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We continued our effort to make a comprehensive database (LISTA) for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As in previous editions the genetic names are consistently associated to each sequence with a known and confirmed ORF. If necessary, synonyms are given in the case of allelic duplicated sequences. Although the first publication of a sequence gives-according to our rules-the genetic name of a gene, in some instances more commonly used names are given to avoid nomenclature problems and the use of ancient designations which are no longer used. In these cases the old designation is given as synonym. Thus sequences can be found either by the name or by synonyms given in LISTA. Each entry contains the genetic name, the mnemonic from the EMBL data bank, the codon bias, reference of the publication of the sequence, Chromosomal location as far as known, SWISSPROT and EMBL accession numbers. New entries will also contain the name from the systematic sequencing efforts. Since the release of LISTA4.1 we update the database continuously. To obtain more information on the included sequences, each entry has been screened against non-redundant nucleotide and protein data bank collections resulting in LISTA-HON and LISTA-HOP. This release includes reports from full Smith and Watermann peptide-level searches against a non-redundant protein sequence database. The LISTA data base can be linked to the associated data sets or to nucleotide and protein banks by the Sequence Retrieval System (SRS). The database is available by FTP and on World Wide Web.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: With the rapid advancement of biomedical science and the development of high-throughput analysis methods, the extraction of various types of information from biomedical text has become critical. Since automatic functional annotations of genes are quite useful for interpreting large amounts of high-throughput data efficiently, the demand for automatic extraction of information related to gene functions from text has been increasing. RESULTS: We have developed a method for automatically extracting the biological process functions of genes/protein/families based on Gene Ontology (GO) from text using a shallow parser and sentence structure analysis techniques. When the gene/protein/family names and their functions are described in ACTOR (doer of action) and OBJECT (receiver of action) relationships, the corresponding GO-IDs are assigned to the genes/proteins/families. The gene/protein/family names are recognized using the gene/protein/family name dictionaries developed by our group. To achieve wide recognition of the gene/protein/family functions, we semi-automatically gather functional terms based on GO using co-occurrence, collocation similarities and rule-based techniques. A preliminary experiment demonstrated that our method has an estimated recall of 54-64% with a precision of 91-94% for actually described functions in abstracts. When applied to the PUBMED, it extracted over 190 000 gene-GO relationships and 150 000 family-GO relationships for major eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Linking gene and protein names mentioned in the literature to unique identifiers in referent genomic databases is an essential step in accessing and integrating knowledge in the biomedical domain. However, it remains a challenging task due to lexical and terminological variation, and ambiguity of gene name mentions in documents. We present a generic and effective rule-based approach to link gene mentions in the literature to referent genomic databases, where pre-processing of both gene synonyms in the databases and gene mentions in text are first applied. The mapping method employs a cascaded approach, which combines exact, exact-like and token-based approximate matching by using flexible representations of a gene synonym dictionary and gene mentions generated during the pre-processing phase. We also consider multi-gene name mentions and permutation of components in gene names. A systematic evaluation of the suggested methods has identified steps that are beneficial for improving either precision or recall in gene name identification. The results of the experiments on the BioCreAtIvE2 data sets (identification of human gene names) demonstrated that our methods achieved highly encouraging results with F-measure of up to 81.20%.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The MEDLINE database of biomedical abstracts contains scientific knowledge about thousands of interacting genes and proteins. Automated text processing can aid in the comprehension and synthesis of this valuable information. The fundamental task of identifying gene and protein names is a necessary first step towards making full use of the information encoded in biomedical text. This remains a challenging task due to the irregularities and ambiguities in gene and protein nomenclature. We propose to approach the detection of gene and protein names in scientific abstracts as part-of-speech tagging, the most basic form of linguistic corpus annotation. RESULTS: We present a method for tagging gene and protein names in biomedical text using a combination of statistical and knowledge-based strategies. This method incorporates automatically generated rules from a transformation-based part-of-speech tagger, and manually generated rules from morphological clues, low frequency trigrams, indicator terms, suffixes and part-of-speech information. Results of an experiment on a test corpus of 56K MEDLINE documents demonstrate that our method to extract gene and protein names can be applied to large sets of MEDLINE abstracts, without the need for special conditions or human experts to predetermine relevant subsets. AVAILABILITY: The programs are available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

