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用扫描电镜观察八种散白蚁和一种异白蚁有翅成虫翅面微刻点。结果表明,除了观察到文献中已报道的微刻点类型(舌状乳突、尖头状乳突和粉刺状突起)外,还发现有小刺突和毛,而且同一种白蚁翅背、腹面的微刻点类型存在明显的差异,根据微刻点类型就细颚异白蚁的分类地位作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

用扫描电镜观察八种散白蚁和一种异白蚁有翅成虫翅面微刻点.结果表明,除了观察到文献中已报道的微刻点类型(舌状乳突、尖头状乳突和粉刺状突起)外,还发现有小刺突和毛.而且同一种白蚁翅背、腹面的微刻点类型存在明显的差异.根据微刻点类型就细颚异白蚁的分类地位作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

首次发现并记述成都杆白蚁Stylotermes chengduensis Gao et Zhu,1980有翅成虫,详细描述了其形态特征,并附鉴别特征图;同时与近似种蔡氏杆白蚁Stylotermes tsaii Gao et Zhu,1982进行了比较。研究标本采集于四川成都,保存于成都市白蚁防治研究所。  相似文献   

平正明  徐月莉 《昆虫学报》1989,32(3):330-336
原鼻白蚁属(Prorhinotermes Silvestri, 1909)广布于全球的热带和亚热带地区,长期来被公认作为一个岛屿分布属,已知16种。近年来,对此属的额腺化学分析,进一步确立了这个属由Quenneday et Deligne(1975)建立单属亚科Prorhinotermitinae的进化位置。 我国已知记录为2种,本文记述2新种。海南原鼻白蚁Prorhinotermes hainanen-sis新种是据海南省崖县标本经同美国自然历史博物馆保存的台湾省兰屿的模式标本核对后而定名的;崖县标本曾被认为是P, japonicus(Holmgren)。奇丽原鼻白蚁P.  相似文献   

本文记述湖北省等翅目三新种,毛唇散白蚁Reticulitermes tricholabtalis sp.nov.湖北散白蚁Reticulitermes hubeiensis sp.nov.和近圆唇散白蚁Reticulitermes perilabralis sp.nov.。所有正模标本均保存于广东省昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

鼻白蚁科是社会性昆虫白蚁的一个重要类群,包括许多世界性大害虫,且在等翅目昆虫系统发育中占有特殊的地位.本文概述了应用于鼻白蚁科系统发育研究的系统分类学方法,探讨了鼻白蚁科系统发育研究现状及存在的问题.鼻白蚁科不具有单系性,其系统发育问题有待深入研究.  相似文献   

用扫描电镜观察了3种木白蚁(平阳堆砂白蚁Cryptotermespingyangensis、叶额堆砂白蚁C.havilandi和侧角楹白蚁Incisitermes laterangularis)和2种草白蚁(东方原白蚁Hodotermopsisorientalis和尤氏原白蚁H.yui)的翅面微刻点。微刻点类型有:乳突:基部宽5.0—20.6μm,长3.0-17.7μm,翅面中央密度可达2070—3375乳突/mm2;瘤状突起:基部直径15.0—58.6μm,翅面中央密度282—356突起/mm2;粉刺状突起:基部直径2.4-4.8μn。此外,还发现有长11—57μm的毛。同种白蚁的前、后翅和翅的背、腹面之间,微刻点类型没有明显的差异。最后初步讨论了白蚁翅面微刻点的分类学和生物学意义。  相似文献   

张方耀  高其康 《昆虫学报》1994,37(4):435-439
用扫描电镜观察了3种木白蚁(平阳堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes pingyangensis、叶额堆砂白蚁C.Havilandi和侧角楹白蚁Incisistermes laterangularis)和2种草白蚁(东方原白蚁Hodotermopsis orientalis和尤氏原白蚁H.Yui的翅面微刻点。微刻点类型有:乳突:基部宽5.0-20.6μm,长3.0-19.7μm,翅面中央密度可达2070-3375乳突mm2;瘤状突起:基部直径15.0-58.6μm,翅面中密度282-356突起/mm2;粉刺状突起:基部直径2.4-4.8μm。此外,还发现有长11一57μm的毛。同种白蚁的前、后翅和翅的背、腹面之间,微刻点类型没有明显的差异。最后初步讨论了白蚁翅面微刻点的分类学和生物学意义。  相似文献   

李耀华 《昆虫知识》1994,31(6):356-358
长翅生殖型是家白蚁Coptotermesformo-sanusShiraki巢群的重要组成部分,是家白蚁种群扩大为害区域,延续、发展的主要品级。研究其发育特点,是家白蚁生物学的重要内容,且有助于提高防治水平和效果。!研究方法直接解剖家白蚁大小奥比三OO多个及1000多个活动点,观察一年内每日长翅生殖型在巢内的分布及发育情况。在家白蚁的分飞期,对长翅成虫进行人工配对,对其初建群体观察其产卵和孵化情况,研究其卵期和幼中期的发言。系统测量矛日以的巢温,共测量活单几十个,取得巢温数据两万多个(其中对7个奥进行了两年系统测量)。从家白蚁…  相似文献   

