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The role of a miniscaffolding protein, miniCipC1, forming part of Clostridium cellulolyticum scaffolding protein CipC in insoluble cellulose degradation was investigated. The parameters of the binding of miniCipC1, which contains a family III cellulose-binding domain (CBD), a hydrophilic domain, and a cohesin domain, to four insoluble celluloses were determined. At saturating concentrations, about 8.2 micromol of protein was bound per g of bacterial microcrystalline cellulose, while Avicel, colloidal Avicel, and phosphoric acid-swollen cellulose bound 0.28, 0.38, and 0.55 micromol of miniCipC1 per g, respectively. The dissociation constants measured varied between 1.3 x 10(-7) and 1.5 x 10(-8) M. These results are discussed with regard to the properties of the various substrates. The synergistic action of miniCipC1 and two forms of endoglucanase CelA (with and without the dockerin domain [CelA2 and CelA3, respectively]) in cellulose degradation was also studied. Although only CelA2 interacted with miniCipC1 (K(d), 7 x 10(-9) M), nonhydrolytic miniCipC1 enhanced the activities of endoglucanases CelA2 and CelA3 with all of the insoluble substrates tested. This finding shows that miniCipC1 plays two roles: it increases the enzyme concentration on the cellulose surface and enhances the accessibility of the enzyme to the substrate by modifying the structure of the cellulose, leading to an increased available cellulose surface area. In addition, the data obtained with a hybrid protein, CelA3-CBD(CipC), which was more active towards all of the insoluble substrates tested confirm that the CBD of the scaffolding protein plays an essential role in cellulose degradation.  相似文献   

Multidimensional, homo- and heteronuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy combined with dynamical annealing has been used to determine the structure of a 94 residue module (X2 1) of the scaffolding protein CipC from the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium cellulolyticum. An experimental data set comprising 1647 nuclear Overhauser effect-derived restraints, 105 hydrogen bond restraints and 66 phi torsion angle restraints was used to calculate 20 converging final solutions. The calculated structures have an average rmsd about the mean structure of 0.55(+/-0.11) A for backbone atoms and 1.40(+/-0.11) A for all heavy atoms when fitted over the secondary structural elements. The X2 1 module has an immunoglobulin-like fold with two beta-sheets packed against each other. One sheet contains three strands, the second contains four strands. An additional strand is intercalated between the beta-sandwich, as well as two turns of a 3(.10) helix. X2 1 has a surprising conformational stability and may act as a conformational linker and solubility enhancer within the scaffolding protein. The fold of X2 1 is very similar to that of telokin, titin Ig domain, hemolin D2 domain, twitchin immunoglobulin domain and the first four domains of the IgSF portion of transmembrane cell adhesion molecule. As a consequence, the X2 1 module is the first prokaryotic member assigned to the I set of the immunoglobulin superfamily even though no sequence similarity with any member of this superfamily could be detected.  相似文献   

A construction was carried out to obtain a high level of expression in Escherichia coli of the gene celCCA, coding for the endoglucanase A from Clostridium cellulolyticum (EGCCA). The enzyme was purified in two forms with different molecular weights, 51,000 and 44,000. The smaller protein was probably the result of proteolysis, although great care was taken to prevent this process from occurring. Evidence was found for the loss of the conserved reiterated domains which are characteristic of C. thermocellum and C. cellulolyticum cellulases. The two forms were extensively studied, and it was demonstrated that although they had the same pH and temperature optima, they differed in their catalytic properties. The truncated protein gave the more efficient catalytic parameters on carboxymethyl cellulose and showed improved endoglucanase characteristics, whereas the intact enzyme showed truer cellulase characteristics. The possible role of clostridial reiterated domains in the hydrolytic activity toward crystalline cellulose is discussed.  相似文献   

