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A novel transformation system, in which neither a nonphysiological concentration of Ca2+ and temperature shifts nor electronic shocks were required, was developed to determine whether Escherichia coli is naturally transformable. In the new protocol, E. coli was cultured normally to the stationary phase and then cultured statically at 37 degrees C in Luria-Bertani broth. After static culture, transformation occurred in bacteria spread on Luria-Bertani plates. The protein synthesis inhibitor chloramphenicol inhibited this transformation process. The need for protein synthesis in plated bacteria suggests that the transformation of E. coli in this new system is regulated physiologically.  相似文献   

Summary Strain 1485IN and its derivatives were found to have a large inversion extending to about 35% of the chromosome. Because of this, the question arose as to whether 1485IN had arisen from an Escherichia coli strain other than K12. However, 1485IN had a flagellar antigen and a restriction-modification system indistinguishable from those of W3110, a major line of K12, and had retained an amber suppressor and sensitivity that are characteristics of W1485 from which this strain seems to have arisen. Strain 1485IN had acquired proline auxotrophy, but showed the same growth rate as W1485 in nutrient broth at 37°C. Interrupted matings with Hfr strains of 1485IN revealed a gene arrangement of nalA-gal-trp-his-lac-proA-thrleu-ilv, in which gal, trp, and his were on the inverted segment. The termini of the inversion were inferred to be situated between tsx (9.5 min) and purE (12 min) and between his (44 min) and cdd (46.5 min).  相似文献   

A novel Escherichia coli outer membrane protein A (OmpA) was discovered through a proteomic investigation of cell surface proteins. DNA polymorphisms were localized to regions encoding the protein's surface-exposed loops which are known phage receptor sites. Bacteriophage sensitivity testing indicated an association between bacteriophage resistance and isolates having the novel ompA allele.  相似文献   

The phage-plasmid hybrid phasyl can replicate as a phage in the presence of a filamentous phage of Escherichia coli (M13, fl, fd). The extragenic region of phasyl shows homology with the plus and the minus origins of filamentous phages. Insertion of a Cmr fragment into the plus origin or of a Kmr fragment into the minus origin resulted in a reduced transduction frequency, while insertion into other parts of the extragenic region did not. This suggests that phagelike replication of phasyl is mediated by an origin that coincides with the two homologous elements in the extragenic region. Autonomous replication of phasyl occurs from a second origin (oriA) that is located between positions 297 and 636. This fragment mediates replication if the Arp protein is supplied in trans. Arp is the only phage-encoded protein and is essential for plasmidlike replication. No sequence homology to other known origins was found. Phasyl derivatives with either one of the two origins inactivated can be rescued via the alternative replication mode, suggesting that the two replication pathways are independent.  相似文献   

S W Ding  W X Li    R H Symons 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(23):5762-5772
We recently identified a new cucumovirus-specific gene (2b) which is encoded by RNA 2 of the cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) tripartite RNA genome and whose coding sequence overlaps the C-terminal 69 codons of ORF 2a encoding the RNA polymerase protein. We have now found that although a CMV mutant lacking ORF 2b accumulated in the inoculated cotyledons of cucumber plants, it was unable to spread systemically, demonstrating involvement of 2b in long distance movement. The same mutant infected tobacco systemically with a much reduced virulence and delayed appearance of symptoms, indicating that 2b may contribute to long distance movement in this host. Deletion of the overlapping C-terminal part of ORF 2a did not change infectivity of the mutant in either host species, ruling out 2a mutation as the reason for the change of phenotype. Further infectivity studies with mutants containing partial deletions in ORF 2b further supported the conclusion that 2b encodes a host-specific long distance movement function. Sequence analysis revealed that 2b may represent a novel naturally occurring hybrid gene important to the evolutionary formation of the cucumovirus group and that it could provide a genetic basis for the wide host range of these viruses.  相似文献   

