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The complement system presents a powerful defense against infection and is tightly regulated to prevent damage to self by functionally equivalent soluble and membrane regulators. We describe complement C2 receptor inhibitor trispanning (CRIT), a novel human complement regulatory receptor, expressed on hemopoietic cells and a wide range of tissues throughout the body. CRIT is present in human parasites through horizontal transmission. Serum complement component C2 binds to the N-terminal extracellular domain 1 of CRIT, which, in peptide form, blocks C3 convertase formation and complement-mediated inflammation. Unlike C1 inhibitor, which inhibits the cleavage of C4 and C2, CRIT only blocks C2 cleavage but, in so doing, shares with C1 inhibitor the same functional effect, of preventing classical pathway C3 convertase formation. Ab blockage of cellular CRIT reduces inhibition of cytolysis, indicating that CRIT is a novel complement regulator protecting autologous cells.  相似文献   

Complement C2 receptor inhibitor trispanning (CRIT) is a Schistosoma protein that binds the human complement protein, C2. We recently showed that peptides based on the ligand binding region of CRIT inhibit the classical pathway (CP) of complement activation in human serum, using hemolytic assays and so speculated that on the parasite surface CRIT has the function of evading human complement. We now show that in vitro the C2-binding 11-aa C terminus of the first extracellular domain of CRIT, a 1.3-kDa peptide termed CRIT-H17, inhibits CP activation in a species-specific manner, inhibiting mouse and rat complement but not that from guinea pig. Hitherto, the ability of CRIT to regulate complement in vivo has not been assessed. In this study we show that by inhibiting the CP, CRIT-H17 is able to reduce immune complex-mediated inflammation (dermal reversed passive Arthus reaction) in BALB/c mice. Upon intradermal injection of CRIT-H17, and similarly with recombinant soluble complement receptor type 1, there was a 41% reduction in edema and hemorrhage, a 72% reduction in neutrophil influx, and a reduced C3 deposition. Furthermore, when H17 was administered i.v. at a 1 mg/kg dose, inflammation was reduced by 31%. We propose that CRIT-H17 is a potential therapeutic agent against CP complement-mediated inflammatory tissue destruction.  相似文献   

Raptor,a binding partner of target of rapamycin (TOR), mediates TOR action   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
mTOR controls cell growth, in part by regulating p70 S6 kinase alpha (p70alpha) and eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding protein 1 (4EBP1). Raptor is a 150 kDa mTOR binding protein that also binds 4EBP1 and p70alpha. The binding of raptor to mTOR is necessary for the mTOR-catalyzed phosphorylation of 4EBP1 in vitro, and it strongly enhances the mTOR kinase activity toward p70alpha. Rapamycin or amino acid withdrawal increases, whereas insulin strongly inhibits, the recovery of 4EBP1 and raptor on 7-methyl-GTP Sepharose. Partial inhibition of raptor expression by RNA interference (RNAi) reduces mTOR-catalyzed 4EBP1 phosphorylation in vitro. RNAi of C. elegans raptor yields an array of phenotypes that closely resemble those produced by inactivation of Ce-TOR. Thus, raptor is an essential scaffold for the mTOR-catalyzed phosphorylation of 4EBP1 and mediates TOR action in vivo.  相似文献   