Clostridium cellulolyticum secretes large multienzymatic complexes with plant cell wall-degrading activities named cellulosomes. Most of the genes encoding cellulosomal components are located in a large gene cluster: cipC-cel48F-cel8C-cel9G-cel9E-orfX-cel9H-cel9J-man5K-cel9M. Downstream of the cel9M gene, a new open reading frame was discovered and named rgl11Y. Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that this gene encodes a multidomain pectinase, Rgl11Y, containing an N-terminal signal sequence, a catalytic domain belonging to family 11 of the polysaccharide lyases, and a C-terminal dockerin domain. The present report describes the biochemical characterization of a recombinant form of Rgl11Y. Rgl11Y cleaves the alpha-L-Rhap-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalpA glycosidic bond in the backbone of rhamnogalacturonan I (RGI) via a beta-elimination mechanism. Its specific activity on potato pectic galactan and rhamnogalacturonan was found to be 28 and 3.6 IU/mg, respectively, indicating that Rgl11Y requires galactan decoration of the RGI backbone. The optimal pH of Rgl11Y is 8.5 and calcium is required for its activity. Rgl11Y was shown to be incorporated in the C. cellulolyticum cellulosome through a typical cohesin-dockerin interaction. Rgl11Y from C. cellulolyticum is the first cellulosomal rhamnogalacturonase characterized.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the scaffolding protein of the cellulosome from Clostridium cellulolyticum, whose partial sequence was published earlier (S. Pagès, A. Béla?ch, C. Tardif, C. Reverbel-Leroy, C. Gaudin, and J.-P. Béla?ch, J. Bacteriol. 178:2279-2286, 1996; C. Reverbel-Leroy, A. Béla?ch, A. Bernadac, C. Gaudin, J. P. Béla?ch, and C. Tardif, Microbiology 142:1013-1023, 1996), was completely sequenced. The corresponding protein, CipC, is composed of a cellulose binding domain at the N terminus followed by one hydrophilic domain (HD1), seven highly homologous cohesin domains (cohesin domains 1 to 7), a second hydrophilic domain, and a final cohesin domain (cohesin domain 8) which is only 57 to 60% identical to the seven other cohesin domains. In addition, a second gene located 8.89 kb downstream of cipC was found to encode a three-domain protein, called ORFXp, which includes a cohesin domain. By using antiserum raised against the latter, it was observed that ORFXp is associated with the membrane of C. cellulolyticum and is not detected in the cellulosome fraction. Western blot and BIAcore experiments indicate that cohesin domains 1 and 8 from CipC recognize the same dockerins and have similar affinity for CelA (Ka = 4.8 x 10(9) M-1) whereas the cohesin from ORFXp, although it is also able to bind all cellulosome components containing a dockerin, has a 19-fold lower Ka for CelA (2.6 x 10(8) M-1). Taken together, these data suggest that ORFXp may play a role in cellulosome assembly.  相似文献   

Yao Q  Sun T  Chen G  Liu W 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(8):1243-1247
The endoglucanase CelA from Clostridium thermocellum was strongly expressed in Bacillus subtilis. The enzyme was purified by Ni2+-affinity chromatography. Site-directed substitution of D278 with an asparagine or an alanine residue surprisingly did not decrease the apparent k cat value. Further substitutions of two other potentially critical residues, Y215 and D152, resulted in a 2-fold decrease in apparent k cat value for Y215P and complete loss of activity for D152N.  相似文献   

Yi ZL  Pei XQ  Wu ZL 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):3636-3638
A saturation mutagenesis library was constructed at the position 329 of the endoglucanase CelA from Clostridium thermocellum based on previous results (Yi and Wu, 2010), and one mutation, S329G, was identified to contribute to the enhanced thermostability. The result inspired a rational design approach focusing on the introduction of Gly or Pro residue onto the protein surface, which led to the identification of two additional beneficial mutations, H194G and S269P. Combination of these three mutations resulted in a mutant with a 10-fold increase in half-life of inactivation (60 min) at 86°C without compromising activity compared with the wild-type. Its reaction temperature for maximum activity increased from 75 to 85°C. The results provide valuable thermostability-related structural information on this thermophilic enzyme.  相似文献   

We have studied the expression of an endoglucanase from Clostridium cellulolyticum in mutant strains of Escherichia coli that overproduce haemolysin. When these mutants were transformed with plasmids encoding the endoglucanase, they showed a significantly enhanced endoglucanase activity, compared to transformed parental strains. Among the mutants, strain Hha-2 showed the highest production. We have identified the endoglucanase gene product synthesized in E. coli Hha-2/pBP8 and detected an increased amount of the enzyme parallel to the increase of endoglucanase activity. This was mainly localized in the periplasm and only a small percentage of it was found in the culture fluid.  相似文献   

