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Laser Doppler spectroscopy permits to investigate the velocity distribution of the biological objects either single cells or ensembles. The main principles of laser Doppler spectroscopy and its practical application connected with the spectral correlation dependence of biological objects have been studied.  相似文献   

Trivalent Gd, Tm, and Dy solutions can be used as intrinsic excitation and emission standards to validate the UV and violet-blue wavelength accuracy of a spectrofluorimeter. Europium extends the range into the red. To attain sufficient sensitivity, these luminescent rare earth ions require deuterated reagents or carbonate complexation, which allow the use of ordinary water and thus preparation in virtually any laboratory. Such solutions are particularly valuable as system suitability standards (SST) for protein fluorescence spectroscopy to detect red shifts of the intrinsic fluorescence maximum in stability and storage studies.  相似文献   

The Raman spectra of solid calf bone Gla protein in its native state, decarboxylated, with reduced disulfide bond, and as the calcium salt have been obtained. The amide I and III bands are consistent with the presence of alpha-helical, antiparallel beta-sheet, and random-coil regions in all four forms of bone Gla protein. Random coil appears to be the prevailing conformation. The protein conformation in the calcium salt exhibits an increased alpha-helix character compared to the native protein. No significant differences in the backbone conformation are observed among the native, decarboxylated, and reduced forms of bone Gla protein. The Raman band at 504 cm-1, due to the disulfide stretching vibration in native bone Gla protein, is unchanged upon decarboxylation and binding of Ca2+ to the protein, indicating the absence of any changes in the conformation around the disulfide bond in these protein species. The tryptophan and most of the tyrosine residues appear to be 'exposed' rather than 'buried' in the native protein. The environment of at least one of the phenylalanine residues changes when Ca2+ is bound to bone Gla protein. A small change also appears to take place in the environment of at least one of the tyrosine residues upon Ca2+-binding or reduction of the disulfide bond.  相似文献   

One major remaining problem in structural biology is to elucidate the structure and mechanism of function of membrane proteins. On the basis of preliminary information from genome projects, it is now estimated that up to 50,000 different membrane proteins may exist in the human being and that virtually every life process proceeds, sooner or later, through a membrane protein. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy in high magnetic field is rapidly developing into a widely applicable tool to describe the structure and help understand the mechanism of function of a membrane protein. Recent work in applied solid-state NMR spectroscopy crosses the boundary between the biological and the physical sciences, and aims at increasing the predictive range of this biophysical method.  相似文献   

A method is described for on-line enrichment/zone sharpening of a sample of negatively charged proteins (an analogous method for cationic proteins can be designed). The sample is applied on the top of a 5-mm thick layer of a neutral polyacrylamide gel which rests on another 5-mm thick, large-pore polyacrylamide gel which contains positively charged groups. The latter gel layer is attached to the neutral gel column, used for the electrophoretic separation of the proteins. When a voltage is applied the proteins start migrating and become electrostatically adsorbed at the top of the charged, large-pore gel layer (pH 5.4). With the upper electrode vessel filled with a buffer of a pH higher (pH 7.7) than that employed in the enrichment step and with a voltage between the electrodes, these enriched proteins are released (because the enrichment gel is non-charged at pH 7.7) with zone sharpening and migrate into the 5-cm long column (i.d. 5 mm) of a neutral, large-pore polyacrylamide gel for electrophoretic analysis. Upon the electrophoretic migration from the enrichment gel into the separation gel a second zone sharpening may occur, if the increase in pH from 5.4 to 7.7 in the separation gel is not close to momentary. By employing colored test proteins the efficiency of the enrichment step is visually illustrated by a picture. The principle of the concentration method described has been employed also in chromatographic experiments and can with appropriate modifications also be used in other electrophoretic methods, such as capillary electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Modern protein Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy has proven to be a versatile and sensitive technique, applicable to many aspects of protein characterization. The major practical drawback for the FT-IR spectroscopy of proteins is the large absorbance band of water, which overlaps the amide I resonances. D2O is often substituted for H2O in infrared experiments. Removal of water from protein samples can be complicated and tedious and potentially lead to denaturation, aggregation, or sample loss. Solvent removal by dialysis is difficult for suspensions and sols. A new method called the D2O dilution technique (Ddt) is described which simplifies the sample preparation step and improves the solvent subtraction. The effect of the D2O concentration on the IR spectrum of aqueous solutions of several model proteins was studied. Dilution of aqueous samples with D2O yields good quality spectra. The Ddt has been evaluated for quantitative analysis using standard proteins and its applicability to solutions and suspensions of a genetically engineered malaria antigen is demonstrated. Use of resolution-enhancement techniques with spectra in mixed solvents has also been investigated.  相似文献   

