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Hirose T  Shu MD  Steitz JA 《Molecular cell》2003,12(1):113-123
In mammalian cells, all small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) that guide rRNA modification are encoded within the introns of host genes. An optimal position about 70 nts upstream of the 3' splice site of the host intron is critical for efficient expression of box C/D snoRNAs in vivo, suggesting synergy with splicing. Here, we have used a coupled in vitro splicing-snoRNA processing system to demonstrate that assembly of box C/D snoRNP proteins is the step affected by snoRNA location, and that active splicing is essential for snoRNP assembly. Splicing blockage experiments further reveal that snoRNP proteins bind specifically at the spliceosomal C1 complex stage. In contrast, splicing-independent snoRNP assembly can occur in vitro on snoRNAs that possess stable external stems. In vivo analyses confirm that a stable stem can compensate for the unusual position of those few box C/D snoRNAs located far from the 3' splice site of their host intron.  相似文献   

U6 snRNA sequences required for assembly of U4/U6 snRNP and splicing complexes were determined by in vitro reconstitution of snRNPs. Both mutagenesis and chemical modification/interference assays identify a U6 snRNA domain required for U4/U6 snRNP formation. The results support the existence of a U4/U6 snRNA interaction domain previously proposed on the basis of phylogenetic evidence. In addition, two short U6 snRNA regions flanking the U4/U6 interaction domain are essential to assemble the U4/U6 snRNP into splicing complexes. These two regions may represent binding sites for splicing factors or may facilitate the formation of an alternative U6 snRNA secondary structure during spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

The box C/D snoRNAs function in directing 2'-O-methylation and/or as chaperones in the processing of ribosomal RNA. We show here that Snu13p (15.5 kD in human), a component of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP, is also associated with the box C/D snoRNAs. Indeed, genetic depletion of Snu13p in yeast leads to a major defect in RNA metabolism. The box C/D motif can be folded into a stem-internal loop-stem structure, almost identical to the 15.5 kD binding site in the U4 snRNA. Consistent with this, the box C/D motif binds Snu13p/ 15.5 kD in vitro. The similarities in structure and function observed between the U4 snRNP (chaperone for U6) and the box C/D snoRNPs raises the interesting possibility that these particles may have evolved from a common ancestral RNP.  相似文献   

During each spliceosome cycle, the U6 snRNA undergoes extensive structural rearrangements, alternating between singular, U4-U6 and U6-U2 base-paired forms. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Prp24 functions as an snRNP recycling factor, reannealing U4 and U6 snRNAs. By database searching, we have identified a Prp24-related human protein previously described as p110(nrb) or SART3. p110 contains in its C-terminal region two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs). The N-terminal two-thirds of p110, for which there is no counterpart in the S.cerevisiae Prp24, carries seven tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains. p110 homologs sharing the same domain structure also exist in several other eukaryotes. p110 is associated with the mammalian U6 and U4/U6 snRNPs, but not with U4/U5/U6 tri-snRNPs nor with spliceosomes. Recom binant p110 binds in vitro specifically to human U6 snRNA, requiring an internal U6 region. Using an in vitro recycling assay, we demonstrate that p110 functions in the reassembly of the U4/U6 snRNP. In summary, p110 represents the human ortholog of Prp24, and associates only transiently with U6 and U4/U6 snRNPs during the recycling phase of the spliceosome cycle.  相似文献   

Previously, yeast prp3 mutants were found to be blocked prior to the first catalytic step of pre-mRNA splicing. No splicing intermediates or products are formed from pre-mRNA in heat-inactivated prp3 mutants or prp3 mutant extracts. Here we show that Prp3p is a component of the U4/U6 snRNP and is also present in the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP. Heat inactivation of prp3 extracts results in depletion of free U6 snRNPs and U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNPs, but not U4/U6 snRNPs or U5 snRNPs. Free U4 snRNP, normally not present in wild-type extracts, accumulates under these conditions. Assays of in vivo levels of snRNAs in a prp3 mutant revealed that amounts of free U6 snRNA decreased, free U4 snRNA increased, and U4/U6 hybrids decreased slightly. These results suggest that Prp3p is required for formation of stable U4/U6 snRNPs and for assembly of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP from its component snRNPs. Upon inactivation of Prp3p, spliceosomes cannot assemble from prespliceosomes due to the absence of intact U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNPs. Prp3p is homologous to a human protein that is a component of U4/U6 snRNPs, exemplifying the conservation of splicing factors between yeast and metazoans.  相似文献   

