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Bártová E  Sedlák K 《Parasitology》2011,138(11):1369-1371
In the Czech Republic, sera from 551 clinically healthy adult slaughtered pigs (females, 6-8 months old) were collected during the first half of June in 2010. Sera were tested for Toxoplasma gondii-specific IgG antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; samples with more than 50% S/P were considered as positive. The same samples were also analysed for Neospora caninum antibodies using a commercial competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; samples with more than 30% inhibition were considered as positive. Antibodies against T. gondii were found in 198 pigs (36%) in all districts with prevalences ranging from 18% to 75%. Antibodies against N. caninum were found in 16 pigs (3%); positive animals were found in 4 districts with prevalences ranging from 1% to 20%. Indication of mixed infections (concurrent presence of both N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies) was found in 8 (1·5%) pigs. The results of our study indicate that pigs in the Czech Republic have a relatively high seroprevalence for T. gondii, while they have only a low seroprevalence for N. caninum. Therefore, natural infection with T. gondii seems to be very common in Czech pigs. It is the first evidence of N. caninum antibodies in pigs in the Czech Republic. These results complete data about N. caninum infection in pigs in Europe.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis neurona, Neospora caninum, N. hughesi, and Toxoplasma gondii are 4 related coccidians considered to be associated with encephalomyelitis in horses. The source of infection for N. hughesi is unknown, whereas opossums, dogs, and cats are the definitive hosts for S. neurona, N. caninum, and T. gondii, respectively. Seroprevalence of these coccidians in 276 wild horses from central Wyoming outside the known range of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) was determined. Antibodies to T. gondii were found only in 1 of 276 horses tested with the modified agglutination test using 1:25, 1:50, and 1:500 dilutions. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 86 (31.1%) of the 276 horses tested with the Neospora agglutination test--the titers were 1:25 in 38 horses, 1:50 in 15, 1:100 in 9, 1:200 in 8, 1:400 in 4, 1:800 in 2, 1:1,600 in 2, 1:3,200 in 2, and 1:12,800 in 1. Antibodies to S. neurona were assessed with the serum immunoblot; of 276 horses tested, 18 had antibodies considered specific for S. neurona. Antibodies to S. neurona also were assessed with the S. neurona direct agglutination test (SAT). Thirty-nine of 265 horses tested had SAT antibodies--in titers of 1:50 in 26 horses and 1:100 in 13. The presence of S. neurona antibodies in horses in central Wyoming suggests that either there is cross-reactivity between S. neurona and some other infection or a definitive host other than opossum is the source of infection. In a retrospective study, S. neurona antibodies were not found by immunoblot in the sera of 243 horses from western Canada outside the range of D. virginiana.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are structurally similar parasites, with many hosts in common. The prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii and N. caninum was determined in sera from dogs from Durango City, Mexico. Using a modified agglutination test, antibodies to T. gondii were found in 52 (51.5%) of the 101 dogs with titers of 1:25 in 27, 1:50 in 11, 1:100 in 5, 1:200 in 4, 1:400 in 2, 1:800 in 2, and 1:3,200 or higher in 1. Antibodies to N. caninum were determined by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and the Neospora sp. agglutination test (NAT). Two of the 101 dogs had N. caninum antibodies; these dogs did not have T. gondii antibodies, supporting the specificity of the tests used. The N. caninum antibody titers of the 2 dogs were: 1:400 by IFAT and 1:200 by NAT in 1, and 1:25 by NAT and IFAT in the other. Results indicate that these 2 structurally similar protozoans are antigenically different.  相似文献   

