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The physiological relationship between autophagy and programmed cell death during C. elegans development is poorly understood. In C. elegans, 131 somatic cells and a large number of germline cells undergo programmed cell death. Autophagy genes function in the removal of somatic cell corpses during embryogenesis. Here we demonstrated that autophagy activity participates in germ-cell death induced by genotoxic stress. Upon γ ray treatment, fewer germline cells execute the death program in autophagy mutants. Autophagy also contributes to physiological germ-cell death and post-embryonic cell death in ventral cord neurons when ced-3 caspase activity is partially compromised. Our study reveals that autophagy activity contributes to programmed cell death during C. elegans development.  相似文献   

Curcumin, a polyphenol compound, has been recognized as a promising anti-cancer drug. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cytotoxicity of curcumin to Leishmania donovani, the causative agent for visceral leishmaniasis. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that curcumin induced cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase. Incubation of Leishmania promastigotes with curcumin caused exposure of phosphatidylserine to the outer leaflet of plasma membrane. This event is preceded by curcumin-induced formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and elevation of cytosolic calcium through the release of calcium ions from intracellular stores as well as by influx of extracellular calcium. Elevation of cytosolic calcium is responsible for depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), release of Cytochrome c into the cytosol and concomitant nuclear alterations that included deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP end labeling (TUNEL) and DNA fragmentation. Taken together, these data indicate that curcumin has promising antileishmanial activity that is mediated by programmed cell death and, accordingly, merits further investigation as a therapeutic option for the treatment of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Energetic protons are the most abundant particle type in space and can pose serious health risks to astronauts during long-duration missions. The health effects of proton exposure are also a concern for cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment with accelerated protons. To investigate the damage induced by energetic protons in vivo to radiosensitive organs, 6-week-old BALB/c male mice were subjected to 250 MeV proton radiation at whole-body doses of 0.1, 1, and 2 Gy. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract of each exposed animal was dissected 4 h post-irradiation, and the isolated small intestinal tissue was analyzed for histopathological and gene expression changes. Histopathologic observation of the tissue using standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining methods to screen for morphologic changes showed a marked increase in apoptotic lesions for even the lowest dose of 0.1 Gy, similar to X- or γ rays. The percentage of apoptotic cells increased dose-dependently, but the dose response appeared supralinear, indicating hypersensitivity at low doses. A significant decrease in surviving crypts and mucosal surface area, as well as in cell proliferation, was also observed in irradiated mice. Gene expression analysis of 84 genes involved in the apoptotic process showed that most of the genes affected by protons were common between the low (0.1 Gy) and high (1 and 2 Gy) doses. However, the genes that were distinctively responsive to the low or high doses suggest that high doses of protons may cause apoptosis in the small intestine by direct damage to the DNA, whereas low doses of protons may trigger apoptosis through a different stress response mechanism.  相似文献   

At the neuropathological level, Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the accumulation of misfolded proteins, which can trigger the unfolded protein response (UPR). UCH-L1 is a component of ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). It is reported that the loss of its function will impair ubiquitin proteasome system and cause toxicity to cells. But its mechanism has not been illustrated. In this study, we detected the protein expression of Bip/Grp78 and the spliced form of XBP-1 to examine the activation of unfolded protein response after SK-N-SH cells being treated with LDN-57444, a UCH-L1 inhibitor which could inhibit UCH-L1 hydrolase activity. Our data showed that UCH-L1 inhibitor was able to cause cell death through the apoptosis pathway by decreasing the activity of ubiquitin proteasome system and increasing the levels of highly ubiquitinated proteins, both of which can activate unfolded protein response. There is a lot of evidence that unfolded protein response is activated as a protective response at the early stage of the stress; this protective response can switch to a pro-apoptotic response when the stress persists. In this study, we demonstrated this switch by detecting the upregulation of CHOP/Gadd153. Taken together, our data indicated that the apoptosis induced by UCH-L1 inhibitor may be triggered by the activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS). Moreover, we provide a new cell model for studying the roles of UCH-L1 in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms eliminate unwanted or damaged cells by cell death, a process essential to the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Cell death is a tightly regulated event, whose alteration by excess or defect is involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases such as cancer, autoimmune syndromes, and neurodegenerative processes. Studies in model organisms, especially in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, have been crucial in identifying the key molecules implicated in the regulation and execution of programmed cell death. In contrast, the study of cell death in Drosophila melanogaster, often an excellent model organism, has identified regulators and mechanisms not obviously conserved in other metazoans. Recent molecular and cellular analyses suggest, however, that the mechanisms of action of the main programmed cell death regulators in Drosophila include a canonical mitochondrial pathway.  相似文献   

