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Nucleotide sequence of a mosquito 18S ribosomal RNA gene.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have sequenced an 18S ribosomal RNA gene from the mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Computer alignment of the 1950 nucleotide coding region (56% A + T) with 18S rRNA sequences from two insect and three vertebrate species revealed greater sequence divergence among the insects than among the vertebrates. Sequence alignments showed that variable region V4, which has been considered to be the most poorly conserved domain in the 18S rRNA gene, was better conserved among insects and vertebrates than was the V6 domain.  相似文献   

S Chao  R Sederoff    C S Levings  rd 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(16):6629-6644
The nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for the 18S ribosomal RNA of maize mitochondria has been determined and a model for the secondary structure is proposed. Dot matrix analysis has been used to compare the extent and distribution of sequence similarities of the entire maize mitochondrial 18S rRNA sequence with that of 15 other small subunit rRNA sequences. The mitochondrial gene shows great similarity to the eubacterial sequences and to the maize chloroplast, and less similarity to mitochondrial rRNA genes in animals and fungi. We propose that this similarity is due to a slow rate of nucleotide divergence in plant mtDNA compared to the mtDNA of animals. Sequence comparisons indicate that the evolution of the maize mitochondrial 18S, chloroplast 16S and nuclear 17S ribosomal genes have been essentially independent, in spite of evidence for DNA transfer between organelles and the nucleus.  相似文献   

The analysis of PvuII restriction patterns of Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma spp. genomic DNA showed genus distinctive profiles. A specific PvuII site was detected in the 5' domain of 18S ribosomal DNA of Leishmania. A 20-mer oligonucleotide encompassing this PvuII region was synthesized. This sequence, when utilized as probe, on short exposures of dot tests, detected 10(3) whole promastigotes of all Leishmania species analyzed but did not hybridize with T. cruzi or human nucleic acids. Two other oligonucleotides were synthesized to be used as primers for amplification through polymerase chain reaction of the 18S ribosomal DNA region containing the PvuII site. The probes described may be useful for the detection of Leishmania spp. under clinical and epidemiological trials.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Tardigrada remains uncertain. This is due to the limited information available, and the uncertainty of whether some characters are homologous or analogous with other taxa. Based on some morphological characters, current discussion centres on whether the taxon branches from the annelid-arthropod lineage, or lies within the arthropod complex. The molecular data presented here from an analysis of the 18S rRNA gene sequences are used to test the validity of these two hypotheses. Phylogenetic inference by the maximum parsimony and distance (neighbour-joining) methods suggests that the Tardigrada is a sister group of the major protostome eucoelomate assemblage that emerged before the arthropods, annelids, molluscs, and sipunculids evolved. The tardigrade clade also appears as an independent lineage separate from the nematode clade, thus supporting the current idea that tardigrades do not have a close aschelminth relationship. The molecular data also imply that several morphological features, considered significant in determining the phylogenetic relationships of tardigrades, are not synapomorphic characters.  相似文献   

The spliced leader RNA genes of Bodo saltans, Cryptobia helicis and Dimastigella trypaniformis were analyzed as molecular markers for additional taxa within the suborder Bodonina. The non-transcribed spacer regions were distinctive for each organism, and 5S rRNA genes were present in Bodo and Dimastigella but not in C. helicis. Two sequence classes of 5S rRNA were evident from analysis of the bodonid genes. The two classes of 5S rRNA genes were found in other Kinetoplastids independent of co-localization with the spliced leader RNA gene.  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA sequences encoding 18 S ribosomal RNA in man and in the frog, Xenopus borealis. We have also corrected the Xenopus laevis 18 S sequence: an A residue follows G-684 in the sequence. These and other available data provide a number of representative examples of variation in primary structure and secondary modification of 18 S ribosomal RNA between different groups of vertebrates. First, Xenopus laevis and Xenopus borealis 18 S ribosomal genes differ from each other by only two base substitutions, and we have found no evidence of intraspecies heterogeneity within the 18 S ribosomal DNA of Xenopus (in contrast to the Xenopus transcribed spacers). Second, the human 18 S sequence differs from that of Xenopus by approx. 6.5%. About 4% of the differences are single base changes; the remainder comprise insertions in the human sequence and other changes affecting several nucleotides. Most of these more extensive changes are clustered in a relatively short region between nucleotides 190 and 280 in the human sequence. Third, the human 18 S sequence differs from non-primate mammalian sequences by only about 1%. Fourth, nearly all of the 47 methyl groups in mammalian 18 S ribosomal RNA can be located in the sequence. The methyl group distribution corresponds closely to that in Xenopus, but there are several extra methyl groups in mammalian 18 S ribosomal RNA. Finally, minor revisions are made to the estimated numbers of pseudouridines in human and Xenopus 18 S ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

The cloned 18 S ribosomal RNA gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been sequenced, using the Maxam-Gilbert procedure. From this data the complete sequence of 1789 nucleotides of the 18 S RNA was deduced. Extensive homology with many eucaryotic as well as E. coli ribosomal small subunit rRNA (S-rRNA) has been observed in the 3'-end region of the rRNA molecule. Comparison of the yeast 18 S rRNA sequences with partial sequence data, available for rRNAs of the other eucaryotes provides strong evidence that a substantial portion of the 18 S RNA sequence has been conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