Summary A kanamycin-resistant plasmid possessing a thermostable replicon derived from Bacillus stearothermophilus cryptic plasmid pSTK1 was constructed. The plasmid could transform not only B. stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis, but also Gram-negative Escherichia coli. The behavior of the plasmid in the hosts was examined. The plasmid was stably maintained even at 67°C in B. stearothermophilus without selective pressure. During the plasmid replication, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates were found in E. coli, while these were not found in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

In a collection of 45 R-plasmids, one was found to be associated with loss of motility of its Escherichia coli K-12 and Salmonella typhimurium host bacteria when tested in conventional motility agar. Genetic experiments, as well as analyses of deoxyribonucleic acid, showed that inhibition of motility was caused by a conjugative plasmid that was separate from the R-plasmid. This second plasmid, named pUM5, was fi- and mediated the same type of sex pilus (F-like) as the accompanying R-plasmid but lacked resistance determinants. Preliminary studies indicated that bacterial cells carrying the motility inhibition plasmid pUM5 were still equipped with flagella. The mechanism by which flagellar action is disturbed by the plasmid is presently not known.  相似文献   

A selenium-containing nucleoside, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-selenouridine (mnm5se2U), is present in lysine- and glutamate-isoaccepting tRNA species of Escherichia coli. The synthesis of mnm5se2U is optimum (4 mol/100 mol tRNA) when selenium is present at about 1 microM concentration and is neither decreased by a high (8 mM) level of sulfur in the medium nor increased by excessive (10 or 100 microM) levels of selenium. Lysine- and glutamate-isoaccepting tRNA species that contain 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine (mnm5s2U) coexist with the seleno-tRNAs in E. coli cells and a reciprocal relationship between the mnm5se2U- and the mnm5s2U-containing species is maintained under a variety of growth conditions. The complete 5-methylaminomethyl side chain is not a prerequisite for introduction of selenium at the 2-position. In E. coli mutants deficient in the ability to synthesize the 5-methylaminomethyl substituent, both the 2-thiouridine and the corresponding 2-selenouridine derivatives of intermediate forms are accumulated. Broken cell preparations of E. coli synthesize mnm5se2U in tRNAs by an ATP-dependent process that appears to involve the replacement of sulfur in mnm5s2U with selenium.  相似文献   

R62, a naturally occurring hybrid R plasmid   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
R62, a naturally occurring R factor, was shown to be a single deoxyribonucleic acid molecule composed of polynucleotide sequences typical of I group plasmids and also sequences typical of the N group. It determined I pili and belonged to the Iα compatibility group. Although compatible with plasmids of group N, R62 showed complex genetic reactions with N plasmids which are described and interpreted. It is concluded that R62 was the product of illegitimate recombination between an I group and an N group plasmid.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that strains which have been deleted for the 21K gene (hereafter called yfjA), of the trmD operon, encoding a 21-kDa protein (21K protein) have an approximately fivefold-reduced growth rate in rich medium. Here we show that such mutants show an up to sevenfold reduced growth rate in minimal medium, a twofold-lower cell yield-to-carbon source concentration ratio, and a reduced polypeptide chain growth rate of beta-galactosidase. Suppressor mutations that increased the growth rate and translational efficiency of a delta yfjA mutant were localized to the 3' part of rpsM, encoding ribosomal protein S13. The 21K protein was shown to have affinity for free 30S ribosomal subunits but not for 70S ribosomes. Further, the 21K protein seems to contain a KH domain and a KOW motif, both suggested to be involved in binding of RNA. These findings suggest that the 21K protein is essential for a proper function of the ribosome and is involved in the maturation of the ribosomal 30S subunits or in translation initiation.  相似文献   