In most multicellular organisms, the decision to undergo programmed cell death in response to cellular damage or developmental cues is typically transmitted through mitochondria. It has been suggested that an exception is the apoptotic pathway of Drosophila melanogaster, in which the role of mitochondria remains unclear. Although IAP antagonists in Drosophila such as Reaper, Hid and Grim may induce cell death without mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, it is surprising that all three localize to mitochondria. Moreover, induction of Reaper and Hid appears to result in mitochondrial fragmentation during Drosophila cell death. Most importantly, disruption of mitochondrial fission can inhibit Reaper and Hid-induced cell death, suggesting that alterations in mitochondrial dynamics can modulate cell death in fly cells. We report here that Drosophila Reaper can induce mitochondrial fragmentation by binding to and inhibiting the pro-fusion protein MFN2 and its Drosophila counterpart dMFN/Marf. Our in vitro and in vivo analyses reveal that dMFN overexpression can inhibit cell death induced by Reaper or γ-irradiation. In addition, knockdown of dMFN causes a striking loss of adult wing tissue and significant apoptosis in the developing wing discs. Our findings are consistent with a growing body of work describing a role for mitochondrial fission and fusion machinery in the decision of cells to die.  相似文献   

The Inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) antagonists Reaper (Rpr), Grim and Hid are central regulators of developmental apoptosis in Drosophila. Ectopic expression of each is sufficient to trigger apoptosis, and hid and rpr have been shown to be important for programmed cell death (PCD). To investigate the role for grim in PCD, a grim null mutant was generated. grim was not a key proapoptotic gene for embryonic PCD, confirming that grim cooperates with rpr and hid in embryogenesis. In contrast, PCD of glial cells in the microchaete lineage required grim, identifying a death process dependent upon endogenous grim. Grim associates with mitochondria and has been shown to activate a mitochondrial death pathway distinct from IAP antagonization; therefore, the Drosophila bcl-2 genes buffy and debcl were investigated for genetic interaction with grim. Loss of buffy led to microchaete glial cell survival and suppressed death in the eye induced by ectopic Grim. This is the first example of a developmental PCD process influenced by buffy, and places buffy in a proapoptotic role. PCD of microchaete glial cells represents an exceptional opportunity to study the mitochondrial proapoptotic process induced by Grim.  相似文献   

To discover hypothalamic genes that might play a role in regulating energy balance, we carried out a microarray screen for genes induced by a 48-h fast in male C57Bl/6J mouse hypothalamus. One such gene was Fkbp51 (FK506 binding protein 5; Locus NP_034350). The product of this gene is of interest because it blocks glucocorticoid action, suggesting that fasting-induced elevation of this gene in the hypothalamus may reduce glucocorticoid negative feedback, leading to elevated glucocorticoid levels, thus promoting obese phenotypes. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that a 48-h fast induces Fkbp51 in ventromedial, paraventricular, and arcuate hypothalamic nuclei of mice and rats. To assess if hypothalamic Fkbp51 promotes obesity, the gene was transferred to the hypothalamus via an adeno-associated virus vector. Within 2 wk following Fkbp51 overexpression, mice on a high-fat diet exhibited elevated body weight, without hyperphagia, relative to mice receiving the control mCherry vector. Body weight remained elevated for more than 8 wk and was associated with elevated corticosterone and impaired glucose tolerance. These studies suggest that elevated hypothalamic Fkbp51 promotes obese phenotypes.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) in higher plants is an important mechanism to prevent inbreeding and involves specific rejection of incompatible ("self") pollen. In field poppy (Papaver rhoeas), S proteins encoded by the stigma component of the S-locus interact with incompatible pollen, resulting in cessation of tip growth. This "self" interaction triggers a Ca(2+)-dependent signaling network, involving programmed cell death (PCD). We previously identified p56, a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) that is activated during the SI response in incompatible pollen. Here, we show that p56 cross-reacts with AtMPK3, but not with AtMPK4 or salicylic acid-induced protein kinase antibodies. We provide good evidence that a MAPK is involved in initiation of SI-induced PCD in incompatible pollen. SI rapidly reduces pollen viability and the MAPK cascade inhibitor U0126, which prevents the SI-induced activation of p56 in incompatible pollen, "rescues" incompatible pollen, while its negative analog, U0124, does not. This strongly implicates the involvement of a MAPK in SI-mediated loss of pollen viability and cell death. SI also stimulates caspase-3-like (DEVDase) activity and later DNA fragmentation. Both these markers of PCD are significantly reduced by pretreatment with U0126, implicating the involvement of a MAPK in signaling during early PCD. As p56 appears to be the only MAPK activated by SI, our studies imply that p56 could be the MAPK involved in mediating SI-induced PCD.  相似文献   

