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Phase separation mechanisms and kinetics were studied using small-angle light scattering in a gelatin/maltodextrin system where phase separation could be studied in both liquid and gelled states. Nucleation and growth or spinodal decomposition occurred, depending on the quench depth. The transition between the two mechanisms occurred relatively sharply. The different mechanisms were distinguishable by the different behavior of the scattering function even though a peak was observed in both cases. Particular differences were the different evolution of the peak intensity and position, the absence of dynamic scaling of the nucleation and growth scattering function, and the final coarsening exponent of 1/3 that was measured when spinodal decomposition occurred but not for nucleation and growth. Gelation severely reduced the coarsening rate and initially placed the phase compositions far from their equilibrium values. Despite the loss of molecular mobility caused by gelation, the gelled systems did continue to evolve, albeit much more slowly than in the liquid case. Multiple coarsening rates were observed for some of the gelled samples, which were ascribed to the gradual movement of these systems toward the equilibrium compositions.  相似文献   

Butler MF 《Biomacromolecules》2002,3(6):1208-1216
The influence of shear on the structure of a gelatin/maltodextrin mixture was investigated using small-angle light scattering both during phase separation and after phase separation was allowed to occur quiescently. In all cases, phase separation occurred via spinodal decomposition to form a droplet morphology, and a characteristic length scale was formed in the structure that was prevalent during shear, as well as in quiescent conditions. Below the critical shear rate for droplet breakup, shear accelerated the coarsening rate of the droplets. A transient regime of rapid hydrodynamic coarsening was present when shear was initiated after phase separation and at late times in all cases once the droplets attained a certain size. At the critical shear rate for droplet breakup (1 s(-1)), the rapid repetition of breakup and coarsening was postulated to occur, which enabled a microstructure consisting of elongated droplets with a narrow size distribution to form. When the shear rate enabled droplets to extend to such an extent that a percolated structure could form (10 s(-1)), then the structure was relatively stable and changed very slowly over time. At very high shear rates (100 s(-1)), droplet breakup was suppressed and a highly fibrillar morphology formed that was stable only while the system was under shear. Cessation of shear at high rates led to fiber breakup and the formation of many small droplets. For a given shear rate, the final microstructure appeared to be independent of the time that shear was started when the structure consisted of discrete droplets or fibers. When a percolated structure could form, however, the shear history appeared to be important.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the co-localisation of three different families of neuropeptides, viz. allatostatins of the Y/FXFGL-NH(2) type, Manduca sexta allatostatin (Mas-AS) and allatotropin, in the frontal ganglion of lepidopteran larvae has been carried out by means of immunocytochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The simultaneous application of three types of fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies reveals triple co-localisation in an anterodorsal pair of neurones in the frontal ganglion of the noctuids Heliothis virescens and Lacanobia oleracea. There is no evidence of differential axonal transport, since all parts of these neurones show complete co-localisation of all three peptides. Prominent axons of the ganglionic neurones project in the recurrent nerve to the foregut and stomodeal valve. Over the crop, lateral and sub-lateral branches follow the course of circular muscle fibres and terminate in varicosities. All three neuropeptides have previously been shown to be myoregulatory on the foregut; the Y/FXFGL-NH(2) allatostatins and Mas-AS are inhibitory, whereas allatotropin is excitatory. The morphological evidence of co-localisation of physiologically antagonistic peptides within the same terminals suggests that an extremely complex mechanism controls the contractile activities of the foregut. A posterodorsal pair of neurones in the frontal ganglion have prominent axons projecting via the frontal connectives to the brain and in the recurrent nerve to the stomodeal valve where extensive branching suggests control over the valve movements. Studies of another noctuid, Spodoptera frugiperda, and the sphingid, M. sexta, show interesting variations in the co-localisation phenomenon.  相似文献   

In ciliated protozoa, most nutrients are internalized via phagocytosis by food vacuole formation at the posterior end of the buccal cavity. The uptake of small-sized molecules and external fluid through the plasma membrane is a localized process. That is because most of the cell surface is internally covered by an alveolar system and a fibrous epiplasm, so that only defined areas of the cell surface are potential substance uptake sites. The purpose of this study is to analyze, by fluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy, the relationship between WGA (Triticum vulgaris agglutinin) and dextran internalization in Paramecium primaurelia cells blocked in the phagocytic process, so that markers could not be internalized via food vacuole formation. WGA, which binds to surface constituents of fixed and living cells, was used as a marker for membrane transport and dextran as a marker for fluid phase endocytosis. After 3 min incubation, WGA-FITC is found on plasma membrane and cilia, and successively within small cytoplasmic vesicles. After a 10-15 min chase in unlabeled medium, the marked vesicles decrease in number, increase in size and fuse with food vacuoles. This fusion was evidenced by labeling food vacuoles with BSA-Texas red. Dextran enters the cell via endocytic vesicles which first localize in the cortical region, under the plasma membrane, and then migrate in the cytoplasm and fuse with other endocytic vesicles and food vacuoles. When cells are fed with WGA-FITC and dextran-Texas red at the same time, two differently labeled vesicle populations are found. Cytosol acidification and incubation in sucrose medium or in chlorpromazine showed that WGA is internalized via clathrin vesicles, whereas fluid phase endocytosis is a clathrin-independent process.  相似文献   

