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倍增CO2分压对水稻和矶子草冠层光合潜力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
倍增CO2分压增高水稻的光饱和光合速率、表观量子产率和光能转换效率,而在倍增CO2分压下矶子草的相关光合参数降低,既水稻对高CO2分压表现为正响应,而矶子草在高CO2下光合作用下调。在倍增CO2分压下,水稻的Rubisco羧化速率和氧化速率均见增高,而矶子草在高CO2分压下,Rubisco羧化速率降低,而氧化速率略见增高。倍增CO2分压并不明显改变水稻的不包括光呼吸的CO2补偿点г^*,但矶子草г^*略见增高。在高CO2分压下可能改变矶子草Rubisco生化特性。倍增CO2分压降低两种供试植物的光下呼吸速率。水稻在倍增CO2分压下其Rubisco最大羧化速率(Vc max)和最大电子传递速率(Jmax)分别增高9.3%和20.7%,而矶子草在高CO2分压下则分别降低5.7%和3%。在倍增CO2分压下水稻的净光合量增高约5%,而矶子草则降低13%,植物种的不同特性可能影响植物在倍增CO2下的碳积累。随着全球气候变化和大气CO2,分压增高,将有利于发挥水稻高光合产率的优势,由于矶子草在高CO2分压下碳积累减少,从而可能限制其生长。大气CO2分压增高可能改变目前的水稻与杂草的生态关系而有利于控制杂草和改善田间耕作。  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in net photosynthetic rate (PN), evapotranspiration rate (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE=PN/ET) of field grown chickpea (Cicer arietinum) L. cv. H-355 were studied from the vegetative phase through maturirty at Haryana Agricultural University Farm, Hissar, India. The maximum photosynthetic rate (PN max) increased from the initial vegetative phase to pod formation and declined at a rapid rate from pod filling to maturity. The response of PN to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) (400–700 nm) was temperature-dependent during the day, i.e. on cool days the PN rates were lower for certain quanta of PPFD during the first half than during the second half of day, and vice versa on warm days. ET was affected both by crop cover and evaporative demand up to flowering, but thereafter it was independent of crop cover and followed the course of evaporative demand. ET was related to air temperature during the day while PN was related to PPFD. There was a lag of two to three hours between PNmax (around noon) and ETmax (around 2 p.m.). WUE increased from the vegetative stage through flowering but decreased thereafter to maturity.Abbreviations DAS days after planting - ET evapotranspiration - LAI leaf area index - PAR photosynthetically active radiation (in figures) is equivalent to PPFD (see below) - PN net photosynthetic rate - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - WUE water use efficiency (= PN/ET)  相似文献   

夏谷群体呼吸特性及其与群体光合的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中秆大穗型和矮秆紧凑型2种不同类型的夏谷群体呼吸速率在整个生育时期的变化呈单峰曲线,且随密度的增大而提高,抽穗开花期达最大值,紧凑型品种后期呼吸速率高于中秆大穗型品种,后期呼吸消耗大是低产的重要原因,群体呼吸日变化为一随温度而变化的单峰曲线,群体呼吸速率在冠层中的分布,依此是上3叶>茎鞘>中3叶>穗>下部叶,群体呼吸/光合的比值,两品种相近,在47%左右。  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) were obtained by inoculation of cotyledonary leaves of in vitro lettuce seedlings (cvs. Nansen and Ljubljanska ledenka) with Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4M70GUS. Approximately in 96.7% cvs. Nansen and in 91.2% Ljubljanska ledenka inoculated explants produced hairy root when they were incubated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) half-strength medium without plant growth regulators. A total of 54% of all hairy root cultures expressed GUS activity. Every hairy root represented an independent transformation event. Line Ljubljanska ledenka 18 showed the highest biomass (5.5 times the biomass of control root). A PCR analysis of the genomic DNA confirmed the presence of marker and target genes in 15 hairy roots examined.  相似文献   

Southern hybridisation with a single microsatellite probe, (TCT)10, sufficed to discriminate between a representative set of cultivars/accessions of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., and its wild relatives L. serriola, L. saligna and L. virosa. Variability within cultivars was tested in a relatively modern cultivar (Hector), where no variation was found, and in an older and morphologically more variable cultivar (Madrilene), where heterogeneity was observed in the TCT fingerprint. (TCT)10 fingerprinting should be useful for variety identification and homogeneity testing in lettuce. Received: 25 July 1997 / Revision received: 5 August 1997 / Accepted: 30 August 1997  相似文献   

