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The influence of training on fatty acid and glyceride synthesis by liver and adipose tissue homogenates of young and old Fischer-344 rats was examined. Four groups of rats (10 animals/group) were studied: young untrained, young trained, old untrained, and old trained. Training of each group was for 10 wk at 75% maximal O2 uptake. Young rats were killed at 6 mo of age and old rats were killed at 27 mo of age. Fatty acid synthesis was assessed by measuring the activities of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, ATP citrate-lyase, "malic" enzyme, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Glyceride synthesis was evaluated by determining the rate of incorporation of [14C]glycerol 3-phosphate into lipids. In addition, lipoprotein lipase activity was measured in acetone-ether powders of adipose tissue from the four groups of rats. In liver, training had no effect on fatty acid or glyceride synthesis in either group. However, aging caused a significant decrease in the activities of four of the lipogenic enzymes but had no effect on glyceride synthesis. Training caused an increase in fatty acid synthase and glyceride synthesis in adipose tissue, and aging decreased lipoprotein lipase activity. It was concluded that training enhances the synthetic capacity of lipids by adipose tissue but that aging had a more profound effect in that the activities of the enzymes involved in these processes were lower in the old rats. Furthermore, the decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase in the older rats may explain the higher plasma triglyceride levels that were observed in these animals.  相似文献   

The influence of caloric restriction (CR) on the activities of liver fructose metabolizing enzymes and metabolite levels were studied in young (3 months) and old (30 months) mice. Fructokinase activity was increased (P<0.05) in both young and old CR mice when compared to controls while triokinase activity was increased (P<0.05) only in old CR versus control mice. Aldolase was not altered by CR in either old or young mice. No age-related differences in activities were observed in controls although a trend towards an increase was observed for triokinase, while significant age-related increases were observed for fructokinase and triokinase, but not aldolase, in CR mice. Both young and old mice on CR showed significant decreases in fructose and fructose-1-phosphate, however, no age-related changes in metabolite levels were observed for either control or CR mice. A fructose-1-phosphate kinase activity was also measured and found to be unchanged in both young and old mice on CR, but the activity was significantly lower in the old mice compared with young. We show here that the enzymes involved in fructose metabolism are influenced by CR and that this could contribute to alterations in gluconeogenesis and glycolysis observed with CR.  相似文献   

Rodents are commonly used as models for human aging because of their relatively short life span, the ease of obtaining age-specific tissue samples, and lower cost. However, age-associated disease may confound inbred animal studies. For example, numerous physiologically significant lesions, such as chronic nephropathy, are more common in aged Fischer 344 (F344) rats than in other strains (Bronson RT, Genetic Effects of Aging, 1990). Conversely, F344 x Brown-Norway F1-hybrid (F344BN) rats, developed by the National Institute on Aging for aging research, live considerably longer and have fewer pathologies at any given age vs. inbred strains (Lipman RD, Chrisp CE, Hazzard DG, and Bronson RT, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 51: 54-59, 1996). To our knowledge, there are no data regarding the effect of age on bone geometry and mechanics in this strain of rat. Furthermore, caloric restriction (CR) extends the mean and maximal life span of animals and significantly reduces age-associated disease but may have adverse consequences for bone growth and mechanics. Thus we investigated the effects of age and CR on bone geometry and mechanics in the axial and appendicular skeleton of F344 Brown-Norway rats. Ad libitum fed rats were assessed at 8 mo (young adult; n = 6), 28 mo (late middle age; n = 5), and 36 mo (senescence; n = 6). CR rats were assessed at 28 mo (n = 6). Tibiae and the sixth lumbar vertebrae (L6) were dissected, scanned (micro-computed tomography) to determine geometry, and tested mechanically. From 8 to 36 mo, there were no significant changes in L6 geometry, and only the cross-sectional moment of inertia changed (increased) with the tibia. CR-induced body mass reductions accounted for changes in L6 load at proportional limit, maximal load, and stiffness (structural properties), but altered tibial structural properties were independent of body mass. In tibiae, geometric changes dominated alterations in structural properties. Those data demonstrated that, whereas aging in ad libitum-fed animals induced minor changes in bone mechanics, axial and appendicular bones were adversely influenced by CR in late-middle-aged animals in different manners.  相似文献   