The kinetic of maturation (schistogram) of Schistosoma mansoni worms grown in laboratory rats was studied by light and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Infected rats with the BH strain were weekly euthanized 3-9 weeks pi. Recovered flukes stained with hydrochloric carmine were preserved as whole-mounts and analyzed by confocal and brightfield microscopy. Worms displayed varying degrees of maturation of the reproductive system at weeks 3-6. Male worms showed complete maturation of the reproductive system at week 6, while female worms completed their maturation at week 7. Males presented few tubercles in tegument in all weeks. Despite the presence of a developing embryo within the ootype, no uterine egg was found. The schistogram in rats follows a pattern similar to that observed in mice hosts.  相似文献   

The present work shows the visualisation of phenolics and flavonoids of plant cuticles by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Selected isolated fruit and leaf cuticles were monitored on the basis of autofluorescent phenolics and flavonoids which, in most cases, permitted us to obtain three-dimensional images of the cuticular membranes. The utility of this technique in investigations of cuticular translocation and diffusion of exogenous applied chemicals and cuticle degradation has also been explored.  相似文献   

Proteins with predominantly hydrophobic character called amelogenins play a key role in the formation of the highly organized enamel tissue by forming nanospheres that interact with hydroxyapatite crystals. In the present investigation, we have studied the temperature and pH-dependent self-assembly of two recombinant mouse amelogenins, rM179 and rM166, the latter being an engineered version of the protein that lacks a 13 amino acid hydrophilic C-terminus. It has been postulated that this hydrophilic domain plays an important role in controlling the self-assembly behavior of rM179. By small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering, as well as by dynamic light scattering, we observed the onset of an aggregation of the rM179 protein nanospheres at pH 8. This behavior of the full-length recombinant protein is best explained by a core-shell model for the nanospheres, where hydrophilic and negatively charged side chains prevent the agglomeration of hydrophobic cores of the protein nanospheres at lower temperatures, while clusters consisting of several nanospheres start to form at elevated temperatures. In contrast, while capable of forming nanospheres, rM166 shows a very different aggregation behavior resulting in the formation of larger precipitates just above room temperature. These results, together with recent observations that rM179, unlike rM166, can regulate mineral organization in vitro, suggest that the aggregation of nanospheres of the full-length amelogenin rM179 is an important step in the self-assembly of the enamel matrix.  相似文献   

Sharma A  Anderson KI  Müller DJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(9):2001-2008
We have characterized the cell surface of zebrafish stratified epithelium using a combined approach of light and atomic force microscopy under conditions which simulate wound healing. Microridges rise on average 100 nm above the surface of living epithelial cells, which correlate to bundles of cytochalasin B-insensitive actin filaments. Time-lapse microscopy revealed the bundles to form a highly dynamic network on the cell surface, in which bundles and junctions were severed and annealed on a time scale of minutes. Atomic force microscopy topographs further indicated that actin bundle junctions identified were of two types: overlaps and integrated end to side T- and Y-junctions. The surface bundle network is found only on the topmost cell layer of the explant, and never on individual locomoting cells. Possible functions of these actin bundles include cell compartmentalization of the cell surface, resistance to mechanical stress, and F-actin storage.  相似文献   

Trypsin and bile salts have been identified as important triggers for excystation of Echinostoma metacercariae. Although excystation in trematodes is a well-known phenomenon, some morphological developmental changes remain to be elucidated. In order to gain further insight into the in vitro development of metacercariae, we assayed different cultivating conditions: 0.5% trypsin and 0.5% bile salts; 1% trypsin and 1% bile salts; 1% trypsin and 0.5% bile salts; 0.5% bile salts; or 0.5% trypsin. By means of light microscopy and confocal microscopy, we characterized each encysted, activated, breached and excysted stage based on the morphological features. However, breached and excysted stages were not revealed in both bile salts and trypsin-free medium. Excretory concretions (25 ± 3.9) were visualized within excretory tubules, close to the ventral sucker and genital anlage. The oral sucker armed with spines and digestive system was similar to those of adult worms. The reproductive system is composed of a genital anlage and the cirrus sac primordium. In short, trypsin and bile salts associated were fundamental for the in vitro metacercariae excystation of Echinostoma paraensei. This article presents the first detailed information of all stages of metacercariae excystation obtained through light and confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

