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Many bumblebee species are declining due to a loss of semi-natural habitats in agricultural landscapes resulting in diminished forage and nest sites. Anecdotal experience indicates that bumblebees nest in straw bales, but scientific evidence is lacking. We spent 250 h screening for bumblebee nests in 1255 straw bales and ten straw stacks belonging to 58 farms in two intensively farmed Swedish regions and recorded nests, nest traffic, and straw characteristics. We supplemented the straw screening with screening of control areas, without straw, that were selected in similar environments as the areas with straw. We observed 45 bumblebee nests (including potential nests where a single bumblebee flew in or out of the straw) of eight species/species groups, including one red-listed, in or directly adjacent to the straw at 26 of the farms. Nests were mainly found in partly decayed straw and bales placed together. We found no nests in control areas. Based on our results, we suggest that straw can be used as an easy, cheap and efficient intervention to increase the availability of bumblebee nest sites in agricultural landscapes. Considering the costs and benefits of the alternatives, we conclude that straw addition has advantages over commercial bumblebee colonies for crop pollination purposes and over artificial nest boxes for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Bumblebee populations are declining. Factors that impact the size and success of colonies act by either limiting resource availability (bottom‐up regulation) or causing mortality, for example, pesticides, disease, and possibly predation (top‐down regulation). The impact of predation has not been quantified, and so, the current study used novel artificial nests as a proxy for wild bumblebee nests to quantify the relative predation pressure from badgers in two habitats: woodland and grassland, and at two nesting depths: surface and underground. Badgers occur across most parts of the UK and are known to predate on bumblebee nests. We found that significantly more artificial nests (pots containing bumblebee nest material) were dug up compared with control pots (pots without bumblebee nest material). This shows that artificial nests have the potential to be used as a method to study the predation of bumblebee nests by badgers. In a location of high badger density, predation pressure was greater in woodland than grassland, whereas no difference was observed in relation to nest depth. Woodland and grassland are shared habitats between bumblebees and badgers, and we suggest that higher predation may relate to activity and foraging behavior of badgers in woodland compared with grassland. We discuss how badger predation in different habitats could impact different bumblebee species according to their nesting behaviors. Understanding the relative impact of badger predation on bumblebee colonies provides key information on how such top‐down regulation affects bumblebee populations.  相似文献   

Identifying all the potential host species of a social parasite requires reliable data that often proves quite difficult to acquire. This is particularly true for bumblebees whose colonies are all but easy to locate in the wild, and to make matters worse, there is a low probability of finding the usurper in a nest. The parasite’s presence alone is not usually enough proof of the host species’ suitability, evidence of prior or ongoing parasite reproduction in the nest is also required. Bombus (Psithyrus) rupestris is generally considered a specialized social parasite usurping colonies of Bombus lapidarius, but several other species have been reported through the years as its hosts. Here, we tested the ability of B. rupestris to take over nests of the reported host species Bombus pascuorum and Bombus sylvarum in laboratory conditions. Results show that in the conditions provided by this study, B. rupestris did not usurp colonies of the aforementioned species, in accordance with the standing view of it being a specialized social parasite of B. lapidarius.  相似文献   

Little information exists on the nesting of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in the harsh northern environment, although this aspect has specific importance for the species’ survival in this region. We studied the nest types and nesting site selection of radio tagged hedgehogs in urban areas in Eastern Finland. Altogether, four different nest types were discovered and one of them (the pre-hibernation nest) is described here for the first time. Hedgehogs preferred residential areas for nesting during the mating and post-mating seasons while in the pre-hibernation season and hibernation period nesting was more common in forest areas. Nest constructions were closely related to materials found in the nest vicinity. During the active period, males used on average 24 nests and changed them 30 times, whereas females used 17 nests and changed them 26 times. The number of female nests and frequency of nest change increased from post-mating to pre-hibernation seasons, while in males both decreased. In general, female and male nests were situated within their established long-term home range, but in the pre-hibernation season over 30 % of male nests were situated outside of it. In post-mating and pre-hibernation seasons, females avoided other individuals of the same sex; this was demonstrated by the lack of nests in other female core areas. Hedgehogs hibernate for around 223 days, which is the longest reported hibernation period for this species. The results of the present study emphasise the importance of forest and diverse residential areas including forest patches for the hedgehog’s nesting habitat.  相似文献   