Sepsis is associated with extensive complement activation, compromising innate immune defenses, especially in neutrophils (PMN). Recently, a second C5a receptor (C5L2) was detected on PMN without evidence of intracellular signaling. The current study was designed to determine changes in C5L2 in blood PMN during sepsis. In vitro exposure of PMN to C5a, but not to fMLP, led to reduced content of C5L2. Following cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis in rats, PMN demonstrated a time-dependent decrease in C5L2. In vivo blockade of C5a during experimental sepsis resulted in preservation of C5L2. Similarly, PMN from patients with progressive sepsis showed significantly reduced C5L2 expression (n = 26), which was virtually abolished in patients who developed multiorgan failure (n = 10). In contrast, sepsis survivors exhibited retention of C5L2 (n = 12/13). The data suggest that C5L2 on PMN diminishes during sepsis due to systemic generation of C5a, which is associated with a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of a commensal, Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei, and a parasitic trematode, Schistosoma mansoni, on infection patterns and life-history responses in the aquatic snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Prevalence of infection was significantly higher in snails that were devoid of C. limnaei limnaei relative to those that were colonized by the commensal, indicating that the oligochaete may protect the host from trematode infection. This finding appeared to be the direct result of the commensal as opposed to indirect stimulation of the immune system, as hemocyte numbers did not differ between C. limnaei limnaei-colonized and noncolonized snails. Snail growth and reproduction were affected by the presence of C. limnaei limnaei and exposure to S. mansoni. Two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of both C. limnaei limnaei presence and trematode exposure on B. glabrata growth over the 5-wk study with C. limnaei limnaei-colonized and parasite-infected snails demonstrating the greatest growth. Snails exposed, but uninfected, by S. mansoni demonstrated the lowest growth regardless of commensal colonization. Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei colonization had no effect on egg production, but S. mansoni-infected snails produced significantly more eggs than individuals from other treatment groups. Survival remained over 85% in all treatment groups. The ecological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Insulin signalling is a very ancient and well conserved pathway in metazoan cells, dependent on insulin receptors (IR) which are transmembrane proteins with tyrosine kinase activity. A unique IR is usually present in invertebrates whereas two IR members are found with different functions in vertebrates. This work demonstrates the existence of two distinct IR homologs (SmIR-1 and SmIR-2) in the parasite trematode Schistosoma mansoni. These two receptors display differences in several structural motifs essential for signalling and are differentially expressed in parasite tissues, suggesting that they could have distinct functions. The gene organization of SmIR-1 and SmIR-2 is similar to that of the human IR and to that of the IR homolog from Echinococcus multilocularis (EmIR), another parasitic platyhelminth. SmIR-1 and SmIR-2 were shown to interact with human pro-insulin but not with pro-insulin-like growth factor-1 in two-hybrid assays. Phylogenetic results indicated that SmIR-2 and EmIR might be functional orthologs whereas SmIR-1 would have emerged to fulfil specific functions in schistosomes.  相似文献   

L Bao  N P Gerard  R L Eddy  T B Shows  C Gerard 《Genomics》1992,13(2):437-440
The genes encoding receptors for the chemotactic ligands C5a (C5AR) and FMLP (FPR) were mapped using a panel of somatic cell hybrids to chromosome 19. Because the hybridization pattern on Southern analysis suggested an intron structure or related genes in the case of FPR, genomic clones were characterized. Two structural homologues of the FMLP receptor, clones 81 (FPRH1) and 82 (FPRH2), were identified, which similarly map to chromosome 19. The structural homologues do not recognize the ligand FMLP, but are likely chemotactic receptors.  相似文献   

A new species of Hirsutella was isolated from unidentified mites on Petri plates inoculated with soil and root fragments collected from asparagus rhizosphere at Virú, Northern Peru. The fungus differs from other Hirsutella species by an envelope surrounding the conidium, conidia dimension and DNA sequences. In PDA cultures, the mycelium produced aerial hyphae with conidiogenous cells mainly at right angles, occasionally showing a secondary conidiophore. The solitary conidia are cymbiform, slightly apiculate, 5.0–6.0 × 3.0–4.0 μm. Phylogenetic analyses with partial rRNA and β-tubulin gene sequences confirmed the fungus as an Hirsutella (Ophiocordycipitaceae). Closest species shown by maximum likelihood and neighbor-joining trees were H. nodulosa and H. aphidis, from which the new species differs for conidium or conidiogenous cells dimensions, lack of synnemata and host type. A recombination event was also detected in the rRNA of the holotype strain, involving Ophiocordyceps sinensis as major parent and O. cochlidiicola as minor parent. A complement, inverted insertion was also found in its rRNA, involving part of the ITS2 and 5.8S regions, flanked by two short nucleotide arrays. Due to conidia dimension and phylogenetic position, the fungus is described as Hirsutella tunicata sp. nov. A review of mononematous Hirsutella species is provided.  相似文献   

Dystonia represents the third most common movement disorder in humans. At least 15 genetic loci (DYT1-15) have been identified and some of these genes have been cloned. TOR1A (formally DYT1), the gene responsible for the most common primary hereditary dystonia, encodes torsinA, an AAA ATPase family protein. However, the function of torsinA has yet to be fully understood. Here, we have generated and characterized a complete loss-of-function mutant for dtorsin, the only Drosophila ortholog of TOR1A. Null mutation of the X-linked dtorsin was semi-lethal with most male flies dying by the pre-pupal stage and the few surviving adults being sterile and slow moving, with reduced cuticle pigmentation and thin, short bristles. Third instar male larvae exhibited locomotion defects that were rescued by feeding dopamine. Moreover, biochemical analysis revealed that the brains of third instar larvae and adults heterozygous for the loss-of-function dtorsin mutation had significantly reduced dopamine levels. The dtorsin mutant showed a very strong genetic interaction with Pu (Punch: GTP cyclohydrolase), the ortholog of the human gene underlying DYT14 dystonia. Biochemical analyses revealed a severe reduction of GTP cyclohydrolase protein and activity, suggesting that dtorsin plays a novel role in dopamine metabolism as a positive-regulator of GTP cyclohydrolase protein. This dtorsin mutant line will be valuable for understanding this relationship and potentially other novel torsin functions that could play a role in human dystonia.  相似文献   