We showed previously that the yeast Prp4 protein is a spliceosomal factor that is tightly associated with the U4, U5, and U6 small nuclear RNAs. Moreover, Prp4 appears to associate very transiently with the spliceosome before the U4 snRNA dissociates from the spliceosome. Prp4 belongs to the Gbeta-like protein family, which suggests that the Prp4 Gbeta motifs could mediate interactions with other components of the spliceosome. To investigate the function of the Gbeta motifs, we introduced mutations within the second WD-repeat of Prp4. Among the 35 new alleles found, 24 were pseudo wild-type mutants, 8 failed to grow at any temperature, and 3 were conditional sensitive mutants. The biochemical defects of the three thermosensitive prp4 mutants have been examined by immunoprecipitation, native gel electrophoresis, and glycerol gradient centrifugation. First, we show that snRNP formation is not impaired in these mutants and that Prp4 is present in the U4/U6 and U4/U6-U5 snRNP particles. We also demonstrate that spliceosome assembly is largely unaffected despite the fact that the first step of splicing does not occur. However, both Prp4 and U4 snRNA remain tightly associated with the spliceosome and this blocks the transition toward an active form of the spliceosome. Our results suggest a possible role of Prp4 in mediating important conformational rearrangements of proteins within the spliceosome that involve the region containing the Gbeta-repeats.  相似文献   

Small nucleolar RNAs play crucial roles in ribosome biogenesis. They guide folding, site-specific nucleotide modifications and participate in cleavage of precursor ribosomal RNAs. To better understand how the biogenesis of the box C/D small nucleolar RNPs (snoRNPs) occur in a cellular context, we used a new approach based on the possibility of relocalizing a given nuclear complex by adding an affinity tag for B23 to one component of this complex. We selectively delocalized each core box C/D protein, namely 15.5kD, Nop56, Nop58 and fibrillarin, and analyzed the effect of such changes on other components of the box C/D snoRNPs. We show that modifying the localization and the mobility of core box C/D proteins impairs their association with box C/D snoRNPs. In addition, we demonstrate that fibrillarin and Nop56 directly interact in vivo. This interaction, indispensable for the association of both proteins with the box C/D snoRNPs, does not involve the glycine- and arginine-rich domain or the RNA-binding domain but the alpha-helix domain of fibrillarin. In addition, no RNA seems required to maintain fibrillarin-Nop56 interaction.  相似文献   

U16 belongs to the family of box C/D small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) whose members participate in ribosome biogenesis, mainly acting as guides for site-specific methylation of the pre-rRNA. Like all the other members of the family, U16 is associated with a set of protein factors forming a ribonucleoprotein particle, localized in the nucleolus. So far, only a few box C/D-specific proteins are known: in Xenopus laevis, fibrillarin and p68 have been identified by UV crosslinking and shown to require the conserved boxes C and D for snoRNA interaction. In this study, we have identified an additional protein factor (p62), common to box C/D snoRNPs, that crosslinks to the internal stem region, distinct from the conserved box C/D "core motif," of U16 snoRNA. We show here that, although the absence of the core motif and, as a consequence, of fibrillarin and p68 binding prevents processing and accumulation of the snoRNA, the lack of the internal stem does not interfere with the efficient release of U16 from its host intron and only slightly affects snoRNA stability. Because this region is likely to be the binding site for p62, we propose that this protein plays an accessory role in the formation of a mature and stable U16 snoRNP particle.  相似文献   

P Vankan  C McGuigan    I W Mattaj 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(10):3397-3404
Structure-function relationships in the vertebrate U4-U6 snRNP have been analysed by assaying the ability of mutant RNAs to form U4-U6 snRNPs and to function in splicing complementation in Xenopus oocytes. The mutants define three categories of domain within the RNAs. First, domains which are not essential for splicing. These include regions of U6 which have previously been implicated in the capping and transport to the nucleus of U6 RNA as well as, less surprisingly, regions of U4 and U6 which have been poorly conserved in evolution. Second, domains whose mutation reduces U4-U6 snRNP assembly or stability. This group includes mutations in both the proposed U4-U6 interaction domain, and also, in the case of U6, in a highly conserve sequence flanking stem I of the interaction domain. These mutants are all defective in splicing. Third, regions not required for U4-U6 assembly, but required for splicing complementation. This category defines domains which are likely to be required for specific contacts with other components of the splicing machinery. Combinations of mutants in the U4 and U6 interaction domain are used to show that there are not only requirements for base complementarity but also for specific sequences in these regions.  相似文献   