Nests of social insects are usually inhabited by various mite species that feed on pollen, other micro-arthropods or are parasitic. Well-known negative effects of worldwide economic importance are caused by mites parasitizing honeybee colonies. Lately, attention has focused on the endoparasitic mite Locustacarus buchneri that has been found in commercial bumblebees. However, little is known of other mites associated with commercial bumblebee nests. Transportation of commercial bumblebee colonies with unwanted residents may introduce foreign mite species to new localities. In this study, we assessed the prevalence and species composition of mites associated with commercial bumblebee nests and determined if the mites are foreign species for Poland and for Europe. The study was conducted on 37 commercial bumblebee nests from two companies (Dutch and Israeli), originating from two greenhouses in southern Poland, and on 20 commercial bumblebee colonies obtained directly from suppliers. The species composition and abundance of mites inhabiting commercial bumblebee nests were determined. Seven mite species from three families were found in nests after greenhouse exploitation. The predominant mite species was Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acaridae) that was a 100-fold more numerous than representatives of the family Laelapidae (Hypoaspis marginepilosa, H. hyatti, H. bombicolens). Representatives of Parasitidae (Parasitellus fucorum, P. crinitus, P. ignotus) were least numerous. All identified mite species are common throughout Europe, foreign species were not found. Mites were not detected in nests obtained directly from suppliers. We conclude that probably bumblebee nests are invaded by local mite species during greenhouse exploitation.  相似文献   

It is often suggested that colonial breeding reduces nest predation for birds with a high defence capacity, but experimental comparison of predation at solitary and colonial nests is seldom feasible within a single species. We here report on such a test in the common gull (Larus canus). The rate of predation on experimental eggs was significantly lower near colonies than near solitary gull nests, and the eggs survived longer at the edge of a colony than farther away. Communal mobbing of nest predators is the likely reason. In both of two years, almost all nests of solitary gulls were destroyed by predators, while most clutches survived in colonies. Nest predation hence selects strongly for colonial breeding in the present population of common gulls.  相似文献   

1. Genetic colony structure of the small central European ant Leptothorax nylanderi is affected strongly by ecological constraints such as nest site availability and intraspecific social parasitism. 2. Although L. nylanderi is generally monogynous and monandrous, more than a quarter of all nests collected in a dense population near Würzburg, Germany, contained several matrilines. As shown by microsatellite analysis, the average nest‐mate relatedness in these nests was 0.20. Genetically heterogeneous nests arise from nest take‐over by alien colonies or founding queens, a result of severe competition for nest sites. 3. In summer, more than one‐third of all colonies inhabited several nest sites at a time. Polydomy appears to be rather limited, with two or three nests belonging to a single polydomous colony. 4. Queens appear to dominate male production; only a small fraction (8%) of males was definitively not progeny of the queen present but might have been worker progeny or offspring of another queen. 5. Strong evidence for heterozygote deficiency was found and a total of nine diploid males was discovered in two colonies. These findings suggest deviation from random mating through small, localised nuptial flights.  相似文献   

We studied nest relocation in the ant Pheidole dentata, a common species in the southern US, by following colonies for 6 weeks. We correlated probability of relocation with several abiotic and biotic environmental factors, such as air temperature, humidity, leaf litter depth (LLD), nest type and presence of phorid fly parasitoids. Colonies moved often, on average every 16.2 days. By the end of our study, fewer than 5 % of colonies marked at the start remained in their original nests. Only 3.1 % of colonies returned to a previously used nest. The mean distance of relocation was 0.76 ± 0.73 m. Colonies nested in a variety of locations, such as in the ground, by tree trunks, under rocks and inside wood. Several factors affected probability of relocation. Higher LLD and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) increased probability of relocation. Probability of relocation varied by nest type, by plot and week of study. We found no evidence that surface cover or rain affected relocation behavior. Colonies appear to avoid nests that become dry by nesting against tree trunks. Phorid fly abundance correlated negatively with VPD, yet it had no effect on colonies’ likelihood of relocation. We discuss other implications of frequent nest relocations.  相似文献   

