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The metaphase-to-anaphase transition is triggered by the Anaphase-Promoting Complex (APC), an E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets proteins for degradation, leading to sister chromatid separation and mitotic exit. The function of APC is controlled by the spindle checkpoint that delays anaphase onset in the presence of any chromosome that has not established bipolar attachment to the mitotic spindle. In this way, the checkpoint ensures accurate chromosome segregation. The spindle checkpoint is mostly activated from kinetochores that are not attached to microtubules or not under tension that is normally generated from bipolar attachment. These kinetochores recruit several spindle checkpoint proteins to assemble an inhibitory complex composed of checkpoint proteins Mad2, Bub3, and Mad3/BubR1. This complex binds and inhibits Cdc20, an activator and substrate adaptor for APC. In addition, the checkpoint complex promotes Cdc20 degradation, thus lowering Cdc20 protein level upon checkpoint activation. This dual inhibition on Cdc20 likely ensures that the spindle checkpoint is sustained even when the cell contains only a single unattached kinetochore.  相似文献   

Tang Z  Shu H  Oncel D  Chen S  Yu H 《Molecular cell》2004,16(3):387-397
To ensure the fidelity of chromosome segregation, the spindle checkpoint blocks the ubiquitin ligase activity of APC/C(Cdc20) in response to a single chromatid not properly attached to the mitotic spindle. Here we show that HeLa cells depleted for Bub1 by RNA interference are defective in checkpoint signaling. Bub1 directly phosphorylates Cdc20 in vitro and inhibits the ubiquitin ligase activity of APC/C(Cdc20) catalytically. A Cdc20 mutant with all six Bub1 phosphorylation sites removed is refractory to Bub1-mediated phosphorylation and inhibition in vitro. Upon checkpoint activation, Bub1 itself is hyperphosphorylated and its kinase activity toward Cdc20 is stimulated. Ectopic expression of the nonphosphorylatable Cdc20 mutant allows HeLa cells to escape from mitosis in the presence of spindle damage. Therefore, Bub1-mediated phosphorylation of Cdc20 is required for proper checkpoint signaling. We speculate that inhibition of APC/C(Cdc20) by Bub1 in a catalytic fashion may partly account for the exquisite sensitivity of the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

Mad2 is a key component of the spindle checkpoint, a device that controls the fidelity of chromosome segregation in mitosis. The ability of Mad2 to form oligomers in vitro has been correlated with its ability to block the cell cycle upon injection into Xenopus embryos. Here we show that Mad2 forms incompatible complexes with Mad1 and Cdc20, neither of which requires Mad2 oligomerization. A monomeric point mutant of Mad2 can sustain a cell cycle arrest of comparable strength to that of the wild-type protein. We show that the interaction of Mad2 with Mad1 is crucial for the localization of Mad2 to kinetochores, where Mad2 interacts with Cdc20. We propose a model that features the kinetochore as a 'folding factory' for the formation of a Mad2-Cdc20 complex endowed with inhibitory activity on the anaphase promoting complex.  相似文献   

Genomic instability is a hallmark of human cancers. Spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a critical cellular mechanism that prevents chromosome missegregation and therefore aneuploidy by blocking premature separation of sister chromatids. Thus, SAC, much like the DNA damage checkpoint, is essential for genome stability. In this study, we report the generation and analysis of mice carrying a Cdc20 allele in which three residues critical for the interaction with Mad2 were mutated to alanine. The mutant Cdc20 protein (AAA-Cdc20) is no longer inhibited by Mad2 in response to SAC activation, leading to the dysfunction of SAC and aneuploidy. The dysfunction could not be rescued by the additional expression of another Cdc20 inhibitor, BubR1. Furthermore, we found that Cdc20AAA/AAA mice died at late gestation, but Cdc20+/AAA mice were viable. Importantly, Cdc20+/AAA mice developed spontaneous tumors at highly accelerated rates, indicating that the SAC-mediated inhibition of Cdc20 is an important tumor-suppressing mechanism.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset in cells with mitotic spindle defects. Here, we show that Chk1, a component of the DNA damage and replication checkpoints, protects vertebrate cells against spontaneous chromosome missegregation and is required to sustain anaphase delay when spindle function is disrupted by taxol, but not when microtubules are completely depolymerized by nocodazole. Spindle checkpoint failure in Chk1-deficient cells correlates with decreased Aurora-B kinase activity and impaired phosphorylation and kinetochore localization of BubR1. Furthermore, Chk1 phosphorylates Aurora-B and enhances its catalytic activity in vitro. We propose that Chk1 augments spindle checkpoint signaling and is required for optimal regulation of Aurora-B and BubR1 when kinetochores produce a weakened signal. In addition, Chk1-deficient cells exhibit increased resistance to taxol. These results suggest a mechanism through which Chk1 could protect against tumorigenesis through its role in spindle checkpoint signaling.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is required to block sister chromatid separation until all chromosomes are properly attached to the mitotic apparatus. The SAC prevents cells from entering anaphase by inhibiting the ubiquitylation of cyclin B1 and securin by the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase. The target of the SAC is the essential APC/C activator Cdc20. It is unclear how the SAC inactivates Cdc20 but most current models suggest that Cdc20 forms a stable complex with the Mad2 checkpoint protein. Here we show that most Cdc20 is not in a complex with Mad2; instead Mad2 is required for Cdc20 to form a complex with another checkpoint protein, BubR1. We further show that during the SAC, the APC/C ubiquitylates Cdc20 to target it for degradation. Thus, ubiquitylation of human Cdc20 is not required to release it from the checkpoint complex, but to degrade it to maintain mitotic arrest.  相似文献   