Mutants in the Drosophila crooked neck (crn) gene show an embryonic lethal phenotype with severe developmental defects. The unusual crn protein consists of sixteen tandem repeats of the 34 amino acid tetratricopeptide (TPR) protein recognition domain. Crn-like TPR elements are found in several RNA processing proteins, although it is unknown how the TPR repeats or the crn protein contribute to Drosophila development. We have isolated a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, CLF1, that encodes a crooked neck-like factor. CLF1 is an essential gene but the lethal phenotype of a clf1::HIS3 chromosomal null mutant can be rescued by plasmid-based expression of CLF1 or the Drosophila crn open reading frame. Clf1p is required in vivo and in vitro for pre-mRNA 5' splice site cleavage. Extracts depleted of Clf1p arrest spliceosome assembly after U2 snRNP addition but prior to productive U4/U6.U5 association. Yeast two-hybrid analyses and in vitro binding studies show that Clf1p interacts specifically and differentially with the U1 snRNP-Prp40p protein and the yeast U2AF65 homolog, Mud2p. Intriguingly, Prp40p and Mud2p also bind the phylogenetically conserved branchpoint binding protein (BBP/SF1). Our results indicate that Clf1p acts as a scaffolding protein in spliceosome assembly and suggest that Clf1p may support the cross-intron bridge during the prespliceosome-to-spliceosome transition.  相似文献   

We describe the electron microscopic investigation of purified U4/U6 snRNPs from human and murine cells. The U4/U6 snRNP exhibits two morphological features, a main body approximately 8 nm in diameter and a peripheral filamentous domain, 7-10 nm long. Two lines of evidence suggest that the peripheral domain may consist of RNA and to contain U6 RNA as well as the 5' portion of U4 RNA. (a) Separation of the U4/U6 snRNA interaction regions from the core domains by site-directed cleavage of the U4 snRNA with RNase H gave filament-free, globular core snRNP structures. (b) By immuno and DNA-hybridization EM, both the 5' end of U4 and the 3' end of U6 snRNA were located at the distal region of the filamentous domain, furthest from the core. These results, together with our observation that the filamentous U4/U6 domain is often Y shaped, correlate strikingly with the consensus secondary structure proposed by Brow and Guthrie (1988. Nature (Lond.), 334:213-218), where U4 and U6 snRNA are base paired in such a way that two U4/U6 helices together with a stem/loop of U4 snRNA make up a Y-shaped U4/U6 interaction domain.  相似文献   

Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are associated in ribonucleoprotein particles localized to the nucleolus (snoRNPs). Most of the members of the box C/D family function in directing site-specific 2'-O-methylation of substrate RNAs. Although the selection of the target nucleotide requires the antisense element and the conserved box D or D' of the snoRNA, the methyltransferase activity is supposed to reside in one of the protein components. Through protein tagging of a snoRNP-specific factor, we purified to homogeneity box C/D snoRNPs from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mass spectrometric analysis demonstrated the presence of Nop1p, Nop58p, Nop56p, and Snu13p as integral components of the particle. We show that purified snoRNPs are able to reproduce the site-specific methylation pattern on target RNA and that the predicted S-adenosyl-L-methionine-binding region of Nop1p is responsible for the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The 5' stem-loop of the U4 snRNA and the box C/D motif of the box C/D snoRNAs can both be folded into a similar stem-internal loop-stem structure that binds the 15.5K protein. The homologous proteins NOP56 and NOP58 and 61K (hPrp31) associate with the box C/D snoRNPs and the U4/U6 snRNP, respectively. This raises the intriguing question of how the two homologous RNP complexes specifically assemble onto similar RNAs. Here we investigate the requirements for the specific binding of the individual snoRNP proteins to the U14 box C/D snoRNPs in vitro. This revealed that the binding of 15.5K to the box C/D motif is essential for the association of the remaining snoRNP-associated proteins, namely, NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, and the nucleoplasmic proteins TIP48 and TIP49. Stem II of the box C/D motif, in contrast to the U4 5' stem-loop, is highly conserved, and we show that this sequence is responsible for the binding of NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, TIP48, and TIP49, but not of 15.5K, to the snoRNA. Indeed, the sequence of stem II was essential for nucleolar localization of U14 snoRNA microinjected into HeLa cells. Thus, the conserved sequence of stem II determines the specific assembly of the box C/D snoRNP.  相似文献   