The influence of caloric restriction on hepatic glyceraldehyde- and glycerol-metabolizing enzyme activities of young and old mice were studied. Glycerol kinase and cytoplasmic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activities were increased in both young and old CR (calorie-restricted) mice when compared with controls, whereas triokinase increased only in old CR mice. Aldehyde dehydrogenase and aldehyde reductase activities in both young and old CR mice were unchanged by caloric restriction. Mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase showed a trend towards an increased activity in old CR mice, whereas a trend towards a decreased activity in alcohol dehydrogenase was observed in both young and old CR mice. Serum glycerol levels decreased in young and old CR mice. Therefore increases in glycerol kinase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were associated with a decrease in fasting blood glycerol levels in CR animals. A prominent role for triokinase in glyceraldehyde metabolism with CR was also observed. The results indicate that long-term caloric restriction induces sustained increases in the capacity for gluconeogenesis from glycerol.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with oxidative damage and an imbalance in redox signaling in a variety of tissues, yet little is known about the extent of age-induced oxidative stress in the sympathoadrenal system. Lifelong caloric restriction has been shown to lower levels of oxidative stress and slow the aging process. Therefore, the aims of this study were twofold: (1) to investigate the effect of aging on oxidative stress in the adrenal medulla and hypothalamus and (2) determine if lifelong 40% caloric restriction (CR) reverses the adverse effects of age-induced oxidative stress in the sympathetic adrenomedullary system. Adult (18 months) and very old (38 months) male Fischer 344 x Brown Norway rats were divided into ad libitum or 40% CR groups and parameters of oxidative stress were analyzed in the adrenal medulla and the hypothalamus. A significant age-dependent increase in lipid peroxidation (+20%, P < 0.05) and tyrosine nitration (+111%, P < 0.001) were observed in the adrenal medulla while age resulted in a reduction in the protein expression of key antioxidant enzymes, CuZnSOD (−27%, P < 0.01) and catalase (−27%, P < 0.05) in the hypothalamus. Lifelong CR completely prevented the age-induced increase in lipid peroxidation in the adrenal medulla and restored the age-related decline in antioxidant enzymes in the hypothalamus. These data indicate that aging results in a significant increase in oxidative stress in the sympathoadrenal system. Importantly, lifelong CR restored the age-related changes in oxidative stress in the adrenal medulla and hypothalamus. Caloric restriction could be a potential non-pharmacological intervention to prevent increased oxidative stress in the sympathetic adrenomedullary system with age.  相似文献   

Hagopian K  Ramsey JJ  Weindruch R 《FEBS letters》2005,579(9):2009-2013
The influence of caloric restriction (CR) on the activities of hepatic serine metabolizing enzymes in young (3 months) and old (30 months) mice was studied. Serine dehydratase (SDH) activity increased markedly with age in both diet groups and in old mice was higher in the CR group. No effects of CR were observed in the young. Serine:pyruvate transaminase (SPT) and glycerate kinase activities were unaffected by age and diet. However, glycerate dehydrogenase activity was decreased in old CR mice but not in young CR. The results of this study show that long-term CR influenced serine utilization only in the pathway catalyzed by SDH. This suggests that in mouse liver this pathway is critical for serine utilization in gluconeogenesis, while the SPT pathway plays a minor role. The increase in SDH activity with long-term CR is consistent with sustained increase in gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

