyses on the Be n Cu m clusters reveal that, the charge transfers from Be to Cu when the average coordination numbers (Nc) of Be atom is less than 3, whereas the charge-transferring direction reverses when Nc(Be) increases.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the -thalassemia mutations in 99 chromosomes of 49 adults with -thalassemia major and of one with Hb S--thalassemia, who are regular patients at a large hematology clinic in Bakü, Azerbaijan. A total of 20 different mutants were identified; three [frameshift at codon 8 (-AA); IVS-II-I (GA); IVS-I-110 (GA)] were present in about two-thirds of all chromosomes. Most alleles are the same as found in Mediterranean populations; a few have an Asian origin or come from Kurdistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, or a black population. One mutant [frameshift at codons 82/ 83 (-G)] might be specific for the Azerbaijanian population. Nearly all patients were transfused, which made quantitation of Hb F impossible; highG values were present in the Hb F of those patients whose -thalassemia chromosome carried the C T mutation at position — 158 in the promoter of the G-globin gene.  相似文献   

Summary We have identified different -thalassemia mutations in 93 members of 34 families of Czech or Slovakian descent using gene amplification, hybridization with specific 32P-labeled oligonucleotide probes, sequencing of amplified DNA, and gene mapping. The GA mutation at IVS-I-1 was found in 18 families; other Mediterranean mutations were IVS-II-1 (GA), IVS-II-745 (CG), IVS-I-110 (GA), and codon 39 (CT); these were present in 9 additional families. The GT mutation at codon 121, known to cause Heinzbody -thalassemia, was present in 3 families, and the frameshift at codons 82/83 (-G), first described in the Azerbaijanian population, in 2 families. A newly discovered allele was a frameshift at codons 38/39 (-C). One -thalassemia allele was incompletely characterized. We observed in 2 families a TC mutation at position +96 UTR (untranslated region) relative to the termination codon; this mutation likely is a rare polymorphism, -Thalassemia was rare; only one person carried the -3.7 heterozygosity, and one other had a yet to be identified -thalassemia-1, while seven had the anti 3.7 triplication.  相似文献   

We have identified seven different -thalassemia mutations and one -thalassemia determinant (the Sicilian type) in 32 members of 17 Hungarian families. The most common mutation is the IVS-I-1 (GA) change; its high frequency is comparable to that observed in neighboring Czechoslovakia. Additional mutations are of Mediterranean origin. One rare mutation (initiation codonATGGTG) was identified as an independent mutation because of the absence of known polymorphisms in the -globin gene. One new frameshift at codon 51 (-C) was observed in a single individual; hematological data were as expected for a °-thalassemia heterozygosity.  相似文献   

β-Catenin is an evolutionarily conserved molecule that functions as a crucial effector in both cell-to-cell adhesion and Wnt signaling. To gain a better understanding of its role in the development of hair follicles, we cloned the cDNA sequence of the β-catenin gene from the skin of Aohan fine-wool sheep and performed a variety of bioinformatics analyses. We obtained the full-length sequence, which was 4573-bp long and contained a 2346-bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 781 amino acids. The protein had a predicted molecular weight of 85.4 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.57. Domain architecture analysis of the β-catenin protein revealed an armadillo repeat region, which is a common feature of β-catenin in other species. The ovine β-catenin gene shares 97.91%, 94.25%, 94.59%, 83.89%, and 89.39% sequence identity with its homologs in Bos taurus, Homo sapiens, Sus scrofa, Gallus gallus, and Mus musculus, respectively, while the amino acid sequence is more than 99% identical with each of these species. The expression of β-catenin mRNA was detected in the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, skin, muscle, and adipose tissue. Expression levels were maximal in the lung and minimal in the muscle, and the difference in expression in these tissues was significant (P < 0.01). Western blot analysis revealed the presence of the β-catenin protein in all tissues examined; expression was lowest in the skin and adipose tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The relative frequency of different -thalassemia mutations and their association with -globin haplotypes were studied in patients from the Nile delta region, Egypt, by means of the polymerase chain reaction, oligonucleotide hybridization and restriction analysis. We found that 8 mutations account for 77% of -thalassemia chromosomes in this population, the commonest being IVS-1 nt 110, IVS-1 nt 6 and IVS-1 nt 1. Each mutation was associated with a specific haplotype, with the exception of IVS-1 nt 110, found on 3 different chromosomal backgrounds. Our data show that testing for the 8 detectable mutations makes feasible prenatal diagnosis in 65% of at risk couples and exclusion testing in an additional 25% of cases.  相似文献   

The α-glucosidase II (GII) is a heterodimer of α- and β-subunits and important for N-glycosylation processing and quality control of nascent glycoproteins. Although high concentration of α-glucosidase inhibitors from mulberry leaves accumulate in silkworms (Bombyx mori) by feeding, silkworm does not show any toxic symptom against these inhibitors and N-glycosylation of recombinant proteins is not affected. We, therefore, hypothesized that silkworm GII is not sensitive to the α-glucosidase inhibitors from mulberry leaves. However, the genes for B. mori GII subunits have not yet been identified, and the protein has not been characterized. Therefore, we isolated the B. mori GII α- and β-subunit genes and the GII α-subunit gene of Spodoptera frugiperda, which does not feed on mulberry leaves. We used a baculovirus expression system to produce the recombinant GII subunits and identified their enzyme characteristics. The recombinant GII α-subunits of B. mori and S. frugiperda hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl α-d-glucopyranoside (pNP-αGlc) but were inactive toward N-glycan. Although the B. mori GII β-subunit was not required for the hydrolysis of pNP-αGlc, a B. mori GII complex of the α- and β-subunits was required for N-glycan cleavage. As hypothesized, the B. mori GII α-subunit protein was less sensitive to α-glucosidase inhibitors than was the S. frugiperda GII α-subunit protein. Our observations suggest that the low sensitivity of GII contributes to the ability of B. mori to evade the toxic effect of α-glucosidase inhibitors from mulberry leaves.  相似文献   

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