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Culture conditions for successful amino–acid-type selective isotope labeling of proteins expressed in Baculovirus-infected insect cells are described. The method was applied to the selective labeling of the catalytic domain of c-Abl kinase with 15N-phenylalanine, 15N-glycine, 15N-tyrosine or 15N-valine. For the essential amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine and valine high 15N-label incorporation rates of 90% and approximately the expected number of resonances in the HSQC spectra were observed, which was not the case for the non-essential amino acid glycine. The method should be applicable to amino-acid-type selective isotope labeling of other recombinant proteins which have not been amenable to NMR analysis.  相似文献   

Amino acid selective isotope labeling is a useful approach to simplification of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of large proteins. Cell-free protein synthesis offers essentially unlimited flexibility of labeling patterns but is labor-intensive and expensive. In vivo labeling is simple in principle but generally requires auxotrophic strains, inhibitors of amino acid synthesis, or complex media formulations. We describe a simple procedure for amino acid selective labeling of proteins expressed in prototrophic Escherichia coli strains. Excellent labeling selectivity was achieved for histidine, lysine, methionine, and alanine. Simplicity and robustness of this protocol make it a useful tool for protein NMR.  相似文献   

Summary A novel protocol for isotopically labeling bacterially expressed proteins is presented. This method circumvents problems related to poor cell growth, commonly associated with the use of minimal labeled media, and problems with protein induction encountered, less commonly, when using enriched labeled media. The method involves initially growing the bacterial cells to high optical density in a commercially available enriched labeled medium. Following a suitable growth period, the cells are transferred to a different (minimal) labeled medium, appropriate for induction. The method is demonstrated using the protein melanoma growth stimulating activity (MGSA).  相似文献   

This report shows for the first time the efficient uniform isotope labeling of a recombinant protein expressed using Baculovirus-infected insect cells. The recent availability of suitable media for 15N- and 13C/15N-labeling in insect cells, the high expression of Abl kinase in these labeling media and a suitable labeling protocol made it possible to obtain a 1H–15N-HSQC spectrum for the catalytic domain of Abl kinase of good quality and with label incorporation rates > 90%. The presented isotope labeling method should be applicable also to further proteins where successful expression is restricted to the Baculovirus expression system.  相似文献   

Summary A novel method for isotope labeling in selected amino acids is presented for use with the T7 RNA polymerase system. The protocol is illustrated with the DNA-binding domain from the E2 protein of bovine papillomavirus, BPV-1. On addition of rifampicin, protein expression occurs exclusively from the gene controlled by the T7 promoter. Since the bacteria are now dedicated to the production of E2 protein, labeling with specific amino acids is efficiently performed. For example, 10 mg/l of 15N-labeled phenylalanine is shown to be sufficient for incorporation of the label, without scrambling, and without the use of an auxotrophic strain.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is a common animal model for genetics studies, and quantitative proteomics studies of the fly are emerging. Here, we present in detail the development of a procedure to incorporate stable isotope-labeled amino acids into the fly proteome. In the method of stable isotope labeling with amino acids in Drosophila melanogaster (SILAC fly), flies were fed with SILAC-labeled yeast grown with modified media, enabling near complete labeling in a single generation. Biological variation in the proteome among individual flies was evaluated in a series of null experiments. We further applied the SILAC fly method to profile proteins from a model of fragile X syndrome, the most common cause of inherited mental retardation in human. The analysis identified a number of altered proteins in the disease model, including actin-binding protein profilin and microtubulin-associated protein futsch. The change of both proteins was validated by immunoblotting analysis. Moreover, we extended the SILAC fly strategy to study the dynamics of protein ubiquitination during the fly life span (from day 1 to day 30), by measuring the level of ubiquitin along with two major polyubiquitin chains (K48 and K63 linkages). The results show that the abundance of protein ubiquitination and the two major linkages do not change significantly within the measured age range. Together, the data demonstrate the application of the SILAC principle in D. melanogaster, facilitating the integration of powerful fly genomics with emerging proteomics.  相似文献   

Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) is a simple in vivo labeling strategy for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics. It relies on the metabolic incorporation of nonradioactive heavy isotopic forms of amino acids into cellular proteins, which can be readily distinguished in a mass spectrometer. As the samples are mixed before processing in the SILAC methodology, the sample handling errors are also minimized. Here we present protocols for using SILAC in the following types of experiments: (i) studying inducible protein complexes, (ii) identification of Tyr kinase substrates, (iii) differential membrane proteomics and (iv) studying temporal dynamics using SILAC 5-plexing. Although the overall time is largely dependent on the rate of cell growth and various sample processing steps employed, a typical SILAC experiment from start to finish, including data analysis, should take anywhere between 20 and 25 d.  相似文献   