The checkpoint protein Mad2 inhibits the activity of the anaphase promoting complex by sequestering Cdc20 until all chromosomes are aligned at the metaphase plate. We report the solution structure of human Mad2 and its interaction with Cdc20. Mad2 possesses a novel three-layered alpha/beta fold with three alpha-helices packed between two beta-sheets. Using deletion mutants we identified the minimal Mad2-binding region of human Cdc20 as a 40-residue segment immediately N-terminal to the WD40 repeats. Mutagenesis and NMR titration experiments show that a C-terminal flexible region of Mad2 is required for binding to Cdc20. Mad2 and Cdc20 form a tight 1:1 heterodimeric complex in which the C-terminal segment of Mad2 becomes folded. These results provide the first structural insight into mechanisms of the spindle assembly checkpoint.  相似文献   

For ordered mitotic progression, various proteins have to be regulated by an ubiquitin ligase, the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) with appropriate timing. Recent studies have implied that the activity of APC/C also contributes to release of mitotic checkpoint complexes (MCCs) from its target Cdc20 in the process of silencing the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Here we describe a temperature-sensitive mutant (ubc11-P93L) in which cell cycle progression is arrested at mitosis. The mutant grows normally at the restrictive temperature when SAC is inactivated, suggesting that the arrest is not due to abnormal spindle assembly, but rather due to prolonged activation of SAC. Supporting this notion, MCCs remain bound to APC/C even when SAC is satisfied. The ubc11+ gene encodes one of the two E2 enzymes required for progression through mitosis in fission yeast. Remarkably, Slp1 (a fission yeast homolog of Cdc20), which is degraded in an APC/C-dependent manner, stays stable throughout the cell cycle in the ubc11-P93L mutant lacking the functional SAC. Other APC/C substrates, in contrast, were degraded on schedule. We have also found that a loss of Ubc4, the other E2 required for progression through mitosis, does not affect the stability of Slp1. We propose that each of the two E2 enzymes is responsible for collaborating with APC/C for a specific set of substrates, and that Ubc11 is responsible for regulating Slp1 with APC/C for silencing the SAC.  相似文献   

The human Cdc25A phosphatase plays a pivotal role at the G1/S transition by activating cyclin E and A/Cdk2 complexes through dephosphorylation. In response to ionizing radiation, Cdc25A is phosphorylated by both Chk1 and Chk2 on Ser-123. This in turn leads to ubiquitylation and rapid degradation of Cdc25A by the proteasome resulting in cell cycle arrest. We found that in response to UV irradiation, Cdc25A is phosphorylated at a different serine residue, Ser-75. Significantly, Cdc25A mutants carrying alanine instead of either Ser-75 or Ser-123 demonstrate that only Ser-75 mediates protein stabilization in response to UV-induced DNA damage. As a consequence, cyclin E/Cdk2 kinase activity was high. Furthermore, we find that Cdc25A was phosphorylated by Chk1 on Ser-75 in vitro and that the same site was also phosphorylated in vivo. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that phosphorylation of Cdc25A on Ser-75 by Chk1 and its subsequent degradation is required to delay cell cycle progression in response to UV-induced DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Cells are constantly threatened by multiple sources of genotoxic stress that cause DNA damage. To maintain genome integrity, cells have developed a coordinated signalling network called DNA damage response (DDR). While multiple kinases have been thoroughly studied during DDR activation, the role of protein dephosphorylation in the damage response remains elusive. Here, we show that the phosphatase Cdc14 is essential to fulfil recombinational DNA repair in budding yeast. After DNA double‐strand break (DSB) generation, Cdc14 is transiently released from the nucleolus and activated. In this state, Cdc14 targets the spindle pole body (SPB) component Spc110 to counterbalance its phosphorylation by cyclin‐dependent kinase (Cdk). Alterations in the Cdk/Cdc14‐dependent phosphorylation status of Spc110, or its inactivation during the induction of a DNA lesion, generate abnormal oscillatory SPB movements that disrupt DSB‐SPB interactions. Remarkably, these defects impair DNA repair by homologous recombination indicating that SPB integrity is essential during the repair process. Together, these results show that Cdc14 promotes spindle stability and DSB‐SPB tethering during DNA repair, and imply that metaphase spindle maintenance is a critical feature of the repair process.  相似文献   

