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Summary Mature leaves ofMimosa pudica L. or parts of them were exposed to14CO2, and translocation was recorded by macroautoradiography. It was observed that considerable amounts of labelled photoassimilates were accumulated in pulvini when the leaf was stimulated. In non-stimulated leaves, no such accumulation of label was observed.Microautoradiographs of pulvinar regions of the non-stimulated leaf showed14C- label restricted to the phloem. When stimulated, the14C- label was unloaded from the phloem of the pulvini. Labelled photoassimilates appeared most concentrated in the walls of the collenchymatous cells and beyond in the extensor region of the motor cortex. There, label was accumulated in the apoplastic compartments. Stimulation causes a sudden phloem unloading of sucrose, and its accumulation in the apoplast lowers the water potential which eventually exceeds the osmotic potential of the extensor cells of the motor cortex. By removal of cytoplasmic water the motor cells lose turgidity which results in the closing movement of the leaflets, and — some seconds later — in the bending down of the petiole. In late afternoon night-stimulation triggers sucrose unloading in secondary pulvini. During phases of relaxation, labelled material is taken up by motor cells of the extensor, which concomitantly gain turgor.Part of the doctoral dissertation of Jörg Fromm supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary Plasmalemmal ionic currents from excitable motor cells of the primary pulvinus ofMimosa pudica were investigated by patch-clamp techniques. In almost all of the enzymatically isolated protoplasts, a delayed rectifier potassium current was activated by depolarization, while no currents were detected upon hyperpolarization. This sustained outward current was reversibly blocked by Ba and TEA and serves to repolarize the membrane potential. Outward single channel currents that very likely underly the macroscopic outward potassium current had an elementary conductance of 20 pS. In addition, in a few protoplasts held at hyperpolarized potentials, depolarization-activated transient inward currents were observed, and under current clamp, action potential-like responses were triggered by depolarizing current injections or by mechanical perturbations. The activation characteristics of both inward currents and spikes showed striking similarities compared to those of action potentialsin situ.  相似文献   

Summary The electron microscopic study of a rat's striatum has revealed peculiar parallel arrays of membrane-bound cisternae with a strikingly dense intercisternal cytoplasmic matrix in the perikarya of a few neurons. The finding corresponds exactly to the unique lamellar configurations recently described in nerve cells of the entopeduncular nucleus and orbitofrontal cortex of the cat. These dark cisternal fields are regarded as distinct districts of the endoplasmic reticulum in a special functional state. They seem to occur normally in certain regions of the CNS in different animal species.
Zusammenfassung Bei der elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchung des Striatums einer Ratte wurden im Perikaryon einiger Neurone eigentümliche parallele Anordnungen von membranbegrenzten Zisternen gefunden, welche durch eine auffallend dichte cytoplasmatische Matrix voneinander getrennt waren. Ein mit dieser Beobachtung völlig übereinstimmender Befund ist unlängst von anderer Seite an Nervenzellen des Nucleus entopeduncularis und der orbitofrontalen Großhirnrinde der Katze erhoben worden. Bei den dunklen Zisternenfeldern dürfte es sich um Bereiche des endoplasmatischen Retikulums handeln, die sich in einem besonderen Funktionszustand befinden. Sie kommen wahrscheinlich schon normalerweise bei verschiedenen Tierarten in bestimmten Regionen des ZNS vor.

Germination and seedling growth of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) are accompanied by the incorporation of radioactive amino acids, glycerol, galactose, and glucosamine in an organelle fraction of the cotyledons which co-equilibrates with NADH-cytochrome-c-reductase activity at 1.13 g·cm–3 on isopycnic gradients containing 1 mM EDTA. Up to 20% of the newly synthesized proteins accumulate in this organelle fraction. The organelle fraction has been identified as rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) on the basis of its increased density (1.16 g·cm–3) when 3 mM MgCl2 is included in all media. Seedling growth is also accompanied by a marked rise (more than 5-fold) in ER-associated NADH- and NADPH-cytochrome-c-reductase activity, and by the incorporation of59Fe into ER-associated heme. Other manifestations of the reorganization of the ER in the cotyledons include a relative increase in membrane-associated RNA (from 12% of total RNA after 12 h of imbibition to 23% after 6 d of growth), and a change in the pattern of polypeptides associated with the ER. These results provide further evidence for the extensive reorganization of the ER of the cotyledons which accompanies seedling growth. The reorganization includes the simultaneous breakdown of the pre-existing tubular ER and the biosynthesis of new ER components.This is the fourth paper in a series on the endoplasmic reticulum of mung-bean cotyledons. The first three papers are referenced as Gilkes and Chrispeels (in press); Harris and Chrispeels 1980; Van der Wilden et al. (in press)  相似文献   