The human 18S ribosomal RNA gene: evolution and stability.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
We report the 1,870-base-pair primary sequence of a human 18S rRNA gene and propose a secondary structure based on this sequence and the general mammalian structure. A basic secondary structure for the small subunit rRNA has been preserved throughout evolution by compensatory and neutral base changes in double-stranded regions. The molecule contains eight regions that can vary in structure and that comprise 432 bases, while 1,438 bases belong to regions of conserved structure among all species tested. The conserved regions show a remarkably low sequence divergence rate of 0.1% between the human and mouse genes over the approximately 80 million years since the mammalian radiation. This value may make the small subunit rDNA the most highly conserved sequence known. Sequence conservation in higher eukaryotes with multiple copies of the gene is probably achieved by the combination of strong selection and the correction of tandem genes by unequal homologous exchange.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the gene for 18 S rRNA of the crustacean Artemia salina was determined. The sequence has been aligned with 13 other small ribosomal subunit RNA sequences of eukaryotic, archaebacterial, eubacterial, chloroplastic and plant mitochondrial origin. Secondary structure models for these RNAs were derived on the basis of previously proposed models and additional comparative evidence found in the alignment. Although there is a general similarity in the secondary structure models for eukaryotes and prokaryotes, the evidence seems to indicate a different topology in a central area of the structures.  相似文献   

Human 28S ribosomal RNA sequence heterogeneity.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
DNA sequencing of several cloned human 28S ribosomal RNA gene fragments has revealed sequence heterogeneity (1) but it was not clear whether these are inactive pseudogenes or are active genes that are transcribed and represented in ribosomes. S1 nuclease analysis allowed us to examine the population of ribosomal RNA molecules of a cell, and we found that 28S rRNA is a heterogeneous assortment of molecules in both mono- and polysomal preparations. Sequence variation, although largely concentrated in variable regions of the molecule, apparently also occurs in the conserved regions.  相似文献   

The primary structure of rabbit 18S ribosomal RNA was determined by nucleotide sequence analysis of the RNA directly. The rabbit rRNA was specifically cleaved with T1 ribonuclease, as well as with E. coli RNase H using a Pst 1 DNA linker to generate a specific set of overlapping fragments spanning the entire length of the molecule. Both intact and fragmented 18S rRNA were end-labeled with [32P], base-specifically cleaved enzymatically and chemically and nucleotide sequences determined from long polyacrylamide sequencing gels run in formamide. This approach permitted the detection of both cistron heterogeneities and modified bases. Specific nucleotide sequences within E. coli 16S rRNA previously implicated in polyribosome function, tRNA binding, and subunit association are also conserved within the rabbit 18S rRNA. This conservation suggests the likelihood that these regions have similar functions within the eukaryotic 40S subunit.  相似文献   

Labyrinthulids and thraustochytrids are unicellular heterotrophs, formerly considered as fungi, but presently are recognized as members in the stramenopiles of the kingdom Protista sensu lato. We determined the 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences of 14 strains from different species of the six genera and analyzed the molecular phylogenetic relationships. The results conflict with the current classification based on morphology, at the genus and species levels. These organisms are separated, based on signature sequences and unique inserted sequences, into two major groups, which were named the labyrinthulid phylogenetic group and the thraustochytrid phylogenetic group. Although these groupings are in disagreement with many conventional taxonomic characters, they correlated better with the sugar composition of the cell wall. Thus, the currently used taxonomic criteria need serious reconsideration.  相似文献   

16S ribosomal RNAs (rRNA) of 12 methylotrophic bacteria have been almost completely sequenced to establish their phylogenetic relationships. Methylotrophs that are physiologically related are phylogenetically diverse and are scattered among the purple eubacteria (class Proteobacteria). Group I methylotrophs can be classified in the beta- and the gamma-subdivisions and group II methylotrophs in the alpha-subdivision of the purple eubacteria, respectively. Pink-pigmented facultative and non-pigmented obligate group II methylotrophs form two distinctly separate branches within the alpha-subdivision. The secondary structures of the 16S rRNA sequences of 'Methylocystis parvus' strain OBBP, 'Methylosinus trichosporium' strain OB3b, 'Methylosporovibrio methanica' strain 81Z and Hyphomicrobium sp. strain DM2 are similar, and these non-pigmented obligate group II methylotrophs form one tight cluster in the alpha-subdivision. The pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophs, Methylobacterium extorquens strain AM1, Methylobacterium sp. strain DM4 and Methylobacterium organophilum strain XX form another cluster within the alpha-subdivision. Although similar in phenotypic characteristics, Methylobacterium organophilum strain XX and Methylobacterium extorquens strain AM1 are clearly distinguishable by their 16S rRNA sequences. The group I methylotrophs, Methylophilus methylotrophus strain AS1 and methylotrophic species DM11, which do not utilize methane, are similar in 16S rRNA sequence to bacteria in the beta-subdivision. The methane-utilizing, obligate group I methanotrophs, Methylococcus capsulatus strain BATH and Methylomonas methanica, are placed in the gamma-subdivision. The results demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish and classify the methylotrophic bacteria using 16S rRNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   

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