Extraction of regulatory gene/protein networks from Medline   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: We have previously developed a rule-based approach for extracting information on the regulation of gene expression in yeast. The biomedical literature, however, contains information on several other equally important regulatory mechanisms, in particular phosphorylation, which we now expanded for our rule-based system also to extract. RESULTS: This paper presents new results for extraction of relational information from biomedical text. We have improved our system, STRING-IE, to capture both new types of linguistic constructs as well as new types of biological information [i.e. (de-)phosphorylation]. The precision remains stable with a slight increase in recall. From almost one million PubMed abstracts related to four model organisms, we manage to extract regulatory networks and binary phosphorylations comprising 3,319 relation chunks. The accuracy is 83-90% and 86-95% for gene expression and (de-)phosphorylation relations, respectively. To achieve this, we made use of an organism-specific resource of gene/protein names considerably larger than those used in most other biology related information extraction approaches. These names were included in the lexicon when retraining the part-of-speech (POS) tagger on the GENIA corpus. For the domain in question, an accuracy of 96.4% was attained on POS tags. It should be noted that the rules were developed for yeast and successfully applied to both abstracts and full-text articles related to other organisms with comparable accuracy. AVAILABILITY: The revised GENIA corpus, the POS tagger, the extraction rules and the full sets of extracted relations are available from http://www.bork.embl.de/Docu/STRING-IE  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Document gene normalization is the problem of creating a list of unique identifiers for genes that are mentioned within a document. Automating this process has many potential applications in both information extraction and database curation systems. Here we present two separate solutions to this problem. The first is primarily based on standard pattern matching and information extraction techniques. The second and more novel solution uses a statistical classifier to recognize valid gene matches from a list of known gene synonyms. RESULTS: We compare the results of the two systems, analyze their merits and argue that the classification based system is preferable for many reasons including performance, simplicity and robustness. Our best systems attain a balanced precision and recall in the range of 74%-92%, depending on the organism.  相似文献   

Gene name ambiguity of eukaryotic nomenclatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: With more and more scientific literature published online, the effective management and reuse of this knowledge has become problematic. Natural language processing (NLP) may be a potential solution by extracting, structuring and organizing biomedical information in online literature in a timely manner. One essential task is to recognize and identify genomic entities in text. 'Recognition' can be accomplished using pattern matching and machine learning. But for 'identification' these techniques are not adequate. In order to identify genomic entities, NLP needs a comprehensive resource that specifies and classifies genomic entities as they occur in text and that associates them with normalized terms and also unique identifiers so that the extracted entities are well defined. Online organism databases are an excellent resource to create such a lexical resource. However, gene name ambiguity is a serious problem because it affects the appropriate identification of gene entities. In this paper, we explore the extent of the problem and suggest ways to address it. RESULTS: We obtained gene information from 21 organisms and quantified naming ambiguities within species, across species, with English words and with medical terms. When the case (of letters) was retained, official symbols displayed negligible intra-species ambiguity (0.02%) and modest ambiguities with general English words (0.57%) and medical terms (1.01%). In contrast, the across-species ambiguity was high (14.20%). The inclusion of gene synonyms increased intra-species ambiguity substantially and full names contributed greatly to gene-medical-term ambiguity. A comprehensive lexical resource that covers gene information for the 21 organisms was then created and used to identify gene names by using a straightforward string matching program to process 45,000 abstracts associated with the mouse model organism while ignoring case and gene names that were also English words. We found that 85.1% of correctly retrieved mouse genes were ambiguous with other gene names. When gene names that were also English words were included, 233% additional 'gene' instances were retrieved, most of which were false positives. We also found that authors prefer to use synonyms (74.7%) to official symbols (17.7%) or full names (7.6%) in their publications. CONTACT: lifeng.chen@dbmi.columbia.edu  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Each protein performs its functions within some specific locations in a cell. This subcellular location is important for understanding protein function and for facilitating its purification. There are now many computational techniques for predicting location based on sequence analysis and database information from homologs. A few recent techniques use text from biological abstracts: our goal is to improve the prediction accuracy of such text-based techniques. We identify three techniques for improving text-based prediction: a rule for ambiguous abstract removal, a mechanism for using synonyms from the Gene Ontology (GO) and a mechanism for using the GO hierarchy to generalize terms. We show that these three techniques can significantly improve the accuracy of protein subcellular location predictors that use text extracted from PubMed abstracts whose references are recorded in Swiss-Prot.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We present a new database, GPSDB (Gene and Protein Synonyms DataBase) which collects gene/protein names, in a species specific way, from 14 main biological resources. A web-based search interface gives access to the database: given a gene/protein name, it retrieves all synonyms for this entity and queries Medline with a set of user-selected terms. AVAILABILITY: GPSDB is freely available from http://biomint.oefai.at/ CONTACT: johann@oefai.at.  相似文献   