Innes EA  Mattsson JG 《Trends in parasitology》2007,23(2):43-4; discussion 44-5
It is sometimes easy to make the mistake of assuming that everything that holds true for Toxoplasma gondii is also true for its relative Neospora caninum. However, a recurring theme in the recent review by Hemphill et al. is not the similarities but the striking differences between the two parasites.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are structurally similar parasites with many common hosts. The prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii and N. caninum was determined in sera from dogs in Grenada, West Indies. Using a modified agglutination test, antibodies to T. gondii were found in 52 (48.5%) of the 107 dogs, with titers of 1:25 in 17, 1:50 in 19, 1:100 in 7, 1:1,600 in 5, and 1:3,200 or higher in 4. Seroprevalence increased with age from 2.2% in dogs <6 mo old to 18.9% in dogs older than 2 yr, indicating postnatal transmission of T. gondii in this population of canines. There was no correlation between the health of the dogs and the seroprevalence or magnitude of the T. gondii titer. Antibodies to N. caninum were determined by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Two of the 107 dogs had N. caninum antibodies (IFAT titers 1:100 and 1:400); these dogs had T. gondii titers of 1:1,600 and 1:50, respectively. Results indicate that these 2 structurally similar protozoa are antigenically different.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Neospora caninum were determined in several species of wild animals in the United States by the Neospora agglutination test (NAT). Antibodies (NAT 1:40 or higher) were found in 5 of 249 bison (Bison bison), 5 of 160 caribou (Rangifer tarandus), 4 of 162 moose (Alces alces), 4 of 122 wolves (Canis lupus), and 1 of 224 musk ox (Ovibos moschatus) but not in 197 black bears (Ursus americanus). To our knowledge, this is the first report of antibodies to N. caninum in bison and caribou. The total absence of N. caninum antibodies in black bears indicates that bears are not a host for N. caninum and that there is no cross-reactivity between the NAT and the modified agglutination test (MAT) for Toxoplasma gondii, because more than 80% of black bears in eastern United States have MAT antibodies at a 1:25 serum solution.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a newly described coccidian parasite which has been found in various species such as the dog, cattle, horse, sheep and goat. Morphologically it resembles Toxoplasma gondii with which it is related (Holmdahl et al. 1994), and with which it has earlier been confused. The life cycle of N caninum is only partially known. Tachyzoites and tissue cysts are the only known stages of the parasite, and transplacental transmission is the only known route of infection. Subclini-cally infected dams can transmit the parasite to their fetuses and successive offspring from the same mother might be born infected (Dubey et al. 1990b). Clinical neosporosis is mostly seen in pups or young dogs, and the majority or all pups in a litter are often affected. The disease is characterized by ascending paralysis of the legs, with the hind legs more severely affected than the front legs, paralysis of the jaw, difficulty in swallowing and muscle flaccidity and atrophy (Dubey 1992, Dubey & Lindsay 1993). Fatal infections with N caninum in dogs have been reported from many countries, e.g. Norway (Bjerkäs & Presthus 1988), USA (Dubey et al. 1988), Sweden (Uggla et al. 1989a,b) and the United Kingdom (Dubey et al. 1990a). Serological surveys for antibodies to N. caninum in dogs from Kansas, USA and England have shown a prevalence of 2 and 13%, respectively (Lindsay et al. 1990, Trees et al. 1993).  相似文献   

The dugong (Dugong dugon) is an herbivorous marine mammal that inhabits tropical inshore waters and thus may be vulnerable to pollutants and terrestrial pathogens as a result of coastal runoff. In this study, serum samples collected from live, wild dugongs (n = 114) in an embayment located on the urbanized southeast Queensland coast of Australia during 2008–2014, were measured for IgG antibody levels specific to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. An ELISA used to measure T. gondii tachyzoite antibodies indicated a non-Gaussian distribution of antibody level, with five dugongs identified as high outliers. Mean levels of antibodies specific for T. gondii in dugongs sampled in 2014 were significantly higher than in 2010 (p = .006) and 2011 (p = .009) with an elevation in mean antibody levels after a major 2011 flood event relative to antibody levels prior to the flood (p < .0001). A competitive ELISA to detect N. caninum antibody indicated a normal distribution of antibody with no high outliers. Mean antibody level for N. caninum was highest in 2012 and declined significantly in 2014 (p = .004). This is the first survey of antibodies directed against T. gondii and N. caninum in dugongs and suggests future health monitoring of this species.  相似文献   

Brain and serum were collected from 120 and 12 free-ranging sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis), respectively, from six regions in eastern Hokkaido during controlled hunts in the autumn of 2003. Brains were tested for Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were measured by means of a latex agglutination test. No brain tested positive for either type of DNA, and no antibody to Toxoplasma gondii was detected in serum, suggesting a low prevalence of infection with these organisms in free-ranging sika deer from eastern Hokkaido. Further examination of multiple tissues by PCR and serologic surveys will be necessary to confirm this.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to identify the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum abortions in goats from Argentina by serological, macroscopical and microscopical examination and bioassay, and to characterize the obtained isolates by molecular techniques. For this purpose, 25 caprine fetal fluids, 18 caprine fetal brains and 10 caprine placentas from 8 dairy/meat goat farms from Argentina were analyzed. Gestational age of the aborted fetuses was determined in 18 cases. Protozoal infections were detected by at least one of the applied diagnostic techniques in 44% (11/25) of examined fetuses; specifically, 24% (6/25) were positive to T. gondii, 8% (2/25) were positive to N. caninum and 12% (3/25) were positive to both parasites. In this study IFAT titers were similarly distributed in younger and older fetuses. Macroscopical and microscopical examination of one placenta revealed chalky nodules in the fetal cotyledons and normal intercotyledonary areas, as well as necrosis and calcification of mesenchymal cells in villi. Tachyzoites were observed in peritoneal wash from 2 mice inoculated with brain and a pool of brain and placenta of two fetuses. Cell culture growth of tachyzoites was achieved from one inoculated mouse, and confirmed as T. gondii by PCR. The T. gondii isolate was identified as atypical or non-canonical by nested-PCR-RFLP. This is the first study that investigated the involvement of N. caninum and T. gondii in cases of goat abortion in Argentina.  相似文献   