A cost-effective protocol for uniform 15N and/or13 C isotope labeling of bacterially expressed proteins is presented. Unlike most standard protocols, cells are initially grown in a medium containing nutrients at natural abundance and isotopically labeled nutrients are only supplied at the later stages of growth and during protein expression. This permits the accumulation of a large cell mass without the need to employ expensive isotopically labeled nutrients. The abrupt decrease in oxygen consumption that occurs upon complete exhaustion of essential nutrients is used to precisely time the switch between unlabeled and labeled nutrients. Application of the protocol is demonstrated for wild-type and a mutant of the N-terminal zinc-binding domain of HIV-1 integrase.  相似文献   

Summary Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf-9) insect cells are fully capable of growth and proliferation in a glutamine, glutamate and aspartate-free medium, provided that ammonium ions are supplied. S. frugiperda (Sf-21) and Mamestra brassicae cells (IZD-MB-0503) also grow in glutamine-free media but not Trichoplusia ni cells (BTI-TN 5B1-4). The yield of -galactosidase in Sf-9 cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus under glutamine-free conditions was even higher than the yield obtained in glutamine containing cultures.  相似文献   

A simple protocol for transfecting human mesenchymal stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Objectives and results

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are potential targets for cell and gene therapy-based approaches against a variety of different diseases. The MSCs from bone marrow are a promising target population as they are capable of differentiating along multiple lineages and have significant expansion capability. These characteristics make them strong candidates for delivering genes and restoring organ systems function. However, as other primary cells, MSCs are difficult to transfect. In order to standardize a simple protocol for transfection of MSCs, we conducted a series of experiments and achieved a protocol that does not require the use of viral particles or specific expensive equipment.


MSCs transfection at early passages using a ratio lipid/DNA of 3.0 µL/µg with Lipofectamine 3000® yields good transfection efficiencies for human MSCs (up to 26%) and is rapid, simple, and safe.

Mitochondrial CyP-D (cyclophilin-D) catalyses formation of the PT (permeability transition) pore, a key lesion in the pathogenesis of I/R (ischaemia/reperfusion) injury. There is evidence [Malouitre, Dube, Selwood and Crompton (2010) Biochem. J. 425, 137-148] that cytoprotection by the CyP inhibitor CsA (cyclosporin A) is improved by selective targeting to mitochondria. To investigate this further, we have developed an improved mtCsA (mitochondrial-targeted CsA) by modifying the spacer linking the CsA to the TPP+ (triphenylphosphonium) (mitochondrial-targeting) cation. The new mtCsA exhibits an 18-fold increase in binding affinity for CyP-D over the prototype and a 12-fold increase in potency of inhibition of the PT in isolated mitochondria, owing to a marked decrease in non-specific binding. The cytoprotective capacity was assessed in isolated rat cardiomyocytes subjected to transient glucose and oxygen deprivation (pseudo-I/R). The new mtCsA was maximally effective at lower concentrations than CsA (3-15 nM compared with 50-100 nM) and yielded improved cytoprotection for up to 3 h following the pseudo-ischaemic insult (near complete compared with 40%). These data indicate the potential value of selective CyP-D inhibition in cytoprotection.  相似文献   

Amino acids rather than sugars are the primary limiting substrates for the culture of insect cells in a Grace's medium. When cultures are supplemented with amino acids, the yeastolate components other than the amino acids become the secondary limiting substrates. For the fed-batch culture of insect cells, a solution containing concentrated amino acids and yeastolate was supplied using an exponential feed flow rate calculated from mass balance equations. During the batch period the specific growth rate was 0.02 hу, whereas during the fed-batch period it was measured as 0.007 and 0.012 hу on the basis of the cell numbers and the dry cell weight, respectively. This difference in the specific growth rates in the fed-batch period is caused by an increase in the cell size during this period. Furthermore, in fed-batch cultures, dissolved oxygen was found to be a limiting factor for high cell-density cultures.  相似文献   

A double-labeling procedure for amino acid analysis using 3H-labeled 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 14C-labeled amino acids as internal standards is described. The procedure was tested by analyzing lysozyme and insulin B chain, and the results obtained were in good agreement with their accepted amino acid compositions. Analysis of samples containing from 100 pmol of each amino acid can be achieved at an accuracy comparable to that obtained by conventional automated amino acid analysis methods, many of which require considerably more material. An important advantage is that amino acids present in low molar proportions can be separated and measured more readily than by column chromatography.  相似文献   