The breeding success of endangered colonial nesting species is important for their conservation. Many species of Gyps vultures form large breeding colonies that are the foci of conservation efforts. The Cape Vulture is a globally threatened species that is endemic to southern Africa and has seen a major reduction in its population size (≥ 50% over 48 years). There is evidence that breeding colonies are prone to desertion as a result of human disturbance. Factors that influence the occupancy and breeding success of individual nest‐sites is not fully understood for any African vulture species. We investigated cliff characteristics and neighbour requirements of the Msikaba Cape Vulture colony, a major breeding colony in the southern node of the population in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, together with their nest‐site occupation and breeding success over 13 years. In total, 1767 breeding attempts were recorded. Nest‐sites that had a higher elevation, smaller ledge depth, greater total productivity and were surrounded by conspecifics were more likely to be occupied, although the amount of overhang above the nest was not an important predictor of occupancy. In accordance with occupation, nest‐sites with a smaller ledge depth had higher breeding success; however, nests with a greater overhang were also more successful and height of the nest‐site was not an important predictor of breeding success. The breeding success of a nest‐site in a given year was positively influenced by the number of direct nest neighbours, and nests in the middle of high‐density areas had greater breeding success. This suggests that maintaining a high nest density may be an important consideration if declines of reproducing adults continue. Breeding success declined over the study period, highlighting the effects of a temporal variation or observer bias. Our results identified optimal nest‐site locations (ledge depths of 1 m, at a height of 180 m) and their effects on breeding success. This information can be used for planning reintroduction efforts of the endangered Cape Vulture and for their ongoing conservation.  相似文献   

To reduce nest predation certain duck species nest in association with more aggressive species. For instance, Pochard Aythya ferina and Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula often nest in association with small larids, such as the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus . I studied nest predation, nesting association and nest site requirements of Pochard and Tufted Duck in central Finland (63°N, 27°E) observing natural and artifical nests. Predation of Pochard and Tufted Duck nests was of similar extent and stronger outside than within gull colonies. An experiment with artficial nests also showed that a higher proportion of nests was preyed upon outside than within gull colonies (0.98 and 0.13, respectively). The results are consistent with the hypothesis that nest predation is lower within than outside gull colonies. Tufted Ducks nest more often with gulls than do Pochards; 61.5% of Tufted Duck nests and 29.3% of Pochard nests were found within gull colonies.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic and spatial structure of Leptothorax ambiguus in a Vermont site. Nests of this tiny ant species have variable queen number and comprise larger polydomous colonies, as do their closest relatives in North America. Nests are patchily distributed in the forest, and sometimes occur in local abundance. We collected 121 nests in four years from plots in which all nests were mapped; furthermore, we subjected nests collected in two separate years to starch gel electrophoresis and estimated relatedness according to the Queller—Goodnight (1989) algorithm. Queens that share a nest site also share 33% of their alleles on average, and relatedness among worker nestmates is about 0.5. The existence of diploid males and nonzero F-values demonstrate inbreeding in this species, an unusual phenomenon for social insects in general. Mapping data showed that nests with like genotypes tended to cluster in space, forming polydomous colonies. Colonies consisted of 1–6 nest subunits, and about half of all colonies were polygynous. We compare these features of L. ambiguus to its close relative L. longispinosus and a European congener L. acervorum. These comparisons allow us to conclude that an interplay between ecological and genetic factors produces the observed pattern of multiple queening and nest spatial distribution in this species.  相似文献   

Ecological constraints such as resource limitation, unfavourable weather conditions, and parasite pressure have long been considered some of the most important selective pressures for the evolution of sociality. In the present study, we assess the fitness consequences of these three ecological factors on reproductive success of solitary nests and social colonies in the socially polymorphic small carpenter bee, Ceratina australensis, based on 982 nests collected over four reproductive periods. Nest site limitation was predicted to decrease opportunities for independent nest initiation and increase the frequency of social nesting. Nest sites were not limiting in this species and the frequency of social nesting was consistent across the four brood‐rearing periods studied. Unfavourable weather was predicted to lower the frequency of female dispersal from their natal nests and to limit the brood‐rearing season; this would increase the frequency and fitness of social colonies. Daily temperature and precipitation accumulation varied between seasons but were not correlated with reproductive success in this bee. Increased parasite pressure is predicted to increase the frequency and fitness of social colonies because solitary bees must leave the nest unattended during foraging bouts and are less able to defend the nest against parasites. Severe parasitism by a chalcid wasp (Eurytoma sp.) resulted in low reproductive success and total nest failure in solitary nests. Social colonies had higher reproductive success and were never extirpated by parasites. The high frequency of solitary nests suggests that this is the optimal strategy. However, social colonies have a selective advantage over solitary nesting females during periods of extreme parasite pressure, and we suggest that social nesting represents a form of bet‐hedging against unpredictable fluctuations in parasite number. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 57–67.  相似文献   