We recently showed that melatonin counteracted mitochondrial oxidative stress and increased the activity of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) enzymes both in vivo and in vitro. To further clarify these effects, we studied here the activity of OXPHOS enzymes and the synthesis of ATP in rat liver and brain mitochondria in vitro. In sub-mitochondrial particles, melatonin increases the activity of the complexes I and IV dose-dependently, the effect being significant between 1 and 10nM. Blue native-PAGE followed by histochemical analysis of the OXPHOS enzymes further showed the melatonin-induced increase of complex I activity. Titration studies show that melatonin counteracts the partial inhibition of complex IV induced by 5 microM potassium cyanide. However, melatonin (up to 5mM) was unable to recover the activity of complex IV when it was completely blocked by 100 microM cyanide. These data suggest that the indoleamine could stimulate the activity of the non-inhibited part of the complex IV. Melatonin also increases the production of ATP in control mitochondria and counteracts the cyanide-induced inhibition of ATP synthesis. These results provide new hormonal mechanism regulating mitochondrial homeostasis and may explain, at least in part, the anti-aging and neuroprotective properties of melatonin.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) without malnutrition increases maximal life span in diverse species. It has been proposed that reduction in energy expenditure and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production could be a mechanism for life span extension with CR. As a step toward testing this theory, mitochondrial proton leak, H2O2 production, and markers of oxidative stress were measured in liver from FBNF1 rats fed control or 40% CR diets for 12 or 18 mo. CR was initiated at 6 mo of age. Proton leak kinetics curves, generated from simultaneous measures of oxygen consumption and membrane potential, indicated a decrease in proton leak after 18 mo of CR, while only a trend toward a proton leak decrease was observed after 12 mo. Significant shifts in phosphorylation and substrate oxidation curves also occurred with CR; however, these changes occurred in concert with the proton leak changes. Metabolic control analysis indicated no difference in the overall pattern of control of the oxidative phosphorylation system between control and CR animals. At 12 mo, no significant differences were observed between groups for H2O2 production or markers of oxidative stress. However, at 18 mo, protein carbonyl content was lower in CR animals, as was H2O2 production when mitochondria were respiring on either succinate alone or pyruvate plus malate in the presence of rotenone. These results indicate that long-term CR lowers mitochondrial proton leak and H2O2 production, and this is consistent with the idea that CR may act by decreasing energy expenditure and ROS production.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term caloric restriction and aging on the rates of mitochondrial H2O2 production and oxygen consumption as well as on oxidative damage to nuclear (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was studied in rat liver tissue. Long-term caloric restriction significantly decreased H2O2 production of rat liver mitochondria (47% reduction) and significantly reduced oxidative damage to mtDNA (46% reduction) with no changes in nDNA. The decrease in ROS production was located at complex I because it only took place with complex I-linked substrates (pyruvate/malate) but not with complex II-linked substrates (succinate). The mechanism responsible for that decrease in ROS production was not a decrease in mitochondrial oxygen consumption because it did not change after long-term restriction. Instead, the caloric restricted mitochondria released less ROS per unit electron flow, due to a decrease in the reduction degree of the complex I generator. On the other hand, increased ROS production with aging in state 3 was observed in succinate-supplemented mitochondria because old control animals were unable to suppress H2O2 production during the energy transition from state 4 to state 3. The levels of 8-oxodG in mtDNA increased with age in old animals and this increase was abolished by caloric restriction. These results support the idea that caloric restriction reduces the aging rate at least in part by decreasing the rate of mitochondrial ROS production and so, the rate of oxidative attack to biological macromolecules like mtDNA.  相似文献   

Olga Vergun 《BBA》2005,1709(2):127-137
Ca2+-induced mitochondrial depolarization was studied in single isolated rat brain and liver mitochondria. Digital imaging techniques and rhodamine 123 were used for mitochondrial membrane potential measurements. Low Ca2+ concentrations (about 30-100 nM) initiated oscillations of the membrane potential followed by complete depolarization in brain mitochondria. In contrast, liver mitochondria were less sensitive to Ca2+; 20 μM Ca2+ was required to depolarize liver mitochondria. Ca2+ did not initiate oscillatory depolarizations in liver mitochondria, where each individual mitochondrion depolarized abruptly and irreversibly. Adenine nucleotides dramatically reduced the oscillatory depolarization in brain mitochondria and delayed the onset of the depolarization in liver mitochondria. In both type of mitochondria, the stabilizing effect of adenine nucleotides completely abolished by an inhibition of adenine nucleotide translocator function with carboxyatractyloside, but was not sensitive to bongkrekic acid. Inhibitors of mitochondrial permeability transition cyclosporine A and bongkrekic acid also delayed Ca2+-depolarization. We hypothesize that the oscillatory depolarization in brain mitochondria is associated with the transient conformational change of the adenine nucleotide translocator from a specific transporter to a non-specific pore, whereas the non-oscillatory depolarization in liver mitochondria is caused by the irreversible opening of the pore.  相似文献   