The microscopic structures of natural rubber (NR) and deproteinized NR (DPNR) were investigated by means of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). They were compared to those of isoprene rubber (IR), which is a synthetic analogue of NR in terms of chemical structure without any non-rubber components like proteins. Comparisons of the structure and mechanical properties of NR, DPNR, and IR lead to the following conclusions. (i) The well-known facts, for example, the outstanding green strength of NR and strain-induced crystallization, are due not much to the presence of proteins but to other components such as the presence of phospholipids and/or the higher stereoregularity of NR. It also became clear the naturally residing proteins accelerate the upturn of stress at low strain. The protein phases work as cross-linking sites and reinforcing fillers in the rubbery matrix. (ii) The microscopic structures of NR were successfully reproduced by SANS intensity functions consisting of squared-Lorentz and Lorentz functions, indicating the presence of inhomogeneities in bulk and thermal concentration fluctuations in swollen state, respectively. On the other hand, IR rubbers were homogeneous in bulk. (iii) The inhomogeneities in NR are assigned to protein aggregates of the order of 200 A or larger. Although these aggregates are larger in size as well as in volume fraction than those of cross-link inhomogeneities introduced by cross-linking, they are removed by deproteinization. (iv) Swelling of both NR and IR networks introduces gel-like concentration fluctuations whose mesh size is of the order of 20 A.  相似文献   

Summary The application of confocal laser scanning microscopy together with in situ hybridization experiments in tobacco pollen enabled a detailed localization of a pollen-specific mRNA. The three-dimensional distribution of this specific mRNA over the whole pollen grain was reconstructed by means of optical sections of one specimen.  相似文献   

Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in a biofilm were quantified by measuring the total cell volume from a 3-D image of the biofilm using confocal laser scanning microscope after staining cells with a fluorescent dye specific for nucleic acids. The EPS content was the difference between the volatile solids in the biofilm and the total cell mass, which could be quantified from the measured cell volume.  相似文献   

By combining phalloidin‐TRITC staining with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM), the pattern of the musculature in two species of Rotifera, Euchlanis dilatata unisetata and Brachionus quadridentatus is revealed. The same general muscle pattern prevails in both species. The major components of the body wall musculature are: 1. retractor muscles (5 pairs in E. dilatata unisetata and 3 pairs in B. quadridentatus); 2. Two pairs of dorso‐ventral muscles; 3. Two pairs of perpendicular muscles (in E. dilatata unisetata); 4. retractors of the corona (median, lateral and ventral); 5. Foot retractors. In addition, three pairs of cutaneo‐visceral muscles and visceral muscles (including mastax muscles) are described. The sphincter of the corona was found only in B. quadridentatus. The high degree of muscle differentiation points to a high level of development of rotifer muscular system.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds are involved in many interactions of plants with their biotic and abiotic environment. These substances accumulate in different plant tissues and cells during ontogenesis and under the influence of various environmental stimuli, respectively. Studies on the tissue localization of phenolic compounds provide a fundamental prerequisite for understanding the ecological functions of these compounds. The present work shows the localization of various phenolics in cell walls, vacuoles, and associated with cell nuclei, in leaves of a monocotyledonous and a dicotyledonous plant, in a gymnosperm as well as in rhizomes of a horsetail by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Using fresh plant material, it compares in detail the tissue localization of autofluorescent styrylpyrones and hydroxycinnamic acids and the visualization of epidermal flavonoid compounds using shift reagents like ammonia, and fluorescence-inducing reagents like Naturstoffreagenz A (diphenyl-boric acid 2-aminoethyl ester). The comparison of microscopic data obtained from different plant species shows the advantages and limitations of confocal laser scanning microscopy in ecological biochemistry of phenolic plant metabolites.  相似文献   

Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) offers a significant improvement over conventional bright-field and dark-field light microscopy for producing images of silver grains in autoradiograms of specimens prepared by in situ hybridization. The out-of-focus image of the background silver grains present in the emulsion is eliminated from the in-focus image of the radioactive probe associated with the cells by optical sectioning with the LSCM operated in a reflected light mode. The improved images produced by the LSCM provide a significant increase in the sensitivity of detecting positively labeled cells and tissues prepared by in situ hybridization. The power of this detection method is demonstrated using samples of HIV-infected human peripheral blood cells, tissue sections of human placenta and human skin. It is anticipated that the method can be universally applied to samples prepared by in situ hybridization techniques.  相似文献   