A high-quality home can be a major factor determining fitness. However, when house hunting becomes necessary, animals might often face a speed-versus-accuracy trade-off and therefore be unable to survey their environment extensively for the optimum site. We found that the ant Leptothorax albipennis was able to correct errors made in such a hurried decision by continuing to survey even after a colony had settled in a nest site. Colonies moved from intact undisturbed nests to another nest site whenever the new nest site presented a sufficient improvement in nest quality. Thus, scout ants must be able to judge and compare the quality of the new, empty nest site with the one currently inhabited by the colony. Emigrations from intact nests were initiated by high numbers of ants recruited by tandem runs. This evidence may explain how a small number of scouts can motivate an entire colony to move when there is no immediate need to do so. Compared with their behaviour in emigrations from destroyed nests, the ants favoured even more strongly accuracy over speed, because they waited for a larger number of scouts to agree on one site before starting the emigration. They could do this without increased risk because the rest of the colony remained safely in the old nest.  相似文献   

The introduced Bombus terrestris has been blamed for the decline of native bumblebee populations in Japan. To control this invasive species, it is necessary to understand its ecological traits in its newly established range. Here, we investigated the colony growth pattern and reproductive ability of feral nests of B. terrestris in northern Japan from 2003 to 2006. Nests collected at various times showed initially slow growth followed by rapid development. This pattern is consistent with findings in previous studies using laboratory-raised colonies. Our results also suggested that protandrous colonies tend to specialize in male production, whereas protogynous colonies specialize in gyne production, producing a split sex ratio in feral colonies of B. terrestris. The numerical population sex ratio was 1.40 gynes per male, calculated from the numbers of pre-emergence cocoons for gynes and males, showing a female-biased sex ratio at the population level. Mature colonies produced a mean of 376.5 cocoons and 90.2 gyne cocoons (22.1% of the total). The proportion of gynes produced by B. terrestris nests exceeded both those of conspecifics observed in other countries and those of consubgeneric native Japanese species. The propagule pressure hypothesis appears to explain the probability of establishment of this invasive species. Suitable nest sites for B. terrestris queens appeared to be in short supply, and B. terrestris may win usurpation contests against native species due to its large size, resulting in the decline of native bumblebee species.  相似文献   

Many bumblebee species are declining at a rapid rate in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. This is commonly attributed to the decline in floral resources that has resulted from an intensification in farming practices. Here we assess growth of nests of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, in habitats providing different levels of floral resources. Experimental nests were placed out in conventional farmland, in farmland with flower-rich conservation measures and in suburban areas. Nests gained weight more quickly and attained a larger final size in suburban areas compared to elsewhere. The diversity of pollens gathered by bees was highest in suburban areas, and lowest in conventional farmland. Nests in suburban areas were also more prone to attack by the specialist bumblebee parasite Aphomia sociella, suggesting that this moth is more abundant in suburban areas than elsewhere. Overall, our results demonstrate that gardens provide a greater density and diversity of floral resources than farmland, and probably support larger populations of B. terrestris. Contrary to expectation, schemes deployed to enhance farmland biodiversity appear to have little measurable impact on nest growth of this bumblebee species. We argue that B. terrestris probably forage over a larger scale than that on which farms are managed, so that nest growth is determined by the management of a large number of neighbouring farms, not just that in which the nest is located.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Colony organisation and movement behaviour of the Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile ) was studied over 3 years in field populations in California and in captive colonies in the laboratory. This invasive species is highly polydomous and unicolonial; colonies consist of expansive and fluid networks of nests and trails. The spatial and temporal organisation of colonies may contribute to ecological dominance.
2. Argentine ant nests and inter-nest trails shift in size, abundance, and location, so that colony networks are spatially contracted in the winter and expanded spring to autumn. Colonies occupy permanent sites; ants migrated to and from the same winter nest locations year after year, and occupied 30% of the same nests repeatedly during seasonal migrations.
3. Nests were moved on average 2–3 m. Forty-two per cent were occupied less than 1 month, 4% the entire study, and the other 54% lasted 3.9 ± 2.3 months (mean ± SD).
4. Nests were located within 2–4 m of woody plants, in warm sites in the winter and cool sites in the summer. Both humidity and food availability influenced nest-site choice in laboratory colonies. However, when faced with a trade-off between factors, the ants chose humid nest boxes over nest boxes near food, and ants moved nests only in response to changes in humidity and not distance to food.
5. The results indicate that L. humile colonies are seasonally polydomous, and that nest movements are driven by changes in microclimate. Colony organisation maintains high local density and increases food supply, which may improve the competitive ability of L. humile colonies and reduce opportunities for species coexistence.  相似文献   