The quantitative levels and phosphorylation states of the high mobility group (HMG) of proteins were investigated in bone marrow, brain, heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, spleen, testis and thymus of three groups of male Fischer 344 rats. Two groups of rats, young ad libitum (Y/AL - 1 1/2 mo.) and old ad libitum (O/AL - 28 mo.), had free access to rat chow, and a third group of old rats were maintained on a caloric restricted intake (O/CR - 28 mo.). The quantities of HMGs 1,2,14 and 17 were significantly reduced in O/AL rats compared with Y/AL rats in all tissues examined, and in many cases, the amount of HMGs of O/CR rats were increased by varying degrees from O/AL animals. In G2-phase nuclei of bone marrow, spleen and testis, phosphorylation of HMG proteins was reduced significantly in O/AL rats, but was enhanced in O/CR animals (especially HMG14). These levels of HMGs in O/CR animals, altered by age and diet dependent factors, reflect a condition which is more reminiscent of Y/AL than O/AL animals.  相似文献   

Influence of caloric restriction and exercise on tumorigenesis in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Underfeeding or caloric restriction have been shown to inhibit the growth of spontaneous, transplanted, or chemically induced tumors in rats and mice. At 40% caloric restriction, growth of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced mammary and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colonic tumors is inhibited significantly even when the restricted diet contains twice as much fat as the control diet. Some inhibitory effects become evident even at 10% caloric restriction. In studies involving high fat diets, we find that rats receiving 20% fat ad libitum exhibit significantly higher 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced mammary tumor incidence, multiplicity, and weight than rats ingesting the same amount of fat daily, but in a diet containing 25% fewer calories. In a study of intermittent ad libitum and restrictive feedings, chemically induced tumorigenicity varies inversely with feed efficiency. Exercise has also been shown to inhibit tumor growth. Sedentary rats fed ad libitum have a 108% higher incidence of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon tumors than rats fed ad libitum but subjected to vigorous treadmill exercise. Caloric flux (either reduced intake or increased outflow) appears to reduce tumorigenicity in rodents.  相似文献   

Effects of age and caloric restriction on glutathione redox state in mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the aging process in the mouse is associated with a pro-oxidizing shift in the redox state of glutathione and whether restriction of caloric intake, which results in the extension of life span, retards such a shift. Amounts of reduced and oxidized forms of glutathione (GSH and GSSG, respectively) and protein-glutathione mixed disulfides (protein-SSG) were measured in homogenates and mitochondria of liver, kidney, heart, brain, eye, and testis of 4, 10, 22, and 26 month old ad libitum-fed (AL) mice and 22 month old mice fed a diet containing 40% fewer calories than the AL group from the age of 4 months. The concentrations of GSH, GSSG, and protein-SSG vary greatly (approximately 10-, 30-, and 9-fold, respectively) from one tissue to another. During aging, the ratios of GSH:GSSG in mitochondria and tissue homogenates decreased, primarily due to elevations in GSSG content, while the protein-SSG content increased significantly. Glutathione redox potential in mitochondria became less negative, i.e., more pro-oxidizing, as the animal aged. Caloric restriction (CR) lowered the GSSG and protein-SSG content. Results suggest that the aging process in the mouse is associated with a gradual pro-oxidizing shift in the glutathione redox state and that CR attenuates this shift.  相似文献   