Sesquiterpenoid lactones (SLs) from lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) include constitutive components of latex such as lactucin and the induced phytoalexin, lettucenin A. A redundant primer strategy was used to recover two full length cDNA clones (LTC1 and LTC2) encoding sesquiterpene synthases from a cDNA library derived from seedlings with the red spot disorder, which accumulate phytoalexins. Recombinant enzymes produced from LTC1 and LTC2 in Escherichia coli catalysed the cyclisation of farnesyl diphosphate to germacrene A, potentially an early step in the biosynthesis of SLs. RT-PCR analysis showed LTC1 and LTC2 were expressed constitutively in roots, hypocotyls and true leaves but not in cotyledons. Expression in cotyledons was induced by challenge with the downy mildew pathogen Bremia lactucae in the disease resistant cultivar Diana. Southern hybridisation experiments showed that LTC1 and LTC2 were not part of a multigene family. The germacrene A synthases provide targets for modified expression to generate beneficial modifications to the SL profile in lettuce.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a statistical approach for measuring genetic diversity within genebank accessions of a self-fertilising species. This approach is applied to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), using AFLP marker data on a set of 1,390 accessions, representing six different lettuce types. Knowledge of the within-accession genetic diversity is important for decisions about the way accessions have to be maintained by genebanks. It is argued that if the within-accession diversity is small, as can be expected for a self-fertilising species like L. sativa, the best approach is to sample as many accessions as possible with only two plants per accession and estimate the within-accession diversity by the proportion of accessions of which the individuals are different.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of leaf age, total leaf area and its dispersion in space on canopy photosynthesis were studied using microswards of red clover ( Trifolium pratense L.) which were established in the greenhouse. Two varieties, Renova (flowering) and Molstad (non-flowering), were sown in separate plastic boxes at densities of 225, 400 and 625 plants per m2.
Vertical distribution of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf area, leaf age and 14CO2-fixation were determined periodically. Net photosynthesis and dark respiration of canopies were measured. Maximum photosynthetic capacity of individual leaves was measured on plants taken from the intact canopy or from plants where shading of the growing leaves had been prevented.
Net photosynthetic rate of canopies increased linearly with leaf area index (LAI) up to an LAI of 3.5 and then declined at higher LAI, independent of variety and sowing density. Below the optimum LAI, net photosynthesis depended mainly on interception of PAR. Decrease in canopy photosynthesis above the optimum LAI was due to a higher proportion of old leaves with decreased photosynthetic capacity, and not to an increase in respiring plant parts. It is concluded that LAI and position of leaf age categories in the canopy are more important than vertical distribution of leaf area in determining canopy photosynthesis of red clover.  相似文献   

Tipburn in lettuce is a physiological disorder expressed as a necrosis in the margins of young developing leaves and is commonly observed under saline conditions. Tipburn is usually attributed to Ca2+ deficiencies, and there has very limited research on other mechanisms that may contribute to tipburn development. This work examines whether symptoms are mediated by increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production.Two butter lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties, Sunstar (Su) and Pontina (Po), with contrasting tipburn susceptibility were grown in hydroponics with low Ca2+ (0.5 mM), and with or without 50 mM NaCl. Tipburn symptoms were observed only in Su, and only in the saline treatment. Tipburn incidence in response to topical treatments with Ca2+ scavengers, Ca2+ transport inhibitors, and antioxidants was assessed. All treatments were applied before symptom expression, and evaluated later, when symptoms were expected to occur. Superoxide presence in tissues was determined with nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) and oxidative damage as malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities were assayed.Under control and saline conditions, tipburn could be induced in both varieties by topical treatments with a Ca2+ scavenger (EGTA) and Ca2+ transport inhibitors (verapamil, LaCl3) and reduced by supplying Ca2+ along with a ionophore (A 23187). Tipburn symptoms were associated with locally produced ROS. O2 and oxidative damage significantly increased in leaf margins before symptom expression, while topical antioxidant applications (Tiron, DPI) reduced symptoms in treated leaves, but not in the rest of the plant. Antioxidant enzyme activity was higher in Po, and increased more in response to EGTA treatments, and may contribute to mitigating oxidative damage and tipburn expression in this variety.  相似文献   