In an attempt to explain the unusual electrophoretic behavior of fish muscle creatine kinase, a phenomenological theory of transport of reacting systems has been formulated for the electrophoresis of a sulfhydryl protein undergoing oxidation in the presence of a gradient of molecular oxygen. The model assumes slow O2-oxidation of sulfhydryl groups followed by rather rapidly reversible sulfhydryl-disulfide interchange with concomitant change in the electrophoretic mobility of the protein. The computed electrophoretic patterns for this model exhibit a sharp, unimodal ascending boundary but a bimodal descending boundary in which the proportions of the two peaks are time dependent. There is a striking similarity between the theoretical patterns and their experimental counterparts (M.D. Doherty, D.A. Bergman, V.M. Re-Miller, and D.J. Winzor, 1980, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 202, 558-564); and hence support for consideration of the electrophoresis of fish muscle creatine kinase in these terms.  相似文献   

A flash photolysis apparatus with monitoring infrared beam is described allowing measurements of relative transmission changes of 10–3 in times of a few milliseconds. The investigation of the photodissociation of CO-myoglobin confirms the results obtained by static infrared difference spectroscopy. The application of our method to the rhodopsin/Meta II transition reveals signals which can tentatively be ascribed to the disappearance of the C=C-band of the protonated N-retinylidene Schiff base in rhodopsin. The developed method will be compared with other existing methods of kinetic vibronic spectroscopy such as kinetic resonance Raman spectroscopy and kinetic Fourier infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance can provide detailed insight into structural and dynamical aspects of complex biomolecules. With increasing molecular size, advanced approaches for spectral simplification and the detection of medium to long-range contacts become of critical relevance. We have analyzed the protonation pattern of a membrane-embedded ion channel that was obtained from bacterial expression using protonated precursors and D2O medium. We find an overall reduction of 50% in protein protonation. High levels of deuteration at Hα and Hβ positions reduce spectral congestion in (1H,13C,15N) correlation experiments and generate a transfer profile in longitudinal mixing schemes that can be tuned to specific resonance frequencies. At the same time, residual protons are predominantly found at amino-acid side-chain positions enhancing the prospects for obtaining side-chain resonance assignments and for detecting medium to long-range contacts. Fractional deuteration thus provides a powerful means to aid the structural analysis of complex biomolecules by solid-state NMR.  相似文献   

Previous results obtained from the computerized interpretation (Greer, 1976) of a 3.0 Å electron density map of Bence—Jones protein Rhe have been compared with results (Wang et al., 1979) obtained by classical Richards' box techniques (Richards, 1968). Although the overall agreement between the two models is generally good, the computerized results contain several significant errors in the assignment of α-carbon atoms, which in our opinion are unlikely to be corrected without using human intervention together with other methods. However this test does show that the computerized method has potential.  相似文献   