We have compared the in vitro replicative life span and characteristics of immortalization of skin fibroblast cultures derived from ad libitum-fed and caloric-restricted Fischer 344 rats of 6, 24, and 29 months of age. Cells from all 6-, 24-, and 29-month-old animals showed a gradual decline in proliferative potential as evidenced by decreases in harvest density, in the fraction of cells initiating DNA synthesis, and in the number of population doublings per passage. These declines were accompanied by morphological changes including cell enlargement. The replicative life span prior to immortalization decreased significantly with donor age (P less than 0.0001), while caloric restriction had no effect on the cumulative population doubling level. Prior to immortalization mitotic cells from all cultures showed a normal rat karyotype. Postcrisis cultures tended to have more polyploid cells but there were no characteristic or specific chromosomal changes found in the cells with an immortalized phenotype. Interestingly, fibroblasts derived from caloric-restricted animals had a significantly slower growth rate through the tenth week after immortalization (P less than 0.005). When these cultures were seeded at one-quarter the normal seeding density, to favor the outgrowth of the fastest growing cells, a population with a more "transformed" phenotype emerged.  相似文献   

Liver alpha-GPD undergoes a dramatic increase in newborn rats treated with large doses of L-thyroxine, indicating the elevated exposure of peripheral tissues to the hormone. In contrast, brain enzyme remains unchanged in the two mitochondria populations, free and synaptic.  相似文献   

Past the age of 50 years, aging individuals lose muscle mass at an approximate rate of 1-2% per year. This age-related muscle atrophy, termed sarcopenia, can have significant effects on individual health and quality of life and can also impact the socioeconomic status. Sarcopenia is due to both a decrease in the number of fibers and the atrophy of the remaining fibers. The mechanisms causing loss of fibers have not been clearly defined, but may likely involve apoptosis. Elevated levels of circulating tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and adaptations in TNF-alpha signaling in aged skeletal muscle may be contributing factors for the activation of apoptosis. These adaptations may be fiber-type specific, which could explain the selective loss of type II fibers, vs. type I fibers, in the aging process. Caloric restriction, a proven antiaging intervention, is known to attenuate the loss of muscle mass and function with age. Furthermore, caloric restriction has been shown to attenuate the age-associated adaptations in TNF-alpha signaling in skeletal muscle, which may be a possible mechanism by which CR prevents apoptosis and the loss of muscle fibers with age. The potential role of TNF-alpha in the progression of sarcopenia will be discussed, as well as the effects of life-long caloric restriction on TNF-alpha signaling.  相似文献   

The possibility that the availability of ATP may affect the rate of synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate (measured as citrulline) by carbamoyl phosphate synthase (ammonia) was studied using respiring isolated rat liver mitochondria incubated with added ADP, with hexokinase, glucose, and ATP, or with atractylate, in order to enhance or prevent the efflux of mitochondrial ATP. The effects of these agents were compared with those on oxaloacetate synthesis from pyruvate. Addition of hexokinase, glucose, and ATP to isolated mitochondria resulted in an inhibition of citrulline synthesis which was proportional to the amounts of glucose 6-phosphate formed; under these conditions, matrix ATP and ATP/ADP tended to decrease. The addition of increasing amounts of ADP also resulted in proportional inhibition of citrulline synthesis, but in this case the matrix content of ATP and ADP increased, and ATP/ADP decreased very slightly. In the presence of atractylate, citrulline synthesis was maximal despite a 30% decrease in matrix ATP and ATP/ADP. These effects were observed whether pyruvate, succinate, glutamate, or β-OH-butyrate was used as the respiratory substrate. ADP, the hexokinase system, and atractylate had qualitatively similar but much less pronounced effects on oxaloacetate synthesis from pyruvate. Within the limits of variation observed in these experiments, the rate of synthesis of citrulline appears not to be affected by the matrix content of total ATP, total ADP, or by ATP/ADP. It is affected, however, by the velocity of translocation of ATP into the extramitochondrial medium. These findings suggest that carbamoyl phosphate synthase (ammonia) may be loosely associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane, and may compete for ATP with the ATP-ADP translocator to an extent determined by the extramitochondrial demands for ATP.  相似文献   

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