With the exponentially increasing amount of information in the biomedical field, the significance of advanced information retrieval and information extraction, as well as the role of databases, has been increasing. PRIME is an integrated gene/protein informatics database based on natural language processing. It provides automatically extracted protein/family/gene/compound interaction information including both physical and genetic interactions, gene ontology based functions, and graphic pathway viewers. Gene/protein/family names and functional terms are recognized based on dictionaries developed in our laboratory. The interaction and functional information are extracted by syntactic dependencies and various phrase patterns. We have included about 920,000 (non-redundant) protein interactions and 360,000 annotated gene-function relationships for major eukaryotes. By combining the sequence and text information, the pathway comparison between two organisms and simple pathway deduction based on other organism interaction data, and pathway filtering using tissue expression data, are also available. This database is accessible at http://prime.ontology.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp:8081.  相似文献   

KEYnet is a database where gene and protein names are hierarchically structured. Particular care has been devoted to the search and organisation of synonyms. The structuring is based on biological criteria in order to assist the user in data search and to minimise the risk of information loss. Links to the EMBL data library by the entry name and the accession number are implemented. KEYnet is available through the WWW at the following site: http://www.ba.cnr.it/keynet.html  相似文献   

An increasing number of groups are now working in the area of text mining, focusing on a wide range of problems and applying both statistical and linguistic approaches. However, it is not possible to compare the different approaches, because there are no common standards or evaluation criteria; in addition, the various groups are addressing different problems, often using private datasets. As a result, it is impossible to determine how well the existing systems perform, and particularly what performance level can be expected in real applications. This is similar to the situation in text processing in the late 1980s, prior to the Message Understanding Conferences (MUCs). With the introduction of a common evaluation and standardized evaluation metrics as part of these conferences, it became possible to compare approaches, to identify those techniques that did or did not work and to make progress. This progress has resulted in a common pipeline of processes and a set of shared tools available to the general research community. The field of biology is ripe for a similar experiment. Inspired by this example, the BioLINK group (Biological Literature, Information and Knowledge [1]) is organizing a CASP-like evaluation for the text data-mining community applied to biology. The two main tasks specifically address two major bottlenecks for text mining in biology: (1) the correct detection of gene and protein names in text; and (2) the extraction of functional information related to proteins based on the GO classification system. For further information and participation details, see http://www.pdg.cnb.uam.es/BioLink/BioCreative.eval.html.  相似文献   