Martina Weber 《Protoplasma》1989,152(2-3):69-76
Summary The ultrastructural events in 3-cellular pollen grains ofApium nodiflorum L. are investigated during pollen maturation. Three distinct developmental stages are distinguished from the formation of sperm cells up to anthesis, whereby the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is mainly involved. The most conspicious form is the highly dilated RER in the vegetative cytoplasm of the youngest pollen grains, which changes to vesicular RER in the following stage. In mature pollen grains the RER has a narrow cisternal configuration and often forms stacks. Pollen activation is preceded by the accumulation of polysaccharide particles.  相似文献   

Summary Intercompartmental transport of secreted proteins in yeast was analysed using invertase mutants. Deletions and insertions at the BamHI (position +787) or the Asp718 (position +1159) sites of the SUC2 gene led to mutant proteins with different behaviour regarding secretion, localization and enzyme activity. The deletion mutants showed accumulation of core glycosylated material in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) a decrease of secreted protein by 5%–30% and loss of enzyme activity. The secreted material was localized in the culture medium and not — as is normal for invertase-in the cell wall. No delay in transport from the Golgi to the cell surface was observed, indicating that the rate-limiting step for secretion is at the ER-Golgi stage. Two insertion mutants, pIPA and pIPB, retained enzyme activity. Mutant pIPB showed 10% secretion, while 60%–70% secretion was observed for pIPA. While the non-secreted material accumulated in the ER, the secreted material was present in the cell wall. The results suggest that the presence of structures incompatible with secretion leads to ER accumulation of mutated invertase.  相似文献   

Studies of the sub-cellular location of storage triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis in developing embryos of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) show that there is heterogeneity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with respect to the enzymes of lipid synthesis. The enzymes of TAG synthesis were detected in two membrane fractions (equilibrium densities 1.05 and 1.10 g· ml?1) isolated by sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation of homogenates from developing rape embryos. The synthesis of TAG by the lowdensity membranes has not been reported previously and was found in this study because the sucrose density gradients began at only 10% (w/w) sucrose. The pattern of activity of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of TAG in the higher-density fraction closely matched the marker enzymes for the ER; lyso-phosphatidylcholine acyltransferase and cytidine diphosphate-choline:diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase. The activity of the ER marker enzymes in the low-density membrane fraction, however, was very much lower when compared to those involved in the synthesis of TAG. Analysis of the lipids extracted from the low-density fraction revealed it contained about 50 mol% TAG compared with 15 mol% in the bulk ER, which may account for the low density of the membranes in this fraction. The possibility that the low-density membranes were the result of contamination of ER by oil bodies was ruled out by the use of oleosins as a marker for oil bodies. It is suggested that the low-density membranes are derived from a domain of the ER which is involved in the formation and secretion of TAG.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescent phallotoxins and heavy meromyosin were used to reveal the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in honeybee photoreceptor cells, and the relationship of actin filaments to the submicrovillar, palisade-like cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Bundles of unipolar actin filaments (pointed end towards the cell center) protrude from the microvillar bases and extend through cytoplasmic bridges that traverse the submicrovillar ER. Within the cytoplasmic bridges, the filaments are regularly spaced and tightly apposed to the ER membrane. In addition, actin filaments are deployed close to the microvillar bases to form a loose web. Actin filaments are scarce in cell areas remote from the rhabdom; these areas contain microtubule-associated ER domains. The results suggest that the actin system of the submicrovillar cytoplasm shapes the submicrovillar ER cisternae, and that the distinct ER domains interact with different cytoskeletal elements.  相似文献   

Using Concanavalin A (Con A) labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate, we studied the intracellular localization of receptor molecules in the calyptra of 24-h dark-grown cress roots. Fixation in glutaraldehyde gave positive binding of the distal complex of the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucelus in the statocytes. In contrast, fixation in formaldehyde did not preserve the membrane-associated receptors, but revealed Con A affinity of the starch grain surface within the amyloplasts. Treatment of glutaraldehydefixed sections with non-ionic detergents led to partial solubilization of membrane components: the starch grain surface turned positive, though the positive binding of Con A to the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus remained unaffected. We therefore conclude that the Con A receptor in the membrane is a glycoprotein tightly inserted in other components of the compartment.Abbreviations Con A Concanavalin A - ER endoplasmic reticulum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - NP 40 nonidet P40  相似文献   