Autofluorescence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum cysts in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Autofluorescence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum was studied by fluorescence microscopy during their differentiation from tachyzoites to bradyzoites in vitro using Vero as host cells. Stage conversion into bradyzoites and cysts was confirmed by immunofluorescent microscopy and Western blot analysis using SAG1- and BAG1-specific antibody, respectively. From day 4 postinfection (PI), pale blue autofluorescence of the bradyzoites and tissue cysts was observed with UV light at 330-385 nm, which coincided with the onset of cyst development. This autofluorescence under UV light of bradyzoites and tissue cysts increased in intensity from days 8 to 10 PI. In contrast to the autofluorescence shown by bradyzoites and cysts, tachyzoites and parasitophorous vacuoles containing tachyzoites never autofluoresced at any time examined. Autofluorescence of the cystic stages was of sufficient intensity and duration to allow the detection of cysts and bradyzoites of T. gondii and N. caninum. In this study, we describe for the first time the autofluorescence properties of in vitro-induced bradyzoites and cysts of T. gondii and N. caninum.  相似文献   

This study was designed to detect antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in wild captive carnivores maintained in Brazilian zoos. Blood samples were collected from 142 Brazilian wild felids and 19 exotic felids in zoos, and 3 European wolves (Canis lupus) and 94 Brazilian wild canids maintained in captivity in Brazilian zoos of S?o Paulo, Mato Grosso states and Federal District. One hundred and two (63.4%) and 70 (50.3%) of the 161 wild felids tested were seropositive for T. gondii and N. caninum by indirect immunofluorescent assay test (IFAT), respectively. Among sampled wild canids, 49 (50.5%) and 40 (41.2%) animals were seropositive for T. gondii and N. caninum antigens by IFAT, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first serological detection of antibodies to N. caninum in Brazilian wild captive felids and bush dogs (Speothos venaticus (Lund)).  相似文献   

The Apicomplexa are a diverse group of parasitic protozoa with very ancient phylogenetic roots. Consistent with their phylogeny, the extant species share conserved proteins and traits that were found in their apicomplexan progenitor, but at the same time they have diverged to occupy different biological niches (e.g. host-range and cell type). Characterisation of gene and protein diversity is important for distinguishing between related parasites, for determining their phylogeny, and for providing insight into factors that determine host restriction, cell preference, and virulence. The value of molecular characterisations and comparisons between species is well illustrated by the close phylogenetic relationship between Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. These two organisms have nearly identical morphology and can cause similar pathology and disease. Consequently, N. caninum has often been incorrectly identified as T. gondii, thus demonstrating the need for studies addressing the molecular and antigenic composition of Neospora. In this review, we describe the major antigenic proteins that have been characterised in N. caninum. These show homology to T. gondii proteins, yet possess unique antigenic characteristics that distinguish them from their homologues and enable their use for specific serological diagnoses and parasite identification.  相似文献   

