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The spatial-energetic distribution of low-energy electrons was studied for a source located in a liquid medium simulating biological tissue. A time-independent Boltzmann equation was used to model this distribution microscopically. Ionization was treated as a perturbation to a quasi-elastic collision process between the electron and the medium. A diffusion limit was obtained by using a scale parameter, leading to a sequence of recursive partial differential equations whose solutions, associated with a macroscopic scale, were obtained by numerical approximations. As an application, electron ranges were estimated based on these solutions and then compared with values reported in the open literature based on experimental results and on Monte Carlo calculation. Local dosimetry, i.e., the energy imparted to a volume of a sphere with radius equal to the range of low-energy electrons, of low-energy electrons from internal emitters can benefit by the knowledge of the ranges estimated for biological tissue. Auger electron emitters, for example, have been the object of a number of investigations because of their radiobiological significance.  相似文献   

To identify individual cells exposed to a X-ray microbeam in a cell population, we developed a biocompatible microchamber-array chip using UV lithography of photopolymer SU-8. The center-to-center distance between microchambers is 50 μm including a wall of 15 μm height. Using the microchamber-array chip, we performed tracking of individual exposed cells. Sample cells loaded in a microchamber array were selectively irradiated with the X-ray microbeam under microscopic observation. All the irradiated cells were indexed by the array arrangement of the microchambers. For about 24 h of post-irradiation incubation, the irradiated cells were identified successfully by time-lapse observation. In addition, the induction of radiation effects was observed in identified cells using immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the power dissipation caused by exposure of biological cells to electric fields of various frequencies. With DC and sub-MHz AC frequencies, power dissipation in the cell membrane is of the same order of magnitude as in the external medium. At MHz and GHz frequencies, dielectric relaxation leads to dielectric power dissipation gradually increasing with frequency, and total power dissipation within the membrane rises significantly. Since such local increase can lead to considerable biochemical and biophysical changes within the membrane, especially at higher frequencies, the bulk treatment does not provide a complete picture of effects of an exposure. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the distribution of power dissipation as a function of field frequency. We first discuss conductive power dissipation generated by DC exposures. Then, we focus on AC fields; starting with the established first-order model, which includes only conductive power dissipation and is valid at sub-MHz frequencies, we enhance it in two steps. We first introduce the capacitive properties of the cytoplasm and the external medium to obtain a second-order model, which still includes only conductive power dissipation. Then we enhance this model further by accounting for dielectric relaxation effects, thereby introducing dielectric power dissipation. The calculations show that due to the latter component, in the MHz range the power dissipation within the membrane significantly exceeds the value in the external medium, while in the lower GHz range this effect is even more pronounced. This implies that even in exposures that do not cause a significant temperature rise at the macroscopic, whole-system level, the locally increased power dissipation in cell membranes could lead to various effects at the microscopic, single-cell level.  相似文献   

Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) using high doses of synchrotron X-rays can destroy tumours in animal models whilst causing little damage to normal tissues. Determining the spatial distribution of radiation doses delivered during MRT at a microscopic scale is a major challenge. Film and semiconductor dosimetry as well as Monte Carlo methods struggle to provide accurate estimates of dose profiles and peak-to-valley dose ratios at the position of the targeted and traversed tissues whose biological responses determine treatment outcome. The purpose of this study was to utilise γ-H2AX immunostaining as a biodosimetric tool that enables in situ biological dose mapping within an irradiated tissue to provide direct biological evidence for the scale of the radiation burden to 'spared' tissue regions between MRT tracks. Γ-H2AX analysis allowed microbeams to be traced and DNA damage foci to be quantified in valleys between beams following MRT treatment of fibroblast cultures and murine skin where foci yields per unit dose were approximately five-fold lower than in fibroblast cultures. Foci levels in cells located in valleys were compared with calibration curves using known broadbeam synchrotron X-ray doses to generate spatial dose profiles and calculate peak-to-valley dose ratios of 30-40 for cell cultures and approximately 60 for murine skin, consistent with the range obtained with conventional dosimetry methods. This biological dose mapping approach could find several applications both in optimising MRT or other radiotherapeutic treatments and in estimating localised doses following accidental radiation exposure using skin punch biopsies.  相似文献   

Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), a so far preclinical method in radiation oncology, modulates treatment doses on a micrometre scale. MRT uses treatment fields with a few ten micrometre wide high dose regions (peaks) separated by a few hundred micrometre wide low dose regions (valleys) and was shown to spare tissue much more effectively than conventional radiation therapy at similar tumour control rates. While preclinical research focused primarily on tumours of the central nervous system, recently also lung tumours have been suggested as a potential target for MRT.This study investigates the effect of the lung microstructure, comprising air cavities of a few hundred micrometre diameter, on the microbeam dose distribution in lung. In Monte Carlo simulations different models of heterogeneous lung tissue are compared with pure water and homogeneous air–water mixtures. Experimentally, microbeam dose distributions in porous foam material with cavity sizes similar to the size of lung alveoli were measured with film dosimetry at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France.Simulations and experiments show that the microstructure of the lung has a huge impact on the local doses in the microbeam fields. Locally, material inhomogeneities may change the dose by a factor of 1.7, and also average peak and valley doses substantially differ from those in homogeneous material.Our results imply that accurate dose prediction for MRT in lung requires adequate models of the lung microstructure. Even if only average peak and valley doses are of interest, the assumption of a simple homogeneous air–water mixture is not sufficient. Since anatomic information on a micrometre scale are unavailable for clinical treatment planning, alternative methods and models have to be developed.  相似文献   

Microbeam radiation therapy has demonstrated superior normal tissue sparing properties compared to broadbeam radiation fields. The ratio of the microbeam peak dose to the valley dose (PVDR), which is dependent on the X-ray energy/spectrum and geometry, should be maximised for an optimal therapeutic ratio. Simulation studies in the literature report the optimal energy for MRT based on the PVDR. However, most of these studies have considered different microbeam geometries to that at the Imaging and Medical Beamline (50 μm beam width with a spacing of 400 μm). We present the first fully experimental investigation of the energy dependence of PVDR and microbeam penumbra. Using monochromatic X-ray energies in the range 40–120 keV the PVDR was shown to increase with increasing energy up to 100 keV before plateauing. PVDRs measured for pink beams were consistently higher than those for monochromatic energies similar or equivalent to the average energy of the spectrum. The highest PVDR was found for a pink beam average energy of 124 keV. Conversely, the microbeam penumbra decreased with increasing energy before plateauing for energies above 90 keV. The effect of bone on the PVDR was investigated at energies 60, 95 and 120 keV. At depths greater than 20 mm beyond the bone/water interface there was almost no effect on the PVDR. In conclusion, the optimal energy range for MRT at IMBL is 90–120 keV, however when considering the IMBL flux at different energies, a spectrum with 95 keV weighted average energy was found to be the best compromise.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo estimate the organ equivalent doses and the effective doses (E) in patient undergoing percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) examinations, using the MCNP5 and PCXMC2 Monte Carlo-based codes.MethodsThe purpose of this study is to estimate the organ doses to patients undergoing PTBD examinations by clinical measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Dose area products (DAP) values were assessed during examination of 43 patients undergoing PTBD examination separated into groups based on the gender and the dimensions and location of the beam.ResultsMonte Carlo simulation of photon transport in male and female mathematical phantoms was applied using the MCNP5 and PCXMC2 codes in order to estimate equivalent organ doses. Regarding the PTBD examination the organ receiving the maximum radiation dose was the lumbar spine. The mean calculated HT for the lumbar spine using the MCNP5 and PCXMC2 methods respectively, was 117.25 mSv and 131.7 mSv, in males. The corresponding doses were 139.45 mSv and 157.1 mSv respectively in females. The HT values for organs receiving considerable amounts of radiation during PTBD examinations were varied between 0.16% and 73.2% for the male group and between 1.10% and 77.6% for the female group. E in females and males using MCNP5 and PCXMC2.0 was 5.88 mSv and 6.77 mSv, and 4.93 mSv and 5.60 mSv.ConclusionThe doses remain high compared to other invasive operations in interventional radiology. There is a reasonable good coincidence between the MCNP5 and PCXMC2.0 calculation for most of the organs.  相似文献   

The ultrasonic method was used in acute experiments on cats with open chest and under artificial lung ventilation to study the coronary circulation, the minute and stroke volumes of the heart during changes in gaseous medium. Hypoxic hypoxia and hypercapnia were demonstrated to induce a considerable increase in the coronary circulation in the presence of a slightly elevated minute volume of the heart. The authors assume that the induced changes in the phasic coronary circulation point to the increased resistance of the coronary vessels to mechanical compression during systoles.  相似文献   

Leavening ability of baker's yeast exposed to hyperosmotic media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To develop a simple and rapid method for enhancing the leavening ability of baker's yeast, we examined the fermentation ability of baker's yeast exposed to hyperosmotic media. When baker's yeast cells were incubated at 25 degrees C for 1 h in a hyperosmotic medium containing 0.5% yeast extract, 0.5% peptone and 20% sucrose, the cells showed a higher fermentation ability in the subsequent fermentation test than those untreated. The increased ratios were from 40 to 60% depending on the strains used. Glucose and fructose showed a similar effect to that of sucrose, but sorbitol was less effective. A high correlation between the intracellular glycerol content and fermentation ability after the osmotic treatment suggested that glycerol accumulated during the hyperosmotic treatment was used in the subsequent fermentation as a substrate, lessened the lag time, and consequently enhanced the fermentation ability. Various baker's yeasts also showed a high leavening ability in dough after the hyperosmotic treatment.  相似文献   