Summary The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the photoreceptors of the honeybee drone, Apis mellifera, is highly differentiated and morphologically more complex than suggested by previous studies. In addition to the prominent voluminous submicrovillar cisternae we describe a submitochondrial ER. It separates the mitochondria-containing periphery from the core of the cell. The cell core contains many fenestrated ER cisternae that are horizontally and periodically arranged. We show that all parts of the ER, except for a tubulovesicular portion but including the nuclear envelope, are continuous; all parts appear to accumulate Ca2+ actively and with high affinity. Our results confirm previous suggestions that the submicrovillar ER is the major intracellular Ca2+ -store in the photoreceptors. The submitochondrial ER is thought to participate in Ca2+-regulation in the mitochondrial microenvironment. Moreover, we describe for the first time an extensive, morphologically complex Ca2+-sequestering ER in the pigmented glial cells; it might participate in the regulation of the glycogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Apple embryos were treated by cold (0°C) within the fruits, to break their dormancy; the controls were treated at 12°C or at 20°C. Ultrastructural features of meristematic cells in the embryonic axis were compared for each treatment. The organization of the cells of dormant embryos was described: Endoplasmic reticulum consisted in some short rough cisternae; lipid droplets regularly arranged near the plasmalemma constituted a kind of shell; mitochondria had a few cristae; and dictyosomes were rarely observed. All these features are typical of dry seeds. After cold treatments, the only evolution observed was in the endoplasmic reticulum, where highly organized stacks appeared progressively as a function of time at 0°C. An intermediate temperature (12°C) induced similar formations in the reticulum but they were rarely observed and their degree of organization was lower than that obtained at 0°C. At 20°C, endoplasmic reticulum resembled that of the dormant embryo cells. The relation between the appearance of these structures in the reticulum and the disappearance of dormancy induced by cold is discussed.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

A metal-salt precipitation method with p-nitrophenyl phosphate as substrate has been used to localize in the electron microscope acid phosphatase activity in isolated aleurone layers of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), treated for 16 h in the presence or absence of gibberellic acid (GA3). The paper confirms results obtained earlier with an azo-dye precipitation method of enzyme localization. In addition the results show for the first time that in GA3-treated tissue enzyme activity is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), there being reaction product deposited in the ER cisternae. It is suggested that this activity represents new enzyme synthesized on ER in response to GA3 and probably destined for secretion.Abbreviation ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in storage parenchyma cells in the cotyledons of mung beans (Vigna radiata L.) was examined during germination and seedling growth. Two different methods were used to visualize the ER: thin (0.08 m) sections of tissue fixed in formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde and post-fixed with osmium tetroxide, and thick (1 m) sections of tissue fixed in buffered aldehyde and post-fixed with zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide (ZIO). Changes in relative amounts of ER were quantified by morphometry (stereology).The ER occurs in two forms: a cisternal form with associated ribosomes which can be seen at all stages from imbibition to cotyledon senescence, and a tubular form which initially has associated ribosomes. Stereoscopic images of thick sections of cotyledons of 2-day-old seedlings show that the tubular ER consists of a three-dimensional array of interconnecting tubules which have numerous connections with the cisternal ER. The network of tubules and cisternae extends throughout the cytoplasm enveloping the protein bodies. Germination and seedling growth are accompanied by a reduction in the total volume occupied by the ER. This reduction is the result of a preferential loss of tubular ER and occurs largely before protein mobilization. Cisternal ER decreases during the first 48 h of imbibition and seedling growth, but storage cells subsequently show an increase in cisternal ER just prior to and during the period of protein mobilization. Cisternal ER remains conspicuous during the last phase of reserve mobilization when starch is broken down and the cells are starting autophagy.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide This is the second in a series of papers on the endoplasmic reticulum of mung bean cotyledons. The first paper is referenced herein as Gilkes and Chrispeels (1980)  相似文献   

Summary Light-microscopic analysis of mouse liver homogenates six days after partial hepatectomy, showed a higher percentage of nuclei with adherent cytoplasm than homogenates from normal liver. This observation was true for animals with either a slow or rapid recovery of body weight after the operation. The phenomenon was not a function of the changes in the proportions of parenchymal and non-parenchymal tissue in the regenerating liver.Electron-microscopic analysis of random samples from normal and regenerating livers indicated an increase in the perinuclear rough endoplasmic reticulum, and a displacefment of the glycogen depots within the regenerating cells six days after partial hepatectomy.The marked resistance towards homogenization, shown by the cytoplasm of the regenerating cells, may have been due to the observed increase of perinuclear membranes. However, qualitative changes of the cell membranes and a general decrease of proteolytic activity connected with liver regeneration may also have contributed.  相似文献   

