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Branched DNA (bDNA) is a signal amplification technology used in clinical and research laboratories to quantitatively detect nucleic acids. An overnight incubation is a significant drawback of highly sensitive bDNA assays. The VERSANT® HIV-1 RNA 3.0 Assay (bDNA) (“Versant Assay”) currently used in clinical laboratories was modified to allow shorter target incubation, enabling the viral load assay to be run in a single day. To dramatically reduce the target incubation from 16–18 h to 2.5 h, composition of only the “Lysis Diluent” solution was modified. Nucleic acid probes in the assay were unchanged. Performance of the modified assay (assay in development; not commercially available) was evaluated and compared to the Versant Assay. Dilution series replicates (>950 results) were used to demonstrate that analytical sensitivity, linearity, accuracy, and precision for the shorter modified assay are comparable to the Versant Assay. HIV RNA-positive clinical specimens (n = 135) showed no significant difference in quantification between the modified assay and the Versant Assay. Equivalent relative quantification of samples of eight genotypes was demonstrated for the two assays. Elevated levels of several potentially interfering endogenous substances had no effect on quantification or specificity of the modified assay. The modified assay with drastically improved turnaround time demonstrates the viability of signal-amplifying technology, such as bDNA, as an alternative to the PCR-based assays dominating viral load monitoring in clinical laboratories. Highly sensitive bDNA assays with a single day turnaround may be ideal for laboratories with especially stringent cost, contamination, or reliability requirements.  相似文献   

We report a sensitive and efficient magnetic bead-based assay for viral DNA identification using isothermal amplification of a reporting probe.  相似文献   

A dot-blot hybridization immunoenzymatic assay with a chemiluminescent endpoint was developed for the rapid and sensitive detection of viral and plasmid DNAs. Digoxigenin-labeled probes were used to detect cytomegalovirus, parvovirus B19, and plasmid pBR328 DNAs. Hybridized probes were immunoenzymatically visualized by anti-digoxigenin Fab fragments labeled with alkaline phosphatase, and adamantyl 1,2-dioxetane phenyl phosphate was used as chemiluminescent substrate. Results were recorded by instant photographic films. The chemiluminescent hybridization assay was performed in about 8 hr and was able to detect as little as 50-10 fg of homologous target DNA.  相似文献   

Molecular beacons represent a new family of fluorescent probes for nucleic acids, and have found broad applications in recent years due to their unique advantages over traditional probes. Detection of nucleic acids using molecular beacons has been based on hybridization between target molecules and molecular beacons in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio. The stoichiometric hybridization, however, puts an intrinsic limitation on detection sensitivity, because one target molecule converts only one beacon molecule to its fluorescent form. To increase the detection sensitivity, a conventional strategy has been target amplification through polymerase chain reaction. Instead of target amplification, here we introduce a scheme of signal amplification, nicking enzyme signal amplification, to increase the detection sensitivity of molecular beacons. The mechanism of the signal amplification lies in target-dependent cleavage of molecular beacons by a DNA nicking enzyme, through which one target DNA can open many beacon molecules, giving rise to amplification of fluorescent signal. Our results indicate that one target DNA leads to cleavage of hundreds of beacon molecules, increasing detection sensitivity by nearly three orders of magnitude. We designed two versions of signal amplification. The basic version, though simple, requires that nicking enzyme recognition sequence be present in the target DNA. The extended version allows detection of target of any sequence by incorporating rolling circle amplification. Moreover, the extended version provides one additional level of signal amplification, bringing the detection limit down to tens of femtomolar, nearly five orders of magnitude lower than that of conventional hybridization assay.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Complex mixtures of DNA may be found in environmental and medical samples. There is a need for techniques that can measure low concentrations of target DNAs. For a multiplexed, flow cytometric assay, we show that the signal-to-noise ratio for fluorescence detection may be increased with the use of 3DNA dendrimers. A single fluorescent DNA molecule per bead could be detected with conventional flow cytometry instrumentation. METHODS: The analyte consisted of single-stranded (ss) DNA amplicons that were hybridized to capture probes on the surface of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres (beads) and initially labeled with streptavidin-R-phycoerythrin (single-step labeling). These beads have a low reporter fluorescence background and high efficiency of DNA hybridization. The DNA/SA-RPE complex was then labeled with 3DNA dendrimers and SA-RPE. The bead complexes were detected with a Luminex 100 flow cytometer. Bead standards were developed to convert the intensity to the number of SA-RPE labels per bead and the number of dendrimers per bead. RESULTS: The dendrimer assay resulted in 10-fold fluorescence amplification compared with single-step SA-RPE labeling. Based on concentration curves of pure target ss-amplicons, the signal-to-noise ratio of the dendrimer assay was greater by a factor of 8.5 over single-step SA-RPE labeling. The dendrimer assay was tested on 16S ribosomal DNA amplified from filter retentates of contaminated groundwater. Multiplexed detection of a single dendrimer-labeled DNA molecule per bead was demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: Multiplexed detection of DNA hybridization on a single molecule level per bead was achieved with conventional flow cytometry instrumentation. This assay is useful for detecting target DNAs at low concentrations.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method for identifying specific single- or double-stranded DNA sequences called nicking endonuclease signal amplification (NESA). A probe and target DNA anneal to create a restriction site that is recognized by a strand-specific endonuclease that cleaves the probe into two pieces leaving the target DNA intact. The target DNA can then act as a template for fresh probe and the process of hybridization, cleavage and dissociation repeats. Laser-induced fluorescence coupled with capillary electrophoresis was used to measure the probe cleavage products. The reaction is rapid; full cleavage of probe occurs within one minute under ideal conditions. The reaction is specific since it requires complete complementarity between the oligonucleotide and the template at the restriction site and sufficient complementarity overall to allow hybridization. We show that both Bacillus subtilis and B. anthracis genomic DNA can be detected and specifically differentiated from DNA of other Bacillus species. When combined with multiple displacement amplification, detection of a single copy target from less than 30 cfu is possible. This method should be applicable whenever there is a requirement to detect a specific DNA sequence. Other applications include SNP analysis and genotyping. The reaction is inherently simple to multiplex and is amenable to automation.  相似文献   