The relationship between elongation growth and the incorporation of [3H]gibberellin A1 ([3H]GA1) into a 2,000g pelletable (2KP) fraction from lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv. Arctic) hypocotyl sections has been examined. Sections were loaded with incremental amounts of GA1 under conditions where growth was arrested (5° C) or permitted (30° C) and, after 16 h, all were transferred to a GA-free medium at 30° C. Growth and 2KP radioactivity were measured at this point and after a further 24 h in the chase medium. Uptake was reduced by 80% at 5° C, as compared to 30° C, but 2KP labelling and protein synthesis were only reduced by half. The growth rate of the 5° C pretreated sections during the chase period was comparable to that observed during the pulse in the 30° C material but the dose/response relationship was flatter. Low temperature sections incorporated a much higher percentage of GA1 uptake into the 2KP fraction (27% at maximum) but the absolute levels of labelling at this temperature were lower than those measured at 30° C. The data are interpreted as showing that 2KP labelling is not a consequence of growth. It must either precede response or be an unconnected concurrent process.  相似文献   

Comparative ecophysiology of leaf and canopy photosynthesis   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:15  
Leaves and herbaceous leaf canopies photosynthesize efficiently although the distribution of light, the ultimate resource of photosynthesis, is very biased in these systems. As has been suggested in theoretical studies, if a photosynthetic system is organized such that every photosynthetic apparatus photosynthesizes in concert, the system as a whole has the sharpest light response curve and is most adaptive. This condition can be approached by (i) homogenization of the light environment and (ii) acclimation of the photosynthetic properties of leaves or chloroplasts to their local light environments. This review examines these two factors in the herbaceous leaf canopy and in the leaf. Changes in the inclination of leaves in the canopy and differentiation of mesophyll into palisade and spongy tissue contribute to the moderation of the light gradient. Leaf and chloroplast movements in the upper parts of these systems under high irradiances also moderate light gradients. Moreover, acclimation of leaves and chloroplasts to the local light environment is substantial. These factors increase the efficiency of photosynthesis considerably. However, the systems appear to be less efficient than the theoretical optimum. When the systems are optically dense, the light gradients may be too great for leaves or chloroplasts to acclimate. The loss of photosynthetic production attributed to the imperfect adjustment of photosynthetic apparatus to the local light environment is most apparent when the photosynthesis of the system is in the transition between the light-limited and light-saturated phases. Although acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus and moderation of light gradients are imperfect, these markedly raise the efficiency of photosynthesis. Thus more mechanistic studies on these adaptive attributes are needed. The causes and consequences of imperfect adjustment should also be investigated.  相似文献   

A set of 61 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was developed from the 19,523 Lactuca sativa and Lactuca serriola unigenes. Approximately 4.5% of the unigenes contained a perfect SSR at least 20 bp long, corresponding to roughly 1 perfect SSR per 14.7 kb. Marker polymorphism was tested on a set comprising 96 accessions representing all major horticultural types and 3 wild species (L. serriola, Lactuca saligna, and Lactuca virosa). Both the average marker heterozygosity (UHe = 0.32) and the number of different alleles per locus (Na = 3.56) were significantly reduced in expressed sequence tag (EST)-SSRs as compared with anonymous SSRs (UHe = 0.59, Na = 5.53). Marker transfer rate to the wild species corresponded to the decreasing sexual compatibility with L. sativa and was higher for EST-SSRs (100% L. serriola, 87% L. saligna, and 75% L. virosa) than for anonymous SSRs (93%, 66%, and 42%, respectively). Assessment of population structure among 90 L. sativa cultivars with SSRs was in good agreement with classification into the horticultural types. The average marker heterozygosity was smallest in iceberg (0.097), Latin (0.140), and romaine-type (0.151) cultivars while highest in leaf (green leaf 0.208 and red leaf 0.240) lettuces. The level of marker heterozygosity is in accord with morphological variability observed in different horticultural types.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the development and growth of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) have never been quantified. Therefore, to establish the effect of temperature on leaf appearance and canopy establishment of fibre hemp under controlled and field conditions, plants were grown in growth chambers at 11 regimes with average temperatures between 10°C and 28°C, and three cultivars were sown in the field in March, April and May in 1990, 1991 and 1992. In the field, thermal time (base 0°C) between sowing and emergence ranged from 68°Cd to 109.5°Cd (average 88.3°Cd). Rates of leaf appearance and stem elongation increased linearly with temperature between 10°C and 28°C. The base temperature for leaf appearance was 5.7°C from the growth chamber experiments and 1°C from the field experiments. In the field, the base temperature for the relationship between light interception by the canopy and thermal time was 2.5°C, and thermal time, calculated at the appropriate base temperature, accounted for about 98% of the variance in the number of leaves and for 98.6% of the variance in the proportion of light intercepted by the canopy. Days from emergence accounted for less of the variance in both parameters than thermal time. Interception of 90% of light was attained on average at 465°Cd (base 0°C) after emergence. It is concluded that thermal time is a simple and accurate tool to describe leaf appearance and light interception in fibre hemp.  相似文献   