During the maturation of Xenopus oocytes, Cdc6 expression is necessary to establish replication competence to support early embryonic DNA replication. However, Cdc6 is expressed before the completion of MI, at a time when its function as a replication factor is not required, suggesting additional roles for Cdc6 in meiosis. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that Cdc6 protein was distributed around the spindle precursor at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), and localized to the margin of the nascent spindle early in prometaphase. Cdc6 subsequently localized to spindle poles in late prometaphase, where it remained until metaphase arrest. Microinjection of antisense oligonucleotides specific for Cdc6 mRNA disrupted spindle assembly, resulting in defects including delayed spindle assembly, misoriented and unattached anaphase spindles, monasters, multiple spindles, microtubule aggregates associated with condensed chromosomes, or the absence of recognizable spindle-like structures, depending on the level of residual Cdc6 expression. Furthermore, Cdc6 co-localized with γ-tubulin in centrosomes during interphase in all somatic cells analyzed, and associated with spindle poles in mitotic COS cells. Our data suggest a role for Cdc6 in spindle formation in addition to its role as a DNA replication factor.  相似文献   

During the maturation of Xenopus oocytes, Cdc6 expression is necessary to establish replication competence to support early embryonic DNA replication. However, Cdc6 is expressed before the completion of MI at a time when its function as a replication factor is not required, suggesting additional roles for Cdc6 in meiosis. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that Cdc6 protein was distributed around the spindle precursor at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and localized to the margin of the nascent spindle early in prometaphase. Cdc6 subsequently localized to spindle poles in late prometaphase, where it remained until metaphase arrest. Microinjection of antisense oligonucleotides specific for Cdc6 mRNA disrupted spindle assembly, resulting in defects, including delayed spindle assembly, misoriented and unattached anaphase spindles, monasters, multiple spindles, microtubule aggregates associated with condensed chromosomes, or the absence of recognizable spindle-like structures, depending on the level of residual Cdc6 expression. Furthermore, Cdc6 co-localized with γ-tubulin in centrosomes during interphase in all somatic cells analyzed and associated with spindle poles in mitotic COS cells. Our data suggest a role for Cdc6 in spindle formation in addition to its role as a DNA replication factor.Key words: Cdc6, spindle assembly, Xenopus, oocytes, pre-RC proteins  相似文献   

Regulation of APC-Cdc20 by the spindle checkpoint   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The spindle checkpoint ensures the fidelity of chromosome segregation in mitosis and meiosis. In response to defects in the mitotic apparatus, it blocks the activity of the anaphase-promoting complex, a large ubiquitin ligase required for chromosome segregation. Recent studies indicate that the spindle checkpoint monitors both the attachment of chromosomes to the mitotic spindle and the tension across the sister chromatid generated by microtubules. Upon checkpoint activation, checkpoint protein complexes containing BubR1(Mad3), Bub3, Mad2 and Cdc20 directly bind to the anaphase-promoting complex and inhibit its ligase activity. Therefore, the checkpoint proteins form a complex intracellular signalling network to inhibit the anaphase-promoting complex.  相似文献   