A novel outer-membrane-associated protease in Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Human gamma interferon produced by recombinant Escherichia coli was degraded by endogenous protease after cell disruption. Specific cleavages took place at the center of two pairs of basic amino acids (Lys-131-Arg-132 and Arg-142-Arg-143) in the C-terminal region, giving rise to products with molecular weights of 17,500 and 16,000. The proteolytic activity was associated with the outer membrane of E. coli. It was insensitive to the protease inhibitors diisopropylfluorophosphate, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, tosyl-L-lysine chloro-methyl ketone, EDTA, and p-chloromercuribenzoate. Benzamidine and the bivalent cations Zn2+ and Cu2+ inhibited the activity. Dynorphin A(1-13) (Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg-Ile-Arg-Pro-Lys-Leu-Lys) was a good substrate and was preferentially cleaved at the center of Arg-6-Arg-7. Neither the amino nor carboxyl sides of Arg-9 and Lys-11 were digested. These results indicate that the protease specifically cleaves the peptide bond between consecutive basic residues and therefore is different from the known membrane enzymes, proteases IV, V, and VI. We have designated this new enzyme protease VII.  相似文献   

mutS mutators accelerate the bacterial mutation rate 100- to 1,000-fold and relax the barriers that normally restrict homeologous recombination. These mutators thus afford the opportunity for horizontal exchange of DNA between disparate strains. While much is known regarding the mutS phenotype, the evolutionary structure of the mutS(+) gene in Escherichia coli remains unclear. The physical proximity of mutS to an adjacent polymorphic region of the chromosome suggests that this gene itself may be subject to horizontal transfer and recombination events. To test this notion, a phylogenetic approach was employed that compared gene phylogeny to strain phylogeny, making it possible to identify E. coli strains in which mutS alleles have recombined. Comparison of mutS phylogeny against predicted E. coli "whole-chromosome" phylogenies (derived from multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and mdh sequences) revealed striking levels of phylogenetic discordance among mutS alleles and their respective strains. We interpret these incongruences as signatures of horizontal exchange among mutS alleles. Examination of additional sites surrounding mutS also revealed incongruous distributions compared to E. coli strain phylogeny. This suggests that other regional sequences are equally subject to horizontal transfer, supporting the hypothesis that the 61.5-min mutS-rpoS region is a recombinational hot spot within the E. coli chromosome. Furthermore, these data are consistent with a mechanism for stabilizing adaptive changes promoted by mutS mutators through rescue of defective mutS alleles with wild-type sequences.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli wild-type cells and in ATPase-deficient cells (unc mutants), glucose was found to be transported mainly by an ATP-driven system. The evidence is based on experiments involving interference at different sites of energy metabolism with the use of uncouplers, arsenate, and starved cells. Furthermore, addition of succinate to starved cells increased glucose uptake only in the wild-type cells, where ATP could be regenerated. Glucose transport was also ATP-dependent in cells deficient in methyl-beta-galactoside transport (a system that carries glucose specificity). It was found to be shock-sensitive in all strains tested. The NOVEL ATP-driven glucose transport is a high-affinity (Km 3-10 microM) and high-capacity (V 240-330 Mmol . min-1 . mg cell protein-1) uptake system.  相似文献   

K Mise  K Nakajima  N Terakado  M Ishidate 《Gene》1986,44(1):165-169
A convenient procedure has been devised for detection of restriction endonucleases in the Escherichia coli-Shigella group. With this procedure, two restriction endonucleases, designated Sbo 13 and Eco T22, were found and later were identified as isoschizomers of NruI and AvaIII, respectively. These endonucleases were shown to be produced from small multicopy plasmids. They were isolated from nonpathogenic E. coli into which the plasmids had been introduced by transformation, and purified from contaminating nuclease activity. The yield was high, 1,000 units/g of wet cells for Sbo 13 and 500 units/g for Eco T22. Sbo 13 and Eco T22 should be preferable to NruI and AvaIII because of the high yield and ease in handling the producer cells.  相似文献   

The DNA targeting and membrane damaging activities of a novel tripyrrole 1 obtained as a red pigment from the Micrococcus sp. were investigated. It was found that compound 1 binds with DNA efficiently and facilitates copper-mediated DNA cleavage as well as peroxidation of membrane lipids by a process that does not require any external reducing agent. Compound 1 also showed impressive cytotoxicity to both mouse and human tumour cell lines. The membrane damaging ability of compound 1 might be vital in its nuclease and cytotoxicity properties. Interestingly, compared to the various DNA cleaving agents, compound 1 showed a preferential binding with the G-C rich domain.  相似文献   

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