A bead-based assay was developed for highly sensitive single molecule DNA detection. Rolling circle amplification (RCA), an isothermal amplification technique that creates tandem repeated sequences, was used in combination with a fluorescent complementary DNA to create dense clusters of fluorescence. These clusters, each corresponding to a single target molecule, can be detected unambiguously due to their high signal/noise ratios. The limit of detection of this assay is approximately 1 amol. This simple single molecule assay allows high detection sensitivity without the use of complex equipment.  相似文献   

A novel DNA detection method is presented based on a gold nanoparticle (AuNP) colorimetric assay and hybridization chain reaction (HCR). In this method, target DNA hybridized with probe DNA modified on AuNP, and triggered HCR. The resulting HCR products with a large number of negative charges significantly enhanced the stability of AuNPs, inhibiting aggregation of AuNPs at an elevated salt concentration. The approach was highly sensitive and selective. Using this enzyme-free and isothermal signal amplification method, we were able to detect target DNA at concentrations as low as 0.5 nM with the naked eye. Our method also has great potential for detecting other analytes, such as metal ions, proteins, and small molecules, if the target analytes could make HCR products attach to AuNPs.  相似文献   

A sensitive electrochemical DNA detection method for the diagnosis of sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis was developed. The method utilizes a DNA-intercalating agent and a peroxidase promoted enzymatic precipitation reaction and involves the following steps. After hybridization of the target C. trachomatis gene with an immobilized DNA capture probe on a gold electrode surface, the biotin-tagged DNA intercalator (anthraquinone) was inserted into the resulting DNA duplex. Subsequently, the polymeric streptavidin/peroxidase complex was applied to the biotin-decorated electrode. Peroxidase catalyzed 4-chloronaphthol to produce insoluble product, which is precipitated on the electrode surface in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Cyclic voltammograms with the gold electrode exhibited a peak current of ferrocenemethanol in electrolyte, which decreased in a proportional way to increasing concentration of target DNA owing to insulation of electrode surface by the growing insoluble precipitate. Using this strategy, we were able to detect picomolar concentrations of C. trachomatis gene in a sample taken from a real patient.  相似文献   