Rad9, a key component of genotoxin-activated checkpoint signaling pathways, associates with Hus1 and Rad1 in a heterotrimeric complex (the 9-1-1 complex). Rad9 is inducibly and constitutively phosphorylated. However, the role of Rad9 phosphorylation is unknown. Here we identified nine phosphorylation sites, all of which lie in the carboxyl-terminal 119-amino acid Rad9 tail and examined the role of phosphorylation in genotoxin-triggered checkpoint activation. Rad9 mutants lacking a Ser-272 phosphorylation site, which is phosphorylated in response to genotoxins, had no effect on survival or checkpoint activation in Mrad9-/- mouse ES cells treated with hydroxyurea (HU), ionizing radiation (IR), or ultraviolet radiation (UV). In contrast, additional Rad9 tail phosphorylation sites were essential for Chk1 activation following HU, IR, and UV treatment. Consistent with a role for Chk1 in S-phase arrest, HU- and UV-induced S-phase arrest was abrogated in the Rad9 phosphorylation mutants. In contrast, however, Rad9 did not play a role in IR-induced S-phase arrest. Clonogenic assays revealed that cells expressing a Rad9 mutant lacking phosphorylation sites were as sensitive as Rad9-/- cells to UV and HU. Although Rad9 contributed to survival of IR-treated cells, the identified phosphorylation sites only minimally contributed to survival following IR treatment. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the Rad9 phospho-tail is a key participant in the Chk1 activation pathway and point to additional roles for Rad9 in cellular responses to IR.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint prevents activation of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) until all chromosomes are correctly attached to the mitotic spindle. Early in mitosis, the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) inactivates the APC/C by binding the APC/C activating protein CDC20 until the chromosomes are properly aligned and attached to the mitotic spindle, at which point MCC disassembly releases CDC20 to activate the APC/C. Once the APC/C is activated, it targets cyclin B and securin for degradation, and the cell progresses into anaphase. While phosphorylation is known to drive many of the events during the checkpoint, the precise molecular mechanisms regulating spindle checkpoint maintenance and inactivation are still poorly understood. We sought to determine the role of mitotic phosphatases during the spindle checkpoint. To address this question, we treated spindle checkpoint-arrested cells with various phosphatase inhibitors and examined the effect on the MCC and APC/C activation. Using this approach we found that 2 phosphatase inhibitors, calyculin A and okadaic acid (1 μM), caused MCC dissociation and APC/C activation leading to cyclin A and B degradation in spindle checkpoint-arrested cells. Although the cells were able to degrade cyclin B, they did not exit mitosis as evidenced by high levels of Cdk1 substrate phosphorylation and chromosome condensation. Our results provide the first evidence that phosphatases are essential for maintenance of the MCC during operation of the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase is tightly regulated to ensure programmed proteolysis in cells. The activity of the APC/C is positively controlled by cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), but a second level of control must also exist because phosphorylation inactivates Cdc20, a mitotic APC/C co-activator. How Cdc20 is dephosphorylated specifically, when CDK is high, has remained unexplained. Here, we show that phosphatases are crucial to activate the APC/C. Cdc20 is phosphorylated at six conserved residues (S50/T64/T68/T79/S114/S165) by CDK in Xenopus egg extracts. When all the threonine residues are phosphorylated, Cdc20 binding to and activation of the APC/C are inhibited. Their dephosphorylation is regulated depending on the sites and protein phosphatase 2A, active in mitosis, is essential to dephosphorylate the threonine residues and activate the APC/C. Consistently, most of the Cdc20 bound to the APC/C in anaphase evades phosphorylation at T79. Furthermore, we show that the 'activation domain' of Cdc20 associates with the Apc6 and Apc8 core subunits. Our data suggest that dephosphorylation of Cdc20 is required for its loading and activation of the APC/C ubiquitin ligase.  相似文献   

Interaction between Mad2 and Cdc20 (cell division cycle 20) is a key event during spindle assembly checkpoint activation. In the past, an N-terminal peptide containing amino acid residues 111-150 of Cdc20 was shown to bind Mad2 much better than the full-length Cdc20 protein. Using co-localization, co-immunoprecipitation and peptide inhibition analysis with different deletion mutants of Cdc20, we identified another Mad2-binding domain on Cdc20 from amino acids 342-355 within the WD repeat region. An intervening region between these two domains interferes with its Mad2 binding when present individually with any of these two Mad2-binding sites. We suggest that these three domains together determine the overall strength of Mad2 binding with Cdc20. Functional analysis suggests that an optimum Mad2 binding efficiency of Cdc20 is required during checkpoint arrest and release. Further, we have identified a unique polyhistidine motif with metal binding property adjacent to this second binding domain that may be important for maintaining the overall conformation of Cdc20 for its binding to Mad2.  相似文献   

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