Solution NMR studies on the physiologically relevant ligand-free and maltotriose-bound states of maltodextrin-binding protein (MBP) are presented. Together with existing data on MBP in complex with beta-cyclodextrin (non-physiological, inactive ligand), these new results provide valuable information on changes in local structure, dynamics and global fold that occur upon ligand binding to this two-domain protein. By measuring a large number of different one-bond residual dipolar couplings, the domain conformations, critical for biological function, were investigated for all three states of MBP. Structural models of the solution conformation of MBP in a number of different forms were generated from the experimental dipolar coupling data and X-ray crystal structures using a quasi-rigid-body domain orientation algorithm implemented in the structure calculation program CNS. Excellent agreement between relative domain orientations in ligand-free and maltotriose-bound solution conformations and the corresponding crystal structures is observed. These results are in contrast to those obtained for the MBP/beta-cyclodextrin complex where the solution state is found to be approximately 10 degrees more closed than the crystalline state. The present study highlights the utility of residual dipolar couplings for orienting protein domains or macromolecules with respect to each other.  相似文献   

Motions through the energy landscape of proteins lead to biological function. At temperatures below a dynamical transition (150-250 K), some of these motions are arrested and the activity of some proteins ceases. Here, we introduce the technique of temperature-derivative fluorescence microspectrophotometry to investigate the dynamical behavior of single protein crystals. The observation of glass transitions in thin films of water/glycerol mixtures allowed us to demonstrate the potential of the technique. Then, protein crystals were investigated, after soaking the samples in a small amount of fluorescein. If the fluorophore resides within the crystal channels, temperature-dependent changes in solvent dynamics can be monitored. Alternatively, if the fluorophore binds to the protein, local dynamical transitions within the biomolecule can be probed directly. A clear dynamical transition was observed at 175 K in the active site of crystalline human butyrylcholinesterase. The results suggest that the dynamics of crystalline proteins is strongly dependent on solvent composition and confinement in the crystal channels. Beyond applications in the field of kinetic crystallography, the highly sensitive temperature-derivative fluorescence microspectrophotometry technique opens the way to many studies on the dynamics of biological nanosamples.  相似文献   

近红外光谱分析在中国伞形科阿魏亚植物分类中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李睿  舒璞 《西北植物学报》2000,20(4):666-670
探讨了近红外光谱分析技术在中国伞形科阿魏亚族植物分类中的应用。使用样本近红外光谱之间的有正切值作为聚类统计量,用最短距离法对14种阿魏亚族植物样本的近红外光谱数据进行聚类分析,结果与传统植物学分类较为接近。  相似文献   

This mini-review discusses the evolution of fluorescence as a tool to study living cells and tissues in vitro and the present role of fluorescent protein biosensors (FPBs) in microphysiological systems (MPSs). FPBs allow the measurement of temporal and spatial dynamics of targeted cellular events involved in normal and perturbed cellular assay systems and MPSs in real time. FPBs evolved from fluorescent analog cytochemistry (FAC) that permitted the measurement of the dynamics of purified proteins covalently labeled with environmentally insensitive fluorescent dyes and then incorporated into living cells, as well as a large list of diffusible fluorescent probes engineered to measure environmental changes in living cells. In parallel, a wide range of fluorescence microscopy methods were developed to measure the chemical and molecular activities of the labeled cells, including ratio imaging, fluorescence lifetime, total internal reflection, 3D imaging, including super-resolution, as well as high-content screening. FPBs evolved from FAC by combining environmentally sensitive fluorescent dyes with proteins in order to monitor specific physiological events such as post-translational modifications, production of metabolites, changes in various ion concentrations, and the dynamic interaction of proteins with defined macromolecules in time and space within cells. Original FPBs involved the engineering of fluorescent dyes to sense specific activities when covalently attached to particular domains of the targeted protein. The subsequent development of fluorescent proteins (FPs), such as the green fluorescent protein, dramatically accelerated the adoption of studying living cells, since the genetic “labeling” of proteins became a relatively simple method that permitted the analysis of temporal–spatial dynamics of a wide range of proteins. Investigators subsequently engineered the fluorescence properties of the FPs for environmental sensitivity that, when combined with targeted proteins/peptides, created a new generation of FPBs. Examples of FPBs that are useful in MPS are presented, including the design, testing, and application in a liver MPS.  相似文献   

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