A sensitive chronocoulometric aptasensor for the detection of thrombin has been developed based on gold nanoparticle amplification. The functional gold nanoparticles, loaded with link DNA (LDNA) and report DNA (RDNA), were immobilized on an electrode by thrombin aptamers performing as a recognition element and capture probe. LDNA was complementary to the thrombin aptamers and RDNA was noncomplementary, but could combine with [Ru(NH3)6]3+ (RuHex) cations. Electrochemical signals obtained by RuHex that bound quantitatively to the negatively charged phosphate backbone of DNA via electrostatic interactions were measured by chronocoulometry. In the presence of thrombin, the combination of thrombin and thrombin aptamers and the release of the functional gold nanoparticles could induce a significant decrease in chronocoulometric signal. The incorporation of gold nanoparticles in the chronocoulometric aptasensor significantly enhanced the sensitivity. The performance of the aptasensor was further increased by the optimization of the surface density of aptamers. Under optimum conditions, the chronocoulometric aptasensor exhibited a wide linear response range of 0.1–18.5 nM with a detection limit of 30 pM. The results demonstrated that this nanoparticle-based amplification strategy offers a simple and effective approach to detect thrombin.  相似文献   

Strand displacement amplification (9SDA) is an isothermal in vitro method of amplifying a DNA sequence prior to its detection. We have combined SDA with fluorescence polarization detection. A 5'-fluorescein-labelled oligodeoxynucleotide detector probe hybridizes to the amplification product that rises in concentration during SDA and the single- to double strand conversion is monitored through an increase in fluorescence polarization. Detection sensitivity can be enhanced by using a detector probe containing an EcoRI recognition sequence at its 5'-end that is not homologous to the target sequence. During SDA the probe is converted to a fully double-stranded form that specifically binds a genetically modified form of the endonuclease EcoRI which lacks cleavage activity but retains binding specificity. We have applied this SDA detection system to a target sequence specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Tubercle bacilli shed in the semen can be a potential hazard for unlimited number of cows through artificial insemination. We have evaluated the efficacy of a DNA amplification technique by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of tubercle bacilli in fresh and frozen semen using spiked samples. The test was based on insertion sequence IS 1081 and could detect as low as 10-100 bacterial cells per ml of spiked semen. The specificity of the test was 100%. The method was applied to semen samples from known and suspected tuberculous bulls. Each of 20 semen samples (fresh and frozen diluted) from one of the three breeding bulls included in the study was found positive while the remaining 40 samples from the other two bulls failed to generate any detectable signal. PCR products were confirmed with Southern blot hybridization to an alpha 32P labeled-PCR product of the target sequence from the IS 1081 element of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.  相似文献   

Herein we report a sensitive electrochemical biosensor for DNA detection by making use of exonuclease III and probe DNA functionalized gold nanoparticles. While probe DNA P1 modified on a gold electrode surface can self-hybridize into a stem-loop structure with an exonuclease III-resistant 3' overhang end, in the presence of target DNA, P1 may also hybridize with the target DNA to form a duplex region. Therefore, exonuclease III may selectively digest P1 from its 3'-hydroxyl termini until the duplex is fully consumed. Since a single target DNA can trigger exonuclease III digestion of numerous P1 strands, the first signal amplification is achieved. On the other hand, since the digested P1, exposing its complementary sequence to probe DNA P2, can further hybridize with P2 that has been previously modified on the surface of gold nanoparticles, many nanoparticles loaded with numerous DNA strands are immobilized onto the electrode surface. Consequently, large amount of electroactive molecules [Ru(NH(3))(6)](3+) can bind with the DNA strands to produce an intense electrochemical response as the second signal amplification. Based on the studies with cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronocoulometry (CC) techniques, the proposed biosensor can sensitively detect specific target DNA at a picomolar level with high specificity.  相似文献   



Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) viral load testing at regular intervals is an integral component of disease management in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients. The need in countries like India is therefore an assay that is not only economical but efficient and highly specific for HIV-1 sub type C virus. This study reports a SYBR Green-based HIV-1 real time PCR assay for viral load testing and is designed for enhanced specificity towards HIV-1 sub type C viruses prevalent in India.