Fibrillarin binds directly and specifically to U16 box C/D snoRNA   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Eukaryotic nucleoli contain a large family of box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complexes (snoRNPs) that are involved in processing and site-specific methylation of pre-rRNA. Several proteins have been reported to be common factors of box C/D snoRNPs in lower and higher eukaryotes; nevertheless none of them has been clearly shown to directly interact with RNA. We previously identified in Xenopus laevis, by means of UV crosslinking in vivo, two proteins associated with box C/D snoRNAs, fibrillarin and p68. Here we show that fibrillarin interacts directly and specifically with the U16 box C/D snoRNA in a X. laevis oocyte nuclear extract and that it does not require p68 for binding. Specific binding is also obtained with a recombinant fibrillarin demonstrating that the protein is able to bind directly and specifically to U16 snoRNA by itself.  相似文献   

We have used antisense 2'-OMe RNA oligonucleotides carrying four 5'-terminal biotin residues to probe the structure and function of the human U4/U6 snRNP. Nine oligonucleotides, complementary to multiple regions of U4 and U6 snRNAs, bound stably and specifically to U4/U6 snRNP. This allowed for efficient and selective removal of U4/U6 from HeLa cell nuclear extracts. Binding of oligonucleotides to certain snRNA domains inhibited splicing and affected the U4-U6 interaction. Pre-mRNA and splicing products could also be affinity-selected through binding of the oligonucleotides to U4/U6 snRNPs in splicing complexes. The results suggest that U4 snRNP is not released during spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

N6‐methyladenine is the most widespread mRNA modification. A subset of human box C/D snoRNA species have target GAC sequences that lead to formation of N6‐methyladenine at a key trans Hoogsteen‐sugar A·G base pair, of which half are methylated in vivo. The GAC target is conserved only in those that are methylated. Methylation prevents binding of the 15.5‐kDa protein and the induced folding of the RNA. Thus, the assembly of the box C/D snoRNP could in principle be regulated by RNA methylation at its critical first stage. Crystallography reveals that N6‐methylation of adenine prevents the formation of trans Hoogsteen‐sugar A·G base pairs, explaining why the box C/D RNA cannot adopt its kinked conformation. More generally, our data indicate that sheared A·G base pairs (but not Watson–Crick base pairs) are more susceptible to disruption by N6mA methylation and are therefore possible regulatory sites. The human signal recognition particle RNA and many related Alu retrotransposon RNA species are also methylated at N6 of an adenine that forms a sheared base pair with guanine and mediates a key tertiary interaction.  相似文献   

U4 snRNA is phylogenetically highly conserved and organized in several domains. To determine the function of each of the domains of human U4 snRNA in the multi-step process of snRNP and spliceosome assembly, we used reconstitution procedures in combination with snRNA mutagenesis. The highly conserved 5' terminal domain of U4 snRNA consists of the stem I and stem II regions that have been proposed to base pair with U6 snRNA, and the 5' stem-loop structure. We found that each of these structural elements is essential for spliceosome assembly. However, only the stem II region is required for U4-U6 interaction, and none of these elements for Sm protein binding. In contrast, the 3' terminal domain of U4 snRNA containing the Sm binding site is dispensable for both U4-U6 interaction and spliceosome assembly. Our results support an organization of the U4 snRNP into multiple functional domains, each of which acts at distinct stages of snRNP and spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

The cycle of spliceosome assembly, intron excision, and spliceosome disassembly involves large-scale structural rearrangements of U6 snRNA that are functionally important. U6 enters the splicing pathway bound to the Prp24 protein, which chaperones annealing of U6 to U4 RNA to form a U4/U6 di-snRNP. During catalytic activation of the assembled spliceosome, U4 snRNP is released and U6 is paired to U2 snRNA. Here we show that point mutations in U4 and U6 that decrease U4/U6 base-pairing in vivo are lethal in combination. However, this synthetic phenotype is rescued by a mutation in U6 that alters a U6–Prp24 contact and stabilizes U2/U6. Remarkably, the resulting viable triple mutant strain lacks detectable U4/U6 base-pairing and U4/U6 di-snRNP. Instead, this strain accumulates free U4 snRNP, protein-free U6 RNA, and a novel complex containing U2/U6 di-snRNP. Further mutational analysis indicates that disruption of the U6–Prp24 interaction rather than stabilization of U2/U6 renders stable U4/U6 di-snRNP assembly nonessential. We propose that an essential function of U4/U6 pairing is to displace Prp24 from U6 RNA, and thus a destabilized U6–Prp24 complex renders stable U4/U6 pairing nonessential.  相似文献   

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