This study was performed to gain insight into the maturation of the reproductive system of Echinostoma paraensei worms grown in an early infection of Mesocricetus auratus. Hamsters were infected with 100 metacercariae and necropsied on days 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 post infection (dpi). Recovered flukes stained with hydrochloric carmine were preserved as whole mounts and analyzed by light and confocal scanning laser microscopy. The average worm recovery was 43.7 per host. Images of the male and female reproductive systems were taken. The ovary and anterior and posterior testis were evidenced on day 3, while the ootype and cirrus sac were present on day 5. Confocal imaging showed primordium testis and ovary as a cluster of primordial cells from day 3 onward. The testes, ovary, cirrus sac and uterus organs were already present during the first week of life. The two testes were seen as individual structures on 7 dpi while the cirrus sac and vitelline glands were in development. The ovary was connected to the uterus while the ootype was adjacent to it. Both testes were larger than the ovary, showing cells at different stages of development, but with few bundles of functional spermatozoa in 10 day-old worms. On day 14, eggs and spermatozoa were seen in the uterus and seminal vesicle, respectively, while oocytes appeared in the ootype as fertilized eggs. We conclude that the reproductive system of E. paraensei was functional on 14 dpi in the hamsters.  相似文献   

The use of confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) has recently been described for the visualization of intraparticle protein profiles during single-protein finite bath uptake experiments. By coupling of fluorescent molecules to proteins the penetration of porous media by labeled macromolecules could be detected by scanning single adsorbent particles for fluorescence emission after laser excitation. Thus the internal protein distribution profile, which is a central element in modeling of protein transport in porous adsorbents, became experimentally accessible. Results from the simultaneous visualization of two proteins by this technology are shown here. The use of two different fluorescent dyes for protein labeling and two independent detectors in the CSLM allowed for the first time ever the direct observation of a two-component diffusion process within a porous stationary phase. The finite bath uptake of human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) to two different ion exchange adsorbents (SP Sepharose Fast Flow and Source 30S) and to an affinity adsorbent (Protein A Sepharose) was measured using Cy5 and Oregon Green as labels. Single adsorbent particles were scanned for intensity distribution of fluorescence emission from the two fluorophors. The intraparticle profiles obtained from the confocal images were translated into a relative protein concentration thus allowing the calculation of protein uptake kinetics from direct measurement in the stationary phase. The confocal technique may prove to be a very powerful means of data generation for modeling of multi-component mass transfer phenomena in protein adsorption.  相似文献   

Ceramide has recently been established as a central messenger in the signaling cascades controlling cell behavior. Physicochemical studies have revealed a strong tendency of this lipid toward phase separation in mixtures with phosphatidylcholines. The thermal phase behavior and structure of fully hydrated binary membranes composed of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and N-palmitoyl-ceramide (C16:0-ceramide, up to a mole fraction X(cer) = 0.35) were resolved in further detail by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and x-ray diffraction. Both methods reveal very strong hysteresis in the thermal phase behavior of ceramide-containing membranes. A partial phase diagram was constructed based on results from a combination of these two methods. DSC heating scans show that with increased X(cer) the pretransition temperature T(p) first increases, whereafter at X(cer) > 0.06 it can no longer be resolved. The main transition enthalpy DeltaH remains practically unaltered while its width increases significantly, and the upper phase boundary temperature of the mixture shifts to approximately 63 degrees C at X(cer) = 0.30. Upon cooling, profound phase separation is evident, and for all of the studied compositions there is an endotherm in the region close to the T(m) for DMPC. At X(cer) >/= 0.03 a second endotherm is evident at higher temperatures, starting at 32.1 degrees C and reaching 54.6 degrees C at X(cer) = 0.30. X-ray small-angle reflection heating scans reveal a lamellar phase within the temperature range of 15-60 degrees C, regardless of composition. The pretransition is observed up to X(cer) < 0.18, together with an increase in T(p). In the gel phase the lamellar repeat distance d increases from approximately 61 A at X(cer) = 0. 03, to 67 A at X(cer) = 0.35. In the fluid phase increasing X(cer) from 0.06 to 0.35 augments d from 61 A to 64 A. An L(beta')/L(alpha) (ripple/fluid) phase coexistence region is observed at high temperatures (from 31 to 56.5 degrees C) when X(cer) > 0.03. With cooling from temperatures above 50 degrees C we observe a slow increase in d as the coexistence region is entered. A sudden solidification into a metastable, modulated gel phase with high d values is observed for all compositions at approximately 24 degrees C. The anomalous swelling for up to X(cer) = 0.30 in the transition region is interpreted as an indication of bilayer softening and thermally reduced bending rigidity.  相似文献   

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