The gene coding for CelG, a family 9 cellulase from Clostridium cellulolyticum, was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Four different forms of the protein were genetically engineered, purified, and studied: CelGL (the entire form of CelG), CelGcat1 (the catalytic domain of CelG alone), CelGcat2 (CelGcat1 plus 91 amino acids at the beginning of the cellulose binding domain [CBD]), and GST-CBD(CelG) (the CBD of CelG fused to glutathione S-transferase). The biochemical properties of CelG were compared with those of CelA, an endoglucanase from C. cellulolyticum which was previously studied. CelG, like CelA, was found to have an endo cutting mode of activity on carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) but exhibited greater activity on crystalline substrates (bacterial microcrystalline cellulose and Avicel) than CelA. As observed with CelA, the presence of the nonhydrolytic miniscaffolding protein (miniCipC1) enhanced the activity of CelG on phosphoric acid swollen cellulose (PASC), but to a lesser extent. The absence of the CBD led to the complete inactivation of the enzyme. The abilities of CelG and GST-CBD(CelG) to bind various substrates were also studied. Although the entire enzyme is able to bind to crystalline cellulose at a limited number of sites, the chimeric protein GST-CBD(CelG) does not bind to either of the tested substrates (Avicel and PASC). The lack of independence between the two domains and the weak binding to cellulose suggest that this CBD-like domain may play a special role and be either directly or indirectly involved in the catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

This study reports characteristics of different derivatives produced between CelA, a major endoglucanase of Clostridium thermocellum and carbohydrate binding domain of family 3a (CBM3a). In addition to the native form of the endoglucanase containing catalytic and dockerin domains (CelA-CD), its derivatives consisting of catalytic domain without dockerin domain (CelA-C), catalytic domain linked with the binding domain at N-, C- and both termini (CelA-BC, CelA-CB and CelA-BCB, respectively), two catalytic domains cloned in tandem (CelA-CC) and two catalytic domains intervened by a binding domain (CelA-CBC) were expressed in Escherichia coli at levels of 40, 43, 28, 30, 20, 20 and 10%, respectively of the total cell proteins. Specific activities of CelA-CD, CelA-C, CelA-BC, CelA-CB, CelA-CC, CelA-BCB and CelA-CBC against carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were 8.1, 7.0, 12.1, 8.5, 11.8, 10.2 and 23.5Umg(-1) enzyme while activities against pre-treated bagasse were 490, 250, 1400, 600, 810, 710 and 2270μmoles reducing sugars released per μmole of the enzyme, respectively, under the assay conditions used. Thus the activities of CelA-BC and CelA-CBC showed nearly 3- and 5-fold increase against pre-treated bagasse as compared to that of the native form of the enzyme, CelA-CD. Molecular modeling studies using MODELLER show that the binding residues of CBM3a and the active site residues of the catalytic domain are more favorably oriented for binding and hydrolysis of the polysaccharide in the case of CelA-BC as compared to those in CelA-CB, which corresponds with higher activity of the former.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence was determined for a 9.4-kb region of Clostridium thermocellum DNA extending from the 3' end of the gene (now termed cipA), encoding the S1/SL component of the cellulosome. Three open reading frames (ORFs) belonging to two operons were detected. They encoded polypeptides of 1,664, 688, and 447 residues, termed ORF1p, ORF2p, and ORF3p, respectively. The COOH-terminal regions of the three polypeptides were highly similar and contained three reiterated segments of 60 to 70 residues each. Similar segments have been found at the NH2 terminus of the S-layer proteins of Bacillus brevis and Acetogenium kivui, suggesting that ORF1p, ORF2p, and ORF3p might also be located on the cell surface. Otherwise, the sequence of ORF1p and ORF2p gave little clue concerning their potential function. However, the NH2-terminal region of ORF3p was similar to the reiterated domains previously identified in CipA as receptors involved in binding the duplicated segment of 22 amino acids present in catalytic subunits of the cellulosome. Indeed, it was found previously that ORF3p binds 125I-labeled endoglucanase CelD containing the duplicated segment (T. Fujino, P. Béguin, and J.-P. Aubert, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 94:165-170, 1992). These findings suggest that ORF3p might serve as an anchoring factor for the cellulosome on the cell surface by binding the duplicated segment that is present at the COOH end of CipA.  相似文献   

