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G. Gingras 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):756-757
Particularly since World War II physical medicine and rehabilitation have assumed a growing importance. The efforts of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, following a survey of Canadian universities, to increase the theoretical and practical teaching of physiatrics are emphasized. It is considered important that the teaching of physical medicine and rehabilitation should be carried out concurrently with other medical and surgical teaching programs. Paramedical and auxiliary rehabilitation personnel should participate in the teaching program. The number of hours devoted to physiatrics should be increased, and the medical student should be permitted to choose physical medicine and rehabilitation as a part of his internship program.  相似文献   

Résumé Trente cinq enzymes sont recherchées lors de l'étude comparative de la lutéinisation et la lutéolyse. Vingt six sont histochimiquement décelables dans les corps jaunes gestatifs leur permettant de stocker et métaboliser glucides, corps gras, nucléotides, amines, phosphates, sulfates et d'autres métabolites. Les activités importantes des enzymes de la voie des pentoses, des diaphorases et de la stéroïde 3 ol DH témoigneraient d'une stéroïdogenèse active. Les cellules lutéiniques thécales semblent histoenzymatiquement mieux pourvues au début de la luteinisation; les cellules lutéiniques granuleuses le sont pendant les stades ultérieurs.La lutéolyse est marquée par une diminution de la plupart des activités enzymatiques. Les activités tant qu'elles existent, sont topographiquement limitées (ilôts actifs extra lutéaux) et surtout métaboliquement restreintes. L'équipement enzymatique des structures lutéales très involuées suggère plutôt qu'une stéroïdogenèse même résiduelle des processus typiques et une activité des éléments conjonctifs (fibrillogenèse).
Histoenzymatic functions of the evolution and the luteolysis of the corpus luteum of the rabbit
Summary 35 enzymes were investigated in the course of a comparative study on the luteinisation and luteolysis. 26 of them were found in the corpora lutea during gestation. They were able as a consequence to stock and the metabolize glucides, lipides, nucleotides, amines, phosphates, sulphates as well as other metabolites. The strong activities of the pentose shunt's enzymes, of the tetrazolium reductases and 5 3 OH-steroide DH indicated most probably an active steroidogenesis. The theca-luteinic cells appeared having a stronger histoenzymatic activity in the beginning of the luteinisation; the granuloso-luteinic cells showed a stronger activity in the later stades.The luteolysis is characterized by a decrease of the activity of the preponderant number of the enzymes mainly in the degenerated luteal cells. The enzymes activities as far as such existed were topographically limited (active extraluteal islands) and restricted mainly in their metabolizing possibilities. The author's results suggested as more probable the existence of a process of lysis and an activity of the connective tissue elements (fibrillogenesis) than a steroidogenesis, even though in a residual or terminal form.

Subtle motor, emotional, cognitive and behavioural abnormalities are often present in apparently healthy children and adolescents who later develop schizophrenia. This suggests that some aspects of causation are established long before psychosis becomes manifest. We aim to assess the factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia focusing mainly on genetic factors, pregnancy and delivery complications, early development and scholastic performance, as well as later educational, social and health consequences. This is done by reviewing the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, its scientific activities, publications and work in progress.  相似文献   

Resume Les expériences ont porté sur des lapins repartis en deux groupes parallèles — un groupe étant traité avec des aéroions négatifs en concentrations moderées (n = 10 – 40.000; n+ = 1.000) et l'autre sans aéroionothérapie (témoins). Par rapport aux animaux témoins (pas exposés aux aéroions),on a enregistré,sous l'influence de l'aéroionothérapie, que: (1)il y a une tendence de normalisation de la motilité spontanée, deprimée par une alimentation contenant un excès de cholestérol(0,3 g/kg/jour); (2) la lipémie et la cholestérolémie sont restées à un niveau plus bas chez les animaux alimentés au cholestérol; (3) la lipémie et la cholestérolémie, de même que l'iode thyroïdien, sont restées aux valeurs voisines de celles normales,chez les animaux nourris avec un excès (20 mg/kg/jour), de substances antithyroïdiennes naturelles (provenant du chou).
Groups of rabbits were exposed to negative air ions of moderate concentrations (n = 10 – 40,000; n+ = 1,000) while others served as controls. (1) When rabbits were fed a cholesterol-rich diet (0.3 g/kg/day)causing reduction of motility in the control animals, their motility was normalized under air ion treatment. (2) The blood cholesterol and lipid levels of rabbits on a cholesterol-rich diet were lower with air ion treatment than in controls.(3) When rabbits were fed a diet with thyroid blocking agents from cabbage the blood cholesterol and lipid levels and the thyroid iodine content remained unchanged with air ion treatment.

Zusammenfassung Gruppen Kaninchen wurden mit negativen Luftionen in mässigen Konzentrationen (n = 100 000 – 40 000; n+ = 1 000) behandelt, während andere als Kontrollen dienten. (1) Die durch Fütterung von cholesterinreicher Diät (0,3 g/kg/Tag) verminderte Motilität der Tiere wurde unter der Luftionenbehandlung normalisiert. (2) Der durch Fütterung von cholesterinreicher Diät erhöhte Blutcholesterin- und-fettspiegel fiel durch Luftionenbehandlung ab. (3) Der durch Fütterung von strumipriven Substanzen aus Kohl erhöhte Cholesterin- und Fettspiegel im Blut und verminderte Jodgehalt der Schilddrüse wurde durch Luftionenbehandlung nicht beeinflusst.

D. Pringuey 《PSN》2010,8(3):158-162
The human sciences are now celebrating the return of the Subject. However, as a form of resistance to science, the issue of subjectivity justifies a methodological resort to a phenomenological posture. This posture consists in “seeing” and “showing” the experience of foundations. In Arthur Tatossian’s distinction between Subject and subjectivity, the Subject carries out the synthesis of forms in which the subjectivity expresses and alienates itself. These forms include: the Self, the consciousness, the inner mind, etc. Subjectivity is what makes the Subject possible. Subjectivity is time, space, the body and the Other, and is shaped by time into a living present, by space into a common place, by the body into flesh, and by the Other as alterity. In psychiatric disorders, the patient fails to be a Subject. Whoever he or she is, a Self without subjectivity, as with a melancholic or a maniac, or subjectivity without Self, as with a schizophrenic, the issue of human identity arises. The central problem of the human condition, which is at the heart of psychiatric disorders, is the challenge of being a Self while retaining a degree of subjectivity. This in turn merges with another central problem: that of freedom. Subjectivity is the other face of freedom because it is the power to create meaning.  相似文献   

The most frequent cause of testicular injuries is blunt trauma (following sports injuries or road accidents). Penetrating injuries are rare. Increased scrotal volume and a painful testis are the main symptoms and require scrotal ultrasonography. Scrotal ultrasonography is very sensitive and specific for testicular rupture or intratesticular haematoma. Two out of three patients with testicular injuries require surgical exploration. Secondary complications due to delayed management of trauma are testicular atrophy, sterility or impotence. Penile fracture (rupture of corpus cavernosum) is due to direct trauma by an excessive force applied to an erect penis. Swelling, penile ecchymosis, penile curvature and pain are the usual symptoms of rupture of the tunica albuginea. Urethral injury must be ruled out. Cavernosography, ultrasonography or MRI are not considered mandatory to establish a diagnosis but can be prescribed in the absence of typical signs or symptoms. Early surgical exploration and repair ensure a better outcome. Secondary complications are penile curvature, chronic pain and impotence.  相似文献   

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