张方耀  李参 《动物学研究》1993,14(3):270-270,269,282
Roonwal及其合作者(1967—1987)对白蚁翅面微刻点(Wing microsculpturing)进行了广泛的研究,发现至少存在8种类型的微刻点,并对其进化、分类学和生态学意义进行了讨论。但他们的观察主要是在光镜下进行的,电镜下的观察极少。国内尚未见有关的报道。我们对黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁的翅面微刻点进行了扫描电镜观察,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

<正>短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes Milne-Edwards,1872)隶属鼩形目(Soricomorpha)鼩鼱科(Soricidae)鼩鼱亚科(Soricinae)短尾鼩属,其模式产地为中国四川宝兴(Milne-Edwards,1872)。短尾鼩属的物种分布于亚洲中南部,共有4种,即A.assamensis、A.schmidi、A.squamipes和A.yamashinai(Wilson and Reeder,2005)。短尾鼩  相似文献   

1. In the direct aortogram the shade of the abdominal aorta is projected into the left half of the vertebrum bodies from Th - 12 to L - 4. 2. The length of the abdominal aorta changes with age from 172,1 mm (in the age up to 40 years) to 203,7 mm (in 71-75 years) independent of the sex and is equal to 177,1-2,8 mm (sigma=21,8 mm). 3. The caliber of the abdominal aorta becomes narrower in the caudal direction, being most narrow between levels Th - 12, L - 1, and L - 2. Independent of the sex, the aorta caliber increases with age at the level of all lumbar vertebra. The difference in the caliber between cranial and caudal parts of the aorta increases with age from 6,7 mm (in the age of 40) up to 11,7 mm (in the age of 60-70). Mean values of the caliber at the level Th - 11 are equal to 26,9-0,8 mm (sigma=5,33 mm) and at the level L - 4 are equal to 18,9-0,3 mm (sigma = 2,9 mm). 4. The course of the abdominal aorta is directed downwards and to the middle. With age the aorta makes an arc-shaped bend to the left first at the level Th - 12, then L - 1, and in senile age at the level L - 2. 5. Independent of age and sex of examined persons the skeletotopical zones of orifices of the main visceral and paramural arteries were established which can significantly facilitate their selective angiography.  相似文献   

The musculus masseter, ensuring movements of the mandible, displace the osseous pieces at its fracture up/down in the lateral and medial sides. Morphometrical investigation of the musculi depressores++ mandibulae has been performed. As a whole 33 corpses (29-78 years of age) of normosthenic++ complexion have been studied. The measurements have been performed by means of a special compasses and a ruler with an approximation to 1 mm and 1 degree. The length of the digastric muscle belly is 55.3 +/- 1.1 mm. The length of the geniohyoid muscle is 44.5 +/- 0.9 mm. The distance between the centers, where the digastric muscle are fixed on the hypoglossal bone is 46.1 +/- 1.1 mm, and on the mandible--25 +/- 9 mm. The width of fixation of the musculus mylohyoideus on the mandible is 52.6 +/- 1.2 mm. The angles between the masseter muscles, the mandibular body and the occlusive plane have also been determined.  相似文献   

Five basic measurements of the male external genitalia were studied in 320 healthy male medical students belonging to the various parts of Nigeria (West Africa). Their ages range from 17 to 23 years. The measurements were as follows: average length of the penis (81.6 +/- 0.94 mm); circumference of the penis (88.3 +/- 0.02 mm); circumference of the scrotum (212.6 +/- 2.48 mm); length of right testis (46.8 +/- 0.54 mm); width of right testis (32.4 +/- 0.37 mm); length of left testis (46.0 +/- 0.53 mm); and width of left testis (31.4 +/- 0.36 mm). The size of the genitalia increases with the increase in age in younger year groups. The adult stages of genitalia development are reached at the age of 21 years in 89.0% of the individuals. The growth of the genitalia is continued with the increasing height and weight, but this growth slows down after attaining a definite height and weight.  相似文献   

By means of injection into the hollow system of the semiharden plastic "Protacryl" and tomometry, 157 human kidneys have been studied at the age of 20-90 years (117 man and 40 women). Size, form, number, and character of position of the calyces renales minores (CRM) have been determined. Basing on the diameter of the fornix, three groups are distinguished: large (15-25 mm), middle (6-14 mm) and small (2-5 mm) CRM, and according to the length of the infundibulum-long (15-25 mm), middle (8-14 mm) and short (up to 7 mm). Total amount of the CRM is from 3 up to 20. The geometrical model of arrangement in the space (3-2-3) is obtained correspondingly to superior, middle and inferior parts of the kidney and probability of revealing is determined. The CRM topography in the threedimentional space is described and indices of the calyx-pelvic system length are calculated for the whole and for each CRM separately. The data obtained are recommended to take into account in urological practice, when certain organ-preserving operations are performed.  相似文献   