The recombinant form of the cellulase CelF of Clostridium cellulolyticum, tagged by a C-terminal histine tail, was overproduced in Escherichia coli. The fusion protein was purified by affinity chromatography on a Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid column. The intact form of CelF (Mr, 79,000) was rapidly degraded at the C terminus, giving a shorter stable form, called truncated CelF (Mr, 71,000). Both the entire and the truncated purified forms degraded amorphous cellulose (kcat = 42 and 30 min(-1), respectively) and microcrystalline cellulose (kcat = 13 and 10 min(-1), respectively). The high ratio of soluble reducing ends to insoluble reducing ends released by truncated CelF from amorphous cellulose showed that CelF is a processive enzyme. Nevertheless, the diversity of the cellodextrins released by truncated CelF from phosphoric acid-swollen cellulose at the beginning of the reaction indicated that the enzyme might randomly hydrolyze beta-1,4 bonds. This hypothesis was supported by viscosimetric measurements and by the finding that CelF and the endoglucanase CelA are able to degrade some of the same cellulose sites. CelF was therefore called a processive endocellulase. The results of immunoblotting analysis showed that CelF was associated with the cellulosome of C. cellulolyticum. It was identified as one of the three major components of cellulosomes. The ability of the entire form of CelF to interact with CipC, the cellulosome integrating protein, or mini-CipC1, a recombinant truncated form of CipC, was monitored by interaction Western blotting (immunoblotting) and by binding assays using a BIAcore biosensor-based analytical system.  相似文献   

The interaction between the type-II dockerin domain of the scaffoldin protein CipA and the type-II cohesin domain of the outer layer protein SdbA is the fundamental mechanism for anchoring the cellulosome to the cell surface of Clostridium thermocellum. We constructed and purified a dockerin polypeptide and a cohesin polypeptide, and determined affinity constants of the interaction between them by the surface plasmon resonance method. The dissociation constant (K(D)) value was 1.8 x 10(-9) M, which is a little larger than that for the combination of a type-I dockerin and a type-I cohesin.  相似文献   

The endoglucanase gene, celCCD, of Clostridium cellulolyticum has been expressed in Escherichia coli. Multiple active polypeptides were detected in the E. coli cells. The relative molecular mass (Mr) of two major active polypeptides were 56 000 (D56) and 38 000 (D38), which were smaller than the deduced Mr of the mature protein (63 401). D56 and D38 were purified from the periplasmic fraction. The N-terminal sequences of the two purified polypeptides were identical to that of the mature endoglucanase (Ala-Ile-Asn-Ser-Gln-Asp-Met-Val---) deduced from the nucleotide sequence. These data indicated that these polypeptides were produced by processing the original mature protein in the C-terminal region. The enzymatic properties of these two polypeptides were very similar, except that the specific activity of D38 was 2–3.5-fold higher than that of D56, and D38 was more heat stable than D56.Correspondence to: T. Kodama  相似文献   

Complete cellulose degradation is the first step in the use of biomass as a source of renewable energy. To this end, the engineering of novel cellulase activity, the activity responsible for the hydrolysis of the beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds in cellulose, is a topic of great interest. The high-resolution X-ray crystal structure of a multidomain endoglucanase from Clostridium cellulolyticum has been determined at a 1.6-A resolution. The endoglucanase, Cel9G, is comprised of a family 9 catalytic domain attached to a family III(c) cellulose-binding domain. The two domains together form a flat platform onto which crystalline cellulose is suggested to bind and be fed into the active-site cleft for endolytic hydrolysis. To further dissect the structural basis of cellulose binding and hydrolysis, the structures of Cel9G in the presence of cellobiose, cellotriose, and a DP-10 thio-oligosaccharide inhibitor were resolved at resolutions of 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9 A, respectively.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the endoglucanase EGCCA of Clostridium cellulolyticum indicates the existence of two domains: a catalytic domain extending from residue 1 to residue 376 and a reiterated domain running from residue 390 to 450. A small deletion in the C terminal end of the catalytic domain inactivated the protein. From the analysis of the sequences of 26 endoglucanases belonging to family A, we focused on seven amino acids which were totally conserved in all the catalytic domains compared. The roles of two of these, Arg-79 and His-122, were studied and defined on the basis of the mutants obtained by introducing various substitutions. Our findings suggest that Arg-79 is involved in the structural organization of the protein; the His-122 residue seems to be more essential for catalysis. The role of His-123, which is conserved only in subfamily A4, was also investigated.  相似文献   