An increasing number of reports indicate that single-celled organisms are able to die following what seems to be an ordered program of cell death with strong similarities to apoptosis from higher eukaryotes. DNA degradation and several other apoptotic-like processes have also been described in the parasitic protozoa Leishmania. However, the existence of an apoptotic death in this parasite is still a matter of controversy. Our results indicate that most of the processes of macromolecular degradation and organelle dysfunction observed in mammalian cells during apoptosis can also be reproduced in promastigotes of the genus Leishmania when incubated at temperatures above 38°C. These processes can be partially reversed by the expression of the anti-apoptotic mammalian gene Bcl-XL, which suggests that this family of apoptosis-regulating proteins was present very early in the evolution of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Cisplatin is a highly effective chemotherapeutic drug used in the treatment of several tumors. It is a DNA-damaging agent that induces apoptosis of rapidly proliferating cells, an important factor underlying its therapeutic efficacy. Unfortunately, cellular resistance occurs often. A large fraction of tumor cells harbor mutations in p53, contributing to defects in apoptotic pathways and drug resistance. However, cisplatin-induced apoptosis can also occur in p53 deficient cells; thus, elucidation of the molecular mechanism involved will potentially yield new strategies to eliminate tumors that have defects in the p53 pathway. Most of the studies in this field have been conducted in cultured mammalian cells, not amenable to systematic genetic manipulation. Therefore, we aimed to establish a simplified model devoid of a p53 ortholog to study cisplatin-induced programmed cell death (PCD), using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Our results indicate cisplatin induces an active form of cell death in yeast, as this process was partially dependent on de novo protein synthesis and did not lead to loss of membrane integrity. Cisplatin also increased DNA condensation and fragmentation/degradation, but no significant mitochondrial dysfunction other than partial fragmentation. Co-incubation with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 increased resistance to cisplatin and, accordingly, yeast strains deficient in proteasome activity were more resistant to cisplatin than wild-type strains. Proteasome inhibitors can sensitize tumor cells to cisplatin, but protect others from cisplatin-induced cell death. Our results indicate inhibition of the proteasome protects budding yeast from cisplatin-induced cell death and validate yeast as a model to study the role of the proteasome in cisplatin-induced PCD. Elucidation of this mechanism will aid in the development of new strategies to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Our previous data showed that apoptotic suppressors inhibit aluminum (Al)-induced programmed cell death (PCD) and promote Al tolerance in yeast cells, however, very little is known about the underlying mechanisms, especially in plants. Here, we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans apoptotic suppressor Ced-9, a Bcl-2 homologue, inhibited both the Al-induced PCD and Al-induced activity of caspase-like vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE), a crucial executioner of PCD, in tobacco. Furthermore, we show that Ced-9 significantly alleviated Al inhibition of root elongation, decreased Al accumulation in the root tip and greatly inhibited Al-induced gene expression in early response to Al, leading to enhancing the tolerance of tobacco plants to Al toxicity. Our data suggest that Ced-9 promotes Al tolerance in plants via inhibition of Al-induced PCD, indicating that conserved negative regulators of PCD are involved in integrated regulation of cell survival and Al-induced PCD by an unidentified mechanism.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) prevents inbreeding through specific recognition and rejection of incompatible pollen. In incompatible Papaver rhoeas pollen, SI triggers a Ca2+ signaling cascade, resulting in the inhibition of tip growth, actin depolymerization, and programmed cell death (PCD). We investigated whether actin dynamics were implicated in regulating PCD. Using the actin-stabilizing and depolymerizing drugs jasplakinolide (Jasp) and latrunculin B, we demonstrate that changes in actin filament levels or dynamics play a functional role in initiating PCD in P. rhoeas pollen, triggering a caspase-3-like activity. Significantly, SI-induced PCD in incompatible pollen was alleviated by pretreatment with Jasp. This represents the first account of a specific causal link between actin polymerization status and initiation of PCD in a plant cell and significantly advances our understanding of the mechanisms involved in SI.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(9):2110-2119.e3
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