Little is known about the action of charged particles of very high linear energy transfer (LET) on human cells and, in particular, the relationship between DNA damage and reproductive death. The aim of this study was to measure the biological efficiency of a low-energy argon beam (E=7.1 MeV/nucleon, LET= 1590 keV/µm) produced at GSI, Darmstadt, on a human melanoma cell line (CAL4) established in our Institute. Two different methods were used: the micronucleus (MN) test and the colonyforming assay. The MN test, using the cytochalasin-block method, is a measure of genotoxic damage. MN are scored in binucleate cells (BNC) and are formed from acentric fragments or whole chromosomes that have not been incorporated into daughter nuclei at mitosis. The colonyforming assay quantifies reproductive death. Parallel experiments were run with cobalt gamma-rays for comparison. After Co irradiation, the MN-free BNC dose-response curve coincided with that of the loss of colony-forming ability, suggesting the potential of the former as a predictive test of cell killing. After Ar irradiation, there was a dissociation between the two effects, especially at high doses: cell death was greater than the frequency of BNC with MN. The inactivation cross-section was 74 µm2; it was 39 µm2 for MN yield. Therefore, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) was higher for cell killing than for MN yield (0.8 and 0.5, respectively, at a Co dose of 3 Gy). The total MN count in BNC followed the same pattern of response as the fraction of BNC with MN. However, multiple (>2) MN in BNC were more frequently observed after low-dose Ar irradiation than after gamma-ray exposure (RBE>1). Moreover, the frequency of multiple MN induction exceeded that expected from a Poisson distribution attribution at all dose levels of Ar irradiation. These results indicate that (1) cell killing after 7.1-MeV Ar beam irradiation is less effective than after Co irradiation at an equivalent average energy deposition; (2) unlike gamma-rays, Ar particles are more efficient at cell killing than in producing MN; (3) the frequent scoring of multiple MN suggests the production of multiple damage sites, even at low fluences of Ar particles.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Better understanding of photosynthetic efficiency under fluctuating light requires a specific approach to characterize the dynamics of energy dissipation in photosystem...  相似文献   

PurposeIn cone-beam computed tomography dedicated to the breast (BCT), the mean glandular dose (MGD) is the dose metric of reference, evaluated from the measured air kerma by means of normalized glandular dose coefficients (DgNCT). This work aimed at computing, for a simple breast model, a set of DgNCT values for monoenergetic and polyenergetic X-ray beams, and at validating the results vs. those for patient specific digital phantoms from BCT scans.MethodsWe developed a Monte Carlo code for calculation of monoenergetic DgNCT coefficients (energy range 4.25–82.25 keV). The pendant breast was modelled as a cylinder of a homogeneous mixture of adipose and glandular tissue with glandular fractions by mass of 0.1%, 14.3%, 25%, 50% or 100%, enveloped by a 1.45 mm-thick skin layer. The breast diameter ranged between 8 cm and 18 cm. Then, polyenergetic DgNCT coefficients were analytically derived for 49-kVp W-anode spectra (half value layer 1.25–1.50 mm Al), as in a commercial BCT scanner. We compared the homogeneous models to 20 digital phantoms produced from classified 3D breast images.ResultsPolyenergetic DgNCT resulted 13% lower than most recent published data. The comparison vs. patient specific breast phantoms showed that the homogeneous cylindrical model leads to a DgNCT percentage difference between −15% and +27%, with an average overestimation of 8%.ConclusionsA dataset of monoenergetic and polyenergetic DgNCT coefficients for BCT was provided. Patient specific breast models showed a different volume distribution of glandular dose and determined a DgNCT 8% lower, on average, than homogeneous breast model.  相似文献   