A 43-kDa beta-xylosidase from Clostridium cellulolyticum was purified to homogeneity. The enzyme releases xylose from p-nitrophenylxylose and xylodextrins with a degree of polymerization ranging between 2 and 5. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme showed homologies with three other bacterial beta-xylosidases. By proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the enzyme was found to act by inverting the beta-anomeric configuration.  相似文献   

Mutagenized dockerin domains of endoglucanase CelD (type I) and of the cellulosome-integrating protein CipA (type II) were constructed by swapping residues 10 and 11 of the first or the second duplicated segment between the two polypeptides. These residues have been proposed to determine the specificity of cohesin-dockerin interactions. The dockerin domain of CelD still bound to the seventh cohesin domain of CipA (CohCip7), provided that mutagenesis occurred in one segment only. Binding was no longer detected by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis when both segments were mutagenized. The dockerin domain of CipA bound to the cohesin domain of SdbA as long as the second segment was intact. None of the mutated dockerins displayed detectable binding to the noncognate cohesin domain. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that binding of the CelD dockerin to CohCip7 occurred with a high affinity [K(a) = (2.6 +/- 0.5) x 10(9) M(-1)] and a 1:1 stoichiometry. The reaction was weakly exothermic (DeltaHdegrees = -2.22 +/- 0.2 kcal x mol(-1)) and largely entropy driven (TDeltaSdegrees = 10.70 +/- 0.5 kcal x mol(-1)). The heat capacity change on complexation was negative (DeltaC(p) = -305 +/- 15 cal x mol(-1) x K(-1)). These values show that cohesin-dockerin binding is mainly hydrophobic. Mutations in the first or the second dockerin segment reduced or enhanced, respectively, the hydrophobic character of the interaction. Due to partial enthalpy-entropy compensation, these mutations induced only small changes in binding affinity. However, the binding affinity was strongly decreased when both segments were mutated, indicating strong negative cooperativity between the two mutated sites.  相似文献   

In many cases, the biologic responses of cells to extracellular signals and the specificity of the responses cannot be explained solely on the basis of the interactions of known signaling proteins. Recently, scaffolding and adaptor proteins have been identified that organize signaling proteins in cells and that contribute to the nature and specificity of signaling pathways. In an effort to identify proteins that might organize the signaling system(s) activated by the extracellular Ca(2+) receptor (CaR), we used a bait construct representing the intracellular C terminus of the human CaR and the yeast two hybrid system to screen a human kidney cDNA library. We identified a clone representing the C-terminal 1042 amino acids (aa) of the cytoskeletal protein filamin (ABP-280). Analysis of truncation and deletion constructs of the CaR C terminus and the filamin cDNA clone demonstrated that the CaR and filamin interact via regions containing aa 907-997 of the CaR C terminus and aa 1566-1875 of filamin. Interaction of the two proteins in mammalian HEK-293 cells was demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation and colocalization of them using immunofluorescence microscopy. The functional importance of their interaction was documented by transiently expressing the CaR in M2 melanoma cells that lack filamin, or in A7 melanoma cells that stably express filamin, and demonstrating that the CaR activated ERK only in the presence of filamin. Co-expression of the CaR with a peptide derived from the region of the CaR C terminus that interacts with filamin reduced the ability of the CaR to activate p42ERK in a dose-dependent manner, but did not inhibit the ability of the ET(A) receptor to activate ERK. The fact that filamin interacts with the CaR and other cell signaling proteins including mitogen-activated protein kinases and small GTPases, indicates that it may act as a scaffolding protein to organize cell signaling systems involving the CaR.  相似文献   

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