Although predation of individual social insect workers has little effect on colony fitness, nest predation may be a significant selective agent because it can result in substantial loss of reproductive success. Surprisingly, the consequences of predation on social insect nests are poorly understood. In the present study, we investigate the factors that correlate with the probability of predation by echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus , on nests and colonies of the facultatively polydomous meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus. In particular, we investigate whether colony fragmentation provides a mechanism for reducing the costs of echidna predation. Over 2 years, 138 of the 140 colonies on our study site were depredated. Nest predation was most common in woodlands but with no obvious seasonal patterns. The probability of nest predation was positively correlated with the size of the nest, and negatively correlated with the density of surrounding nests. Although polydomous colonies are at a similar risk of predation by echidnas, the proportion of depredated nests is negatively correlated with the number of nests; thus, the probability that one or more nests avoid predation is increased with increasing nest numbers. Surprisingly, we found no influence of the level of echidna predation on colony growth, measured by either changes in the number of nests or the number of nest entrance holes.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 1–8.  相似文献   

Long-term field studies of the composition and spatial structure of settlements of ants of the Formica rufa group were carried out in two regions of Russia (Moscow and Arkhangelsk provinces). Fragmentation of damaged nests followed by reintegration of the fragments is the main way of formation of mixed colonies of ants from different nests (including different species). The principal factor of nest fragmentation is their damage by wild boars, bears, and in some localities, by poachers. The formation of mixed nests and nest complexes with participation of different Formica species was observed. They are formed by joining the ants from several damaged nests or by a colony from a destroyed nest immigrating into an intact one. Regular damage of many nests leads to the formation of broad zones of mixed colonies. The mixed colonies including 2–3 species of wood ants have recently become common. The phenomenon of mixed colonies raises a question as to the relative importance of two basic principles (sociality and specific identity) in the life of ant societies and demonstrates the priority of the social principle.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):853-862
Termites are major pests of houses and buildings, and also living plants such as agricultural crops, trees in forests, urban areas and gardens. However, in Japan, the basic ecology of termites nesting in living trees is not fully understood. In this study, we observed 255 colonies (nests) of the drywood termite Neotermes sugioi, collected in the field on Okinawa Island, and reported the frequency composition of the reproductive castes, the size of wood with termite gallery, the population size of colonies, and the relative position of the reproductive and non-reproductive castes within nests. Most colonies were headed by a primary queen and a primary king. However, colonies headed only by primary queens, primary kings, or neotenic kings, each accounted for approximately 5% of the colonies. A colony size of 1,000– 4,000 individuals (2058.2 ± 1695.0 [mean ± SD]) was common and the average length of colony branches was less than 100 cm. Queens and kings were found in the same or nearby nest areas, and more predominantly in the central or root side of nest wood areas. The termites may experience colony fragmentation and reproductive loss as a consequence of typhoons. Incipient colonies (i.e., colonies at an early stage of development) were found on 11.3% of branches of Leucaena leucocephala that did not show any obvious signs of infestation. In future research, it will be necessary to update the list of trees damaged by this termite species, compare the damage by tree species, and evaluate the economic impact.  相似文献   

Christa Beckmann  Kathy Martin 《Ibis》2016,158(2):335-342
Nest structures are essential for successful reproduction in most bird species. Nest construction costs time and energy, and most bird species typically build one nest per breeding attempt. Some species, however, build more than one nest, and the reason for this behaviour is often unclear. In the Grey Fantail Rhipidura albiscapa, nest abandonment before egg‐laying is very common. Fantails will build up to seven nests within a breeding season, and pairs abandon up to 71% of their nests before egg‐laying. We describe multiple nest‐building behaviour in the Grey Fantail and test four hypotheses explaining nest abandonment in this species: cryptic depredation, destruction of nests during storm events, and two anti‐predatory responses (construction of decoy nests to confuse predators, and increasing concealment to ‘hide’ nests more effectively). We found support for only one hypothesis – that abandonment is related to nest concealment. Abandoned nests were significantly less concealed than nests that received eggs. Most abandoned nests were not completely built and none received eggs, thus ruling out cryptic predation. Nests were not more likely to be abandoned following storm events. The decoy nest hypothesis was refuted as abandoned nests were constructed at any point during the breeding season and some nests were dismantled and the material used to build the subsequent nest. Thus, Grey Fantails are flexible about nest‐site locations during the nest‐building phase and readily abandon nest locations if they are found to have deficient security.  相似文献   

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