Light‐saturated photosynthetic and stomatal responses to elevated CO2 were measured in upper and mid‐canopy foliage of a sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L) plantation exposed to free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) for 3 years, to characterize environmental interactions with the sustained CO2 effects in an intact deciduous forest stand. Responses were evaluated in relation to one another, and to seasonal patterns and natural environmental stresses, including high  temperatures, vapour pressure deficits (VPD), and drought. Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (A) averaged 46% higher in the +200 µmol mol?1 CO2 treatment, in mid‐ and upper canopy foliage. Stomatal conductance (gs) averaged 14% (mid‐canopy) and 24% (upper canopy) lower under CO2 enrichment. Variations in the relative responses of A and gs were linked, such that greater relative stimulation of A was observed on dates when relative reductions in gs were slight. Dry soils and high VPD reduced gs and A in both treatments, and tended to diminish treatment differences. The absolute effects of CO2 on A and gs were minimized whenever gs was low (<0·15 mol m?2 s?1), but relative effects, as the ratio of elevated to ambient rates, varied greatly under those conditions. Both stomatal and non‐stomatal limitations of A were involved during late season droughts. Leaf temperature had a limited influence on A and gs, and there was no detectable relationship between prevailing temperature and CO2 effects on A or gs. The responsiveness of A and gs to elevated CO2, both absolute and relative, was maintained through time and within the canopy of this forest stand, subject to seasonal constraints and variability associated with limiting air and soil moisture.  相似文献   

J. He  L. Qin  S. K. Lee 《Photosynthetica》2013,51(3):330-340
Effects of elevated root-zone (RZ) CO2 concentration (RZ [CO2]) and RZ temperature (RZT) on photosynthesis, productivity, nitrate (NO3 ?), total reduced nitrogen (TRN), total leaf soluble and Rubisco proteins were studied in aeroponically grown lettuce plants in a tropical greenhouse. Three weeks after transplanting, four different RZ [CO2] concentrations (ambient, 360 ppm, and elevated concentrations of 2,000; 10,000; and 50,000 ppm) were imposed on plants at 20°C-RZT or ambient(A)-RZT (24–38°C). Elevated RZ [CO2] resulted in significantly higher light-saturated net photosynthetic rate, but lower light-saturated stomatal conductance. Higher elevated RZ [CO2] also protected plants from both chronic and dynamic photoinhibition (measured by chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm ratio) and reduced leaf water loss. Under each RZ [CO2], all these variables were significantly higher in 20°C-RZT plants than in A-RZT plants. All plants accumulated more biomass at elevated RZ [CO2] than at ambient RZ [CO2]. Greater increases of biomass in roots than in shoots were manifested by lower shoot/root ratios at elevated RZ [CO2]. Although the total biomass was higher at 20°C-RZT, the increase in biomass under elevated RZ [CO2] was greater at A-RZT. Shoot NO3 ? and TRN concentrations, total leaf soluble and Rubisco protein concentrations were higher in all elevated RZ [CO2] plants than in plants under ambient RZ [CO2] at both RZTs. Under each RZ [CO2], total leaf soluble and Rubisco protein concentrations were significantly higher at 20°C-RZT than at A-RZT. Our results demonstrated that increased P Nmax and productivity under elevated [CO2] was partially due to the alleviation of midday water loss, both dynamic and chronic photoinhibition as well as higher turnover of Calvin cycle with higher Rubisco proteins.  相似文献   

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