Exposure of B-lineage lymphoid cells to a 100 microT 60 Hz AC magnetic field has been reported to stimulate the rapid activation of Lyn and Syk tyrosine kinases and the induction of protein tyrosine phosphorylation. These findings are significant because of the critical role played by these B cell signaling events in the control of growth and differentiation, and therefore the potential of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure to induce cancer. We report the first study carried out with the aim of reproducing the reported EMF effects on Lyn and Syk tyrosine kinases. The system used enabled EMF exposure conditions to be carefully controlled and also allowed experiments to be performed blind. The effects of a 100 microT 60 Hz AC magnetic field on protein tyrosine phosphorylation and on Lyn and Syk tyrosine kinase activities were investigated in Nalm-6 and DT40 B cells in the absence and presence of a 46 microT DC magnetic field. However, no significant effects of low-energy electromagnetic fields on tyrosine kinase activities or protein phosphorylation were observed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report results of radiation dose measurements in fingernails of a worker who sustained a radiation injury to his right thumb while using 130 kVp X-ray for nondestructive testing. Clinically estimated absorbed dose was about 20–25 Gy. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dose assessment was independently carried out by two laboratories, the Naval Dosimetry Center (NDC) and French Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN). The laboratories used different equipments and protocols to estimate doses in the same fingernail samples. NDC used an X-band transportable EPR spectrometer, e-scan produced by Bruker BioSpin, and a universal dose calibration curve. In contrast, IRSN used a more sensitive Q-band stationary spectrometer (EMXplus) with a new approach for the dose assessment (dose saturation method), derived by additional dose irradiation to known doses. The protocol used by NDC is significantly faster than that used by IRSN, nondestructive, and could be done in field conditions, but it is probably less accurate and requires more sample for the measurements. The IRSN protocol, on the other hand, potentially is more accurate and requires very small amount of sample but requires more time and labor. In both EPR laboratories, the intense radiation-induced signal was measured in the accidentally irradiated fingernails and the resulting dose assessments were different. The dose on the fingernails from the right thumb was estimated as 14 ± 3 Gy at NDC and as 19 ± 6 Gy at IRSN. Both EPR dose assessments are given in terms of tissue kerma. This paper discusses the experience gained by using EPR for dose assessment in fingernails with a stationary spectrometer versus a portable one, the reasons for the observed discrepancies in dose, and potential advantages and disadvantages of each approach for EPR measurements in fingernails.  相似文献   

The present study has been inspired by the results of earlier dose measurements in tissue-equivalent materials adjacent to thin foils of aluminum, copper, tin, gold, and lead. Large dose enhancements have been observed in low-Z materials near the interface when this ensemble was irradiated with X-rays of qualities known from diagnostic radiology. The excess doses have been attributed to photo-, Compton, and Auger electrons released from the metal surfaces. Correspondingly, high enhancements of biological effects have been observed in single cell layers arranged close to gold surfaces. The objective of the present work is to systematically survey, by calculation, the values of the dose enhancement in low-Z media facing backscattering materials with a variety of atomic numbers and over a large range of photon energies. Further parameters to be varied are the distance of the point of interest from the interface and the kind of the low-Z material. The voluminous calculations have been performed using the PHOTCOEF algorithm, a proven set of interpolation functions fitted to long-established Monte Carlo results, for primary photon energies between 5 and 250 keV and for atomic numbers varying over the periodic system up to Z = 100. The calculated results correlate well with our previous experimental results. It is shown that the values of the dose enhancement (a) vary strongly in dependence upon Z and photon energy; (b) have maxima in the energy region from 40 to 60 keV, determined by the K and L edges of the backscattering materials; and (c) are valued up to about 130 for “International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) soft tissue” (soft tissue composition recommended by the ICRP) as the adjacent low-Z material. Maximum dose enhancement associated with the L edge occurs for materials with atomic numbers between 50 and 60, e.g., barium (Z = 56) and iodine (Z = 53). Such materials typically serve as contrast media in medical X-ray diagnostics. The gradual reduction in the dose enhancement with increasing distance from the material interface, owed to the limited ranges of the emitted secondary electrons, has been documented in detail. The discussion is devoted to practical radiological aspects of the dose enhancement phenomenon. Cytogenetic effects in cell layers closely proximate to surfaces of medium-Z materials might vary over two orders of magnitude, because the dose enhancement is accompanied by the earlier observed about twofold increase in the low-dose RBEM at a tissue-to-gold interface.  相似文献   

We have previously determined by using immune-assay or bio-assay methods that low-dose irradiation enhances immune and anti-oxidation functions. In this study, we examined histological changes of lymphatic follicles at 4, 24, or 48 hrs after sham, 0.25, 0.5, or 15 Gy irradiation in the spleens of BALB/c mice, which are sensitive to radiation compared with other strains, and C57BL/6J mice, which are resistant to radiation, using hematoxylin-eosin staining for lymphatic follicles or methylgreen pyronin staining for plasma cells. Results show that the lymphatic follicles in the spleens of the two mouse strains decreased at 24 or 48 hrs after 15 Gy irradiation. The number of plasma cells in the spleens of sham irradiated BALB/c mice was greater than that of sham irradiated C57BL/6J mice. At 4 hrs after 0.25 Gy irradiation, plasma cells increased in the spleens of the two mouse strains. These findings suggest, by histology, that low-dose irradiation activates the plasma cells and enhances the immune function. Although those two mouse strains have different sensitivities to radiation, the above changes were similar in both time course and degree of response. Therefore, the phenomena observed may be common in mice.  相似文献   

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