We continued our effort to make a comprehensive database (LISTA) for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this database each sequence has been attributed a single genetic name. In the case of duplicated sequences a simple method has been applied to distinguish between sequences of one and the same gene from non-allelic sequences of duplicated genes. If necessary, synonyms are given in the case of allelic duplicated sequences. Thus sequences can be found either by the name or by synonyms given in LISTA. Each entry contains the genetic name, the mnemonic from the EMBL data bank, the codon bias, reference of the publication of the sequence, Chromosomal location as far as known, Swissprot and EMBL accession numbers. To obtain more information on the included sequences, each entry has been screened against non-redundant nucleotide and protein data bank collections resulting in LISTA-HON and LISTA-HOP. The LISTA data base can be linked to the associated data sets or to nucleotide and protein banks by the Sequence Retrieval System (SRS).  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach using syntactosemantic rules for the extraction of relational information from biomedical abstracts. The results show that by overcoming the hurdle of technical terminology, high precision results can be achieved. From abstracts related to baker's yeast, we manage to extract a regulatory network comprised of 441 pairwise relations from 58,664 abstracts with an accuracy of 83 - 90%. To achieve this, we made use of a resource of gene/protein names considerably larger than those used in most other biology related information extraction approaches. This list of names was included in the lexicon of our retrained partof- speech tagger for use on molecular biology abstracts. For the domain in question an accuracy of 93.6 - 97.7% was attained on Part-of-speech-tags. The method can be easily adapted to other organisms than yeast, allowing us to extract many more biologically relevant relations. The main reason for the comparable precision rates is the ontological model that was built beforehand and served as a guiding force for the manual coding of the syntactosemantic rules.  相似文献   



With the biomedical literature continually expanding, searching PubMed for information about specific genes becomes increasingly difficult. Not only can thousands of results be returned, but gene name ambiguity leads to many irrelevant hits. As a result, it is difficult for life scientists and gene curators to rapidly get an overall picture about a specific gene from documents that mention its names and synonyms.  相似文献   

The identification of gene/protein names in natural language text is an important problem in named entity recognition. In previous work we have processed MEDLINE documents to obtain a collection of over two million names of which we estimate that perhaps two thirds are valid gene/protein names. Our problem has been how to purify this set to obtain a high quality subset of gene/protein names. Here we describe an approach which is based on the generation of certain classes of names that are characterized by common morphological features. Within each class inductive logic programming (ILP) is applied to learn the characteristics of those names that are gene/protein names. The criteria learned in this manner are then applied to our large set of names. We generated 193 classes of names and ILP led to criteria defining a select subset of 1,240,462 names. A simple false positive filter was applied to remove 8% of this set leaving 1,145,913 names. Examination of a random sample from this gene/protein name lexicon suggests it is composed of 82% (+/-3%) complete and accurate gene/protein names, 12% names related to genes/proteins (too generic, a valid name plus additional text, part of a valid name, etc.), and 6% names unrelated to genes/proteins. The lexicon is freely available at ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/tanabe/Gene.Lexicon.  相似文献   

Interest in information extraction from the biomedical literature is motivated by the need to speed up the creation of structured databases representing the latest scientific knowledge about specific objects, such as proteins and genes. This paper addresses the issue of a lack of standard definition of the problem of protein name tagging. We describe the lessons learned in developing a set of guidelines and present the first set of inter-coder results, viewed as an upper bound on system performance. Problems coders face include: (a) the ambiguity of names that can refer to either genes or proteins; (b) the difficulty of getting the exact extents of long protein names; and (c) the complexity of the guidelines. These problems have been addressed in two ways: (a) defining the tagging targets as protein named entities used in the literature to describe proteins or protein-associated or -related objects, such as domains, pathways, expression or genes, and (b) using two types of tags, protein tags and long-form tags, with the latter being used to optionally extend the boundaries of the protein tag when the name boundary is difficult to determine. Inter-coder consistency across three annotators on protein tags on 300 MEDLINE abstracts is 0.868 F-measure. The guidelines and annotated datasets, along with automatic tools, are available for research use.  相似文献   

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