It is clear from researching the vertical transmission of Neospora caninum in cattle that the terms 'vertical', 'congenital' and, indeed, 'transplacental' are inadequate for describing two extremely different situations that have fundamentally different immunological, epidemiological and control implications. A similar situation pertains to Toxoplasma gondii in different hosts. We advocate the use of the terms 'endogenous transplacental infection (TPI)' to define foetal infection from a recrudescent maternal infection acquired before pregnancy (and probably prenatally) and 'exogenous TPI' to define foetal infection that occurs as a result of an infection of the dam during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects humans and other warm-blooded animals; it uses feral and domestic cats as the definitive hosts. Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite of animals whose life cycle is very similar to T. gondii but uses canids as definitive hosts. Small rodents play an important role in the life cycle of T. gondii , and a few findings indicated that they may be natural intermediate hosts for N. caninum . The present study was aimed at identifying infections by T. gondii and N. caninum in urban rodents. Infections by T. gondii were quantified using isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice; molecular methods were also used for both parasites. Overall, 217 rodents were captured. Brain and heart tissues of all rodents were bioassayed in mice for the detection of T. gondii infection. Brain and heart tissues of 121 rodents had the DNA extracted for molecular analysis. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay from a single rodent. From the 121 rodents tested for the presence of T. gondii DNA, 2 animals were positive. In contrast, DNA of N. caninum was not detected in any of the samples. In conclusion, the surveys of N. caninum and T. gondii infection in Rattus rattus , Rattus norvegicus , and Mus musculus captured in urban areas of S?o Paulo reveal a striking low frequency of occurrence of these infections.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an important pathogen of cattle causing significant economic loss. There is much current interest in wild animal reservoirs for this parasite. The role of the rabbit in this is currently unknown. DNA samples from the brains of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) collected from the Malham area of the Yorkshire dales were investigated by species-specific PCR for the presence of N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. We found prevalences of N. caninum of 10.5% (6/57) and T. gondii of 68.4% (39/57) with 8.8% (5/57) co-infected. Strain typing of T. gondii positive rabbits revealed strain types I-III were present in this population. Investigation of tissue distribution determined N. caninum DNA was most often detected in the brain and heart, less often in the tongue and not in the liver. To our knowledge this is the first report of N. caninum detection in naturally infected wild rabbits.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions between Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii were studied because both species appear to have identical ecological niches in vitro. Tachyzoites of N. caninum (NC-1 isolate) and T. gondii (RH isolate) were compared in three in vitro studies: (1) rate of penetration of host cells; (2) generation time; and (3) competition between the two species when grown together in the same flask and allowed to compete for space. When tachyzoites of the two species were inoculated onto human foreskin fibroblasts, 3.24-times more N. caninum tachyzoites penetrated cells by 1 h p.i. At 3 h p.i., there were 2.87-times more N. caninum intracellular tachyzoites than T. gondii tachyzoites. The generation times for N. caninum (NC-1 isolate) and T. gondii (RH isolate) were approximately 14-15 h and 8-10 h, respectively. Before exponential growth occurred, both species displayed a lag period, which was 10-12 h for N. caninum and 8-10 h for T. gondii. To observe competition, equal numbers of tachyzoites of each species were mixed and inoculated into flasks of host cells, and the monolayers were allowed to proceed to >90% lysis before the next transfer. Competition was analysed for 31 days by labelling samples of each flask with a species-specific monoclonal antibody and determining the ratio of each species. In all trials, T. gondii outcompeted N. caninum. By 4 days p.i., 70% of the tachyzoites were T. gondii; this percentage increased to 97% by 23 days p.i. When the starting inoculum contained 75% N. caninum and 25% T. gondii tachyzoites, T. gondii was still competitively superior. When infected monolayers that were labelled with T. gondii-specific antibodies were examined, it was noted that both species can occupy and undergo endodyogeny in the same host simultaneously.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is prevalent worldwide and can infect a remarkably wide range of hosts despite felids being the only definitive host. As cats play a major role in transmission to secondary mammalian hosts, the interaction between cats and these hosts should be a major factor determining final prevalence in the secondary host. This study investigates the prevalence of T. gondii in a natural population of Apodemus sylvaticus collected from an area with low cat density (<2·5 cats/km2). A surprisingly high prevalence of 40·78% (95% CI: 34·07%-47·79%) was observed despite this. A comparable level of prevalence was observed in a previously published study using the same approaches where a prevalence of 59% (95% CI: 50·13%-67·87%) was observed in a natural population of Mus domesticus from an area with high cat density (>500 cats/km2). Detection of infected foetuses from pregnant dams in both populations suggests that congenital transmission may enable persistence of infection in the absence of cats. The prevalences of the related parasite, Neospora caninum were found to be low in both populations (A. sylvaticus: 3·39% (95% CI: 0·12%-6·66%); M. domesticus: 3·08% (95% CI: 0·11%-6·05%)). These results suggest that cat density may have a lower than expected effect on final prevalence in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 62 dingoes (Canis familiaris dingo) trapped in five areas of southeastern New South Wales, Australia were tested for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. Six (10%) of the dingoes had direct agglutination test titers for T. gondii of greater than or equal to 1:64, and four of these animals had T. gondii-specific IgM, suggesting recent exposure.  相似文献   

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