Linear regression of the observed and reference concentration of standards used in this study generated a correlation coefficient of 0.998 (p < 0.001). Lower limit of detection of the test protocol was 50 copies/ml of plasma. The assay demonstrated 100% specificity when tested with negative control sera. The Spearman coefficient of the reported assay with an US-FDA approved, Taqman probe-based commercial kit was found to be 0.997. No significant difference in viral load was detected when the SYBR Green based assay was used to test infected plasma stored at -20°C and room temperature for 7 days respectively (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p = 0.105). In a comparative study on 90 pretested HIV-1 positive samples with viral loads ranging from 5,000–25,000 HIV-1 RNA copies/ml and between two commercial assays it was found that the later failed to amplify in 13.33% and 10% samples respectively while in 7.77% and 4.44% samples the copy number values were reduced by >0.5 log value, a figure that is considered clinically significant by physicians.


The HIV-1 viral load assay reported in this study was found to be robust, reliable, economical and effective in resource limited settings such as those existing in India. PCR probes specially designed from HIV-1 Subtype C-specific nucleotide sequences originating from India imparted specificity towards such isolates and demonstrated superior results when compared to two similar commercial assays widely used in India.  相似文献   

Rapid growth of available sequence data has made the detection of nucleic acids critical to the development of modern life sciences. Many amplification methods based on gold nanoparticles and endonuclease for sensitive DNA detection have been developed. However, these approaches require specific target sequence for endonuclease recognition, which cannot be fulfilled in all systems. Replacing the restriction enzyme with a nuclease that does not require any specific recognition sequence may offer a universally adaptable system. Here we have developed a novel homogeneous, colorimetric DNA detection method, which consists of Exo III, a linker DNA, and two DNA-modified gold nanoparticles. This system is simple, low-cost, sensitive and selective. By coupling cyclic enzymatic cleavage and gold nanoparticle for signal amplification, our system provides a colorimetric detection limit of 15 pM, which is 3 orders of magnitude more sensitive than that of a general three-component sandwich assay format. Due to the intrinsic property of Exo III, our method shows excellent detection selectivity for single-base discrimination. More importantly, superior to other methods based on nicking and FokI endonuclease, our target sequence-independent platform is generally applicable for DNA sensing. This new approach could be widely applied to sensitive nucleic acids detection.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive method was developed for detection of target DNA. This method combined circular strand-displacement polymerization (CSRP) with silver enhancement to achieve dual signal amplification. After molecular beacon (MB) hybridized with target DNA, the reporter gold nanoparticle (Au NPs) was attached to an electrode surface by hybridization between Au NP labeled primer and stem part of the MB to initiate a polymerization of DNA strand, which led to the release of target and another polymerization cycle. Thus the CSRP produced the multiplication of target-related reporter Au NPs on the surface. The Au NPs then catalyzed silver deposition for subsequent stripping analysis of silver. The dual signal amplification offered a dramatic enhancement of the stripping response. This signal could discriminate perfect matched target DNA from 1-base mismatch DNA. The dynamic range of the sequence-specific DNA detection was from 10(-16) to 10(-12)molL(-1) with a detection limit down to sub-femtomolar level. This proposed method exhibited an efficient amplification performance, and would open new opportunities for sensitive detection of other biorecognition events.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is one of the essential epigenetic processes that play a role in regulating gene expression. Aberrant methylation of CpG-rich promoter regions has been associated with many forms of human cancers. The current method for determining the methylation status relies mainly on bisulfite treatment of genomic DNA, followed by methylation-specific PCR (MSP). The difficulty in acquiring a methylation profiling often is limited by the amount of genomic DNA that can be recovered from a given sample, whereas complex procedures of bisulfite treatment further compromise the effective template for PCR analysis. To circumvent these obstacles, we developed degenerated oligonucleotide primer (DOP)-PCR to enable amplification of bisulfite-modified genomic DNA at a genome-wide scale. A DOP pair was specially designed as follows: first 3' DOP, CTCGAGCTGHHHHHAACTAC, where H is a mixture of base consisting of 50% A, 25% T, and 25% C; and second 5' DOP, CTCGAGCTGDDDDDGTTTAG, where D is a mixture of base consisting of 50% T, 25% G, and 25% A. Our results showed that bisulfite-modified DNAs from a cell line, cord blood cells, or cells obtained by laser capture microdissection were amplified by up to 1000-fold using this method. Subsequent MSP analysis using these amplified DNAs on nine randomly selected cancer-related genes revealed that the methylation status of these genes remained identical to that derived from the original unamplified template.  相似文献   

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