黄土高原不同土壤结构体有机碳库的分布   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据不同植被类型和土壤类型,分别从黄土高原不同地域分层(0~20 cm、20~40 cm和40~60 cm)采集22个土壤剖面样品,研究土壤有机碳库在不同结构体中的分布特征.结果表明,所有结构体,从表层向下有机碳含量和贮量皆呈递减趋势;而各土层,从>5 mm、2~5 mm、1~2 mm到0.25~1 mm结构体有机碳含量呈递增趋势,而从0.25~1 mm到<0.25 mm呈下降趋势,以0.25~1 mm结构体中有机碳含量最高.由于不同大小结构体所占比例不同,因此不同结构体中的有机碳贮量与含量并不完全一致:从>5 mm、2~5 mm到1~2 mm结构体中有机碳贮量呈递减趋势,而从1~2 mm、0.25~1 mm到<0.25 mm呈递增趋势,以1~2 mm结构体有机碳贮量最低.有机碳含量除土垫旱耕人为土在<0.25 mm结构体中最大外,干湿砂质新成土、黄土正常新成土和简育干润均腐土在0.25~1 mm结构体中最高;但有机碳贮量在干湿砂质新成土和黄土正常新成土中以<0.25 mm结构体所占比例最大,在简育干润均腐土和土垫旱耕人为土中以>5 mm结构体所占比例最大.在不同植被下有机碳含量、贮量不同,表现为自然林地>裸地>人工林地>农地.  相似文献   

The rate of early fetal growth in the human subject   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from 354 embryos and fetuses between 20 and 200 mm crown rump length obtained by therapeutic abortion in 3 different countries were evaluated. All Danich and Hungarian and the majority of American specimens were measured immeditely after delivery in the fresh condition. In the mathematical evaluation linear regressions were calculated by the method of least squares for arbitrarily defined ranges to 20-50 mm and 50-200 mm crown rump lenghts. The material was analyzed statistically so that confidence limits could be drawn for the estimation of gestational age from crown rump length measurements. All data in the 20-50 mm range were combined, but beyond that fetal length the statistics for the Hungarian group were calculated separatley. The equation calculated to fit the data in the 20-50 mm rage is A = 46 + 0.71 L where A is gestational age in days and L is crown rump lenght in mm. The 95% confidence limits of regression are 0.57-0.83 days/mm and the correlation between gestational age and crown rump length is 0.65. Estimates of gestational age from sitting height measurements can be made + or - 15 days with 95% confidence. The equation for the combined Danish and American data in the range 50-200 mm is A = 64 + 0.41 L. The 95% confidence limits for the regression are 0.36-0.46 days mm and the correlation between gestational age and crown rump length is 0.70. Estimates of gestational age from crown rump length can be made + or - 26 days with 95% confidence. The data from the Hungarian study in the 50-200 mm sitting height range differ from those of the combined Danish and American material. The regression of days/mm (0.22) was significantly less at p. 01 level supporting the suspected bias in the Hungarian material, but the correlation between gestational age and crown rump length, 0.62, was not significantly less than that of the combined Danish and American data. Thus, if the difference in the slope was due to a bias, the bias was relatively consistent from patient to patient. Comparison of the results with those of Streeter (1920, 1951) indicates that the considerable discrepancy at the embryonic stages diminishes gradually in the fetal period and eventually becomes quite insignificant.  相似文献   

A new cestode species, Monocercus dokuchaevi sp. n. is described from shrews of the genus Sorex from the Middle Kolyma plateau (Magadan Province). The new species is most closer to M. soricis (Neiland, 1953) by having regular alteration of genital atriums in the short strobila (up to 10 mm only). The size of rostellar hooks in M. dokuchaevi is intermedial between those in M. soricis and M. arioni (Sibold, 1850). In Monocercus dokuchaevi, the length of rostellar hooks is 0.038-0.045 mm (average 0.045 mm), in M. arioni, average is 0.05 mm, in M. soricis, limits are 0.027-0.033 mm. Two other species of the genus, M. baicalensis Eltyshev, 1971 and M. estavarensis Euzet et Jourdan, 1968, have much longer rostellar hooks, 0.07-0.08 and 0.092-0.106 mm, respectively, whereas the genital atriums in these species are altered irregularly.  相似文献   

Experimental infections of Lymnaea columella with Fasciola hepatica were carried out to determine the influence of shell size on the infection rate and on the outcome of rediae and cercariae. Snails were divided into seven groups according to shell size: 2-4 mm, 5-6 mm, 7-8 mm, 9-10 mm, 11-12 mm, 13-14 mm and 15 mm or more. One hundred snails in each group were infected by using four miracidia for each snail. Snails with larger shell size showed a lower infection rate, the groups presenting the highest (79%) and lowest (2%) proportions of positives being those of 5-6 mm and 15 mm or more, respectively. Cercariae were present in 21% of them at 31 days post-infection, and cercarial shedding was observed 61 days post-infection. It was concluded that there is a non-linear negative association between shell size and infection rate.  相似文献   

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