Three glucosinolate-containing species, Armoracia rusticana Gaertner, Meyer et Scherbius (Brassicaceae), Capparis cynophallophora L. (Capparaceae) and Drypetes roxburghii (Wall.) Hurusawa (Euphorbiaceae), are shown by both light and electron microscopy to contain protein-accumulating cells (PAC). The PAC of Armoracia and Copparis (former myrosin cells) occur as idioblasts. The PAC of Drypetes are usual members among axial phloem parenchyma cells rather than idioblasts. In Drypetes the vacuoles of the PAC are shown ultrastructurally to contain finely fibrillar material and to originate from local dilatations of the endoplasmic reticulum. The vacuoles in PAC of Armoracia and Capparis seem to originate in the same way; but ultrastructurally, their content is finely granular. In addition, Armoracia and Capparis are shown by both light and electron microscopy to contain dilated cisternae (DC) of the endoplasmic reticulum in normal parenchyma cells, in accord with previous findings for several species within Brassicaceae. The relationship of PAC and DC to glucosinolates and the enzyme myrosinase is discussed.Abbreviations ABB aniline blue black - DC dilated cisternae - EM electron microscopy - ER endoplasmic reticulum - GMA glycolmethacrylate - LM light microscopy - MBB mercuric bromphenol blue - PAC protein-accumulating cells - PAS periodic acid-Schiff Recipient of an Alexander von Humboldt Award and in residence at the University of Heidelberg during the period when this research was carried out. Permanent address: Department of Botany and Cell Research Institute, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, USA  相似文献   

Characteristic features of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) distribution and proliferation were noted during olive pollen (Olea europaea L.) development, suggesting the physiological significance of this organelle. Initially scarce in the young microspore, ER increases as cytoplasmic vacuoles form. At the vacuolated microspore stage the cytoplasm contains numberous polysomes and elongated rER cisternae arranged preferentially in stacks, with an average intracisternal width of 0.07 µm. Stacks persist in the bicellular pollen grain but consist of fewer, shorter, dilated cisternae (mean intracisternal width 0.1 µm) containing a considerable electron-dense matrix. Cisternae in the mature grain are fragmented, leaving behind an ER of swollen pockets. Pockets of ER containing a material of greater electron density are evenly deposited along the plasmalemma, in close relation with it. A dense material is seen in the tubules of the apertural region, which was lacking in earlier stages. Our results show that ER may be involved in protein transport to the intine.  相似文献   

Linda Bowden  J.M. Lord 《Planta》1977,134(3):267-272
Glyoxysomes isolated from the endosperm of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) by sucrose density gradient centrifugation were fractionated into their matrix protein and membrane components. Antisera were raised in rabbits against both the matrix proteins and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-solubilized membrane proteins. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analysis established that such antisera precipitate all major polypeptide components present in their respective glyoxysomal mixedantigen preparations. Furthermore, when soluble constituents recovered from the microsomal vesicles or solubilized microsomal membranes were challenged with the appropriate glyoxysomal antiserum, serological determinants were again found to be present. Intact endosperm tissue was incubated with [35S]methionine and the kinetics of 35S-incorporation into protein recovered in immunoprecipitates when the glyoxysomal matrix fraction or the soluble fraction released from the microsomes were incubated with anti-glyoxysomal matrix serum were followed. [35S]antigens rapidly appeared in the microsomal fraction whereas a lag period preceded their appearance in glyoxysomes. Interupting such kinetic experiments by the addition of an excess of unlabelled methionine resulted in a rapid decrease in the microsomal content of [35S]antigens and a concomitant increase in glyoxysomal content.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved intracellular degradation process of eukaryotic cells. In filamentous fungi, although autophagy has been reported to have multiple physiological roles, it is not clear whether autophagy is involved in the degradation of misfolded proteins. Here, we investigated the role of autophagy in the degradation of misfolded secretory proteins accumulated in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae. In late-phase cultures, a disulfide bond-deleted mutant of the secretory protein α-amylase AmyB fused with mDsRed that had accumulated in the ER was subsequently delivered to vacuoles, whereas wild-type AmyB-mDsRed was predominantly located at cell walls and septa. To examine the involvement of autophagy in the delivery of mutant AmyB to vacuoles, mutant AmyB-EGFP was expressed in an A. oryzae autophagy-deficient strain (ΔAoatg8). Microscopic examination revealed that the protein delivery to vacuoles did not occur in the absence of autophagic activity, with mutant AmyB-mDsRed forming large spherical structures surrounded by ER membrane. Hence, we conclude that autophagy is responsible for the delivery of misfolded secretory proteins accumulated in the ER to vacuoles for degradation during late-growth phase in A. oryzae. This is the first study to provide evidence that autophagy plays a role in the degradation of misfolded secretory proteins in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

Summary The tubular endoplasmic reticulum has been studied in the amoebocytes which are present in the connective tissue of the hepatopancreas of the snail, Helix pomatia. The reticulum is similar to that previously described within the glandular cells of the hepatopancreas. Two distinct components are recognizable in the reticulum—central main tubules approximately 100 m in diameter and connecting tubules about 20 m in width. The profile of this tubular network in cross-sections appears as a very regular, apparently crystalline array. The tubules are intimately associated with dense granular material, dense bodies and with mitochondria. The possible function of the tubular endoplasmic reticulum is discussed.This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, which are gratefully acknowledged. I am indebted to Miss G. Drugge for her technical assistance.  相似文献   

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