The infection of host cells by porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) leads to extensive modulation of the gene expression levels of target cells. To uncover the pathogenesis and virus-host interactions of PCV2, a quantitative proteomic study using the stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), coupled with mass spectrometry, was performed on PCV2-infected PK-15 cells. The SILAC-based approach identified 1341 proteins, 163 of which showed significant change in level at 72 h after infection (79 up-regulated and 84 down-regulated). The modulated proteins included a number of proteins involved in substrate transport, cytoskeletal changes, and the stress response. Changes in the expression levels of selected proteins were verified by Western blot analysis. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis was used to reveal protein and interactive pathway regulation in response to PCV2 infection. Functional network and pathway analyses could provide insights into the complexity and dynamics of virus-host cell interactions and may accelerate our understanding of the mechanisms of PCV2 infection.  相似文献   

Identification of phosphorylated proteins remains a difficult task despite technological advances in protein purification methods and mass spectrometry. Here, we report identification of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins by coupling stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) to mass spectrometry. We labeled HeLa cells with stable isotopes of tyrosine, or, a combination of arginine and lysine to identify tyrosine phosphorylated proteins. This allowed identification of 118 proteins, of which only 45 proteins were previously described as tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. A total of 42 in vivo tyrosine phosphorylation sites were mapped, including 34 novel ones. We validated the phosphorylation status of a subset of novel proteins including cytoskeleton associated protein 1, breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 3, chromosome 3 open reading frame 6, WW binding protein 2, Nice-4 and RNA binding motif protein 4. Our strategy can be used to identify potential kinase substrates without prior knowledge of the signaling pathways and can also be applied to profiling to specific kinases in cells. Because of its sensitivity and general applicability, our approach will be useful for investigating signaling pathways in a global fashion and for using phosphoproteomics for functional annotation of genomes.  相似文献   

Ong SE  Mann M 《Nature protocols》2006,1(6):2650-2660
Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) is a simple, robust, yet powerful approach in mass spectrometry (MS)-based quantitative proteomics. SILAC labels cellular proteomes through normal metabolic processes, incorporating non-radioactive, stable isotope-containing amino acids in newly synthesized proteins. Growth medium is prepared where natural ("light") amino acids are replaced by "heavy" SILAC amino acids. Cells grown in this medium incorporate the heavy amino acids after five cell doublings and SILAC amino acids have no effect on cell morphology or growth rates. When light and heavy cell populations are mixed, they remain distinguishable by MS, and protein abundances are determined from the relative MS signal intensities. SILAC provides accurate relative quantification without any chemical derivatization or manipulation and enables development of elegant functional assays in proteomics. In this protocol, we describe how to apply SILAC and the use of nano-scale liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for protein identification and quantification. This procedure can be completed in 8 days.  相似文献   

Summary A protocol of purification is devised that gave high recovery of homogeneous arginase from ox erythrocytes. The protocol involved haemolysis, heat treatment, CM- and DEAE-Sepharose chromatography, arginine AH-Sepharose chromatography and molecular sieving through Biogel P-150, all in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. It afforded (a) elution of arginase as a single peak, (b) almost 2900 fold purification, (c) 30% recovery and (d) electrophoretically homogeneous arginase. The purified arginase exhibited (a) M.W. of 115,000, (b) dissociation upon SDS treatment into homologous monomers of 30 kDa, (c) optimum pH and temperature 11.5 and 55° C, respectively and (d) Km value for L-arginine-HCl 2.2–2.3 mM, characteristic of the ureotelic type.  相似文献   

Multiple segmental and selective isotope labeling of RNA with three segments has been demonstrated by introducing an RNA segment, selectively labeled with 13C9/15N2/2H(1′, 3′, 4′, 5′, 5′′)-labeled uridine residues, into the central position of the 20 kDa ε-RNA of Duck Hepatitis B Virus. The RNA molecules were produced via two efficient protocols: a two-step protocol, which uses T4 DNA ligase and T4 RNA ligase 1, and a one-pot protocol, which uses T4 RNA ligase 1 alone. With T4 RNA ligase 1 all not-to-be-ligated termini are usually protected to prevent formation of side products. We show that such labor-intensive protection of termini is not required, provided segmentation sites can be chosen such that the segments fold into the target structure or target-like structures and thus are not trapped into stable alternate structures. These sites can be reliably predicted via DINAMelt. The simplified NMR spectrum provided evidence for the presence of a U28 H3-imino resonance, previously obscured in the fully labeled sample, and thus of the non-canonical base pair U28:C37. The demonstrated multiple segmental labeling protocols are generally applicable to large RNA molecules and can be extended to more than three segments.  相似文献   

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