The biology of the helminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni is closely integrated with that of its mammalian host. SmRK1, a divergent type I transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) receptor of unknown ligand specificity, was previously identified as a candidate for a receptor that allows schistosomes to respond to host-derived growth factors. The TGF-beta family includes activin, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and TGF-beta, all of which can play crucial roles in metazoan development. The downstream signaling protein of receptors that respond to TGF-beta and activin is Smad2, whereas the receptors that respond to BMPs signal via Smad1. When a constitutively active mutant of SmRK1 was overexpressed with either schistosome Smad1 (SmSmad1) or SmSmad2, a receptor-dependent modulation of SmSmad phosphorylation and luciferase reporter activity occurred only with SmSmad2. To evaluate potential ligand activators of SmRK1, a chimeric receptor containing the extracellular domain of SmRK1 joined to the intracellular domain of the human type I TGF-beta receptor was used. The chimeric receptor bound radiolabeled TGF-beta and could activate a luciferase reporter gene in response to both TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 3 but not BMP7. Confirmatory results were obtained using full-length SmRK1. These experiments implicate TGF-beta as a ligand for SmRK1 and as a potential host-derived regulator of parasite growth and development.  相似文献   

A new species of monogeneans, Euzetrema caucasica sp. n., from the urinary bladder of Mertensiella caucasica (Waga, 1876) is described. The new species differs from E. knoepffleri Combes, 1965 by greater sizes of the disc, median and marginal hooks and anterior suckers. Certain suggestions are made on the biology and life cycle of Euzetrema.  相似文献   

Srivastavanema cynocephali n. sp., a parasite of Cynocephalus variegatus (Dermoptera) from Indonesia, is described. This species is closely related to S. yapi Durette-Desset & Lim Boo Liat, 1975, in the characters of the synlophe at the mid-body and in the shape of the caudal bursa, but it is distinguished by the pattern of the synlophe in the posterior part of the body, very long, thin rays 2 and 3, a less developed genital cone, the absence of a membrane between left and right rays 6, and longer spicules. Its morphology is slightly less specialised than the four previously known species of the genus, which are all parasites of petauristines. The genus Srivastavanema (Singh, 1962) has a systematic position between the Heligmonellinae and the Brevistriatinae. Therefore, it may be a parasite of the Dermoptera which could have secondarily evolved within the Petauristinae. The Dermoptera may have played an important role in the evolution of the Heligmonellinae.  相似文献   

The nuclear orphan receptor OR1 has been shown to bind as a heterodimer with retinoid X receptor (RXR) to direct repeat 4 (DR4) response elements. It remained unclear, however, whether this represents the only or the optimal binding site for this receptor. Therefore, we performed a DNA binding site selection assay that allows the identification of novel DNA binding sites for OR1 in an unbiased manner. While OR1 alone was not able to select a specific sequence from the pool of oligonucleotides, the OR1/RXR heterodimer selected a highly conserved DR1 element, termed DR1s, with two AGGTCA motifs spaced by one adenosine. The functional activity of the consensus binding site was verified in transient transfection assays and corroborated by in vitro studies. Based on the sequence of the consensus DR1s, we located putative natural binding sites in the 5'-promoter flanking regions of the rat S14 gene and the rat cholecystokinin type A receptor gene. Furthermore, we could show that although the OR1/RXR heterodimer has a distinct binding orientation on a DR4 element, it is able to bind in both orientations to the DR1s element. The OR1 paralog LXRalpha does not bind as a heterodimer with RXR to the DR1s element, indicating that these receptors, despite their homology, are involved in the regulation of different sets of genes.  相似文献   

A microsporidian pathogen, infecting the epithelial cells of the hepatopancreas of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, was studied by electron microscopy. The detailed ultrastructure of life cycle of the pathogen including proliferative and sporogonic developmental stages are provided. All stages of the parasite are haplokaryotic and develop in a vacuole bounded by a single membrane in contact with host cell cytoplasm. Sporogenesis is synchronous with the same developmental stage in one vacuole. Sporogony shows a characteristic of multinucleate sporogonial plasmodia divided by rosette-like division, producing 4 or 8 sporoblasts. The mature spore is ellipsoidal, length (mean) 1.7 microm, width 1.0 microm, with a uninucleate in the center of the sporoplasm, 7 turns of the polar filament, a bell-like polaroplast of compact membranes and obliquely positioned posterior vacuole. The morphological characteristics of this novel microsporidian pathogen have led us to assign the parasite to a new species of Endoreticulatus, E. eriocheir sp. nov., that has not been reported previously from crab.  相似文献   

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